Download - Traduzione sito al 11/2010

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The future of the world passes here [City veins] a wasteland/ a European outskirts/ a place where stories cross

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The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) is an informal and permanent observatory which started in 2005 in an area on the outskirts of a city in the north of Italy. It tells about this place and the people who live there, and the imminent changes which will take place here and affect all of us.

This is the area:See The future of the world passes here – City veins in a large-sized map.

We are in Turin, in the north-west of Italy, less than 5 km far from the city, where three rivers merge. Besides some urban gardens, this place also includes two more areas which attracted and still attract attention: the so-called “Tossic Park” and the “Lungo Stura Lazio camps”.

This area in the outskirts, close by the entrance to the motorway to Milan, was the back side of the industrial city for almost a century, a runaway place, easily used as illegal tip. Exhausted oils, and toxic waste poisoned the ground and polluted the water. The rests of those industries and the waste left by unknown people for years are now partially hidden by the vegetation.

In the middle of this forgotten wasteland, nature takes its course.

Here, on its banks, among the spontaneous vegetation, nature unexpectedly recreated a shelter for several and uncommon breeds of birds, such as the grey heron.

Here, some immigrants from the south of Italy settled in the 50s and 60s. They started cultivating and building little houses to pass the week-end among their gardens.

Here, the biggest open drug trade in Italy set up around 2005, and caused a runaway situation which leaded to the massive military intervention of the so-called “Brigata Taurinense”, one of the biggest units of the Italian Army.

Here, on the opposite bank, hundreds of nomads, migrants, refugees, and people from the Eastern Europe take shelter. They build shacks with plate and cardboard, improvise tents made of plastic sacks, and houses whose walls are made of mud. They pass through or stay, hide themselves or leave again, all looking for money and success.

Here, far from prying eyes, people who lost their job or house reach their destination and settle.

The major roads which bring outside the city pass close to this wasteland.

The second line of the new city underground is going to pass here and within a few years, under the projects, the high speed trains which connect Turin to Europe are going to shot on these banks. Redevelopment, changing, rehabilitation. At a certain point, in 2007 a memorandum of agreement with the city of Turin was presented. It was about the construction of a public golf course with nine holes.

Sometimes it happens that an orange bulldozer appears on the horizon. It dredges, moves heaps of earth, and then disappears. It may happen to see men with exploration equipment coming out from

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behind the spontaneous vegetation. They survey the earth, sample the water, take grubs, and analyse the quality of air and water.

Follow The future of the world passes here Write to us if you’d like to be updatedGo to the page “Who”

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The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) is an informal and permanent observatory which started in 2005 in an area on the outskirts of a city in the north of Italy. It tells about this place and the people who live in it, and the imminent changes which will take place here and affect all of us.

Who dwells the area

Hundreds of farmers from the South of Italy who migrated to Turin in the 50s and 60s. They have been occupying this land for years and turned it into farmlands and houses for holidays and the week-ends.

Hundreds of drug-addicted and pushers who started what the newspapers called “Tossic Park” between 2005 and 2008. This fact caused the exasperation of the people who lived in the neighbouring areas, who set up residents’ associations and patrols, it also caused several interventions of the armed forces by foot, on horse, with helicopters and other means, until the last and final evacuation due to the intervention of the so-called “Brigata Taurinense”, which is one of the biggest units of the Italian Army, also engaged abroad such as in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan.

Hundreds of migrants from the Eastern Europe, especially Rom from Romania, who settled on the banks in makeshift houses and set up informal camps, shantytowns or groups of slums.

Italian citizens who found a shelter and a house after loosing their job.

Who makes part of the observatory

The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) is composed of documentary film makers, photographers, writers, illustrators, web-designers, musicians, professional educators, and simple citizens. They became interested in this place and its people, and now develop ideas and carry out activities.

The observatory was born as a project of a documentary film, it now develops as a work in progress thanks to about ten photographers who are thinking about activities, laboratories, concrete actions, and carrying out this cross-media platform, which contains a part of the works, and aims at communicating and promoting what has been made and what is still in progress. The platform is thought as a kind of headquarters, a meeting place where people can exchange information, and discuss so that new ideas can come out, it is thought as a means for collecting resources for the project.

Our next goal is to publish a photographic book+DVD.

From 2008 until today the observatory has been composed of (in order of appearance):Andrea DeaglioElena CannarozziFabrizio EspositoStefano Delmastro

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Roberto BoninFrom 2010 Paolo Manera is part of the observatory as responsible of the “Film Commission Torino Piemonte” for web documents and projects and as informal coordinator.

Partners of the observatory

“Piemonte Doc Film Found” - the regional found for documentaries of the Piedmont region and the “Film Commission Torino Piemonte” - supported the documentary film during its stage of development (Announcement of competition - December 2007 - 10,000 euros economic support), and production (Announcement of competition - September 2009 - 22,000 euros economic support). It also cooperated in an active way to the different stages of its making, and nominated this project for the “Docu Regio – Pitching and Networking in Europe” workshop.

“Docu Regio – Pitching and Networking in Europe” is a workshop realized thanks to the main European regional founds assigned to documentaries. It selected “The future of the world passes here – City Veins” as the Italian project to participate in two work sessions: Galway, Ireland - June 2008, and Lille, France - October 2008.

Join The future of the world passes here

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Go to the page “why”

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The future of the world passes here – City Veins (FMPQ) is a non-profit project. All the resources we collected are and will be used to carry on with our current activities, to get to publish a book, and to guarantee the constant updating of the website.

The future of the world passes here – City Veins (FMPQ) is composed of several people who implicitly share ideas and principles, and the belief that the future of the world REALLY passes here.


Because this place, the people who live in it, and the stories which cross here tell about the most important subjects for present and future not just of this city, but also of Italy, Europe, and the world. They do not just tell about migrations, poverty, addiction, marginalization, hardships, but also about ecology, changes, rights, family, solidarity, beauty and they do it thanks to the strength of events and the strength of imagination.

Another belief we share is that the future of the world also passes through the way we tell and show all these things by trying to avoid clichés, conventions, schemes, sociologisms, and good feelings; and trying a way and a language different from those commonly found in the media.

Soon in this page there will be several “statements” of people who work, collaborate, and support the observatory.

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Leave us your e-mail address to be updated

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Go to the page “Contact us”

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What is it?

The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) is an informal and permanent observatory which started in 2005 in an area on the outskirts of a city in the north of Italy. It tells about this place and the people who live in it and the imminent changes which will take place here and affect all of us.

The records archive:


FRIDA’S DIARY - a drug addiction story

“The future…” project for the documentary – first drafts

“The future…” project for the documentary – dossier

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The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) is composed of documentary film makers, photographers, writers, illustrators, web-designers, musicians, professional educators, simple citizens. They became interested in this place, in its people, and they now develop several ideas and carry out activities.

This is a non-profit project. All the resources we collected are and will be used to carry on with our current activities, to get to publish a book and to guarantee the constant updating of the website.

This is an open project, everybody can take part in it.


Write to us.

In order to go on with the observatory and develop it, all comments, all points of view (not just the experts or artists’) are important. Let’s use the professional ranks to be clear. We care the following points of view: lawyers, biologists, nurses, psychologists, social workers, business consultants, architects, planners, landscape painters, environmental engineers, geologists, surveyors, doctors, agronomists, foresters, chemists, surgeons and dental surgeons’…we also care the teachers, librarians, craftsmen/women, bakers’ points of view.

Cooperate to the developing of the website

Visit the website and then send us your opinions, comments, emotions, advice, critics…

Send us links and materials you think are important and can be shared in this website.

Give us ideas and tools to develop this website in a systematic, consistent and innovative way.

Cooperate to the making of the documentary

It wasn’t by chance that the project started with the making of a documentary. It was finished during the summer of 2010 and will be presented within the end of 2010. Go to the page about the documentary, watch the trailer, and read the texts, then write to us one or more comments, tell other people to do the same, start talking about the documentary and the observatory to people you think can value it.

Cooperate to the photographs page

The photographs made by several authors from 2005 onwards are an extraordinary strength within the project. They will be presented to the public, in different ways and different contexts and will be the core of a book which is now at its planning stage, in order to be published in 2011. Go to the page about the photographs, watch the galleries, and read the texts, then write to us one or more comments, tell other people to do the same, start talking about these photographs and the observatory to people you think can value it.

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We think about creating a page with photographs of other wastelands, such as outskirts of European cities and cities from other parts of the world, where different stories cross. Write your opinion and your point of view about it, and if you want send us your photographs for this page.

Cooperate to the sound page

Go to the page about sounds, listen, write to us one or more comments, tell other people to do the same, start talking about this page and the observatory to people you think can value it.

We think about creating a page with sound and music from other wastelands, such as outskirts of European cities and cities from other parts of the world, where different stories cross. Write your opinion and your point of view about it, and if you want send us your audio files for this page.

Cooperate to the publication of the book

The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) means to publish a photographic book. We are getting information about costs, modes of publication, co-producers, and distribution channels. We are also planning a new way of found raising and distribution.

Write your opinion and your point of view about it, tell other people to do the same, start talking about this page and the observatory to people you think can value it.

Cooperate to the activities.

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The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) is composed of documentary film makers, photographers, writers, illustrators, web-designers, musicians, professional educators, and simple citizens. They became interested in this place, in its people, and they now develop several ideas and carry out activities.

If you want to get in contact with the observatory, please write to:[email protected]

or call:

Andrea Deaglio +39 340 7894626

Fabrizio Esposito +39 347 9203743

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Title: The future of the world passes here – City veins

Year: 2010

Length: 63’

Director: Andrea Deaglio

Producer: Niccolò Bruna (ColombreFilm) – Babydoc Film

With the support of: Piemonte Doc Film Found (Film Commission Torino Piemonte / Regione Piemonte)

Special contents

Watch all video contents on YouTubeRead the production diary of the film

Download the DOSSIER

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/ Over a bridge [2005] by Andrea Deaglio

“On an autumn day on the outskirts of my city, I took a picture, a natural landscape on the banks of a big river.”

“THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD PASSES HERE – CITY VEINS” was born with this photograph.

/ Golf and the reduction of the damage [2006] by Paolo Bosio

Barbarism and civilization of drug addiction.

A trip on opposed images in the real drug addiction, from “Tossic Parck” to the drug dealing places of Amsterdam.


/ Tossic Park [2008] by Giulio Lapone

Parco Stura was called Tossic Park in 2008. The deterioration of this area and its hidden position made it a secluded place for heroin and cocaine peddling. The residents protested openly, apparently supported by the newspapers. So the big mopping-up operation of the police started on a scorching morning in June. As a result, about forty peddlers from Central Africa were arrested, and about ten Italian drug-addicted were detained. They were all a little over twenty years old.

/ Campo Stura [2008] by Elena Perlino

Turin. Piedmont. The Camp along the Stura river, a mostly Rumanian settlement, is just a few steps from the Mole, the most important monument in Turin.

The everyday activities taste of normality: pregnant women, carpets everywhere in the houses, the evangelist mass on Sunday, the coloured eggs for Easter. Outdoors, the river offers a thousand resources, men play dice, other men shave at the front door.

However, what is real and what is surreal soon overlap. So you see rats, as big as you’ve never seen them before, running undisturbed among the children, the rubbish heaps growing as they were monuments, the light coming sometimes, just in the evening, for the few people who can connect to the generator. You then understand that you just went in a parallel world, which seems so far-away.

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/ 360° [2009] by Antonio Del Popolo

Panoramic photograps sessions.

/ Last shore [2009] by Rosalia Filippetti

“The last shore” is a work in progress which began in 2009 on the banks of the Stura river. It tells about some Italian river areas, which became destinations of bathers, mainly immigrants.

/ Man’s Land [2009] by Fabrizio Esposito

The men’s land: a story of a land and the people who chose it as their own land told through pictures.

/ Vegetable growers [2010] by Elena Muzzarelli

Vegetable growers’ series 2010: Dino, Rosario, Teodoro.


[email protected]

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The future of the world passes here – City Veins is also a book created by photographers, architects, naturalists, landscapists, agronomists, drawers, professional educators, journalists, writers, engineers, simple citizens.

A people, animals, and water passing.

We are working in order to publish it in the following months.

If you are interested you can buy one, ten, a hundred copies in advance by writing to:

[email protected]

Otherwise you can let us know your ideas.

So you can help us. Thanks!

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The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) carries out voluntary and non-profit activities, which need a constant presence in the area and the direct contact with the people who dwell it.

Drawing for children – Laboratory (by Serena Parodi e Silvia Reichembach Gauri)

Period: July-September 2010

The drawing laboratory aims at carrying out a little book where the children who live in the shantytown on the river banks can tell their stories and desires through drawings, words, painting, and collages.

Any prospective profits made thanks to its sale will make the little authors aware that their abilities, ideas, and time spent for this project are valuable.

Waste education – Laboratory (by Bazura Association)

Period: October 2010 – in progress

This laboratory consists in teaching the different kinds of waste to the dwellers of the Lungo Stura Lazio camp and in giving a new life to some objects in order to sell them at the market. So a plastic bottle becomes a vase for flowers, a can becomes an ashtray, the drum of the washing machine becomes a chandelier. All the (re)created objects will be soon sell in this website too.

Article - La Stampa – 12 October 2010

Write to us f you’d like to be updated about our current activities, or if you want to suggest something.

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The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) is composed of documentary film makers, photographers, writers, illustrators, web-designers, musicians, professional educators, simple citizens. They became interested in this place, in its people, and they now develop several ideas and carry out activities.

This is a non-profit project. All the resources we collected will be used to carry on with our current activities, to get to publish a book and to guarantee the constant updating of the website.

This is an open project, everybody can take part in it.


Write to us.

In order to go on with the observatory and develop it, all comments, all points of view (not just the experts or artists’) are important. Let’s use the professional ranks to be clear. We care the following points of view: lawyers, biologists, nurses, psychologists, social workers, business consultants, architects, planners, landscape painters, environmental engineers, geologists, surveyors, doctors, agronomists, foresters, chemists, surgeons and dental surgeons’…we also care the teachers, librarians, craftsmen/women, bakers’ points of view.

Cooperate to the developing of the website

Visit the website and then send us your opinions, comments, emotions, advice, critics…

Send us links and materials you think are important and can be shared in this website.

Give us ideas and tools to develop this website in a systematic, consistent and innovative way.

Cooperate to the making of the documentary

It wasn’t by chance that the project started with the making of a documentary. It was finished during the summer of 2010 and will be presented within the end of 2010. Go to the page about the documentary, watch the trailer, and read the texts, then write to us one or more comments, tell other people to do the same, start talking about the documentary and the observatory to people you think can value it.

Cooperate to the photographs page

The photographs made by several authors from 2005 onwards are an extraordinary strength within the project. They will be presented to the public, in different ways and different contexts and will be the core of a book which is now at its planning stage, in order to be published in 2011. Go to the page about the photographs, watch the galleries, and read the texts, then write to us one or more comments, tell other people to do the same, start talking about these photographs and the observatory to people you think can value it.

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We think about creating a page with photographs of other wastelands, such as outskirts of European cities and cities from other parts of the world, where different stories cross. Write your opinion and your point of view about it, and if you want send us your photographs for this page.

Cooperate to the sound page

Go to the page about sounds, listen, write to us one or more comments, tell other people to do the same, start talking about this page and the observatory to people you think can value it.

We think about creating a page with sound and music from other wastelands, such as outskirts of European cities and cities from other parts of the world, where different stories cross. Write your opinion and your point of view about it, and if you want send us your audio files for this page.

Cooperate to the publication of the book

The future of the world passes here – City veins (FMPQ) means to publish a photographic book. We are getting information about costs, modes of publication, co-producers, and distribution channels. We are also planning a new way of found raising and distribution.

Write your opinion and your point of view about it, tell other people to do the same, start talking about this page and the observatory to people you think can value it.

Cooperate to the activities.