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Page 1: Tomato a vegetable that is used in our Life By Allah dad Khan
Page 2: Tomato a vegetable that is used in our Life By Allah dad Khan

Tomato a vegetable that is used in our daily

life .Lets see its benefits a Report by

Mr. Allah Dad Khan

Page 3: Tomato a vegetable that is used in our Life By Allah dad Khan


Although tomatoes are closely associated with Italian cuisine, they are actually originally native to the western side of South America, including the Galapagos Islands. The first type of tomato grown is thought to have more resembled the smaller-sized cherry tomato than the larger varieties.

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History contd The tomato was not cultivated in South America, but rather

in Mexico, supposedly because the Mexican Indians were intrigued by this fruit since it resembled the tomatillo which was a staple in their cuisine. The Spanish conquistadors who came to Mexico shortly after Columbus's discovery of the New World "discovered" tomatoes and brought the seeds back to Spain, beginning

the introduction of the tomato into Europe.

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History Continued Although the use of tomatoes spread throughout Europe and

made its way to Italy by the 16th century, it was originally not a very popular food since many people held the belief that it was poisonous since it was a member of the deadly Nightshade family. They were wise but not fully accurate, as the leaves of the tomato plant, but not its fruits, do contain toxic alkaloids. Yet, due to this belief, tomatoes were more often grown as an ornamental garden plant than as a food for many more centuries in several European countries.

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History continued Tomatoes made their way to North America with the

colonists who first settled in Virginia, yet did not readily gain popularity until the late 19th century. Since new varieties have been developed and more efficient means of transportation established, tomatoes have become one of the top selling vegetables in this country. Today, the United States, Russia, Italy, Spain, China and Turkey are among the top selling commercial producers of tomatoes.

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Nutritive Values of Tomato : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 1,000 I.U.Vitamin B : Thiamine .06 mg.;Vitamin C : 23 mg.Vitamin K : amount uncertainCalcium : 11 mg.Iron : .6 mg.Phosphorus : 27 mg.Potassium : 360 mg.Protein : 1.0 gm.Calories : 20

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Health Benefits Anti-oxidant: Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins A and C,

mostly because of beta-carotene, and these vitamins act as an anti-oxidant, working to neutralize dangerous free radicals in the blood stream. These dangerous free radicals can cause cell damage. And keep in mind, the more red the tomato, the more beta-carotene it contains. Also, remember that cooking destroys much of vitamin C, so stick with raw tomatoes for these benefits.

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Health Benefits Diabetes: Tomatoes also have plenty of the mineral

chromium, which helps diabetics to keep their blood sugar level under control.

Smoking: No, tomatoes can’t help you stop smoking, but what they can do is to help reduce the damage smoking does to your body. Tomatoes contain chlorogenic acid and coumaric acid, which help to fight against some of the carcinogens brought about by cigarette smoke.

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Health Benefits

Vision: Because of all that vitamin A, tomatoes are also an excellent food to help improve your vision. This also means tomatoes can help your eyes be better about night blindness

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Health BenifitsHeart troubles: Due to potassium and

vitamin B, tomatoes help to lower blood pressure and to lower high cholesterol levels. This, in turn, could help prevent strokes, heart attack and other potentially life-threatening heart problems.

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Health Benifits Skin care: Because of high amounts of lycopene, a substance

found in many of the more expensive over-the-counter facial cleansers, tomatoes are great for skin care. The best way to use tomatoes for skin care is to peel a bunch of them, eight to twelve, then lay back and place the tomato skins on your face (or other skin areas). Make sure the inside of the tomato skins are against your skin, and let this sit for at least 10 minutes. Then wash off. You’re face will be cleaner and more shiny, though it also might be a little red from the tomatoes. Don’t worry, that red on your

face will wear away.

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Health Benefits Hair: Remember all that vitamin A in

tomatoes? Well, it’s good for keeping your hair strong and shiny, and its also good for your eyes, teeth, skin and bones.


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Health Benefits Cancer: Various studies have shown that because of all that

lycopene in tomatoes, the red fruit helps to lessen the chances of prostate cancer in men, and also reduces the chance of stomach cancer and colorectal cancer. Lycopene is considered somewhat of a natural miracle anti-oxidant that may help to stop the growth of cancer cells. And, interestingly enough, cooked tomatoes produce more lycopene than do raw tomatoes, so enjoy that tomato soup! cancers such as prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and cancers of the stomach, mouth, pharynx, and esophagus have all been proven to be staved

off by high levels of Lycopene. 

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Health Benefits Bones: Tomatoes have a fair amount of

vitamin K and calcium, both of which help to strengthen and possibly repair in minor ways bones and bone tissue.

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Health Benefits CholesterolTomato juice is also an excellent natural

treatment for high cholesterol. It is a very good source of fiber, which acts to help break down LDL (or bad cholesterol) in the body. Also, the B3 (niacin) found in tomato juice has been used as a natural way to treat high cholesterol for many years.

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Health BenifitsHeart DiseaseThe B6 in tomatoes helps the

body break down a compound called homocystene into other molecules that are harmless. Homocystene is a compound that damages blood vessel walls and helps to cause heart disease.

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Health Benifiteye IrritationTo relieve bloodshot eyes, Chinese doctors

suggest eating 1 or 2 fresh tomatoes first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Scientists believe that the Vitamin C and flavonoids in the tomatoes strengthen the blood vessels

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Health Benifits Heals Wounds and SoresTribal medicine men often prescribed

poultices made from the leaves of wild tomato to heal wounds and sores. You can get the benefit of the wound healing property of tomato from the fruit also. Take a slice of fresh tomato; wrap it around the finger. Apply an adhesive tape to hold the tomato in place. Change the tomato slices 2-3 times a day. The infection (bad wounds and pus) will normally clear within 2-3 days.

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Health Benefits Restores Vitality - For Persistent FatigueHypoglycemic people

(those who have low blood sugar) are beset with constant fatigue and lack of energy. Tomatoes are useful in rebuilding their strength. Tomato affect this process three ways:

Tomatoes contain several naturally occurring sugars. These account for nearly 50 % of the total dry matter. Ripe tomatoes are especially high in glucose and fructose.

Tomatoes stimulate liver mechanism. Doctors at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan reported that fresh tomato juice was extremely effective in accelerating the glycogen (blood sugar) formation in normal rabbits.

Tomato seeds are a great source of protein. Scientists say that tomato seed protein is similar to that of sunflower and soybean.

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Health Benifits Restores the Health of the LiverTomatoes play a key role in

liver health. Russian doctors prescribe tomatoes in the diets of factory workers

exposed to toxic chemical. Tomatoes are useful detoxifiers because of the presence of chlorine and sulphur, two very important detoxifying trace elements. 100 grams of uncooked tomato contains 51 mg. of chlorine and 11 mg. of sulphur.

Natural chlorine helps to stimulate the liver. It assists liver in its task as an important filter for body wastes. Tomato also assists the liver in removing the toxic waste products from the system.

Sulphur helps to protect the liver from cirrhosis and other debilitating conditions.

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Health BenifitsDrinking fresh tomato juice can help to

regenerate the damaged, destroyed or surgically removed liver. 

Tomatoes help promote the health and well-being of liver. "A tomato a day, keeps the liver in good stay!," according to John Heinerman, noted author and herbalist.

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