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Title: Encountering Women of Faith Volume 2

Author (s): See Above

Pages: 200

Price: $35

Title: When and How to Study the Bible

Author (s): Aerakis

Pages: 96

Price: $50

Title: Serbian Studies Volume 8

Author (s): /

Pages: 151

Price: $20

Title: I love therefore I am

Author (s): Sakharov

Pages: 253

Price: $35

Title: Celebration of Faith 2

Author (s): Alexander Schmemann


Price: $30

Title: Liturgy and Tradition

Author (s): Alexander Schmemann

Pages: 157

Price: $25

Title: Slave of Two Masters

Author (s): Melinda Selmys


Price: $30

Title: Sexual Authenticity

Author (s): Melinda Selmys

Pages: 239

Price: $20

A book written by a local author on her experience as a practicing homosexual turned convert to


Title: Giving Sorrow Words

Author (s): Reist

Pages: 202

Price: $40

Title: Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

Author (s): Seraphim Rose

Pages: 254

Price: $30

Title: Athonite Fathers and Athonite Matters

Author (s): Elder Paisios

Pages: 204

Price: $50

Title: Investing in the Kingdom of God

Author (s): Metropolitan Nikolaos

Pages: 77

Price: $30

Title: On the Holy Spirit

Author (s): Basil the Great

Pages: 118

Price: $20

Title: On the Holy Spirit

Author (s): Basil the Great

Pages: 125

Price: $20

Title: On the Church

Author (s): Cyprian of Carthage

Pages: 186

Price: $25

Title: On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ

Author (s): Maximus the Confessor

Pages: 187

Price: $25

Title: Russian Letters of Spiritual Direction

Author (s): Macarius the Egyptian


Price: $35

Title: On the Ascetical Life

Author (s): Isaac of Nineveh

Pages: 85

Price: $40

Title: On the Holy Icons

Author (s): Saint Theodore

Pages: 115

Price: $20

Title: On the Apostolic Preaching

Author (s): Irenaeus of Lyons

Pages: 119

Price: $35

Title: From Glory to Glory

Author (s): Gregory of Nyssa

Pages: 300

Price: $30

Title: Eternal Life

Author (s): Aerakis

Pages: 109

Price: $50

Title: Drinking from the Hidden Fountain: A Patristic Breviary

Author (s): Thomas Spidlik

Pages: 447

Price: $25

Title: The Monk of Mount Athos

Author (s): Sophrony

Pages: 124

Price: $25

Title: The Return of the Prodigal Son

Author (s): Henri Nouwen

Pages: 151

Price: $20

Title: The Feasts of Jesus and Mary (2 vol): Catechism

Author: n/a

Pages: n/a

Price: $30

Title: Orthodox Feasts of Jesus Christ in the Virgin Mary

Author (s): Wybrew

Pages: 127

Price: $25

Title: The Purple Mantle

Author (s): Aliki Kafetzopoulou

Pages: 109

Price: $25

Title: Apostolic Farming

Author (s): Catherine Doherty

Pages: 90

Price: $10

Title: Our Father

Author (s): Alexander Schmemann

Pages: 150

Price: $25

Title: Celebration of Faith 3

Author (s): Alexander Schmemann

Pages: 150

Price: $25

Title: Great Lent

Author (s): Alexander Schmemann

Pages: 139

Price: $25

A classic!

Title: The Jesus Prayer

Author (s): Monk of the Eastern Church

Pages: 117

Price: $25

Title: Christ in our Midst

Author (s): Father John

Pages: 152

Price: $30

Title: The sacrament of love

Author (s): Evdokimov

Pages: 192

Price: $25

Title: Born to Hate Reborn to Love

Author (s): Kenneth

Pages: 265

Price: $25

Title: Le Jour de Saint-Esprit

Author (s): Mary of Paris

Pages: 590

Price: $40

Title: Not by bread alone… homilies on the gospel according to saint matthew

Author (s): Archbishop Lazar Puhalo


Price: $25


Title: The Inner Kingdom… volume 1 of the collected works of Kallistos Ware

Author (s): Kallistos Ware

Pages: 230

Price: $35

Title: The Answer to Moscow's Bible

Author (s): Richard Wurmbrand

Pages: 191

Price: $40

Title: Urcusul Catre Postul Mare: Lecturi pentru celi cinci duminici dinaintea Postului Mare

Author (s): Archiepiscopul Lazar Puhalo

Pages: 18

Price: $30

Title: The Most Holy Theotokos

Author (s):


Price: $20

Title: The Tale of the Elder Basil "the new" and the Theodora Myth

Author (s): Lazar Puhalo

Pages: 60

Price: $20


Title: Ye that stand in the house of the lord

Author (s): Puhalo

Pages: 108

Price: $30