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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

Terence Brake Director of Learning & Innovation, TMA World

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One of the


of working


geographies is

virtual distance.

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You might have heard the term interpersonal mush. It’s a very useful term when thinking about communicating in general, and communicating via technology in particular.

Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

I first came across the term in the book, Clear Leadership by Gervase Bushe who is management and organization studies professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada.

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

It is tied to the human

process we call sense-making

which according to Bushe is,

“making up a story about

other people’s experience

(what they are thinking,

feeling and/or wanting) to fill

in the gaps of our


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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

Even if we are working face-to-face with other people, there are many things about them that we do not know. The mind doesn’t like these blank spaces and so we make up stories to fill them – positive or negative. If this is true in the face-to-face world, in the digital workspace our sense-making goes into hyper-drive.

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

Distance and the communication limitations of many technologies present us with huge gaps in our knowledge of others. The result is interpersonal mush – stories made up about others that turn out to be false.

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?


can be



Rich or


Rich technologies (like videoconferencing) embody many of the features of face-to-face communication – verbal, visual and nonverbal cues that help us gain a certain degree of accuracy in making sense of others. Much contextual information, however, is still lost.

Lean media (like e-mail, memos, and reports) convey even less information.

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

People are really all the same.

“ ” In the digital workplace, we are often so devoid of real knowledge of others the ‘people are really all the same’ story works overtime.

The signals someone conveys that videoconferencing is not the best use of technology when working with their culture can be totally lost.

One of the stories we often rely upon in our world of interpersonal mush is that:

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

I remember working with teams whose members came from Japan, the US, and Europe. The Americans and Europeans were very comfortable with videoconferencing, but the Japanese were not. The Japanese never used the zoom function on the camera because they didn’t want any individual to stand out from the group and be at risk for losing face. There was another issue: Language.

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

The Japanese were comfortable with written English, but the speed of conversations on the videoconferences left them very confused and frustrated. They didn’t want to ask questions for fear of losing credibility with their European and US colleagues (none of whom picked up on the fact that the Japanese were trying to convey their cultural discomfort with the technology). The cultural differences were missed because of the assumption that we in the West like this technology, and really we’re all the same.

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Does Technology Mask Cultural Distinction?

Because of the sole reliance on technology for conducting the teamwork, none of the Europeans or Americans came to see or understand the cultural context of the Japanese. It was only when a culturally knowledgeable third-party intervened, and site visit exchanges were arranged, that the cultural differences were unmasked and understood.

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