Download - Time management for the AP student

Page 1: Time management for the AP student

Fall 2014

*Time Management for the AP Student

Page 2: Time management for the AP student

*Six Steps to Time Management

Page 3: Time management for the AP student

*#1 – Write it ALL Down

*Make a thorough To-Do list

*Include everything from eating to chores

*Assign time increments to all activities

*Keep a general list with monthly and yearly goals

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*Post-It Power Activity

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*# 2 Keep a Calendar

*Keep a print or online schedule

*Keep a print or online to-do list

*Set alerts to remind you of upcoming activities

*Use a Timer

*Download the app 30/30

*Check-off or cross-out items you’ve completed on your list

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*Google Calendar

*Use your Gmail account to sign-up

*Sync it with your smartphone

*Use your Smartphone Calendar or Download an app

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*#3 Batch Items

*Do “like” things together

*Chores can be done all at once or dinners can be cooked for the week instead of everyday

*Make the outline for several essays at the same time while you’re “on a roll”

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*#4 Do the Hard Stuff First

*Get the hardest part of your activity done first so if you run out of time you’ve gotten a bulk of the work done

*Easier activities can be knocked out when you’ve got a break in your schedule

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*#5 Shut it Down

*Eliminate your distractions

*Don’t text/chat while doing activities that require concentration

*Download Off Remote for iPhone

*Download Shutdown for Android/Google Play

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*#6 Make it Fun

*Make required activities fun or relaxing to reduce stress

*Listen to music while doing chores

*Sleep while traveling

*Meditate while traveling

*Reward Yourself

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*Bonus: Re-List

*Shift things you didn’t get done today to tomorrow

*Prioritize or eliminate things that don’t have to be done


*Learn to say “no”

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*Make Your To-Do List