Download - Transcendental organization: Closet Works Inc. eBook

Page 1: Transcendental organization: Closet Works Inc. eBook

Optimizing Your Home Organization

byThe Closet Works, Inc.

15 tips, tricks, and hacks for a more organizedand efficient living environment.

Completely Custom Closet Designs and Organization Systems that are efficient, innovative, aesthetically pleasing and affordable.


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Using Hidden SpacesStore unused or out of season clothes under your bed, freeing up space in your closet and optimizing unused space.

Breathing RoomIn your clothing closets you want to be able to see your clothing. If you can’t see it, you won’t wear it. You want the garments to have enough space so after they are put away they won’t be wrinkled or put in harm’s way.

Your bedroom is where you do most of your getting ready, so having it organized is key to starting your day off right. If you’re lite on closet space, a stand-alone wardrobe could be a great option to keep your bedroom tidy. You’ll be able to rest easy at night knowing that your belongings are organized and there’s no mess to trip over in the morning!

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Storing ShoesStore special occasions shoes in labeled boxes on higher shelves. Use lower shelves for everyday shoes.

Keeping Clothes NewDon’t hang sweaters or knitted items, fold them to keep their shape and longevity.

Most closets are a haven for clutter and disorganization. Depending on the size of your walk-in closet (and your wardrobe!) even the largest closets can feel tiny without proper space optimization. Utilizing some hacks such as storing shoes on lower shelves, or adding a tie rack to keep your ties organized and neat can make a huge difference.

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Dedicate a Stop and Drop AreaSometimes the last thing that you want to do after a long day out, is come home and organize your things. Create a dedicated space where you can drop everything and come back to it later.

Organize by Use of by PersonHave kids? Give them their own area to be in charge of cleaning and organizing. Large baskets are great for containing a number of small items -- sports equipment, school supplies, or winter gear.

The mudroom or entryway to your home is the first thing most visitors see. Keeping it clutter free and organized will give an amazing first impression, and with some quick hacks it’s easier than ever. Use a stylish bench with hidden compartments underneath to stow away dirty, unsightly shoes.

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Eat Away From Your DeskWorking from home? Eating lunch at your desk can create workflow problems and a mess. To eliminate trash and crumbs, and also get a mental break, consider eating somewhere else.

Toss, File, or Act!When cleaning or organizing, try using the Toss/File/Act system. Anything that you come across when cleaning, either do one of three things with it, Toss it, File it, or Act on it!

The office is where you spend the bulk of your time, be it in an actual office or at a home office. Organization in your office is key to being more efficient and less stressed. If you have a lot of paperwork, try organizing it into bins for each day of the week; smaller piles seem less daunting and are easier to tackle. Eating away from your desk also gives you a nice break to refresh yourself for the rest of the day, plus you won’t have any crumbs or mess to worry about!

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Protect Your Feet & Your Tires!Never worry about stepping on something or getting a flat tire– utilize magnets for picking up and storing screws, nuts, and bolts.

Garage or Basement InventoryLoosing track of important items or can’t find the one specific tool? A label maker is a great investment for keeping tracking of all of your belongings. They can come in handy in areas when you store a lot of stuff, like your garage, basement, or attic.


Garages can be a pretty dangerous place if left unchecked. Use old coffee cans, or small plastic bins to keep loose screws and nails (magnets are great for picking them up too!). Keeping all of your heavy tools in lower shelves, or under work benches will ensure they can’t fall on anyone passing by. To avoid the headache of dealing with your messy garage, invest in a wall organization unit to safely hold everything!

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Keeping Your Counters CleanInstead of a butcher block, use a wall-mounted magnetic knife holder on your wall. It will free up lots of counter space, and look modern!

Minimizing WasteHave a ‘use by’ section, for foods about to expire of go bad- cutting down on cost of buying new items and thrown-away waste.

An organized kitchen helps to make cooking fast and fun. Having an organized pantry will make grabbing ingredients a breeze. Place your most used ingredients in one area towards the front, and lesser used/long shelf-life items to the back. A great space saver solution is putting your garbage can under the sink, or on a slide out track inside of a cabinet.

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