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Thursday, May 13, 2021

0900-0930 ET Welcome and opening remarks Susanna Darnel, CSTM president Jonaki Manna, Conference chair Nicole Caldwell, Core committee

This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by Continuing Professional Development, Dalhousie University. You may claim a maximum of 11.5 hours (credits are automatically calculated).Through an agreement between the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert Royal College MOC credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert Royal College MOC credit to AMA credit can be found at

“In keeping with CMA Guidelines, program content and selection of speakers are the responsibility of the planning committee. Support is directed toward the costs of the course and not to individual speakers.” Any additional presentations viewed following the Zoom event can be self-accredited via your CPD portfolio.

Il s’agit d’une activité d’apprentissage collectif accréditée (section 1) telle que définie par le Programme de maintien de la certification du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada et approuvée par le Programme de perfectionnement professionnel continu de l’Université Dalhousie. Vous pouvez demander un maximum de 11,5 heures (les crédits sont calculés automatiquement).

Grâce à une entente conclue entre le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada et l’American Medical Association, les médecins peuvent convertir les crédits de GPC du Collège royal en crédits de catégorie 1 de l’AMA PRA. Vous trouverez des renseignements sur le processus de conversion du crédit de GPM du Collège royal en crédit de l’AMA à l’adresse

« Conformément aux exigences de l’AMC, le contenu du programme et le choix des conférenciers demeurent la responsabilité du comité de programme. Le soutien financier sert à souscrire les coûts de la réunion et non des conférenciers. » Toutes les présentations supplémentaires affichées après l’événement Zoom peuvent être auto-accréditées via votre portfolio CPD.

1000 ET Concurrent Session 1A Line 1

Covid-19 Challenges on the Blood Supply Phenotyped Red Blood Cells for Sickle Cell Patients - Maintaining the Supply (20 min) Gwen Clarke Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

1. List the most common Rh phenotypes required for transfusion of patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) 2. List 3 strategies that may enhance availability of phenotype matched red cells for SCD patients.

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Adaptability: Canadian Blood Services’ Response to COVID-19 (20 min) Cheryl Doncaster and Lise Simpson Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand how COVID-19 related risks can impact an organization across many dimensions. 2. Describe the types of surveillance and business continuity preparedness activities that are critical when responding to a pandemic. 3. Appreciate the need for organizational agility and responsiveness during times of uncertainty.

Héma-Québec: Québec’s experience with the pandemic (20 min) Marie-Hélène Robert and Pier-Luc Savard Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Recognize the importance of partnership between hospitals and the Ministry of Health with regard to blood management in preparation for and during the pandemic.

2. Summarize key initiatives that were implemented to maintain safe inventory levels. 3. Demonstrate how data extracted from the provincial LIS system was key in blood product management and the planning process.

1000 ET Concurrent session 1B Line 2 Blood Shortage Management / Pénuries de sang au Canada Traduction française disponible

Fact, Fiction and Function a Blood Shortages Primer (20 Min) Gail Samaan and Dorothy Harris Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Identify the steps required in the development of a simulated blood shortage exercise. 2. Apply the lessons learned from completed blood shortages exercises. This will include participant tool kits and feedback, including what

items have been either successful or not in these simulation exercises.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Indiquer les étapes nécessaires à l’élaboration d’un exercice simulé de pénurie de sang. 2. Appliquer les leçons tirées des exercices sur les pénuries de sang. Cela comprendra des trousses d’outils et des commentaires des participants, y compris les éléments qui ont été réussis ou non dans ces exercices de simulation.

Managing Emergency Blood Shortage (20 min) Melissa Leonard and John Whalen

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe how to prepare for a possible emergency blood shortage. 2. Explain some of the unexpected issues can arise during an emergency situation.

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Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire comment se préparer à une éventuelle pénurie de sang d’urgence. 2. Expliquez certains des problèmes imprévus qui peuvent survenir pendant une situation d’urgence.

Blood Shortages Planning-NEBMC Construct (20 min) Oksana Prokopchuk-Gauk

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Define the National Emergency Blood Management Committee (NEBMC) and its role in blood shortages management. 2. Summarize the activities of the NEBMC and its impact on blood availability in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Définir le Comité national de gestion du sang d’urgence (CNMC) et son rôle dans la gestion des pénuries de sang. 2. Résumer les activités du Comité national de gestion du sang d’urgence (CNMC) " National Emergency Blood Management Committee

(NEBMC)"et leurs répercussions sur la disponibilité du sang au Canada pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 1000 ET Concurrent Session 1C Line 3

Donor Hot Topics

The Impact of the Pandemic on Donor Eligibility Criteria. (20 min) Michelle Zeller The Impact of the Pandemic on Blood and Donor Safety ((20 min) Catherine Latour

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the impact of COVID-19 on donor eligibility criteria: 2. Review measures taken to avoid COVID-19 spread in blood donation centers (including changes to donor questionnaire, vital signs and

physical exams) 3. Outline measures taken to reduce the risk of blood shortage, including changes to donation interval and travel deferrals. 4. Discuss potential impact of vaccination on donor eligibility criteria.

1110-1120 BREAK

1120 ET Concurrent Session 2A Line 1

CBS Research Highlights IVIg with Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease (30 min) Donald Branch

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Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. 2. Review focused ultrasound and how it works.

Platelets are Versatile cells: new discoveries and new opportunities (30 min) Heyu Ni Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand platelet versatilities in different diseases. 2. Be equipped with these cutting-edge knowledge and skills to improve platelet transfusion and decrease the side effects of platelet/blood


1120 ET Concurrent session 2B Line 2 Transfusion Education / Éducation en transfusion au Canada Traduction française disponible Transfusion Camp (30 min) Yulia Lin Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the benefits of transfusion medicine education. 2. Learn how to engage multispecialty postgraduate trainees in transfusion medicine education.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire les avantages de la formation en médecine transfusionnelle. 2. Apprendre comment faire participer les résidents de différentes spécialités lors de la formation en médecine transfusionnelle.

Vancouver TM Training Program (30 min) Andrew Shih Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Discuss novel audiences for transfusion medicine training such as non-physician prescribers. 2. Explore different Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) resources for transfusion medicine.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Discuter de nouveaux publics pour la formation en médecine transfusionnelle, comme les prescripteurs non médecins. 2. Explorer différentes ressources d’éducation médicale libre accès (FOAMed) pour la médecine transfusionnelle

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1120 ET Concurrent session 2C Line 3

Cold Stored Whole Blood What’s Old is New Again – the use of whole blood for massive bleeding (30 min) Mark Yazer Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the role of low titer group O whole blood in trauma resuscitation. 2. Understand the new literature on blood product use in trauma resuscitation.

Cold Stored Whole Blood: supplier perspective (30 min) Chantale Pambrun

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Augment general understanding of how fresh blood products make it to the patient bedside in Canada. 2. Increase awareness of blood operator implications specific to the introduction of whole blood.

Science and Innovation Session (additional registration link required)

1340 ET Concurrent Session 3A Line 1

Héma-Québec Research Highlights One Night in Quebec – Collaborative projects at interdisciplinary borders (30 Min) Danny Brouard

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. To understand the theory basis and working principles of surface plasmon resonance (SPR). 2. To develop SPR assays for biochemical analyses

R&D Duties During a Pandemic – a 2020s tale (30 min) Patrick Trépanier

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe Héma-Québec’s research contribution in the transfusion medicine field over the last year. 2. Clearly define at least 2 ongoing projects at Hema-Quebec’s research lab.

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1340 ET Concurrent Session 3B Line 2

Education in Transfusion Medicine

Transfusion Medicine Physician Trainee Education Seminar Series (30 min) Matthew Yan Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe some principles for creating and maintaining a weekly virtual didactic conference for an academic year. 2. Review the scope and scale of participation by the transfusion medicine community in the Transfusion Medicine Physician Trainee

Educational Sessions.

Immunohematology training program: Héma-Québec’s experience (30 min) Nadia Baillargeon Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the characteristics of the Immunohematology training program offered by Héma-Québec. 2. Share Héma-Québec experience of switching from lecture based-training to online training. 3. Discuss advantages of continuing education.

1340 ET Concurrent Session 3C Line 3 Cold Stored Platelets / Plaquettes entreposées au froid Traduction française disponible Cold Stored Platelets: How are they different from warm platelets? (30 min) Dana Devine Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Discuss the current state of knowledge of cold store platelets. 2. Explain the path to use of cold stored platelets in Canada.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Discuter de l’état actuel des connaissances sur les plaquettes entreposées à froid 2. Expliquer les étapes pour utiliser des plaquettes entreposées à froid au Canada.

Bacterial Growth in Cold-Stored Platelets (30 min) Sandra Ramirez-Arcos Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Design protocols for comparative studies on bacterial growth in platelets stored under different conditions. 2. Assess bacterial growth dynamics of different species in cold-stored platelets.

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Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants pourront :

1. Concevoir des protocoles pour des études comparatives sur la croissance bactérienne des plaquettes entreposées dans différentes conditions;

2. Évaluer la dynamique de croissance bactérienne de différentes espèces dans les plaquettes entreposées à froid.

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Friday May 14, 2021 1010 ET Plenary Session 1 Line 1 Convalescent Plasma Trials / Études Cliniques sur le plasma convalescent Trials Traduction française disponible Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19: What have we learned in the first year of the pandemic? (20 min)

Jeannie Callum

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Compare and contrast the completed randomized trials of CCP. 2. Review the results of the most recent systematic reviews.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Comparer les études randomisées de plasmas convalescents pour la COVID-19 2. Revoir les résultats des revues systématiques les plus récentes

Convalescent plasma in Canada: Update on the CONCOR-1 trial (20 min) Philippe Bégin Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the main findings of the CONCOR-1 trial. 2. Discuss the challenges related to running a clinical trial on convalescent plasma in the context of a pandemic.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire les principales constatations de l'étude CONCOR-1 2. Discuter des défis liés à la réalisation d’une étude clinique sur le plasma convalescent dans le contexte d’une pandémie.

How to engage the community in clinical trials? CONCOR-1 experience (20 min) Emily Sirotich Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Form a clinical trial study advisory group comprised of community members with diverse perspectives and lived experiences. 2. Describe the value of engaging community members in clinical trial development and implementation.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Former un groupe consultatif d'une étude clinique composé de membres de la collectivité ayant des perspectives et des expériences vécues variées.

2. Décrire la valeur d'inclure des membres de la collectivité à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre d’études cliniques.

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1120 ET Concurrent Session 4A Line 1 Covid-19 What do we know now?/ Covid-19 et coagulation- Que savons-nous maintenant Traduction française disponible COVID 19 Coagulopathy Scientific perspective (30 min) Ed Pryzdial

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Recognize the complex biochemical systems within COVID-19. 2. The session will better enable discussion of COVID-19 patient care from a molecular perspective.

Objectifs à traduire Au terme de cette session,

1. Les participants reconnaîtront les systèmes biochimiques complexes de la COVID-19. 2. La séance permettra de mieux discuter des soins aux patients dans le cadre de la COVID-19 d’un point de vue moléculaire.

Antithrombotic management of patients with COVID-19 (30 min) Michelle Sholzberg

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the risk of thromboembolism in patients with COVID-19. 2. Consider the most appropriate anti-thrombotic treatment as the evidence evolves.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire le risque de thromboembolie chez les patients atteints de la COVID-19 2. Envisager le traitement antithrombotique le plus approprié à mesure que les données probantes évoluent

1120 ET Concurrent Session 4B Line 2

Ethics in Transfusion Medicine Empowering Triage Teams (30 min) Timothy Christie

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Identify suggested members of a core triage team.

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2. Recognize potential barriers to implementation of a triage team.

Resource Management in a Pandemic (30 min) Hakan Buyukdere

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe overall effect of Pandemia on Global Health Resources 2. Identify the Pandemia-related challenges on Blood System and Blood Bank Operations 3. List several Blood Banking strategies for proper resource management during Pandemia 4. Understand the importance of predictive resource planning for future Global Health Crises

1120 ET Concurrent Session 4C Line 3

Choosing Wisely Using blood wisely (30 min) Yulia Lin

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Participate in a national campaign on improving transfusion appropriateness. 2. Identify barriers in implementing quality improvement initiatives.

Choosing Wisely - Atlantic Canada progress report (30 min) Emma Boulay

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Discuss Atlantic Canada's response to the Using Blood Wisely initiative 2. Understand the progress of hospitals in Atlantic Canada in the Using Blood Wisely program.


Science and Innovation Session (Additional registration link required) 1230 ET

1340 ET Concurrent Session 5A Line 1

COVID-19 Antibodies Understanding serologic responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection (30 Min) Steven Drews Learning Objectives

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At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to: 1. Discuss the variability in antibody responses in blood donors following SARS-CoV-2 infection. 2. Illustrate potential dilemmas facing SARS-CoV-2 convalescent plasma and seroprevalence programs.

Covid-19 Antibodies (30 Min) Renée Bazin

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the potential contribution of antibody-mediated mechanisms for combating SARS-CoV-2 infection 2. Discuss the longevity of the humoral immunity against SARS-CoV-2.

1340 ET Concurrent Session 5B Line 2

Standing Updates

Update: Health Canada’s Inspections (20 Min) Traduction française disponible Mélanie Mercier Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Know more about the first cycle of inspections done as per the Blood Regulations. 2. Be better prepared for a Health Canada inspection conducted as per the Blood Regulations.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette séance, les participants :

1. En savoir plus sur le premier cycle d’inspections effectuées conformément au Règlement sur le sang 2. Être mieux préparé pour une inspection de Santé Canada effectuée conformément au Règlement sur le sang

Update: National Advisory Committee on Blood and Blood Products (20 Min) Alan Tinmouth Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the current NAC workplan. 2. Review NAC activities 2020-2021

Comité consultative en médecine transfusionnelle (CCNMT): Update of activities-2020- 2021 (20 min)

Heather Hume

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the role of the CCNMT within the Quebec blood system. 2. Name the major transfusion medicine issues on which the CCNMT has given advice to the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services

(MSSS) and the nature of that advice.

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1340 ET Concurrent Session 5C Line 3 Nightmares in Transfusion Medicine / Cauchemars en médecine transfusionnelle Traduction française disponible Hyperhemolysis case (20 Min) Jacob Pendergrast Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Recognize the syndrome of post-transfusion hyperhemolysis when it occurs. 2. Summarize the proposed pathophysiology underlying this condition and the recommended approaches to treatment.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Reconnaître le syndrome d’hyperhémolyse transfusionnelle lorsqu’il survient 2. Résumer la physiopathologie proposée de cette condition et les approches thérapeutiques recommandées

Doing the Best for Our Patients During Challenging Times (20 Min) Christine Cotton Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand various options for managing pre-op anemia in a diverse population. 2. Understand the challenges of continuing to provide optimal care during a pandemic.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de la présentation, les participants comprendront :

1. Diverses options de la gestion pré-opératoire de l'anémie dans une population diversifiée 2. Les défis de continuer à fournir des soins optimaux pendant une pandémie

Panagglutinins : Finding a match when everything is incompatible (20 Min) Maude Landry Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the basic principles of pre-transfusion testing and antibody identification. 2. Discuss specific strategies that can be used to better characterize broad specificity antibodies. 3. Identify communication strategies that can be helpful to use when communicating with the clinical team to explain delays.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire les principes de base des analyses pré-transfusionnelles et d'identification d'anticorps 2. Discuter des stratégies pouvant être utilisées pour mieux caractériser les anticorps ayant une réactivité élargie. 3. Identifier les stratégies de communication pouvant être utiles lors de la communication avec l’équipe clinique pour expliquer les retards.

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Social Event

Omega Protocol Pre-registration required.

May 14, 2021 - 1600-1730 ET

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Saturday May 15, 2021

CSTM Awards / Prix de la SCMT & Tribute to Dr. Elianna Saidenberg / Un homage à la Dre Elianna Saidenberg- 0945

1010 ET Plenary Session 2A Line 1 COVID-19, A National Perspective / Initiatives hospitalières en lien avec la COVID-19

Traduction française disponible Managing Transfusions During a Pandemic: Impact of Extended Length Tubing on RCC Quality (30 min)

Jason Acker

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the challenges associated with managing blood transfusions to critical ill COVID-19 patients. 2. Evaluate the impact of extended length tubing to support RCC transfusions.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire les défis associés à la gestion des transfusions sanguines chez les patients gravement atteints de la COVID-19 2. Évaluer l’impact des tubulures allongées pour soutenir les transfusions de globules rouges. 3.

Early Adaptations of Transfusion Medicine Systems to the COVID-19 Pandemic in British Columbia (30 min)

Eric McGinnis and Robert Guo

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. List adaptations in transfusion service practices at the local and provincial level of potential value in a developing pandemic. 2. Summarize trends in blood product utilization observed throughout British Columbia in the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Énumérer les adaptations des pratiques des services de transfusion à l’échelle locale et provinciale qui pourraient avoir une valeur dans une pandémie en développement.

2. Résumer les tendances observées dans l’utilisation des produits sanguins en Colombie-Britannique au cours des premières phases de la pandémie de COVID-19.

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1010 ET Plenary Session 2B Line 2

Health Canada Reporting Traduction française disponible

Errors, Accidents and Adverse Reactions under Health Canada’s Blood Regulations (60 min)

Mélanie Mercier

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the differences between an error, an accident and an adverse reaction. 2. Identify errors, accidents and adverse reaction, and assess in which cases they are reportable to Health Canada.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire les différences entre une erreur, un accident et un effet indésirable 2. Identifier les erreurs, les accidents et les effets indésirables, et évaluer dans quels cas ils doivent être déclarés à Santé Canada

1120 ET Concurrent Session 6A Line 1

Plasma Shortages due to Covid-19 IVIg supply disruption in Quebec during the COVID19 pandemic: why and how to respond (30 min)

Nancy Robitaille Christine Ouimet

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Identify the different elements and factors during the pandemic that have influenced IvIg stock levels. 2. Propose strategies to optimize IvIg utilisation in a clinical setting in the context of the pandemic.

Patient Perspectives: “Scott’s Scuttlebutt on Scarce SCIg” (30 min) Tara Redfern

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe various accounts of patient experience with SCIg home infusion, including impacts on health and quality of life. 2. Describe scenarios that could contribute to SCIg product shortages, and describe the various potential impacts on patient health, quality of

life, and more.

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1120 ET Concurrent Session 6B Line 2 Transfusion in Diverse Populations/ Transfusion dans diverses populations Traduction française disponible In Oncology Patients (20 min) Jacques Maillet

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand bleeding risk reduction for patients with hematologic malignancy. 2. Understand outpatient transfusion support for patients with hematologic malignancy.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Réduction du risque de saignement chez les patients atteints d’une tumeur hématologique maligne 2. Soutien transfusionnel ambulatoire chez les patients atteints de tumeurs hématologiques malignes

The ABCS of Pediatric MHPs – More Qs than As (20 min) Jennifer Duncan Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe reasons for hospitals encountering challenges when transfusing pediatric trauma patients. 2. Outline an approach to massive transfusion in this patient population.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire les raisons pour lesquelles les hôpitaux ont de la difficulté à transfuser des patients pédiatriques traumatisés. 2. Décrire une approche de la transfusion massive dans cette population de patients.

MIH out-of-hospital community blood transfusions: An update (20 min) Tin-Shan (Tim) Chung Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the overview of blood transfusions in the community carried out by the AHS MIH team 2. Discuss characteristics of recent blood transfusions carried out by community paramedics. 3. Consider future research directions.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Faire le point sur les transfusions sanguines dans la collectivité effectuées par l’équipe AHS MIH 2. Discuter des caractéristiques des transfusions sanguines récentes effectuées par les ambulanciers paramédicaux communautaires 3. Examiner les orientations futures de la recherche

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1120 ET Concurrent Session 6C Line 3

CSTM Committee updates COPTN Canadian Obstetrical and Pediatric Transfusion Network Project Update: Which tests should be performed on this cord blood sample? (20 Min)

Omar Issam Ali Hajjaj

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Discuss national survey results regarding which tests are most commonly performed on cord blood samples. 2. Summarize the literature regarding the value of immunohematology tests performed on cord blood samples. 3. Consider new guidance statements regarding performance of cord blood tests.

Update from The Specialist in Transfusion Science (STS) Subcommittee (20 Min)

Gwen Clarke

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Comment on the objectives of the STS Committee. 2. Identify potential candidates or contributors for the future program.

CSTM Standards Committee “Where we are in 2021” (20 min) Danielle Watson Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Provide an update on the review and revision process of the current Version 4 of the CSTM Standards. 2. Preview of some of the changes coming in the next version of the CSTM Standards.

Transfusion Trek and Scavenger Hunt - Social Event 1230 ET

1340 ET Concurrent Session 7A Line 1

Serological Case Studies /Études de cas sérologiques Traduction française disponible

Bombay case - Fulfilling a Request for a Bombay Phenotype (20 min) Susan White/ Louise Ringuette

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Order a rare phenotype from Canadian Blood Services. 2. Identify a patient with a Bombay Phenotype

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Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Commander un phénotype rare auprès de la Société canadienne du sang. 2. Identifier un patient avec un phénotype de Bombay

Sickle Cell Antibodies: Acute Anemia Post-Transfusion (20 min) Jonaki Manna Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the types, detection and complications of alloantibodies and autoantibodies that can arise in sickle cell disease. 2. To describe the common and rare causes of anemia post-transfusion in context of sickle cell disease.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Comprendre les types, la détection et les complications des alloanticorps et des autoanticorps qui peuvent survenir dans l'anémie falciforme..

2. Décrire les causes courantes et rares de l’anémie post-transfusionnelle dans le contexte de l'anémie falciforme.

Malignancy Induced Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (40 min) Waseem Anani Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand the process for investigating AIHA 2. Understand the significance of AIHA in malignancy.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Décrire le processus d’identification des auto-anticorps induits par le cancer 2. Dicuss l’impact clinique des auto-anticorps induits par le cancer

1340 ET Concurrent Session 7B Line 2

Nursing Topics Introduction to the CSTM Transfusion Safety Network (20 min) Crystal Brunk

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the purpose of the Transfusion Safety Network (TSN) 2. Identify the need for personal or organizational involvement in the TSN

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Becoming a Transfusion Practitioner (20 min) Clare O’Reilly

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Reflect on different paths that lead to transfusion medicine. 2. Identify educational resources for TM practitioners.

COPTN Project Update: Pediatric Massive Transfusion (20 min) Valérie Arsenault

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe similarities and discrepancies between Canadian pediatric massive hemorrhage protocols and to compare these with what is recommended in the literature.

2. Identify gaps related to pediatric MHP care. 3. Consider the benefits of harmonizing a national standard pediatric MHP to improve clinical outcomes.

1340 ET Concurrent Session 7C Line 3 Prenatal Topics / Médecine transfusionnelle périnatale Traduction française disponible Postnatal impact of alloimmunization on the neonate (20 min) Lani Lieberman

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the assessment of jaundice in the newborn and to differentiate jaundice from hemolytic disease of the newborn 2. Discuss transfusion tests performed on cord blood samples 3. Review treatment options for neonates with hemolytic disease of the newborn

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. .Décrire l’évaluation de l'ictère chez le nouveau-né et comment différencier l'ictère de la maladie hémolytique du nouveau-né 2. Discuter des tests transfusionnels effectués sur des échantillons de sang de cordon. 3. Examiner les options de traitement pour les nouveau-nés atteints d’une maladie hémolytique du nouveau-né. 4.

Management of postpartum hemorrhage: Massive transfusion protocols and beyond (20 min)

Nadine Shehata

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Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Formulate a management plan for postpartum hemorrhage 2. Review patient blood management for the obstetric patient

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Formuler un plan de prise en charge de l’hémorragie postpartum 2. Revoir la gestion personnalisée du sang en obstétrique.

Perinatal management of Carriers of Hemophilia and their Newborn (20 min) Shauna Gray and Julie Cormier Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Understand how to manage the labour and delivery of women carriers and their newborns. 2. Be aware of the policy and procedures available to them for the management of women carriers of hemophilia.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de la séance,

1. À la fin de la séance, les participants devraient être mieux préparées à gérer le travail et l’accouchement des mères porteuses d'hémophilie et de leurs nouveau-nés.

2. Le personnel de la santé connaîtra la politique et des procédures à leur disposition pour la prise en charge des femmes porteuses d’hémophilie.

Canadian Blood Bank Practices for Red Cell Intrauterine Transfusion: Variations and Innovations (20 min)

Melanie Bodnar

Learning Objectives At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

1. Compare practices in component selection and processing, fetal pre-transfusion testing and blood bank documentation for red cell intrauterine transfusion.

2. Understand the challenges and importance of linking the intrauterine transfusion event to the neonate post-delivery.

Objectifs à traduire À la fin de cette présentation, les participants seront en mesure de :

1. Comparer les pratiques de sélection et de traitement des composants, d’analyse pré-transfusionnelle du fœtus et de documentation des banques de sang pour la transfusion intra-utérine de globules rouges.

2. Comprendre les défis et l’importance d’établir un lien entre la transfusion intra-utérine et le nouveau-né après l’accouchement.

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21 of 21 May 3, 2021

1500 ET Concurrent Session 8A Line 1

Oral Abstracts Administrative

Prevention of Alloimmunization in Mothers of Saskatchewan: Development of a Hospital- based Provincial Prenatal Testing Program Structure (15 min)

Oksana Prokopchuk-Gauk

Development of a Library of TikToks to Support Stem Cell Donor Recruitment in Canada (15 min)

Brady Park

Transfusion Medicine Education for Physicians (15 min) Troy Thompson Multimedia resources to engage gay, bisexual, and queer men in Canada as stem cell donors (15 min)

Natalie DeGurse

1500 ET Concurrent Session 8B Line 2

Oral Abstracts Scientific

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among Canadian blood donors (15 min) Sahar Saeed Current challenges and implication for SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies among blood donors: A Scoping Review (15 min)

Sahar Saeed

Evaluating Red Cell Concentrate Product Quality from Day 42 to Day 49 of Hypothermic Storage (15 min)

Tracey Turner

Loss of repeat convalescent plasma donors due to waning anti-SARS-CoV2-2 plaque reduction neutralization test titers (April-December 2020). (15 min)

Steven Drews

1500 ET Concurrent 8C Line 3

Oral Abstracts Clinical

Transfusion of a Platelet Pool Contaminated with Exotoxin-Producing Staphylococcus aureus: A Case Report (15 min)

Sandra Ramirez-Arcos

A case of recipient neutrophil and human leukocyte antigen antibody mediated fatal reverse transfusion related acute lung injury (15 min)

Rachel Jug

Transfusion of Paediatric Sickle Cell Anemia patients: sickle screening of units discontinued. (15 min)

Letka Dumevska

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on blood donations in Canada (15 min) Sahar Saeed

Closing Invitation to Toronto 2021