Download - Tidings · 2 Tidings from Zion is a communication tool circulated monthly among the members and friends of Zion

Page 1: Tidings · 2 Tidings from Zion is a communication tool circulated monthly among the members and friends of Zion

October 2014 Volume 55, Number 10

Tidings from

In this month’s issue...

From Your Pastor..................p. 2

Parish Wellness.....................p. 3

Christian Ed News............pp. 4-5

Calendar................................p. 6

Volunteers/Attendance...........p. 7

Harvest Festival.........back cover

Congregation Annual Meeting Wednesday, October 29, 2014

5:30 pm– Meal

6:30 pm– Worship 7:00 pm– Meeting

Zion’s annual meeting will be held Wednesday night, October 29 at 7:00 pm

following a brief devotional worship service at 6:30 pm. A meal will be

served (as a fundraiser for and by the youth who plan to go to Detroit in

2015 for the ELCA National Youth Gathering) from 5:30 to 6:15.

Let’s gather together to look back and celebrate many of the good things that

God has done in and through Zion over the past year, and look forward to

God’s future for us in the year ahead. Come!

Annual Report packets will be available in the narthex about a week prior to

the meeting. Δ

October Supper Schedule

October 1: ELCA National Youth Gathering group; Freewill donation

October 8: Spaghetti; suggested donation $2.50

October 15: No Wednesday Remix

October 22: Sloppy Joes; suggested donation $2.50

October 29: Annual Meeting Supper

ELCA National Youth Gathering group; Freewill donation

Supper begins at 5:45 pm

Bible Study begins at 6:15 pm

Confirmation class begins at 6:30 pm

Worship begins at 7:15 pm

The Affirmation of Baptism service

is Sunday, October 26 at 9:00 am.

Raise your voice!

The Zion Choir will begin

rehearsals the first Sunday in

October and you are invited. The

choir rehearsals are after church,

about 10:15 in the Fireside Room

and are seldom more than 45

minutes long. We try to provide

music each Sunday from October

through April. We have had a

very faithful core and have had a

fun time in the past. We will miss

some dear members who faithfully

served in this capacity, and now

we are in need of some new voices

to take their places. Please

consider joining us. Contact Jim

Hallan at 386-1285 with questions. Δ

Page 2: Tidings · 2 Tidings from Zion is a communication tool circulated monthly among the members and friends of Zion


Tidings from Zion is a communication

tool circulated monthly among the

members and friends of Zion Lutheran

Church, Warroad, Minnesota. The copy

deadline for the next publication is

October 20, 2014.

Pastor Rev. Bruce Carlson

Office Manager/Editor Vicki Dalager

Newsletter Editors Kari J. Sprenger

Jeneé Provance

President Brenda Baumann

Vice President Scott Grove

C h u r c h O ffi c e H o u r s &

C o n t a c t I n f o

Pastor Bruce Carlson

386-1733, ext 11

952-567-1242, cell

[email protected]

Christian Education Director Shawn Brunelle

386-1733, ext 15 or 386-3644

Parish Nurse Karen Cran


[email protected]

Church Office Vicki Dalager, Office Manager

Lynn Ann Kofstad, Admin. Asst.

386-1733, ext 10

[email protected]

Core hours are Monday-Thursday

10:00 am to 4:30 pm

with additional appointments

by prior arrangement.

We had a setback in our ever growing opportunities for service when the “Kids Against Hunger” truck from Park Rapids broke down on the way to Zion on September 7. It still was a great morning for fellowship as breakfast was served and we awaited a rescheduled food packing event which occurred on the 28th. We have had a full calendar of activities that included yet another breakfast on the 14th with updates from the Capital and Building Committees as well as time to talk about possible ways of working closer with St. Peter’s. Sunday School has begun as well as the Remix Wednesday evening programming with our Zion youth going to the 2015 youth gathering in Detroit serving dinner as fund raisers on the 17th, 24th, and October 1. They will be serving supper before the Annual Meeting October 29 as well. We shared in another important step in the lives of our third graders as they received their first Bible from their family at Zion. This is part of our commitment to them which we made at their baptisms where promised to “place in their hands the scriptures.” Receiving Bibles this year were Allison Bratlie, Ellen McFarlane, Mikayla Curtis, Kailey Lien, Kyler Lien, Layla DeMolee, Ben Norris, Kaitlyn Olson, Jori Shaugabay, Lillie Hage, Jarrett Janson, and Carson Pilgrim. There is a two-session introduction to Holy Communion for those who are in third grade or older on September 28 and October 5 right after church. This is a brief conversation that begins their life-long participation in this sacrament. Their first opportunity to receive communion will be October 19. If you have someone in your family who would like to

be a part of this class, have them join me following worship even if they missed the first class. The annual Harvest Festival and turkey dinner will be October 12. The Sunday schedule is adjusted with Sunday School at 9:30 and worship at 10:30 followed by the turkey dinner. This is another wonderful opportunity to gather, celebrate, and share food and conversation. Make it a part of your plans for the 12th! The Annual meeting of Zion will be held on Wednesday, October 29. There will be a supper sponsored by our youth going to the 2015 youth gathering at 5:30 pm followed by a devotional worship at 6:30 pm and the meeting at 7:00 pm. We will be offering for approval updates and changes to our constitution that have been approved by the ELCA Assemblies over the past several years. This will put us in alignment with the model constitution of congregations in the ELCA. A copy of this constitution with the changes and additions is available online at our website as well as several hard copies are available at the church office. Finally one last celebration for our community of faith – confirmation! Affirming their faith at worship on the 26th of October, Reformation Sunday, are Krysten Bratlie, Emma Brunelle, Ethan Halvorson, MacKaelie Herr, Katie Hunter, Blake Jenson, Tanesha Lussier, Grace Pederson, Jonah Provance, Tyler Sharp, and Nicholas Streiff. Please join us for this time of uplifting these young women and men. Our Christian Education Committee under the guidance of Shawn Brunelle has put together a unique opportunity for teaching.

We normally ask people to commit to a year of teaching. Instead of that model, we are inviting everyone to consider just one month of a commitment to share this special time of mentoring. The more caring adults that we place in the lives of our youngest members the more inviting and welcoming we all become. Think about it and make the commitment to make a difference! Pastor Bruce Δ

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Model for Healthy Living: Focus on Work

We were made to work, and the value of work is intrinsic. It brings value to our own lives and to the lives of others. Congregations can lift up the skills, talents, and gifts that each person brings. Each of us can find meaning through building a career, raising a family, or volunteering at a local organization. Computers have changed the workplace considerably. Some of you may spend your work day consulting with peers or working with customers who may live anywhere on the globe! Sometimes it seems that everyone is connected. Twenty years ago, grandparents kept in touch with their grandchildren the old fashioned way: letter writing, phone calls, and visits when possible. Now, many have discovered, they can better keep in touch through texting, emailing, or using social media like Facebook. Ministers, church groups, and Christian organizations see the internet as a vital tool for sharing knowledge, planning meetings, and planning events. However, not everyone is “online.” Church volunteers in larger cities have been forming outreach groups to serve the homeless population by providing a respite from the cold, nutritious meals, and giving references for health care. The groups are dedicated to holistic healing of body, mind, and spirit. A distinctive element for this outreach is preparing men to enter or return to the workforce. What they have discovered is that most

of the homeless would gladly go to work, but they lack the skills required in today’s jobs. Many of the men the ministry reaches have never used a computer. This puts them outside the circle of a great many jobs—and even the process of looking for a job. Preparing a simple one-page resume requires rudimentary knowledge of word processing software. Job searching and placement increasingly is an Internet-based process for both employers and job-seekers. Email is a standard form of communication between employers and applicants. A wide range of positions expect applicants to be able to interact with some form of a computer or electronic device. Learning lab manager Donald Wheeler says, “This program equips the men with skills and abilities to be ready for the world, identify and make better decisions, and get their lives back on track. “Work has dignity because it is something that God does and because we do it in God’s place, as his representatives. We learn not only that work has dignity in itself, but also that all kinds of work

Parish Wellness -submitted by

Karen Cran,

Parish Nurse

have dignity. (Timothy Keller; Every Good Endeavor) So, whether you work at home, work for someone else, volunteer to work at church or other charities, or help others gain the skills for today’s workforce, remember that whatever work you do can help your church, community, and even the world. Good honest work pleases God, even if you may think at times that it is unimportant. Work is the gift that keeps on giving, and the rewards find their way back to you. Δ

We could learn a lot from crayons: Some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull,

some have weird names, and all are different colors … but they all exist very nicely together in the same box.

—Robert Fulghum

Page 4: Tidings · 2 Tidings from Zion is a communication tool circulated monthly among the members and friends of Zion


Acolytes, please sign up on the servant board

(across from the men’s restroom).

Your help with worship is needed and appreciated.

Start a collection of “Our Family” upc barcodes for the

Christian Ed ministry! An Our Family


collection box is

located on the

Christian Education bulletin

board. Please drop off any labels

in the box and we will receive 5

cents per label.

Noisy offerings will be collected on

Sunday, October 19.

All donations will go to the Warroad School for winter

boots for kids in need.

Women are coming together

Tuesdays at noon to read and

discuss the Bible. This is a casual

time of reflection and fellowship.

We meet for about one hour, so

bring your lunch (if you’re on your

lunch break) and have a bit of

Bible time during this Weekly

Wanderings for Women. All

women are welcome. Δ

Kids, your help is needed! Sign up on the Christian Ed bulletin board to help

collect noisy offering each month during worship.


October 1: Class at 6:30 October 8: Class at 6:30 October 15: No class October 22: Class at 6:30 October 29: Attend the Annual Meeting at 7:00

Sign up on the Christian Ed bulletin board to teach confirmation for a 2-month time period. Call Shawn at 386-1733 ext. 15 with questions. Δ

is chugging our way!

The food train will be rolling into

Zion on October 12- just in time

for Harvest Festival! Bring a

donation for the food shelf and

help fill the train. The train will be

leaving the station October 23. Δ

Starting October 20 you can help some of our local school children. A tree decorated with ornaments made by our Sunday School kids will be set up by the Overflow Room. The cost of each ornament will be $5. To buy an ornament, simply remove the ornament from the tree and place the attached tag in an envelope and place it in the offering plate. The proceeds will go to the Warroad School to help buy winter boots and other needed items for local children. We will NOT be having the mitten tree this year - this is our project instead. We will be taking the tree down November 10 and giving the school the money raised from the tree and the noisy offering that week. Δ




Sunday School

October 5: class at 10:15 October 12: class is at 9:30 (Harvest Festival) October 19: class at 10:15 October 26: class at 10:15

Sign up on the Christian Ed bulletin board to teach a Sunday School lesson for one month. If you have any questions call Shawn at 386-1733 ext. 15. Δ

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ask you to join us as we pray for guidance and support as we continue on our mission. Thank you, Brooke Hellquist, Olivia Lien, Grace Pederson, Katie Johnston, Krysten Bratlie, MacKaelie Herr, Sara Baumann, and Lynn Kofstad

Affirmation of Baptism Service to be held

October 26 Congratulations to the students who will affirm their baptism this fall! The confirmation service will be on October 26 at 9:00 am. There will be coffee and fellowship following the service. Rehearsal for the 10th grade confirmation class will be on Saturday, October 25 at 10:00 am. Each student is reminded to turn in his or her faith statement to Pastor Bruce by October 10, $5 to Traci Pederson for flowers, and 4-6 photos for the slideshow presentation. Δ

A greeting from the participants headed to Detroit for the ELCA National Youth

Gathering: We would like to introduce ourselves- we are the group heading to the 2015 Youth Gathering in Detroit. We have been busy the last month and a half since the decision was made that we would attend the Gathering. You have seen us in various activities that we are sponsoring and fundraising. First of all, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us so far! The Gathering is held every three years and since the decision was just made we are making up for lost time. Ideally we would have loved to raise the money needed over the past three years, but we will succeed! And it is in thanks to the wonderful people of our congregation and community. We will continue with fundraising projects over the next several months. We are excited and looking forward to the Gathering where we will learn more of God’s word and we will share God’s love with other youth from all over the country. We know this will be an experience where we will all grow and learn more about our faith through worship, studies, and fellowship. Over the next several months, we hope to get to know you more personally as we prepare for this experience. We

Simply pack a shoebox gift to affect a life! The time is once again upon us to assemble boxes for Operation Christmas Child. A small shoebox can teach a child about the love of God, lead him or her to faith in Christ, inspire pastors, and plant new churches. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is eternal. Please consider being a part of changing a life through the power of a simple gift. We will be collecting items for Operation Christmas Child through November 9. Please have your items into the church office or the designated collection box by that date. Monetary funds are also accepted to cover the cost of shipping. For more details about what to put in the box, pick up a pamphlet from the display table in the narthex. Thank you for supporting a wonderful ministry! If you have any questions, please contact MacKaelie Herr or LynnAnn Kofstad at 242-1119. Δ

Introducing a better option for

your single serve coffee machine.

It’s the organic, Fair Trade, recyclable and compostable cup you’ve been waiting for!

When you buy fairly-traded

products from Equal Exchange, a portion of your purchases benefit the LWR Small Farmer Fund, which

supports smallholder farmers and their families.

Coming Soon!


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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31

9:00 am- Quilting for Lutheran World Relief at Warroad Community Center

12:00 pm– Weekly

Wanderings for Women Bible study

1:30 pm- Staff Ministry Team meeting

7:00 pm– Advent Event

Planning meeting (FH 7-8:30)

6:30 pm- Alzheimer’s

Support Group at Warroad Senior Living Center

6:30 am- Men’s Bible Study

Set-up for Harvest


9:00 am- Quilting for Lutheran World Relief at Warroad Community Center

12:00 pm– Weekly

Wanderings for Women Bible study

1:30 pm- Staff Ministry Team meeting

7:00 pm– Women of Zion

Disbursements meeting (FH 7-8:30)

10:30 am- Care Center Communion

12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due 12:00 pm- Staff Ministry Team

and Personnel Committee Meeting

5:00 pm- Call Committee meeting

(FR 5-6) 5:45 pm– Remix Supper 6:15 pm- Bible study 6:30 pm- Confirmation 7:15 pm– Worship

12:00 pm- Executive Committee meeting (FR 12-1 pm)

6:30 am- Men’s Bible Study

Items for Tidings due 9:00 am- Quilting for

Lutheran World Relief at Warroad Community Center

12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due 5:00 pm- Call Committee meeting

(FR 5-6) No Wednesday Remix

No supper No Adult Bible study or

Confirmation No Worship

7:01 pm– Parish Wellness


6:30 am- Men’s Bible Study

12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due 5:00 pm- Call Committee meeting

(FR 5-6) 5:45 pm– Remix Supper 6:15 pm- Bible study 6:30 pm– Detroit 2015 meeting 6:30 pm- Confirmation 7:15 pm– Worship

Harvest Festival

9:30 am– Sunday School 10:30 am– Harvest Festival

Worship (Sunday School singing)

11:30 am—Harvest Festival Turkey Dinner and Silent Auction

6:30 am- Men’s Bible Study

12:00 pm– Weekly

Wanderings for Women Bible study

1:30 pm- Staff Ministry Team meeting

6:30-8:30 pm- WST

Board meeting (FR) 7:00 pm– Women of Zion

Fall Unit meeting (FH 7-8:30)

9:00 am- Worship with Holy Communion

10:15 am- Sunday School 10:15 am– Choir Rehearsal 11:00 am– Worship & Music

Committee meeting

9:00 am– Worship with Holy Communion (Noisy Offering)

10:15 am- Sunday School 11:15 am– Council Meeting 10:15 am– Choir Rehearsal

Abbreviations (R) or () Building use requested/granted FH Fellowship Hall OR Overflow Room FR Fireside Room SS__ Sunday School

Room #____ K Kitchen YR Youth Room

Reformation Sunday

9:00 am- Worship with Affirmation of Baptism with coffee fellowship to follow

10:15 am- Sunday School 10:15 am– Choir Rehearsal Brunelle/Kofstad Open House

(8:00-2:00 K, FH, OR)

12:00 pm– Weekly

Wanderings for Women Bible study

1:30 pm- Staff Ministry Team meeting

1:30 pm- Staff Ministry

Team meeting 5:00-7:00 pm– WST

auditions (FR)

12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due 1:00-3:00 pm– Deborah Circle

(K, FH) 5:00 pm- Call Committee meeting

(FR 5-6) 5:30 pm– Supper fundraiser 6:15 pm- Bible study 6:30 pm– Confirmation 7:15 pm– Worship with Holy


6:30 am- Men’s Bible Study

12:00 pm- Items for Bulletin due Annual Meeting

5:30 pm– meal 6:30pm- Devotional Worship 7:00 pm- Annual Meeting

Education Minnesota Break

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October Volunteers

Radio Broadcast Sponsorship

September 7 - by Blake &

Michele Vandal in honor of their 21st wedding anniversary.

September 14 - by Joan Dagen in celebration of son Deven’s 7 year birthday since his kidney transplant on September 9.

September 21 - in celebration of Roger Kofstad’s 17th birthday/anniversary on September 18 of his liver transplant, sponsored by his family.

September 28 - by the Kids Against Hunger/Food For Kidz packing event.

You may sponsor a broadcast by signing up outside the church office. The cost is $85. Δ

Ushers/Greeters Sunday Morning Services

10/5 Dan & Susie Lykken 10/12 Laurence & Avis Wright 10/19 Rose Urtel, Phyllis Haggan 10/26 Lois Hamlin, Virginia Storey

Wednesday Evening Services 10/1 Hannah Christian Taylor Vandal 10/8 Kip and Barb Knutson 10/15 No worship service 10/22 Taylor and Michele Vandal 10/29 Hannah Christian Taylor Vandal

Acolytes Sunday Morning Services

10/5 Ella Rourk 10/12 Jacob Davis 10/19 Volunteer needed 10/26 Volunteer needed

Lectors Sunday Morning Services

10/5, 19, 26 Heather Streiff 10/12 Wayne Smith

Wednesday Evening Services 10/1 Gloria Steinhauer 10/8 Brenda Windahl 10/15 No worship service 10/22 Volunteer needed 10/29 Volunteer needed

Communion Sunday Morning Services

10/5 and 10/19 Altar Care Judy Taylor Landin Tia Moyer Assistants Dan Curtis Pam Rachuy

Wednesday Evening Services 10/1

Altar Care Brenda Windahl Juanita Kling Assistant Brenda Windahl

Lawn Mowing For week beginning Monday... 9/29 Dean & Sheri Rourk family 10/6 Joyce & LeRoy Strand 10/13 Deb & Kirk Erickson

Tithes and Offerings

Offerings for week ending 8/24:

General Offerings: $3,266.70

Building Fund: $68,630.79

Offerings for week ending 8/31:

General Offerings: $2620.00

Building Fund: $275.00

Offerings for week ending 9/7:

General Offerings: $4085.50

Building Fund: $771.50

Benevolence: $27.50

Food Packing Event: $297.51

Offerings for week ending 9/14:

General Offerings: $2,092.00

Building Fund: $741.00

Offerings for week ending 9/21:

General Offerings: $5,342.30

Building Fund: $3,500.04

Computer Fund: $100.00

Noisy Offering: $85.60

(World Hunger)

Offerings for week ending 9/28:

To be announced Δ







8/27 29

8/31 88 117

9/3 15

9/7 138 153

9/10 34

9/14 139 173

9/17 46

9/21 157 203

9/24 36

9/28 125 161


No Wednesday Remix on October 15.

There will be no Wednesday

evening worship, supper, confirmation class,

or Bible study on Wednesday, October 15.

Surprise your spouse! Give the best gift ever – your time and attention – on a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend. Attend a Fall Weekend in Duluth on October 24-26. or in Brooklyn Center on November 21-23. Apply now at or contact Pete & Phyllis McMahon at [email protected] or 763-561-1575 for more information. Weekends fill fast and pre-registration is required 2 weeks prior to the Weekend dates – don’t miss out! Δ

Page 8: Tidings · 2 Tidings from Zion is a communication tool circulated monthly among the members and friends of Zion


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Tidings from Zion October 2014

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