Download - Total pledges as of May 30, 2018: $2,410,954.86 · inmenso es su amor”. 4. Unidos como hermanos venimos a tu altar, que llenes nuestras vidas de amor y de amistad. ... unending


F u l f i l l i n g O u r P r o m i s e : C a t h o l i c E d u c a t i o n f o r O u r F u t u r e

Campaign Gift Opportunities and other information can be

found on our website,

Please contact us with any

questions at [email protected]

J u n e 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 1 0 t h S u n d a y i n O r d i n a r y T i m e

Pink pledge cards are availa-

ble in the nar-thex of church, or may be print-ed from the par-

ish website.

Tarjetas de com-promiso (verdes para español) se pueden encontrar en la entrada de la Iglesia, o se

pueden imprimir de nuestro sitio




Total pledges as of May 30, 2018:

$2,410,954.86 !!!


$4,000,000 Our young people

are counting on your commitment!

Divine Mercy Parish Page 2

4:00 pm Mass Entrance Our God is Here 1. Here in this me, here in this place, here we are standing face to face. Here in our hearts, here in our lives, our God is here. Here for the broken, here for the strong, here in this temple we belong. Here in our hearts, here in our lives, our God is here. And we cry: Refrain “Holy! Holy! Holy are you!”

We cry: “Holy! Holy! Holy and true!” Amen, we do believe our God is here. Our God is here. 2. Here in the Word, God is revealed, here where the wounded can be healed. Here in our hearts, here in our lives, our God is here. Here we become what we receive, here in this Eucharis c feast. We are his body, living as one; our God is here. And we cry: By: C. Muglia © 2001. OCP Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. OneLicense # A‐722878.

Offertory Amazing Grace 1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see. 2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed! 3. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and por on be as long as life endures. 4. Thru’ many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come; ‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. 5. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’d first begun. By: NEW BRITAIN, CM, J. Newton © Pub‐lic Domain. Used by permission.

Communion Be Not Afraid 1. You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst. You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way. You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand. You shall see the face of God and live. Refrain Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come, follow me, and I will give you rest. 2. If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown. If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed. If you stand before the pow'r of hell and death is at your side, know that I am with you through it all. 3. Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs. Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh. And if wicked tongues insult and hate you all because of me, blessed, blessed are you! By: B. Dufford, SJ © 1978. OCP Publica‐

ons. All rights reserved. Used by permis‐sion. OneLicense # A‐722878.

Sending Forth Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow/All Hail, Adored Trinity Refrain Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 1. All hail, adored Trinity! All hail, eternal Unity! O God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, ever One. 2. Three persons praise we evermore, One only God our hearts adore: In thy sure mercy, ever kind, May we your strong protec on find.

St. Joseph Sunday Missal Today’s Readings: p. 885 Next Sunday: p. 891 To purchase a Sunday Missal for $20,

please see an usher.

Family Prayer

L oving and faithful God, through the years the people of our archdi-ocese have appreciated the pray-

ers and love of Our Lady of Prompt Suc-cor in times of war, disaster, epidemic and illness. We come to you, Father, with Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us in the battle of today against violence, murder and racism.

We implore you to give us your wisdom that we may build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which gives re-spect to the life and dignity of all people.

Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Bless and protect our youth that they may be peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones through violence.

Hear our prayer and give us the persever-ance to be a voice for life and human dignity in our community.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us.

Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that we may be a holy family.

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3. O Trinity! O Unity! Be present as we worship thee; And with the songs that angels sing Unite the hymns of praise we bring. Praise him, praise him, praise him, praise him. By: D. Baskerville © Public Domain. Used by permission. OneLicense # A‐722878.

Misa - 7:00 pm Entrada Vamos Cantando al Señor Estribillo Vamos cantando al Señor: Él es nuestra alegría. 1. La luz de un nuevo día venció a la oscuridad, que brille en nuestras almas la luz de la verdad. 2. La roca que nos salva es Cristo nuestro Dios, lleguemos dando gracias a nuestro Redentor. 3. Los cielos y la erra aclaman al Señor: “ha hecho maravillas, inmenso es su amor”. 4. Unidos como hermanos venimos a tu altar, que llenes nuestras vidas de amor y de amistad. Por: J.A. Espinosa © 1969. OCP Publica‐ciones. Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. OneLicense # A‐722878.

Ofertorio Bienaventurados 1. Bienaventurados, pobres de la erra, porque de ustedes es el reino de Dios. Bienaventurados los que pasan hambre, los que lloran sangre por amor a Dios.

Estribillo Alégrense y llénense de gozo, porque les esperan maravillas en el cielo. Alégrense y llénense de gozo, bienaventurados serán. 2. Bienaventurados los desesperados, serán consolados por Jesús, el Rey. Si eres buen amigo, si eres buen vecino, estará con go nuestro hermano, Jesús. 3. Bienaventurados los sacrificados; los desamparados serán grandes ante Dios. Tiende más tu mano, haz a todos hermanos con tu cris anismo y amor a Dios. Por: L. C. Montgomery © 1999. OCP Pu‐blica ons. Todos los derechos reserva‐dos. Usado con permiso. OneLicense # A‐722878.

Comunión Pan de Vida 1. Yo soy el Pan de Vida. El que venga a mí no tendrá hambre; ni sed, el que crea en mí. Estribillo Pan de Vida; danos siempre de ese pan. Tú eres el Pan de Vida: danos siempre de ese pan. 2. El que coma de este pan vivirá para siempre. El pan que yo les daré es mi cuerpo, vida del mundo. 3. El que coma de mi carne y beba de mi sangre vive de vida eterna y yo lo resucitaré. 4. Yo soy la resurrección. Yo soy la vida. Todo el que crea en mí,

aunque muriera, vivirá. Por: P. Rubalcava © 1989.OCP Publicacio‐nes. Todos los derechos reservados. Usa‐do con permiso. OneLicense # A‐722878.

Canto Final Te Den Gracias Estribillo Te den gracias todos los pueblos, que todos los pueblos te den gracias.(bis) 1. Señor, Señor, Señor, gracias te damos por esta misa que hemos celebrado. Tu Cuerpo y Sangre ya hemos recibido, volvemos a la vida entusiasmados. 2. Señor, qué bien se vive en tu casa, en Cristo siempre unidos como hermanos. Señor, que sea este un an cipo del cielo que ya hemos comenzado. Por: E. de Zayas © 1964. OCP Publicacio‐nes. Todos los derechos reservados. Usa‐do con permiso. OneLicense # A‐722878.

8:30 am Mass Entrance Gathered As One 1. Many faces, the young and the old, gathered as one in our God! Throughout hist'ry the story's retold, gathered as one in our God! Refrain Like those come before us, we listen and learn. We remember the promise and await Your return. So without hesita on a new genera on proclaims the salva on of God! Gathered as one in Jesus Your Son, li ing our voices in praise, we know and believe

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and long to receive the bread that is strength for our days, gathered as one! 2. Many pilgrims, sharing at feast, gathered as one in our God! All are welcome the greatest and least, gathered as one in our God! 3. Many voices, raised up in song, gathered as one in our God! In one fam'ly where all can belong, gathered as one in our God! By: D. Light, P. Tate © 1997. World Li‐brary Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. OneLicense # A‐722878.

Offertory Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) 1. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found was blind but now I see. 2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed. Refrain My chains are gone. I've been set free, my God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercy reigns, unending love amazing grace. 3. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures. He will my shield and por on be, as long as life endures. 4. The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, the sun forbear to shine. But God, who called me here below, will be forever mine, will be forever mine. You are forever mine. (to refrain…)

By: C. Tomlin, J. Newton, L. Giglio © 2006. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #4768151.

Communion Taste and See Refrain Taste and see, O taste and see, taste and see the goodness of God. 1. Glory, glory to God most high, glory, blessing and praise. With one voice, O people, rejoice in our God, who hears the cry of all in need. 2. Who has fashioned the earth and sky, who created the deep, who exalts the lowly and sets cap ves free, who opens the door to all those who seek. 3. Oh, the love of God! Become flesh of our flesh, so that we might live in glory. By: B. Hurd © 1988. OCP Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. OneLicense # A‐722878. Remembrance (The Communion Song) 1. Oh, how could it be that my God would welcome me into this mystery, say “Take this bread, take this wine?” Now the simple made divine for any to receive. By Your mercy we come to Your table. By Your grace You are making us faithful. Refrain Lord, we remember You, and remembrance leads us to worship. And as we worship You, our worship leads to communion. We respond to Your invita on We remember You.

2. See His body, His blood; know that He has overcome ev'ry trial we will face. And none too lost to be saved, none too broken or ashamed. All are welcome in this place. By Your mercy we come to Your table. By Your grace You are making us faithful. (to refrain…) Bridge Dying, You destroyed our death. Rising, You restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory. Lord Jesus, come in glory. Lord Jesus, come in glory. Lord Jesus, come in glory. (to refrain…) By: M. Maher; M. Redman © 2009. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #5484616.

Sending Forth Blessed Be Your Name 1. Blessed be Your name in the land that is plen ful, where your streams of abundance flow, blessed be your name. Blessed be Your name when I'm found in the desert place, though I walk through the wilderness, blessed be Your name. Every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise. When the darkness closes in, Lord, s ll I will say, Refrain “Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be Your name! Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be Your glorious name.” 2.Blessed be Your name when the sun's shining down on me, when the world's “all as it should be.” blessed be Your name. Blessed be Your name

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on the road marked with suffering, though there's pain in the offering, blessed be Your name. Every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise. When the darkness closes in, Lord, s ll I will say, (to refrain…) Bridge You give and take away, You give and take away. My heart will choose to say, "Lord, blessed be Your name." You give and take away, You give and take away. My heart will choose to say, “Lord, blessed be Your name." (to refrain…) By: M. Maher, B.Redman © 2002. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #3798438.

10:30 am Mass Entrance Gathered As One See 8:30am – Entrance

Offertory Altar of Hope 1. Quiet your spirit, open your heart Draw close and enter just as you are. All are invited to gather with heaven And witness the myst’ry at the altar of hope. Refrain Be s ll, be s ll and know that he is God. (2x) 2. Though earth be shaken, And though mountains quake God is our refuge where fear fades away. Rest is in the silence and be filled with his peace As grace overtakes us at the altar of hope. 3. We place at the altar our gi s and ourselves

Our prayers of thanksgiving together are blessed. With an cipa on in the s llness we wait Our off’ring returns to us at the altar of hope. By: L. Hess, J. Diliberto. © 2018. WLP. All rights reserved. Used by permission. OneLicense #A‐722878.

Communion Taste and See See 8:30am – Communion Remembrance (The Communion Song) See 8:30am – Communion

Sending Forth Blessed Be Your Name See 8:30am – Sending Forth

6:00 pm Mass Entrance Remind Me Who I Am 1. When I lose my way and I forget my name, remind me who I am. In the mirror all I see is who I don't want to be; remind me who I am. In the loneliest places, when I can't remember what grace is. Refrain Tell me, once again who I am to You, who I am to You. Tell me, lest I forget Who I am to You, that I belong to You. To You. 2. When my heart is like a stone, and I'm running far from home, remind me who I am. When I can't receive Your love afraid I'll never be enough, remind me who I am. If I'm Your beloved, can You help me believe it? (to refrain…) Bridge I'm the one You love.

I'm the one You love. That will be enough. I'm the one You love. (to Final refrain…) Final Refrain Tell me, once again who I am to You, who I am to You. Tell me, lest I forget who I am to You, that I belong to You, woah. Tell me, once again who I am to You, who I am to You. Tell me, lest I forget who I am to You, that I belong to You. To You. To You. By: J. Gray, J. Ingram © 2011. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI Li‐cense #11201196. Song #5998298.

Offertory Awake O Sleeper 1. In the darkest mes of life, when our lights refuse to shine: You are there, You are there. 2. When our hearts become like stone, when we live without hope: You are there, You are there. Pre‐Chorus Don't let your hearts be troubled, Don't let your hearts be troubled. Chorus Awake, O sleeper! Arise from slumber! Christ is calling your name! 3. In the midst of life's decay, when our lives become like graves: Rescue us, rescue us. Bridge Awake! (O) Arise! (sleeper) And follow the light! Awake! (O) Arise! (sleeper) And follow the light! Awake! Arise! And follow the light! Awake! Arise! Christ is calling your name.

Divine Mercy Parish

“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4

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Ending Christ is calling your name! By: I. Ndolo © 2009. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #5766262.

Communion Your Love Defends Me 1. You are my joy; You are my song. You are the well, the One I'm drawing from. You are my refuge my whole life long. Where else would I go? Chorus Surely my God is the strength of my soul. Your love defends me, Your love defends me. And when I feel like I'm all alone, Your love defends me, Your love defends me. 2. Day a er day, night a er night, I will remember You're with me in this fight. Although the ba le, it rages on, the war's already won. I know the war is already won. Bridge We sing, “Hallelujah, You're my por on, my salva on. Hallelujah.” Ending We sing, “Hallelujah, You're my por on, my salva on. Hallelujah, You're my por on, my salva on. Hallelujah, You're my por on, my salva on.” By: H. Kerr, M. Maher © 2016, Songs of Black River, Be Essen al Songs, I Am A Pilgrim Songs. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song. 7064861.

Sending Forth As It Is In Heaven 1. Our Father, Who art in Heaven,

hallowed be Thy name. Come and let Your glory come, and let Your glory fall. Our Father, Who art in Heaven; the rocks cry out Your fame. Come and let Your glory come, and let Your glory fall. Refrain I will sing, sing a new song. I will sing, sing a new song; I will sing, sing a new song to the Lord. Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Ev'ry heart proclaim the mercy of Your name, on earth, as it is in Heaven. 2. God give us, new ev'ry morning, mercy as daily bread in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus we pray. And lead us not to tempta on, but deliver us with Your hand in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus we pray! Father, we pray! (to refrain…) Bridge For the Kingdom is Yours, and the power is Yours, and the glory forever, amen. And the Kingdom is Yours, and the power is Yours, and the glory forever, amen. Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Ev'ry heart proclaim the mercy of Your name, on earth, as it is in Heaven. Ending As it is in Heaven. By: E. Cash; M. Maher © 2005. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI Li‐cense #11201196. Song #4669748.

The Sanctuary Candle

burns this week

In Memory Of

Ruth C. Duvic

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans (CCRNO) will sponsor its annual Day of Refreshment for Women on Saturday, June 23, from 10 to 3 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kenner, in the school gym. The theme is “We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight.” Patti Mansfield and Kim Lukinovich will teach; Andi Oney and Denise Beyer will lead praise; Janice Charbonnet and Mary Lukinovich will give testimony. Cost is $30 and includes lunch. Women from the region come to enjoy teaching, fellowship, small groups, prayer ministry and music by Mercy Beaucoup. Register online at by Wednesday, June 20, noon, to order lunch. On-site registra-tions are accepted but no lunch is guar-anteed. For more information, call CCRNO at 504-828-1368 or visit

The Adoration Chapel Candles burn this week in memory of

Frank & Ruth Crocker

Knights of Columbus Donut Sun-day set for June 10

after 8:30 & 10:30 Mass!

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“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4

Sunday, June 10

2nd Collection—Debt Reduction

Knights of Columbus Donut Sunday after 8:30 am and 10:30 am Mass in Parish Com-munity Center

Mass, 10:30 am (with Chil-dren’s Liturgy of the Word), Church

LIFE TEEN Mass followed by LIFE Night, 6 pm-8:45 pm, Church, Parish Community Cen-ter

Monday, June 11

Legion of Mary, 7:15 pm, Sac-risty

Tuesday, June 12

Divine Mercy Mature Adults, 7:00pm, Parish Community Center

Thursday, June 14

Sociable Seniors 12:00pm, Parish Community Center

Knights of Columbus, 7:00pm, Parish Community Center

Saturday, June 16

Celebración Dia del Padre, 8:00 pm, Centro Comunitario Par-roquial

Sunday, June 17

Mass, 10:30 am, Church

LIFE TEEN Mass followed by LIFE Night, 6 pm-8:45 pm (Gr. 9-12) Parish Community Center

Mass Intentions Day Date Time Intention

Pray for Mirtha E. Blanco, sister of Maria, Rocio, Rebeca, and Marcos Blanco; Edna DeLouise;

and Paul Chatelain, brother of Alice McCaskell. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace!

Ore por ellos. Que descansen en paz!

To schedule Mass intentions, please visit our website The link for the Mass intentions scheduling

page is under “Pray,” then “Prayer & Liturgy,” then “Mass Intentions.”

Saturday 6/9 4:00 pm Anthony and Clara Cacioppo, Michael and Mar-garet Delord, Earl Pelitere, Sr., Sammy Macaluso, John Ergi, Stanley Adamcewicz, Sr., Rachael Adam Uzee, Edna Delouise, Fred Beter, Jr., Jane Tortorice, In Thanksgiving to God and His servants Saints Blaise and Peregrine, Inten-tion of a parishioner (Living), Christy Aymami (Living), Julie Vu (Living), Paul Chatelain

7:00 pm Kleinschmidt Family, Cruz Hernández (5° aniver-sario de muerte), Mario Cruz, Eduardo Camacho, Yolanda Brenes, Maria Paz Lara de Ordonez (40 días), Virginia Calix, Jeremías Agui-lar, Angel Esteban Burgos, Nina Burgos, Tony Cordova, Sara Francisca Morales

Sunday 6/10 8:30 am Sue and Richard Kottemann– Anniversary (Living)

10:30 am Prayer intention for Joshua Cassaday (Living), Deceased members of the Florane and Miceli Families, Louis & Margaret LeCarpentier, Mae Gonzalez, E. J. Vitrano, James Lewis, Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus, Prayer Blanket Recipients (Living and Deceased), Mary DiGerolamo, The people of Nicaragua–For peace and to stop the killings, George Roethele, Ray and Zoe Zabala (Living), Vilma Concepción López-Reyes, John Meyer, The Bedran Family (Living)

6:00 pm All parishioners

Monday 6/11 6:30 pm Joseph and Alicia Bourgeois

Tuesday 6/12 6:30 pm Tiffany Philips (Living)

Wednesday 6/13 7:30 am Thomas Beatty, Sr.

Thursday 6/14 7:30 am Rodolfo G. Mendez

Friday 6/15 7:30 am Amelda Mertz

Saturday 6/16 8:00 am Barbara Ann Boes

According to the St. Joseph Missal, the theme of today's readings is, "Evil To Be Conquered." In the Gospel today we learn that the constant battle be-tween good and evil has begun in our history. The St. Joseph Missal urges, "Christians should never give up." It further says, "Your word and example do oppose evil." At LIFE TEEN and Edge, we help each other in this daily battle. You are invited to join us as we strive to live in His “kingdom,” His “house,” and as a LIFE TEEN author says, "Dwell with Him as family, doing the will of God so that we might be His brothers, sisters, and mothers."

Page 8 Divine Mercy Parish

“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. Matthew 11:28-30

When Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary in 1673 He expressed concern that very few people knew of His great

love for them. He showed her His beating heart surround-ed by a crown of thorns to remind us of the suffering he endured for us, but He also showed flames of love blazing from His most Sacred Heart for each one of us.

How do we respond to this wondrous love? Do we trust that He will deliver on His promises? Do we take time out to reflect on the love of a God who is so rich in mercy? He sees our struggles; He feels our pain. Let us go to Him with sorrow for our neglect, humbly ask for forgiveness and then let us open our hearts wide to receive His bless-ings.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, may Your kingdom come!

Today, please consider enthroning your home to the Sa-cred Heart of Jesus.

Call/text Anne-Marie Barrilleaux at (504) 220-8056 (English) or Linda Pena at – (504) 338-4306 (Spanish)

Vacation Bible School Registration for Vacation Bible School has begun. This year, the Camp will be available for children in grades K-6th, and it is taking place week of July 9th-13th.

VBS is a summer camp program that includes daily scripture review and activities about how God plays a role in our lives. 7th-12th graders are invited and ne-cessary to serve as volunteers. We are also in need of adult volunteers (college-aged or older). Parents, relati-ves, and other parishioners are encouraged to assist to ensure VBS runs smoothly.

Anyone who is interested in either attending VBS as a camper or volunteering, can print the appropriate form from the website (, or sign up in back of church after Mass. Return forms to Church. Contact: Jacques Delouche at [email protected] or Ryan Foulon at [email protected] for questions. Thank you very much and we hope to see many of you on this thrilling experiece. God Bless You.

Rev. Pascal Kumanda, CICM Outreach Priest

We welcome Fr. Pascal Kumanda of Cross Catholic Out-reach, who is speaking this weekend at all masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries. Cross Catho-lic Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Afri-ca, Asia, Central and South America. Fr. Pascal Kumanda is originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His passion and love for the abandoned, suffering and vulnerable children of God, led him to join Cross Catholic Outreach where he hopes to inspire others to bring hope and life to the poorest of the poor around the world.

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“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4

Vengan a mí los que van cansados, llevando pesadas cargas, y yo los ali-viaré. Carguen con mi yugo y apren-dan de mí, que soy paciente y humilde de corazón, y sus almas encontrarán descanso. Pues mi yugo es suave y mi carga liviana. San Mateo, 11: 28-30

Cuando Jesús se apareció a Santa Margarita María en 1673 El expresó

su preocupación de que muy pocas personas sabían de su gran amor por ellos. Él le mostró su corazón palpitante ro-deado por una corona de espinas para recordarnos del sufri-miento que sufrió por nosotros, pero también El mostró lla-mas ardientes de amor desde Su Sagrado Corazón para cada uno de nosotros. ¿Cómo respondemos a este maravi-lloso amor? ¿Confiamos en que él cumplirá sus promesas? ¿Nos tomamos tiempo para reflexionar sobre el amor de un Dios que es tan rico en misericordia? Él ve nuestras luchas; El siente nuestro dolor. Vayamos a él con tristeza por nues-tro abandono, humildemente pidamos perdón y luego abra-mos nuestros corazones para recibir sus bendiciones. Sa-grado Corazón de Jesús, ¡que venga tu Reino!

Hoy, por favor considere entronizar su hogar por el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

Llamar/texto a Anne-Marie Barrilleaux al (504) 220-8056 (Ingles) o Linda Pena al (504) 338-4306 (Español).

Escuela Bíblica de las Vacaciones La inscripción para la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones ha comenzado. Este año, el campamento estará disponible para niños en los grados K-6, y se llevará a cabo la sema-na del 9 al 13 de julio.

EBV es un programa de campamento de verano que inclu-ye una revisión diaria de las Escrituras y actividades sobre cómo Dios juega un papel en nuestras vidas. Los estu-diantes de 7º a 12º grado están invitados y son necesa-rios para servir como voluntarios. También necesitamos voluntarios adultos (universitarios o mayores). Se alienta a los padres, parientes y otros feligreses a ayudar para ga-rantizar que la EBV funcione sin problemas.

Cualquiera que esté interesado en asistir a EBV como campista o como voluntario, puede imprimir el formulario correspondiente en el sitio web ( o inscribirse en la parte pos-terior de la iglesia después de la misa. Devuelva los for-mularios a la Iglesia. Contacto: Jacques Delouche en [email protected] o Ryan Foulon en [email protected] para cualquier preguntas. Mu-chas gracias y esperamos ver a muchos de ustedes en esta emocionante experiencia. Dios te bendiga.

Según el Misal de San José, el tema de las lecturas de hoy es "Para Vencer el Mal". En el Evangelio de hoy, aprendemos que la batalla constante entre el bien y el mal ya ha comen-zado en nuestra historia. El Misal de San José nos urge, "Los cristianos nunca deben darse por vencidos". Además dice: "Tu palabra y tu ejemplo si oponen al mal". En LIFE TEEN y Edge, nos ayudamos unos a otros en esta batalla diaria. Es-tás invitado a unirte a nosotros mientras nos esforzamos por vivir en Su "reino", Su "casa", y como un autor de LIFE TEEN dice: "Habiten con Él como familia, haciendo la voluntad de Dios para que podamos ser Sus hermanos, hermanas y ma-dres ".

Rev. Pascal Kumanda, CICM Sacerdote de ayuda

Damos la bienvenida al Padre Pascal Kumanda de Cross Catholic Outreach, quien está hablando este fin de semana en todas las misas en nombre de los po-bres en los países en desarrollo. Cross Catholic Outreach se fundó para crear un vínculo significativo entre las parroquias de América y los sacerdotes y monjas que trabajan en la Iglesia en el extranjero en el Caribe, África, Asia, América Central y América del Sur. Padre Pascal Kumanda es originalmente de la Repú-blica Democrática del Congo. Su pasión y amor por los abandonados, sufriendo y vulnerables hijos de Dios, lo llevó a unirse a Cross Catholic Outreach, donde espera inspirar a otros a llevar esperanza y vida a los más po-bres entre los pobres del mundo.

Divine Mercy Parish Page 10

Staff Pastor:

Fr. David Dufour Parochial Vicar:

Fr. Paul Clark Deacons:

Noel Martinsen, Drea Capaci, Larry Oney, David Caldero

Ana Witting, William Shell, Charles & Mildred Purcello, Judy Rachel, Blanca de Funez, Lily Morales, Paul Miller, Wilfredo Salazar, Rosalie Salazar, Billy Mizell, Flora Dufour, Ruth Brown, Francis & Diane Harvey, Gregory Gandolfi, Paula Gandolfi, Virginia Boyce, Paolo Murgia, Lisa Morales, all prayer blanket recipi-ents and all prayer intentions on the Divine Mercy website.

Please pray for our parishioners • Ore por los feligreses:

Names will remain on the list one month. Call 466-5016 to add a name.

Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself en-tirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You.

Acto de Comunión Espiritual

Mi Jesús, yo creo que Tú estás en el Santísimo Sacramento. Yo te

amo por enci-ma de todas las cosas y yo Te deseo en mi alma. Como ahora no pue-do recibirte sacramental-mente, al me-nos ven a mi

corazón espiritualmente. Como ya has venido, Yo te abrazo y me uno enteramente a Ti. Nunca permitas que me separe de ti.

Please pray for our military and others serving overseas • Por favor, ore por los miembros del militar y por los otros que están sirviendo en otros paises:

T.J. Allo

Names will remain on the list six months. Call 466-5016 to add a name.

Sign up today!

Saturday 8:00 am 4:00 pm Vigil 7:00 p.m. (Español)

Sunday 8:30 am 10:30 am 6:00 pm

Monday, Tuesday 6:30 pm

Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 7:30 am

Sat., 3:00—3:45 pm Sábado 6:15 pm—6:45 pm (Español) 30 minutes before Sunday Masses Tuesday, before 6:30 pm Mass By appointment

Church & Parish Office: 4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy. Kenner 70065 Phone: 504-466-5016 Emergency: 504-444-8997


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School: 504-468-3524

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