Download - To try and fail is not laziness.

Page 1: To try and fail is not laziness.

To try and fail is notTo try and fail is notlaziness. laziness. bostonian bostonian 9:50:51, Sun Sep 2, 20129:50:51, Sun Sep 2, 2012

Page 2: To try and fail is not laziness.

Everybody gets soEverybody gets somuch information allmuch information allday long that they loseday long that they losetheir common sense.their common sense.

——Gertrude SteinGertrude Stein



Page 3: To try and fail is not laziness.

Don't show me the palm tree, show me the dates.Don't show me the palm tree, show me the dates.

Could the New Aesthetic simply be a poor attempt atCould the New Aesthetic simply be a poor attempt atcurating new media art online?curating new media art online?We need to woo the users, not barge in pitching piecesWe need to woo the users, not barge in pitching piecesof fancy plastic or copy-protected media files.of fancy plastic or copy-protected media files.The pace of change in Silicon Valley is breakneck; inThe pace of change in Silicon Valley is breakneck; inLos Angeles not so much.Los Angeles not so much.We rely on the visualisation in order to grasp complexWe rely on the visualisation in order to grasp complexideas and in order for our brain to process the highideas and in order for our brain to process the highfidelity of of information.





Page 4: To try and fail is not laziness.

For hope to carry on many false hopes may have toFor hope to carry on many false hopes may have tobe smashed.

Synergize front-end e-marketsSynergize front-end e-markets

Page 5: To try and fail is not laziness.

Save the harvest of the fat years, but don't let it rot.Save the harvest of the fat years, but don't let it rot.

Choose a plausible position and objectives you want toChoose a plausible position and objectives you want toachieveachieveALGORITHMIC AGENTSALGORITHMIC AGENTSIn short, it is the metaphor that enables us to feel atIn short, it is the metaphor that enables us to feel atease with these extraterrestrial, complex environments.ease with these extraterrestrial, complex environments.As Fritjof Capra notes, "the network is a pattern that isAs Fritjof Capra notes, "the network is a pattern that iscommon to all life.common to all life.




Page 6: To try and fail is not laziness.

Inventor: A personInventor: A personwho makes anwho makes aningeniousingeniousarrangement ofarrangement ofwheels, levers andwheels, levers andsprings, and believes itsprings, and believes itcivilization.civilization.



Page 7: To try and fail is not laziness.

civilization.civilization.——Ambrose BierceAmbrose Bierce””

Carve the peg by looking at the hole.Carve the peg by looking at the hole.

Let's dig into some responses,and diagnose the healthLet's dig into some responses,and diagnose the healthof the current debate.of the current debate.Always have a link in each post, and make it specific,Always have a link in each post, and make it specific,tootooMaybe not for fiction, though but for business books IMaybe not for fiction, though but for business books Ican imagine it.can imagine it.It is the social that gives context to information andIt is the social that gives context to information andequally reduces the amount of information that has to beequally reduces the amount of information that has to betransferred.transferred.





Page 8: To try and fail is not laziness.

In conclusionIn conclusionIncubate sexy supply-chainsIncubate sexy supply-chainsCultivate impactful paradigmsCultivate impactful paradigmsMesh robust solutionsMesh robust solutionsand remember: Everything I say is a lie.and remember: Everything I say is a lie.


Page 9: To try and fail is not laziness.

Thank YouThank YouContact DetailsContact Details


Page 10: To try and fail is not laziness.


Fiction is Friction - Gerd LeonhardFiction is Friction - Gerd Leonhard

The End of Control - Gerd LeonhardThe End of Control - Gerd Leonhard

Music 2.0 - Gerd LeonhardMusic 2.0 - Gerd Leonhard

New Aesthetic, New Anxieties - David M. Berry,New Aesthetic, New Anxieties - David M. Berry,

Michel van Dartel, Michael Dieter, MichelleMichel van Dartel, Michael Dieter, Michelle

Kasprzak, Nat Muller, Rachel O'Reilly and JoseKasprzak, Nat Muller, Rachel O'Reilly and Jose

Luis de Vicente.Luis de Vicente.

Images (via Flickr BY-SA-NC search)Images (via Flickr BY-SA-NC search)

Ben Grader, SETUP Utrecht, amsfrank,Ben Grader, SETUP Utrecht, amsfrank,

amymyou, craiglea123, filodendronamymyou, craiglea123, filodendron

CreditsCreditsThis presentation is licensed by bostonian This presentation is licensed by bostonian using Creative Commons V3 BY-SA- using Creative Commons V3 BY-SA-


This presentation includes media also licensed using Creative Commons BY-SA-NCThis presentation includes media also licensed using Creative Commons BY-SA-NC





Page 11: To try and fail is not laziness.