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- t -


Th€ listening comprehension s€ction consists of four parts. Therc ârc 100 questions.

Part I Pictures (20 questions)Part II Question - Response (30 qu$tions)Part m Short conversations'(30 questions)Part Mhort talks (20 questions)


Ther€ are 20 photographs . Look at the photographs before you hear the four statements . You mwt choose thestatement that best describes the photograph .Photognphs of p€ople : The stâtement oflen describes what the !Éople ârc doing , what they are holding ,

wearing etc . . . and where they are .Photographs of obiects : The stûtement often deseribes what tbe obi€ct is , what it is like and where it is .

Pay âttention to th€ main ideâ of the photograph .BecarcfuLot wordgwitha sirnilqr seund .

Example : Ee is ggElg chocolate .Ee is heâtinq the chocolate.

Be careful of stat€ments that can cause confrrsion .Example : The trâiner is in &4!Lg[-the desk .

The desk is in front of the trainer .Remember: If you do not know the corrcct answer cbm* a,b, c or d


There are 30 questions in tùis pârt.You will hear a qlrestion rthen three possible answers . You must choose thestatement that best ânswers the question .You must concentrate on the qlestion and then lisûen for the ânswer .If the question word is b,herc the possible answer is a place

athcz qtimewho a personrohst an ohjeAhowofien aftequen yhow'ttuch th<coihowfar disfancehowold ageetc. . . , . . . . .

Be careful of negative questionsExample : Won't you join us for coffee ?possible answers : Yes Ird love to .

I wish I could , but I'm too busy .

Alweys concentrat€ on meaningonly.Be careful of homophon$ ( words that sound similar but have different meanings ) .

Example : She works a live day woek .She is too g! to work ,

Always concentrate on neaning only .Remember : If you do not know the correct answer choose a, à or c

- 2 -


Therc ùe 30 questions in this part .You will hear 30 short conversations betw€en two people. You must choosethe statement that best answers the question. The questions and the four p,o$ible lnswers are rrritten in the testbook .

Tri to reâd the {uestion and anJwers before y-ou hear the conversation .Usually the questions focus on eithcr.the.main idea or on specific information .Alwtys concetrate on meaning .You must concentrat€ on the question and then listen for the ânswer .Pay speciâl âtûention to tbe qustion word .

See tips for part tr que$tion - reponse.

Be carcful of modal verbs ard n€gativet to express int€ntions , obligations , no obligations , possibitties , etc ...Examples : must / mNtn't , n€ed /ne€dn't

Remember : If you do not know the conrct answer choose a , à , c or d


Thert are 20 questionc in this paft .You will hear several short tâlks . rhe short talks cân includeannouncements , business prcsentations , wetther forecasts , advertisements , etc ...Therc art two or thrce questions on erch talk. The queJtions and the four porsible rnswers are written in thetest boolc You nust choose tùe statem€nt that b€st ânswers the question.

Try to rcsd the [uestions and answers before you hear the talks.Look at the questions and answerr ûr you are lisûening.Usually the questions focus on the mtin ideâs md detâits.Sometimes they include infercncc questions which ask you to draw conclusions .Alrtrâys concetraûe on meâning.

Remember : If you do not know the corr€ct answer choose a, ô , c or d



wholesaleorderfailthe balancecutpurchasedistributerinvoice price

currrert pricebargain pricerun out of stgto aim at s marketa foreign marketa gmwth market

groscortrmândeéchouerle soldediminuerscheterconceiiionnaireprir de facture

prix du jourprix d'occasionmanquer en magasiryiser un marchéun mrrché ext€rieurun marché porteur


round triprent /hireconYentionfaircancelentrance f€eexhibitionto registertap€ring ratesto handleschedulesinglecheck in


set upprolitablefactoriesrecoverysharcholderbalance sheet

mergerboard of directorsbonds

diYidetrdhead offcelimited liabilityr€gistrationto float

dler-r€tourlouercongÈsfoireannulerdroit d'entree€xposition /salotrs'inrcriretarif dégressiftraiterhorairechambre d'une personnese présenter à la reception


fusionco|rseil d'administrationobligations industrielles

dividendesiège de sociétércsponsabilitéimmrtriculationdémarrer

farefinesoffcial proceedingsadmissionregistrationto exhibitexhibitor's passcoach /busthroug-h trainrentalpamphletsdouble room

a sharenetworkgrowthfailureappointauditor


mortgage bonds

partn€rincur a lo$$monopolyself-fitrancirga fl€dgling company

détailacompteexpédierpénurieremboursementchariotsiege socialvente parcorrespondancecorditionnementmagaiin à succursaleslancer un produitcojonctures du môrchéun msrché intérieur .satfufaire les besoirs

tarifamendescomptq.rendu ofriciclentreeinscrlptionerposerc&rte d'exposant&utoqattrrin directde locrtionbrochurechambre pour deur

une part / ulre actionréseàucroiisanceéchecnommercommissaire auxcomptessuccursal€

obligatiotrsh]?othécairesassociésubir une pertemonopoleautofl!ancementun€ sociéte fragile


retailinstalmertdtupatchshortagerefundtrolleyhead-officemâil order house

prckagingchair storeslaunch a pmductmarket trendsdomestic marcketto cater to the need$



batch (processing)cartridgechartto clear

computercoredôta loggingdevicedigitaldiscrepancyto dumpfeedbacklile labelflowto focusgarbageiûputinsulateto itemizel€velto monitorqueuereliableto r€windsch€duleIO Set

to stackstoragetaskto triggerto unpackskilled staff

traitement par lotscartouchetableau Siagratorite '


ordinateurnoyauenregistrementdispositifnumériqueécart , différenceviderrétroaction , réactionétiquettecirculationconcentrerdéchetentréeisolerdétaillerniveausurveillerIile d'attertefiablerembobinerplen , préYision

' positiomerempilerstockagetache

. déclettcherétalerpersonnel spécialisé


computationaldatato deletedrgitdirectoryto displayto feedIileflawto flick€rgapto implementoutputitemlayoutto loadoverhsulrandomto rresetsafetysensotto sortto stepto swaptime-sharitrgunavailableramingto waste


audiencebackpsgebillborrdbratrd imagecanYassingcirculationcov€rfront pageincome groupstârgeaoff-peak


P!:ess releaseremindersamplingtrade paperto make I foray (into)to corner a marketa newcomerto place an ada catch pras€

incorpoÉcanalpuc€dans le sens der aiguillesd'une montreéYelustiondonne€rayer , effacerchiffreÉpertoireafficheralimenterlichierdéfautclignoterécartem€ntmettre en applicationsortierrticledisposiÉionchargerremise en étataléatoireremettre à zérosécuritécapt€uttrieravancer d'un paséchangertemps pÛtagéindi$ponibl€avertissemenlgaipiller

enquêtepetite amonce , anloncepublicitrirepublicIa dernière pagepanneau d'affichageimage de marquedémarche à domicilediffusioncouyerturepremière pagetranches de reyenuscible€n dehors des heures d€pointeheure de pointecommuniqué à la presserappeléchantillonnagejournal professionnelfaire ure incursionmonopoli$erun nouveau venumetlre une annonceun slogan


to carry out mener ( une expérience)to advertise fair€ de la publicité

age group classe d'âgeawards Écompens€sbill factur€to boost gonflerbreakthrough percéecaption légendeclosing dat€ date limitedailypaper journsl quotidierfreelancejournalist journdisteindépe[dantto broadcast diffuserto atteûd assister à

outcome resultatpoll sotrdagerafing évaluationFeports comptes rgndussubscriber abonnéto spearhead a campaign erpandenter a niche marketto lose an edgea catcb line

déYelopperoccuper un créneauperdre un avatrtageune formûle choc

- 5 -

I.atiryfeportssubrcriberto spesrhead a campaignto expandenter û nich€ marl(etto lose an edge& crtch linecatchya foldera rigna ntings system

a blind testa crross section

évaluationcomptes rendusaboIIémener...dév€lopper

' occuper un crén€ru . ,perdrr un avantageutre formul€ chocfscileà retenirun dépliantuûe enseigneun system d'évaluation

un test en aveugleur échantillon repÉssntatif

remirdersamplingtrade paperto meke a foray (lnto)to corner a marketa newcomerto place &n ida catch prasea reply couponm post upa leaflet/a flyerto reach customerg

to spur

to me€t qurlity standsrdge kÊy componentto build to lastto run tcsts

to rcdesign

rappeléchantillonnagejournal prcfessionnelfâire une ircursionmonopoliseru|l louveau venum€ttne tme SDtronceun sloganun bon à dècouperafrcherun prGpectusatteindre lesconsotnmateursinciter

repondre aux norme$un élément essentielconstruire pour durerfaire subir des terts deyériûcationredessiner

déceler der défautsle manque de soùljetableun msrché b&s degatnme


quality standardtto monitorthe purssuit (of)to contsin defects

to desigrr brand imagefaultyflawlesswe|r and tearto discardto off-load products

normes de qualitésurveillerla recherche (de)limitsr les défaut$

conceYoirulle image de marquedéfectueuxsans défautItusurejeterdéYers€r ses produiti

to discontinu€ 8 product srreter un produita flawto spot d€fectssloppinessdispossble

une psille, un délaùt

s downrcale market



!\r]-l boardI.obbyRêsottDesk c].erkCheck inCheck outBaJ.lboy


I . D .

bebergemeotpenExon colPletl ' entréestat ion tourist iqueréceptionnistes' insoiraêÈégler J.a noteport ier

chambres disponiblepapiers d, identi té

POSÎ OFFTCEG']T-To rnailPostageZip codecol].ect cal lHang upHoId on

Tol"l freeRâte9

To wirePut s. o. through /Connect


affrattchisseDentcode tr)ostaleP . c . v .racroctre!

attendez svttcouPê!

appe]. .gratuit' taux/frais


EetÈle encoEeunicatiott

1'addit ionpourboire

casse êro1r!êvinaigrette

Pres9IOnsandwich barboisson gazêusêbonbons

f.ês conEelvêsalcoo]"

TRÀNSPORTRush hoursidewa].kFreeway/Hightraye ive s .o .a ] . i f tTurnpikeT!uckCarGasgood

?runkLicensê p1atetrai]-erBu$perr'il1 he! upRun out of g,asTankFix the ca!À selvicePIaneTake offLandingTo be de]-ayedTo be dueTo be overdueÀirfare!\r].]. fareÀis.]-eStop ove!Io boaldTereina1On scheduleSchedu].eTo check in

Baiu3seShutt] .e



Ride the su.bwayRaihoad

PuL l-nanclerkBooking officê

1'hêure de pointet!ottoir


enttrener qqn.en voitureautoroute (payante)



capo Ecoffreplaque d' i_Emat.ricu].ationcaravane

Pare_chocfaile ].e p].einpaDne d, essenceréselvoir

réparer Ia voituteune révision


êtterr issage

etre retarde!etle attendu/prevuetle en letardprix dê biI].et d, awionp].êin ta.ifcou]-oir centrâIeàca]-e :a



a 1 ' heu !êhoraiteenregistrêr


consignestoi lettes


Eransportj e ton

prendre ].e metlochenin de fermonter/descend!et!âin rapideguichetier



A bitêD!essingon tap/draftDeIisoda


Cannêd foodLiquor

-+ -


iHoPPrNcÀ pulseÀ dêpositÀ diEcountÀ leceiptÀ sa]"es sLipÀ refu-ndÀ vrarlantyDepartEent storeÀisleA Ea].eRetai].Iihô].esaleChain stole

To purchâsecrocêri. storeÀ standÀ goanÀ gar[entA sales c].errkThe ctrêck out

gac a !a:-nurre accompteult rabaisun leçuutl reçuun reDboursenent

une garantiegrand magasin

ar_Leesoldes /vedte au detailven!.e ett qlosmagâgr-n a gucc-

ulsales mult iptesachête-

ePICêrJ"e''a étrlune robeun vêtenentutre vendeuse].a caisseboutiquê

dêviEesun coapte courantun compte dt epargrreencaisse! un chequetaux d' echanqeulle agenceune rêconna1sancede dettêun deeouvert.caissi!reiDpots

].EISI'REVacationBox off iceSold outPêrfoErtrallceInterrûisgion

Bil lboard

Movie theatreEntertainmentReJ.ease (f iLm)


sâi l ing

fce skatingHêalth spaspaBaseball TerdsTo be outTo be safelloEe lunLhpireBalJ.gare

À st l ike


car-sse CineDâconplet



êntractepanneau (pub)cinéEa


m.r-se ellcr-rcu].ation


l-a voi lepatinagê Eur glacêc]-u.b de santéthermes/jacuzzi

é].j-uine!toujours en jeuun Èorr! reussiarbitrebasebaJ-lquând un lanque1a. ba]-].e

hunidite. (froide)une secheressenêige foqduecanicu]-e1--fât" de neigerlleteo


redacteu! en chefediteur des foinsune etupÈiorthonoraiaêsun maladeconseil lere socialêune p].aieune la].adie

BANK,/MONETCurrencychecking accountSavings accountTo cash a checkExchange rateÀ bratrchÀ n f , O " û ,

Àn ovêrdraftBantte.Ller .Incolle tax1c=one penny5c=a nicke.l10c=a di-eê25c=â quârter

THE WEÀTHERDaEpÀ droqghtS].eetÀ treatwaveÀ blizzaldtr'

THE PRESSEditoEPub].isher


HEÀL1HÀn injectionD!uggtorePrescriptionorde!1yaab].et/pi11

CoughA splainX layA cas t

une Pt qurepharmacieo!donnanceai-de soignantcachetgrt-PPetoux

' t't une entorseqn radio

Aun platre

Hay feverÀ rashA feeÀ patientÀ counselorÀ rdoundÀn ail_uênt

- 8 -



FlateaniCYcollegeIvy Leagrre

Fleshlan JuniorSophoaoreSenaorItigh schooLTo q!âduaue

À Tut'otTo Ea jo r i n - .àbtendance recoldTo get good gEadès

To fail,/f,lunkTo tr)ass an er(amEo take an exanPh , DM.À. (MasÈera À.rts)M. sc. (< > Science)É.À(BacheJ-or of

À!ts)B. sc. (Bacbêlor of

science)ÀLlrlrni1o quit/dtop outKinderqaluenÀs s igîDetltTo ctaDT}�esisTo daÈê a .o '

MI SCEI,I.AIIEOUSlo fix dinnêrTo fix a dete te ditrerarrenger/organiserdeéiderrepaEe! la voiturerenover une tlatgonadopte! une vieregulièle. S'ét. .bl i !fi,.er son choix sur. . .s ' instal lêrrègler une dispute

coloni.serutr col0rraccel)ter coDme coDproltrigs'établ i .(en affaites)

èÈre géne<:o]-]-ectionune postê de 1.V.rénower/attachet


disintégrerroEpreannu]-erconp!ênd!efaire affai!ê avec/s'occupe. de traiÈera.bolirse Eettrè êntenue de soi!insinuerirrcitèrcolrf!olttertoEber âDoureusese wcrngetpourrir/tourners'eteindle

ett vorrloir a[i-rerrtrou!j-!choisirtaquirer/eDbeter

Passea a 1âùaisoDaêpo!terhûEilierne I'lus en avoi!f,riDerfaire u'tle errorreûrplacêrinciter

persuaderêtre occupéprerd-te congé

arriwei/wèniruser/épuisser].OODph=l60hphlpoûnd=16oun(:eslpound-o . 45kg1 o ' c = 5 0 ' F25' c=17 " F

t'!i-EestrechaD.bre d' Uniwersi-téqqnr qui Paltage lachabb!è d'Ûniversitéclub des feDmesclub d' hoEDeUnive!sitéles universités les

I)lus tr)restigeusegêtudiant en 1ère arrnée

etl 2ê:De annéeen 3ère année

Eco]-e secondairerècevoi! le diPlote defin d'etudes secondaireun Profestseurspéeial- iser en .. -

aseiduitéawoi! des bo!ùtes noteséchouerréussir un et<a.qen

Palrse! un êxalenDoctorabl.taittise dê lettres

<< D de Sciencesun dipl-oEe d'Univelsité

(LetÈres)un dip]-olre d' université(science)attciens étudiantsa.bondonner- ses etudesmaterDe]-ledevoi!sf,evj-se!/bucherThèsesoatir awec qqn.

t{ous rNGHigh rise(at'parbents)condo (ûiniur)Do$ûtowrrsuburbsCoEmrrters

R.sal estaCeNeighbo].hoodTo 1e!To be on themarketMo!tgageYardElevatôrDenCa4)ortD . I . Y .Locationfo be evi-ctedFaucet

un i-bnêubl-ê

copropriéhécentre wiIleban]-ieuê1es gens qui voyagentre$rlierèment a 1a villeilBobi1i.èrquar!ierà 1o,'".

a vendrehfT)othèquejardin/eour

bu-eaua.bri" de woiLurebricoLagesituationêtre expulséiobinet.

To fir( Èhe carTo fix up a houseto setCle dowtr

To sett]-e onTo setlle inTo settle an

To settLeÀ seÈtlerTo seùtle forlo aet upSet backÀ set ' (of books)À T . V . seèfo do utr)Io take a .ain

checkTo back dolrn'F^ ' . ;--L f^

To <( > riibhlo call off/cancelTo catch onTo deal with

To do away rrithTo dress up

Io driwe atlget atTo egg onTo face up toTo faII fo! s. o.To get back at s.o.To go offTo go outto have it in for

s, o. /HoId a gludgeIo l ook up t o s .o .To pâss at'ayTo piêkIo pick onTo pop in/Drop bylcal l inTo put off1o put doyrn1o lun out ofTo sholr offTo slip upTo stand in forTo stir upfo talk s. o. i"nto

To be Cied upTo have ti-he offTo t'urn inTo haDd inTo eurn utr>To weâr outl2incbes=1fooèlfoot=0.3Eetles3feet=1yaEdlyard=o .9rnetres6feèt=1 .8Eetrês

q- t -


The reading section consbts of three parts :

Pârt V - Sentence Completion (40 questions)Part VI -Error Recognition (20 qu€stions)Part VII -Reading Comprehension (40 questions)

You have one hour and fift€en minutes to do this s€ction .ManaEe your time well . Prrt V and VI test grammar . You should do these parts quickly .Part VII ûests r€âding comprehension . Spend as much time aN possible doing thfu part .


The followingis a checklist of various grammar points that can be found in either part V sentence completionând or part Vl error rccognition .

1) ST]BJECT / VERB AGREEMENTexample : !gç! of the nachine piece llg under warranty .coriectiûr ! Eâcb*.. is

2) ADJECTM / NOUN and YERB /ADVERB AGREEMI,NTexample; He has a ûgugdlpqlqqapartment ,corredion: a twG'b€dmom apaftment

exernple : He drove car€ful to avoid accidents.correction : dlglç carefrdlv

3) CORRECT. VERB TENSEexample : The letter b_!€nt lâst w€ek .correction : @ sent (look for a time marl(er to indicate tense )

example : John will phone when he will arrive .corr€ction : when he a{rives

4) POSTTION OF NIJECTIVESexample : he hâs a bi&black car.see page lJ

5) GERI]NDS AND INI'IMTTYESexample : They nlnnned to buv new equipment .

They like dancinq.They can sine .

see page 17.

6) UNNECISSARY REPETITION OF SI]BJDCT,erample : The passançn they âr€ not hâppy with the delay.comection : The passânger| ar€ not happy ....

7) CORRECT CONJUNCTIONSexanple : Neither John or Caroline went to the pârty .correction : 49@4 ........ nor

exâmple : Peter is happy with his position , because his salary is low .corr€ction r 4!!@g!see paç /4

- t o -

8) PRONOI]N AGREEMENTexâmple : The tourists demânded to chânge his flights .coûectioL : tourists -"-..their

example : They a|| enjoyed ours€lves ât the party .correction thev .......... themselves,....exrmple : Mr Smith ând pg.will see the mânrger.correction : Mr Smith and I (we)

example : Mr Jones gave &!qând I a bonus .correction: John and me (us)see page . 15

9) WORD IORMSexâmple : We were verl intertsting in the movie .corr€ction : interest€d

10 ) PARALLEL STRUCTUR.Eexanple : Ee likes skiing, cycling and to dance .correction : dancing

11) WORII ORDERindirtct questions exâmple : He asked what gg! the time of the meeting .

correction : He asked what the time of the meeting gg! .

adjective/adverb example : extremelyexpensive

participle/adverb example : a specially treâted zurface

enough / adjective example : easy enough

12) COMPARATIVES AND SIJPERLATIVES .example l Copper is $ç Eqp widespread metal in the world .corr€ction : the @!11

exanple : This câr is lqqgl expensive than that one .corrcction : 4919 erpensive

13) REDUNDANCYexample : Ee !Êqgglh q@4 goes to the cinema.correctior : choos€ frequently or often not but botù.

14'I CORRECT PREPOSITIONSexamples time : !4 the moming, gl 9 o'clock, @ 9 & 5, E 2 weeks, qApril 1, U-2 hours,

since 1980

example position : in Toulouse (general) , at the post offrce (specific)

example verbs : coNist qf , agr€e with (person) ,....

1$ PREFD(ES AND SUFFD(ES .example : prefix gg (neaning together)

we need to Êgqpggq

example : suffixesdaY à dailY

- | l -

-Yourg better-Youtd better

-Yourd rattrer

He has

Fe careful of the

= You had beÈter,Fdn't you ?

= You would raÈher

following :

. ( t su fe ra is b ien de . . . )(should, ought, tso)

(tu prefererais . . -)(tu aimerais mier::< . . )

-Yourd rather go to the cinenla, wouldn't you? (prefer)

-IÉ!y (Iaid, Iaid,laying) = to put (mettre, poser) .can be active or passiwe and take an object-

He laid the book on the tab1e.-tie (Iay, lai-n,lying) = to repose (s'a1longer, se coucher)-ÏE

is newer passive and never foltowed by an object-(a)Ee lav down on the bed.(b) IIe lies in bed 12.00 am

-tie (Iied,lied, lying) = not tso teII the truth (mentir)He l-ies, cheats and steal-s

-Beside = nêxt' to (a cote de)He sat beside che pret.ty girl,

-Besides = in addition to (en outre, en plus,de plus)a bicycle besides a car

-Be!ggg! -refers to only two peopl-e or things (enLre)Ttrere is litt1e difference .between the trùo ideas.


-refers to tlxree or @!e. people or things (parmi)is little difference amon(I the three ideas

-agvfSC (noun) - singnrlar (conseil)He gave me a loc of advice

-Àgtzl€c-� (werb) - ( conseirrfl-I advised him co buy a car

-Kind.Sort.tæq -the nords can be singular or p]-ural-when its is.sinqutar,its is modified by nris/Çhatwhen pturat,iL is modified by Eesèlclose

r like this kind of cookiElïTike rhese kinds of c<jorI&.-He al-ways buys that, sorÈ of shoe-He always buys those sorts of

shoesI like reading this çype 9f I'ook. TtreÏ-like reading these tvcres

of books

--R:i€C (rose, risen, rising) =to 90 up,to increase (se1ever, augimenter)It is never passive aIrd never t.akes an obj ect

(a)The sun rises every morning.(b) Ttre price of pet.rol has risen.

-3gige (raiËed, raiseà, raising) I-t6-fitt (lewer, etewer, eriger)It. takes an object and can be active or passive

IIe raised his hand

: f l -



penn1 s sr_on- l ^ . i I , : t s . -o - r r r r r L y

d is tance ( i usqu 'à )tG-Ï|risqu'ài

Uev rI can

go now ?dance

C.he train goes as far as parisI will- stay here U.nËil 9 o'clock

-Se! (set,set,sect ing) =to put (mettre, poser, placer)It takes an object. and can be active or passive

She set the f l-owers on the ta.ble-sic ( saElsac;=ît tIngJ- = (s'asseoir)

It is never passiwe and newer takes an objectHe sat. on the chair

IINCOUN:IABIE :money, lrater, cof f ee COIllIfÀ3LE : books , people , dollars

-as far as-!4!]Ili11

How much money hawe you got ?(Èrop) too ûmch(tellement. t.ant ) so ûluch(pas beaucoup) not mrch

a l i t t le (un peu)l- i t t le (peu de)Iess . . . t han (mo ins de )the least (Ie moins de) (aut.ant de. .que)more . . .Èhan (p lus . . - que )the mos t . ( le plus)

how many books hawe you got ?(!rop) too many( t.ellement., tant de) so flr.rny(pas beaucoup) not many

a few (quelques)few (peu de)fewer- - . than (moins de)the fewest (le moins de)as many. .as ( autant. de".que)more. - . than (pl-us- . .çIue)the most. (le plus)

ADJECTIVE ORDERV"srur11;!!3y' 4C, Shepe C-qlogr Coun!ry Material NOUNopt4ton Wgiglt of originA nice big new round black Greek wooden Table

VERBS used with the SUBJUNCTIYJ,


I Insist that you Be here earlyDemand ComeRequirg Arrive etc.Ask

Not ForgettingIf I were you,Iwould work harder.I wish I were rich- r-


Examples:Unique,alone dead empty,equal,final,eternal,first,full,perfect,right'square etc

- t 3 -

cqJUNçrIoN rAlgs_


ryOlr To BE MrxED

He is {$ tall AS his brother.She is NE,ITHER talt \OR small.BQIH John AND Mary are English.She doesn't like EITHER beer OR. whisky.The meal was NQT_QNLY good BUT d!ËO cheapWUEIUEII you like it OR not,we are teaving now.f[ you cannot pây ,T!EN you cannot go.

D!uErqNEGAIIYESAvoid at all costs double negatives

lOg{_lgSg_ryq4gor I know nothing NOT I don'r know norhing.Remember HARDLY SCARCELY BÀR"0,LY and SELDOM are nesative words.She hardly ate her lunch


A pair or series ofwords(nouns adjectives,infinitives etc) shouldbe of the same structure_4q.t a mixtureExamples Wrong Ice skating is more exciting than to roller skate

Right Ice skating is more exciting than roller skitinq

Wrong She wrote to her sister and roommateRight She wrote to her sister and to her roommate

A collective noun cân take the ql4gqlgl when it is thought ofas a unit and thealg1a!when the individual elements ireconsideredExamples The crowd was large and disorderly

The crowd were fighting among themselves.

so/qucEéÆgcrrThe girl was so beautiful.

(noun) (adjective)She was such a beautiful girl.

(adjective+roun)The weather was so hotIt was such hot weather

He drove so fast.(verb) (adverb)


- Countable

- Uncountable

se1AprE8g sJcutNgut{


DANGLING SENTENCESG:fCsS,I4fiUlty9! and P4gllgiples must be properlyplaced and must refer to something.

rfirong Walking down the garden,the flowers can be admired.Right If you walk down the garden,you can admire the flowers

Wrong To get here,a short cut had to be taken.Right We had to take a short cut to get here.

PRONOUNS1. I,You,He,We,They and Who are used in two instances

a) When the pronoun is the subiect.John and I want to live in France.He and s[are in Europe at the moment.

U; -Aler linkrlrE yggLs(uiuatty the verb ro be)Who is at the door? lt is I.Was it he who answeEâlhe phone?

2, Me,You,Him,Her,Us,Them and Whom are used inthree instances

a) _When the plg4ggg is the direct obiect.She asked me.Whg$ did you invite?

b) -!h_en the pronoun is the intlirect obiect.Mr.Jones gave us the application form,John sold him the most expensive stereo in the store.

c) When the p44ggr_is the obiect of the prerrosition.(For,By,To,Between and With)

The letter was written by her.Between you and me.IdîiÏ-I think it will work


She is a better student than he (is)Do you lihe her as muchlil? firc ner;

But- It's not like him-ro dôluch- a thing.

SINGULAR INDEFINITE PRONOUNSThe following MUST be foltowed by rhe SINGULAR.Anyone Another:". trither Everything OneEverytrody Neither Someone Everyon-e No oneSomething Anything Much Nothins Each

- t l -


a) Pourwish

b) Pourwish

c) Pourwish

d) û{ishwish

on peut eûrployer rvlqh pour oq>rimer des Sqghails ou desreqrets.Attention aux temps

parler du present,on emploie Ie pretserit+ pret,erit. -I EiÊIr I understood-

(j'àïfrê-rais-lîêî-êôftrrendre)parler dl! !Ass!}, on enqrJ-oie 1C_:pfuperfect

+ pluperfect -I Ei€! Ihad learnt Spanish(si seulement j'awais appris I'espagnol)

exprimer un souhait, à propos de ltavenir,on enploie+ would -I wish she gLl_ Egep playing Lhat stupid

musft-Tsi seriGd€-EÎIè airetait de jouer.Peuts remplacer fiùanttr.- . _ r--+r--.--.+ infinitive -I wish to see the manager. (very polite)

+ _EgEIE" dans Ia principaleeinema I will acceDt with Dleasure

Éonditionals . if

f . i f + presenÈIf you jnvitse me t.o the

2 if + preteritIf you inviE.ed ûre t.o Ehe

if + pl-uperfect + c_engllionel-_pesæ dans 1a principaleIf you h<|.ited me t.o the cinema r gglfd havê_ggcepEgE

+ conditional present dans la principalecinema I qogfd__eççgp-È with pl-easure

On peut utiliser 'ë,' ou "like" pour dire que deux choses (deuxpersonnes, si tuations, etc .-.) .qe ressemblent (français: connre)

a ) a s + s u i e t . + v e r b eAs you like ( conme wous voulez)

b)as devant une preposiËionIt happened as i4 a dream (ça srest passe conune dans un rêwe )

c)Iike + nom seu]. (sans werbe ) ou + pronoln personnel cofiple nt3na=;nr=-mË-me,slrer s more@e11e n'est-pâs- conrme moi,elle eGElffitOt contrne ma mere

d)as stemploie dewanf_Jg_.@ pour indiquer la fonction ou le rôledrrlne personne ou d'une ,ehose (français: "comnen au sens de"entartt q|ue rt

IIe worked as a bus-driwer.fl a travalle cornd èontlucteur dtautobusf used my shoe eC_a hanmtefjrai util-ise ma chaussure connne marteau.

ignore the opinion of others is to inviteB

most people desireDc

The two words in an infinitiwe should not be divided by an adverb-> (A) To igrrore cor[>letely (verb + adverb) or (adwerb + werb)

- t6-




a) After regllar modal verbs the main veù is an inliniAve siggql to :would, will, shall, should, can, could, may, night, must, had better, mght to have to, need to, dare to,ured toexample: I must go now.

b) Negatve examples : Ee rhould not go . He darcnrt go alone .Ee had better not stay . He does not have to go .He needn't go. ne does not need to go.

c) modal verb phraseswould prefer to, would sooner, would ratherexample : Ee'd rather go to the cinema thân study.

d) makey'let/ have + object + infinitiveerample : Ee made me help him .

He let me stay .He had her cut his hair .

2) YERBS X'OLLOWED BY TO + nwtr{rm/E

a) After certii_n.yerbs tùe complete infinitive is used : agree , af,ord, appear, ârrânge, attempt, begb,choors, decide , eru'ect, forget, hâte, help, hope, intend, learr, lovernanage, ofrer, promise, refrrse, seen,try, want

b) After cartain verbs followed by an obiect : advise, âllow, encourage, force, order, perfllade, rcmind,teach, tell, wartrexample: Ee invited her to dinner.


4) After certain verbs a gerund is used : ûdmit, apprcciateravoid, consider, deny, dislike, enjoy, excuse,fancy, feel like, finish, give up, can't help, imagine, keepn keep on,leave off, ûrind, miss, pôstpone,practise, put off, rfuk, can't stand, sugg$t, understatrdexample: He can't stand working alone"

a) Aftfr ceraain verbs which are followed by the preposition to : admit to, look forrard to, get used toexanple : I am looking forward to seeing hin again.

c) gerund as object lexample : He likes visiting churcher .

- t+-




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This pfft of the t€st consists of r variety of written documents .They can include faxes ' lettert , memos , graph , instructions leallets , annoucements ,schedules , chârts erc ...Spend as much time as possible on this part .Read the document carcfrllly .

X'ind a) the ùain idea ,b) tbe purpose of the document .

Is it to inform , persuade, praise, sell , apologire ..? . This information is often found in the title or at thebeginning of the document.

c) the facts , details ..d) whât is implied inferred.

0ften you need to draw conclusions as tùerc is no direct answer in the document

There are two to live questions on each dûcument. The questions usually cover the mâin idea , purpos€ oftle document, factual information / details and inferences.

- / g -