Download - Thomson MarciaKay 1979 Rhodesia(Zimbabwe)

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    Marcia Kay ThomsonP.O. Box 240Ft. VictoriaZimbabwe Rhodesia, Africa

    Forwarding AgentsMr. & Mrs. Wilford E. LeasureRoute 1West Union, Illinois 62477

    AUGUST, 1979

    Dear Christian Friends,

    It has been a real blessing for me to visit with you this past few months. I hope that Ihave helped you as much as you have helped me.

    August 26th I am scheduled to fly from Joplin, Missouri, and with some stop-overs Ishould be in Zimbabwe Rhodesia by September 3rd.

    You may notice that my newsletter is now being sent out by the church in Carterville,Missouri. Since it is being printed in Joplin this is a much better arrangement. If youraddress is written by hand please notify them that you wish to continue receiving it.Those of you for whom I have current addresses should be on address plates. If youchange your address please notify the church in Carterville, Missouri.

    This has been a busy time of travel for me. I have covered at least 6000 miles. Thesestretch from Kansas to Ohio. With fuel problems facing us I tried to see as many peopleas I could with a minimum of driving. I participated in five Vacation Bible Schools, andspoke at 20 churches and a camp. The Ozark Bible College Preaching and TeachingConvention, Women's Clinic, Mid America Missionary Conference and the NorthAmerican Christian Convention gave me the opportunity to meet friends from yearspast, make new ones and gather valuable information.

  • As I return to Fort Victoria I realize that it is

    more dangerous than it was when 1 left inFebruary. I feel that progress has been madepolitically but it will take a while to get all theproblems solved and the war slowed down. Ifthe United States would lift the sanctions it

    would relieve some of the suffering as therewould be less unemployment. It would help ifyou would let your congressman know thatyou are in favor of the lifting of sanctions.The vote is to be taken some time in

    September according to my information. Thelast time the Senate was in favor but the

    House of Representatives voted it down.

    Please pray for me as I return. The classesthat I teach as well as the refugees that areliving in my house, are both opportunities toteach the Bible more perfectly.

    The power to do work comes from the Lordbut more abundantly as you ask Him. Thankyou for your financial help that is essential tothe work as well.

    God bless you in His service.

    Because of Christ,

    Marcia Kay Thomson



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