Download - Thought Force

  • 8/6/2019 Thought Force





    William Walter Atkin !n

  • 8/6/2019 Thought Force



    Preface 3

    Salutatory 4

    The Nature of the Force 7

    How the Thought Force Can Aid You 1

    !irect P"ychic #nfluence 13

    A $ittle %orldly %i"do& 1'

    The Power of the (ye )1

    The *agnetic +a,e )4

    The -olic Force )7

    !irect -olation 3Tele.athic -olation 3/

    The Adducti0e uality of Thought 4)

    Character 2uilding 2y *ental Control 47

    The Art of Concentering 4

    The Practice of Concentering '

    -aledictory /)

  • 8/6/2019 Thought Force



    #n u"tice to &y"elf5 # thin6 it well to "tate that thi" wor6 ha" een "o&ewhatha"tily .re.ared fro& the note" u"ed y &e in certain of lecture"5 the le""on" gi0e

    herein .ractically eing the "ylla i of the "aid lecture"8 #n the lecture"5 and in thi" wor65 &y one and only .ur.o"e ha" een to ac9uaint the "tudent" with the &ean"of de0elo.ing5 and effecti0ely u"ing the &ight force" latent within hi& : Per"onal*agneti"& and P"ychic #nfluence8 To thi" end # ha0e "carified all .reten"ion" toliterary "tyle5 all atte&.t" to "ecure felicity of diction8 # ha0e felt that # had a&e""age to deli0er5 and # endea0ored to deli0er it .ro&.tly5 clearly and .lainly5 without any atte&.t at ;fine writing8; #f a ho&ely word "ee&ed to e

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    The nearer to the practical men keepThe less they deal in vague and abstract things

    The less they deal in huge, mysterious wordsThe mightier is their power.Thomas L. Harris

    Views of other writers - Erroneous theories Vegetarianism Celibacy - Vital luid -!eep "reathing - #eal progress made by investigation, not by theories - E$istence of personal magnetism un%uestioned - & self-evident truth - #esults,not theories - 'o pet theories advanced - &ccept nothing that you cannotdemonstrate.

    ;Theorie" are ut &ighty "oa.: u le"5 with which the grown:u. children of"cience a&u"e the&"el0e"8; The &a ority of writer" u.on thi" "u ect ha0ede0oted nearly all their effort"5 a" well a" their ".ace5 to .ro0ing5 fir"t5 thatPer"onal *agneti"& really e

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    nu& erle"" e

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    real& of .ractice5 and will endea0or to "o in"truct you along the line" of thede0elo.&ent and u"e of thi" &ighty force5 that you &ay re.roduce the re"ult"already o tained y other"5 and .erha." &ay eco&e in0e"tigator" and leader" inthe wor6 of la,ing the way through the wood" of ""tition and &y"tery with which the "u ect ha" een "urrounded "o long8 # will a"6 you to acce.t nothing

    that you cannot .ro0e8


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    T e Nat,re !# t e F!r$e

    The force not magnetic in its nature - (ubtle current of thought waves -Thoughts are things - )ur thoughts affect ourselves as well as others - Change

    of appearance following change of occupation - Thought the greatest force inthe world - *+ can and + will* vs. *+ can t* - ractical instruction nottranscendental discourse - The adductive power of thought - ear thought theroot of in urious thinking.

    To the &ind" of &o"t .eo.le5 the ter& Per"onal *agneti"& con0ey" the idea of acurrent radiating fro& the .er"on of the &agnetic indi0idual5 drawing to hi& alltho"e within the radiu" of hi" &agnetic force8 Thi" idea5 whil"t on the wholeerroneou"5 "till contain" within it the ger& of the real truth8 There i" a current ofattracting force radiating fro& &an5 ut it i" not a &agnetic force in "o far a" theter& ;&agneti"&; i&.lie" "o&e connection with the lode"tone or electricity8 Thehu&an &agnetic current5 whil"t earing "o&e re"e& lance to the"e two fa&iliarforce" in it" effect"5 ha" no real connection with the& "o far a" i" concerned it"origin or intrin"ic nature8

    That which we call Per"onal *agneti"& i" the "u tle current of thought:wa0e"5 orthought:0i ration"5 .ro ected fro& the hu&an &ind8 (0ery thought created your &ind" i" a force of greater or le""er inten"ity5 0arying in "trength according tothe i&.etu" i&.arted to it at the ti&e of it" creation8 %hen we thin65 we "endfro& u" a "u tle current5 which ta le" along li6e a ray often far re&o0ed fro& u" y ".ace5 a forceful thought will go on it" errand charged with a &ighty .ower5and will often ear down the in"tincti0e re"i"tance of the &ind" of other" toout"ide i&.re""ion"5 whil"t a wea6 thought will e una le to o tain an entranceTrance to the &ental ca"tle of another5 unle"" that ca"tle e ut .oorly guarded8

    e.eated thought" along the "a&e line" "ent one after the other5 will: often effect: an entrance where a "ingle thought:wa0e5 although &uch "tronger5 will ere.ul"ed8 #t i" an e

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    .oint8 ?f cour"e5 if an i&.ul"e .ro ect" the thought wa0e" forci ly toward acertain o ect5 it" force will e felt &ore "trongly at that .oint8

    2e"ide" affecting other"5 our thought" affect u"5 not only te&.orarily5 ut al" %e are what we thin6 our"el0e" into eing8 The i lical "tate&ent

    that ;a" a &an thin6eth in hi" heart5 "o i" he5; i" literally correct8 %e are allcreature" of our own &ental creating8 You 6now how ea"y it i" to thin6 your"elfinto a ; lue; "tate of &ind5 or the re0er"e5 ut you do not reali,ed that re.eatedthought u.on a certain line will &anife"t it"elf not only in character Dwhich itcertainly doe"E5 ut al"o in the .hy"ical a..earance of the thin6er8 Thi" i" ade&on"tra le fact5 and you ha0e ut to loo6 around you to reali,e it8 You ha0enoticed how a &an=" occu.ation "how" it"elf in hi" a..earance and generalcharacter8 %hat do you "u..o"e occa"ion" thi" .heno&enon Nothing &ore orle"" than that thought8 #f youG0e ha0e changed your occu.ation5 your generalcharacter and a..earance 6e.t .ace with your changed ha it" of thought8 Yournew occu.ation rought out a new train of thought5 and ;Thought" ta6e for& in Action8; You &ay ha0e ne0er ta6en thi" 0iew of the &atter5 ut it i" truene0erthele""5 and you &ay find a&.le .roof of it" correctne"" y &erely loo6ingaround you8

    A &an who thin6" (nergy &anife"t" (nergy8 The &an5 who thin6" Courage&anife"t" courage8 The &an who thin6"5 ;# can and # will5; ;get" there;5 while the;# can=t; &an ;get" left8; You 6now that to e true8 Now5 what cau"e" thedifference Thought : u"t .lain thought8 2ut why : u"t ecau"e it cannot"elf8 Action follow" a" the natural re"ult of 0igorou" thin6ing8 You thin6 inearne"t5 and action doe" the re"t8 Thought i" the greate"t thing in the world8 #f you do not 6now it now5 you will efore you are through with thi" cour"e ofle""on"8 You &ay "ay that thi" i" no new thing to you : that you 6now all a out;&a6ing u. your &ind5; and all that "ort of thing5 long ago8 Then why did you not.ut it into .ractice and &a6e "o&ething of your"elf # will tell you the trou le8 You thought ;# Can=t; in"tead of ;# Can8; Now5 # a& going to change that ;# Can=t;into a ig ;# Can; and a igger ;# %ill8; That i" what # a& here for5 and # intend to;&a6e you o0er5; efore # a& through with you8 # "u..o"e that you thought # would gi0e you an ela orate5 tran"cendental di"cour"e on thing" away u. in thecloud"5 and ho.ed that # would tell you how to charge your"elf u. with a lot of&agneti"&5 "o that you would e a le to light the ga" with the ti." of your finger"5or draw e0ery ody to you li6e a .iece of "teel to a &agnet5 now5 didn=t you %ell5# a& not8 2ut # intend to tell you how you can generate in your"elf a force5co&.ared with which &agneti"& i" wea6> a force that will &a6e a &an of you> aforce that will &a6e you reali,e the # A* within you> a .ower that will ena le youto e a &an of "trong .er"onal 9ualitie"> a &an of influence> a "ucce""ful &an8 # will tell you how you can ac9uire that which you ha0e een calling Per"onal*agneti"&5 .ro0iding you will "tart at it in earne"t8 #t i" worth wor6ing for5 and when you feel your new "trength within you5 you would not e

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    %hy you feel a little "tronger already5 # don=t you ?f cour"e you do8 # ne0er ha0etal6ed fi0e &inute" to a cla"" of "tudent" a" you do8 # ne0er ha0e tal6ed fi0e&inute" to a cla"" of "tudent" a out ;# Can and # %ill; and a out the # A* withinthe& without their throwing ac6 their "houlder"5 rai"ing their head"5 ta6ing along reath5 and loo6ing &e "9uare in the eye" a" a &an or wo&an "hould8 #t wa"

    ;thought &anife"ting it"elf in action8; !o you "ee the .oint # had .lanted thelittle "eed of "elf:6nowledge5 and it had egun to ".rout8

    2efore # conclude thi" le""on5 # wi"h to direct your attention to one other 0eryi&.ortant thing a out thought5 and that i" the Adducti0e Power of Thought8 Payattention to thi"> .lea"e a" it i" of the highe"t i&.ortance8 A0oiding all atte&.t" ata "cientific e the good thought attract"other good thought"> the ad thought5 the ad> thought of "trength5 li6ewi"e>thought" of di"courage&ent and dou t follow the rule5 and "o on through theentire ga&ut of thought"8

    Your thought attract" to it the corre".onding thought of other" and increa"e" your "toc6 of that .articular 6ind of thought8 !o you "ee the .oint Thin6 Fearthought"5 and you draw to your"elf all the Fear thought in that neigh orhood8The harder you thin6 it5 the greater " of unde"ira le thought floc6" to you8Thin6 ;# a& Fearle""5; and all the courageou" thought force within your radiu" will &o0e toward" you5 and will aid you8 Try it8 That i"5 try the latter8 !on=t thin6Fear thought8

    Fear and Hate are the .arent" of all the 0ile thought"8 # will go into thi" &atter with you at greater length in "u "e9uent le""on"5 ut let &e urge u.on you now5 with all the earne"tne"" of which # a& ca.a le5 to tear out tho"e wile "eed" : Fearand Hate8 Tear the& out y the root"8 They ".oil the whole garden and reed aho"t of other weed"5 "uch a" %orry5 !ou t5 Ti&idity5 $ac6 of Self e".ect5

    ealou"y5 S.ite5 *alice5 (n0y5 Slander and *or id #dea"8 # a& not trying to.reach you a "er&on5 ut # 6now that the"e 0ile thought" are hindering your.rogre""5 and you will reali,e it5 too5 if you will "to. to thin6ing for a &o&ent8?.en the lind"5 and let the .ure "un"hine of 2right5 Cheerful and Ha..ythought" .our in5 and the &icro e" of !ou t and !e".air and Failure will lea0e5and "ee6 &ore congenial 9uarter"8

    #f you were &y deare"t friend5 and # 6new that thi" &e""age would e &y la"t onearth5 # would "hout to you5 a" loud a" &y 0ocal organ" would .er&itB ;$et +o ofFear and Hate Thought"8;


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    H!. t e T !,/ t F!r$e Can Ai0 Y!,

    (uccess dependent upon ersonal +nfluence - *(trong men arrive* - &pparente$ceptions to the rule - /hen negative men produce0 positive men reap the

    benefit - 1oney the material manifestation of success - 1oney a means, not anend - The 2aw of 1ental Control - +nfluence through suggestion - +nfluence bythought vibrations - +nfluence by thoughts adductive power - +nfluence ac%uiredby character building.

    # a& addre""ing you u.on the "u..o"ition that you are de"irou" of theforce" within you5 for the .ur.o"e of attaining "ucce""8 Succe"" in life de.end" 0ery &aterially u.on the .o""e""ion of the 9uality of attracting and influencingour fellow &en8 No &atter what other 9ualitie" you &ay .o""e""5 you arehandica..ed y a lac6 of that "u tle force which we are in the ha it of callingPer"onal *agneti"&8 $oo6 around you and you will "ee that nearly e0ery &an who ha" ;arri0ed ; i" .o""e""ed of the a ility to attract5 .er"uade5 influence orcontrol hi" fellow"8 They are all what i" 6nown a" ;"trong; &en8 There are a fewe

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    The ne

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    Dire$t " y$ i$ In#l,en$e

    +nfluence in a personal interview - The three great methods - !irect suggestion -Thought waves - The adductive %uality of thought - /hat is suggestion3 - The

    !ual 1ind -4ypnotic (uggestion - The &ctive and assive functions - The%ualities of the two functions - 4uman sheep - The two brother partners - The assive brother - The active brother - Their respective traits - The *dead-easy*man - The *hard-as-nails man - 4ow to elude the vigilant partner - 'ever take 'o5 for an answer, in business or in love - ortune is feminine - 2ove laughs atlocksmiths - Confidence will win the day.

    #n thi" and the ne "ecure" their .atronage> and influence" the& generally8 %e all 6now&en who are a le to acco&.li"h the"e re"ult"5 and yet we content our"el0e" with wondering a out their "trange .ower5 without endea0oring to ac9uire it8

    The art of influencing &en or wo&en whil"t we are in their .re"ence5 of nece""ityinclude" the other "e0eral &ethod" of &ental influence &entioned in the.receding le""on"5 and .arta6e" of the nature of each8 #t i" difficult to ".ea6intelligently of thi" .ha"e of &ental influence"5 without co0ering the entireground" that will e e

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    #n thi" le""on # "hall confine &y"elf to the fir"t &entioned for& of .er"onalinfluence5 and will ta6e u. the "ucceeding for&" in "u "e9uent le""on"8

    #t i" a &o"t difficult ta"6 to gi0e an intelligent co&.rehen"i0e idea of the "u ectof Sugge"tion5 in the li&ited ".ace at &y di".o"al8 #f the "tudent ha" ac9uainted

    hi&"elf with the .rinci.le" underlying Hy.noti"& or Hy.notic Sugge"tion5 he will readily under"tand u"t what # &ean when # "ay ;Sugge"tion8; To tho"e whoha0e not had thi" ad0antage5 # will "ay that a "ugge"tion i" ;an i&.re""ion5con"ciou"ly or uncon"ciou"ly recei0ed through any of our "en"e"8; %e arecon"tantly acce.ting or re ecting "ugge"tion"5 the acce.tance or re ectionde.ending u.on the degree of "ugge"ti ility in our"el0e"5 the degree eing cau"ed y the de0elo.&ent or culti0ation of the non:rece.ti0e 9ualitie" of the &ind8 %ecannot atte&.t to go into the "u ect of what i" 6nown a" the !ual *ind in&an5 which ha" een 0ariou"ly de"ignated a" the ? ecti0e and Su ecti0e &ind">the -oluntary and in0oluntary &ind"> the Con"ciou" and Su con"ciou" &ind"5etc8 #f the "tudent i" de"irou" of ac9uainting hi&"elf fully with thi" "u ect5 # would "ugge"t that he ta6e u. "o&e good wor6 on Hy.noti"& or Hy.noticSugge"tion8 There are "e0eral good oo6" on thi" "u ect5 ut # would "ugge"t theoccult oo6" .u li"hed y The $i rary Shelf D6nown a" Serie" A5 25 C5 and !E5 which are cour"e" of in"truction in the a"ic .rinci.le" of .er"onal &agneti"&5hy.noti"&5 "ugge"tion and 6indred ranche" of ."ychic re"earch8

    #n order that the "tudent &ay gra". the idea that # wi"h to con0ey regarding theu"e of "ugge"tion a" a &ean" of e

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    earne"t5 .o"iti0e &anner8 The"e .eo.le are 0ery "ugge"ti le and are .ractically atthe &ercy of tho"e of a &ore acti0e &ind8 They find it hard to "ay ;No5; and areinclined to "ay5 ;Ye"5; if it i" ea"ier and re9uire" le"" thin6ing8 ?ther" are not9uite "o "ugge"ti le5 and "o&e are "carcely "ugge"ti le at all5 at ti&e"8 2ut thelatter5 when they rela< and gi0e their Acti0e function" a re"t5 are &uch &ore

    "ugge"ti le than at other ti&e"8To ena le you to for& a &ental .icture of the two function"5 for the .ur.o"e ofcarrying out the in"truction" gi0en in thi" cour"e5 # will a"6 you to i&agine a .airof twin" who are a""ociated a" .artner" in a u"ine"" enter.ri"e8 They loo6 e .ac6ing good"> the "tic6 in order5 etc85 while the Acti0e rother financiering> .u"hing thing" along5 and5 in "hort5 i" the e

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    you are trying to .lay "o&e "ort of a ga&e on the ea"y &an5 he will .ut hi" footdown on the "che&e and call the deal off8 He con"ider" e0ery .ro.o"ition5 andacce.t" it5 if rea"ona le5 or re ect" it if not8 He grow" le"" "u".iciou" when he eco&e" accu"to&ed to your .re"ence5 and &ay e0en grow to ha0e con"idera leconfidence in you8 He al"o &ay e entertained and a&u"ed5 at which ti&e" he


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    ".routed y the ti&e you co&e again8 2y tal6ing .ro.erly to the Acti0e .artnerand getting hi& intere"ted you ha0e ena led the .a""i0e rother5 actuated ycurio"ity Dof which he ha" a full "hareE to draw near and o0erhear yourcon0er"ation8 He will often thin6 o0er the o0erheard word" after you ha0e gone5and the ne

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    A Little W!rl0ly Wi 0!m

    4ow to influence the &ctive partner Conversation - The art of listening -Carlyle and his visitor - & delightful conversation - 6eep yourself positive

    &ppearance &pparel -Clean linen erfumes Cleanliness 1anner #eserve Temper earlessness - (elf-#espect - Consideration for others rankness Earnestness - irm handshake - The eye - Tone of voice - & usefulrule - 4ow to remedy deficiencies in manner.

    #n the .receding le""on # co&.ared the two function" of the &ind of eachindi0idual5 to the two rother" : .artner" in a u"ine"" enter.ri"e8 For thecon0enience of e

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    that .er"onal cleanline"" i" an i&.ortant .rere9ui"ite for o taining a fa0ora lehearing with the &a ority of Acti0e .artner"5 e0en though they &ay not e too.articular the&"el0e"8 Your &anner "hould e .lea"ant and cheerful5 yet notfri0olou"8 A certain degree of re"er0e i" de"ira le8 Your te&.er5 of cour"e5 "hould e well under control8 Anger i" a "ign of wea6ne"" : not "trength5 and the angry

    &an i" alway" .laced at a di"ad0antage8 You "hould e a "olutely fearle""5 oth.hy"ically and &orally5 the latter eing the rarer 9uality8 #f you are 9uic6te&.ered5 or a.t to gi0e way to fear of &i"fortune5 or worry5 etc85 you "hould .ay.articular attention to the le""on on Character 2uilding5 and correct the"edefect"8

    Your &anner "hould con0ey the idea of "elf:re".ect5 ut "hould li6ewi"e "how adelicate con"ideration for the li6e" and di"li6e" of other"8 #f you lac6 the latter9uality5 you "hould culti0ate it y all &ean"5 a" it i" of .ara&ount i&.ortance increating friend" and in gaining the fa0or of Acti0e .artner"5 the latter eing onlyhu&an in ".ite of their rough e

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    The "tudent &u"t not de".air if he lac6" "o&e of the i&.ortant re9ui"ite" to"ucce"" a o0e &entioned8 He "hould 6now that e0ery one of the"e gift" i" withinhi" reach5 if he will ut ta6e the trou le to ac9uire it8 # e

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    T e "!.er !# t e Eye

    The most potent means of influencing others - The reasons - The trained eye, a powerful weapon - 1ental vibrations conveyed by the eye - +ts power over wild

    beast and savages - (teady ga7e almost unbearable - roper use of the eye - ascination and hypnotic attraction - The magnetic ga7e - The beginning of theinterview - 4ow to use the eye to command attention - 4ow to hold attention - 4ow to regain attention - 8et what you want before you leave - (elf-protection- 4ow to prevent others from influencing you - 4ow to say *'o5* - 4ow to givesuggestions.

    The eye i" one of the &o"t .otent &ean" of influencing other"8 #t not only "er0e"to hold the attention of the .er"on to who& you are tal6ing5 there y rendering itea"ier to i&.re"" your "ugge"tion" u.on hi&> ut it i" al"o a .ower in it"elf5 which when .ro.erly u"ed i" the &ean" of i&.re""ing your will u.on another8 #tattract"5 fa"cinate"5 and hold" ".ell ound the Acti0e .artner5 and gi0e" you achance to tal6 with the ea"y:going rother8 The eye of the &an5 who ha" &a"teredthe law of &ental control5 i" a .owerful wea.on8 #t con0ey" the "trong &ental 0i ration" direct to the &ind of the other .arty5 at "hort range8 You ha0e heard ofthe .ower of the hu&an eye o0er wild ea"t and "a0age"5 and &any of you ha0e&et with &en who "ee&ed to loo6 clear through you and who"e "teady ga,e wa"al&o"t un eara le8 # will gi0e you a few e

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    will do a" you "ay8 2y all &ean" .re0ent hi& fro& loo6ing away fro& you at thi".oint8 You &u"t hold hi" attention at all ha,ard"8 #f you ha0e hi" whole attention5the Acti0e rother5 will e too engro""ed to other a out hi" ea"y rother5 and thelatter will draw near and hear what you are "aying8 #f the other .arty a0oid" yourga,e5 you can "o&eti&e" regain hi" attention y loo6ing away your"elf Dwatching

    hi& all the ti&e out of the corner of your eyeE and a" "oon a" he find" that you areloo6ing the other way he will e o.t to "teal a glance at you8 You &u"t watch forthi" "tolen glance5 and the &o&ent you find hi" eye turned toward" your face you&u"t 9uic6ly turn you eye and gi0e a 9uic65 "har. deter&ined loo65 youreye" fa"tened u.on hi"5 and holding hi" loo6 y an effort of the will8 ight there i"a good .oint for you to dri0e in your little nail8 You ha0e hi& at a di"ad0antage5and the ."ychological &o&ent ha" arri0ed for dri0ing in a "trong "ugge"tion8

    #f you cannot get hi& to loo6 at you in the way a o0e &entioned5 it i" a 0ery good.lan to ha0e "o&ething to "how hi&> a "a&.le5 .icture5 or "o&e other o ecta"certaining to your u"ine""8 You will find that after he loo6" at the o ect "hownhi&5 he will rai"e hi" eye" to your"8 He will do thi" e0ery ti&e5 and you &u"t eready for hi& with a fir&5 &agnetic ga,e and a "trong "ugge"tion8 #f you can 6ee.a &an" attention5 and can &anage to loo6 "9uarely at hi& during the inter0iew5 you will "urely influence hi& to a greater or le""er e unle"" he i" well .o"tedon thi" "u ect in which ca"e it will e 0ery difficult to influence hi& y direct&ean"8 -ery few .eo.le5 howe0er5 .o""e"" thi" 6nowledge and you need notfigure that ele&ent into the ordinary calculation8 You &ay find that the other&an will egin to feel that you are gaining "o&e "ort of influence o0er hi&5 andhe &ay in "elf:defen"e endea0or to ter&inate the inter0iew8 Thi" you &u"t for you ha0e gained an influence and you &u"t follow it u.8 !o not lea0ehi& until you get what you ca&e for8

    #n thi" connection it &ay e well to "ugge"t to you that5 ina"&uch a" it i" difficultfor anyone to rea"on or deli erate clearly whil"t they are under the influence ofthe &agnetic ga,e of another5 it will e well for you to guard your"elf again"t theu"e of thi" .ower at the hand" of anyone el"e .o""e""ing the "ecret8 You &u""er0e a .o"iti0e &ental attitude when you find that "o&eone i" trying toinfluence you5 and hold the thought5 fir&ly5 that you are "trong and eyond "uchinfluence8 Thi" &ental attitude will .rotect you and you &u"t5 of cour"e5 re0er"ethe in"truction" gi0en you for influencing other"8 #f a &an i" endea0oring tointere"t you in a .ro.o"ition5 do not allow hi& to hold your ga,e uninterru.tedlyduring the con0er"ation8 You &ay without "ee&ing to a0oid hi" ga,e5 loo6 awayreflecti0ely at inter0al"5 in an ea"y way8 Thi" will gi0e you ti&e to reflect a little5and &aintain your alance8 %hen he &a6e" you a .ro.o"ition5 loo6 away fro&hi& in a deli erati0e &anner a" if you are carefully con"idering e0ery word thathe i" "aying8 #f he &anage" to dri0e in a "udden "ugge"tion5 or .ro.o"ition5 whenhe hold" your eye5 do not an"wer hi& until you ha0e ta6en your eye" away for a&inute and regained your .o"iti0e alance8 Then5 if your an"wer i" ;No5; loo6hi& "9uare in the eye with a .o"iti0e glance and "ay your ;No5; fir&ly anddeli erately5 ut of cour"e .olitely8 %hen in dou t5 "ay ;No8; Iee. a "har.loo6out for in"idiou" "ugge"tion gi0en at a ."ychological &o&ent5 for thi" i"


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    where &uch of the danger lie"8 $et your own ;Acti0e .artner; e ali0e to hi"dutie" and do not let the other fellow get in a word with your Pa""i0e .artner8They will want to get a word with each other5 ut you &u"t .ut down your Acti0efoot on it8 The &an5 who i" doing the tal6ing5 if he under"tand" hi" u"ine""5alway" i" the .o"iti0e factor in a con0er"ation5 whil"t the li"tener i" &ore or le""

    .a""i0e8 The &ore intently and earne"tly he li"ten"5 the &ore .a""i0e he i"8 The.o"iti0e i" "tronger than the negati0e5 and .eo.le "hould alway" e on their guardto a0oid ha0ing .o"iti0e" "ugge"tion" forced u.on the& when they are in anegati0e condition8

    You "hould learn to gi0e "ugge"tion" in an earne"t5 fir&> .o"iti0e &anner5 your 0oice "howing that you e

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    T e 'a/neti$ Ga1e

    /hat is the magnetic ga7e - ull e$planation of e$ercises - 4ow to ac%uire themagnetic ga7e - &n interesting study - eople will manifest fear - E$periment on

    *live sub ects* -E$ercise +9 ull directions for ac%uiring the firm, steady ga7e - #emarkable achievements - & masterful e$pression - Effects on men and animal- E$ercise :9 1irror e$ercises for developing the ga7e - 4ow to withstand thega7e of others E$ercise ;9 #olling ga7e -E$ercise

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    Then5 .lacing the on the wall three feet to the left of it" original .o"ition5ga,e "teadily at the ".ot for one &inute8 fi0e ti&e"8 Continue thi" e

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    T e V!li$ F!r$e

    !istinction between the adductive >uality of Thought and the Volic orce Varying manifestations of thought vibrations - !efinition of Volation and Volic

    orce - & most potent force - The real man - The *+ &m*- +ts recognition - +tsimportance - 1an attains hither to unknown powers - The (oul of 1an - Thewill - The secret of the development of the will - &ctive and assive mentation -The pro ection of thought waves.

    #n the .receding le""on"5 # ha0e gi0en you an e your &erethin6ing "trongly of certain thing"5 "etting a &ighty force in &otion whichinfluence" other"8 #n the ca"e of -olation5 the &ental 0i ration" are "ent out andi&.elled y the con"ciou" e when the i&.elling .ower i" withdrawn5 the 0i ration" cea"e8

    # find no ter& in general u"e5 which i" e".ecially a..lica le to thi" for& ofthought force5 and # do not de"ire to continue to ".ea6 of it a" ;the con"ciou"effort of the will5 .roducing thought:0i ration"5 and i&.elling the "a&e toward agi0en o ect8; # a& dri0en5 y nece""ity5 to the coining of a na&e to e you &u"treali,e what i" the real *AN8

    *any of u" ha0e een in the ha it of thin6ing of the (go : the ;#; of our"el0e" : a"&erely the .hy"ical ody8 Thi" i" the &ateriali"tic .oint of 0iew8 ?ther" thin6 of


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    their ;#; a" a &ental creature ha0ing control of the ody5 and ha0ing hi" a ode inthe rain8 Thi" i" .artially correct5 ut i" only half the truth8 ?ther" reali,e thatthere i" a ;higher "elf; in the &an5 and a few ha0e recogni,ed that ;higher "elf5;and li0e in accord with it" dictate"8 The real (go5 or ;#5; i" a" &uch higher than*ind5 a" *ind i" higher than the ody> and oth ody and &ind are "u ordinate

    to it8 2oth are it" tool" and are u"ed for it" wor65 when it "ee" fit to u"e the&8 Thereal "elf i" that which we feel when in ti&e" of re0erie and intro".ection5 we thin6or "ay5 ;# A*8; All of u" ha0e felt thi" con"ciou"ne"" of the real "elf5 at certainti&e" in our li0e"5 ut ha0e failed to reali,e it" full i&.ortance8 $ay down thi" oo6 for a few &o&ent"5 and5 rela the # A* of theindi0idual5 earing nearly the "a&e relation to it that thought it doe" to the &ind8 %hen we ".ea6 of ; the will5; we really &ean the of the&ind to recogni,e and e controlled y the will8 The will i" "trong enough> it doe"not need ;de0elo.ing8; Thi" i" contrary to the generally acce.ted doctrine5 ut i"


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    it correct5 ne0erthele""8 A "trong will current i" flowing o0er the ."ychic wire"5 ut you &u"t learn to rai"e the trolley .ole to the wire5 efore you are a le to&o0e the &ental car8

    *an thin6" along different line"8 ?ne cla"" of thin6ing which we ha0e called

    Pa""i0e *entation i" little &ore that in"tincti0e effort : it "ort of ;thin6" it"elf5;and re9uire" little or no -olic Force for it" .roduction8 Another cla"" of &entaleffort5 which we will call Acti0e *entatioin5 i" .roduced y a greater or le""erde&and of the &ind u.on the .ower of the will8 # can &erely call your attentionto thi" fact5 a" a detailed treat&ent of the &atter i" without the "co.e of thi" wor68# ha0e gone into you8 #n thi" wor6 # a& called u.on to teach ;How; andnot ;%hy5; and5 therefore5 # do not care to ta6e you eyond the order of thereal& of theory8 The &ore &an thin6" along the line" of Acti0e *entation5 the"tronger and &ore forceful are hi" thought"8 The re0er"e i"5 of cour"e5 li6ewi"etrue8 The &an who under"tand" the law of *ental Control i" .laced at thei&&en"e ad0antage o0er hi" rother5 who follow" the ;calf .ath; of Pa""i0e&ental effort8

    Thought" of all 6ind" are .ro ected y the &ind5 and their 0i ration" go out fro&the indi0idual5 influencing other" to a greater or le""er degree5 according to theforce of the i&.elling effort8 Pa""i0e thought" are le"" .owerful than acti0ethought"5 ut the for&er5 if con"tantly re.eated5 ha0e &uch force8 #t will e "een5readily5 that in order to .roduce a direct effect u.on the &ind of another ythought 0i ration"5 an effort of -olation i" re9uired> the "tronger the effort5 the"tronger the effect8

    The ne

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    Dire$t V!lati!n

    Volation, the measure of success - 2eaders of men possess it - @nconsciousac%uirement - 'apoleon "onaparte aware of the truth - (trong men feel the *+*

    !esire - (ome not willing to *pay the price* of success - 1en who havemastered occult power - The vibratory force - Telepathy, thought transferenceand mind reading - 1asters of the art guard their secrets - The prime re%uisite for ac%uirement - E$ercise of volation in personal interview E$pectation - (ome men but puppets - 8eneral instructions - ower must not be used to harmothers - & warning - (atan s terrible e$ample - 4ow to *will* a thing - E$ercise +9 1aking a person turn around - E$ercise :9 +nfluencing a person in a public place - E$ercise ;9 +nfluencing a person without looking directly at him -Comical results - E$ercise

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    0anity5 all i" 0anity5; and with Puc65 ;what fool" the"e &ortal" e8; The law ofco&.en"ation" "ee&" to e0en all thing"5 and wealth5 .ower and .o"ition do notalway" ring ha..ine""8 The old "aying"B ;unea"y the head that wear" the crown5;and ;There i" no ro"e without it" thorn5; are literally true8

    Howe0er5 # do not .ro.o"e .reaching a "er&on on $ife5 nor do # wi"h to .oint at&oral8 (0ery indi0idual &u"t choo"e for hi&"elf5 and no &an can decide foranother8 # "ay5 howe0er5 that whate0er you do5 do it right8 There i" only one wayto do thing"5 and that i" to do the&8 You &u"t ;.ut your hand to the .low5 andloo6 not ac6ward8; Select your goal and then &o0e "traight toward it5 "wee.ingfro& your .ath all o "tacle"8 To acco&.li"h your ai&5 you &u"t ha0e !e"ire"trongly .re"ent5 and &uch recogni,e your real "elf5 the # A*5 in order to e it &ay al"o e e

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    the growth of a new "en"e of .ower within you8 Thi" recognition of the "elf &ay e ut faint> ut encourage it and it will grow5 and whil"t growing will &anife"tit"elf to your &ind y i&.re""ing u.on the latter the 6nowledge of the for further de0elo.&ent8 #t i" an e

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    co&&and y o "er0ing the e you will in"tincti0ely recoil fro& the idea of wor6ing e0il y &ean" of your newfound "trength8 There are5 howe0er5 a few &enin the world5 who5 li6e Satan5 u"e their &ighty .ower for e0il5 ut5 li6e Satan5the"e &en are doo&ed to e

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    "ur.ri"ed at the .ercentage of .eo.le who& you can affect in thi" way8 %o&en"ee& to e &ore highly "u"ce.ti le to thi" &ental influence than are &en8


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    "elect certain 9ue"tion"5 the an"wer to which he had &e&ori,ed5 the re"ult eingthat he "tood u. well in each cla""8 The +er&an writer5 howe0er5 went on to "aythat hi" .lan failed5 the young &an in hi" e

  • 8/6/2019 Thought Force


    Tele2at i$ V!lati!n

    Telepathy, an accepted fact - /onderful progress of sychic (cience Thoughttransference Vibrations - /onderful proficiency of some - 8eneral knowledge

    not desirable - !anger of its use for improper purposes - ractical uses taught -8eneral theory - 4ow to obtain the best results - &dvantages of concentration -@se of telepathic Volation prior to interview - To attract at a distance - 4ow toobtain en rapport conditions - ull directions - 1ental contact at a distance -Telepathic thought waves - 1ental pictures - 1oving circles of thought waves -The psychic tube - 4ow to form and use it -(elf-protection from the thoughtvibrations of others - ositive mental attitude - To shut out outside thought pro ections - 4ow to prevent outside ressure and influences - Effect of previousthought influences in personal interview - 1atters rendered much easier- roper mental attitude - Esoteric teaching for those prepared and %ualified toreceive it -1an findeth that which he seeketh - !iamonds or coal.

    # will not atte&.t to ta6e u. your ti&e in endea0oring to con0ince you of thee

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    #t i" well5 .erha."5 that thi" .ower i" not ea"ily ac9uired5 a" otherwi"e &any&ight &a"ter it and u"e it for unworthy .ur.o"e"8 # a& in the confidence of "o&eof the &a"ter" of thi" wondrou" .ower5 and ha0e witne""ed &any "tartlinge

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    #n order to .roduce the e"t re"ult"5 you "hould .ractice the e

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    what we thin6 are our o.inion" are often &erely the con"en"u" of the o.inion" ofother" with who& we are "urrounded8 The change of re"idence y a &an &ayre"ult in hi" changing hi" 0iew" of religion5 .olitic"5 ethic"5 etc85 to corre".ond with the general i&.re""ion" of hi" new en0iron&ent5 the change eing wrought y the effect of the co& ined thought wa0e" of hi" new neigh or"8 A little

    reflection will re&ind you of nu&erou" in"tance" of the"e .heno&enaB %a0e" of.o.ular feeling will "wee. o0er a country5 arou"ing nearly e0ery one5 and then5 will die out a" "uddenly a" they ca&e8 A .eacea le crowd &ay e con0erted into a"a0age &o 5 and "o on> the e&otion" and o.inion" of a &an eing &olded to agreater or le""er degree y the 9uality of the thought wa0e" reaching hi&8 You will readily "ee how 0alua le i" the 6nowledge which will ena le you to "hut outthe"e out"ide i&.re""ion" at will5 and allow you to e go0erned entirely y yourown rea"on5 udg&ent or intuition8 !o not .a"" y thi" &atter lightly5 for the ti&e&ay co&e when thi" 6nowledge will e of incalcula le enefit to you8 There areti&e" in which clear thin6ing i" of 0ital i&.ortance to e0ery &an8 A""ure &ay e rought on you to do a certain thing5 and you are undecided u"thow to act8 You need your e"t thought a thi" .oint5 and the way to get it i" to"urround your"elf with the .rotecting thought aura5 and whil"t "ecure in yourown &ental ca"tle5 decide what i" e"t to e done8 *any of your e"t deci"ion" will e &ade in thi" way8 2y all &ean" ac9uire the art8

    # ha0e digre""ed "o&ewhat5 in &y de"ire to in"truct you in the &ean" of defen"e5and we will now re"u&e our di"cu""ion of offen"i0e &ethod"8 %e will "u..o"ethat you ha0e followed the in"truction" regarding the o.ening u. of direct &entalconnection" with your &an y &ean" of tele.athic 0olation8 %hen5 later on5 youco&e into hi" .re"ence you will find that he "ee&" to e0ince &ore intere"t in youthan for&erly> he will act a" if he i" etter ac9uainted with you and ha" 6nown you for year"5 and will con"e9uently cau"e you to feel &ore ;at ho&e; with hi&that u"ual8 # do not &ean to "ay that he will5 of nece""ity5 do u"t what you ha0e willed that he "hould Dyou ha0e not ad0anced that farE5 ut he will "how adi".o"ition to &eet you half way5 and &atter will .rogre"" &uch &ore "&oothlythan &ight ha0e een e

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    The "tudent who ha" gone o0er the"e le""on" carefully will di"co0er &uch that will e &i""ed y the ca"ual reader8 He will e a le to read etween the line"8 #f you are on the right trac65 &uch that ha" een "tated will a..ear .lainer to you with each reading8 You will get new idea" e0ery ti&e you ta6e u. a le""on andread it5 whil"t the ca"ual reader will &erely "6i& o0er it and not enter into it"

    ".irit5 the re"ult eing that "uch .er"on will &i"" the e"oteric teaching" and willonly "ee the outward or e"oteric &eaning5 and will find the e

  • 8/6/2019 Thought Force


    T e A00,$ti3e 4,ality !# T !,/ t

    rentice 1ulford s theory - Thoughts are Things - Thought a dynamic force - 1ind and matter identical - 1iracles of 'ature - rofessor 8ray s e$periments

    with vibrations -/onderful results - rofessor /illiams significant statement - ood for thought -Character of thought vibrations - 1urky thought waves and fleecy thought waves - ?our thought retains a connection with you and affectsyou - Thought auras - 2ike attracts like & wonderful manifestation of psychic phenomena - #esults of fear or worry thought -&dvantage of confident thinking- (uccessful men the result of proper thought - #eali7ed their ideal - #e%uisites for success - *+ can and + will* - )thers attracted toward you -&nything is yoursif you only want it hard enough - 4elen /ilman s theory.

    That great writer on the .ower of the &ind : Prentice *ulford5 ha" "u&&ed u.&uch of hi" .hilo"o.hy in the "tate&entB ;Thought" are Thing"8; #n the"e word"he ga0e e

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    *8 *8 %illia&"5 in hi" wor6 entitled ;Short Cha.ter" in Science"5; "ay"5 ;There i"no gradation etween the &o"t undulation" or tre& ling" that .roduce our"en"ation of "ound5 and the "lowe"t of tho"e which gi0e ri"e to our "en"ation" ofgentle"t war&th8 There i" a huge ga. etween the&5 wide enough to includeanother world of &otion5 all lying etween our world of "ound and our world of

    heat and light5 and there i" no good rea"on what"oe0er for "u..o"ing that &atteri" inca.a le of "uch inter&ediate acti0ity5 or that "uch acti0ity &ay not gi0e ri"eto inter&ediate "en"ation"5 .ro0ided there are organ" for ta6ing u. and"en"ifying the"e &o0e&ent"8;

    # cite the a o0e authoritie" &erely to gi0e you food for thought5 not to atte&.t tode&on"trate to you the fact that thought 0i ration" e our right5 cheerful andha..y5 confident5 ;# can and # %ill; thought" a" light5 fleecy5 0a.ory cloud"5tra0eling "wiftly and &ingling with other" of their 6ind5 for&ing fleecy cloud an6"5 high a o0e the le0el of the den"e5 &e.hitic5 foul e

  • 8/6/2019 Thought Force


    Thi" i" a "olutely true5 ut you are not a"6ed to acce.t it on faith alone8 Try it and e con0inced8 2ut5 in the e e"ide" which other anger wa0e" &ingle and hel.on the 0iciou" wor68 You ha0e heard .eo.le "ay5 ;A &an alway" find" what heloo6" for8; ?f cour"e he doe"5 he cannot hel. it5 for hi" thought attract" other" ofthe "a&e "ort5 and he "ee" a world of the "a&e color a" hi" &ental ".ectacle"8

    +ood thought attract" good : e0il thought"5 e0il8 #f you hate a &an and "end hi& your hate thought"5 you will get hate in return5 and will face a hating and hateful world8 #n the thought world5 you get ac6 what you "end out : with good intere"t8Send out 6ind thought" and 6ind thought" will return to you5 with co&.oundintere"t5 and you will find your"elf greeted y a 6ind5 world5 and will e&uch the gainer8 #f only fro& a "elfi"h .oint of 0iew5 it .ay" to thin6 the e"tthought"8 #f you will .ractice thin6ing along the"e line" for5 "ay5 one &onth5 you will find the greate"t difference in thing"5 the greate"t change in your"elf5 and you will find that you loo6 with a0er"ion" and di"gu"t u.on your old5 &ean5 low5&i"era le way of thin6ing5 and would not return to it under any con"ideration :no5 not for a fortune8 2efore the &onth will ha0e .a""ed you will e con"ciou" ofthe hel.ful force of the re".on"i0e thought wa0e"5 and your life will "ee& entirelydifferent to you8 Try it8 Try it now8 You will ne0er regret it8

    There are two .articularly ad thought"5 which you "hould root out5 fir"t of all5and you will find that5 when you ha0e rid your"elf of the alance will die out oftheir own accord8 # allude to Fear and Hate8 The"e two following weed" are the.arent" of &o"t of the other"8 %orry i" the olde"t child of Fear5 and ear" a clo"ere"e& lance to it" father8 (n0y5 *alice5 and Anger are "o&e of the nu&erou" rood" clai&ing Hate a" their .arent8 !e"troy the ;old one"; and you will not e


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    trou led with their off".ring8 # will ".ea6 further on thi" .oint in the le""on onCharacter 2uilding8

    # will now .roce"" to another .ha"e of the Adducti0e uality of Thought8 # refer toit" e went "traight to the &ar6 at which they andai&ed in the eginning8 ?ther" had ai&ed for the "a&e &ar65 ut failed ecau"ethey failed to hold the thought5 and had allowed the&"el0e" to eco&edi"couraged5 inti&idated5 te&.ted or coa "econd5 a "trong elief in your a ilityto acco&.li"h your de"ire Dnot a &ere half:hearted faithE> and5 third5 anin0inci le !eter&ination to win Dnot a &ere ac6 onele"" : ;#=ll try to;E8

    #t i" a "trange thing and difficult to e

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    out and turning8; And you will feel all the ti&e the confident e

  • 8/6/2019 Thought Force


    C ara$ter B,il0in/ By 'ental C!ntr!l

    1an can make of himself what he will - #egeneration no idle dream - & livingtruth -(trong faculties made stronger, weak faculties developed - The new

    *#egenerator* - The 2aw of 1ental Control - The new path through the woods - 1aking yourself over - To break up old thought habits and form new ones - The four great methods - orce of /ill -4ypnotic (uggestion - &uto (uggestion -Thought &bsorption - +deal treatment - ull instruction in the theory of each ofthe four methods, showing their respective advantages and disadvantages, withillustrations of each - 4ow to ac%uire a desired %uality of mind - The practice ofThought &bsorption - ractical e$ercises and directions - E$ercises B to A - ?ouare your own master - 1ake of yourself what you will.

    The "tudent who ha" read the .receding le""on" ha" dou tle""ly "aid5 afterreading "o&e of the "tate&ent" contained therein5 ;ye"5 that i" all true enough5and # could acco&.li"h the"e re"ult" if # ut .o""e""ed the nece""ary 9ualitie" of&ind and character8;

    Thi" "ee&" to e the great "tu& ling loc6 to &any8 They 6now u"t what i"nece""ary to .roduce Succe""5 ut ecau"e they do not .o""e"" the characteri"tic"of the "ucce""ful &an they fancy5 that the .ri,e i" eyond their reach8 There i" nogreater &i"ta6e in the wor6 that thi" fal"e elief5 thi" 6ind of fear thought5 thi"lac6 of recognition of the .ower of the # A*8

    *an can "o &old hi" &ind y the .ower of the will that can &a6e of hi&"elf.ractically what he will8 He can ;&a6e o0er; hi&"elf5 without a dou t8 A &an i" u"t what he will" hi&"elf to e8 Thi" i" a old "tate&ent5 ut it i" a "olutely trueand we ha0e hundred" of in"tance" of it in e0ery city in thi" land8 Hundred" of&en can te"tify to it" correctne""5 and &any hundred" of other" are on the road8

    egeneration i" no idle drea&8 #t i" a li0ing truth8 You will reali,e u"t what thi"&ean"5 if you will "to. to con"ider that e0ery effect ha" it" cau"e8 2u"ine"" "ucce""i" due to certain 9ualitie" of &ind5 character or te&.era&ent8 ?f the"e three9ualitie"5 the fir"t i" the only real one5 a" the la"t two are ut the re"ult" of thefir"t8 Tho"e who ha0e the gi0en 9ualitie"5 .roduce the gi0en re"ult> tho"e lac6ingthe "aid 9ualitie"5 fail to o tain the re"ult8 %hen once you reali,e that the"e9ualitie" are within your gra". : that you can &a6e the& a .art of your"elf5 you will readily "ee that wonderful .o""i ilitie" are o.en to you8 The ac9uire&ent ofthe"e 9ualitie" i" 6ey to the "ituation8

    You 6now u"t what the"e nece""ary 9ualitie" areB (nergy5 A& ition5!eter&ination5 Courage5 Confidence5 Per"e0erance5 Patience5 Prudence5 and there"t of the li"t8

    All .er"on" .o""e"" "o&e of the"e 9ualitie"5 and lac6 other"8 So&e are "trong in"o&e of the"e 9ualitie"5 and wea6 in other"8 And e0ery &an in"tincti0ely 6now" in u"t what re".ect he fall" "hort8 He &ay not ad&it it to hi" friend"5 or e0en to hi"


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    wife5 ut dee. down in hi" inner con"ciou"ne"" lur6" the 6nowledge of the truth8#f he could ac9uire the &i""ing 9ualitie" y a &ere wi"h5 he would 6now u"t whatto wi"h for8 No dou t a out that8

    2ut he lac6" the confidence and .er"e0erance thought to e nece""ary for the

    ac9uire&ent of that which he 6now" he need"8 He i" not willing to .ay the .rice ofattain&ent8 #f "o&e great "cienti"t would announce to the world that he haddi"co0ered "o&e wonderful che&ical co& ination5 or "o&e new ;"eru&5; that would de0elo. the "hrun6en and atro.hied facultie" of the &ind5 and which would render a &an "tronger in the 9ualitie" wherein he had een wea65 what aru"h there would e for the new ;regenerator8; Thou"and" would want it5 ande0ery &an would e a le to tell u"t what rand of "eru& he needed8 He wouldneed the diagno"i" or .re"cri.tion for that8 (0ery &an would e a le to diagno"ehi" own ca"e and order the "eru& indicated y hi" "y&.to&8 ?ne would wanttri.le e another5 the ;Stic6:to:it; rand> another5 the 0ial earingthe confident ;# CAN; la el> and "o on8 They would e a le to round out theircharacter"5 and co&&and "ucce""8 Now5 there i" no drug that will .roduce thi"re"ult8 And there ne0er will e8 2ut the de"ired re"ult can e o tained y theo.eration of the law of *ental Control8

    # can gi0e you ut a general idea of the wor6ing" of thi" great law5 ut if you will.ay attention to what # ha0e to "ay on the "u ect5 you will gra". the .rinci.le5and will e a le to wor6 out your own "al0ation8 The fir"t .oint to re&e& er i"that we are all creature" of ha it5 odily and &entally8 ?ur characteri"tic" arelargely the re"ult of ha it" of thought8 %e &ay ha0e inherited i&.ul"e" which&ade it ea"ier to for& certain ha it"5 and &ore difficult to for& certain ha it" ofthought5 and &ore difficult to for& other"5 and we con"e9uently &o0e along theline" of the lea"t re"i"tance> ut the character i"5 after all5 the re"ult of certainac9uired ha it"8 %e follow well worn &ental .ath"5 in .reference to &a6ing new.ath" through the wood"5 e0en though we 6now that the new .ath would e the etter5 y far5 and that i" would e a" ea"y to tra0el o0er a" the .re"ent one5 whenit wa" finally for&ed8 %e 6now all thi"8 #t i" an old "tory8 Then why do we not"tart in to &a6e the new .ath Si&.ly ecau"e ;it i" too &uch trou le8; %e lac6the will .ower5 deter&ination and .er"i"tency to do it8 # ad&it that it i" no ea"yta"65 ut thin6 of the reward8

    The"e thing" are ;ancient hi"tory; to you5 of cour"e5 ut # ha0e "o&ething el"e to"ay to you on the "u ect that i" not "o ;anti9uated8; # .ro.o"e to &a6e you"ent of a la or "a0ing ;.ath &a6er5; which i" guaranteed to clear away theunder ru"h and ru i"h in ut a fraction of the ti&e5 and with &uch le"" la or5that the old .lodding clearing away .roce""8

    Thi" new .lan i" 0ery "i&.le5 ut 0ery effecti0e5 and will ena le you to ;&a6e your"elf o0er; without the .roce"" de.endent u.on the other&ethod8 # will tell you a out it in a" few word" a" .o""i le8 # ha0e alreadye

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    whil"t the Pa""i0e function doe" only what it i" told to do y the Acti0e functionDor y other"E8 The Pa""i0e function i" the ea"ygoing .artner of the fir&5 to who introduced you in a .re0iou" le""on8 #t i" thi" .art of the &ind u.on whichhy.noti"t" o.erate5 after lulling to "lee. the Acti0e function5 the critical .artner8The Pa""i0e function5 although in a "en"e the inferior5 really rule" u"5 unle"" we

    6now how to &anage it8 #t i" the ha it:function5 the eaten:trac6 function5 of who"e e

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    The third .lan5 taught A "or.tion5 con"i"t" in the .lacing of your"elf in a .erfectly.a""i0e condition5 at fre9uent inter0al" and fi ecau"e it "ee&" "o "i&.le8 #t i" a"ecret worth thou"and" of dollar" to you5 and one5 which you would not .art withfor any &oney5 once you ha0e e

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    acting fearle""ly5 ha0ing &oral and .hy"ical courage5 and a" dri0ing away the %orry &ongrel with our &ental clu 8

    +i0e your i&agination full "co.e5 ut hold it down to the de"ired line of thought8 You will find the e act the .art u"t a" doe" the actor whenhe a""u&e" a role8 The a""u&ed character will "oon eco&e &ore real5 and inti&e will e the ;real thing; with you8 After a little .ractice5 it will eco&e "econdnature to you> and e0entually will eco&e your real nature8

    A" # ha0e "aid efore5 the co& ination of Thought A "or.tion and Auto"ugge"tion for&" the ideal treat&ent in Character 2uilding8 # will clo"e thi"le""on with a few eallow your"elf to e .erfectly ;li&.; all o0er5 fro& head to feet8 2reathe dee.lyand "lowly5 retaining the reath for "e0eral &o&ent" efore e continuethe dee. reathing until a feeling of cal&5 re"tful 9uiet &anife"t" it"elf8

    38 Concentrate your whole attention inwardly u.on your"elf5 "hutting out allout"ide i&.re""ion"8 Concentration e

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    T e Art !# C!n$enterin/

    !efinition of the term - E$oteric and esoteric meanings - & valuableac%uirement -Thought combined with action - Volitional concentering - 4ow to

    *arrive* - &dvantages of concentering - 1eans of doing the best work - 8ettingthe full result of your work -Cure for discouragement - /ork out your ownsalvation - !on t be a human doormat - 8et down to business 4eaven s not aloafing place - /ork robbed of its terrors - #emedy for the *blues* - & specific for discouragement - Concentering no easy task - & simple e$periment - &dvantages of concentering - 'o more waste effort or lost motion - ocusing theattention - ocusing thought - & valuable remedy for mental and physicale$haustion E$planation - #e%uisites of concentering.

    #n ordinary con0er"ation5 we &a6e fre9uent u"e of the word ;Concentration5; inthe "en"e of ; ringing together5; or ;di&ini"hing in ul6 and increa"ing in"trength5; or ;con"olidating5; etc8 #n order to a0oid an erroneou" conce.tion5 #ha0e .referred to u"e the ter& ;Concentering8; A .lain definition of the word;Concentering; i" ;the ringing to a co&&on center5; or ;focu"ing8; Carry in your&ind the analy"i" of the word5 thu" ;Con:C(NT( 5; : ;to ring to a center8;

    The word ;concenter; ha" it" e

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    the &an who doe" the e"t wor65 and i" al"o the ha..ier &an8 The &an who6ee." hi" eye on the cloc65 or who ;lea0e" hi" .ic6 in the air at the "ound of the whi"tle5; i" a &ere &achine5 and will ne0er a&ount to anything5 unle"" hechange" hi" .oint of 0iew regarding wor68 The &an who ;thin6" with hi" hand"5;or who can ;carry a &e""age to +arcia5; i" in de&and8 He i" a "carce article5 and

    &any e&.loyer" are loo6ing for hi&8 %hen will our oy" learn to a..reciate thi"fact

    %ell5 what ha" all thi" to do with Concentering u"t thi"5 that the intere"t and rain" that a &an .ut" into hi" wor6 i" the re"ult of an e it cannot hel. .roducingthe re"ult8 #f you concenter on an o ect5 and hold the thought fir&ly5 you cannothel. doing the e"t wor65 and if you do the e"t wor6 you will recei0e the .ro.erreward5 .ro0iding you ha0e the "en"e with which you were orn5 and ha0e notallowed your"elf to e hy.noti,ed into a elief that you are a wor& of the du"t5 ora hu&an door&at8 #f you do the e"t wor65 you will find a &ar6et for your"er0ice"> if your .re"ent e&.loyer doe"n=t a..reciate you5 there are .lenty ofother" who will8 2ut you will ha0e to do the wor6 : don=t forget that8 No &an i"going to e fool enough to .ay you for "o&ething that you do not do8 ?h5 no5 he i"not uilt that way5 and he would not ;arri0e; if he did8 2ut5 u"t the "a&e5 he willnot .er&it you to lea0e hi" e&.loy for that of hi" ri0al5 if you do the e"t wor65and you will do the e"t wor6 if you only will get down to u"ine""5 andconcenter8 #f you ha0e een di"couraged y your a..arent lac6 of "ucce"" in your 0ocation5 u"t you learn how to concenter and do it> ".it on your hand" and ta6e afre"h gri.5 a little high u.5 and .ull for all you=re worth8 You u"t .ull hardenough5 and "o&ething will e "ure to gi0e at the other end of the ro.e8 !on=t you wa"te your ti&e co&.laining of the ;""ion of Ca.ital; and all that "ort ofthing8 #f you are a ;concentering; &an5 Ca.ital will "oon fall all o0er it"elf to"ecure your "er0ice"5 or to uy your good"8 Can=t you "ee it5 &an ?f cour"e youdo8 %ell5 then5 "to. fooling around a out it5 and get to wor6 in earne"t8 +et a&o0e on5 and hu"tle8 #f you refu"e to acce.t the &ean" of financial "al0ation" nowoffered you5 why u"t lie around and e a hu&an door&at all your life> who care"J#f a &an i" too la,y to e "a0ed5 why5 u"t let hi& e :the other thing8 #t "er0e" hi&right8 So&e of you fellow" need a &an around you with a ".i6ed clu 5 within"truction" to gi0e you a good ang e0ery ti&e you "lac6 u. and engage in&ental wool:gathering8 Sto. your ;&oaning; and get down to u"ine""8 So&e.eo.le ".end their life in drea&ing of the hereafter5 where they e

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    wor65 you ro it of it" terror"8 Start in5 &an5 and wor6 out your own "al0ationfro& .o0erty and unha..ine""8 !o it5 and do it N?%8

    The &an who can concenter ha" at hi" hand a "ure re&edy for the ; lue"8; How %hy5 u"t y "hutting off the un.lea"ant thought and concentering on a righter

    "u ect8 Now5 don=t "ay that you can=t do thi"8 You can do it5 if you ac9uire the;6nac68; Thou"and" of .eo.le ha0e found thi" .lan a ".ecific for the ; lue"5;di"courage&ent5 worry5 fear5 and the re"t8 Try it5 and you will find that life willa..ear entirely different to you8 Try it5 and you will feel "o good that you wouldnot call the Pre"ident your cou"in8 Try it5 and you will ;feel the thrill of life along your 6eel5; and will than6 +od that you are ali0e5 in"tead of curing the day when you were orn8 You will do your wor6 etter> you will feel etter> you will e etter8 #" it not worth the trial

    You &ay ha0e an idea that you 6now "o&ething a out concentering8 %ell5 &ay e you do> let=" "ee8 Ta6e u. a lead .encil and try to "har.en it .ro.erly8 Ta6e yourti&e at it5 and turn out a fir"t cla"" o 8 Now5 "ee if you can concenter on that.encil "har.ening5 to the e ut focu" it u.on the thing to e done5 and you o tain a wonderful a&ount of energy8 The concentering &an focu"e" hi" attention5 andthought force5 u.on an o ect5 and the re"ult i" that hi" e0ery action5 0oluntaryand in0oluntary5 i" in the direction of the attain&ent of that o ect8 A" # "aid in a.re0iou" le""on5 a &an can ha0e e0erything he want" if only he want" it hardenough8 #f hi" energie" are focu"ed u.on a thing5 to the e

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    thought5 you add to it" "trength5 a" a &o&ent=" reflection will "how you8 Thee

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    T e "ra$ti$e !# C!n$enterin/

    E$ercises in the concentering - (hutting out outside impressions - Con%ueringinattention - Cultivating will power - Training the body to obey the will -

    Volitional control of muscular movements - 'ot so easy of ac%uirements - (itting still e$ercises - Controlling muscles of the arm E$ercises - (teadyingthe muscles E$ercises - Cultivate e%uanimity and mental and physical ease - E$amples-8etting rid of ugly habits of motion - Volitional attention - E$ercisesdeveloping same - !irection for additional e$ercise -Concentered attentionupon outside ob ect - 8eneral e$planation - 1iscellaneous e$ercises.

    The fi"t re9ui"ite of concentering i" the a ility to "hut out out"ide thought"5"ound" and "ight"> to con9uer inattention> to o tain .erfect control o0er the odyand &ind8 The ody &u"t e rought under the direct control of the &ind> the&ind under the direct control of the will8 The %ill i" "trong enough5 ut the *indneed" "trengthening y eing rought under the direct influence of the %ill8 The*ind5 "trengthened y the i&.ul"e of the %ill5 eco&e" a &uch &ore ector of thought 0i ration"5 than otherwi"e5 and the 0i ration" ha0e &uchgreater force and effect8

    #n the"e e

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    finger"8 Fi< your ga,e u.on the fi"t for a while5 and then "lowly e you lo"e the entire enefit of the e

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    &inute"8 $oo6 at it intently> e0erything of it> turn it o0er> con"ider it> thin6 of it"u"e"> it" o ect"> of the &aterial" of which it i" &ade> the .roce"" of&anufacturing5 etc8 Thin6 of nothing el"e ut the .encil8 #&agine that your chiefo ect in life i" the "tudy of that .encil8 #&agine that there e

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    +ntuitive perception of the truth - & mere hint at a great truth - 2atent powersdeveloped -The practical side - The occult side - &n understanding of the (cience

    of the 1ind has an elevating effect - #ecognition of the Ego - & literature of froth and bubbles - & few grains of wheat among the chaff - racticalknowledge scarce, but demanded - &dvice to seekers after the truth - The small flame within you - & three-fold mighty dynamic force -*+ &1* strength - 'ewresolves, new strength - The "rotherhood of 1an - (elf-respect -!o not beimposed upon - !on t be a yellow dog - & short rule of action - !o not misuseyour new found power - & hint at a great truth - arewell advice

    # feel that tho"e who ha0e followed &e through the .receding le""on" &u"t ha0efelt within the& the intuiti0e a""urance of the Truth contained in the in"tructionherein gi0en8 #n a wor6 of thi" "i,e and character5 # can do no &ore that &erelydirect the *ind> to gi0e the& a hint of the great Truth> to ac9uaint the& with afew e ring" to &an a reali,ing "en"eof hi" own indi0iduality5 "trength and .ower : a con"ciou"ne"" of the reality andi&&anence of hi" real "elf5 the # A*8 The recognition of the (go carrie" with it a"en"e of new dutie" and the &ean" of .erfor&ing the&8

    The "tudent of what i" 6nown a" the ;New Thought; find" hi&"elf "urrounded with a &a"" of literature5 &uch of which con"i"t" of froth and u le"8 +rain" ofthought are there5 ut are "urrounded y u"hel" of 0er al chaff8 The "earcher foridea" recei0e" : word"5 word"5 and word"8 The wor6" on the "u ect5 which arereally worth the ti&e and trou le of reading5 are few5 and the "tudent5 ala"5 6now"not where to find the& Practical8 nder"tanda le wor6" on thi" "u ect are eingde&anded y &any &ind" and following the in0aria le rule5 which cau"e" the.roduction of the thing which i" earne"tly de&anded5 wor6" of thi" 6ind are "ureto a..ear8 S.eed the day8

    To the "tudent # would "ay5 do not e deluded y ;i"&"; or leader"> you .o""e"" within you the real Truth5 and it will &anife"t it"elf to you5 in ti&e


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    gradually and naturally5 a" the flower8 The recognition of the # A* will ring it"reward8 The "&all fla&e within will throw light on all "u ect" and illu&inatethe&8

    Pur"ue your way through life5 earne"tly and cal&ly8 Hurry i" not Ha"t> 2u"tle i"

    not (nergy> Noi"e i" not Strength8 The &an of 9uiet cal&5 earne"t and .er"i"tent9ualitie" reache" the goal long efore hi" rother of o..o"ite tendencie"8Confidence5 ( do not call your"elf a ;&i"era le "inner5; worthy only of eternal da&nation8 NoJ A thou"andti&e"5 NoJ i"e to your feet> rai"e your head and face the "6ie"> throw ac6 your"houlder"5 and fill your lung" with Nature=" o,one8 Then "ay to your"elf5 # A* of the (ternal $ife Princi.leB # A* created after the !i0ine i&age> # A* filled with !i0ine 2reath of $ife> Nothing can hurt *(5 for # A* a .art of the(T( NA$8

    +o your way5 friend5 "trong in your new re"ol0e"5 "trong in your newfound"trength8 !o your duty5 fir"t to your"elf> then to your fellow&en8 ecogni,e the2rotherhood of *an> reali,e that all &en are your rother" : .retty .oor lot ofrelation"5 ut rother" at that8 !o not i&.o"e on your rother:&an5 ut do not lethi& i&.o"e on you8 #f you gi0e in to hi& again"t your udg&ent and con"cience5 you not only hurt your"elf5 ut al"o in ure hi&8 !o not "tart fight"> ut let no &an"&ite you with i&.unity8 #f a &an "&ite" you on one chee65 do not turn to hi&the other5 ut do a little "&iting on your own account : and "&ite hard8 !o not"&ite hi& with Hate in your heart5 and do not he"itate to forgi0e hi& after he ha";co&e to8; The doctrine of nonre"i"tance i" &i"under"tood> it doe" not &ean that you "hould e a ac6 onele"" creature : a "hee.:li6e5 ra it:hearted ".eci&en ofhu&anity8 No5 no> when you allow a &an to i&.o"e on you and wrong you5 youare not acting right toward the other &an> duty to hi& de&and" that you let hi&6now u"t ;where he i" at8; # a& ".ea6ing of real aggre""ion or in0a"ion of yourright"5 now5 not of fancied wrong" or &ountain" &ade of &olehill"> that i" theother e

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    in"truction" contained in thi" little wor65 you will not ha0e &any 6ic6" ai&ed at you8 2ut5 re&e& er : no 6ic6ing of dog" on your .art : you &u"t e a o0e that8

    An old writer ha" "u&&ed u. &an" duty to &an in the following word"5 which"hould e in"cri ed in letter" of gold o0er e0ery doorway in the landB

    */#)'8 ') 1&', &'! #E'!E# @'T) EVE#? 1&' 4+( !@E.*

    #f the a o0e word" for& the rule of action5 and life5 of &en5 there would e noneed of lawyer"5 court"5 or .ri"on"> life would then "ee& ;one long5 "weet "ong8;Try to do your .art in ringing a out thi" re"ult8 ?nce &ore5 # caution you not to&i"u"e your newfound .ower5 do not drag the gift of the S.irit through the &ud8

    "e it freely5 in your own ehalf5 in e0ery legiti&ate way5 ut har& no &an yrea"on of5 or y &ean" of it8 #f you fail to gra". the &eaning of any of theteaching" contained in thi" little wor65 do not feel di"couraged5 for it will co&e to you later8 ead o0er the le""on"5 which "ee& to e &o"t difficult to you5 and then.lace your"elf in the rela