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  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I









  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994

    (Republic Act No. 9!"

    Section 22, Establishment and Administration of the NationalTrade Skills Standards of the RA 7796 known as the TESA Actmandates TESA to establish national occ!"ational skillstandards# The A!thorit$ shall de%elo" and im"lement a

    certification and accreditation "ro&ram in which "ri%ate ind!str$&ro!" and trade associations are accredited to cond!ct a""ro%edtrade tests, and the local &o%ernment !nits to "romote s!ch tradetestin& acti%ities in their res"ecti%e areas in accordance with the&!idelines to be set b$ the A!thorit$#

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the:

    1. Competency assessment and certification;. Registration and delivery of training programs; and

    !. "evelopment of curriculum and assessment instruments.

    #ach TR has four sections:

    $ection 1 "efinition of %ualification & refers to the group of competenciesthat describes the different functions of the 'ualification.

    $ection Competency $tandards & gives the specifications of

    competencies re'uired for effective or performance.

    $ection ! Training $tandards & contains information and re'uirements indesigning training program for certain %ualification. *t includescurriculum design+ training delivery; trainee entry re'uirements;tools e'uipment and materials; training facilities; trainer,s'ualification and institutional assessment.

    $ection - ational /ssessment and Certification /rrangement & describesthe policies governing assessment and certification procedure.

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I



    T'ET SE(T)R


    age o.

    SE(T*)N + TRA*NERS ET-)).)/0 1T .E'E. * +

    SE(T*)N 2 ()3ETEN(0 STANARS

    4asic (om"etencies 252 (ore (om"etencies 57+


    #+ (!rric!l!m esi&n

    4asic (om"etencies 72578

    (ore (om"etencies 7576

    #2 Trainin& eli%er$ 77# Trainee Entr$ Re!irements 7:

    #8 .ist of Tools, E!i"ment and aterials 7:# Trainin& ;acilities 79#6 Trainers< =!alifications 79#7 *nstit!tional Assessment 79


    ()3ETEN(0 A3 :+

    E;*N*T*)N ); TERS :2

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    TRA*N*N/ RE/?.AT*)NS ;)R

    TRA*NERS ET-)).)/0 .E'E. *

    $#CT* 1 TRA*NERS ET-)).)/0 1T .E'E. *

    The TRA*NERS ET-)).)/0 .E'E. * consists of competencies a T2#T trainer

    performing functions of trainer and assessor must achieve. / T2#T trainer is a person hoenables a learner or a group of learners to develop competencies to performing a particular tradeor technical or.

    The 3nits of Competency comprising this 'ualification include the folloing:

    (ode No# 4AS*( ()3ETEN(*ES

    400!11105 6ead orplace Communication400!101 /pply math and science principles in technical training

    400!10 /pply environmental principles and advocate conservation400!10! 3tili7e *T applications in technical training400!11110 6ead small teams400!10- /pply or ethics+ values and 'uality principles400!104 8or effectively in vocational education and training400!109 oster and promote a learning culture400!10 #nsure healthy and safe learning environment400!10< =aintain and enhance professional practice400!105 "evelop and promote appreciation for cost&benefits of technical

    training400!110 "evelop and promote global understanding of labor marets

    (ode No# ()RE ()3ETEN(*ES

    T2T!!01 lan training sessions

    T2T!!0 acilitate learning sessions

    T2T!!0! $upervise 8or&based learning

    T2T!!0- Conduct competency assessment

    T2T!!04 =aintain training facilities

    T2T!!09 3tili7e electronic media in facilitating training

    / person ho has achieved this %ualification is competent to be:

    & T2#T Trainer>Technical Trainer& Training acilitator>Coordinator& Competency /ssessor

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 1

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    SE(T*)N 2 ()3ETEN(0 STANARS

    This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency re'uired forTR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A (T=) 6#2#6 *. These units of competency are categori7ed intobasic and core competencies.

    4AS*( ()3ETEN(*ES

    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ .EA )RB3.A(E ()?N*(AT*)N

    ?N*T ()E @ >>+++>9

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the noledge+ sills and attitudes re'uired tolead in the dissemination and discussion of ideas+ informationand issues in the orplace.

    ConteBt of this unit : This unit is adopted from the basic competencies for ational Certificate

    6evel ***. *n the conteBt of the Trainers =ethodology (T=)+ the termworkplace in this unit ould be understood to mean training/learningenvironment.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. Communicateinformation aboutorplace processes

    1.1 /ppropriate communication methodis selected1. =ultiple operations involving several topics areas are

    communicated accordingly1.! %uestions are used to gain eBtra information1.- Correct sources of information are identified

    1.4 *nformation is selected and organi7ed correctly1.9 2erbal and ritten reporting is undertaen hen re'uired1. Communication sills are maintained in all situations

    . 6ead orplacediscussions

    .1 Response to orplace issues are sought. Response to orplace issues are provided immediately.! Constructive contributions are made to orplace

    discussions on such issues as production+ 'uality and safety.- @oals>obDectives and action plan undertaen in the

    orplace are communicated

    !. *dentify andcommunicate issuesarising in the orplace

    !.1 *ssues and problems are identified as they arise!. *nformation regarding problems and issues are organi7ed

    coherently to ensure clear and effective communication!.! "ialogue is initiated ith appropriate personnel!.- Communication problems and issues are raised as they arise

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. =ethods ofcommunication

    1.1 on&verbal gestures1. 2erbal1.! ace to face1.- To&ay radio1.4 $peaing to groups1.9 3sing telephone1. 8ritten1.< *nternet

    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofCompetency /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate:1.1 "ealt ith a range of communication>information at one time1. =ade constructive contributions in orplace issues1.! $ought orplace issues effectively1.- Responded to orplace issues promptly1.4 resented information clearly and effectively ritten form1.9 3sed appropriate sources of information1. /sed appropriate 'uestions1.< rovided accurate information

    . 3nderpinning


    .1 rgani7ation re'uirements for ritten and electronic

    communication methods. #ffective verbal communication methods

    !. 3nderpinning $ills !.1 rgani7e information!. 3nderstand and convey intended meaning!.! articipate in variety of orplace discussions!.- Comply ith organi7ation re'uirements for the use of ritten

    and electronic communication methods

    -. Resource *mplications The folloing resources =3$T be provided:-.1 2ariety of *nformation

    -. Communication tools-.! $imulated orplace

    4. =ethod of /ssessment Competency may be assessed through:4.1 "irect bservation4. *ntervie

    9. ConteBt for/ssessment

    Competency may be assessed in the orplace or in simulatedorplace environment

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 !

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    ?N*T T*T.E @ A33.0 AT- AN S(*EN(E 3R*N(*3.ES *N TE(-N*(A.TRA*N*N/

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>+

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the outcomes re'uired to integrate math andscience concepts in the content and delivery of technical trainingprograms and to motivate trainees in learning and applying suchconcepts in the orplace.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. *dentify math andscience manifestationsin the course contentand the orplace

    1.1 Course content and learning outcomes are revieed andstudied for math and science content

    1. $ituations in the orplace and in everyday life are related tothe course or program are identified for inclusion or mentionin the training

    1.! Training aids+ lesson plans or session notes are prepared+adopted or customi7ed incorporating or highlightingapplications of math and science principles

    . Relate math andscience concepts tocommon andorplace situations

    .1 ractical applications of math and science related to thedesired learning outcomes are incorporated+ eBplained andstressed during the training

    . Trainees are aided and encouraged to identify and applymath and science concepts in their or and everyday life

    .! Class eBamples>cases+ eBercises+ and assignments aregiven for trainees to eBplore and reflect on theapplications>manifestations of math and science along thecourse content

    !. /ssess trainees,internali7ation of mathand science concepts

    !.1 Trainees, retention of basic math and science concepts arerevieed to identify areas needing further intervention

    !. Trainees, appreciation of math and science principles alongthe trade area or subDect matter is determined usingapplicable assessment methodology

    !.! $imple mathematical and scientific models/representationsare discussed to aid in the understanding and application ofprinciples and theories using language+ style and format thatare readily understood

    !.- oorly&understood areas of math and science relevant to thecourse are given eBtra attention and eBplained in user&friendly terms in accordance ith trainees, interests andlearning styles

    -. *ntroduce furtherenhancements

    -.1 ersonal noledge+ eBperiences and observations of selfand others in the area f math and science applications arecited and incorporated in the lessons and lecture&discussions

    -. Results of application of math and science concepts areevaluated and documented for replication and enhancement

    -.! 6ogical+ systematic and scientific thining and methods areintroduced and developed for trainees to assimilate andapply in their on or and study

    -.- Contetual and eperiential learningmethods are utili7edto aid in appreciation of math and science concepts

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  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E1. Training aids =ay include E

    1.1 Curriculum>modules1. 6earning materials>activities

    1..1 $elf&paced materials1.. Fob sheets

    1..! Related theory1.! /udio&visual aids

    1.!.1 Charts1.!. @raphs1.!. "iagrams

    1.- *nteractive video1.4 Computer&based training materials

    . /ssessmentmethodology

    =ay include E.1 roDects. Case problems.! 8ritten tests.- ral 'uestioning

    .4 *ntervies!. =odels>representations

    =ay include E!.1 $imple 'uantitative models

    !.1.1 mathematical formulas using elementary algebra!.1. constants and variables!.1.! functions and relations

    !. Gasic las and principles!..1 hm,s la!.. eton,s las of motion!..! Goyle,s la

    !.! @raphs and diagrams!.!.1 Charts and flocharts!.!. Characteristic curves!.!.! Refrigeration cycle!.!.- $chematic>bloc diagrams!.!.4 ree&body diagrams

    -. 6earning styles =ay include E-.1 Holb&model styles

    -.1.1 Converger-.1. "iverger-.1.! /ssimilator-.1.- /ccommodator

    -. ?oney&=umford model styles-..1 /ctivist-.. Reflector

    -..! Theorist-..- ragmatist

    -.! leming&model styles-.!.1 2isual learners-.!. /uditory learners-.!.! Reading>riting&preference learners-.!.- Hinesthetic>tactile learners

    4. ConteBtual andeBperiential learningmethods

    =ay include E4.1 Case studies and problems4. roDect&based instruction4.! ield trips4.- Company visits

    4.4 *ntervies4.9 *nstitutional attachments>immersion4. Community service

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 4

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate E1.1 "emonstrated understanding of basic math and science

    concepts relevant to the competency or 'ualification1. "emonstrated ability to apply math and science principles to

    the competency or tass being performed

    1.! "emonstrated ability to integrate and conteBtuali7e math andscience concepts in the design and delivery of technicaltraining

    . 3nderpinningnoledge andattitudes

    .1 Gasic arithmetic E the four fundamental operations. #lementary algebra.! Gasic science

    .!.1 @eneral science.!. atural sciences.!.! hysical and biological sciences.!.- $ocial sciences

    .- Gasic training methodology.4 ositive or values (patience+ perseverance+ empathy+

    professionalism+ concern for safety and 'uality)

    !. 3nderpinning sills !.1 Communication sills!. Training development and management sills!.! bserving safety and health re'uirements in the classroom+

    laboratory and orshop!.- *nstructional sills

    -. Resource implications The folloing resources must be provided E

    -.1 /ccess to math and science lab or similar orshop-. /ccess to real or simulated or area-.! Case problems in math and science applications

    4. =ethod of /ssessment Competency may be assessed through E4.1 bservation or demonstration ith oral 'uestioning4. 8ritten eBam4.! Case problems4.- *ntervie4.4 ortfolio4.9 Third&party report

    9. ConteBt of assessment Competency may be assessed on the Dob or in a simulated orenvironment

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    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ A33.0 EN'*R)NENTA. 3R*N(*3.ES AN A')(ATE()NSER'AT*)N

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>2

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the noledge+ sills and attitudes re'uired toapply>adopt environmental principles and advocate conservation

    in diverse technical&vocational training environments+ includingobserving and contributing to positive environment orpractices. This covers the folloing: environmental orpractices+ contributing to improvements of environmentalpractices+ and reporting potential environmental threats.

    #6#=#T#RR=/C# CR*T#R*/

    Italicizedterms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. ollo environmentalorplace practices

    1.1 !or"place practices and #or" instructionsrelating topotential environmental impacts are recogni7ed and folloed+and clarification is sought here necessary.

    1. Relevant legislation$ codes and national standardsthatimpact on orplace environmental practices are recogni7edand folloed.

    1.! Changes to or practices and procedures are responded topositively and promptly in accordance ith organi7ationalre'uirements.

    1.- *ndividual roles>responsibilitiesare determined and performedbased on the program> activitiesidentified

    . Contribute to improve

    environmental orpractices

    .1 Suggestionsare made to designated personnelfor

    improvements to orplace practices here possible.. *nformation is gathered and improvements are suggested tosupport the development of improved #or"placeapproaches to en%ironmental practices.

    .! En%ironmental issuesand their relationship to orplacepractices are discussed in the orplace ith colleagues anddesignated personnel.

    .- Contributions to the revie of en%ironmental practices andpoliciesare made ithin limits of responsibility

    3. Recogni7e and report

    potential environmentalthreats

    !.1 Signs or symptomsof thepotential en%ironmental threat

    are recogni7ed.!. *nformation about or observations of a potential environmental

    threat are reported to supervisors and>or appropriateauthorities.

    !.! 6ocation and eBtent of the potential environmental threat isaccurately recorded.

    !.- Reports on the potential environmental threat are completedaccording to organi7ational guidelines.

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E R A N / E

    1. 8orplace practices andor instructions

    =ay include but are not limited to procedures or or instructionsfor:1.1 #nvironmental l ha7ard identification and ris analysis1. /voiding or minimi7ing environmental riss+

    1.! *mproving environmental performance+1.- 8aste minimi7ation and segregation+1.4 #nvironmental monitoring+1.9 $igns and labels (e.g.+ chemical labels)+1. #mergency procedures+1.< ?a7ard and incident recording and reporting procedures1.5 #nvironmental data recording and reporting procedures here

    applicable.1.10 2erbal instructions from persons ith responsibility related to

    environmental or practices.

    2. 6egislation+ codes and

    national standards

    =ay include:

    .1 hilippine Clean&/ir /ct of 1555 (R/

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    'AR*A4.E R A N / E

    9. #nvironmental issues =ay include:9.1 $ustainability+9. Reduction and disposal of aste+9.! 8ater 'uality+9.- #nergy efficiency+9.4 Giodiversity and habitat protection+

    9.9 Conservation of natural resources+9. /ir 'uality+9.< 6and contamination+9.5 oise+9.10 $oil and salinity management9.11 ire management.

    . #nvironmental practicesand policies

    =ay include:.1 8aste minimi7ation and management+. $ustainability +.! 6ocal+ regional+ state and national strategies on eed and pest


    .- rotection of land and habitat and conservation of resources+.4 #nergy use+.9 @reenhouse gas emissions+. 3se of chemicals and plant and e'uipment.

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofCompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate:1.1"emonstrated noledge of orplace practices and or

    instructions.1."escribed relevant legislations+ codes and national standard

    environmental practices according to the different

    environmental issues>concerns.1.!olloed environmental orplace practices1.-Contributed to improve environmental or practices1.4Recogni7ed and reported on a potential environmental threat1.9=aintained environmental records

    . 3nderpinning Hnoledge .1 Relevant legislation from all levels of government onenvironmental issues

    . Relevant environmental policies and orplace>industrypractices and procedures

    .! @ood practice approaches relevant to or area particularly in

    regard to minimi7ing environment ha7ards and riss+ andimproving environmental performance

    .- #nvironmental issues+ especially in regard to atercatchments+ air+ noise+ ecosystems+ habitat+ efficient use ofresources+ sustainability and aste minimi7ation

    .4 otential environmental threats and problems relevant to agiven region and occupation

    .9 @eneral or place practices and their potential impact on theenvironment.

    !. 3nderpinning $ills !.1 erforming research and analysis

    !. Reading > interpreting data and information!.! roblem solving!.- Communicate ith supervisors and orplace colleagues!.4 Recogni7e basic environmental ha7ards and threats!.9 ollo orplace directions and instructions!. Heep simple records.

    -. Resource *mplications The folloing resources ?ST be provided:-.1 8orplace>/ssessment location-. 6egislation+ policies+ procedures+ protocols and local

    ordinances relating to environmental protection4.3 Case studies>scenarios relating to environmental protection

    4. =ethods of /ssessment Competency may be assessed through:4.1 8ritten> ral #Bamination4. *ntervie>Third arty Reports4.! ortfolio (citations>aards from @s and @s+ certificate of

    training E local and abroad)4.- $imulations

    9. ConteBt for /ssessment Competency may be assessed in actual orplace or at the

    designated T#$"/ center.

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 10

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    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ ?T*.*CE *T A33.*(AT*)NS *N TE(-N*(A. TRA*N*N/

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the noledge+ sills and attitude re'uired toutili7e *T applications in training. $pecifically it covers setting&upof or environment+ utili7ation of ord processing+

    spreadsheet+ presentation applications and utili7ation of internetand to communicate and collect information.


    Italicizedterms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. $et&up orenvironment

    1.1 !or" &older is con&iguredin accordance ith enterprise *Tutili7ation guidelines.

    1. 'es"top and shortcuts settings are con&iguredin&lineith personal preference.

    1.! Connectivity to printer are checed and tested in accordanceith e'uipment user guide.

    . 3tili7e ord processingapplication

    .1 'ocument layout and &ormatting are applied in line ithdocument formatting re'uirements.

    . Application &eaturesare utili7ed to enhance productivity inline ith application guide> help instructions

    .! rinting of documents is performed in line ith enterprise *Tutili7ation guidelines

    !. 3tili7e presenterapplication

    !.1 resentation layout+ formatting and theme utili7ation areapplied in line ith target audience re'uirements

    !. /nimation and slide transitions are applied to enhancevieing and interactivity eBperience in&line ith (estpractices in utilizing presentation pac"age.

    !.! )rinting o& presentation materialsare performed in lineith user re'uirements and enterprise *T utili7ationguidelines

    !.- acaging and eBporting of presentation is performed in lineith application help instructions>i7ard.

    !.4 resentation of information is performed in line ith bestpractices in utili7ing presentation pacage.

    -. 3tili7e spread sheetapplication

    -.1 !or"(oo" and #or"sheet settingsand formatting areapplied in line ith printing re'uirements.

    -. Formula and conditional formatting are utili7ed to enhanceproductivity in line ith the application help instructions.

    -.! Charts are utili7ed to enhance data presentation in line iththe application help instructions.

    -.- rinting of orsheet is performed in line ith documentlayout re'uirements and enterprise *T utili7ation guidelines.

    4. 3tili7e internet and to communicateand collect information

    4.1 Chat and email facility is utili7ed to eBchange information andresources in line ith chat help instructions.

    4. Bro#ser is con&iguredto enhance productivity in line iththe application help instruction

    4.! is utili7ed to research and ac'uire resources in line ithenterprise *T utili7ation guidelines.

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    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. 8or folder isconfigured

    =ay include but not limited to:1.1 older creation1. older copy and transfer1.! older sharing

    . "estop and shortcutssettings are configured

    =ay include but not limited to:.1 "estop bacground and screen saver settings. $creen resolution settings.! $hortcut and lin creation

    !. "ocument layout andformatting

    =ay include:!.1 age settings!. ont $ettings!.! ormatting styles!.- Table utili7ation

    -. /pplication features =ay include+ but not limited to:

    -.1 ooter and header setting-. =ail merge-.! Revie and editing tools-.- Reference features-.4 orm creation features

    4. Gest practices inutili7ing presentationpacage

    =ay include but not limited to:4.1 umber of teBt lines+ font si7e and fore and bac colors.4. ptimal utili7ation of animation and transition effects to

    enhance learning eBperience not to distract audience.4.! /areness in unconscious actions during presentation

    9. rinting of presentation


    =ay include but not limited to:

    9.1 $lide9. otes

    . 8orboo andorsheet settings

    =ay include but not limited to:.1 age setup. ?eader setup.! 8orsheet organi7ation

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate:1.1 $et&up or environment1. 3tili7ed ord processing application1.! 3tili7ed presenter application1.- 3tili7ed spreadsheet application

    1.4 3tili7ed internet and to communicate and collectinformation

    . 3nderpinningHnoledge

    .1 *.T. rinciples (i.e. internet technology+ ). Gest practices in using presenter application.! Gasic mathematical operation.- 6ogic reasoning.4 roductivity application features.9 ile management. /cademic documents (i.e. record sheet+ accomplishment

    charts+ session plan)

    !. 3nderpinning $ills !.1 #ncoding and computing sills!. resentation sills!.! 6ogic reasoning sills

    -. Resource *mplications The folloing =3$T be provided:-.1 Computer ith netor and internet access-. rinter and printing consumables-.! $pecification of sample document+ orsheet+ presentation


    4. =ethods of/ssessment

    Competency may be assessed through:4.1 "emonstration > bservation and ith oral 'uestioning4. ortfolio

    9. ConteBt for/ssessment

    /ssessment should be conducted in the orplace >simulatedarea > T#$"/ /ssessment Center

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 1!

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ .EA SA.. TEAS

    ?N*T ()E @ >>++++>

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This !nit co%ers the knowled&e, skills and attit!des to lead smallteams incl!din& settin& and maintainin& team and indi%id!al"erformance standards#

    (onteDt of this !nit @ This unit is adopted &rom the (asic competencies &or NationalCerti&icate Le%el III* In the contet o& the Trainers +ethodology ,T+-$the small teams here #ould re&er to groups o& trainees$ audience orparticipants in a training situation$ or a group o& &ello# trainers*


    Italicized termsare elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. rovide teamleadership

    1.1 !or" re.uirementsare identified and presented to teammembers

    1. Reasons for instructions and re'uirements arecommunicated to team members

    1.! Team mem(ers .ueries and concerns are recogni7ed+discussed and dealt ith

    . /ssign responsibilities .1 "uties+ and responsibilities are allocated having regard tothe sills+ noledge and aptitude re'uired to properlyundertae the assigned tas and according to companypolicy

    . "uties are allocated having regard to individual preference+domestic and personal considerations+ henever possible

    !. $et performanceeBpectations for teammembers

    !.1 erformance eBpectations are established based on clientneeds and according to assignment re'uirements

    !. erformance eBpectations are based on individual team

    members duties and area of responsibility!.! erformance eBpectations are discussed and disseminated

    to individual team members

    -. $upervised teamperformance

    -.1 +onitoring o& per&ormancetaes place against definedperformance criteria and>or assignment instructions andcorrective action taen if re'uired

    -. Team members are provided ith &eed(ac",positive supportand advice on strategies to overcome any deficiencies

    -.! )er&ormance issueshich cannot be rectified or addressedithin the team are referenced to appropriate personnelaccording to employer policy

    -.- Team members are ept informed of any changes in thepriority allocated to assignments or tass hich might impacton client>customer needs and satisfaction

    -.4 Team operations are monitored to ensure thatemployer>client needs and re'uirements are met

    -.9 ollo&up communication is provided on all issues affectingthe team

    -. /ll relevant documentation is completed in accordance ithcompany procedures

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 1-

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. 8or re'uirements 1.1 Client rofile1. /ssignment instructions

    . Team member,s'ueries and concerns

    .1 Roster details. $hift details

    !. =onitoring ofperformance

    !.1 ormal process!. *nformal process

    -. eedbac -.1 ormal process-. *nformal process

    4. erformance issues 4.1 8or output

    4. 8or 'uality4.! Team participation4.- Compliance ith orplace protocols4.4 $afety4.9 Customer service

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  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofCompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate:1.1 =aintained or improved individuals and>or team performance

    given a variety of possible scenario1. /ssessed and monitored team and individual performance

    against set criteria

    1.! Represented concerns of a team and individual to neBt levelof management or appropriate specialist and to negotiate ontheir behalf

    1.- /llocated duties and responsibilities+ having regard toindividual,s noledge+ sills and aptitude and the needs ofthe tass to be performed

    1.4 $et and communicated performance eBpectations for a rangeof tass and duties ithin the team and provided feedbac toteam members

    . 3nderpinning


    .1 Company policies and procedures

    . Relevant legal re'uirements.! ?o performance eBpectations are set.- =ethods of =onitoring erformance.4 Client eBpectations.9 Team member,s duties and responsibilities

    !. 3nderpinning $ills !.1 Communication sills re'uired for leading teams!. *nformal performance counseling sills!.! Team building sills!.- egotiating sills

    -. Resource *mplications The folloing resources ?STbe provided:-.1 /ccess to relevant orplace or appropriately simulated

    environment here assessment can tae place-. =aterials relevant to the proposed activity or tas

    4. =ethod of /ssessment Competency may be assessed through:4.1 "irect observations of or activities of the individual

    member in relation to the or activities of the group4. bservation of simulation and>or role play involving the

    participation of individual member to the attainment oforgani7ational goal

    4.! Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion ofissues and strategies in teamor

    9. ConteBt for/ssessment

    /ssessment should be conducted in the orplace> simulated area>T#$"/ /ssessment Center

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    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ A33.0 )RB ET-*(S, 'A.?ES AN =?A.*T03R*N(*3.ES

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>8

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the outcomes re'uired in demonstrating andliving out desirable or ethics+ values and principles in the

    orplace and training environment.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. bserve orplacepolicies and guidelines

    1.1 /ttendance and punctuality are observed in line ithenterprise policies and guidelines.

    1. !or" &unctionsare performed in line ith orposition>delegation and according to enterprise goals andobDectives.

    1.! Communication+ re'uest+ and complaints are channelledthrough authority in line ith enterprise policies and

    procedures.1.- Academic &reedomis eBercised in line ith enterprise goals

    and obDectives1.4 %uality or instructions are delivered in accordance ith

    or deadlines and training calendars.

    . 2alue self&orth andprofession

    .1 Best practicesin teachingare demonstrated at all times.. ersonal and professional upgrading is eBercised in line ith

    personal goals and enterprise guidelines and policies..! Confidentiality of records and other documents are

    maintained in line ith enterprise policies and guidelines..- rofessional courtesy is eBercised at all times.4 rofessional role and image as technical trainer are

    maintained in the classroom>training environment and relatedsituations.

    3. bserve properconduct in dealing ithlearners and parents

    !.1 romotion of learners is performed based on non5"re!dicedecision and actual accomplishments and performance oflearners.

    !. 6earners ere given e'ual opportunities to learn and utili7eschool facilities in line ith the enterprise obDective and

    goals.!.! arent consultations are performed in line ith enterprise

    policies and guidelines

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    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. 8or functions =ay include but not limited to:1.1 Teaching1. @uiding

    1.! =anaging events and school activities

    . /cademic freedom =ay include but not limited to:.1 $election of teaching methods. *mplementation of remedial classes.! Changing methods of collecting evidence of learning

    !. Gest practices inteaching

    =ay include:!.1 Teaching ith teaching aids!. #mploying learner&centered activities

    4. on&preDudice decision =ay include+ but not limited to:-.1 "ecision made from favour-. "ecision came from political reason

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    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate:1.1bserved orplace policies and guidelines1.2alued self&orth and profession1.!bserved proper conduct in dealing ith learners and parents.

    . 3nderpinningHnoledge

    .1 Code of ethics and right conduct. ersonnel management.! ilipino customs and traits

    !. 3nderpinning $ills !.1 *nterpersonal sills!. Communication sills

    -. Resource *mplications The folloing =3$T be provided:-.1 Case study

    4. =ethods of/ssessment

    Competency may be assessed through:4.1 8ritten test> *ntervie4. ortfolio

    9. ConteBt for/ssessment

    /ssessment should be conducted in the orplace >simulatedarea > T#$"/ /ssessment Center

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    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ )RB E;;E(T*'E.0 *N ')(AT*)NA. E?(AT*)N ANTRA*N*N/

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the noledge+ sills and attitude re'uired toor effectively in the policy and operating environment of the

    vocational education and training sector.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. 8or ithin thevocational educationand training policyframeor

    1.1 Relevant national %ocational education and trainingpolicies and &rame#or"sare accessed+ analy7ed+ appliedand guided in accordance ith or practices andresponsibilities.

    1. Hey %ocationaleducation and training organizations andsta"eholdersare identified+ accessed and informed inaccordance ith updated or practices.

    1.! Legislation and guidelinesare accessed+ used+ compliedand ensured in accordance or practices and policyre'uirements.

    1.- Sources o& in&ormation and ad%iceon vocationaleducation and training policy and operating conteBt areaccessed on a regular basis and changes are noted asappropriate.

    1.4 Opportunitiesare taen up to contribute to vocationaleducation and training in accordance ith organi7ationalpolicy developments.

    1.9 0ocational education and training terminologyis used tocommunicate effectively in accordance ith sector.

    . 8or ithin the trainingorgani7ation,s 'ualityframeor

    .1 1ele%ant organizational documentationis accessed+used+ supported and ensured in accordance or roles andresponsibilities.

    . 8or is conducted in accordance ith the trainingorganizations .uality assurance strategies$ processes$policies and procedures

    .! Ethical and legal responsi(ilitiesare adhered to inaccordance ith or practices.

    .- 8or is undertaen in accordance ith the prevailingindustrial and employee relations systems and practices.

    .4 eedbac and advice on or 'uality is actively sought fromcolleagues and clients in accordance ith the prevailingindustrial and employee relations systems and practices.

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    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    !. =anage or and orrelationships

    !.1 8or is planned+ prioriti7ed and organi7ed to achieve agreedand eBpected outcomes.

    !. 8orloads are assessed and guidance>support is soughtfrom relevant personnel here #or" issuesarise and inaccordance ith eBisting organi7ational policies and

    guidelines.!.! 1ele%ant technological s"illsare used to enhance or

    outcomes and in accordance ith prevailing industrialsystems and practices.

    !.- 8or is undertaen in a collaborative manner ithcolleagues through sharing of information and ideas andoring together on or outcomes in accordance ith theprevailing industrial and employee relations systems andpractices.

    !.4 eedbac on managing or and professional relationshipsis obtained from clientsand collea&!esand is evaluated

    and acted upon.

    -. "emonstrate a client&focused approach toor

    -.1 Clients and their needs and eBpectations form the basis fordeveloping effective or practices and outcomes inaccordance ith operational limits*

    -. E&&ecti%e communication strategies are developed+utili7ed+ established and maintained in accordance ith clientrelationships.

    -.! rocesses for evaluating and improving client satisfactionare developed and built in accordance ith or practices.

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    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. ational vocationaleducation and trainingpolicies and


    =ay include:

    1.1 hilippine T2#T Trainers %ualification rameor (TT%)1. Training acages

    1.! 3ser Choice1.- traineeship and apprenticeship arrangements

    . 2ocational educationand trainingorgani7ations andstaeholders

    =ay include:.1 "epartment of 6abor and #mployment ("6#). Technical #ducation and $ills "evelopment /uthority

    (T#$"/).! *ndustry $ills Councils (*$Cs).- training organi7ations

    !. 6egislation andguidelines

    =ay include:!.1 guidelines on program>proDect funding!. 3ser Choice!.! apprenticeships>traineeships!.- implementation of Training acages!.4 registration!.9 course accreditation!. access and e'uity!.< anti&discrimination including e'ual opportunity+ racial

    vilification and disability discrimination!.5 industrial relations

    !.10 code of practice!.11 occupational health and safety (?$)

    -. $ources of informationand advice

    =ay include:-.1 eb&based information from vocational education and

    training organi7ations and staeholders such as the ationalTraining *nformation $ervice (T*$)

    -. printed policies+ nesletters+ bulletins+ publications ofvocational education and training organi7ations andstaeholders

    -.! products including revised Training acages+ support

    materials and professional development materialsimplementation guidelines

    -.- research Dournals-.4 conference papers

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    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    4. pportunities =ay include:4.1 attendance at orshops and consultations conducted by

    relevant vocational education and training organi7ations andstaeholders

    4. individual or organi7ational ritten submissions and

    feedbac to relevant vocational education and trainingorgani7ations and staeholders4.! participation in forums+ netors+ conferences4.- participation in training organi7ation meetings4.4 participation in validation meetings4.9 research>consultancy4. contribution to online consultations

    9. 2ocational educationand trainingterminology

    =ay include but not limited to:9.1 /cronyms9. language of the profession

    9.! language styles commonly used in vocational education andtraining environments

    . Relevant organi7ationaldocumentation

    =ay include:.1 strategic plans. business plans.! policies and procedures.- position descriptions.4 responsibility statements

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    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    11.4 conducting eb searches11.9 participating in *nternet>video conferencing11. using chat rooms11.< managing email11.5 operating computer proDection e'uipment

    11.10 operating overhead proDectors11.11 operating other business e'uipment+ e.g. faB machines+photocopiers and telephone systems

    1.Clients and colleagues =ay include:1.1 individual learners+ apprentices and trainees+ employees1. enterprises>industry1.! other parts of the training organi7ation1.- government departments>agencies+ or other organi7ations

    1!.Clients and their needs

    and eBpectations

    =ay include:

    1!.1 a focus on individual learner obDectives such as:1!.1.1 ne sills!. specific competencies!.! target 'ualifications!.- ne career !.4 career advancement!.9 improved language!. literacy and numeracy sills

    1!. preference for particular learning styles1!.! individuali7ed learning support systems1!.- individuali7ed organi7ational training

    1!.4 client centered approaches1!.9 information and advice on courses+ learning programs and


    14. perational limits =ay include:1-.1 level of responsibility+ autonomy+ classification level1-. staffing resource limitations1-.! physical environment limitations1-.- cost1-.4 time1-.9 scheduling difficulties1-. ?$

    15. #ffectivecommunicationstrategies

    =ay include:14.1 establishing clarity of purpose14. ongoing liaison14.! effective reporting arrangements14.- continuous feedbac mechanisms

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    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofCompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate2

    1.1 8ored ithin the vocational education and training policyframeor

    1. 8ored ithin the training organi7ation,s 'uality frameor1.! =anaged or and or relationships

    1.- "emonstrated a client&focused approach to or

    . 3nderpinningnoledge andattitude

    .1 Training acages+ including the purpose and structure of:.1.1 units of competency.1. /ssessment @uidelines.1.! 'ualifications.1.- #mployability $ills.1.4 support materials

    . hilippine T2#T Trainers %ualification rameor (TT%).! sources of information on vocational education and training+

    for eBample:.!.1 T*$ eb site for accessing details on units+courses>'ualifications+ training organi7ations+ andTraining acages and support materials

    .- sources of information on legal and organi7ationalre'uirements+ for eBample:

    .4 organi7ational manuals+ documents+ publications.9 organi7ational data systems. publications+ nesletters of relevant authorities.< competency&based training and assessment+ for eBample:.5 competency standards define performance outcomes+

    applied noledge and sills needed for or.10 competency standards form the basis for teaching and

    learning and training delivery in recogni7ed T2#T.11 learning is outcomes focused not inputs driven.1 competency standards establish re'uirements for

    assessment.1! assessment is criterion referenced>not norm referenced.1- assessment is reported as competent>not yet competent.14 competency standards are industry defined.19 competency standards have a national focus

    .19.1 the training organi7ation,s systems+ policies and

    procedures.19. relevant vocational education and training

    terminology appropriate to the or role

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    .19.! the diversity of clients+ client needs+ clienteBpectations for vocational education and trainingservices

    2.16.4 relevant legal and policy re'uirements+ codes ofpractice+ national standards and legislations+ foreBample:

    .1 specific industry>orplace legal>compliance and licensing

    re'uirements.1< duty of care under common la.15 anti&discrimination including e'ual opportunity+ racial

    vilification and disability discrimination.0 orplace relations+ industrial aards and enterprise

    agreements.1 privacy>security of information. copyright>plagiarism.! relevant ?$ noledge relating to the or role>or

    conteBt+ and ?$ considerations hen oring in vocationaleducation and training+ including:

    .- internal policies and procedures to meet ?$ re'uirements.4 ha7ards commonly found in the or environment.9 sources of ?$ information and eBpertise

    !. 3nderpinning sills !.1 literacy sills to:!.1.1 read and understand vocational education and

    training policy and other documents+ vocationaleducation and training terminology and languagestyles

    !.1. interpret legal re'uirements of vocational education

    and training policies+ procedures and guidelines!.1.! rite documents for a range of vocational educationand training audiences and purposes

    !. language sills to:!..1 communicate ith personnel across all levels of the

    organi7ation and ith clients!.. understand and use vocabulary and terminology

    specific to the vocational education and trainingenvironment

    !..! listen and summari7e ey points+ mae evaluativeDudgments and articulate verbally or in riting to a

    client or colleague!..- facilitate discussions to encourage problem solving+

    sharing of strategies+ and eBploring different solutionsto problems

    !..4 or effectively as a team member

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    !.! recogni7ing and being sensitive to individual difference anddiversity+ for eBample:!.!.1 being sensitive to and valuing culture!.!. acting ithout bias>discrimination!.!.! responding to individuals ith particular needs!.!.- recogni7ing the importance of religion

    !.- planning sills to:!.-.1 identify and access relevant sources of nationalvocational education and training policies+frameors+ legislation and guidelines

    !.-. participate in opportunities to contribute to vocationaleducation and training organi7ational policydevelopments

    !.-.! manage or and or relationships!.4 research sills to access information!.9 technology sills to:

    !.9.1 use computer hardare and relevant softare

    !.9. use office>business e'uipment

    -. Resource implications The folloing resources =3$T be provided:

    -.1 access to business+ organi7ational+ legislative and vocationaleducation and training documentation

    -. access to clients-.! access to colleagues-.- access to a T2#T operating environment

    4. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through :

    4.1 "emonstration ith 'uestioning4. *ntervie4.! 8ritten Test4.- Third arty Report

    9. ConteBt for assessment 9.1 Competency may be assessed in orplace or in a simulatedorplace setting

    9. /ssessment shall be observed hile tas are beingundertaen hether individually or as a team under limitedsupervision

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    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ ;)STER AN 3R))TE AN *N(.?S*'E .EARN*N/(?.T?RE

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>6

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the noledge+ sills and attitude re'uiredfoster and promote an environment hich supports inclusive

    or practices and learning culture.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. ractice inclusivity 1.1 Indi%idual di&&erencesand clients#ith particular needsare acnoledged+ respected and valued in accordance itheBisting or practices and learning culture.

    1. ersonal perceptions and attitudes about difference areeBamined and revised to improve communication andprofessionalism in accordance ith eBisting or practicesand learning culture.

    1.! )rinciplesunderpinning inclusivity are integrated into allor practices.

    1.- The training organi7ation,s access and e'uity policy is usedin accordance to or practices.

    1.4 *ndividualsI rights and confidentiality are respected at alltimes.

    . romote and respondto diversity

    .1 The ground rulesfor participation and behavior ithcolleagues and clients are established in accordance ith acooperative and agreed process>es.

    . *ndividuals are encouraged to eBpress themselves and tocontribute to the or and learning environment inaccordance ith cooperative and agreed process>es.

    .! *ndividuals are provided ith opportunities to indicatespeci&ic needsto support their participation in learning andor in accordance ith a cooperative and agreedprocess>es.

    .- Relevant research+ guidelines and resources are accessedto support inclusivity in accordance ith eBisting guidelinesand procedures.

    .4 0er(al and (ody languageis sensitive to different cultures

    and bacgrounds and differences in physical and intellectualabilities and as appropriate.

    !. "evelop and implementor strategies tosupport inclusivity

    !.1 'ocumented resourcesto support and guide inclusivepractices are identified and used to inform or strategies inaccordance ith eBisting guidelines and procedures.

    !. Support personsare identified and included in the or andlearning process here appropriate and agreed to.

    !.! Relevant professional support services are identified andaccessed+ as appropriate.

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    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    !.- /nyphysical en%ironment support needsareacnoledge and incorporated into or practices+ herepracticable and approved by appropriate personnel.

    !.4 O3S issuesassociated ith inclusivity are identified andaddressed in accordance ith eBisting guidelines and

    procedures.!.9 *nclusiveness is modeled in accordance ith or


    -. romote a culture oflearning

    -.1 $upport and advice is provided to colleagues and clients toencourage ne and ongoing participation in accordance ithlearning opportunities.

    -. The benefits of learning are eBplored ith colleagues andclients in accordance ith a culture of learning.

    -.! 6earning and competency achievement is recogni7ed andrearded in accordance ith the or and>or learningenvironment.

    -.- pportunities to develop on and others generic s"illsareidentified in accordance ith the or and>or learningenvironment.

    -.4 =ultiple pathays to achieve on and others future learninggoals are discussed in accordance ith the or and>orlearning environment.

    4. =onitor and improveor practices

    4.1 #ffective or practices to enhance inclusivity and a learningculture are identified in accordance ith the or and>orlearning environment

    4. Conscious actions are taen to modify and improve inaccordance ith or practices.

    4.! $trategies and policies to support inclusivity are regularlyrevieed in accordance ith continuous improvement ofor processes.

    4.- roposed changes to relevant strategies and policies aredocumented and reported in accordance ith organi7ationalstructure.

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 !0

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. *ndividual differences =ay include:1.1 learning difficulties1. literacy and numeracy needs1.! language other than #nglish (6T#)1.- cultural bacground+ images and perceptions1.4 socio&economic bacground1.9 age+ gender+ seBuality1. religious practices1.< intellectual impairment or disability1.5 medical conditions such as arthritis+ epilepsy+ diabetes and

    asthma1.10 physical impairment or disability involving hearing vision+

    voice or mobility1.11 psychological or psychiatric impairment

    . Clients ith particularneeds =ay include:.1 omen here under&represented. rural and remote learners.! people ith disabilities+ either permanent or temporary.- people from nonnglish speaing bacgrounds.4 youth at ris

    !. rinciples =ay include:!.1 supporting e'ual opportunity for participation!. fostering and advocating independence!.! ensuring cooperative approaches to learning!.- using client&centered approaches to learning

    !.4 supporting+ encouraging and valuing individual contributions!.9 motivating learners!. creating opportunities for participation and success!.< maing reasonable adDustments to procedures+ activities and

    assessment for e'uity!.5 acnoledging current strengths and sills as a basis for

    further learning

    -. @round rules =ay include:-.1 guidelines of behavior and acceptance-. common understandings beteen learners about group

    interaction+ respect and acceptance

    -.! eBpectations of oring relationships-.- safety of learners and others-.4 comfort of learners and others-.9 agreed conse'uences for breaching ground rules

    4. $pecific needs =ay include:4.1 physical environment adDustments4. adDustments to learning and assessment activities4.! ?$ issues to be addressed4.- language re'uirements4.4 literacy and numeracy issues

    4.9 more time>additional support to learners4. need for a broad general education

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    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    9. 2erbal and bodylanguage

    =ay refer to:9.1 language that recogni7es and values individual differences9. language that supports inclusivity9.! language that is non&discriminatory9.- language that does not devalue+ denote or derogate9.4 language that does not suggest fear+ mistrust or lac of

    understanding9.9 language that does not label or suggest assumptions about


    . "ocumented resources =ay include:.1 Dournals. information technology resources such as the eb+ hardare

    and softare.! teBts and references

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    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofCompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate :1.1 racticed inclusivity1. romoted and respond to diversity1.! "eveloped and implement or strategies to support


    1.- romoted a culture of learning1.4 =onitored and improve or practices

    . 3nderpinningnoledge andattitude

    .1 the principles underpinning inclusivity and ho to integratethem into or practices

    . the diversity of clients+ client needs+ client bacgrounds anddiffering eBpectations for vocational education and trainingservices

    .! ethical and inclusive behaviors eBpected of professionalrelationships ith clients and colleagues

    .- sources of information to support inclusive practices

    .4 availability and types of supports for clients ith specificneeds

    .9 relevant policies+ legal re'uirements+ codes of practice on:4.1 disability+ discrimination+ inclusiveness+ human rights+

    e'ual opportunity+ racial discrimination4. duty of care responsibilities4.! access and e'uity policies

    . organi7ational or systems+ practices.< ?$ relating to the or role>or conteBt+ and ?$

    considerations hen fostering and promoting an inclusivelearning culture including:.

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    !.1.- reflect good practice in active listening+ appropriateeye contact+ friendly tone+ appropriate volume+ clarityof diction and plain #nglish

    !.1.4 encourage eBpression by all individuals!.1.9 involve a variety of mediums

    !. recogni7ing and being sensitive to individual difference anddiversity+ for eBample:

    !..1 being sensitive to and valuing culture!.. acting ithout bias>discrimination!..! responding to individuals ith particular needs!..- recogni7ing the importance of religion

    !.! research sills to identify and increase noledge ofindividual differences and ho these impact on individuals

    !.- problem solving sills to:-.1 identify specific needs-. respond appropriately to cultural diversity

    -. Resource *mplication The folloing resources =3$T be provided:

    -.1 access to relevant policies+ legislation+ guidelines andresources to support inclusivity

    -. access to clients>colleagues4.3 access to orplace environment

    4. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through :

    4.1 "emonstration ith 'uestioning4. *ntervie4.! 8ritten Test4.- Third arty Report

    9. ConteBt for assessment 9.1 Competency may be assessed in orplace or in asimulated orplace setting

    9. /ssessment shall be observed hile tas are beingundertaen hether individually or in&group

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    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ ENS?RE A -EA.T-0 AN SA;E .EARN*N/ EN'*R)NENT

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>7

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the noledge+ sills and attitude re'uired toensure the health+ safety and elfare of learners andcandidates.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. *dentify ccupational?ealth and $afety(?$) responsibilities

    1.1 The purposeand approaches o& O3Sin the learningenvironment are defined in accordance ith ?$ standards.

    1. "ocumentation outlining the O3S legal responsi(ilitiesofthe %arious partiesin the learning environment is accessed+read and interpreted in accordance ith ?$ standards

    1.! Organizational O3S documentationis identified andaccessed in accordance ith standard operating procedures.

    . *dentify ha7ards in thelearning environment

    2.1 Sources o& in&ormationare researched and accessed toidentify ha7ards common ithin the industry in hich thelearning ill taeplace.

    . 6earning environment is inspected prior to use inconsultation ith various parties in order to identify ha7ards.

    .! /ny specific ?$ needs of learners and>or candidates are inaccordance ith ?$ standards.

    .- /ny potential ha7ards created by learners and>or candidatesith specific needs are identified in accordance ith ?$standards.

    .4 ersonal limitations and responsibilities in identifyingha7ards are recogni7ed and specialist advisers are consultedin accordance ith ?$ standards.

    !. /ssess riss in thelearning environment

    !.1 6ielihood of inDury as a result of eBposure to identifiedha7ard>s is assessed in accordance ith ?$ standards.

    !. $everity of any potential inDury+ illness or negative>adverseoutcome arising from the identified ha7ard is assessed forrisin accordance ith ?$ standards.

    !.! ?a7ards are prioriti7ed for action in consultation ith various

    parties in accordance ith ?$ standards.!.- ersonal limitations in assessing riss are recogni7ed andspecialist advisers are consulted in accordance ith ?$standards.

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    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    -. "evelop and implementactions to ensure thehealth safety andelfare of learnersand>or candidates

    -.1 Ris controls are developed based on the hierarchy o&controlin accordance ith ?$ standards.

    -. Ris control action plan is identified and accessed orformulated in consultation ith various parties.

    -.! /ctions ithin the control and responsibility of the

    trainer>facilitator are implemented in accordance ith ?$standards.

    -.- utstanding ris control actions are referred to the variousparties for implementation.

    -.4 Super%isory arrangementsappropriate to learners and>orcandidates levels of noledge>sill> eBperience aremonitored to ensure their health and safety.

    4. rovide appropriateccupational ?ealthand $afety (?$)re'uirements tolearners and>orcandidates

    4.1 6earners and>or candidates are provided ith appropriatein&ormationrelated to ?$

    4. 6earners and>or candidates are assessed for noledge of?$ re'uirements.

    4.! 6earners and>or candidates are supplied ith personalprotective e'uipment in accordance ith ?$ standards

    9. =onitor ccupational?ealth and $afety(?$) arrangements inthe learningenvironment

    9.1 /chievement against the ris control action plan is monitoredand any issues addressed as appropriate

    9. The effectiveness and reliability of eBisting ris controls areconfirmed ith relevant parties.

    9.! #ffective ha7ard and incident reporting and investigationprocesses are confirmed on a continuing basis.

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    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. /pproaches of ?$ =ay include:1.1 the establishment and maintenance of a healthy and safe

    learning environment through:

    1.1.1 a consultative approach1.1. a systems approach

    1. shared responsibilities for ?$1.! trainer>facilitator familiari7ation ith ?$ re'uirements of the

    specific learning environment

    . ?$ legalresponsibilities

    =ay include:.1 re'uirements under legislation relating to ?$ and common

    la duty of care. legislative re'uirements for consultation.! re'uirements under ha7ard&specific and other ?$

    regulations.- legislative re'uirements for reporting and record eeping

    related to ?$

    !. 2arious parties =ay include:!.1 managers>supervisors!. designated person for ?$!.! employee ?$ representatives!.- other people ith prior ?$ noledge+ for eBample:

    !.-.1 trainers>facilitators and assessors

    !.-. program coordinators!.4 training and>or assessment organi7ation

    -. rgani7ational ?$documentation

    The training organi7ation and>or orplace in hich the trainingservices tae place+ and may include:-.1 policies and procedures-. incident reports-.! emergency procedures-.- induction information-.4 ris assessment-.9 safety reports

    4. $ources of information =ay include:4.1 ?$ regulatory authorities4. industry bodies4.! subDect and technical specialists including ?$ professionals4.- ha7ard and inDury reports from similar learning environments

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 !

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    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    9. ?ierarchy of control The preferred priority for ris control+ emphasi7ing ha7ardelimination and+ here this is not possible+ ris minimi7ation bysuch means as:9.1 substitution ith a lesser ha7ard9. isolation of the ha7ard from people at ris

    9.! engineering controls9.- administrative means (eg+ safe or practices+ proceduresand training)

    9.4 use of personal protective e'uipment

    . $upervisoryarrangements

    =ay include:.1 6evel of noledge. 6evel of eBperience.! rights+ responsibilities and obligations of the various parties.- the code of conduct in the learning environment.4 types of potential ha7ardous events>emergencies and

    re'uired responses.9 ha7ards and their control in the learning environment+

    including the use and maintenance of personal protectivee'uipment

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofCompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate :1.1 *dentified ?$ responsibilities1. *dentified ha7ards in the learning environment1.! /ssessed riss in the learning environment1.- "eveloped and implement actions to ensure the health

    safety and elfare of learners and>or candidates1.4 rovided appropriate ?$ re'uirements to learners and>or

    candidates1.9 =onitored ?$ arrangements in the learning environment

    . 3nderpinningnoledge and attitude

    .1 relevant policies+ legal re'uirements+ codes of practice andnational+ for eBample:.1.1 legislative re'uirements for information and

    consultation relevant to safety.1. legislative re'uirements for record eeping related to


    .1.! legislative re'uirements for safe orplaces. ?$ roles and responsibilities of employers+ the training>

    trainers>facilitators+ learners and>or candidates+ managersand supervisors

    .! duty of care obligations for training and>or trainers>facilitators.- ha7ards and riss in the specific industry here learning ill

    tae place.4 common ris control strategies applicable to the industry

    here learning and>or ill tae place.9 basics of a systematic approach to ?$. sources of information on ?$ re'uirements relevant to the

    specific industry here learning ill tae place.< organi7ational ?$ documentation including policies+

    procedures and ris control strategies.5 hierarchy of control as it applies to riss encountered in the

    learning environment.10 noledge of the learning environment sufficient to be able

    to identify ha7ards and conduct simple ris assessment

    !. 3nderpinning sills !.1 literacy sills to:!.1.1 access a range of sources of ?$ information

    !.1. read and understand ?$ documentation!.1.! interpret ?$ legal re'uirements!.1.- rite ha7ard and incident reports!.1.4 contribute to the development of a ris control action

    plan (if re'uired)

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    !. language sills to:!..1 communicate and consult ith a range of people from

    different levels and bacgrounds!.. listen and summari7e ey points+ mae evaluative

    Dudgments and articulate verbally!.! technology sills to:

    !.!.1 use computer hardare and relevant softare

    !.!. use office>business e'uipment!.- research sills to access relevant ?$ information!.4 negotiation sills

    -. Resource *mplication The folloing resources =3$T be provided:

    -.1 access to resources and e'uipment to establish andmaintain the safety+ health and elfare of the learner and>orcandidate

    -. access to legislative and training organi7ation documentationon ?$

    4. =ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed through :

    4.1 "emonstration ith 'uestioning4. Case $tudy>$ituation4.! *ntervie4.- ortfolio /ssessment

    9. ConteBt for assessment 9.1 Competency may be assessed in orplace or in asimulated orplace setting

    9. /ssessment shall be observed hile tas are beingundertaen hether individually or in&group

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 -0

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    ?N*T ); ()3ETEN(0 @ A*NTA*N AN EN-AN(E 3R);ESS*)NA. 3RA(T*(E

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>:

    ?N*T ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the noledge+ sills and attitude re'uired forindividuals to manage their personal professional performance andto tae responsibility for their professional development in relationto the provision of training and services.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. =odel high standards ofperformance

    1.1 ersonal performance is consistent ith the organizationsgoals and o(4ecti%es*

    1. /ppropriatepro&essional techni.ues and strategiesaremodeled in accordance ith eBisting organi7ational policies andguidelines.

    1.! ersonal or goals and plans reflect individual responsibilitiesand accountabilities in accordance ith organizational/legalre.uirements*

    1.- Ethical and inclusi%e practicesare applied in professional

    practice and in accordance ith eBisting organi7ational policiesand guidelines.

    . "etermine personaldevelopment needs

    .1 ersonal noledge and sills are assessed against units ofcompetency and other relevant benchmars in accordance iththe development needs and priorities.

    . Changes in vocational education+ training policy and operatingenvironments are identified in accordance ith the impact onprofessional practice and personal development needs.

    .! Feed(ac"from colleagues and clients is identified and used inaccordance ith personal learning needs>areas of professionaldevelopment.

    .- uture career options are identified as appropriate..4 ersonal learning needs are documented and updated in

    accordance ith eBisting policies and procedures.2.6 ersonal development needs are discussed ith relevant

    personnel for inclusion in accordance ith thepro&essionalde%elopmentplan*

    !. articipate inprofessionaldevelopment activities

    !.1 'e%elopment opportunitiessuitable to personal learningstyle>s are selected and used in accordance ith continuoussupport of learning and maintenance of current pro&essionalpractice/s*

    !. )ro&essional net#or"sare participated in accordance ithcontinuous support of learning and maintenance of currentprofessional practice>s.

    !.! n performance and professional competency is continuouslyimproved through engagement in accordance ith professional

    development activities.!.- Technologyis used to maintain regular communication in

    accordance ith relevant netors+ organi7ations andindividuals.

    -. Reflect on and evaluateprofessional practice

    -.1 'e%elopments and trendsimpacting on professional practiceare researched and integrated in accordance ith orperformance.

    -. eedbac from colleagues>clients is used to identify andintroduce improvements in accordance or performance.

    -.! *nnovative and responsive approaches for improvingprofessional practice are identified and used in accordance ithcontinuous support to impro%e techni.ues and processes*

    -.- Records+ reports and recommendations for improvement aremanaged in accordance ith the organi7ation,s systems andprocesses.

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 -1

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    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. rgani7ation,s goalsand obDectives

    =ay include:1.1 business plan1. strategic plan

    1.! operational plan>s1.- organi7ation,s code of conduct1.4 fleBibility and client responsiveness1.9 client satisfaction1. financial performance1.< people management1.5 mareting and client service1.10 'uality and 'uality assurance

    . rofessionaltechni'ues and


    =ay include:.1 techni'ues for initiating action and directing decision maing

    . strategies for presenting a confident and assured manner inchallenging situations

    .! maintaining ethical practice in the face of opposition.- modeling behavioral and personal presentation standards.4 motivation strategies.9 time management. strategies for acnoledging and respecting the attitudes

    and beliefs of others.< techni'ues for promoting active participation

    !. rgani7ational>legalre'uirements

    =ay include:!.1 customer complaints+ grievances and appeals!. ris identification and management+ including ?$!.! 'uality and continuous improvement processes and

    standards+ including validation systems!.- financial management+ including refund policies and systems

    to protect fees paid in advance (if appropriate)!.4 recognition of 'ualifications issued by other training

    organi7ations!.9 access and e'uity!. client selection+ enrolment and induction>orientation

    !.< staff recruitment+ induction and ongoing development andmonitoring!.5 availability of policies and procedures to all personnel and

    learners>clients!.10 collaborative>partnership arrangements!.11 confidentiality and privacy re'uirements!.1 ethical standards!.1! defined resource parameters

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 -

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    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    !.1- administrative and records management system+ foreBample:!.1-.1 reporting>recording re'uirements and arrangements!.1-. maintenance+ retention+ archiving+ retrieval+ storage

    and security of information

    !.1-.! document version control

    -. #thical and inclusivepractices

    =ay include:-.1 demonstrating probity in all areas of responsibility-. modeling organi7ational>professional codes of conduct-.! reinforcing ethical conduct in interactions ith and beteen

    other people-.- shoing respect for individual diversity+ culture and religion-.4 recogni7ing and utili7ing difference to develop both the

    individual and the organi7ation-.9 demonstrating sensitivity to the circumstances and

    bacground of others-. fostering a culture of inclusiveness-.< ne>revised policy directions in vocational education and


    4. eedbac =ay include:4.1 formal>informal performance appraisals4. obtaining comments from supervisors and colleagues4.! obtaining comments from clients4.- personal reflective behavior strategies4.4 routine organi7ational methods for monitoring service


    9. rofessionaldevelopment plan

    =ay include:9.1 the organi7ation,s professional development plan for each

    individual staff member+ outlining:9. or and personal career obDectives9.! identified areas re'uiring development9.- learning opportunities>activities9.4 relevant or activities>proDects9.9 lins to organi7ational training needs profile

    . "evelopmentopportunities

    =ay include:.1 undertaing further higher education. undertaing professional development in specific areas of

    practice.! internal training>development programs.- relevant conferences+ seminars and orshops.4 reading relevant Dournals and literature.9 netoring ith internal>eBternal colleagues. coaching and>or mentoring

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 -!

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    'AR*A4.E RAN/E


    =ay include:or technical eBpertise in subDect


    5. rofessional netors =ay include:5.1 informal netors ith:

    5.1.1 other trainers>facilitators5.1. people oring in industry>vocational area5.1.! contacts in vocational education and training

    5. formal netors such as:5..1 local> trainer netors5.. interest and support groups5..! regional+ specialist and pea associations5..- professional>occupation associations5..4 communities of practice

    10.Technology =ay include:10.1 computer&based communication+ e.g. email+ *nternet+

    #Btranet and *ntranet10. facsimile machines10.! telephone10.- video conferencing

    11. "evelopments andtrends

    =ay include:11.1 ne>revised Training acages in vocational area of

    eBpertise11. legislative>regulatory changes in vocational area ofcompetency

    11.! ne developments>directions>trends in vocational educationand training

    11.- policy changes in vocational education and training

    1.Continuous support toimprove techni'uesand processes

    =ay include:1.1 limited and systemic evaluation1. records revie and maintenance1.! self&assessment

    1.- strategic business>operational planning1.4 ongoing education and training1.9 team meetings and netoring

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 --

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofCompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate :1.1 =odeled high standards of performance1."etermined personal development needs1.!articipated in professional development activities1.-Reflected on and evaluate professional practice

    . 3nderpinningnoledge andattitude

    .1 organi7ational goals>obDectives. organi7ational processes+ procedures and opportunities

    relating to professional development.! a range of continuous improvement techni'ues and

    processes and their application.- social and education trends and changes impacting on the

    vocational education and training environment+ for eBample:.-.1 policy changes.-. technological changes.-.! cultural changes

    .-.- economical changes.4 netors relevant to professional practice.9 standards>principles+ ethnical>inclusive principles and

    practices. types and availability of training development activities and

    opportunities.< relevant policies+ legislation+ codes of practice and national

    standards for eBample:.

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    !.! self&evaluation sills to:!.!.1 identify gaps in sills or noledge!.!. obtain competencies to meet current and future

    organi7ational obDectives!.- research sills to:

    !.-.1 eep up ith trends in vocational education andtraining to obtain current information

    !.-. identify relevant industry affiliations!.-.! eep up ith trends>changes>developments in thevocational area of competency

    !.4 communication sills to:!.4.1 obtain feedbac from colleagues and clients!.4. participate in professional netors!.4.! consult ith colleagues and clients

    !.9 interpersonal sills to:!.9.1 participate in industry events and activities!.9. build professional relationships

    !. netoring sills to build an industry netor

    !.< literacy sills to:!.

  • 8/10/2019 TR Trainers Methodology Level I


    ?N*T T*T.E @ E'E.)3 AN 3R))TE A33RE(*AT*)N ;)R ()STS AN4ENE;*TS ); TE(-N*(A. TRA*N*N/

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22+>9

    ES(R*3T)R @ This unit covers the outcomes re'uired in estimating andevaluating costs and benefits of training+ determining its cost&

    effectiveness and returns+ and identifying+ recommending andadvocating cost&efficient training practices


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of 2ariables

    1. $tudy training costcomponents

    1.1 eatures and benefits of training programs are identified andanaly7ed based on financial and customer re'uirements

    1. Cost components are analy7ed to determine those hichdeliver the desired training features and benefits

    1.! 8astages or eBcesses are determined for possible reductionor elimination

    . #valuate training costsand benefits

    .1 2ariances in training performance and results are studied todetermine good and bad practices

    . lanned performance is compared ith actual performanceto identify future enhancements in conduct of training

    .! Cost reduction and control measures that do not impactgreatly on training results are recommended

    .- 3sage of training resources is analy7ed for optimi7ation orreduction

    !. =onitor conduct and

    results of training

    !.1 $imple formative and summative evaluations of training are

    done to evaluate achievement of learning outcomes!. %uality training programs are monitored and

    noted>documented for best practices and results replication3.3 Bene&its and returnson training in%estmentsare studied

    using rele%ant data!.- Cost&effective training programs are identified and

    recommended for documentation+ replication and furtherenhancement.

    -. romote aareness ofcosts and benefits oftraining

    -.1 Genefits of training as investment rather than cost center areeBplained and stressed to trainees+ fello trainers andadministrators here applicable

    -. #conomy in use of training supplies and materials and carein use of training e'uipment and facilities are stressedcontinually

    -.! =odel>best practices in optimum and Dudicious use of trainingresources are documented+ practiced and demonstrated

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    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. Genefits and returns ontraining investment

    =ay include:1.1 6ong&term impact such as &&

    1.1.1 *ncreased profitability of firm

    1.1. *ndustrial peace1. *mmediate results such as &&

    1..1 ositive customer feedbac1.. 6ess product recalls>reDects1..! Consistent>increasing school enrolment1..- ?igher absorption rate of graduates1..4 6oer drop&out rates1..9 6oer orer attrition rate

    . Relevant training data =ay include:.1 "ata from graduate tracer studies

    . #nrolment data.! Trainee drop&out.- Trainee learning evaluation.4 #mployment>absorption rate.9 Reaction&level evaluation. Trainee sills certification rate.< er&capita training costs.5 $ill utili7ation rate

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 -

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    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate E1.1 "emonstrated ability to identify+ estimate and evaluate

    training cost components1. "emonstrated ability to assess training programs according

    to their cost&effectiveness and return on investment

    1.! "emonstrated ability to eBplain training costs and benefitsand advocate cost&effective training

    . 3nderpinningnoledge and attitude

    .1 Gasic arithmetic E four fundamental operations. Gasic cost accounting and booeeping.! Gasic training methodology including training costs and

    benefits.- Training system evaluation concepts.4 ositive or traits and values (attention to detail+

    persistence+ cost&consciousness+ safety& and time&consciousness+ 'uality&consciousness)

    !. 3nderpinning sills !.1 Communication sills!. Computer literacy!.! Computational and accounting sills!.- bserving safety and health precautions!.4 *nstructional and facilitation sills

    -. Resource implications The folloing resources =3$T be provided E-.1 /ccess to training and enrolment data+ e. g.+ collection+

    eBpenses+ trainee performance data-. /ccess to an ongoing training program

    -.! Case problems in cost&effective training

    4. =ethods ofassessment

    Competency may be assessed through E4.1 Case problems4. 8ritten eBam4.! *ntervie4.- $ubmission and presentation of ritten report or case study4.4 ortfolio4.9 Third&party report

    9. ConteBt of assessment Competency may be assessed on the Dob or in a simulated orenvironment

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    ?N*T T*T.E @ E'E.)3 AN 3R))TE ?NERSTAN*N/ ); /.)4A..A4)R ARBETS

    ?N*T ()E @ >>22++>

    ES(R*3T)R @ This unit describes the outcomes re'uired in understanding+analy7ing and disseminating information on global labor&maret

    trends and concerns as they affect the T2#T+ labor andemployer sectors.


    1. *dentify current andfuture trends>concerns

    1.1 Relevant and reliable sources o& la(or5mar"et in&ormation(6=*) are identified and accessed based on needs

    1. @lobal and local relevance of labor&maret (6=) trends arestudied and analy7ed for their implications in the labor andtraining maret

    1.! Relevant events+ including positions and interests of

    trainees+ clients and training providers are studied andconsidered in the design and delivery of training

    . /ssess nedevelopments

    .1 #merging issues of potential significance to the local andglobal labor marets are identified and studied

    . Research findings are assessed for significance to thetechnical and vocational education and training (T2#T)sector

    .! pportunities and riss of ne developments are identifiedand assessed

    .- 2ies of trainees+ training providers and other staeholders

    are identified and assessed for their potential benefit orimpact

    .4 8here necessary responses andstrategiesfor 6= threatsand opportunities are developed in consultation ith otherT2#T partners

    .9 e and emerging concepts+ technologies+ products andprocesses are noted and evaluated based on theirimplications for the T2#T and labor maret

    !. 3tili7e labor maretinformation to best


    !.1 /areness of 6= situation and related concerns arepromoted through tals+ lectures and other training

    opportunities!. Relevant information on 6= and ne technologies are

    incorporated in the curriculum and during the training!.! =ention>resentations of 6=* and trends are made during

    meetings+ fora and training situations using language anddelivery styles adapted to the audience

    !.- 8here necessary+ responses and strategies to global labor&maret developments are developed and recommendedusing analytical toolsand current 6=*

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    RAN/E ); 'AR*A4.ES

    'AR*A4.E RAN/E

    1. 6=* sources =ay include &&1.1 rofessional literature and Dournals1. *ndustry associations

    1.! Resource persons1.- *nternet sites+ e. g.+ Fobs"G1.4 *ndustry>trade meetings>conferences1.9 Trade fairs1. etor of contacts or ey informants1.< $tatistical reports1.5 @overnment agencies+ e. g.+ $CG>$+ "6# (G6#+

    #/+ G6#$)

    . Responses andstrategies

    =ay include &&.1 Retraining

    . $earch for ne marets and partners.! $ills updating>upgrading.- Refresher courses.4 3pdating of competency standards.9 Competency assessment and certification. /doption of ne training methods and technologies.< Redesign of training programs>courses

    !. /nalytical tools =ay include E!.1 $8T analysis

    !. orce&field analysis!.! roblem>bDectives tree!.- ishbone>cause&and&effect diagram

    TR/*#R$ =#T?"6@A 6#2#6 * Re&titled =ay 011 41

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    E'*EN(E /?*E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    /ssessment re'uires evidence that the candidate E1.1 "emonstrated ability to understand and analy7e global labor

    marets1. "emonstrated ability to identify and tae advantage of

    opportunities in the global 6=

    1.! "emonstrated ability to respond to potential threats to T2#Tarising from 6= trends1.- "emonstrated ability to adapt technical training to global 6=


    . 3nderpinningnoledge andattitudes

    .1 6abor&maret paradigm.1.1 $upply side E T2#T providers and schools+

    communities.1. "emand side E employers (government and private

    sector).1.! 6abor re'uirements variations and seasonality in the

    6=. T2#T sector noledge E or regime+ systems+

    technologies and uni'ue aspects relevant to sector orgeographic area

    .! rofile of T2#T sector staeholders+ opinion leaders andmaDor players

    .- 6egislations and regulations that impact on the T2#T sector.4 #vents and trends that have shaped the global labor maret

    over time.9 Trends in customer eBpectations and buying patterns. ositive or values (proactiveness+ practicality+ results and

    service orientation+ 'uality&consciousness)

    !. 3nderpinning sills !.1 Researching 6=*!. /naly7ing the relevance+ accuracy and shortcomings of

    information!.! "iscerning trends+ issues ands implications!.- /ssessing threats