Download - TRANSMITTAL LETTER FOR 'REQUEST FOR CONNECTION TO …letter. By signing and returning the enclosed form, you are giving the contractor permission to enter and perform construction

Page 1: TRANSMITTAL LETTER FOR 'REQUEST FOR CONNECTION TO …letter. By signing and returning the enclosed form, you are giving the contractor permission to enter and perform construction

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DIVISON OF AIR AND HAZARDOUS MATERIAJ.S 291 Promenade Street Providence, R.I. 02908-5767

11 October 1990

Mrs. Ann Marie Gomes Barbara Anne Drive North Providence, Rl 02911

RE: Plat/Lot No. 43 - SOA

Dear Mrs. Gomes:

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are working to install a waterline that will supply water to all lots in the affected area near the Western Sand and Gravel Hazardous Waste Site.

Because your property is within the affected area, RIDEM and EPA will, at your request,connect your home to the water distribution system. To request that your property be connected to the new system, please sign and return the form included with this letter.

By signing and returning the enclosed form, you are giving the contractor permission to enter and perform construction on your property. The contractor will be insured and will repair damages to your property caused by construction. If we do not receive the signedform, the contractor will be instructed to leave a curb stop (water valve t the street property line). RIDEM and EPA will not connect you at a later day nor will you be reimbursed for a connection made at your own expense at a later date.

If you choose to connect to the water distrtbution system, the pipe that supplies water from you well will be disconnected from your existing plumbing system and sealed. Th pipe from the new water source will be connected in its place. Your well will remain operable and, with some modifications, you will still be able to use your well water for outdoor uses. However, RIDEM and EPA recommend that you do not use your well water for any purposes after you are connected to the new water source because yourwell may contain contaminants. and use of the well water may expose you to contaminants. Furthermore, RIDEM and EPA will not provide any addi ooal modifications if you choose to utilize your private well. It' also important to note c

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Page 2: TRANSMITTAL LETTER FOR 'REQUEST FOR CONNECTION TO …letter. By signing and returning the enclosed form, you are giving the contractor permission to enter and perform construction


Ms. Ann Marie Gomes Page 2 11 October 1990

any cross connection of the well piping and new piping could cause contamination of the entire water distribution system and would constitute a violation of State health codes.

Prior to commencing construction of the connection, a representative of the construction contractor will conduct an on-site visit with each residence within the water distribution service area. The purpose of these visits will be to discuss the design and construction details of each residential connection. Furthermore, the construction contractor will notify each residence at least 48 hours prior to commencing construction on the property.Once again, to receive the new water connection, please complete and return the attached form. If your response is not received by 26 October 1990, RIDEM and EPA will assume that you arc not interested in the replacement water system. After enrollment in this program is closed, all connections to the water system will be at the expense of the property owner.

Please return the signed form in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Also, please contact me at '1:17-2797 upon receipt of this letter for further instructions. As the hook-ups are nearly completed, ·your prompt attention to this matter is necessary.


~d~~~7(Division of Air and Hazardous Materials


cc: Lynne Fratus, EPA~ Maurice Beaudoin, ACOE


Page 3: TRANSMITTAL LETTER FOR 'REQUEST FOR CONNECTION TO …letter. By signing and returning the enclosed form, you are giving the contractor permission to enter and perform construction



In order to have your property connected to the water distribution system, EPA must receive this signed request form statirig that you accept the new water source .and understand the conditions described in the attached letter. This form must be signed by the property owner. Please fill out the form, sign it, and return it, to RIDEM by 26 October 1990.

I have read the RIDEM/EPA letter regarding the water distribution system that RIDEM/EPA is constructing in Nasonville as part of the remedy for the Western Sand and Gravel Superfund site. I acc::ept RIDEM/EPA's offer to connect my property to the new water distribution system, and grant them and/or their agents permission to enter my property for such purposes. ·

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