Download - TimP Assignment Chapter 9 10


Timothy L. PuccettiSOC 200Stephanie ZoltowskiJune 04, 2015Chapters 9 - 104

Chapter 9 Questions

1. What is the importance of making first impressions? Describe a time when you gave a bad first impression how did you make up for it?

Creating a good first impression is important because people will often form their impression of your character by a first impression. Also, some people you may meet only once or a few times, so the first impression may be their only impression of you.I have made a bad first impression at a class by showing up without having taken a shower at the first class. I made up for it by being better groomed at the next class.

2. What does it mean to have strong worth ethic? Provide three ways to demonstrate it.

A strong work ethic means that a person has a firm belief in the dignity and the value of work. Ways to display a strong work ethic: working hard and enjoy it, demonstrating competence in major and minor tasks, and taking the initiative in assuming responsibility in problems.

3. How can someone display good emotional intelligence in the workplace?

Someone can display good emotional intelligence in the workplace through such behaviors as: a) recognizing when a fellow worker needs assistance but is afraid to ask and b) dealing calmly with the anger of a customer without becoming provoked

4. What is self-disclosure? What do you gain from self-disclosure?

Self-disclosure is the process of revealing your inner self to others. Self-disclosure leads to honest and open relations with your coworkers which leads to more constructive and valued relationships with them.

5. Create a 4-sentence elevator speech that you could give to someone that would take about 30 seconds and would give them a great first impression about you.

Im a team player who is willing to work constructively with my coworkers. I have real world business experience that gives me a ground in common sense. I value your business and I understand what you are trying to achieve. If hired by you I will do what it takes to help your enterprise flourish.

Chapter 10 Homework

1. Describe aggressive and passive-aggressive personalities. Which is worse to you and why?

An aggressive person is a person who frequently engages in attacking verbally or physically other people.

A passive aggressive person is a person who expresses their anger in a disguised manner by appearing to be cooperative in a task while acting in a way that resists the accomplishment of the task.Both forms of aggressive behavior are equally undesirable. An aggressive person may have anger deeply ingrained into his habit that is difficult to change. He also may believe his behavior is normal and not want to change it when pointed out. A passive-aggressive person may not recognize their own pattern which makes for a difficulty. But they may be more likely to find their own anger offensive once it is pointed out by others.

2. Describe the two types of sexual harassment. How are they different from each other? What negative outcomes are associated with sexual harassment?

Quid Pro Quo harassment is that which involves a loss or potential loss of a job benefit in response to a request for sexual favors. Hostile Environment harassment occurs when a person creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment as a result of communicating about sexual behaviors. They are different from each other in that the former type implies or states a job benefit involved while the latter type does not.

Sexual harassment can lead to job dissatisfaction, lower commitment to employer, decreased productivity, withdrawing from work, physical and mental health symptoms and posttraumatic stress symptoms.

3. Identify and describe four potentially positive outcomes of conflict. Identify and describe the seven potentiallynegative outcomes of conflict.There are potentially positive outcomes from conflict. Talents may emerge in response to conflict because it may trigger a need leading to creative outlet. Persons may feel better after releasing aggression. An example is a person screaming about an annoying behavior and then feeling satisfied afterward. People involved in a conflict may become united. After a battle the parties may go out for a drink together. Conflict may promote creative disagreements. If the persons involved are only agreeing then they may not discover problem issues.

There are potentially negative outcomes of conflict. Prolonged conflict can be detrimental to health and well-being. For example a person may develop a stomach ulcer. Conflict may damage relationships leading to poor performance. For example a feud may lead to two persons refusing to talk later. Persons in conflict may waste time and energy. For example persons in conflict may waste mental energy trying to think of ways to get revenge. There may be financial and emotional costs. For example a person may sabotage a company computer. Too much conflict may be fatiguing. For example the constant anxiety may lead to sleep problems. People involved in conflict may become develop excessive self-interest. Once a person is self-interested he is concerned primarily with his own gain. People in conflict may become violent. For example conflict has led to stabbings at the workplace.

4. How can a shy person become more assertive?

A person can become more assertive by setting goals to become more assertive and then following through on them. Speaking up at meetings and greeting strangers can be goals. Attempting to appear warm and friendly, being decisive and conducting anonymous conversations are other ways to become more assertive.

5. What are some of the skills DuBrin discusses to become a better negotiator?

Create a positive negotiating climate. For example you can phrase demands as a request for help. Or, you can validate the demands from the other person. Another technique is to listen first to what the other person wants. This helps establish trust. Another technique is to allow room for compromise. You can alos pay attention to the underlying interests of the other person and of yourself. You can role play to imagine what the other person will likely do in a response. Finally, you can allow room for the loser in the bargain to save face.

6. From the four examples of difficult people described in the text, which type have you been in the past? How did you know?

I have been an aggressive personality and a passive-aggressive personality in the past. I knew that I was overly aggressive when I was talked to by a boss for having ridiculed another employees speech impediments. I also realized that I had been passive-aggressive when I saw another person engaging in passive-aggressive behavior and realized that I had done similar things myself. An example would be mopping a floor while knocking the furniture around too excessively.