Download - TOBACCO Statistics on Teen Smoking

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Statistics on Teen Smoking

Approximately 80% of adult smokers started smoking before the age of 18.

Every day, nearly 3,000 young people under the age of 18 become regular smokers.

Nearly all first use of tobacco occurs before high school graduation.

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Types of Tobacco

• Chewing Tobacco

• Snuff

• Pipes

• Cigars

• Cigarettes

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Chemicals in Tobacco• A stimulant

• More than 4000 chemicals

• 10% are carcinogens or poisonous

• Carcinogens are cancer causing agents

• The 3 most poisonous chemicals are: tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide

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Nicotine• Psychoactive substance- causes a

change in the person’s mood or behavior

• Very addictive- causes a physical dependence

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• Tiny pieces that when inhaled in to the lungs, condense and form a sticky coating on the bronchial tubes

• Same substance used to pave roads!!!• Destroys cilia, waving hair-like projections

that work to keep the respiratory tract clear.

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Carbon Monoxide

• A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas released by burning tobacco

• Interferes with the blood’s ability to carry oxygen

• Same gas from car exhaust–if inhaled directly-can be fatal

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Second Hand smoke• Mainstream smoking-

passes through the tobacco and filter when the smoker inhales– what a smoker inhales

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• Sidestream smoke- rises from the cigarette when the smoker is not inhaling

• This contains 2x more nicotine and tar, and 5x more CO than mainstream

• Non-smokers who live with smokers have a 20-30% HIGHER risk of dying from heart disorders than non-smokers who live with non-smokers!!!

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• Passive smoker- a person who inhales the sidestream smoke

–smoke inhaled by non-smokers

• Passive smoke can cause:• Heart disease *Asthma

• Eye irritation *Cancer

• Ear infections

• Emphysema

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Smokeless Tobacco• Cracking and bleeding lips and gums• receding gums, which can eventually make your teeth fall out• increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and irregular

heartbeats=leading to a greater risk of heart attacks and brain damage

• ORAL CANCER-lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, ANYWHERE IN MOUTH!

• CANCER-stomach, esophagus, bladder

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Health Lung Vs. Smoker’s lung

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Tobacco on the skin

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Tobacco on the hands

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Tobacco on the Mouth

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How much money do you save by not smoking???


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Let’s say someone smokes 1 pack a day…

Per PACK they will spend $5

Per WEEK they will spend $35

Per MONTH they will spend $140

Per YEAR they will spend $1680

5 YEARS= $8400

10 YEARS= $16,800

What would you buy with this much money??

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•About 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in women are due to smoking.

•People who smoke are 10 to 20 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke

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Effects on the body• When you inhale a cigarette, the nicotine travels to the

bloodstream and then to the brain- this only take 8 seconds• Heart will beat faster• Blood pressure will increase• Become more alert and energetic• Sense of smell and taste decrease• Yellow Teeth, Fingernails• Smelly clothes, hair, breath, house, car, etc.

• “Smokers Voice”

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LUNG CANCER • growth of malignant cells

that attack and replace healthy cells

• NO CURE!!• Now kills more women than

breast cancer!• Many females believe

smoking causes weight loss-There is NO PROOF of this being true!

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Chronic Bronchitis– Inflammation of the bronchial tubes– Chronic coughing, excessive mucus

production– Cilia becomes useless-covered with tar

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Pulmonary Emphysema• Pulmonary=LUNGS

• Destruction of tiny air sacs in lungs which absorb oxygen into the body

• Tiny air sacs=ALVEOLI

• Instead of using only 5% of their energy to breathe, a person with advanced emphysema uses 80% of their energy to breathe!!

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How to quit

• Hypnosis

• Therapy

• Support groups

• Medicine- patch, gum

• Cold Turkey is best!!

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