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Candidate Name: Chelsea Tramel Content/Grade: 5thLesson Topic: Fractions & Equivalent Fractions CT: n/aGoals/Learning Outcomes: Students will explore patterns when the number of equal parts in one whole and a fraction of that one whole change. They will use graphic organizers such as lists, tables, charts, and diagrams, and demonstrate a fraction equivalent to a given fraction such as ½ and 3/6 or 4/12 and ⅓. Students will be able to recognize and name equivalent fractions, and be able to name the different parts of a fraction.

TEKS: 5.2A & 5.2 C & 5.5 A

Goals/Learning Outcomes: Students will explore patterns when the number of equal parts in one whole and a fraction of that one whole change. They will use graphic organizers such as lists, tables, charts, and diagrams, and demonstrate a fraction equivalent to a given fraction such as ½ and 3/6 or 4/12 and ⅓. Students will be able to recognize and name equivalent fractions, and be able to name the different parts of a fraction.

TEKS: 5.2A & 5.2 C & 5.5 A

Essential Questions: 1. What is a fraction, and what are its different parts? 2. How can fractions be modeled, compared, and ordered? 3. What are equivalent fractions?4. How are fractions used in real life events/jobs/situations?

Essential Questions: 1. What is a fraction, and what are its different parts? 2. How can fractions be modeled, compared, and ordered? 3. What are equivalent fractions?4. How are fractions used in real life events/jobs/situations?

Students will know … Students will be able to … Students will understand that …

· Student will be able to draw fractions using multiple graphic organizers· Student will be able to recognize and name equivalent fractions · Student will understand that all fractions are division problems· Student will be able to identify fractions as part of a whole, part of a set, part of an area, and locations on the number line · Students will be able to read and write symbolic notation for unit fractions and common fractions

Students will know … Students will be able to … Students will understand that …

· Student will be able to draw fractions using multiple graphic organizers· Student will be able to recognize and name equivalent fractions · Student will understand that all fractions are division problems· Student will be able to identify fractions as part of a whole, part of a set, part of an area, and locations on the number line · Students will be able to read and write symbolic notation for unit fractions and common fractions

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Performance Tasks:

· Warm up: introduction to unit · Students will work through the interactive lesson· Construction Paper class activity and discussion · Minilesson: class discussion · Exit ticket problem· Material

· Computers· Construction paper cut into halves· Journals · Equivalent Fraction Card Game: Match My Fraction (pdf)· Recording sheet for Equivalent Fraction Card Game: Match My Fraction (pdf)· Set of laminated fraction cards (pdf)· Set of laminated equivalent fraction cards (pdf)· Set of Fraction Pattern Blocks· Dry erase markers and eraser· Dice for extension· Recording sheet for Equivalent Fraction Card Game (pdf)· Exit ticket problem

Performance Tasks:

· Warm up: introduction to unit · Students will work through the interactive lesson· Construction Paper class activity and discussion · Minilesson: class discussion · Exit ticket problem· Material

· Computers· Construction paper cut into halves· Journals · Equivalent Fraction Card Game: Match My Fraction (pdf)· Recording sheet for Equivalent Fraction Card Game: Match My Fraction (pdf)· Set of laminated fraction cards (pdf)· Set of laminated equivalent fraction cards (pdf)· Set of Fraction Pattern Blocks· Dry erase markers and eraser· Dice for extension· Recording sheet for Equivalent Fraction Card Game (pdf)· Exit ticket problem

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(5 min) Warm Up:

Show students the fraction 3/4, and ask them to list the multiples for the numerator and denominator with their table groups. Have them discuss the patterns they see between the numerator and denominator.

Numerator: 3 6 9 12Denominator: 4 8 12 16

(15 min) Students will then go to the website ( and go through the interactive tutorial through the equivalent fractions portion.

The teacher hands out the fraction bar chart to students and 2 pieces of construction paper to each student.

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(20 min) Provide students with a two pieces of construction paper (each is half of a page). The teacher will instruct the class on how to fold the two pieces of paper, and what to shade after students fold it.Then give students questions to answer in small groups. After which the class will come back together and discuss. The teacher will also have students pull out their journals in order to create a table of shaded parts and total parts.

Ask students to fold each sheet of paper into 4 equal parts and shade one of the parts as shown below.

o How many equal parts can you see? How many parts are shaded?

Ask students to carefully fold and shade one of the sheets like the next picture shown below and record the information in a table.

Ask students to carefully fold and shade the other sheet like the picture shown below and record the information in the table.

o How can we fold each of the papers to get a greater number of equal parts?

o Can you predict how many equal parts we will have after we fold this time?

o What is the total number of shaded equal parts that we can have?

o How do you know?

o Do you understand what ______________ is saying?

o Do you agree with what ______________ is saying? Why or Why not?

o What information do we want on a table to show our equal parts?

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( 15 min) Class Discussion “minilesson”

Ask students to explain the relationship between the two columns of the table with their groups.

Ask students to extend the table. For example, if you have 10 shaded parts, how many total number of parts would you have? (40) If you have 15 shaded parts, how many total number of parts would you have? (60)

Discuss the two fractions that were just created. What is the relationship between these fractions and the other fractions in the table? (They are equivalent.)

Explain why they are still equivalent even though the numbers are much bigger. (The whole did not change. The same amount of the whole is still shaded. We have just divided the whole up into more equal pieces. Whether you say1/4 or 15/60, you are still describing the same part of the whole as shaded.)

Students will explain their thinking and justify their solutions in groups and in whole-class discussion, as well as with tables, diagrams, and written explanations. The teacher will ask the questions, let students answer them in their journals as a group, and then go over the answer to each question, to make sure everyone is on the same page.


(15 min) Students will complete the exit ticket as a group, and turn in the answers on one sheet of paper.

(20 min) Students will then have the option of logging onto to the Fraction Game (Fraction Feud)! They will pick someone at their table to compete with, this will allow them to practice fractions in a more interactive way. Students will be encouraged to use their fraction bar chart., students can play the fraction Match Me Game, where they partner up and play the game.

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Students will be evaluated based on their exit tickets they completed in groups.


Students that finish early will be able to start playing the math games earlier. Seeing as how this is a majority class discussion type of lesson, there is not a lot of time for students to get ahead. For students that finish the games early, or would like a challenge, they will be given the task of creating a board game, or word problems for the class warm up the following day.

Accommodations and Modifications

Students with specific accommodations such as, SPED and LD students will have the accommodations they need provided. ELL students will have pictures drawn, and be paired with another student that speaks their language. For the first rotation there is a SPED teacher that comes in and works with the SPED students, so she can help them if they fall behind, also the teacher will be walking around making sure everyone is on the same page, so they can check up on those students as well. There will be a word wall provided with pictures. The teacher will walk around during game playing session in order to make sure comprehension is taking place, they will be able to help get students that are struggling understand the material better.

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Exit Ticket

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Fraction Bar Chart

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Equivalent Fraction Card Game: “Match My Fraction”

1. Run off 2 sets of the attached cards labeled "Fraction Cards" on cardstock. Laminate.

2. Run off 6 sheets of the attached cards labeled

"Equivalent Fraction Cards" on a different color of cardstock than the cards above. Laminate.

3. Give each set of partners the following supplies:

x the cards from instruction steps 1 & 2. x Fraction Pattern Block Set x Dry erase marker & eraser x Recording Sheet x 1 Die if extension idea is being used.

4. Recording sheets can be turned in as a formative assessment.

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ReferencesCalculation Nation® - Challenge others. Challenge yourself.®. (n.d.). Calculation Nation® - Challenge others. Challenge yourself.®.

Retrieved November 23, 2012, from

Equivalent fractions. (n.d.). Round rock ids. Retrieved November 23, 2012, from


Hodges, B. (n.d.). Match My Fraction. Utah Education Network. Retrieved November 23, 2012, from


Kids, Fraction Tutorial, Learning Fractions - KidsOLR. (n.d.). KidsOLR - Educational Directory. Retrieved November 23, 2012, from http://

Printable Fraction Strips. (n.d.). Math Worksheets Printable from the Math Salamanders. Retrieved November 23, 2012, from http://www.math-