Download - To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    Learning Objectives Understand and be able to

    implement a BPR Strategy

    Understand the main challengesin implementing a BPR Strategy

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    Sequence of Presentation

    Introduction to Business Process Salient Features and Stages of


    Reengineering Initiatives Forms of Reengineering Features of Business Process

    Reengineering Technology as Process Enabler Mapping an Existing Process Process Redesign and New Process

    Validation Conclusion

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    What is BPR? Reengineering is the

    fundamental rethinking andredesign of business processesto achieve dramaticimprovements in critical,contemporary measures of

    performance, such as cost,quality, service and speed.

    (Hammer & Champy,


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    BPR Versus ProcessSimplification

    Process Reengineering

    Radical TransformationVision-Led

    Change Attitudes & BehaviorsDirector-Led

    Limited Number of Initiatives

    Process Simplification

    Incremental ChangeProcess-Led

    Assume Attitudes & BehaviorsManagement-Led

    Various Simultaneous Projects

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    BPR Versus ContinuousImprovement

    Process Reengineering

    Radical TransformationPeople & Technology Focus

    High InvestmentRebuild

    Champion Driven

    Continuous Improvement

    Incremental ChangePeople Focus

    Low InvestmentImprove Existing

    Work Unit Driven

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  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    TransformationInputs Outputs



    Systems Perspective

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    Aspects of Processes Objects: Processes manipulate

    objects. These could be Physicalor Informational

    Entities: Processes occurbetween organizational entities.

    Activities: Processes encompasstwo types of activities-Managerial and Operational

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    Why Reengineer? Customers

    Demanding Sophistication Changing Needs

    Competition Local Global

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    Why Reengineer? Change

    Technology Customer Preferences

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    Why Organizations DontReengineer?


    Political Resistance

    New Developments

    Fear of Unknown and Failure

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    Origins Scientific Management. FW

    Taylor (1856-1915). Frederick Herzberg - Job

    Enrichment Deming et al - Total Quality

    Management and Kaizen In Search of Excellence (Peters

    and Waterman) Value-Added Analysis (Porter).

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    Key Characteristics Systems Philosophy Global Perspective on Business

    Processes Radical Improvement Integrated Change

    People Centred Focus on End-Customers Process-Based

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    Process Based Added Value

    BPR Initiatives must add-value overand above the existing process

    Customer-Led BPR Initiatives must meet the

    needs of the customer

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    Radical Improvement Sustainable

    Process improvements need tobecome firmly rooted within theorganization

    Stepped Approach Process improvements will not

    happen over night they need to begradually introduced

    Also assists the acceptance by staff of the chan e

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    Integrated Change Viable Solutions

    Process improvements must beviable and practical

    Balanced Improvements Process improvements must be


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    People-Centred Business Understanding Empowerment & Participation

    Organizational Culture

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    Focus on End-Customers Process improvements must

    relate to the needs of theorganization and be relevant tothe end-customers to which theyare designed to serve

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    Business Process FlowchartSymbols

    An Activity

    A Document

    A Decision

    Data (input as outputs)

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    Business Process FlowchartSymbols

    A Predefined Process

    The Start of a Process

    The End of a Process

    Representing a Relation



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    Business Process FlowchartSymbols

    Continuation of the process at the same pageat an equal symbol with the same number. Usedwhen a relation arrow crosses another relation arrow

    Off-Page Connector - Process will continue on thenext page

    Integration Relation - A relation to another module isidentified and described

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    Data Flowchart Symbols

    An Activity

    A Document

    A Decision

    Flat Data File (input as outputs )

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    Understand the CurrentProcess

    Develop a Process Overview Clearly define the process

    Mission Scope Boundaries

    Set business and customermeasurements

    Understand customersexpectations from the process

    (staff including process team )

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    Understand the CurrentProcess

    Clearly Identify ImprovementOpportunities

    Quality Rework

    Document the Process

    Cost Time Value Data

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    Understand the CurrentProcess

    Carefully resolve anyinconsistencies

    Existing -- New Process Ideal -- Realistic Process

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    Develop & Communicate Vision of ImprovedProcess

    Communicate with all employeesso that they are aware of thevision of the future

    Always provide information onthe progress of the BPR initiative

    - good and bad. Demonstrate assurance that the

    BPR initiative is both necessaryand ro erl mana ed

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    Develop & Communicate Vision of ImprovedProcess

    Communicate with all employeesso that they are aware of thevision of the future

    Always provide information onthe progress of the BPR initiative

    - good and bad. Demonstrate assurance that the

    BPR initiative is both necessaryand ro erl mana ed

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    Develop & Communicate Vision of ImprovedProcess

    Promote individual development byindicating options that areavailable

    Indicate actions required and thoseresponsible

    Tackle any actions that needresolution

    Direct communication to reinforce

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    Identify Action Plan Remove no-value-added


    Standardize Process andAutomate Where Possible

    Up-grade Equipment

    Plan/schedule the changes

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    Identify Action Plan Construct in-house metrics and


    Introduce and firmly establish afeedback system

    Audit, Audit, Audit

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    Execute Plan Qualify/certify the process Perform periodic qualification

    reviews Define and eliminate process


    Evaluate the change impact onthe business and on customers Benchmark the process

    Provide advanced team training

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    Stages of Reengineering Realization Key Essentials

    Rethink Redesign Retool Evaluating Again

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    Realization Identify needs and threats from

    Competition and political,economic and social environments

    Realization that it must showregularly, Incremental or Radicalbusiness improvement

    Leadership at all levels to convincethe work force of the necessity forchange

    Transformation through

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    Key Essentials State Mission, vision and Values

    of the Organisation in terms of Satisfaction of Customer Needs

    Establish Key PerformanceIndicators for the Product orService being offered.

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    Rethink Re-examine the current and

    existing processes of theorganisation. Critical Questions:-

    -Is the current process capable of producing competitive productsand services?

    -Is the current process capable of satisfying all the essentialrequirements of the customer andthe organisation?-

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    Redesign Appraise the entire system of

    procedures, products and serviceswith the associated work elements,tasks and jobs

    Principles of Process Redesign: All essential Requirements of

    customers and organisation must bemet

    Job satisfaction must be givenimportance in the redesign process The main objectives of redesigning

    processes are to eliminate all sourcesof waste and enhance theorganisations competitive position

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    Retool Evaluate New technologies and

    tools required for improving theservice and production process

    Map the existing Technologiesaccording to prequalified processcharcteristics

    Examine the weaknesses of thecurrent technology and tools bydetermining the Mean time tofailure, mean time to repair, meantime to dismantle

    Incorporate the new technologyand reengineer the process.

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    Evaluating Again Reevaluate by getting data on key

    performance success factorsquality, productivity, customer

    satisfaction, market share,variation levels, profitably indexes,and cost reduction savings etc.

    The responsibility of examining theperformance of the process leiswith the workers themselves, asthey are best qualified to controlthe variables in the process.

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    Re-engineering in Large Business(P &C, 8000 employees)-

    2.Strategy: Fundamental Changes inProducts, Customers , Processesand Technology)

    3.Structural Changes Managing a Large Re-engineering

    Initiative- 1. Involvement of Employees- helped build upownership of the Project. 2. Map of key value Chain processes

    Managing Change in a Re-engineering Initiative-

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  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    Forms of Re-engineering Systems Re-engineering Infrastructure Reengineering

    Business Process Re-engineering

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    System Re-engineering Ensure Effective Utilisation of :2.Computers

    3.Data Storage4.Programmer Productivity

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    System Re-engineering..Contd

    Hardware Engineering-Radical Shift in ComputerTechnology

    Software Engineering- Adopt SWTechnologies

    4.Computer Aided Design (CAD)5.Computer Aided Manufacturing


    6.Computer Integrated

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    CAD Technique used for Designing

    Products and Processes onComputers

    Assists in Creation, Modification,analysis and optimization of design

    CAD system incorporatesGraphics for highlightingPhysical Attributes of theProduct and Engineering

    Systems for highlighting the

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    Benefits of CAD Increase in Productivity Improvement in the Quality of

    Product or Process Design More Standardized products and

    design documents

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    CAM Computers control and support the

    Automated ManufacturingOperations

    Benefits of CAM:-3.Reliable Information inputs4.Consistent Product Quality

    5.Reduction in Labor Costs6.Better Control and management of Equipment and materials

    7.Improvements in Production Rate

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    CIM It integrates the engineering

    functions of CAD/CAM with thebusiness functions of the firm.

    Business Functions include OrderEntry, Cost Accounting,Maintenance of Employee timerecords, payroll and customerbilling.

    Highest Level of Integration in



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    Infrastructure Re-engineering

    Infrastructure of an Oraganisationincludes People, Processes,Technology and Resources (Men,Machine and Material)

    Infrastructure re-engineeringinvolves restructuring of an entireorganisation with the purpose of improving its productivity

    Macro Level Issues:- Change in thedegree of Centralisation of decision-making

    Micro Level Issues:- Job definitionand Content, job satisfaction,

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    BPR It is a methodical, regimented

    progressive move toward thecritical examination, rethinking,

    redesign and implementation of the redesigned processes of anorganisation.

    It is also referred to as BusinessProcess Improvement (BPI)

    Can be applied Incrementally,but more often as Dramatic or

    Radical refurbishment of existing

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    Features of BPR Process Orientation Project Goals Rule Breaking

    Creative Use of Technology Combining Several Jobs into one Decentralisation of Decision-

    Making Authority Multiple Versions of Processes Checks and Controls are Reduced A Single Point of contact for a


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    Effects of BPR1. Change in Nature of Jobs-from simple tasks to

    multi dimensional work 2. Change in roles-from controlled to empowered3. Changes in preparation for the job-from

    training to education4. Change in the focus of performance measures

    and compensation from activity to results5. Change in the criteria for promotion-from

    performance to ability6. Change in values from protective to

    productive7. Change in responsibilities of Managers-from

    supervisors to Coaches8. Changes in vertical organisational structure-from hierarchical to flat

    9. Change in the horizontal organisationalstructure-from functional departments toprocess teams.

    P bl f F i l

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    Problems of FunctionalDivision

    BPR and Functional Division BPR and Division of Labor

    T h l P

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    Technology as ProcessEnabler

    Impact of Technology inManufacturing

    2.AutomationFlexible Manufacturing SystemsRoboticsAutomated Guided VehiclesAutomated Storage and RetrievalSystems

    Ad t f

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    Advantages of Automati on

    1. Improvement in Productivity2. Efficient Use of Materials3. Improvement in the Quality of

    the Product4. Improvement in Work

    Environment for the Workers5. Reduced Factory Lead-Time

    Di d t f th

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    Disadvantages of theAutomation

    Negative Feedback from theEmployees

    High Initial Investment Higher Level of Maintenance

    Needed Less Flexible Requirement of Technical


    M i E i ti

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    Mapping an ExistingProcess

    Have a thorough Understanding of the Existing Process

    Map the existing Process first andanalyse and improve on them todesign new processes

    Identify the breaks that prevents

    the process from achieving thedesired result of value addition Re-engineer the process to

    streamline the Break

    P R d i d N

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    Process Redesign and NewProcess Validation

    Process Validation measures thecorrespondence between aformal model of intendedprocess behavior exhibiting aprocess.

    It is done by allowing the user to

    simulate the execution of aprocess.

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    Validation.. Contd Model Validation Specifics

    How can I assess the sufficiency of the functiona

    How can I detect non-constant variation across t

    How can I tell if there was drift in the process? How can I assess whether the random errors are

    How can I test whether or not the random errors

    How can I test whether any significant terms are

    How can I test whether all of the terms in the fu
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    Information Technology

    & BPR

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    Benefits From IT Assists the Implementation of

    Business Processes Enables Product & Service

    Innovations Improve Operational Efficiency Coordinate Vendors & Customers in

    the Process Chain

    Computer Aided BPR

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    Computer Aided BPR(CABPR )

    Focus Business Processes Process Redesign Process Implementation

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    BPR Challenges

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    Common Problems Process Simplification is

    Common - True BPR is Not Desire to Change Not Strong

    Enough Start Point the Existing Process

    Not a Blank Slate Commitment to Existing

    Processes Too Strong REMEMBER - If it aint broke

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    A Business Revolution Hammer was former CS professor switched to consulting guru business celebrity for a while

    Rhetoric of revolution trash existing business, rebuild from scratch process oriented view engineer better systems

    Insists new idea Old ways were good before New technology means new approach

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    Attention to Processes Is a good thing Some common sense stuff Simplify processes rather than

    automate Design rather than just accumulate (As Davenport says, this is tied to


    Exploit technology Minimize organizational barriers to

    process Put a single person in charge

    Simplify organizational chart if

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    Quotes from Hammer I "American managers . . . must abandon the

    organizational and operational principles and procedures they are

    now using and create entirely new ones.... Business reengineering means starting all over, starting from scratch.... It means forgetting how work was done....

    Old job titles and old organizational arrangements . . .


    to matter. How people and companies did things yesterday doesn't matter to the business reengineer....

    Reengineering ... can't be carried out in small andcautious

    steps. It is an all-or-nothing proposition." Reengineering the Corporation

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    Quotes from Hammer II "In this journey we'll carry our wounded

    and shoot the dissenters.... I want to purge from the

    business vocabulary: CEO, manager, worker, job."

    Forbes ASAP, Sept. 13, 1993 "It's basically taking an axe and a

    machine gun to your existing organization."

    Computerworld,Jan. 24, 1994 "What you do with the existing structure

    is nuke it!" Site Selection, February 1993

    Common Problems with

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    Common Problems withBPR

    Process under review too big ortoo small

    Reliance on existing process too

    strong The Costs of the Change Seem

    Too Large

    BPR Isolated Activity not Alignedto the Business Objectives Allocation of Resources Poor Timing and Planning

  • 8/14/2019 To Familiarise the Participants With the Characteristics of Business Process


    Summary Reengineering is a fundamental

    rethinking and redesign of business processes to achievedramatic improvements

    BPR has emerged from keymanagement traditions such as

    scientific management andsystems thinking

    Rules and symbols play anintegral part of all BPR

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    Summary Dont assume anything -

    remember BPR is fundamentalrethinking of business processes

    Business Process Reengineering Methodology

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    CurrentEnvironments (AS-IS) FutureEnvironments (TO-BE)

    Transition/Implementation (Change Management)

    Business Process Reengineering Methodology





    AIMCORP-Automated Information Management Corporation

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    E i i Q i

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    Examination Questions

    1. BPR helps------a) Streamline flow of informationb) Increase overall efficiency of businessprocessc) Increase quality of Productiond) Manage Customer bettere) Decision making process

    7. BPR is a radical change in business process.Relate

    A complete structural change in businessfunctions

    Change in customer relationship Maintain proper SCM Business Transactions carried on the net Preparing for e-business3. Discuss Business Process Reengineering.

    4. The term BPR refers to:-

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    b) Business Program Re-engineeringc) Business Process Reengineeringd) Business Process Re-applicatione) Business Process Re-structuringf) Business Plan Reengineering5. Not a single day should go by without some kind of improvement

    being made somewhere in the company. This phrase is mostapplicable in case of :-

    h) BPRi) TQM

    j) Kaizenk) ERPl) CRM6. CIM is:n) Computer Integrated Marketingo) Computer Integrated Manufacturingp) Computer Integral Manufacturingq) Chip Integrated Manufacturing.7. Explain the Stages of Re-engineering

    8 Business Process automation relates to

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    8. Business Process automation relates to:-

    b)Implementing a new software packagec)Refining automated business processesd)Automating the work in Progresse)Automating the business process as it

    is without any changesf) Revamping the existing system9. What is Business Process

    Reengineering? Briefly discuss thesuccess factors that may lead tosuccessful outcomes for BPR Projects.What are the major factors which