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I was just walking down the Street one day when this giant tree like creature came from underground and started pulverizing all my friends. And it said You are next!!Since the dawn of time, men have wondered at the meaning of the stars. What kind of evil spirits lurk in the dark depths of space.Ever since such classic were released as War of the Worlds. People have known that the aliens are evil. Now one man will uncover the truth about our neighbours in space. So I found this book called Soreth goreth, the alien trilogies and they told me much a lot about aliens and thats how I got hooked and ever since then Ive been an avid alien hunter and so a great hobby for me, but Im starting to get serious now.Every since he found that book he has been an alien junkie, now everything will be revealed.Weve discovered something. Weve discovered something very exciting. The aliens use their powers. They forge their powers with themselves, and they lose those powers for the magic that they use. So theyll say Make a sandwich for example.I probably wouldnt do something as mundane as that but they are aliens after all, but they say make a sandwich and theyll focus their energy and the energy will zap a sandwich into the table in front of them. And of course, what they usually use this for is to harm other humans because they are aliens. Aliens are evil. Thats you know, the whole story, and but yes, we discovered that, and we really think that its the next step in discovering really what these aliens really are, and how we can figure out how to defeat them.Well I am an avid alien hunter, yes. I never heard something as ridiculous as this. I went to the mans house and he told me that a little green man had come to him in a dream, and told him that the world, all of the worlds souls would be reaped on the morning of his next birthday.I talked to him, he absolutely believed it. Not sure if he was crazy, Im not sure if he was. Maybe it was real. I dont know. Im not a psychiatrist, I dont know much about dreams, but in my alien experience, no aliens really ever appear into dreams. If you know what Im saying?I entirely believe that there are aliens out there and they have visited us. I believe that numerous civilizations of aliens maybe from many different planets have visited us. Tree men, green men, deranged men, things like that and yes, it has most definitely happened. I was a very good friend of this man. James and his name is James Lorainge. I was very good friends of him at over Harvard. And I told him that I was an alien hunter and all of a sudden he walked away and never talk to me again. So you can see that alien hunters are quite prejudiced in todays society.But his story wasnt over yet. So I did some research on the internet I found that aliens dont exist or most of the stories are not true. This has changed my perspective on everything and Im sorry that I misled most of you.