Download - Tinting machine supply disruption


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Tinting machine supply disruption

The global chip shortage has been in the news for a while, mostly focused on its impact on the automobile industry. But it would impact several industries including possibly paint companies in terms of supply of tinting machines. Tinting machines have become indispensable for paint companies in order to match the changing

colour needs of consumers. These machines come with added benefits of consistency, precision, high dosing speed, ease of operation and advanced technology.

In this report we take a look at the importance of tinting machines for paint industry and the impact of chip shortage on supply of these machines.

Why is tinting machine so important?

Paint dealers prefer to have tinting machines of known brands given that shop

space is limited. These machines help paint shops satisfy the changing paint need

of consumers with much lesser inventory. Tinting is the mixture of tint bases and

colorants or pastes. Tinting machines help the paint shop produce different coats

of emulsion paints within the shop as per requirement, instead of holding a massive

amount of shades and SKUs.

Chip shortage starting to impact tinting machine

Chip shortage has impacted the supply of tinting machines. Till now, there is no

major inflation in prices of tinting machines. Indigo Paints mentioned vs a demand

of 200 tinting machines per month, suppliers are able to provide 150.

Why is there chip shortage globally?

1) COVID-19 pandemic impacted supply due to lockdowns but demand was high

due to WFH. 2) In 2020, US placed restrictions on SMIC, China's biggest chip

manufacturer. 3) Taiwan saw its worst drought in 50 years in 2021, leading to

problems among chip makers that use large amounts of ultra-pure water to clean

their factories and wafers.

Outlook: Impact on supply to last few quarters

We expect delays in tinting machines to remain for a few quarters for most paint

companies. This could impact paint companies in terms of expansion in new

dealers. We expect lower impact on Top 2 players as they already have a high tinting

machine penetration vs smaller peers.

Indigo paints, a relatively new player, has the highest rate of tinting machine

addition over past the few years (51% vs 15-20% for Top 2 players) given its smaller

base and aggressive plans. With global chip players trying to ramp up production, it

would still take a while as supply constraints cannot be solved quickly. However,

recovery also depends on user products; for example, many auto makers operate

in a just-in-time model, which will mean that they have to make some changes in

their purchasing model and shore up inventory to get supply on track.

India Equity Research Consumer discretionary September 22, 2021

Food for thought SECTOR UPDATE

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Edelweiss Securities Limited

2 Edelweiss Research is also available on, Bloomberg - EDEL, Thomson Reuters, and Factset

Tinting machine: an important part of Paint distribution

Today tinting machine is the norm in most paint shops in the country and globally.

Tinting is the mixture of tint bases and colorants or pastes. Tinting, particularly with

respect to industrial coatings, help the shop to be more flexible and target smaller

custom jobs, which opens up a new market for them.

At the same time, Tinting machines have created hindrances to the delivery network.

Many dealers are unable to install a new company's tinting machine mainly due to

space constraints. The large number of SKUs and product ranges in emulsions

renders installation of tinting machines imperative for timely distribution of

different shades and products.

In the paint store, the tinting system provides the end user with a full solution

compliant with the coating industry standards. Different shades of emulsion paints

are produced through in-shop tinting machines present at dealer outlets. These

tinting machines are unique to each paint manufacturer due to the design

specifications with respect to colorants, emulsion bases, fan–decks or shade cards,

and customized software applications.

By building a large network of more than 70,000 dealers, Asian Paints has developed

its distribution network in a dominant fashion. Since dealers have limited workspace,

Asian paints has setup one or two machines per dealer. Any new player meets a stiff

resistance for installation from dealers due to lack of physical space at their

counters. As a result, most dealers tend to install tinting machines of only known


Indigo Paints has installed tinting machines across India through their focus on

differentiated products and branding efforts, specifically in Tier 2 – 4 Cities and Rural

Areas where the penetration of tinting machines is relatively low.

Estimated tinting machine count across companies

Company Machine count

Asian Paints 58000

Berger Paints 22400

Kansai Nerolac 17000

Akzo Nobel 5500

Indigo Paints 5800

Source: Edelweiss Research

Average annual tinting machine addition rate since FY18

Company Average annual tinting machine addition %

Asian Paints 14.6

Berger Paints 19.5

Kansai Nerolac 30.4

Akzo Nobel 31.1

Indigo Paints 51.2

Source: Frost and Sullivan, Company

Indigo paints, a relatively new player has the highest rate of tinting machine

addition given its smaller base and aggressive plans. Companies employ various

promotions and offers to push their tinting machine to dealers. Given that dealers

have a limited shop floor space, setting up a tinting machine is in a way act of

drawing one’s territory. Companies who are aiming to improve penetration have

been more aggressive relatively and have come up with unique ways to push their

machines. Indigo paints has come up with attractive schemes and discounted

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Edelweiss Research is also available on, Bloomberg - EDEL, Thomson Reuters, and Factset 3

maintenance charges for its machines and JSW paints in larger cities has come up

with ‘tinting spokes’ where its warehouses are located so that the retailers in the

vicinity can access these spokes for their needs and do not have to invest in this

machines or worry about maintenance.

Tinting machine

Source: Company

Global chip shortage impacts tinting machine supply

The global chip shortage is an ongoing crisis in which the demand for integrated

circuits (commonly known as semiconductor chips) is greater than the supply. This

has been in the news for a while and most of the focus has been on the impact on

the automobile industry, however it is affecting more than 169 industries and has

led to major shortages and queues amongst consumers for video cards, video game

consoles, cars and also the paint industry.

Some of the possible causes for this shortage are: -

1) The COVID-19 pandemic is the main cause of the global chip shortage. On the

supply side due to global lockdowns, chip production facilities shut down which

caused stock to drain. On demand side due to the pandemic, more people had to

stay home and upgraded their electrical devices such as webcams, monitors and

computers in order to stay in touch and be entertained. In the fourth quarter of

2020, traditional computer sales saw a 26.1% growth over the previous year.

2) In 2020, the United States government placed restrictions on Semiconductor

Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), China's biggest chip

manufacturer, which made it harder for them to sell to companies with American

ties. These restrictions forced companies to use other manufacturing plants

like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) and Samsung.

However, these companies were already producing at maximum capacity.

3) In 2021, Taiwan experienced its worst drought in more than half a century,

leading to problems among chip manufacturers that use large amounts of ultra-pure

water to clean their factories and wafers. For example, TSMC's facilities used more

than 63,000 tons of water a day, more than 10 percent of the supply of two local


Chip shortage has impacted the supply of tinting machines across most paint players.

There is no major impact on the cost of the tinting machine itself, but the impact is

more on the supply time. During our recent talk with Indigo Paints, the company

mentioned that it currently needs 200 tinting machines per month roughly, whereas

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4 Edelweiss Research is also available on, Bloomberg - EDEL, Thomson Reuters, and Factset

suppliers are able to provide only 150 machines per month. The delayed supply of

tinting machines will make it difficult for companies to supply tinting machines for

new paint shops and shops who are upgrading space to include tinting machines

now. This also means that companies who already have a high tinting machine

penetration like Asian paints and Berger will see relatively less impact than

companies that trying to grow their tinting machine presence

Edelweiss Securities Limited

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Edelweiss Research is also available on, Bloomberg - EDEL, Thomson Reuters, and Factset 5

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Aditya Narain

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