Download - Tokenization: Life beyond the Information Age

Page 1: Tokenization: Life beyond the Information Age

TokenizationLife beyond the information age

Page 2: Tokenization: Life beyond the Information Age

> whoami

Satoshi Nakamoto

Page 3: Tokenization: Life beyond the Information Age

> whoami

Satoshi Nakamoto

Shannon Code

● Hacker

● Developer

● Tester

● Futurist

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> pwd


● Loyalty and rewards platform

● EVM (Smart contracts)

● Base class: “Everything is an agent”

○ Everything has an address

○ Everything can hold value

○ Everything can transfer value


● Fun experimental stuff

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> ssh tokenization@allthingsopen

From the Printing Press

To Blockchain


Industrial age

Information age

Imagination age

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> history

Printing Press

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> history

Gutenberg galaxy (Global village) Bandwidth: Rapid spread of information

Parallelize: Shared scientific research

Economics: Inexpensive paper

Latency: Faster than using a scribe

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> cd ..

Proof of work

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> history

● Computation

○ Slow

○ Required engineers

○ Fragile

○ Expensive

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> history

● Computation

○ Slow

○ Required engineers

○ Fragile

○ Expensive

● Network

○ Fragmented

○ Expensive

● Storage

○ Card

○ Tape media

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> gzip SEQUEL > sql

● Optimization

○ Math

○ Abstraction

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> mv physical/things.tar.gz digital/things.tar.gz

Digitize all of the things

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> fsck

● Problems

○ Digital *things* can be copied at little to no cost

○ Digital *things* can still be deleted

○ Digital *things* can still be forged

○ Digital *things* can still be lost

● Solutions?

○ Centralization

■ Bank


○ Consortium

■ Media companies

■ News outlets

■ Government

○ Much more...

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> segfault

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> sudo reboot

● Blockchain

○ Cryptography

○ Peer 2 Peer

○ Distributed computing

○ Virtualization

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> ssh [email protected]

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> ./beyond

“Would I design my software differently if each execution had a cost”

“What can I make if I can eliminate the need for trust”

“If I can create a digital *thing* that only one can exist & only in one place”

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> cd /usr/demo

Let’s make something

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> ./

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> ...

Each audio frame hash is stored and references the previous stored hash.

● Proof

○ Has this been altered

○ Are frames missing

○ Which frames are missing / altered

● Identity

○ With only 3 frames identify the source

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> ./

● Generate Keys

○ Create QR from address

○ Encrypt key-pair

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> ./

Add qr code to id3 tag


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> ./

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> ./

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> ./

● Sign watermarked media

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> ./

● Verify signature

● Add signature to id3 tag

● Share

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Artist: SaiephTitle: Enigmatritonic_CryptophasmAlbum: Quenvalys


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Collaboration with Trusted Audio

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