Download - t~IBEH~ All Wake Forest Alumni Ballot · All Wake Forest Alumni Ballot ... dJmnpious in both football and has< ball. It was ... .\ppx; ,J. P. Morgan, Raleigh; ...




DE<'E~IBEH, 19:31 '\t~IBEH~

All Wake Forest Alumni Ballot

All 7,000 Alumni of College Requested to Vote for Ten Men \Vho Possess to the Highest

Degree the So-caJled Wake Forest Spirit

The fayorite indoor pastinH' nowada~ .-. j, to pie·k all-.\meriean or all-·tatf' football tc'mns. Had it ('\"l'l' ore 1rred to ;v-on that it might lw an !'X!'ellf•ut

thing for each OlH' of \'i'"ah: Forest';. 7,000 alnlllni to pick Hll all-Wake' Fon'st alumni group of trn nu·n who, he thi11ks, embodv more' tlum anY otlt(']'s t hr so-ealled ''\'rake Fore t spirit''? '

Huppo e that tlw boys who will br grnduntc d from your local high sehool thi pring \\"<'re to ask you ,,·hat kind of me11 Wake Forest tum:-; out, and, in your fa11ry, you eoulcl commana tlw 7,000 alumni to pa s iu reYie\\·. \Yhirh ten nw11 of the group, regardless of when the~· atte1HlC'd thi ' iustitutiou, \\'01 ld you stop and introdu<'e> to thPse p1·osp0etiw tudPnt. ?

I have picknd my teu lUCll. HPr they are:

For llillC'fY-<>io·ht \'!•ar;. 11o\\· we· han• ln•pn <loin,. I t""' f f:'

a lot of talking a bout ''that old \Yake> ·ForeHt :-;pirit.'' ,) ust what do WP menu b~· it? It nw~· llll 'n u one thing- to yon nnd nnotll<'r thi11g to llll'. .\t :tn~· rate•, i11 tlw bln11k ballot belO\,. you :u·p n·qnPsh•<l to list tlw te>u 1llt•Jt ,yJJO h<•. t IH'rsonif~· this spirit. and ::>rnte "·h.Y you pidcPcl them.

The· re~ults of this ballot, whi1·h ,,·illlll' fnrllish<•<l yon in tlH· w·xt issu1• of Trn: .\.Lt'.\l:'\1 X 1~\\'s. will nfford mt <'xc·c•1lc•nt basis for alumni l'C'J>l'l'SI'lltation

on th<· Yarions c·ommittc•<•s a]l(l <·OllJlC'ils and slwn·ld gn·p u · a good lin<> 011 prospP<'tin' alumni sp<'Hln'l'­

nnd lll<'ll to lwnd up nu·ions loc·al alumni tmits.

One· of th<> f<•atun·s of .\lunllli Dn,\ at C'olll­

mc·nC't-lllPllt n<•xt spring will bP to play up a group of our alumni \Yho rP<·PiYC' the• largPst number of Yotr · on this ballot. But more· of this late>r.

Clip ou line· nbnYI' a11d rc·tnrn to.\. .\. Do\\'tin,.Uumni Se~·retary, 1\nkc· Fon·st, 1 ,.. C'.



•) ... -1.

!i .




I !l.

.\-a Ill• ' of .l/11 //IIIIlS

lll-ll'akP Pores! llumni Team

(ju ul iIi l's I I' or ru 11 l i ll.ff This, 'ro/r•c·lion


Win or Lose During the ,Y<'H I' of ·~-~:- ';2.) \Y a kP Fnr1·,.,t < 'o I hogP

wa. a "'illiiC'I', and a fi11r. pirit lll<lllifc>st<·<l dnring that JWriocl was far lwyond all,\' e\'Pl' sho\\'n . inre

that time. Ever~· ... \merican knows what the term "\\'illllf'l'" llli'HllS

1 <IS it is U Pel dai]~·, SJWHking i11

trrllJ.' of those \\·ho an· <·asting asid1• n11 opposi­tion-eastiug asidP P\'Pr~·thing that . tnnds in the way of , lH·c·rss. Dnri11g tlw year of '2-±-':2.i e·wry publication \\ ithi11 om J'<•alm of pnblie·ity print('(! <'Ontinnously streanl<'r. telling tlw \\'orld that \Yakr Fore. t fiollPg<" aetiYities had eitlH'l' n•aC'll !'d 1hr>

top, or wpn• ra piclly g<'t ti ng tlwre. EYN~·onr in­

tc•n•stl'<l in t hl' <·olkg<· proudly rf'a d nf t lw won­llNfn1 work tlwt \\'a!" going 011 and i lllllH'diatPl;> gflinrd 1111 air of iu<·n•ci.Pil prid<· in tlw fad that IH• was a \Y:1ke Fore·st man.

·wake Fon·st won ehampionships i11 almost <·,·ery phasP of e·ollegr ae·ti,it~·-in athletic:, in IDU ·ic in debating, f't<'. It "'as the ~'Nll' followin~ this J>Priocl that Wah ForPst pulled up i11to tlH• 700 <'nrollme1lt for the> first timr. Tlu• world 1ikrs a ·wimu•r and to a \\'Inner it turn. its nttPntimL

\YP rt>adtl'rl tlw top in Xortb Curo:ina in int<·r­t·oll<'u·iat<· athlc•til's. ProudlY t1H' hnmwr. of Wak<' 0 •

For<·st athlc•tic· l!·mn: w<·rc• sahltt>d as thos<' of l'(lal dJmnpious in both football and has< ball. It was a grand and gl01·ious year. \Ve felt that \\'P had <~sta bli slwd oursPlY<•s a n<1 that \\'(' <·onld go ou

\\'llllllng on our prP\' ions re·nml - wl1i<·h in realit.Y

is iu1possiblP in athkti<"s.

Tl11• athh•ti<· fiPld at that tlllll' \\as qnit<' an

i mpro\·euH•nt 0\'1'1' t1H' old one aucl al1S\\'t're<1 the

purpose', hut it do<•s not allS\\'1'1' th<' pnl'JHlS<' toda~·.

ThC' othPr institutions haY<' all g'llll<' iu for bt•ttPr

fiPlds. whill' \\'e' sit id1P and allow on1· own fip]d

to stay in ill<' half finislu•d e·onclition 111:11 it Is 111

at pn·st•nt. Our athll'ti<· tPant is fol'l'<'d to pla~·

all iuq)()rtant g-am<'s away from holllt', "inq>1y IH'­

c·aus<' thP ntlll'l' institutio11s wi1l11ot <·OnH' to \Yake

FnrPst on :weonnt of tiH· fad that \\'C' <·:umot <11'­

•·oJillliOdat<• th<• )><'O]>l<· \\'ho wish to S<'<' tl11· !-?:Hill<'.

Tlwir <'Oiltl'ntion is true. \YP 1un· .. to ndmit it

:1nd takt• what i: otfer<·t1 h<'l'<'. \\~<' Hl'L' didnt<•d

to wiH•tt i1ell1lll'S to athlt-ties by all tlw nt!tl'r .T!ttH>Is

of ~T·n·th (jar,llina, aud we ha\'t' to do as tlu·.\' .;a~·.

'Vt• ha\• not t:d;:<•u auy dPfinit<' :ll'tion \\'ith rl'f<'l'­

l'IH'l' tn tlti::- ·<nlditiou in tlu• past, lmt \\•' arP ],p­

gitlllin~ llO\\', :111d ill . 1111\l' \\ n~·, \\'(• ;I 1'1' g·oi II!!; (II

(·om p1<'t<· our :It hI !'I i'• tif'ld.

It is nttPrly impos. ih1<· to cle·wlop the· bf•:t spirit

iu om· trams with c~ouditinns likP this existing-.

ThP hoys clPYPlop :111 inf!'l'iority c·mnpl(•x wlwn tlw.Y

go into the fin~ stadiums to play, litPrnll,v IH'Ilt<>ll

!Jpforc> they 1wgin to pln~· the gamf'.

\r(• han! good t<•au1s · fine• J,nys ''"lllJHis<· th''lll:

;.md in thc> fact tbnt <'ouditions arr> ns th<'y arf' 1.

mw of the gn·atPst rPasmls for nnr f•lnh IH'illg so

e·JTntie•. The• team lli'Pds L<'t tPr playi 11g facilitil•s.

Thr <"Ollc·g~ HP('(1s at lea t a prc•:entahle atblc>ti<·

lle>Jd; tilf'l'('fOl'C' \\'(' TnURt get tOg'Pthn H nfl figlli'P

this thing ont.

This <'mHlitinn, from the 'tandpoint of stU<lPnts,

is yc>ry em hanassi11g;. 1[o. t 11atnra lly our Rtudf'nts

l1ec·on1<' inte•rrst<·cl in th<• t<~alll nud likl' to SI'P th<'

hoys play. Tlll' re·sn1t is, t hc,1 follow tlH· t<>am

whc>r<'Y<'I' it plays. En>ry ''<'<'k-Pnd they are on the

J'<nHl in old brok"n down f'ar., adnall~ risking

thPir lin•.· to sc>r tlw tc>am play on somP othPr in­

"titutiou's fiPicls. .\lumni! this is a trniblc· . itn­

ation. Jlo\1· 11iC't> it \\'ould he if tbP stndC'uts and

yon lmP\Y that this C'oming fa 11 \\'(' W<'l'l' going to

play C'nro1iw1, Stntl', mu1 Dnk(• !Jpn• on 011r 0\\'11

fil'ld. \Ye C'Onld arrangP a big homc>-<'oming- da."

\Yith nhll1111i, the' ~tndents <'Olllcl ill\ltf' fl-ic>nds,

thc> moth<'l'~ H1H1 fatlu•rs of tiH' hoys t·on1cl Yi:-it

tl]('ir sm1s, :,;pp a g-oo•l ganH•, llH'<'t 111<111;;· \Yak!·

FnrPst }H'O)llt· an<l l'Ptllrn honw ll'ith a hPttPr f, .•. J­

ing· for \YnkP FoJ·pst f'o1kg<•.

It \\'on1d IH• nb:,;nrd to think of building a

stadium, lnlt it is not absurd to think of <·omplf't­illp; nnr nthktit· fiPld. Tilt' Mtnnl t·ost nf pntting om· fip]c] in Slll'll a !'Ondition that\\'!' <·an ad<•<pwt<·ly tnk<' <·nrr of thl' <·rowds has lH·< 11 .l't nt till' Y<'l'\' low fignn• of . '-J.,OOO. "Tlu•u \\'<' han· •·n111 pll't,·d 0111' fil'ltl, th<'ll \\'1' will hHY<' nm· shnrP of good gnnH's 011 th,. <·ampns. Dnlu• FlliYPrsit,Y, Xnrth Carolina Stall· ('ol1<•g-<•, and thl' l niYPrsity of Xorth C'arolinn. \\·ill not play 011 onr fil'l<l until \\'('fix it np bnt th<',Y \\ill \\'IH'It \H dn. Thi~

is tlu· . itnation. \\"(• :11'<' w1t stal'ting a11 op<·u

•'n1np:1ign, 1101' an· \H' apjw:lling to the· almnni fnr sllbs<·ription"; but if th<>l'l' ;tl'c• thosP \'1tn \\'<1111 to dn snm< thing· 1'1':11 t!:ond for W"nk<· ForP-.t ( 'ull(•gr•,

liH•ll till' door i" ll'idt· O)ll'll for do111ttinn:- ((, thi. <·an.;(•, If \\'1' <·ont inw• with tlw ]ll'••s<·Jil n l'l':t ng .. llll'llf, W•• will ('Oiltinut• to],,, •. , If\\(' :tn· sn•·•·r• ... .,

fn1 i11 •·nllipl• ting th(• fiPid. \\'(• \\'ill lu·gin t11 \\ i11.

~hall \\'(• wi 11 Ill' los<·?




The Golden Bough .hnid a silciH'l' pnn<·tnntc>d at intPn al,.; I>,Y ap­

plause aud in darlmPss that was rC'liP\'<•d only by . Parching fla hlight hl'allls, fift<'l'll stuclPnls \\'PI'<'

tapped Tuesday nigl1t, Nm·c>ndH·r ~+. for nu·mlwr­. .:;hip in the' Golden Boug·h.

SPnator .Josiah \Yilliam Bail<·y, <·las:-; of '!);~,

"hosp addrC' s on th<· needs and opportm1 i til's fm· ]H'<:'SPn t da,v leadcrshi p "'as a fea tu rc• of t lw <'H'­

ning, was tapped i11to honorary llJPmlwndt i p b,)

W. 11. Ford, Hierophant of thP organizatimt. The Golden Bough, organizrcl in Hl2:>, ha~ as

its C'xpre rd purpos<· ''thP pPrpl'tna tion at \Y a kP Forest Col1Pge of a high standard of s<"holarship) Christian charal'ter, and eftici<>ut lcadl'rship.'' Election is by a combinPd vote of th<· f<l<'nlty, mem­ber .. of the Junior and Senior <'lns:ps, 'itUd<'nts of tlw Law and Mrdical chool , and ntl'llllwrs of the Golden Bough. )Jot mor<> than two per e·t•nt of thf'. tn lent body may bl' tah•n into th<' orgnni;t,ation nt PHC'h annual tapping.

Of the eighty-one Golden Bough graduntC's) ;;;ixty-two Jun-e d01w work hc)·ond tlwir B;H·hrlor's

dl'gl'f'l'. The two llH'U making the highe,'t grade. in the last State mPdi,·al <'Xaminatiun \\'<'!'<' \Yake Fon':-:t graduatl'i' and lllf'mbpr·.· of tlH· Golden Bough: C. R. TPw and .\. B. Peacock.

Th<· present tuclf'nt membPrs are: Pre:-;id<>nt of thP Student Body Ed Hurrell, H. II. Df'aton, W. liPr chel Ford, J .. \. \Vallaec, II. W. Fnrbrr. Roy Kin 'C)-, Paul Hntehins, and S. L. :Morgan, .Jr. Tho. r tapped this year are: L. L. Brog·dc·n, Kin.­ton; .J. ~\. Harrill, ,Jr., ~Ioon•:--yi}Jc.; E. L. Smith, .\ppx; ,J. P. Morgan, Raleigh; .\. Y. \Ynshhmn, Jr., Gol<lshoro; ,J. L. DuprPe, Fn'('port, T<·xa.; R P. l\lorPhcad, \Vl'lclon; \V. ~\. GrPe•n, Pkasant­,·illc>, X. J.; ( 1• H. Stroup, Oastonia; T. E. ~~art i 11,

Stone\ ille; 0 .. T. Haglf'r, <'harlottP; H. II. Bum., .J r., Whitcyj]1p; C. "Thl. Md 1raf'ken, Faini<'\\; U .. \. ~lartiit, .Ti., DPnt.ut•; H. F. Fullvr, ,Jr., Frank lintnn.

Homecoming Plans Thl' <·ollege is lwgiuuiug at this Parl;v d'at<· to

la,v plan. for a ''Hom<' (\mtin~; Day'' of tltP alnn1lli T~<'xt f~ll, at whieh time "C' will play citltPr (\u·o lliJa, State, or Duke· 0 11 Oorc athlrtie fil'lcl. W P

~c·pl .·ut'C> that OorP nthlc>tic· fielcl will lw grPntly tmprnY<'d hy lH'Xf fall, and if thi. is trw·. tiH·n (~al'Oiirw, DukP, awl StHte will in all proba hility !,,. played hf'J'<' on our O\\ 11 fiPld. TIH· t'P\'ision of t ltP l'hNlnlP jo,; hcillg \\'orkPcl on and ult lHnwh 110 dc·fi nite HllllOUll<'CIU<·nt, are rPad y at this tiu~C> thP al~mmi may rc t a:,; ·ured that' l•Ptt<•J' gam<·.' :tl'P g·cnng to lH· du·dulPd aud \Vak<· Forc•st nwy look forward to bettPl' davs in :Hh1Pti<·s as a \Vhnl~ . .

Society Day Sol'il·ty Day at "Take Fon•st \\'as a sue<'<'"" this

y<>ar if \\'(' at'l' to judgP it by tht> hotly l'Oute ted clcbatP, the• tim\ of orator~, aud the uumhC'l of

fair Yisitnt·s front l\l<•t'P<lith and clsPwiH·rc>. Graham ~Iarti 11. EnzPliall, sprn•cl as prPsid< ·nt, .J. P. ~for­

gan, Philomatht>sian, as Sl'l't'e>tary.

Thc progrant started at 10::30 on th<• tnoruing of XoY<•mlH'r 1-1- with a dcbate in thP Euzclian

Hall. ])p}ntting tilt• question of n•coguitiou of SoYi<·t Hussia hy tlw e uited Statt•s, W. ~1. <hogan and W. II. F01·cl, Eu;t,elians, argued ably for l'<'<'og­nition. E. Ll'onidas Smith and W. Scott Buck, J>hilomatltl'siaus, pr<·sented a ·troug ea ' l ' for tlw n<'gatin· or ttoH-r<•cognitimt. ThP jnclgr, voted two to on<· nfiit·nuttin•,

In th<· orntions fur the eYeHing. th<· Plii Society was n·pt·e·spntl·d hy Hay O'Bri<'.ll nnd K Il. Burns, .Tr., while· H. E. ~fay a!Hl C'. II. Stronp l'<'!H'<'Sf'pted tlw Ens .

• \ <ll'liglttfnl n•e·pption in the· <·oll<•g<' gynt e·lnst>d the aetiviti<•s for tlw day.

It is illtpossibl<' in this news artie·!<' lo l'Oil\"e,Y

to tlw alumni tlw spirit and nc·w iuter<>st in the litt•rary s()('il'ti<·s. The meml><•rship is ]urger than it has b< <'tt in ,Yl'Hl's, and the illtC'n·sl in <l<·batiug eS}Wf'ia lly is \'<'r~· strong. }f uc h of the· <'l'('(li t for this 1'<'\'i ,-nlof. intc•rl'St beloug:-: to l>r. Qui t>uberry, dC'b<~t<' <'OHf'h, :mel tn the members of last ,Yl'nr's de•bnt<' tPam.

Baptist State Convention Alumni Dinner

Tl1<· nlumni dirmt•r hcld durittg tlH· Baptist Stat<· Couyention in Winston-Snlc•lll wa~ :111 ntmsunlly . ll<'<'PSsfnl OlH', uttl'ltded by appruxirnatPI,Y mw lmJHlr<'d and fifty loynl alumni \dtn <·ujoyc·<l th<'m­,'<•ln·s to th<' fullPst extent. .\. fiue spirit wa~ PYidPnt throughout the dinner. Collc·gc songs "'<'l'<' "nng cluriug tht' hour, ancl tiH· <·olJc.g<· !JII<trtPt rPJHlPr<·d s<'Y<'t·al 'elections.

Pn•si<lcnt Tlmnnan n. Kitc·hin mad!' tltP priu­eipa I ncldr<·ss nucl \\"HS UC'l'Orde<l all O\ at ion whieh wa: <·qnnl oul~T to the man him.·p]f. Prc·sident Emeritus\\. L Potent was called upo11 for a f<·"· words whieh \\'('l'l' enjoyed Y('r)· mue·h. Ill tlw ahsl'Jl<'<' of our aluullli president, II. II. Urove: of Gastonin, R<•,·. ~ \ l'<' h }11' Milln n pr(•si cl<•cl. . \.fter tht· climwr quit<• a fP\\' mf'n rec·ognizPd. The <limH·r wus gond aud tlw progi'Hlll <·ontinu< d for abont an hour. Evt>l',\'Oilc• had a \'<•ry good tim<· a111l l'Pflll'll<'d to tiH· <'011\'Plltiou lwadquarl<·r · with l'<'lW\\'l'd llll'llliJI'i<':s nf tltPir c·ollt·g<· days lind in­c·r<•a.;;pc] c·utllll~ia.-:J1t for tltl' pt·ogr••ss nf th•·ir .\ltnn \lat"r.


Wake Forest College Alumni News Published in October, December. February, April and

June during the College year hy "\Yake Fore, t College

at ~rake Forest, 1 r. C.

Entered at the Postoffice at Wake ForeHt, ~. C .. as

~econcl class matter.


ALFHED A. Down:-., Alumni Secretary

Ex~:< ' l nn: Cent 'J ITTEJ•:. Bo.\Rn OF Tnr HTT-:E:-;

e~. E. Lin~herr)·, C'hairman .r. ;\! Hro•.n~hton

I>. U Brummitt .r . A . C'ampht•ll

H. II. GrOYPs, Pr ... iflt•nl l:lrure BE'nton liuy T Canwell Paul ·. Daniel

\\". H. Martin W. L '\\'yntt n. 1•: Royall

I B. Hudson Robt>rt T. Allen Thurman D Kitchin

Some Recent Books by Wake Forest Men

(:;., W. Pas<'hnl, '92, History o( ~Yorllt ('urolintt

Hapfisls. X. C. Bapti. t Statp Board, Hl:~o .

.J. }1. KPstN, '12. 7hP [,ifP Ht',IJ'nul lJealh . Snn­

da~· Se·hool Board, 10:30.

R. T. Ycum, '7:3, '/'he '/'hillfJS Xof Snn. Snnclay

:·chool Board, 1 !1:31.

H. }L Poteat. '06 (rditor), Sp/ecferl Leiln~ of

('i('ero (rcYisPcl Pdition), Heath, 1031; ,\'I'IPderl

8pi,qrams uf Jladiol. PrPntieC'-Jlall, Hl:31.

(Pelitor.), . !11 .lntlllllu.rj.IJ nf }<,'n,qlis!t /,ilemlurr·.

I <'lll'Y llolt. 10:11.

Law School Th<· I~aw Hc·lwol is m·ll fillPd this .war awl with

tiH· ndcli1inn nf 10,000 lll'\\' hooks, a fl,TPat ,\'PHl' is

:tlttic·ipatPd. DPaii U11ll<'y and his assewintc•s, PJ•o­

fpssnrs \\Thitt• and TimhPrlake. nrc· <'llJO,\'Illg" llll­

llsnally gnotl hPalth alii! lllert tlwir elassc·s dail:·.

t·. ·pouncliug thc•oric•s of la\\' to approximatt·l .'·

forty lllPll.

Campus Interests ·

The stnd<·Hts this y<·ar an· <'IIJO~'lllg tlw lH'".

tt•JIIlis <·onrt<i all(l tlw golf e·onrs<•, whi<'h 1. m rx­

<'<'ll<•nt shap<•, more· tha11 C'YC'r h('forc• . InmH•di­

atPly nftc•r l'lu. s work all paths lc·ad tn thl' t<•nnis

t·ourts- or to tlw golf c·onr.·<·. whc•rP thP afterno1lli

is slH'Ilt in good "·holc-somc• hocly bnilding c•xt•rr·i:-;r·.

"~nk<· Forp:-;t ('ollt>ge is wry fortunate· in tlw fact

that sliP offpr · ref'l'eatin1utl f:wilitif'. snell as ui<·<'

tl'llllis e·nu1·ts and a golf e·onrsP. Phil rtleY O'Ylll • ~ r-,

din·e·tor, is introdw·ing to thP stndPnts i11trmnnra.l

tag football, \\'hi<·h has gai11Pd a grPHt <lf'cll of fayor

:tlll011f1, the· stndPnts.

Deacons Win Over Davidson in An­nual Thanksgiving Game

Thc• l>l'lllO II DPHC'ons <' lm<Pd a n·ry l'l'ratic· st•:tsotl

with a great Yietory m·c·r thc· DaYidsull \\ildcat'

at ('harlott<· in thc.>ir nnmw l ThanksgiYing gamc•.

Tlw ~e·ore· was 7-0. Tlw t<'am bnttlt>d 011 <'lt.>ll

IPnns for thrl'f' qnartPrs; tlwn thP Draeons 1N

loo~t· au aerial atta<·k whid1 11l'ttPd the only Ton•

of tlw game. ('aptaill IA'Oll Br ogclPn, t aking a

lwantifnl pa . from Dull!' 'Wilson, sidrstPpped tht•

DaYidson seeo11dar~· and rac·c'd twenty yard:,; for

thc· se·orc•. Thc gam<' eh·<'" a c·J·owd of ...,, 000 fans .


football ,c•asoli by winnit1g tlw Rtatr cham pion­

.·hip. Tlw~- did not losC' a ganH'. .Jl auy YPI',Y

good men from this team wi 11 lw grad uu tc·cl to

the· Yarsity squacl for ':3:2. Tlwir h<·st ganw of thP

·wason "as ag-aiust \Yallal'e \Yach>'._ highly touted

DnkP frPslnnan tc·am. whil·lt tlH',Y hC'at on Ciorc•

fip}d 1 !l to 0.

Pn•sid(•Bt Thnnnan 1>. Kit<·hin Las IH'<'It \'1'1',,.

bnsy this fall, tJ'll\'l'ling c·xtc·nsiYc·l.'· iu tl11· iutc·rc• ... t

of thc· c·ollc·gt·. IIi:-; itill<'I'HI'," Ita:-; iueluclc·cl tril'" '"

Pt'IIII,..ylntllia and X<•\\' Orlc•nn:-;, :1,.. W<'ll as :-:<•\'<'l'al

short trip. to \'ariou ... tc>\\'lls throughout the· ~tatP.