Download - To My Friends1

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Music: Nightengale Serenade

Friendship Bouquet

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You may not realize this – but the following is 100% true.

Think about some part of it daily.

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There are at least 2 people in this world who you would die for.

And…….at least 15 people in this world who you love in some way.

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The only reason that anyone would ever hate you,

Is because they want to be just like you.

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A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone,

even if they do not like you.

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Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you.

You mean the world to someone.

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You are special and unique.Someone you don’t even know – loves you.

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When you make the biggest mistake ever,

something good comes from it.

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When you think the World has turned it’s back on you……take another look.

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Always remember the compliments that you received.

Forget about the rude remarks.

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Always remember…when life hands you a lemon –

always ask for sugar!

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Good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them –

but you know they are there.

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I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here –

than a whole truckload when I am gone.

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Happiness keeps you sweet,Trials keep you strong.

Sorrows keep you Human,Life keeps you humble.

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Success keeps you glowing,

But, only Friends keep you going.

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Forward this to your friends, and don’t tell me that you are too busy!!

Don’t you know the phrase – ‘stop and smell the flowers’?

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Sapphire Productions

To my friends – I was not too busy to make it and

send it to you.