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Dr. Kathleen’s

Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

by Dr. Kathleen Perry

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2Dr. Kathleen’s Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

Table of Contents

You want the years from age 50 and beyond to be the BEST years of your life. . . . . . 3

Don’t you dare settle for anything less!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Fat, Frustrated, and Ready for Something More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

What Does it Mean to Age? What Does Aging Well Look Like? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Your Midlife transition is the portal to a richer and purposeful second half of your life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

7 Unique Tips for Aging Well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Tip #1: How’s it Going? Take an Honest Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Tip #2: Self-Compassion - Practice Radical Acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Tip #3: What Is Your Heart Longing For? Desire. Vision. Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Tip #4: Nourishing Libations - Enjoy Liberally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Tip #5: Pro-Aging Nutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Tip #6: Rejuvenate Your Skin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Tip #7: Purify Your Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

BONUS TIP: Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Give Yourself the Gift of Personalized Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

About Dr. Kathleen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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3Dr. Kathleen’s Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

The fact that you’re here tells me this:

You want the years from age 50 and beyond to be the BEST years of your life.

Perhaps you’re wondering: is that really possible?

...And you couldn’t be blamed for wondering this! After all, our popular culture and the ad-driven “beauty and fashion” media seem to suggest that a return to the days of our youth is well within our grasp. And it is implicitly suggested that your goals should be just that: look as young as you can. Deny your age, lest you become unheard and unnoticed, or perhaps irrelevant... But with the latest supplement, fad diet, magical skin cream, or “procedure,” you can fight the visible signs of aging.

Then there’s “Big Pharma,” right there in your face, wielding solutions to every age-related disease. Alas, the majority of these drugs are not solutions at all, but mere Band-Aids and salves that rarely get to the root cause of the disharmony. Next comes another drug prescribed to deal with the side effects of the first one... Polypharmacy. I consult with so many women in midlife seeking my help to reclaim her vitality, who seem to have awakened one day with a cabinet full of meds!

What if crow’s feet were seen as an indicator of a woman’s wisdom and life experience?

It’s unfortunate that our culture doesn’t hold mature women in high esteem.

We can be the agents of change.

What if saggy breasts were considered a badge of honor, earned by years of nurturing and caring for others?

No woman I know wants to discontinue serving and nurturing, but in this chapter of life, self-care deserves to be a priority.

In fact, I propose that compassion for the self becomes a mandate.

What if age-related, degenerative diseases weren’t a result of aging at all?

The vast majority of degenerative diseases are simply an accumulation of years of stress, wear and tear on the body, and for many women, neglect of her emotional and psychospiritual needs... And perhaps even more influential, the belief held by many that as one gets older, the body is bound to fall into disrepair - and that becoming decrepit is inevitable.

Rejuvenating the body is possible, Rekindling your spirit and reclaiming your Joie de Vivre can happen.

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In my work with women (in my private practice for well over 30 years and in my own mirror), I’ve seen the other

side of popular culture’s claims and obsessions.

Karen was an avid tennis player and runner whose severe, swollen joints had gone beyond limiting her fitness regime. The pain was interfering with her work and her ability to enjoy playing with her grandchildren.

By conventional standards, she should give up her hopes of ever playing singles again... At 57 years old, was there any way she might be able to compete with girls 20 or 30 years younger than her?

Vicki was a proud grandmother and assistant director of a charter school. After continually putting the needs of others ahead of her own, she had put on 85 pounds.

In fact, she’d made plans to have gastric sleeve, but at the last minute, found out that her insurance wouldn’t cover it. She felt desperate to do something, but every attempt she made to lose weight failed. She had been gaining about 8 to 10 pounds per year for the past 10 years, so she felt she needed to lose at least 80 pounds. At first - when she only had 20 or 30 pounds to lose - she was motivated by her appearance, wanting to be able to fit in the clothes in her closet.

Once the weight gain added up to more than 50 pounds, her doctor started insisting that she get serious. She was prediabetic, her blood pressure required a second medication, and her doctor felt she was at risk for serious cardiovascular complications. So, Vicki had resigned herself to the fact that she might never regain her youthful figure. All she wanted was to save her health. Was she really too old to give up on the desire to look her best?

Then there’s Roni, who was at the end of her rope from the stressful demands of a 35-year career as a registered nurse. She believed her dull, listless skin made her appear several years older than real age.

I can relate! All women are pretty good at putting the needs of others ahead of themselves, and that trend seems to be amplified with women who are in the healthcare professions – in fact, in any service related business or raising a family. Roni had severe joint pain and swelling, as well as a lipid profile that was enough to warrant her doctor to recommend statins. So, as we went about working together to solve these issues, she confessed: “I’ve worked so hard to improve my health, I wish my face looked as good as my insides feel.”

She sheepishly asked, “Is there anything natural I can do, or maybe a supplement I can take, to improve the appearance of my skin?”

Well, I’m here to support you, to show you what IS possible... And to join you in the journey. When it comes to aging,

you can enjoy vibrant health and live with joy.

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5Dr. Kathleen’s Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

Don’t you dare settle for anything less!

Okay, you’ve arrived at midlife... Is your life humming along just as you’d expected?

I know many women whose spirits seem to blossom as their lives continue to unfold during midlife. They embody the attitude of embarking on a new adventure. They seem to be living perfectly aligned with their deepest values. These women have taken amazing care of themselves, and they breeze right on through menopause. If that describes you, that’s awesome - but maybe, just maybe, there’s something more. It could be that you’re ready to go deeper...

Or perhaps your life doesn’t look exactly as you’d expected.

Maybe you’re feeling stressed and worn out. Maybe your brain is foggy and your libido has gone AWOL... Or it could be that you’re in a life transition (of course you are), and crave fulfillment. Maybe you’re seeking to discover a fresh purpose. For many women, this juncture in life presents an open door: the possibility of finding your mojo again, creating that sparkle, reconnecting with your youthful vibrant self.

In either case, I’m so glad you’re here!

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Fat, Frustrated, and Ready for Something More

At age 48, my life didn’t look at all the way I hoped it would. I was overweight, my knees ached, and I had frequent back spasms. I was not sleeping well at all, and I even experienced horrendous panic attacks for a while. I felt restless in my practice and frustrated in my marriage. I was wondering, as I’ve heard from so many women when they arrive at midlife: “Is this IT? Is this all there is?”

And while I believe life is filled with unlimited possibilities, in the one, precious life we’ve been given, the possibilities ARE finite.

Age on Autopilot? No way!

The status quo has never appealed to me. Rather than engage in the reductionist framework of the traditional medical paradigm, I chose to study and practice functional medicine, acupuncture, and other disciplines that take a holistic approach to wellbeing. Regarding my personal midlife transition (and the years beyond), I wasn’t about to sign on for a prepackaged experience for this chapter of my life.

It was time to reconnect with my purpose and claim what I really wanted... So, I discovered–for myself and for the thousands of women that I’ve worked with–several secrets that will help you age with grace and vitality.

Read on, my dear friend, because this guide will take you from:

• Ordinary to Extraordinary - You have a desire deep in your heart, but you wonder if you’re too old to make it happen...

• Frazzled to Peaceful - Life up to now has been filled with stress. You crave peace of mind, but exactly how do you create the sense of calm you desire?

• Tired & Achy to Vibrant - You body feels older. You feel worn down. Is it too late to reclaim some of your youthful energy and vibrant health?

• Frumpy to Radiant - Since you’ve reached a certain age, perhaps you’re worried it seems vain to you want to look your best. Should you let go of your desire to look and feel beautiful?

• Floundering to Purposeful - You’re seeking a little spark - or maybe a grand, inspiring mission... You’re just not sure what it looks like.

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7Dr. Kathleen’s Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

What Does it Mean to Age? What Does Aging Well Look Like?

Let’s begin with a few definitions. Words are important. We express our thoughts via the language we choose, and we’d best choose wisely because every thought (and subsequent feeling) directly impacts every cell in our body.

Aging: Declining. Degenerating. Wearing out. Becoming decrepit, obsolete, or irrelevant.

Growing Older: While I’m hesitant to use the word “older,” it’s true. Time marches on, and of course it’s inevitable that (according to the calendar) we’re adding years to our lives. We can imagine our advancing years, however, in terms like growing, developing, coming into fullness of life, maturation, reaching our full capacity, and so on.

Lifespan: Basically, the number of birthdays you celebrate.

Healthspan: The quality of your years. A longer healthspan equates to more years that you are able to fully engage in life and enjoy a sense of wellbeing.

Beauty: The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person (or thing) that gives pleasure to the senses, mind, or spirit.

Joie de Vivre! Is It Possible to Have it All?

Here’s what I’ve found that the women I work with want:

• To grow older with grace• To enjoy a long healthspan• To feel and look beautiful all the while

Aging Well - It Goes Well Beyond Skin Deep

In our current, youth-obsessed culture, we are constantly reminded of our crow’s feet, cellulite, and belly fat. There are a plethora of elixirs and potions available, all designed to fight the visible signs of aging.

There’s not a darn thing wrong with wanting to look your best. In fact, I encourage women to embrace that desire and use it as motivation to practice the causes of health and wellbeing. If you choose to improve your appearance with makeup, facials, waxing, covering the gray in your hair, a bright colored scarf, or a “procedure,” don’t let anyone suggest that you need to work on your self-esteem. The desire to be seen, to feel attractive, maybe even be flirted with, has no age limits!

Beauty is an Inside-Out Phenomenon

When you’re living purposefully from your heart, your mind is sharp as a tack, and your body is healthy on the inside, you can’t help but radiate that vibrant energy outward. You’ll embrace the years beyond 50. You can live with passion, vitality, and purpose - and of course, you’ll look your best.

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“I believe the fountain of youth springs from deep within each of us.” ~Kathleen Perry

Having a healthy body is a wonderful vehicle to take you to your destination. Vibrant energy and a clear mind can help you accomplish your mission. While I’m committed to keeping you abreast of the latest, most effective ways to be the healthiest version of yourself possible, I also realize that our bodies DO change as we get older. So, there’s a necessary letting go of certain aspects of our youth… Yet this opens you to the unlimited possibilities of what you can grow, develop, and transform into.

Teddy Roosevelt was quoted as saying: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Does Letting Go of Your Younger Self Mean That Now It’s All Downhill?

In the midst of such a youth-centric culture, it requires courage to accept your maturing body exactly as it is right now. Taking an honest inventory of your life on all levels - physical, emotional, mindset, relationships, work/life balance - can be an eye-opener, but the key to transforming and evolving into the life you desire begins with taking this crucial first step. Only then can you rediscover and embrace your midlife body. You can recommit to healing and becoming whole, and the coming years can be the best years of your life.

Let’s Ditch The Anti-Aging Mentality

Wouldn’t you like to embrace aging? Instead of fighting it, you can find peace in the process. Getting older is inevitable, but aging (deteriorating, degenerating, becoming insignificant) is not!

You deserve to enjoy this time of your life. Why not decide to age with grace? Women can take charge and intentionally act in ways that result in a life of vitality and a profound sense of purpose.

As a doctor, I passionately believe that optimal health stems from accepting the changes that inevitably come with advancing years, while also seeing the opportunities and possibilities. I’ve taken a stand against anti-aging, and I’ve embraced a new mindset - a shift to a fresh paradigm that is about pro-aging. This is crucial to living a life of purpose. Graceful aging is possible. As life shifts and we enter a new phase, there are strategies for making the most of every day, feeling good, staying fit, and staying healthy.

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My message for you is simple: you don’t have to “fight” or “reverse” aging, but you also don’t have to let aging rob you of joy, vitality, energy, and purpose. As you free yourself from the constricting mindsets of our pre-prescribed definitions of aging (and the limits they create), you’ll be navigating into uncharted waters. The journey can be exciting, especially if we join together. It’s healthy to embrace uncertainty - because certainty, or a fixed mindset, closes you down to possibilities… It limits choice.

Are You on The Right Path? Or is it Time for a Course Correction?

In her book Awakening at Midlife, Kathleen Brehony states:

“The deepest inner strivings of the soul press for expression even if that expression threatens our well-structured world and sense of identity. At the most basic level, we must let go of who we are in order to become who we are supposed to be. The growth and transformation that can occur at this transition is nothing short of remarkable.”

Your Biology - and Even Your Genes - Do Not Equal Your Destiny

If aging well isn’t determined solely by your genes, then what has the greatest influence on the way we age? The number one thing I’ve learned over nearly 30 years of working with women is this: maintaining vibrant physical health always begins with your mind, and for women, the heart must be engaged as well. Every. Single. Time.

Transformation always happens that way. You’ll need to evaluate your current expectations of what you are “supposed to” experience as time marches on…Are those expectations due for a reset?

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Your Midlife transition is the portal to a richer and purposeful second half of your life.

How to Use This Guide:

You may already feel healthy and vibrant. My wish is that you don’t settle for status quo, run of the mill, ordinary, feeling fine, just making it… I want you to create intentions and open up to possibilities beyond your current thinking, to consider that a new level of vibrant health, the fulfillment of your deepest desires, and loving connection with those that matter most are all available to you.

Perhaps just one tip will resonate with you, but don’t just file it away somewhere. I’ve created this guide with each tip on one page, so you can easily print out your favorites. Keep the pages you like in your nightstand and read them before you fall asleep. Laminate a couple and keep them next to the bathtub (I hope you take luxurious, relaxing baths frequently).

Not Your Ordinary, Run-of-the-Mill Tips

You already know all about practicing the causes of good health: quality sleep, eating right, managing your stress, exercising (most days), and taking a few key supplements. When you’re a woman over 50, though, generic tips can fall short of the unique needs of a menopausal (or postmenopausal) woman.

There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Aging Well

Just like a beautiful snowflake, every woman is unique in her genetic makeup, lifestyle, environment she lives in, even her temperament and personality… But there are commonalities we all share. Using a framework that then allows for freedom within it, you can create your own protocol for embracing healthy aging.

Why My Pro-Aging Protocol Works, and How it Can Help You

I’ve now entered my post-menopausal years, but when I reached perimenopause, I was anxious, fat, my body ached most of the time, and I rarely (if ever) slept through the night. I knew I could find solutions that were effective, so I dove deep into studying hormones, neuroscience, epigenetics, and the physiology of aging.

First, I tested everything on myself. Using modalities and procedures in the realms of functional medicine, nutrigenomics, acupuncture, bioenergetic medicine, and exercise physiology, I created a pro-aging protocol for myself. Then I applied what worked in my practice, tweaking, refining, and tailoring things to fit the unique needs of each of the women I help.

In the process, I discovered several nuances. In this ebook, I’m going to reveal a few of my favorite gems for you - tips that will help carry you through your midlife transition… Strategies that will make living of your dreams much, much easier. Let’s dive in!

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7 Unique Tips for Aging Well

In this ebook, I’m going to give you a peek at just a few of the many effective protocols I use with the woman who come for consultation in my private practice.

Tip #1: How’s it Going? Take an Honest Inventory

Start Right Where You Are

In order to age gracefully and awaken in midlife, you need to know where your starting point is. Now is the time to take a comprehensive and honest inventory of where you’ve been and who you’ve become. Even if your life, your health, or your body doesn’t look like you hoped it would, remember this: you have built a strong foundation to support a bright future. You’ve gained wisdom, shown resilience, and displayed courage.

Values are the bedrock of behavior. They form the framework for (and driving force behind) the decisions we make. Values that we held in our younger years are apt to change. So, as a prelude to your creating your personal inventory, I suggest you check out Dr. John DeMartini. He is a favorite teacher of mine, and an authority on human behavior and personal development. I highly suggest you take his values assessment at

Here are a few questions to help you… Not all will resonate. Choose a few to ponder.

• What’s special, unique, distinctive, and impressive about you and your life story?

• Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships in your life?

• What do you already know about what you were designed to do and who you are destined to become? (In your second half of life, it may look very different from what you are currently doing)

• Any projects you’d like to complete that you haven’t gotten around to doing?

• Is there anything you used to do that gave you a great deal of pleasure, but that you haven’t done in a while (dance, sing, play guitar, write, etc.)?

• Are you fulfilled by your work, or whatever you see as your life purpose?

• Are you seeking a new direction, some way to express your unique gifts?

• You may have a deep, intuitive sense of what you want for the next chapters of your life - what would fall into that category for you?

• What roles have you fulfilled? Which ones will continue, and what new ones would you like to step into? (serving as a mentor, or becoming a student again, etc.)

• What makes you feel alive, and if you’re not doing it, what is stopping you?

• Do you feel healthy, energetic, and vibrant? If not, how would you like to feel? What would you want to be able to do if you enjoyed vibrant health?

• Visualize a time in your future. How would you like it to look?

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Tip #2: Self-Compassion - Practice Radical Acceptance

You are Perfect. Exactly as you are. Right now.

Sometimes I find myself thinking: “By this age, I should have it all figured out. I ought to have it all together.”

But that kind of thinking serves nothing.

I know for sure that transformation isn’t possible without complete acceptance of who and where we are now. When you choose to believe that you are exactly where you need to be, and that your body is operating as an exact expression of your true nature, you enter into the realm of self-healing activation.

This self-compassion and acceptance cannot be stressed enough. How you do it is going to be up to you. Experiment with different forms of self-exploration, and commit to making this a priority (but please share with me whatever effective techniques you discover)!

Here are some books I recommend:

• Excavating Your Authentic Self - Sarah Ban Breathnach

• Loving What Is - Byron Katie

• When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron

• The Age of Miracles - Marianne Williamson

• Awakening at Midlife - Kathleen Brehony

So, you’ve taken your inventory and you’re beginning to embrace your authentic self… It’s time to consider: what’s next?

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Tip #3: What Is Your Heart Longing For? Desire. Vision. Purpose.

Reignite your passion. Reclaim your moxie. I believe wholeheartedly that desire is a gift from the divine. Desire comes wrapped in a variety of packages.

Mary wanted to write her memoirs. In particular, she wanted to write with her 10-year old granddaughter in mind. Mary struggled with disordered eating in her teenage years. By high school, she took an interest in cooking, and worked to establish a healthy relationship with food. Now at 58, has she come to deeply love and accept her body. As she began to write, Mary had an epiphany. She now teaches a workshop for young girls on having a healthy relationship with food and body acceptance.

Jacqui navigated through some stormy seas after her husband left her for another woman. Three months prior to his leaving, her youngest moved out to begin college. The house was quiet. Even Sampson, the golden retriever, was subdued. She brought Sampson to Therapy Dog School. As a former 6th grade math teacher and yet to be a grandmother, Jacqui knew interacting with children would fill her heart. She and Sampson make weekly visits to Children’s Hospital.

Christine had never viewed herself as athletic, but after losing 45 pounds she decided to train for the MS 150. She set a fundraising goal of $5000 - and met it. Her passion stemmed from her compassion for her aunt, who had Multiple Sclerosis and was confined to a wheelchair by age 31. Christine’s inner fire hasn’t dimmed. She’s currently saving money to take her sister on a 10-day bicycle tour in Tuscany.

Explore until you find your true desire.

But beware - you may have to leave the beaten path.

Which Path Will You Choose?

At midlife, you reach a crossroads. You can continue to tread along the path of the same-old-same-old, or you can choose to embark upon a journey to discover yourself - outside of the cultural memes of what “a woman your age” should be and do. Of course, you’ll integrate aspects of who you were, but as you dare to bravely admit that you may not know exactly who you are anymore, the road less traveled has an appeal. This is your invitation to take the path along a new direction, to explore the limitless possibilities, and to allow the emergence of who you will be.

Now you have created a compelling future, or at least a glimmer that there’s something more you want to express and embody. Your body is the vehicle. You’ll want a sharp mind. The remaining tips will help your body feel vital.

Eat, drink, and supplement...

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Tip #4: Nourishing Libations - Enjoy Liberally

These elixirs contain powerful nutrients to help you feel vibrant.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is chock full of minerals that provide your body with these benefits:

• Strengthens your immune system• Heals the gut – many of the women I work with

have “leaky gut syndrome”• Strengthens your nails, is good for your skin, and

promotes hair growth• Supports your own bone health• Reduces inflammation and joint pain

Check out the recipe here.

Bonus Ingredient: The same collagen that is found naturally in your bones, skin, and cartilage can be replenished with hydrolyzed collagen. Collagen hydrolysate can aid the body’s ability to repair damaged collagen. I recommend Great Lakes Paleo Collagen Hydrolysate, which you can purchase on Amazon. Add 1 heaping TBSP to a large mug of bone broth. Enjoy daily.

Dr. Kathleen’s Green Energy Drink

Start your day with this elixir that has tons of antioxidants. I like to have a salad to start my dinner every day, but sometimes I have this drink instead. I’ll blend it up and sip on it while I’m preparing dinner.

• 1 cup leafy greens such as kale or spinach• ½ cup peeled cucumber• ¼ - ½ cup of cilantro• Juice from ½ lemon• ½ avocado• Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt to taste• Optional: cayenne pepper or chopped jalapeno to taste• Water, about 6 ounces (see what consistency you prefer), ice cubes

Fat Burning Lemonade

The EGCG in green tea and L-carnitine are proven nutrients that aid the body in burning fat. Lemon is a great liver tonic - and this drink is so refreshing! 🙂

• 1 cup of green tea – Use any green tea you like. Matcha is my favorite. I buy organic powder on Amazon. I place the powder in my cup with about an ounce (or less) of water and blend with a whisk. Then add the remaining water. A fork also works. You’ll need to practice blending it.

• Juice from 1 large Lemon• ¼ tsp. L-carnitine tartrate powder (we carry Designs for Health in our office)• Optional: stevia to taste

Enjoy hot or cold!

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15Dr. Kathleen’s Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

Tip #5: Pro-Aging Nutrients

There are a plethora of nutrients that support healthy aging, but you couldn’t possibly take them all… And you don’t need ALL of them. There are definitely “best choices” for you personally, depending on your unique genetics, wellness goals, stress levels, and current state of health.

These are five that I feel pack a big punch, and they will benefit anyone who is seeking to age with energy and vitality.

Mitochondria Boosters For more information and specific doses...

• Essential Nutrients Your Skin Thirsts For and Your Body Craves• Brain Fog? 3 Proven Supplements to Improve Your Brain Function

ALA (Alpha-lipoic acid) is a powerful antioxidant. You’ve likely heard of lipoic acid as an ingredient in topical skin care products. It reduces the roughness of the skin and decreases the appearance of photoaging. Taken internally, it works well as a standalone supplement for neutralizing and scavenging free radicals. It also regenerates and helps amplify the positive effects of other important antioxidants in the body, such as glutathione and coenzyme Q10, two essential compounds in the body that fight against aging and disease.

• Choosing the best lipoic acid: Most vitamin stores sell brands that are a 50/50 mixture of S and R forms. Studies suggest that the most potent form of lipoic acid is R-dihydrolipoic acid. Because the R form is the one active in the body, I recommend purchasing a product that is 100% R-lipoic acid.

• Recommended Dose: 500-1500 mg/day

CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant. It is involved in the production of ATP, your body’s fuel source (mentioned earlier). CoQ10 is found in high concentration within the mitochondria of your cells. If you are over 50, have cardiovascular disease, or are taking a statin, you need to take the reduced form, ubiquinol (I’ll be explaining more about this in the next article).

• Recommended Dose: 100-200 mg/day. Higher doses may be indicated for those with severe or chronic cardiovascular disease

Curcumin is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It has been successfully used to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and patients who’ve suffered strokes. It is a compound contained in turmeric, a spice you may be familiar with. Turmeric is used frequently in Indian cooking. Curcumin has been well studied, and it has major anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also increases levels of a protein called BDNF (brain-derived neurotropic factor).

For improved absorption, look for a product containing bromelain or piperine. Consuming it with fat improves the absorption. Check out my turmeric latte recipe – it has full-fat coconut oil, which tastes great in addition to increasing absorption.

• Typical Dosage: 500 to 1,800 mg/day• Added Benefits: It’s a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals, improves the

function of the endothelium (the lining of the blood vessels), and reduces the symptoms of arthritis. Read More.

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16Dr. Kathleen’s Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

Phosphatidylserine is an important building block for your brain cells. It’s a phospholipid, containing both amino acids and fatty acids. It plays a critical role in cognitive function. It has been successfully used for slowing age related cognitive decline, reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms, and minimizing the severity of depression. It has also been shown to improve attention, memory, and processing speed.

• Typical Dosage: 100 mg, taken 3 times a day• Added Benefit: Taken at bedtime, it improves sleep because it aids in lowering cortisol

Tip #6: Rejuvenate Your Skin

re·ju·ve·na·tion /rə🙂jo🙂ovə🙂nāSH(ə)n/ the action of making someone look or feel better, younger, or more vital.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look beautiful. When you incorporate protocols to repair, restore, rebuild, and replenish the cells inside of your body, your skin will become radiant as a natural byproduct. The desire to look your best, to be noticed, maybe even flirted with, has no age limits. Learn more about essential nutrients for your skin here.

• Dermal Rolling - Microneedling is a procedure designed to stimulate the skin to naturally restore itself. Utilizing a special motorized pen equipped with very small needles, the device is guided across the skin after the application of numbing cream. The needles prick the skin and cause a “micro injury.” The idea is that the body will respond by producing more collagen. It is available from dermatologists and aestheticians. However, a similar, slightly less deep protocol can be done at home, no numbing required.

• Cleanse your face and neck first. I have been experimenting with using a variety of essential oils. My skin definitely seems a little smoother, but the changes were gradual. In the beginning, I was performing it every other day. Now I do it a couple time a week. You’ll need to experiment to see how much pressure and frequency your skin will tolerate.

• Organic Sunscreen - Certain brands have fewer harsh chemicals. I prefer ones with zinc oxide or titanium oxide. The current brand I use when exercising is Goddess Garden - Facial. For everyday wear, I like COOLA Mineral Face Matte. The Environmental Working Group is an excellent resource for consumer product information.

• Apply to face and decollete

• Drink Purified Water - Divide your bodyweight (in pounds) in half. This is the MINIMUM number of ounces of water you should drink per day.

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17Dr. Kathleen’s Top 7 Best Kept Secret Strategies for Aging with Passion, Vitality, & Purpose

Tip #7: Purify Your Environment

Well, you’ve had plenty of exposure... The longer you’ve lived on planet Earth, the greater amount of toxins you’ll likely be harboring in the cells and tissues of your body. Before you consider a cleanse or detox to eliminate toxins in your body (see my comments below), why not begin by minimizing your daily exposure?

One of the most economical ways to purify your air is to keep plants in your home. Certain plants are capable of absorbing a number of toxins from the environment. MindBodyGreen lists 3 air-purifying plants:

• Areca Palm is “The Living Room Plant” - This plant is a daytime oxygen factory. Recommended: 4 shoulder height plants per person.

• Mother-in-Law’s Tongue is “The Bedroom Plant” - This plant is an evening oxygen factory. Recommended: 6-8 waist-high plants per person.

• Money Plant is “The Specialist Plant” - This plant is the filter that removes formaldehyde and other volatile organic chemicals from the air.

Others helpful varieties include:

• Aloe vera• Spider plant• Dracaenas• English ivy• Bamboo palm

***FYI - I’ve been guiding my patients through a purification protocol that I have refined over the past 20 years. However, it is the FINAL phase of my program for women. After only a few cases, I discovered that the average patient was not ready for a detox in the early stages of their care plan. Your body needs to be fortified and able to handle the process of detoxification. This is accomplished by ensuring that your nutrient status is very high, and your gut, kidneys, and liver are functioning optimally. It can take several months to prepare yourself for your first cleanse.

BONUS TIP: Support

As I mentioned earlier, how you age isn’t predestined by your genes - or by only your biology and physiology. It entails the expression of your genes, which ones are turned on and which are turned off.

You’ve seen that your mindset matters, plus you’ve learned that daily, health-creating habits affect your telomere length and mitochondrial fitness. You understand how important your environment is...

But sometimes you need and DESERVE a deeper level of support.

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Give Yourself the Gift of Personalized Attention

Knowledge is only potential power. True transformation happens when you actively engage with the knowledge you possess and get into action - but sometimes we get stuck, and it can happen to anyone...

Most journeys are easier with a coach or a partner. Everyone can benefit with support - especially women, since we are wired for connection. If you are feeling stuck in your personal midlife transition, and would like to speak with me about your unique challenges, CLICK HERE to schedule a complimentary call. Then, if you decide to move forward, we can customize your health and LIFE transformation together with the option that is right for YOU.

Ways to Engage with Me:

• Education and resources via our website (never miss anything when you sign up for my weekly email)

• Consultations and conversations via Skype

• One-on-One VIP Intensives - full and half days. We are 20 minutes from Bush Intercontinental Airport (limited availability)

• In-office visits for acupuncture, functional medicine, nutritional counseling, and chiropractic care

About Dr. Kathleen

Dr. Kathleen Perry is a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture, a functional medicine practitioner, and a chiropractic sports physician. She specializes in helping women over 50 embrace and enjoy life. After nearly 30 years in natural healthcare, Dr. Kathleen has developed protocols that blend neuroscience, functional nutritional medicine, bioenergetic medicine, and integrative wellness coaching that result in deep transformation, from the inside out.

In her own words:

“My methods help you engage in life in meaningful ways. Women in their 50s, 60s, and beyond are serving, giving, loving, and playing BIG.

“I’ve personally found and tested REAL SOLUTIONS that address the root-cause of your health concerns by activating the innate healing wisdom that you already possess.

...And I’d love to share them with YOU.”