Download - Top 4 Marketing Must-Haves for IT and Engineering Staffing Firms in 2014

  • 1. Top 4 Marketing Must-Haves for IT and Engineering Staffing Firms in 2014 Presented by: Michelle Krier, VP Marketing & Digital Services Leah McKelvey, Senior Director of Marketing & Partnerships
  • 2. Your Presenters 2
  • 3. Q&A on Twitter We want to hear from you during this webinar and after Send us a tweet with the following in front of the message: @clearedgemktg It will show up on our Twitter profile, open for the public to view We will reply during the webinar or after Follow us at Also follow us on Facebook: LinkedIn: 3
  • 4. Todays Agenda State of the Industry 4 Marketing Must-Haves Messages that Resonate Engaging Online Experiences Content That Converts Creating 2-way Conversations Q&A 4
  • 5. State of the Industry 5
  • 7. Tell Us Whats the average attention span of an adult? A. 4 seconds B. 8 seconds C. 12 seconds D. 16 seconds 7 ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ??...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???.
  • 8. 8 Seconds: Average Attention Span in 2013 Source: US National Library of Medicine 8
  • 9. Timeframe is Short to Connect 3 Months or Less 2 Weeks or Less Amount of time it took 84% of Talent to find their most recent position Amount of time it took 32% of Talent to find their most recent position SOURCE: 9
  • 10. 10
  • 11. Understanding Your Key Differentiators Your homework: Put your elevator pitch to the test Relevancy: Ask 2 candidates and clients why they chose to work with you to see if those messages are represented on your website Simplicity & Consistency: Randomly ask 3 people internally for your elevator pitch Differentiation: Review 3 top competitors websites and see how your existing message compares 11
  • 12. Candidates Share: Pros of Working with Staffing Firms Top Benefits of Working for an IT/Engineering Staffing Firm Assistance finding employment Consistent income Access to otherwise unreachable positions SOURCE: 0% 20% Top Ranked 12 40% 60% 2nd & 3rd Ranked
  • 13. Candidates Share: Cons of Working with Staffing Firms Top Drawbacks of Working for an IT/Engineering Staffing Firm Lack of positions that fit my skills Difficulty in finding proper fit for the position Pay compared to working with a company directly SOURCE: 0% 20% Top Ranked 13 40% 60% 2nd & 3rd Ranked
  • 14. Keep it Simple 14
  • 15. Is Everyone Saying the Same Thing? 15
  • 16. Know Why Youre Different Then Execute with a strong reputation for delivering exceptional technology professionals while maintaining the highest ethical standards. Our deep insights into human capital management enable us to help our clients achieve their business goals while optimizing their IT workforce strategies. revolutionizing the industry with our personal touch. We know our clients intimately, provide the right placements and establish long term relationships. excels at bringing together the brightest technical professionals and the top companies. 16
  • 18. Tell Us How engaging is your online experience for candidates? A. Very engaging weve conducted U/X studies to ensure the best possible experience B. So-so weve tried to make it easy for candidates to apply C. Not at all it takes 5 clicks just to get to the apply screen D. No idea marketing controls the website and Ive never checked it 18 ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ??...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???.
  • 19. The Stats 43% of job seekers have used their mobile device to engage in job-seeking activity 27% of job seekers expect to be able to apply for a job from their mobile device Source: 2014 Job Seeker Nation Report by Jobvite 19
  • 20. The Stats 1 BILLION job searches are done per MONTH on a mobile device Mobile-friendly recruitment has a conversion rate 5 10X better than traditional PC recruitment 20
  • 21. An Engaging Website Is a MUST Your homework: Try applying how long does it take, how many clicks? Now try it on your mobile device! Look at your site on your mobile device and on a tablet is it easy to navigate/use? Analyze your Google Analytics to see how much traffic is coming from mobile devices and what pages are most frequently visited 21
  • 22. Create a Great Experience Across Platforms 22
  • 23. Create a Great Experience Across All Platforms 23
  • 24. Tips for Creating an Engaging Online Experience Make it easy! 24
  • 25. Tips for Creating an Engaging Online Experience Speak their language. Give visitors options for engaging. 25
  • 26. Tips for Creating an Engaging Online Experience Give visitors the tools and resources they need. 26
  • 28. Tell Us Do you create original content tailored to candidates and/or clients? A. No, we only share content developed by others B. We produce a handful of original blog posts or articles a year. C. There is at least one article or blog published a month D. Were a content-producing machine! 28 ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ??...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???.
  • 29. WHAT IS CONTENT MARKETING? Your customers dont care about you, your products, your servicesthey care about themselves, their wants and their needs. Content marketing is about creating interesting information your customers are passionate about so they actually pay attention to you. 29
  • 30. Growth of Content Marketing 30
  • 31. Why Do You Need Original Content? Typically, IT and Engineering staffing firms are using content marketing to drive traffic to their website and promote the following goals: Source: Content Marketing Institute 31
  • 32. First Content Strategy, Then Content Development Your Homework: Take the first steps to developing a content strategy Start to develop personas for your two main audiences: candidates and clients Make of a list of topics that each of these personas care about or impacts them Develop three unique content ideas based on what you know about the personas Source of Example Persona: HubSpot 32
  • 33. Best Practices in Persona Building Who are you and why should I care? Demographic information, including: Job title, role, and responsibilities Department Company size Industry Location Budget Source: Kevin Cain, Convince & Convert Behavioral information, including: Motivating factors Expectations Concerns and pain points Role in the purchasing process Understanding of your products and services Needs met to ensure a purchase 33
  • 34. Are You Creating Content that Hiring Managers Care About? Top 5 Things That Keep Hiring Managers Up At Night 46% Retaining top-performing talent 43% Finding highly-qualified talent Staying within budget 33% Meeting your department deadlines with the talent you have available 32% 28% Attracting highly-qualified talent SOURCE: 0% 34 40% 80%
  • 35. Are You Creating Content that Candidates Care About? Top Concerns of IT and Engineering Professionals Staying professionally relevant and employable 30% 24% Lack of clear career direction/path 22% Meeting deadlines SOURCE: 0% 35 25% 50%
  • 36. Develop Content That Highlights Your Industry Expertise Important Factors that Lead to a Successful Placement 40% 35% 30% 27% 20% 6% 0% Proper skills for the position Staffing firm is knowledgeable of our company's industry SOURCE: Clients Say: 36 Staffing Firms Say:
  • 37. Types of Content Surveys (can give you the data to drive several different types of content) Blog posts Articles (contributing to industry publications) eBooks Webinars Speaking opportunities Customer roundtables 37
  • 38. Organize Your Approach: Example Editorial Calendar (Blog) 38
  • 39. Track the Engagement on your Content Google Analytics Keywords Traffic Bitly links for sharing 39
  • 41. Tell Us How engaged is your social community? A. Highly engaged (we frequently receive questions and comments) B. Somewhat engaged (some of our posts get comments) C. Not at all engaged (we post but no one comments) D. Whats a social community? 41 ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ??...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???. ???...???..???.
  • 42. Social Media is Like a Cocktail Party Not This This 42
  • 43. Creating Two-Way Conversations Via Social Media Your homework: create 1 post per week that will encourage engagement. Ideas: Ask questions. Whats most important to you when considering a job offer: salary or location? Fill in the blank. When I have a job interview coming up, I ____. or My dream job is ____. Caption this (photo/video): Tip: think carefully about what type of image you choose and what emotions you will trigger with your post. You want a positive association between the photo and your brand. Encourage likes. Like if youd be open to a new job opportunity this year. Tip: Use a photo with this one! 43
  • 44. Encourage Comments, Questions and Discussions 44
  • 45. Encourage Comments, Questions and Discussions 45
  • 46. Tips for Managing Your Social Efforts 46
  • 47. Tips for Managing Your Social Efforts 47
  • 48. Tips for Managing Your Social Efforts 48
  • 49. Tips for Managing Your Social Efforts 49
  • 50. Tips for Managing Your Social Efforts 50
  • 51. Its Your Turn Questions? Comments? 51
  • 52. Need Help? Contact Us Any Time! Michelle Krier VP Marketing & Digital Services Leah McKelvey Senior Director of Marketing & Partnerships Tel: 414.617.3103 Tel: 330.559.5259 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @michellekrier LinkedIn: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @LMcKelvey LinkedIn: 52