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  • 8/11/2019 Top 10 Scams That Shook India


    Top 10 scams that shook India

    Top 10 scams that shook India

    New Delhi:In the recent past, India has been rocked by a series of scams both small andbig.

    These scams have caused the most damage to the country's image and shocked thenation.

    Here are top 10 Indian scams that shook the nation. These include political, financial,corporate and others.

    1. Fodder Scam (1996)

    Knon as the mother of all scandals, this scam broke out in 1!!" in the ton of#haibasa, $harkhand %formerly &ihar.

    The fodder scam involved fabrication of fictitious livestock for hich husbandrye(uipment, medicines and fodder ere supposedly procured. The animal husbandrydepartment is said to have embe))led *s !+0 crore through the scheme.

    fter the scam erupted, the #&I began probing the entire scam under the leadership of -.. &isas %no a Trinamool #ongress minister in /est &engal. &ihar's then chiefminister alu rasad 2adav had to resign and go to 3ail. nother former chief minister$agannath 4ishra as also convicted.

    *ecently, alu rasad as sentenced to five years in prison and fined *s.5+ lakh for hisinvolvement in the fodder scam.

    6ormer chief minister $agannath 4ishra and former 4 $agdish 7harma ere also 3ailedfor four years each and fined *s.5 lakh and *s + lakh respectively.

  • 8/11/2019 Top 10 Scams That Shook India


    . !oal "lock allocation scam (01)

    It is a political scam that e8posed corruption in the higher echelons of poer.

    This scam involved the Indian government's allocation of the nation's coal deposits topublic sector entities %79s and private companies by the government of rime 4inister4anmohan 7ingh.

    In 4arch 5015, in a draft report #: accused the government of allocating coal blocksin an arbitrary manner during the period 500;

  • 8/11/2019 Top 10 Scams That Shook India


    In 6ebruary 5010, India had signed a contract to purchase 15 gusta/estland /101helicopters. ?n 6ebruary 15, 501@, the *s@"00 croreAscam came to light hen6inmeccanica #9? :iuseppe ?rsi as arrested by Italian authorities for bribes allegedlypaid to secure the sale of 15 helicopters to India.

    Indian >efence 4inister K ntony ordered a #&I probe into the contract the very ne8tday.

    The investigation into the Italian firm 6inmeccanica, hich started more than a year ago,is one of a series of corruption scandals in defence dealmaking in India.

    $. % spectr&m (010)

    This sacm is of the largest financial scams in the country that involves illegalundercharging by government officials to various telecom companies during theallocation of 5: licenses for cell phone subscriptions.

    Instead of a transparent auction system, advised by the 4?,the telecom bandidthtender as undervalued and offered to a preferred fe on a '6irstA#omeA6irstA7erved'basis.

    ccording to the #:, the scam amounts to about *s 1B",000 crore, hereas the #&Iestimates it at *s @0,!=; crore.

    In 500= during the tenure of then minister for communications IT *a3a, investigations

    revealed that 155 155 licenses ere issued.

    The then Telecom 4inister . *a3a is the main accused in the case and he as forced toresign on ovember 1;. He has been booked under the revention of #orruption ct foraccepting illegal gratification. *a3a recently came out of Tihar 3ail on bail.

    part from *a3a, >4K #hief 4. Karunanidhi's daughter, Kanimo)hi has also beennamed in the case.

  • 8/11/2019 Top 10 Scams That Shook India


    '. !% Scam (011)

    #/: is a scam that dre attention of media orldide. The #entre announcedformation of a special committee to probe into allegations of corruption andmismanagement against the ?rganising #ommittee %?# for >elhi #ommonealth:ames.

    7uresh Kalmadi is the main accused ho as the chairman of the ?rgani)ing #ommitteeof the #ommonealth :ames.

    This scam comprised of a number of deals involving overstated contracts. He has beenaccused of aarding a contract to install Timing, 7coring and *esults %T7* system forthe 5010 #/: to 7iss Timing at inflated rates causing a loss of over *s !0 crore to thee8che(uer.

    In the further investigations the #&I has alleged that Kalmadi aarded the contract to the7iss firm at a much higher bid despite having a cheaper option.

    ess than 10 days before the games, athletes ere asked to move into apartments thatere shabby and dilapidated.

    The #&I has named eight persons including ?# former 7ecretary :eneral alit &hanotand former >irector :eneral CK Cerma as accused apart from 7uresh Kalmadi.

    6. Satam !omp&ter scam (009)

  • 8/11/2019 Top 10 Scams That Shook India


    This scam as a ma3or corporate scandal in hich the then chairman of 7atyam#omputers, & *amalinga *a3u as the main accused.

    He misappropriated books and inflated figures hich led to a scam that led to a loss of *s

    =000 crore.

    The global corporate community as shocked and scandali)ed hen the chairman of7atyam, *amalinga *a3u resigned on B $anuary 500! and confessed that he hadmanipulated the accounts by -7D1.;BA&illion.

    *. +darsh ,o&sin- Societ scam

    In 5005 #hief 4inister of 4aharashtra allotted land for construction of a cooperativesociety for the elfare of Kargil idos. It as named darsh Housing 7ociety. Instead,

    military officials , politicians and bureaucrats got themselves flats in the society at loprices.

    The 9nforcement >irectorate, Income Ta8 department and #&I found former #hief4inisters 7ushilkumar 7hinde, ate Cilasrao >eshmukh and shok #havan to beinvolved in the scam, hich led to #havanEs resignation.The case is continuing in court.

    . /ellar minin- scams

  • 8/11/2019 Top 10 Scams That Shook India


    This scam occured in Karnataka hich led to the resignation of its chief minister & 72eddyurappa. It started ith the allegations that :ali Karunakara *eddy and :ali$anardhana *eddy paid some money to bag contracts for their mining companyF?bulapuram 4ining #ompany in &ellary.

    In a report that as published by former okayukta of Karnataka, $ustice 7antosh Hegde7aid that 2eddyurappa and his family members had accepted bribes in the form ofdonations to trusts from mining companies in e8change for issuing mining leases. TheKarnataka government suffered a loss of *s1",0=+ crore.

    9. /oors Scam (19090)

    The &ofors scam hich is sometimes referred to as IndiaEs /atergate scandal gave rise toa political storm in the country pointing fingers at *a3iv :andhi, ho as the rime4inister then, for receiving a bribe from &ofors &, a 7edish company.

    The estimation of the scam amounted to *s "; crore. The government of India and the&ofors signed a contract in 1!=" for the supply of 1++mm Hoit)er field guns. bout ayear later the 7edish radio alleged that &ofors paid kickbacks to politicians and defenceofficials to close the deal.

    &ofors scam shook the entire nation as it involved the then rime 4inister, *a3iv:andhi. This scam took place beteen 1!=0 A 1!!0.

    7everal top leaders and bureaucrats ere accused of receiving kickbacks from the nodefunct 7edish arms company &ofors & for clearing a contract to supply 1++ mmfield hoit)er

    The middleman associated ith the scandal as ?ttavio Guattrocchi, as believed to bea ma3or player in the scam.

    /ith Guattrocchi's death after years of legal battle, the &ofors saga came to an end on$uly 1@, 501@.

  • 8/11/2019 Top 10 Scams That Shook India


    10. !ashor2otes scam (00)

    #ash for vote scam is one of the ma3or scams that shook the nation's conscience ande8posed the corruption that prevails at top political levels in the country.

    early one crore rupee in cash as brought by three &$ 4s into the ok 7abha on $uly55, 500=, hours before the House as to vote on a confidence motion moved by rime4inister 4anmohan 7ingh. The &$ 4s alleged they ere offered bribes to vote for thegovernment.

    The cash as sei)ed, and stored in the ok 7abha secretariat, and later handed over to theinvestigating agencies. othing came out of it. Instead, the three &$ 4s ho hadrevealed this bribe giving ere arrested by #&I and later released.