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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    Suppositories and


    06/08/16 BA-FP-JU-C

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories



    • Suppositories:  Solid medicatedpreparations designed for insertion intorectum where they melt, dissolve ordisperse and exert a local , or asystemic eect.

    • Pessaries:  Solid medicated

    preparations designed for insertion intovagina where they melt or dissolve andexert a local or a systemic eect.

    06/08/16 BA-FP-JU-C

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    Suppository bases

    • In suppositories and pessaries, the drug is

    incorporated into an inert vehicle. The vehicle isknown as the base. Such bases should have somedesirable criteria as:

    elt at, or !ust below body temperature or dissolvein body "uids.

    Solidify #uickly after melting.

    $e easily moulded and removed from the mould.

    $e chemically stable even when molten.

    %elease the active ingredient readily. $e easy to handle.

    $e bland, i.e. non&toxic and non&irritant.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    Suppository bases

    1- The fatty bases:

    i. Theobroma oil 'cocoa butter(.

    ii.Synthetic fats

    2- Water-soluble and water-miscible bases:

    i. )lycerol&gelatin basesii.acrogols

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    Theobroma oil

    •  Theobroma oil has a melting point range of *+&*- and soreadily melts in the body.

    • Advantaes: It li#ue/es easily on heating but also sets rapidly when

    cooled. It is also bland, therefore no irritation occurs.

    • !isadvantaes:• 0olymorphism: Stable 1 form vs. unstable 2 and 3 forms• Shrinks only slightly on cooling and therefore tends to stick

    to the mould thus needs a lubricant.• Storage in hot climates.• %eduction of melting point by the addition of soluble drugs. Note: for the previous two points, melting point can be raised by the

    addition of beeswax (up to 10%)

    • 0rone to oxidation.• $atch to batch variation.

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    Synthetic fats

    •  These are prepared by hydrogenating suitable vegetable oils. They have many of the advantages of theobroma oil but fewer



    •  The viscosity of the melted fats is lower than that of

    theobroma oil. 4s a result there is a greater risk of drugparticles sedimentation during preparation leading to a lack ofuniform drug distribution which can give locali5ed irritancy. This problem is partly compensated for in that these bases setvery #uickly.

     These bases become brittle if cooled too rapidly, so should notbe refrigerated during preparation.

    •  There is a series of grades of synthetic fatty bases, each withdierent hardness and melting point ranges resulting in avariety of drug absorption and release pro/les.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    "lycerol-elatin bases

    •  These bases are a mixture of glycerol and water stiened

    with gelatin. The commonest is )lycerol Suppositories $ase$0, which has 678 w9w gelatin, and +8 w9w glycerol. In hotclimates the gelatin content can be increased to 6;8 w9w.

    • )elatin is a puri/ed protein produced by the hydrolysis of thecollagenous tissue, such as skins and bones, of animals.

    •  Two types of gelatin are used for pharmaceutical purposes, Type 4, which is prepared by acid hydrolysis and is cationic,and Type $, which is prepared by alkaline hydrolysis and isanionic.

    •  Type 4 is compatible with substances such as boric acid andlactic acid while Type $ is compatible with substances like

    5inc oxide.•  The

    particularly when it is used in the preparation of suppositoriesor pessaries.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    "lycerol-elatin bases


    06/08/16 BA-FP-JU-C


    •Glycerol-gelatin bases cause rectal irritation.

    •As they issol!e in the "ucous secretions o# the rectu"$ os"osisoccurs %roucing a la&ati!e e##ect.

    •'hey are also hygrosco%ic an there#ore re(uire care#ul storage.

    •Because o# the )ater content$ "icrobial conta"ination is "ore

    li*ely than )ith the #atty bases. Preser!ati!es "ay be ae to the

     %rouct$ but can lea to %roble"s o# inco"%atibilities.

    •'hey are "uch "ore i##icult to %re%are an hanle than other


    •'he solution ti"e e%ens on the content an (uality o# the gelatin

    an also the age o# the su%%ository.

    'his ty%e o# base is co""only use #or %essaries rather than


  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories



    •  These polyethylene glycols can be blended together toproduce suppository bases with varying melting points,

    dissolution rates and physical characteristics.• =rug release depends on the base dissolving rather than

    melting 'the melting point is often around >+-(.

    • ?igher proportions of high molecular weight polymersproduce preparations which release drug slowly and are also



    6. They have no physiological eect.

    @. 4re not prone to microbial contamination.

    *. ?ave a high water&absorbing capacity.

    7. 4s they dissolve, a viscous solution is produced which meansthere is less likelihood of leakage from the body.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories



    •  They are hygroscopic which means they must becarefully stored and this could lead to irritation ofthe rectal mucosa.

    •  They become brittle if cooled too #uickly and also

    may become brittle on storage.• Incompatibility with several drugs and packaging

    materials, e.g. ben5ocaine, penicillin and plastic,may limit their use.

    In addition crystal growth occurs with some drugscausing irritation to the rectal mucosa and, if thecrystals are large, prolonged dissolution times.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    Preparation of suppositories

    • Suppository mould 'metal or plastic(

    • oulds are made in four si5es: 6, @, 7 and ; g.

    • Suppositories containing an active ingredientwhich is insoluble in the base.

    Suppositories containing an active ingredientwhich is soluble in the base, li#uid or semisolid.

    • Suppositories using a glycerol&gelatin base.

    !efer bac" to the textboo" for full details (#in$eld,th edition, &hapter ')

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    #ould calibration

    •  The capacity of a suppository mould is nominal and

    each mould will have minor variations. Therefore theweight of material contained in dierent moulds maybe dierent and will also depend on the base beingused.

    It is therefore essential that each mould be cailbratedfor each dierent base.

    •  The capacity of the mould is con/rmed by /lling themould with the chosen base.

    •  The total weight of the perfect suppositories is taken

    and a mean weight calculated. This value is thecalibration value of the mould for that particular base.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    !isplacement value

    • 4 suppository mould is /lled by volume, but the

    suppository is formulated by weight.•  The volume of a suppository from a particular mould is

    uniform but its weight can vary when a drug is presentdue to dierence in densities between the drug and

    base.•  The displacement value of a drug is the number of

    parts by weight of drug which displaces 'occupies thesame volume of( 6 part by weight of the base.

    • =isplacement values refer to values for theobroma oil.

     These values can also be used for other fatty bases.

    • Aith glycerol&gelatin suppository base approximately6.@g occupies the same volume as 6g of theobromaoil.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    06/08/16 BA-FP-JU-C

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    To calculate the displacement value of a drug:

    Aeight of six unmedicated suppositories B g.

    Aeight of six suppositories containing 7+8 drug B ;.;g.

    Aeight of base is then B +8 B +96++ x ;.; B >.@; g.Aeight of drug in suppositories B 7+8 B 7+96++ x ;.; B


    Aeight of base displaced by drug B & >.@; B +.@ g.

    If +.@ g of base is displaced by *.>@ g of drug, then6g of base will be displaced by *.>@9+.@gB 7.;; g.

     Therefore displacement value of drug B 7.C 'rounded toone decimal place(.

    06/08/16 BA-FP-JU-C

    !isplacement value

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    $% Prepare si& suppositories each containin 2'( m

    bismuth suballate.

    •Duantities are calculated for an excess of two suppositories. Therefore calculate for eight suppositories.•=E of bismuth subgallate B @.•4 l g mould will be used with mould calibration B +.C7.

     To calculate the amount of base re#uired, a simple e#uation isused:

     Amount of base = (N x y) – (N x D/ DV) 

    FB; y B +.C7 = B @>+ mg B +.@> g =E B @.

    4mount of base re#uiredB '; x +.C7( G'';x+.@>(9@.( B .>@&+.76 B .C C B .; g

    06/08/16 BA-FP-JU-C

    !isplacement value

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    )alculations for more than one dru:

    alculate the #uantities re#uired to make 6> suppositorieseach containing 6>+ mg hamamelis dry extract and >+ mg of5inc oxide. 4 @g mould, with mould calibration of @.+7, will beused. alculate for 6 suppositories '@ excess(.

    =E of hamamelis dry extract B 6 .>, =E of 5inc oxide B 7..

    Aeight of hamamelis dry extract B 6 x +.6> B @.>> g.

    Aeight of 5inc oxide B 6 x +.> B C.>@ g.

    Aeight of base B 6 x @.+7& '@.>>96.> H C.>@97.( B *7.;&'6. H @.+*( B *+.C> g.

    06/08/16 BA-FP-JU-C

    !isplacement value

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    • )alculation of *uantities when the activeinredient is stated as a percentae

      In this case, a displacement value is not re#uired.

    $% Prepare eiht suppositories containin 1+,inc o&ide. )alculate for l suppositories /2e&cess%. #ould calibration 0 1

    Aeight of base re#uired to /ll mould B 6+ x 6 B oxide is 6;8 of total B 6.;g

    Aeight of base re#uiredB l+ &6.; B ;.@ g.

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    !isplacement value

  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    )ontainers for suppositories

    • Jach suppository should be wrapped in

    greaseproof paper.

    • )lass or plastic screw&topped !ars are possiblythe best choice of container forextemporaneously prepared suppositories and

    pessaries.• ardboard cartons may be used but these oer

    little protection from moisture or heat. They aretherefore not suitable for hygroscopic materials.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    Shelf life

      0rovided they are well packaged andthe storage temperature is low,

    suppositories and pessaries arerelatively stable preparations. Knlessother information is available, an

    expiry date of 6 month is appropriate.

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  • 8/15/2019 Topic 9- Suppositories


    abellin for suppositories

    • ?ow to use the product.•