Download - Tobacco. THINK: What are ways people in the United States die? What does UNPREVENTABLE mean? What are some UNPREVENTABLE causes of death? What.



THINK:THINK: What are ways people in the

United States die? What does UNPREVENTABLE mean? What are some UNPREVENTABLE

causes of death? What does the phrase

“PREVENTABLE DEATH” mean? What are some causes of death that

are preventable?

WHAT?!?!?!Tobacco is STILL the leading cause of preventable death

How many people have DIED because of tobacco?

20 million. 20 MILLION! That’s more than 5 times the population of LA!

Larger than the state of New York!Why are teens still starting to smoke knowing they could die because of it?

Did you know?Did you know? 23% 23% of high school students in the

United States are currentcurrent cigarette smokers

Each day in the United States, 3,200 people under the age of 18 smoke their first cigarette.

2,100 occasional smokers become daily cigarette smokers.

From 2011-2012, electronic From 2011-2012, electronic cigarettes use has double among cigarettes use has double among middle and high school students.middle and high school students.

The Reality…The Reality…70%70% of teen smokers say they wish they had never started.

95%95% of all teenage smokers think they will have quit within five years, but only 25%25% succeeded, eight years later.

Why is tobacco so Why is tobacco so bad?bad?

Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,0004,000 chemical compounds including: Cyanide, Formaldehyde, and LeadCyanide, Formaldehyde, and Lead

At least 40 chemicals in cigarettes are carcinogens: chemicals that cause cancercancer!!

Also contains TARTAR, which coats the airways

Chewing tobacco and other tobacco products contain the samesame deadly chemicals and nicotine as cigarettes

NicotineNicotineNicotine is the main addictive addictive

chemicalchemical in tobacco products Nicotine negativelynegatively affects the nervous system and the heart.

Exposure to relatively small amounts can rapidly be fatalfatal (example: liquid nicotine used for e-cigarettes).

Harmful Harmful ResultsResults Smoking harmsharms nearly every organ of the

body causing many diseases Cigarette smoking accounts for an

estimated 480,000 480,000 deaths, or nearly 1 of 1 of every 5 every 5 deaths, each year in the United States.

More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined


Secondhand Secondhand SmokeSmoke Secondhand smoke is composed of

sidestreamsidestream smoke (the smoke released from the tip) and exhaled mainstream mainstream smoke (the smoke exhaled by the smoker).

The combination of sidestream and mainstream is called Environmental Environmental Tobacco SmokeTobacco Smoke, the true name for secondhand smoke.

Second hand smoke causes heart disease, lung disease, and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and KILLS 42,000 KILLS 42,000 innocent each year.

Financial Cost of Financial Cost of SmokingSmoking

An average pack of cigarettes $5.00A week of cigarettes would be: $35.00A year of cigarettes would be: $1,825

which is 7,300 cigarettes! What things do you think are a better What things do you think are a better

purchase than cigarettes? Why?purchase than cigarettes? Why?Write what you can buy for $1,825?Write what you can buy for $1,825?$18,250? $109,500?$18,250? $109,500?

Say No!Say No! Practice those REFUSAL skillsREFUSAL skills! Why is it good to say no? By not

smoking, you have these great benefits: Fewer colds, sore throats, asthma attacksFewer colds, sore throats, asthma attacks Less likely to have stained teeth, bad breathLess likely to have stained teeth, bad breath You can taste and smellYou can taste and smell You won’t smell like smoke all the time!You won’t smell like smoke all the time! Won’t expose loved ones to cigarette smokeWon’t expose loved ones to cigarette smoke