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Top 10 Reasons Your Shoppers Abandon Their Carts & Tips for Shopping Cart Recovery

Page 2: Top 10 Reasons Your Shoppers Abandon Their Carts & Tips for Shopping Cart Recovery

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the biggest issues in e-commerce.

To be able to tackle it, you must first be knowledgeable of the common reasons for this phenomenon.

The following are the top reasons for cart abandonment (in an order according to Statista, 2015) and their solutions.

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1. Unexpected shipping cost

This happens when customers tackle extra costs (taxes, shipping, required items) at the checkout.

It often causes irritation and consumer remorse (especially if they are deemed high).

Solution? Disclose the final cost from the beginning, or include it in the item’s cost and offer ‘free’ shipping.

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2. Having to create a new user account

Since consumers seek immediate, quick and instant results, having to put time and effort to complete a transaction is a nuisance to many consumers.

Solution? Offer customers a guest checkout option.

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3. Was conducting research to buy later

Many consumers add items to carts for research purposes (price, quality, shipping and more).

They may exit and return to the cart several times before they make a purchase (if they do not find a better alternative).

Solution? Implement a price match guarantee pop up to ensure customers.

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4. Concerns about payment security

This includes security concerns regarding the website, order process and entering credit card information.

Solution? Include SSLs and customers’ reviews to assure the consumers.

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5. Long and confusing checkout

Any factor that lengthens the checkout process is an annoyance to the consumer and they may end it mid-process.

If the checkout process is confusing, the poor experience may cause customers to give up mid-process.

Solution? Keep the checkout short, minimize form element and have clear calls to action.

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6. Couldn’t find a coupon code

Consumers often look for coupon codes to not feel as if they are paying too much. If they cannot find one they may decide to wait until they do.

This mindset is particularly strong when the coupon code search bar is near the checkout and is noticeable.

Solution? Auto-apply coupons when given via email or pop ups, otherwise, make the coupon bar less visible.

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7. No express shipping available

In some cases, consumers need the product by a specific date. If the product won’t be delivered by such date (due to lack of express shipping option), there is no need for it.

Solution? Offer express shipping for a higher shipping cost.

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8. Lack of payment options

According to a ClickandBuy survey over 50% of regular online shoppers will cancel a potential purchase if their preferred payment method is not available.

Solution? Offer as many payment options as possible, including local payment methods, such as AliPay in China.

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9. An unfavourable return policy

Such policy is one that costs money or offers return in too little days.

According to cpcstrategy, 2 out of 3 shoppers would buy more online if returns were free.

Solution? Offer free 30 days return.

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10. Lack of customer support

A study by LivePerson found that 83% of online shoppers want some form of help during their online shopping process.

Also 51% of shoppers are more likely to make a purchase if they have customer support via live chat.

Solution? Provide a live chat option.