Download - Three traits of a compelling message

Page 1: Three traits of a compelling message

3 Traits of a Compelling Messagewords. emotions. personality.

Page 2: Three traits of a compelling message

your message matters

Page 3: Three traits of a compelling message

The words you choose are the building blocks to a powerful message!

Your words should:● Be mission-focused● Sound like you (or your organization)● Be authentic and sincere● Inspire to action● Be positive and action-based; not negative and fear-based● Be direct, active and powerful● Inspire others


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Page 5: Three traits of a compelling message

Don’t be afraid to show, share, and evoke emotion in your readers, clients, and followers. Passion is an emotion!

How to communicate with more emotion:● Be authentic● Tell your stories with feeling and passion● Understand your community, what makes them sad, stressed, and angry;

and what makes them laugh, happy, and talkative.● View people as individuals, not a group—and relate to them that way.● Use images that evoke and show emotion.


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Page 7: Three traits of a compelling message

Every business or organization has a personality. As a solopreneur, it may be your personality. Or it may be a unique personality that comes out through the business. As this becomes clear, remaining true to that character allows people to trust you more. They are more likely to respond and engage when they know what they will get, every time!
