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Page 1: Tooth colored fillings arlington texas

Composite Fillings Overview for Arlington Texas Dental Patients Composite resins (or tooth-colored fillings) offer patients a new way to have cavities filled, and more.

It’s a fortunate time; composite fillings used to be too weak, and thus disregarded until strengthened

and improved for human teeth. Being synthetic material, the research and evolution of the resin has

come a long way and is now an inexpensive option for patients. The restorative adhesive makes it

possible to fill a tooth while recreating the tooth itself, making it far superior over the original silver-

mercury filling. Coloring additives can ensure that the finished product matches the color of the original

tooth as closely as possible, allowing each patient a specifically concocted resin just for them.

Mark C. Marchbanks, D.D.S.

2624 Matlock Road Suite 100, Texas 76015

(817) 261-2747

Benefits of Composite Resin Fillings The most immediate benefit comes from the ability to fill a tooth while making it look natural and more

like its original state. It provides a renewed durability and adds strength to help prevent fractures. There

is no limitation to the types of teeth it can be used on as well, so those looking to keep a confident smile can find assurance in composite fillings.

No filling lasts forever, but composite fillings withstand and endure the same types of pressure and wear

as amalgam fillings, meaning there really is only preference at play in your decision. Cosmetically, the

decision has weighed more in the favor of composite fillings over amalgam, metal, or gold fillings. Even

though it is the filling that takes the longest to create, the long-term natural look sways most people to

vie for composite. These fillings may wear down sooner than the others, but it is simply replaced and

refilled when the time comes. This only helps encourage the patient to maintain the routine checkups.

Composite fillings require a higher standard during the procedure. The tooth must be kept consistently

clean and dry to ensure proper setting of the resin. It is placed on layer after layer and packed in until it

can closely replicate the tooth’s original appearance. It adheres to the dry surface while still in a dough-

like state, allowing the dentist to shape and conform the filling. That is why it can also be use d to

reshape teeth, fill gaps, and even sometimes bridge across two or three teeth. It is also a more

conservative route when debating dental crowns, being a much cheaper alternative as well as one the preserves more of the natural tooth.

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Other Uses

Not only can this filling be used for cavities, but it also aids in repairing chipped, broken, or worn teeth.

As mentioned before, the filling can be repaired if needed. Since the composite filling is a bonding agent,

there is now no longer a need for the dentist to manipulate the tooth’s integrity and shave away any

more healthy teeth. There is no corrosion or mercury involved, benefiting both the patient and the

dentist from being exposed and from releasing it into the environment. Mercury poisoning can be

avoided on multiple levels and eventually help wipe out the hazard it creates completely. These are all

things that the silver-mercury fillings cannot do, making it obsolete in many ways.

Here you can find more information about tooth colored fillings.