
    AF FORM 112-PART I

    ~ll.o of Indon _, REPOR ~10~.3 1 ~A\ rj4f2L3 ' 1 z AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT

    Indonesian lir Force rR "' ... ,..,.,,

    I DATE or 16 Octobor 1953

    501.; [ . Kinistry of Defenao alter H. Arru: in, Air Attache

    C ntrol n~ mb

  • Do not remove from protective enclosure. Please contact conservation if assistance is requit ed.

  • mete ~ts whid .. ve cOhte to he ~•fled #'fly-. ' ., •nq saucers. ~~~~.l rung on nlgll-'ftyih} 1 aft - m~teo,rologl-

    c br\aP'la-tJon tc


    'J'llf:.&t ~ .. nCither P«>Sal-bliJt:y that may at'tcrupt for

    IJOmt' Of them, Which h&l S.UCt'l'" ll:PIU c1UI;)J18 tJw. J'lOt bnJJ UlQit"et~, 110. tar prlnclpa) ~kJlE bf.twt:w as J .k om... meteflt-stzealf dait:t;

    Ou .ll»vwD'cta•Jp each Por ln&flln~ '~£1-.Jhu ' t1K f'IU'tb ,.... -glWQ mm adf!t of tluout~h -~ Bt.r~. Cbe ~ 1, ~ u-

    'Ibt!t.t au remains or ary and Ap 11. 'Jb~ ar~ llletffi• that have diiJ.. alaQ the ,."*tll~ II) -.hie h ln'«rJaied ,n CJuter IJMlee, eweet '"llyll)f( l!ftuc.~ ~ .. but wbJch l'Vhtlnue tbell' ve been te~Jtf'd In AIU!-ori«iDBJ pa~ round tbe ll'aUa. !lun in torm of .ltreama or trf' I& a re- aU nx~ r&IJ tt~

  • - -------------------'

  • I_

  • .. e

  • -

  • lie vill Just be talking ~Oile bookf CD t~e f.:ture, roc!: nr ·.:e::t , ~.,:,,. 7•rr.~, :r: r.t · tc , bu>

  • T-.:c ct!1er ~n f'.:. ~o ~'IIi ~!.1: . ?c:..::- yearr :nter on .2~ C ctobor 1',5:: !'IC>::~Cth1n£: : ll: pe::erJ. lr. :.;.·i -n:--..n . -~ Ct:.~ton:..ou~e or!""ic:er wa~ r .oeked \.'!.Ue !.~ saw 'Ul 0~ ~ect ;cv1r.r or. •.:.c ~'.Jay cf r~ n.i~rt at ."\ llr~ cr :~rc kll·:-rters per :.c.u~ an :--...: 'enl;t ~to~e.: ~l"of·t:~- }.-( 11-·ter:- r .. --c:-1 hi..~ lY-tvecn t '~.e anci t.:.e fl.i:- tr:,ff"~c ~-o·o~er . ':'"'.e sl~f.~~" was J.B:£< u. poir.twi ei~, nbout 5 :Deters _Oil£ nn "./itb a ia:o~ter c~: .,..te,-, there "Jer


    Bu"f WAR

    SAVINGS (j~cf1r;;lu



    DEPARTMENT OF AIR. If ftot delinred within 7 doy1, roturn to


  • R.A.A.F. Form A 60 (Mar., 46)

    ,... ONFJDENT~ t EET 5/6/AIR. Reference ............. ..... ... .... ...... .. ...... . S.O.INTELL.

    Re enclosure 56A.

    2. Contacted DCA and HQTC Ops.Room, but no record exists of any report having been received on behalf of C~lJ.Morris, on or since 16 NOV.'54.

    24 Nov.' 54.

    ()//" _ d. ~~

    In tell. Section.

    lJ~C · ,q. (' ~ L:;R;~~~~

    ~' 7'.e~. ~~





    " 5/6/. lr. ( 67. ) '

    1 8 OCT 1955 (Co 1 Del:lartrJant of CiY l. ~n tslon)

    • A1it c beNwl~b 1a o taigb1i ng npoM of on unu.aal. er1fll ob2ect aa'bm.1ii$ed 1b7 • ~ cLean urte:;;, 4• ~bel' fflcer • aaenoon Alrp)rti, 1csor1o.


    ,. to llowlqa c

    ... ..... ~. rrtw le O- l. YD 1on s WI!!; au ' ( 120 to 1,) end

    • 1' woe aiebtoa ~ ba11 ore , 1t l'M1calea bel u o D Ob~M' Gi4 e.ziat, .be :l 1t e W>UlCI bo ~lJ low• Sbe

    raas- ald h eborl na slle.l':efot-e. be ra e ot apeec1 ula • to be exoea v •


    5· e $0 be ibeigbt of eun bOve I bor1aon, pprox. ,_., t 0133Z on 3 Oc't . 55, en the l.o 1'1 uCie of be c1Y11 ircrattlt Ce~N:entt1ng n tlnela •• 07.33Z • oppro:t. 120 eleYB'tlon,

    1tf 1a CODal


    1. \arne of observer ~ •• 7-:-.b.~. ·. . ..... ,. 2. Address of Observer-~;·~··· ·~-~ 3 . Occupation of Observe r • 'J.Y~ . ~ .. . .. .. .. ....... . 4. Date and Time of Observation (Time given in 24 hour clock zonal

    :, / lo J n·. ; .1.7. ~} .. e.: .. ~ ... !.. ........ .' .. .. ............. ............ :~~e l 5. Period of Observation(s) . • ~ .

  • 2 -

    Re po'~ on Aer~al vbjec t Observed (Con t d. ) CONFIDtNTIAl

    19. Directi on of f l i ght with r ef erence to landmar ks or po i n t s of the compass .

    cJ~·~·~.~~.:.~~.h: .E!-~ .f:~~· 20 . Did the object remain on a straight p~ th, devia t e or manoeuvre

    a t all. . p vt{ , ·~ ........ ........ ........................ .... ...... .

    21. Was any trail of exhaust 9 vapour or ligh t seen •• ~ •• ~ • . • • ••••

    22 . Where d i d object di sappear s e . g. in mi d- air ) behi nd a hi ll 9 over the hori zon.

    ~.~~. ~ .. ~. ~ .. ?..; .............. .............. . 23 . Existence of any physical ev i dence such as fr agments 5 pho t o-

    gra phs 9 or other supporting ev i dence .

    ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~·~::t~~~j!,!x,~eeJld~W;vt}~W~%rs::Jf~ .

    u.J~·. g ·w· · j_·_· ,.~ · . • ~~- ·;,;~·. · • • . •••• • • . ••• • ••• 25 . Location of any a i r t r af f ic in the vic inity a t the t i me of

    s l 6ht ing .

    • • • • • • 1 f • • • • • c 1 $ • • • • • • • • o • ~ 1 • • 1 • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • 1 • 1 • • • • • • • • • e • • • •

    ••., ••• • ••• '-•• ••••• • • • •• • _. • , •• • · ••••••••• • ••••••• • •• o • . . . . . . . . 26. Loca tion of any me teorolo~ical sta tions i n the Jenera l are6 .

    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • ~ • - • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    27. Any additional informa tion . . ~ . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tt ••• • •• • •• •• ••• • ••

    • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Questions 25s 26 and 27 to b e answered by interr ogator .

    -ID :N

  • \

    WtY 130

    5/6/ A1r . ( 66A)


    Dear Sir ,


    Headquarters, Tra1n1na Coalmand, •au Block, A'lber'Ci Park Barracks, Melbourne, 803.

    -. .. ''"


    ~ ~ ~(/. 1. Reference JOur report~ s1gb;1ng ot an aer1ol obJeo~ on ls; oo;ober , 1955.

    2 . Attacbed berew1'Cib 1n daplicoo;e, 1a form wb1ob deols wi'Cb -;be s1gbt1 ng ot unuausl aerial object.

    3 . It will be apprecin'ted 1t JOU woulcS complete 'be forms ona return sane to thia Heac2quar,ers as earl.J ea possible. - -~

    (JoJa. Pr~u~) PilOt Ott1cer

    tor S~att otrioer Intelligence. Encl.

    pro-forma stompac2-oaareased envelope.

    ~r . Edwar-ds~ 20, Ed~ara Sureet, KE\1, E4.

    \ 12 or.'

    FROM H .Q. r.c.



    T•lcphone: M B 033

    TeltJrophir Addr

  • Regional Office No. C.A. Form 225 (Revised July, '53)

    St,n: .... .... ~.elb

  • Comments or Suggestions - Outstation or Pi lot ·

    ................................................................................................................... .....................................•.......... , ..... .

    Signed: Designation: Date:

    Regional Office Action

    (To be completed in accordance with Air Navigat1on lnstruct1ons 2/9 and 3 / 9).

    Signed: Des'g nation: Date: ............................ .

    For Head Office Use

    Action Completed. Signed : . Date:

  • r I

    ' ' MXY 130

    CONFlcDE TIAL 5/6/ Air . ( 64A)

    . -,'')

    Dear Sir,

    Hea(jqu8l'~ers, Training Command, "G" Block, Alber• Park Barracks, :Melbourne , SC3.

    1 \ OCi i95~


    1 . Reference sour rapor1iea pl.gb1i1ng of au objec~ on 3ra october, 1955 - ~~zA

    2 . At~acbed hereW1~b in duplicate, is for.m wbl.ab desla W1tb ~he sighting of unusual aerial obJect .

    3 . It will be opprecioved if you would comple'Se lihe ana return some 1io 11bis Headquar"era as early as possible .

    Encl .

    Mr . A. U. L. Uurfetu, \wea1iber Oft ice , Esnendon A1rpor~, V1clior1o.


    (J. • Prout) Pilot Officer

    for S'Goft Officer Intelligence .

    ~ .. PATCH~O

    \ ~ OC\ 1~tb

    1DEN IAL f'ROM H .Q.\.C·

  • Ttltpho~• : MB 033

    Ttl•l'•phic Addrt.•J:


    Polloi Addrtll:

    BOX 41178, Q . P.O.,

    I ... L80U RN E, C. l

    ~-~· --.







    IN l'tiii'LY QUonl3.5/2/ll ................. . - 7. OCT. 195 5

    Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.

    Attached for your information is a report concerning the above forwarded to this office from Melbourne Airport,

    A~ (R.D. HEA~. )

    for Regional Director.

  • ~--

    Report to O.I.C:


    Weather Office Essendon Airport.

    On the above date, following observation was made by undersigned:-

    At locality 200 yards North of Vlindsor Rail Station, at 0737z, an object which resembled a cluster of brilliant electric light globes was observed above the Eastern horizon, travelling in an apparent Northerly direction. The object was first seen at an approximate bearing 080°T (the Eastern bearing of the Street). Observation of the (apparently) swiftly movinG object was necessarily limited to a period of (estimated) 20-30 sees. The brilliant object appeared to describe a descending path from 080°T until it was lost behind a roof top horizon at estimated 040°T. Estimated angle of elevation start of observation about 15/20°- End of obs. 10/15°.

    Weather observation taken at time:-

    OVercast cloud 3/4000 1 • Very small cloud breaks to blue sky to s. & E. Hind very light SN. Vis . excellent to 50 miles +• No observed virga or evidence of showers or electro meteoric activity. Hydrometeoric occurrence only stratiform.

    Remarks :-

    The observation was first made whilst driving a motor vehicle in an eaterly direction. It was continued (at some personal risk) for period 20-30 sees. The vehicle was rather abruptly brought to halt in an endeavour to continue obs . The object had then disappeared below the surrounding rooftop horizon. During the observation, the observer thrust head through side window of vehicle. The object was still observed similarly as it first appeared.

    Form of Ob ect:- An elliptical cluster (brilliant) Vl'ith major axis U-S estimated N-S axis about 3 times that of minor).

    Distance of Ob ect from Observer:- Estimated 15-20 miles (based on angle of elev. Possibly to 30 miles on personal estimation.

    0 Speed of Object:- Estimated very high (hovered 10 of azimuth in 30-30 sees.) Very personal estimate based on aircraft movement at that distance and elev. - 800/1500 mph or greater (may be computed).

    Personal Thougnt:- The undersigned has an open mind on so-called "Flying Saucers" and such alleged phenomena. He is reporting the optical facts of his observation. He was particularly careful that any reflectional or refractional effects due to his vehicle windscreen should not mar the obs. He also made an "on the spot" obs. of weather elements , and the possible effects of reflection and refraction of solar radiation {direct) is considered negligible.

  • 2 .

    \ Conclusion: - Nil , scientifically.

    A reputable and reliable acquaintance of undersigned , who is an Aircraft Pilot of very long experience, once reported a similar occurrence in appr oximately the same area . His observation was from ground, (after sunset) .

    I consider that nonnal aircraft movements in the area could not explain the above observation.

    (A. M. L. MURFETT) Weather Officer.

  • !\t6/.ti • ( 62A)

    • . • I •)

    H~qutil'•er• i'l'a_iftk Ccmnan!, Alb~' PW"k Barrooa.

    2 MAR 1955

    1 . ,n 2.5 PEB.1955, $be portmen1 ot C~nl no'l1oD ~~portoG ~h • e e1gbtlng of en anuau~l aoriel obJec' bed ibocn OOOo by le '"'GOU_. \:: . lo:~ e or ~be llnJOOd ~;~I nome., D~oi!.

    2 . It a otJV18oo tb 'G C1VU ?1a'S1on rafter f'oc111;-1aa failed so ep1ot; nn,y ob~act n ~be ~nea ere a~ aDd 'Gb01 lbere were no airca-ott' Ol" aeceorolopool bollooa. 1D cho nc1n1'Ci' D'& tbe ttoe ot •1sb•1ns. J . • ewian wa• · 1oto4' coo'Sscled lby •be oserr O:t1cer 1 nc lligonco a• 'b1e eec1 .. uart;or•. De1e11a S1Yen N:•




    4. Th a. ·-nt 11. ~ur ncr con' ctea T • ~on on •be 26 ffi .19;;5 Ond "0:' ho dC~1pt10D om! poa.1 'i10Da s1 Tell, 1'

    n tbouztrc b. t the ob3 ct 81gb'S a wae probsbq Ver.aua a~ tibC"G she O,pi,)arc:nt mov: nt a" bcacl1 on be poP1t1ons ot *be obaocli ct vnr1ous ~ntcnolo r loti1Ya co *be aun ena lbe b0r1soa. !). J Bl~~ Of 'the .ir lmanGc or 19.55 8bO\tfe4 lbo'C tbe po8-l tiona B1 von b¥ • non reaombl~ clo 3.7 sho poai '1ou or Vcnua o-c 'Cb ' culor imee in qwa11on.

    6. :~.: . o . Intell. n•uallb' obeckea cbo ObJ cl ana bo cooa1"cre *ho1 tber 1•. rcosoDBblo vonclue1w proor 'Cbo1 sbe Ob.Jeo'G •1Sh'5c4 woa •be lanel Venua •

    ••• /2.

    co \DE TIA

  • '

    ~0 I

    I' can be conolud64, '&hererore, tt,st s-

    (e) ~be apparent movemenc ~r e oh'e~t was chnracte.r1a$1o ot s ~ar rels~1Ye to she earth ona obaer?ed rela,1YO to $be eun ana ~be hor1son;

    (b) 'he poa111on and ~tmea of tbe obJect ogreed w1th 'bo.e or •vonua" aa calcule~te4 .tram 'be Air J\ lmanac 1955;

    (c) the op,poroct re-rerllled Gireot1oD ot :moTOmttn$ ba-re been aue to e moYement ot the observer' P bead or c1et1m1 po1n' on tbe srou~;

    (a) sl•hougb Venue ae' at app.rostmatelr 1700 boura on r&be 25 FEB. l .-.55, 'She ob~eot 81Sb'ed s• 1730 boars coaia pos•1bl1 bove been Venaa and an ur.ror mccJe in tbe eat:uaatl.oll. of the fi1me, or altern3t1Yel: ono~ber plenet, t!.g. S1r1us.., Ylbicb woul

  • 1~ 2 .

    5· 6 .


    Name of ob server .• fJ/. : W: . . B. RM.i;. ..... ·g.: . , . · : .. .... .Addr es s of Observer •• ~ •• • ••••••••• . ! #,.,_ .. '!~. . . u ' Occupation of Observer • .. . ••• ~, ......... . .. ., .. •• . , . ••• • ••• Da te and Time of Observation (Time gi ven in 24 hour clo ck zonal

    •. • .. ~ ~ $. ~. ~, :'. • • • •. • • fi: .'.f~. ~~tf: .. • ... • •. • . ... . • .. • • • •. • .. ::~e ) Period of Observa t i on( s) . • .3 J!~ .... _ ..... .. ......... ,.

    Ob servation: (Give detai ls of own position by map i f poss1b l e 9 or by known landmarkss and describe any u ed n the ~serva tion) . ~ g

    --·~~~11L . .. .. ~~- hrL./; ~ .. (;': kP..t.~ .... ( -~~ /~: ... ................ .

    • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • •

    1. Wher e was object first observed ~ e . g. overhead , coming fr om


    l O.



    lJ .

    Oehi nd a hill , over the ''oE~ etc • ltJ .... .. · .... -~·~····· ... 4-l.t;~.¢~~- ·· -~ Wha t ~rst attracted. ob server ' s attention ; e . ~ · li _:: nt or no ise . ····¥ .............................. ; ..... ; ............. .. ~~~. ~~~~~~~- ~~. ~ . ~~~~~. ~~ . ~~ . ~ - ~~~~~~~e . o~ ~~c~: • •••• • • · • ~ If t nere was mor e than one object, how many were there 9 and wha t was t heir formj~~o~l

    .. ..... ~-~~-... ..... ............. ..... ·: .. ..... ...... . . Wha t was t he col our of t he light or object .~ . ••.•• •• • • • • •• What was its 8 9Par ent shape • R-t? . .k~.'+?. t

  • ~--.

    2 -

    ~ort on Aer~al 0bject Observed (Contd.)

    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    21. Was any trail of exheus t 9 vapour or l i ght seen •••• ··~· 22. Where di d objec t di sappeer 9 e . g. i n mid-a i r ) behin hi l l 9

    over the horizon.

    . . . . . ~ . .l~ ~ .CJ.i.H. • • . • . • • . • • • . • . • • . • • • • . • • . • . . • • • • • . . . . •. 23 . Exi stence of any phys i cal evidence such as fr agment ss photo-

    graphs9 or other supporting ev idence .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24. Weather conditions experienced at time(s) or observa tion( s)

    ......... . 1-H-.t.- .o~ .W. ~ .................. ....... ...... . . 25. Location of any a i r traff i c 1n the vicini t y at the t i me of

    runting .

    ~kM-~.~.a~:r~.~~ .. ~ .. ~.~~ ~· /.tlf.N./ f .lf::ir ~.lw. .. . . . : . . .. : ..... ~ .· ........... . 26 . Location of any meteorol oJical s t a i on s in t he ~enera l aree .

    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    27. Any additional i~mation ~············ ·· ·k:···~· · · ··

    . ~ .~ . .. . .... ~A~ .. ~ .. ~.~ ... . • • ••••• o • • .• • • •••• • o•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • •••,••••••••••

    • t • • • t t t a • t • t • • t t • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t • • t t • t f t • • • t • t • • • • t • • t

    Questions 25 s 26 end 27 t o b e answered by interrogator .

  • .. ' .

    2 .


    5· 6.

    REPORT ON .f'. .::tiAL OB~CT OBS:!3RVED

    Name of observer .•

    Address of Observer

    Occupat ion

    Date and Time of Observa ti on (Time give n in 24 hour clock zonal

    . .. .. .. ~; ~tH ....... !~ : !! X~f... .. ·r ..... .... ............ :~~e) Period of Ob servation( s) . • ~. ~*-1 ..... _ . .... .. ......... , . Manner of Observation: (Give details of own position by map . reference if possible 9 or by known landmarks s and describe any equipment used in the observation) • .

    ..:,• .. • •• ••• •o o o ' ' •• •• •ooo o•••••• • • • • -.'1> •• ~ ••••• ••• • ••••• ,· •••••••• ,,, • • • • • • • • t ... • ..-. .. n ' ; • " • -:-: ~ ... -;~,--. • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • ~ • • • • • • •

    !i>..~i'.~.w. ..... ~~.~!~ . .. ' ..... ?!~tJ ~~~~·1.~~ . .... 7. Where was object first ob served, e . 5. overhead 9 coming from

    b:lt.J. :.___~~~l l, overt~ 110rizon 9 et~ . /;/)_A~'..--./ r:'.~~-~ ••••• ~.~~ • • •• ~.7r·

    8. What first attrac ed observer ' s attention ; e . 0 • l i 3ht or noise .

    ov . ' .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ,. ' ............................. . . 9. Did object appea as D light or as a definite object.

    a., , " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • c • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • ~ • • ~ • .. • • • ~ • • ~ • • • • • • • •

    10 . If t here was more than one ob ject ~ how many were there, and what was their formatio n .

    . . . . . . . . . . ' .... . 0. w. .. ...................... .. ... .. .......... . 11. What was t he colour of t he light or object.~ ••. •..••.•• ••

    Whet was its a pparent shape •• ~.~~. ,q./~ .. , . 12.




    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • •

    Was any detail of structure observable ••• ~ , • ••• • •••••• • ••• • •• • e e e e e w e • • I e e • • e • • • • e • • e e t • t • e e • e 0 ~ • • e • e e ~ • e c • • e J e e e • e e e ~ t a e e •

    Was any method of' propulsion obvi~us • . .#o..... .... ..... . .. ..... · Wats there any sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . . .

    l6.AA~e1ght 9 or angle of eleva tion . J.Q~ .. . ~ .. .. , ..... ... ... .. . . . . . . . l7 ... Speed , or an_sular velocity • • H.~~- .. .......... ,. .. ...... 1a. State any experience which en&.:> l es obe:erver to be reasonably

    certain &bout the a~fwers :ive n to 16 and 17 •

    . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jl ~ .............................••... ...... at Since it is normally i mpossible to estimate the height and speed

    of~ strange object , it wil l usually be better to endeavour to aeijermine the angle of eleva tion of the object, the an~le tnrough which it moved 7 and the time taken to d o this •

    . . . • • /2

    - ------ ---------------------------'------------------'-

  • 2 -

    ~ort on Aer~al 0bject Observed (Con t G. )

    ·21. :::·:::·::::~·:~· :::::::: ·:::::: ·::·:::::·::::·~~::: 22. Where did object disappear s e.g. in mid-air s behind a hill 9

    over the horizon. n I 'JA,J ~-a.W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    23. Existence or any physical evidence such as rr agments 5 photo -graphs ~ or other supporting evidence.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24. Weather conditions experienced at time ( s ) or observation(s)

    .......... 'f.~ .... ~~- ................. ....... ....... . 25 . Location of any 5i r traf f i c i n t he vic i nity a t the time of

    ~lgating . J 1

    ~-~~#..~~-~~~-~ A-t· u. !h-o.... . . . . :. . . .' ... -~' ............ . .......... . 26. Location or any me teorol o6i cal stations in t he cienera l area.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ 27 . A~di tional information •• . , . ••••••••••••••••• . • ~· . , . . , ••

    .. .... ~.~.~.~ .. ~.~~ .. :~ ... .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 ~ ~ ~ • - • • • • • • • • •

    t t t t e t t t 2 t 0 t t t t t t e t t 0 t t t t t t t e t t t t t t t e t t t t 0 t • t o ~ t o • • t I t t t t 0 t 0 t t t

    Questions 25 5 26 and 27 to be answered by i nter rogator .

  • 3917

    • ~IW!l&Q 9l Jlll!IPA A!IWs W!.T!qr

    ~, RGI\frODQe ~-our~ ... 1118htiq ar- Da"lal MR oa2"t • tM 16tllllo,eabe, 195hia 1

    2. tt.oo.ea !!s!'fJ!"ti th '!n ltt?l.'!e;:;!~, 1a ~~ _ Wh~c:b. l'fn18 W~tb tbc E1f; 0~ UfUleflf!l :r.•f.ql OUif~tBe

    :S. l' will ~ ap_,pao1at 6C 1~ ?D'.l woaltJ Con.tJl ~t.e th• fo,.,._ uti Nturn tlftti'J to ~Il1e ~-es~Q.!U:~ os cu.11J es pe431~ ~.

    'l" Ff

  • \

    Ia 130

    Be8dq~flriera 'l'rt1n1Dg Co~Da•• R. A. A.~. Alt~~t Part. Bcrraeka ilelbonme

    1~6 OfC 1954


    1. :aereranca i owr Npol'tel atabtiDc o~ • aerial eb~Mt • the 16th ••vGU&bsz-, 195ih

    2. Attaehed het~w!th !n ~op11ento 1a !orm ~hicb decla ~ltb the e1ghtinc, ot uau~nal s~1al o£Jecta.

    3 It "i'ill be ep_r~ee1ated ~ vou r.e:ould CClliiJlate tb!: .fcrnw ~4!l srme to tbt• He~tdqruu-ters as aQJ.~l:/ aa peanible.

    liP. W. ' IJ~LI/J."S 31 Dtmd"era loa4. Oaa.l:t.f.eld

    .A__~~ns) , ~~~{~i1eutea&Dt

    tor Sbr.t O.ffleer Iatell1geDM

    -I D,... ~ ... . - 7 DEC 7.954

    j t::".~x.JI\1 11 Q --- .r.c. J -

  • ..... _ .... -'

    He~d~n~t~ra ~atning OO"~aa• B.A. Js. . ~. l1-_lH:>l"t .Park »arrsca • slbl'!!L-ae

    -· .. 6 DEC1954

    1. RuroJ.oelhlC ;;·o.w r~}JOl~ted e !nhtia" ot • &ePlal eb3eo~ • tibe 16th ,.~riV&itlb&4 ..... 1 :J54.

    2. Atta~ e~ hurQW!th in du~~1eAte, 1~ ~nPB whish 4aaiB P. 1th the c!. hf· in.g o-r rmuou:sl ~i.-.1 onjeetPJ.

    3. It will b9 apprf;eitU.$Q it ron W:"Jnltl e'lll'>le te th.~ t'on.cs B.Uc rutu'Ml -am" '" tbift ne34ou~~era "" ~arJ• ,_ l'ti5c·!.bl•.

  • ....


    / OF CIVIL AVIATION Teleph~MB 033 T eleqr tlddreu :


    Postal Address .


    .. ALMORA HOUSE . ..

    Box 4 !178. G.P.o • .

    MELBOURNE. C.1 1oi1~0

    IN REPLY QUOT£ ••••• ~.2.~~-2::-.~-~-- "·-·•··-

    Air Officer Commanding, R.A.A.F. Head-Quarters, Southern Command, Albert Park Barracks •



    MELBOURNE. C . l

    2 9. rmv. 195~

    A copy of a report received in this office is attached for your information.

    (L.P.Bond) for Regional Director


  • Region._al Office No. C.A . Form 225 (Revised July, ' 53)

    Sta'ri:.. ............ Me~b ourne Airport ......... .. .. .. No . . ML. ... 57.9... Head Office No . ... '('



    AIR SAFETY INCIDENT REPORT (To be submitted through the Regional Director of the State of occurrence of the incident)

    Place of Occurrence : Melb ou,r:qe . .. ...................... Date: l6/ll/o4 Time: .

    Aircraft - liype : ............... .. Marking : ..................... .... Pi lot: ...... .

    Type of Operat ion: ............. From: ..................................................... To: ....................... .

    Details of Incident : UNIDENTI.F:;I:ED OBJECT. ...................................... ....................................................................... .

    ............................ At .... 2245E the "SUN1~ ..... offi.c.e .. adv.i .s .ed ... the.t .... r..e.p.or.t.s .... o.f .... e.n .................... ..

    .... w;t_g_~n-~.~.f..t~4 .... ~'Qj e.9~. h~P: ... P.. ~~n .... r..~.QeJY..~4., .... 9-~ta.;tl.~ .... P. .. ~;tp,g .... ~.~-.... f.9..ll.9..w.t~ ... .

    ... ~.~.P..C?.E.~.~~ .... ~.Y..~ ..... ;t ~ ..... '#.~ ..... w.~.~~ .~ ..... ~.~---~-~~-~-~E.~. ~

  • Comments or Suggestions - Outstation or Pi lot :

    ~ ...................... ? ....... ..

    Signed : Desig nation : ..................................... . .Date:

    Re~ional Office Action

    (To be complete~ in accordance with Air Navigation Instructions 2 / 9 and 3 / 9 }.

    . . ···r·""' . .......... .

    ···:'(""""'''"''"'''"''''"''"''" ............................................ ..

    Signed : ........................... .. Designation: .............................................. . Da te: ..

    For Head Office Use

    ........................................................................................................................................... ···········································

    ........ , ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............. .

    Action Completed. Signed: Date :

  • \

    302 'Riversdale Cf nber .;e::!.l . P.( • TQ ·nov ' 54 .

    .,., , (1 • '

    Br-rrc. cks ,

    Your letter has tc.lcen me some\' ~ by surprise . I caru1ot recol1 ect reporting an unusual r1e ~ · · 1. object on the date .1enti0r:e 1 in your let·~er , viz . , T6 : ov ' 54 .

    Sone yerrs ago,- th · n:c 1950 , t. ''arrant ('\i' ··icer and nyself sighted :..n unusu·l ob~ect

  • JIXY 130 CO Fl E ~



    Dear Sir,

    Headquarters, TrainiDg Co..and, Albert Park Barracks, ltKr,!K>tJUE, SCJ.


    1. Be:terence your reported sighting of' an aerial object on the 18th November, 1954.

    2. Attached herewith in duplicate, is :torm which deals with the sighting o~ lmusual. aerial. objects.

    3. It will be ep,Prec1ated it you wou1d complete the :for.s and retum same to thia Headquarters as early as poosible.


    Mr. • • Osborne, 44, Aberdeen st., ESSENDON. V.

    ~l:JlER) SquadrOn Leader



    19 NOV ~954 FR9M H Q, r.c~


    DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION 1llilepr'1 "a o33

    Teleqra' Addreu: " VICAVIAT , MEl.BOURNF,'

    Po•lal llddreu : Sox 4!578. G.P.o. ,


    IN AEPLY QUOH ••••• , .. J;36/_gjl l ......... .


    Intelligence Section, Headquarters Training Conunand,

    rt • • \ . A. F . , Albert Park Barracks ,





    ME L BOURNE, C . l

    1 7. NOV.1914


    A copy of a report received from A.r . L. B. ,Talker is attached for your infor1nation.

    {L . P . Bond.) for Regional Director •

  • Reglonal Office No.

    Melbourne Airport

    C.A. Form 225 (R~vis~ July, ' 5 3)

    No . .. .ML $33 Head Office No.


    AI R SAFETY INCIDENT REPORT (To be submitt~d through the Regional Direc tor of the State of occurrence of the incident)

    Place of Occurrence : Melbourne Date : 23/10/54 . Time : 0600/z.

    Aircraft - Type : .. Marking : Pilot : ........ .

    Type of Operation: From : ... To: ... .

    Details of Incident : REP ORT O.F UNI DE1.'TIFIED OB JECT .......... .

    .... ~ •.. L . B. Walker ... 9.f B.~woQ¢1. t~lepb9P..~ .... m8.~5.7 ..... t..el.e.Ph9n.e.P. .. t .Q ... ~.e.P.9..:r.t ... .

    ... a lil$:e qbje.ct slghted .. over B~w.Qo.d.... Thi.s r .eport .. was .. .made .... e.t

    .. 0600/z . and t.he obj e.ct had been .in view . .for. .... .some .. 3.0 min.ute.s ................... .

    .... Mr. Walker repor.ted ... tha.t .. he was .. .. the ..... oP.jec.t was not .... an ............. . . .... a..ircraft '· .~d very 1;1 ttl,.~ c~~pge . .o~ ... P9~.~.tJ.Q.P. ... h~d .. ~.~ken .. Pl~9..~ .•...............

    ... .9n request , the A . w •. G. and Towe~ .~~9-~~ .... Yi~~~ .... ~~~.~-4 .. to ~.earqh ..... ~.h~ ...... .

    .. a..r ea , bu;t; .. ;no ... tmJ

  • I. (" ..

    Comments or Suggestions - Outstation or Pilot ·

    ..•................... , ....... '

    Signed: ....... ........... . Designation : Date:

    Regional Office Action

    (To be completed in accdrdance with Air Navigation Instructions 2/ 9 and 3 / 9) .

    .. ~ '. { ········ ·········. ···························· ·······

    Signed: Des:gnation : Date:

    For Head Office Use

    .... ···················· ··············· .. ....... .................... .

    000000000 0000 00 Ooo o OOOOOOO•>O OoooO OO OOOO>oooooo 0 " •UOOOooooooooO o 0000°0 .. 0 0000000000000 .. 0 0

    ..................................................... . ... 0 ..................... . .

    . ···················· ·············· ............... ······························

    Action Completed. Signed: ouo\••••• •••• ooooooo ouooooooo Date:

  • JaY 130

    0 IDENTft\ I 5/6/ AIR. ( 5 3A)

    25G +

    Hea4qu.arters, Training COJIID.and, llbert Park Barracks, MELBOURNE, SC 3.

    17 fC'/ 1S~4 Dear Sir,


    1. Re:terence your reported sighting o:t an aerial object on the 16th Novaaber, 1954.

    2. Attached herewith in duplicate, is a :!ora which deals w1 th the sighting o:t unusual aerial objects.

    3. It will be appreciated i:t you would complete the fona and return to this Headquarters as early as possible.

    ~ (X. I. J'OS'.rER)

    ~ I Squaclron Leader Encl. , f'\4

  • ray 130

    \ co I TIAL 5/6/AIR. ( 52A)

    v )

    Dear Sir,

    Headquarters, !raining Colml&nd, Albert Park Barracks, DL:OOURlfE I sc 3. 1 7 NOV 1954


    1. Reference 70ur reported sighting o:t an aerial object on the 16th lfoTeaber, 1954.

    2. Attached herewith in 4uplicate, is a tom which deals w1 th the sighting o:t lDlusual aerial objects.

    ). It will be appreciated it you would complete the :tom and return to this Headquarters as early as possible.

    Ktt( Enc1.

    (X.I.:POS!ER) ~ J Squadron Leader, l\_~ . fc-vfr ~UP OPPICEB IftELLIGElfClh

    lc jt( .

    Major B.G. Walker, 5, Porthaa ATenue, C 411'BERWELL . V.

    E5P A;fCHt=O

    1 Nnv 1956

    FROM H Q. T .C.

  • 5/6/AIB. ( 51A) 0 Fl ENTI

    1136 eoretar,r, 26 tober, 1954 11' Bo P4, (D •• F.l.)

    Vletorl Barr oka, MftLB0VfJSE, SQl. ( Cop7 p l'tlleDt 01Yil Y1 tlon)

    2. !'bla a1gbt1na waa made at 0130 boura on tbe 4th Ootober, 1954 an4 ma_y be related to the alghtlna -de b7 Apprentloe Khan on that date.

    3. ltboqb a18bted on tbe 4th October, the report waa -de Yellt»al17 b7 Sqn.Lclr. BalD I. (S)O. b7 telepboDe OOD'Yera-atl• on 13th OotOber, aDd the attaobed report 414 not reaob t 'b1a Headqll&rtera Wlt11 20tb October, 1954.

    ~ It 1a tbere~ore oona1dered that no ~urtber ot1oa oan be taatera· at tbla 3GDOture, but ~11 ••talle b&Ye been fil~ ~or hture Pet'

    \ (C. '•


    2 7 OCT 1954 1

  • ..a..


    ) . }. ....

    ll 2.

    1.') 14. j ').

    16 l ,




    lo !.nt; .~.. .~.. ght ~ik a h _o .

    0 t i u fro obs ~rv r . o r · s t r .

    ,kQO..lf~o!C£l oi' W_ mey eo_!o}.o t,i£.t!.'L..J1t:.l1: .. t9.!llLk.ll t.l;~ .e.

  • ll

    1195 26 otober, 1954

    3a eteorolo&lo!U ee lODe. · t • entJoD ana oa l'e eODt ete4 1Me41 tel-7 b7 tbe t tt ott1oer (Intell. ) t h1e HMGqtlal'tera. It • • 4Ylaea th t th ttae of a1gbt1D& (1707 baaN) &!14 DOt eo-1Da1~ wltb tbe t•• or rele ae ot .at.oroloat.o!ll 1» lloou oa the d te or a1£b lq, na t.eosu• tbe exletlq ·IIS:Dh weN outta- eat, it ta ·t.-prob ble th t be Objeet alp ea waa •t. lat1ll.OOD. 4. It w • tartber ~1H4, bOw :Y r, ·tb t tboUSb llaprol»-ule, it 1• rer10te'17 poaalbl tll t ob act w a t. b llOOD.

    5e It 1a OOQBJ.dere that 1 poaalbl ctlon h • been taua re ariliDS tb1a e1£bt1Da ana be relwant 1ntoro~St1oo baa been tlle4 tor fUture rer..reooe.

    c lA


    .,,., A 'T'CHE.

    2 7 OCT 1954

    ;•uM H tl.T.t.

  • C 1 Tj •)1, • r .-......... ~ ...... ._ 1 .





    '). ; ..


    21. 22

    .>r.;. ' • .I'

    .. V... . Sh al s 0 A ... L .tb.T V TJtL io f . i r

    0 t ob r 54 17-

    i nut ·

    u h . .,



    t E

    bout soo

    D fini t obj ct

    tra1gh~ p t h if i t 5

    Jt..Qc .. ;ttion,..2£_~n.y meteoro).C! ;$!!. .. ~.!!2 .. J:~ .tl.t~.~J!..en~~,ral •u•e.ll.t.4. Lav rton, on ,

    .LrtL.:J..ddi,t1~n·.~l !ni'orm:-lj: \Of!• ... • Obs x·v r I c i._ U r .!.t •. s a h i t

    ( ..... gn u V. T. Sa 1 D llll r t

    ..... , -· '

    v i .6

    (Tot 1 ·ov r) outh 1rn her! ~n -c tt r br.o ·~. :u

    - \.l-OU Pd ov ~rh _,.

    0.1 not ~ht d

    l'( ?) ) r n. ld .

    tt..: . .. ..

  • 5. 6.



    11. 12.

    ~t 15. 16. 17. 18.





    T!Q to l6 & l.Z 3~ years WRAAP SerTioe. Haa aeen

    3eta tqing.

    Qutat1opa 25,26 ~pd 27 to be ftDeeret bz ipterrogntor.

    (signed) v. Lev.r,


    TEU:" HON• o 2240 IN .. ~ ......... OUOTll

    NO 5/2/J. IR(.5A) CONFIDENTL4.L


    Command Intelligence Officer HeadC].UDrters Training Command Albert Park Barracks 1·e1 boUl"ne, 3 . c. 3 Victoria


    R. A.A. P. School of Radio Ballar:J.t Victoria

    18th October , 19.54.


    Furthe:, to discussions between Com-nand Intelli.:;erce Officer (~qn. Ldr. K. FOS~~) and Unit Security Officer (Sqn. Ldr. H. &Er) , forwai•ded herewith are "pro formas" in respect of aerial object sightings by:-

    L. .C. CAL VERT , E. T.

    No. 'N51526 SECT. OFF. V. W. LEVY.

    Fo. 03291 FLT. LT. E. V. SFIELDS.

    for further investig3tion pl erJ se.

    ~.emf)~ ~J~ k\G. E. P WSS ... ~) ~ ..., · ·;/ing Co11mander

    r.orn7anding Officer


  • /

    ..,. ,,

    ' 1 ~ 0 &.- ... ~


    L, <


    8 .

    :rcPOH'-' 0~. 1. --· >:~. :W O.JJ:.:;r..:· , c·:'l--;·: ~VE!) ---... -- _________ .,.. _ ·-- · ---

    :Tone of obsorvel~~ ct~fl ~~ll Lob a. ~.fUC Fih Y.~ Rh. ~:T: H .\ d ~re rJ t:' of Obsel"'V Gl1,, ~-J~ .. ~a. a f .. .. ~.~ k~o L OQ f OR~~ 1 o. .. BR llRAAf. Occupn t ion of ubservero u. R .f:l~f 0 --~~~\.Q. "SJ .. '(YJt~lt'A,\)., Dote nnd Time of Obs e :."va t io:1 (Ti:ne B iVC~! in 21.., hou1• cloclc

    ' ' rJ ,,0 J ~~Qb lS&'u H~,~~T~ ~ ~ 9o~.4 S o o G ~ ., , u o e : ~ o1~: ~ :: ~~~~ : ~ Pel"ioc1 of Obscrv otiO!l( s),. o ., o J ~ .. ~ .. ~ S.\ tc~~ .. d J~ _.. ._., o .. " _ s;qe:.' o:::' Obsei"'V""' ti.o:,l: (Giv e deh"~ ilo Ji' O'.J posit io!~ b mnD r eferenc e i f -posa ible ~ or by k;-,m, -;,: l o'lll•jmr l.w 9 n •tc de s -crib~ o _1y e c:.nipme·~ J.; sod i :.: the obscr v tt io .. ·

    (J c ~· < u . ~$\) ~~\ ~ ~ -· ~ ~r.{~~ . l:\~.0 ~~~ ~ l ~J"~ .. ~ .. tbJ>.\ 1.\t J?~d 10· ~ , .~ l u~ht~c;l, q . r~ ."1\.0Yo~~ , Oc\J ~X ~ b A ~t)y~ ~ ~o~~ ~ . ~ o .tv-~ ~t.\ \~ .. \'-"'. .. ~ . .. ~ .. CY Jt o~A' \: o~LtYtt.t Jt ""· ••• u, . .. , . ., Wh~i'e '•·'O S Ob ject f i rst Ob.J Ol"Ved , Cog,, .JVGl1 :lC:-> C, CO'l1 i:i..g fro~ b e h i nd a hill, over t he horizo~~ ~ t eo

    .. ~Q.rnt~~/) 1~~~ .. ~. ~'~\'~rJ.'1 .~ lY.~.e rJlH' . t~ w~~ JY.~ · Whr1t f i:. .. s·~ o tt:.."'oc t ed obsm"v er'~ G a ttc ·.:-: .; 0 ::1 , e-.gco l izht 01 .. ... 1oise

    , .... ..... l.J ·~ h t .... 0 o} ~ • • ' > . . .. . .. ... ,, ., < ~ • " " .. . ' .. ~ ' J ~ " • • • :> 0 , • ;> ¢ •> 0 .. .. . , 9, Di e objoc : np"9e CJ r as c l i ;3h t o1 .. os a a c:'Late objoc t,

    ... B.s., s:\ . ·~~.~ t':'.~ • • 1 J. ~ bJ: .. .l.t~.t. , ~ .• b.~.l.o .... . 10,.. If t here ' W s i1l011 e t ho. o·,le ob jec:, ho..-; ·'

  • I - 2 -

    1lepor t oi .. Eer i a l Object Ob aei.."'Ve d (Cont d")



    21 ..




    Di rec t ion of flight with i.."efer e .11Ce t o l .,·."lc1 11:-J:i.."' lcs Ol" po i.n t s of t he co"'Tpsss •

    . . . &.on-.. r! ~-• .t. t:~. ~~ r.l}; i. ., J: .. ~ ~ !'.'( t .h.~l"So. )It J.Ltt Nit Di d t h e objec t r e lo L l O;."' : ot1 .. :1 i gl1t p c th , deviote or mo:..1-oeuvre o t e l 1 •

    .. . . . ~ .9 ... ~P.n tt.\:\.\J~t. ·'·~·. J.i:J:'I'.t~'='.t. f.~~ ... o ••• 'ih s ,'~.:_. tr~t l ol: e::::h...,ust, v1pou r or l i ght s een. ?.a,J~.fJl".ki6k ~6)0 'u'here did object c1 iu~p 1e o:.. .. , e. 3• L .. ~id-;:t ir , beh L1a r. hil l, over t~e hor i z o .J.o

    f-). ~J.,tt: .4stA ff.'tr.\~ . . ~~btl\d. ~a ~.J) ~ Ji .t.l4.s. ~ .. :Cx i s t e.11Ce of o:..1y pll'~' si cn l evide 1ce ou ch ns f r :•cr no :·~ s , photo~r~p~1S , or othc;.• s up 1ort i 11'1 evide:!Ceo

    0 • if l.~., ... ... .. ................ . v .... .. . .. . , •••• ~ • • •••••••••• We ot hc::" c o·1Ci tio·1s cxpcl"'ie .icEH:l .., t ti11c( s ) o:. ... ob s e v ·1 t io~ .. ( a)

    0 p ~ h ~ l ~l. 0 .C: .l ,.6«' .. ~ l t>. 'J~ lt$J ... ~ 1-.t\r.r.\} .t)J tl~J: ... _ . ~" \t J ltKlt ~ oo,.,, . '-' oc ::- t1on o:r -1:J.1y ;, fr troft'1c 11.1 t he vic v1i t .' Dt t he time of sighti ·18·

    ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o •• •o •••••••• • ••••

    ··· · ·~····························~··················- ~ ··

    26. Lo cot io~1 of n:1y me t eorol ogic :1 l st :::~ t iOi1B i >). t '1e ge .~.lel."'al oren.

    ····························· · ········· ~ ···· · ············ 27. . . ~!..' add i t ioilol in.fo1"' :n:1 ~io:1 •• • 0. RJI.C: l: .J~.~.p. P'-\Y:P.

  • l

    I h ~~ ~ ~ t w h, r t t t ~ r~ ~ w , tt p , l'\ K r, "' ~ e ~ ~ ov ~t\ ~c\~t$ .

  • /

    H.:CPOl{'..:' 0 1:"··u1. L O.JJ:.Z!"' Jl.::;-;:~··~V.ED

    / ., .. ·->

    I") ~,·

    - b u •· ~~~ - •

    1 3., Wna D y Get ail o: IJtruct Ui.."C ob Jel"'V::tble,. e .. N ~ ... "'(' 0 0 u •.o c 0 0

    '.Vns n.::· ::1cthoC:: o:::' pl"onnlsio:-.~ o'Jv i ouc . •. tf:~ ...... o .. ., .. ., .. ,o o ov 'v·,.., t', e ·~c ...,. · sou·1d .4\t 0

    ;,: :!lht '. Ol,.. ::l(ll e ~" ... : ~:~:.:: ::~ ~ :, ro ~: I~ . :~~:Vi~: ., ~


    1 ?c


    3peec1, o:." ,.,_gul[l:." vclocit:J, ,fLJ> .. ov,~ ~~t.Q):'\

  • - 2 .-

    19,. Du""cctio 1 of f light wi t'1 4~efere11ce to l ,.., ,lc.,.,;r:i."" !>:s 04"' poi.-_lts of the co-rrp~ ss •

    . . A ff." :t ~~\ •.• t .. b:~it.l .. 1 n. ,\ .S. , .'oJn,:(l'1.9.tYteh6"

    21 n

    22 ..



    26 ..

    27 ..

    Di d the object re J'l L ' o:' : otl"nigllt pc: t ~1, cJeviotc 01 .. ma:..l-ocuvl'N' ~t fl l l o

    o•~ ~ o o ooooo c •o •••••••••••• o•••••• • ••• •••••• ••••• o oooo v •••

    ·7., s .·~1- tr r- il o:: e;::h~ust, V'"' p our o: .. li~ht see·~ •• tl.~. : ... ·,.'llel"C did object G is.~~ )~.~- .~ .. ~ \ ~~ ~\ .. ~.~"\< 0 ~ 0 . ~ & ~ . Q ••••• ~ ••• Existe11ce of 8:1:' ph:rsic nl evide :1co ouch os fr :·a 110 .: ~ s , pho ;-p:1s, or otl1e1' sup orti 'l'1 eviae·!ce.,

    0 ~ • • ~ 0 ~ • • • • • • • ~ • 0 • • • • • • • 0 • ~ 0 ~ • 0 • ~ • • • • ~ ~ 0 • • • • • • ~ • • •

    ~-~ ::..r odd it i o:.1a 1 in..f ol .. mo t 1 o:1 ......... ... " • o .. ~ ...... .. .. .. .. ..... .. ~.

    ~D~ klA~;ti.,.:( . . ~~"l~c:\,.,J ... t ~r. }~ ~ J.~x~t .. tnir: .~~ u~~.'e' ... o.. r.-.. l:\.\. ~h. ~1h r.".ci.t.. t.tA:ttJl,!t, r.l t")..c.\ •. ~ .0. \l :\.ttt;Rl.~ ... ~IRs. tttOif~ u ~ v H • • ••••

    }uestto 1s 25 , 26 a:nd 27 to be a~1swe:..'ed b.; L 1tcrroanto1" ...

  • 1) L.. ••

    :·•orne of' oosol'Vel'> f.'-r, i; · f.-.1

    u, -~--S:·'d~ ,, J o J. o ~ 0 .v4t

  • - 2 -

    !.lc.'1ort o:. : .erinl Object Obsel"Ve.Q_ (C::::>i.J.tdo)

    15:.. Liroc-Gion of flight wi t'1 :;.•cfere:.1cc to 1 ..., ·1( :.n:.:- ~.-:s o:. .. po 1.uts of the CO"'Tp88Se

    ~ 0 .. .. .. • • ;;:-., . .. n 0 .1-: tt ~ . .. . r.~ OJ« ........... . , . ., .; .. ~ .. 0 . .. .. , 20., Die.· the object re l'1 i :l o ' ~ otl"niglYt p ::: th, devi~te Ol"' maa-

    oeuv:"e nt e l 'J. ,

    o ~ ~!ttf~t~)t.r-. o ~fA-Ttl ... 0 1!-... 1.· o •• • 1(.{,1-f.. ~. !':1/~I{~~Cff. . 21 .. tr f' il o'f e~~lwust , V'1pom." O:i:' l ich·~ a ee·.lc o .. a~. " • • • 22.. ·,,11ei.. .. C d~d objec t u iv.JP ea:.", e. 3• i .ad- c La.", behi11cJ r h~ll]

    OVG:::' the hOi.."iZO .k

    0 •• •• •• • • • tl.lf!t! Y.lfi.. .... ~.':-.C! .U. 4~ • • ". " .. 0 .. ,, .. . . () " .. . .. 0 •• • 0 ••• 23., Exi stel1cc of o:.1y pJ.1~rsicn l evide 100 ouch a s f'l"': ,J nc ··cs ,

    photo~r ..... p:lsl' or otllei..' sup orti·.:; evidc::ce ... •

    o • • o o • e < • • o ., ., ~ • • • • • o .. 11//.'-:-• • • • • • • • " .. • • ., • .o ., " • • .. ; " • • • • • • ~ • • • 24 u Weathe::.:- co .Citio 1s cxpo:;."ie \1cea "'t tillc(s) o::> obse v ·1 t i.o -...(s )

    Y~~ .~lttf.~ .. £..~ ~ T.lf.7 . ht;'.'-C 1$, ~) . ti~~'Y-! ~~. t:/ft?n. ~ov rHEA'IV HtJR,,;:cAI - Rt:lt-tllt.Ai/JB~f .P o •• o .. o o • •• • o .. ~ •

    . n R$.,Yo'.f'X. ~''· \ •. .. ~~~~.t•~A R .J~ " o t-.t~.·.

  • :

    5/6/AIR He~dquq rters Tr ining Command R. • A. F .

    l bert Park Berrnoka Melbourne S.C.3.

    ~ep~ rtment of Civil Avi tion 522-536 Lit t le Collins Street Melbourne C. l .

    18 OCT 1954

    ni GHTI NG OF

    A ttache~ sighting of an aerial information.


    IAL PHEIWI.IENI\ , ~ U a... 4'1ts .

    here ~~ is a report on the object f OriiJarded for your

    \~ (c.w. PE :•CE) Group Captain For ir Of f icer Comm9n~1ng


    ~~ED 1 s oc\ '\954

    t.....1 QT.C· fROM P • •


  • I



    J v


    5/ 6/ 'IR

    Secret ey Air Board V1otor1~ Barr Uelbourne

    0 8


    He'ldqu!.l rters Tr ining Conm,md R • •• F . Al bert P rk Bnr r oka Melbourne n.c.3.

    t8 OCT 1954 (D. A~ F. I. )

    I GliTU{G OF

    1. ttnched herewith is a report ot an .aerial objeot sight ed a t the Sohool of R dio, A •• F. Ballarat at 0300 hours on the 4th Ootober, 1954.

    2. Apprentice ~f\HMAT ITLLAH KHAN (PAKIST N 85178) wbo sighted the object whilst on guard duty w s interrogated by the Staff Off ic er In elligence.

    3e Apprentice IDIAN submit t ed a writt en r eport (att ached her ewith) some five d ya prior to being interrogated. During the interrog~tion efforts we re m de to foroe him to devi te f rom some or his e rli ~r st tementa , but throughout he w a consistent in every det qil. His r•epor t i s therefore considered

    8 be ing sincere.

    4. liowever, when questioned on the delay from when he fi r st sighted the objeot (0300 hours) until he reported the sighting (0600 hours) pprent i ce Kh~n e~ve the foll~wing expl nations: -

    { ) Being sensitive to ridicule he or i ginqlly did not intend t o report the sighting.

    (b) \lhen he sighted the ob jeot he w s so frightened he retre t ed to the sentry box Qnd re~1 ined oit•i ng on the f l oor unt l d 1wn.

    lle did not oone1der the Si i hting of qeri 1 phenomena o m within the ~onnnl oourse of his Outy.

    It is ag inst his x•el1gioue belieta to recogni se any such phenomena.

    After careful consideration h e disr egarded the t'oreeoing and deoided to r epor t the e1c..ht1ng to his Comm ndinc Officer.

    5. The Officer in Cha rge of pprent i cea, F/ O. HILL , was i nterviewed , an~ his assessment of KliAll was "ainoere an~ conscientious in hie Y:lo rk , but hAS em&tional tendencies" .

    6. It is interest i ng to note pprentioe KH N, not havi ng been is su d with a~unition , fired his r1~e a t what he aaw. This may ten~ to indicate some form of p ntc , a nd if ao may render h i s eta ement not wholly reli bl e nnd therefore some t oler noe of err or mgy be expeated. He sta t ed th t t.he durati on o f sighting w1s qpproxlm tely eigbt to ten seconds only.

    1. Sorn six mi l es to he North eat (the direction where the objeot w~e first sighted) of the ~chool of R d1o re hill s ov r whloh pass ro da. The cloud b sft' w·•s eigbt- eigbts a t l OOQ-1500 teet. The posotbllity of ~ c ar with bright bead 1 mp1 p sai ng over undulqt i ng oountry , the llchfe being retleoted in he clouds , o~ nnot be discounted.



    - 2-

    B. Apprentice ~IAN has assessed the speed of the object a s ap proxim·~ tely 1000 miles per hour (comparing i ~ s speed with th~t or atto~ker a ircraft which he has seen in flight at Karachi~ A~tbough travelling at this speed , no sound was audible.


    9• The probability of an existing 'Fire Ball' cannot be discounted. Dr. Loewe of the School of Meteorology, Melbourne University ha s been approached on the subject of Fire Balla and he haa given the following information : -

    "Fire Balls pertnin to a rare electrical phenomenon associated with electrical storms or dust in the atmos-phere. They normally occur in showery weather, usually at height or near the g~und. They are usually observed as a bright red glow and mny trnvel at terrific speeds, hover, change d1,reot1on rapidly ~nd mny disappe11r through cloud. Although this phenomenon is rare and lit.t.le is Known of them they hqve been sighted nd do exist" .

    10. Dr. Loewe considers thnt from the description and ciroumst ~noes con~erning the time, loc 1tion qnd cl1mqtic condit i ons the object si ghteu could hvve been n Fire Ball.

    11. It is suggested thqt the object sighted ~t School of R~dio, B~ll~rqt, · t 0300 hours on the 4th 'ugust, 1954 w~ s n Fire B~ll.

    L6Jw .P __ (c.... p~.(ncr;) -\ (.,roup. Captain

    .i!'or Air Officer Commanding

  • ·~

    on the morning or "onCI~ October 4th, t approximately 0300 hours, hil on T o ores guard dut1 .I a w a brightlJ re4

    ana yollot7 11 t object ~proacbing at a vet7 high peed just below

    cloud levol, from a northerlY direction. The obj ct opproacbea

    horizontally until l t no dl.moot (JirectJ.y hove r.w he d. It •

    then descended to n h 1ght of approximately 200 fe t . z got ~1ghtenea o:na

    It travelled b ocroaa the hongo:m ana tlescendacl

    bock omewhere near the run\7ay ant'l almost 1 t11 to]3 began

    travelling on its original course ascending ver,u rap1dl1 ns

    it proceeded, quicklY vanishing through the clouds.

    I uoUld deocr1be the object aa being round uttb

    n. t bottom end a curv 6 top, brightly 11 t by rod ont'l yeU0\7 lights, bleb \1ben the object ca close prevent d from

    vlemng 1 t vera clearly. /

    :fben I got sc rca I pulled 17\1 trlgg r but ha'!~ng no

    nrurrriUI•i tion, no thing bappone~

    ~ ................ ' ......... . 1954.

  • I


    1. Nnme of Observer: RAHU4T ULLAH KHAN

    2. A~dress of Observer. Sabool of Radio, B~llarat.

    Occupation of Observer. P'llcistnn Air \pprentice.

    4. Dnte ~nd Time of Observqtion (Time given in 24 hours cloak


    5. Period of Observ~tion:

    0 30() hours.

    8-10 seconds.

    zon::~l time.

    6. Manner of Observ~tion: ( Give det ~ils of own position by map reference if possible , or by known l qndmqrks, nd describe any equipment used in tile observ tion)

    1. \ here was object f irst obs~rved , e. g. overhead , coming from ·behind a hill, over th~ horizon, eta. ·

    Approx. 5° elevation towards Observer from Cloud Base 1000-1500 ft.

    B. l~hat first attracted observer ' s attention, e . g. light or noise • •

    Light i n Cloud Base.

    9. Did object appear a s u l l ght or a s a definite object.

    Bright Red Light.

    10. · If there was more than one object, how mnny were there, and what was their formation.



    Wh~t w~s the colour of the light or objecta sighted then red with orc;tnge centre.

    Red when first

    12. \Vhat wqs its Appqrent shqpe. Round qt first sighting then humped OV'll "'t lowest height Angle 80 degrees.-

    w~ s nny det ail of structure obserY ble~ No • .

    14. Wn s any method of propul tion obvious: No

    \V'l s there ny sound: No

    16 • Height , or angl e of el evat ion : See s~etch attached.

    17 • Speed , or angular v elocity: Extremely rapid - 1000 mph approx.

    18. State any experience which enable observer to be reasonably

    cert ain about the answers given to 16 and 17. ( 16) Cloud Base (17) Para. 8 IL • T. c. Repor ·•

    Since it is .nonnally impossible to estim~te the height and speed of a strange object, it will usually be better to endeavour to determine the angle of elevation of the object, the angle through wb ' ch it moved , and the time t aken to do this


  • 19. Direction of flight with reference to 1 ndm~ rks or points of the compass.

    20. Did t he object remgin on ~ strRi £ht pRth, devi ~ te or m~noeuvre ~t nll.

    Descended, hovered, devi ~ ted , climbed.

    21. w~s ~ny tr~il of exhoust , v · pour or light seen: No.

    22. ~Jhere di d object dis~ ppe~ r , e.g. in mid-nir, behind a ~111, over the horizon.

    Through cloud - climbi ng.

    23. Exi s te nce of spy physical evidence such a s fr agments, photo-graphs , or other• supportlnt; evidence. MIL.

    24. ~eather conditions e ) peri ~ncea at time(s) or observation.

    Eight- Eights cloud - Slight Precipitation at times.

    25. Location of a'ny a irtraffic in the vicinity {lt the time 0~ sighting. NIL

    26. ~cation of any meteorological stations in the general a rea.


    27. Any ~dditionnl information: See Reports att~obed.

  • , S· f:. .. '

    , ~



    'releqrophic tlddrru: • • VICAVIAT. MiLBO U RN £ . ""

    Po•lol llddreu ; Box 4 578. o.P.o. ,


    :136/2/11 . IN Rl,LY QUOT[_. . ........ • -- 1 0~-iO

    Intelligence Section , Headquarters Training Command, R.A. A.F . Albert Park Barracks , MELBOUR.l'ffi .






    A copy of a report received in this Office is attacbed for your information.

    ~~ (\1 . ~ .. • Boud) for Regional Director

  • Stat ion :

    225/6?.~.1.~~~-~ .................. ....... . C.A. Form 225 (Revised July, '53)

    ....................... No.... ............ ................ Head Office No.......... . ........... ... ... .


    AIR SAFETY INCIDENT REPORT ( To be submitted through the Regional Director of the St ate of occurrence of the incident)

    Place of Occu rrence: ............... .. Date:. 8/8/5~ .. T ime : CY7l5/z .

    A ircraft - Type:. Marking : Pilot :

    Type of Operation : ............ . . ......... From : ...................................................... To: ................................................... .

    Details of Incident : ........................ ................................. UNIDENTIFIED CBJEOI' ...................................................................... .

    .... . .. . . ... ........... .... ..... .. ....... . ..................... h.P.: ... !!:~s~s ... ~~ P.I?.:;-Y.~ r. .... ~.~Y.t.~.~A .. ~.g,~-~ .... ~Y. .... 9.?.}-.? .... ~ .... ~.~Y..~~ .................................. .

    ..... !9n.~-~ ... ag~ .... ~.~.t ... g.f. ... §. ~. G lyn.~.~.D.: .. ~~ .. ~ .... 9.~~b~~~~ ~~ .... ~~!?: ... ~~.~.!?-.~.~): ... ~9.~:~~~~~-'· .......................................... ..

    ..... aGe. 9..t... a.J.:~~ ....

  • ----------- -

    Comments or Suggestions - Outstation or Pi lot :

    Signed : ........................... . Designation : .............................................. .Date :

    Regional Office Action

    (To be completed in accordance with Air Navigation Instructions 2/ 9 and 3 / 9) .

    ... ................................... .......................... ! ........................................................................................................... .. ..................................... .............. .. ..

    .................................................................................................................................... .. ························································ ................................... ... .

    Signed: ................... .. Designation: ............................................ Date :

    For Head Office Use

    .............................................. ..................................................................

    .............. . ········ ........... . ...... ························ ....................................................................................................... ........... .... ..

    Action Completed. Signed: .................................................................. , ............................... Date: .................................................. .. .

  • Ret. --


    Ottioe~s Tra1n1nc School R.A. A.ll'. RatbmiDea 21' New South Wales

    16th 1\u at 1954

    lleaclquartera iiome Comm.a.Dd R. A. A. F . / Penrith (Copy to Hea.dqu8l'ters Traininc CommanA) e/ Bew South Wales

    1. Attached please find a report ot o. 11cht seen in the sky from lt• Lamb ten (lfewouatle) on the even!~ of ~nday gth Au,_,"''lSt 1oM.

    2. The request ,.r the radio waa not henrd by members of: this unit a.nd llr. Bm!fulood also cannot. verity zioh station Jtroadoaat tor reports.

    3. HfJmt~er, the repen 1a forwo.rde:'\ to Hom~t Cemmand as the matter is a ~e1onal one, also for nD1 further notion considered naoesaar,y.

    R~ Squadron Leader

    EDal . 11' or Cammand ant


    Squadron Leader Hill R.A.A.F. Station Rathmines

    Dear Sir ,

    74 Birdwood St., New Lam.bton

    11. 8. 54

    Further-to our phone conversation this morning regarding strange light seen by my son on Vonday evening, I herewith give details :-

    Time . &>nday evening 9th inst . about dusk exact time not noted but approx. 5.20pm/

    Appearance. Bri ght green object with short tail.

    Position. Bearing 190 altitude 15 when sighted and disappeared bearing 180 altitude 5

    He told me that it looked like a very bri~~t meteor and presumed it contained copper as it was burning with a ~een light.

    Sounds a bit fantastic but as the radio requested information I thought it might be of some use .

    Yours faithfully

    (Sgd) T. BRAID100D 1JS.ster 1 ariner

  • ,

    4-ulf 225/551/317

    In rrply Quult .136/ 2/ 11 ..


    TtleyJhont . . . MB 033

    Telegraphic .Addre11;,: " Vicavlat, Melbourne '

    Postal Acldrt1s: Box -1578. G.P.O,. Melbo urne C.l.


    Headquarters , Training Command, Intelligence Section, Albert Park Barracks, Melbourne.

    DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION Victoria-Tasmania Regton

    "AI mora House," 522-536 Little Collins Street,

    Melbourne, C.l

    2 2 . .IU~. 195 ·1


    The attached copy of a report of an unidentified aerial object, received in this Office, is forwarded for your inform::io(t_

    6MJ-tr~ -(w ~E 7 Boud)

    for Regional Director

  • 7/) )' I . • gional Office No. 225/551/~17 • ......................

    Station : Melbout>ne Ai po ~.:t ............... . No. B.A .... 3 ;I. 7. .... Head Office No.


    AIR SAFETY INCIDENT REPORT (To be submitted through the Regional Director of the State of occurrence of the incident)

    C.A. Form 225 (Revised July, ' 53)

    Place of Occurrence: Vicinity Lube9.~ ......... Date : . Jl/7/54. .... .Time :AP (lt'OY . 1135/z .

    A. f T · C47 1rcra t- ype ... .. . ...

    Type of Operation : F lt • 50 9

    Marking : T 1\N

    From : A 1?. ......

    Pilot : Roberts

    To : M~ ..

    Details of Incident: UN~DW~.~.EIEP. ... 9..~~ECT ..... ................... .... .............................. . .......... ..

    .. Sho.~.~lY. .. ~f;te~ ..... r. ~.~.~.~!.l~ .... L~P.e9..~ .... ~.~ .. J.~.~.~ .... ~!l;!::g~~~ ... ~.~ ... ~!:.?. .... 9a pt . ~~ b.~ .~.~.s

    ...... f'ly.ine ... TM. ~.d.v.i s.ea, ... t l:l.!?:.t ..... ~ .. h.t .. .r.~.9: .... 1Je!1J .... n.?..g ..... 'Qg~.n .... § ... ~.h.~.~d -·

    .. ..... sJ. i g n ~).y ... Y..Q ... !?9 r t , h.~ ; .. .J.9.' po 0 ~ e .~.t .. .9. r ~.P..9.Y..~ . .t .... ~.~.~ .... ~f~.~ .. r. ..... ~~ ..... ~!!:~ .... his ...... st .... Off i .c.e..r .b.~.d ... i .t .... i .n. ... §.1Sb t ... f..o.r. .... ~P.P.I.'.P~ L . .9P.~ .. miP\l.t~ ..... 1, ~ ........................... .

    .. .d.i s~ rm~ .. @ r .~a, to .. I:f9. r t 11 .9.f. ... t ~.~.Q.K~ .......... 9.n .... .... ~ .. J .. ~~ .... Ar. ~.fl:. 9.

  • ·. Comments or Suggestions - Outstation or Pi lot :

    Signed: Designation : Date:

    Regional Office Action

    ITo be completed in accordance with Air Navigation Instructions 2/9 and 3 / 9) .

    . .

    Signed: ........ .. Designation: Date:

    For Head Office Use

    .. ................................................... ·········• ...................................................................................................... .

    Acticn Completed. Signed: Date:


    T elegrophfc f!ddr.,ss :




    Po .slal lfddre3.s . BOX 4 578 G .P.O •.


    I N REPLY QUOTE •••••• J~9/ gJ:u. •--·-···•

    S/L. Johnson, Home Training Command,

    Intelligence Section, .ALBERT P .ARK BARRACKS.




    2 5. JUN. 195 4


    A copy of a report received in this Office is attached for your information.

    ~ (W • E • Boud.) I

    for Regional Director .

  • c 0

    :e' y

    The Regional Director, CIVn. AVIATION DEP.A..~TT , 522 Little Collins Street, MELBOURNE.

    Dear Sir,

    12 Gladstone Street, EASt COBURG.

    15 June 1954.

    In the interests of science I feel that I should make the following report. I neither seek publicity or suffer from imagination.

    On Monday evening June 14th 1954 I and nine other people watched an object in the sky for approximately ten minutes until it finally appeared to glide u~vards and disappear. I will give you the names andaddresses of the people who saw this object should you wish to contact them and verify the following descript-ion of what we saw:-

    Drawing a line due west from 12 Gladstone Street, East Coburg, for approximately ten miles; then, North of that Spot 5 degrees would fix the approximate position of the object. At first sight the object could be mistaken for a large brilliant star. It moved about the sky at sometimes a very fast speed : at others it hovered motionless. It appeared to dim and leave a thin complete circle of light, the centre being dark with a slight duskiness. After rising and falling, hovering at different times, it finally formed this thin circle of light and rose upwards and disappeared.

    We people who observed this object are well used to aeroplanes coming and going from Essendon : sometimes we see them use their headlights . I myself spent almost 2·~ years in the lltiddle East and have seen planes caught in searchlights. I also occasionally have seen car headlights reflected on low cloud in the hilly country around Ararat where I lived for nine years, but I say here and now that this object we people saw had no relation to any of those things .

    The following are the names and addresses of the people who saw this object~-

    Self -Harold Lucas. Alma Luc3s. George Lucas. Olive Lucas and Evelyn Lucas - all of 12 Gladstone St., East Coburg .

    Miss Patricia Paxman, 1? Malcolm St., East Coburg .

    Mr. and Mrs. H. Riley, 10 Gladstone St. , East Coburg.

    Mr . and Mrs. P . Foe, 10 Gladstone st., East Coburg.

    Please treat this report as being solely in the interests of Science .

    I remain, Yours respectfully

    (Sgd . ) Harold Lucas)

    P. S . - I myself saw this same object three weeks previously.

  • 1.


    5· 6.



    Name of observer · -~~~ .. .t~. -~~- -~ .Address of Observer • • ••• • • •.•. • G:I...-. •• tf .~. -... ...... , . , ... . Occupation of Obs~rver . , . ••• • • r?~ .. ~~~~ .. ~~ ......... . Date and Time of Observation (Time given in 24 hour cloek zonal

    ... .. ...... ..... ~ ~.1 .. t.11 .~1 .-? .( •.••• ~ • ~. -~ .1 .. '-!; ••.•.. :~~e) Period ot Ooservation(s) . •.••••• . •••••• ~# . : . :f!! .. 1.~ ........... ,. Manner ~f Observat4gn: (Give de~a1ls of o~n pgsi,1on by rrap reference if poss~ble 9 or by known l~ndmarke 9 end describe any e~uipment used in the observation).

    -! •.•••••• ~ ! .. b ~ ... A r ...... ~ .... 'lJ:v.~~. . . . ........ . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . ~ . f ·r· ............................ . . . . ' ... ... ...... .. ..... ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . Where was object first observed , e . ~. overhead , coming from behind ~11, over the t10rizon 9 e tc.


    ....•........ ~ .· .•..•.• . 4/..1({ Pd.~ .. / P. :~ . .•• r :(~ t.. . ·~· Wha t firs~ a ttrac t ed observer ' s at tention ; e . ~ . l i 3ht or noi se .

    J •' ......•.. ~ ./W\r . . • • • • • • •/\' • e • 4 • • • • a f • • • e e • • • • • • • • • i • • • e • • • • • • • • ' • • Did object appear as a light or a s a defini te ob ject.

    . . . . . . . . . . ~!--P. . ~ {0. f ... ~. rw. ~f .... P. ~ . .r?ft. ~ ~ c:l: .. . ..... .. . 10. If t here was more tha n one object, how many were there 9 and what

    was their f ormation.

    AOYtl • • a • • • e • • t ~ • • • • • t e t e e t • • t r • t • t t • t e • e e • e t e 1 t • t o t t • • e e t e t • • ~ • • t 1 e c •

    11. What was t he colour of t he light or object • • tfM ~ , ••.. ... . . . - .• 12. What was its a pparent shape ......... .. ::r:q..,.{ .. .. . ...... ... . .. .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . 1~. Was any detail of structure observable ••• ~ •• •.••••••. . ••• . ••

    • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~

    14. Was any method of pro pulsion obviou s • . . .~.{.... . .. . .. • •• . .•••

    15. Wa~ t here any sound •. . .f/.'!.P .. {~,/¥., ... ;>; .Y.f':-.•• !;' .f:(.~ . ·.~.f..~ . o~ti..v- 'vf.. ~~ f.,~~~ _.t, IV7'U~

    16.A*He1ght 9 or angle of eleva tion ••••• • 10 .c • • ~t-·. f. ~lJt."v • ••• .. •

    17.USpeed, or an_iular veloci ty •• ... a:{.-"P~ ........ . 18. St a t e any experience whi ch enables obEerver to be reasonab ly

    certai n about the answerc ~ iven to 16 and 17 . M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . .

    &a Since it i s normally i mpos s i ble to estimate the he i ght and speed of 6 strange ob ject , it will u sually be be tter to endeavour to ~etermine the angle of el evat ion of the object , the angl e th~ough whi ch it moved ~ and the time taken to do this •

    • . • • • /2

  • 2 -

    Re por t on Aer~al ubject Obser ved ( Conte . )

    19. Directi on of flight wi t h refer ence to l andmarks or ~oi nts of the compass •

    20 .

    21 .

    22 .

    23 .

    . . . . . . k. .. ;~~!: .... r:~v..'(. fo.:t~ .. ~.~f1!:u~ Did t he ob j ect r ema i n on a &tra i ght path, deviate or manoeuvre at all.

    llt l~~ - 1./ ......... ··· · ··· · ·· · ····i ·························· ~ ···. ··,.: · i ' Was any trail of exhaust ~ va pour or l i ght seen - ~~. ?.~~- •• ~, Where did object di sappear s e . g . in mi d -a ir s behi~a~hill, · over the horizon.

    rk YV ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . Exi stence of any physical evi dence such as f r a0ments 5 pho t o-gra phs , or other supporting evidence •

    .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a

    24. Wea t her condi tions experienced at t i me(s) o~ ob servation(s) f1J...vM

    • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q • • u • • • • • • • • u • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    25 . Location of any a ir t raf f i c i n t he vic i nity at the time of sl~nting •

    • ~~1...,'1 • • ~~~ . ~~. 7. ~11~~-.P • • .f~!'f~~~ .. ~f~ •• ~A~Y. . .. &.Pn--r.< . lfp 'If '1~¥T.J'. • f.{t;rA/iv • . ~f'{~ 1/ G.".~'$' ••••••••• • ••••••• • •• • •••••• • ••••

    26 . Location of any me teorologi cal sta t i ons i n t he J enera l a r ea .

    CJJ. R ..u'~L f!l ;_,k·~r.u~-Jt? ft',v~- 3,L , /Jh!'fPII • • • Y . ( j i N . , •. • • • . r . , ~r~ . . • , .... .. • " . Pj • " ' • • , , • • , , • ., , • • • • • •, •, , • •, •

    27 . Any addition~ i nfor mation •• . , . ••••••••••••••• • • . •••••• . ••• • ••

    . .......... h ... .f~ . . ~ . . ¥. !-: . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . ....•..... ••••••• o •• • • • ••••• o • • •••• • • • •••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• ••• otJ ee

    . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . Questions 25 5 26 and 27 t o b e answered by interrogat or.

  • 1.

    2 .



    Name of ob s er ver •• f) , tl«t,~ ~ .1L-~ ••'-- ·· ······ ·· ····· ·· . ~ ..... .. ... .. ..... . Address of Observer • • ••• • • ~(4 •• t'!--. fl. Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Occupation of Observer • , • ••• • • C:.t}1:1-.Y .•• (~1/.-. •• • d.{;p. ~-- .. )-~~~~. f.Ct.Jtr ?.r#.~~- -:(ht 14. Wa s sny me thod of propulsion obviou s •• ~ • • •• •. . ••••• . ...•

    15 . Wa s ther e any s ound w.-. ~1-. J.jM~ .. ~, -1/~~) l 6 • .ttHe i gh t 9 or angle of elevation ••••• (.'D. . ~ . •. ~J. . . . .. { .(J • • ~ ••• • •

    _.., I

    17 .MSpeed, or an_iular velocity •• i .v;· ~ •• ~~ .~ • •• y. +t~ ... ,. . . , ... 18. State any experience which enables ob Eerver to be reasonably

    certain &bout t he answers ~iven to 16 &nd 17 .

    • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1Avt- .(_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • At Since it is normally impossibl e to estimate the hei6ht and speed

    of ~ strange ob ject , it will usually be better to endeavour to ae~rmine the angle of el evation of the object, the angl e th»gugh whi ch i t moved ~ and the time taken to do this •

    • . • • • / 2

  • 't 2 -Report on Aer~al 0bject Obs erved (Con t d .)





    Direction of flight with reference to landmarks or points of the compass •

    . . . . ;.., .. . ~.Y .. 1. .. ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did t he object remain on a straight path, deviate or 11.t. uoeuvr e at all.

    Vvt!...-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . Was any trail of exhaust 9 vapour

    Where did object disappear 9 e . g . over the horizon.

    or light s ee~n .~~*- . :J. ~IJ Uu"'~~

    in mid-air ; b ind ra hill ~

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. Existence of any physical evidence such a s fragments 5 photo-

    graphs 9 or other supporting evidence .

    Vv-.1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0

    24. Weather conditions experienced at time(s) or observation(s)

    •• 0 0 ••• 0 • • 0 ~--!.. !-o f.("! • ·• • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • •••• 0 • 0 25o Location of any a i r traff i c in the vic inity at the time of

    sl6nting •

    .OP.tiX •• P.~.

  • 1.



    C"rpw(t~U REPORT 'oN .A _:.:U h L OBJ 2CT OJ7SSRVED / M

    observer • . ./3./IM- .. /1~ t~ . ; . . . . . . . . ... ·: .. of Obser ver • • ·.;.1. .(t/!4#. .. '#. o o ~. ('-1~~. ,. .. ..

    Name of


    Occupation of Ob server • • {(A~o . a.•."':'AA~~ . .. ... .. .... . .. . Date and Time of Observa ti on (Time given i n 24 hour clock zonal

    ••• • • • ~~. o~~ .Q-: .. o •• • J.(J.. . : ~+. • o o ••••• • ••• . ••••••••••• ~~~e ) Period of Observation(p1 . ~ .~. o •• ~ -~~ • . 0 /f~~ Manner of Observation: (Give details of own position bY ~an refer ence i f possib le 9 or by known landmarks 5 and des cri: . 1.. t.y equipment used i n the observa tion).

    _ .1. 1# . ··¥~ ;(.-.~.':~~4'-~·.~ogo .. !~. ~~ .~ .. /r~. ·· .s ~~ .. .. 0 0 0 • ••• tfrto .tt~~·~·~· • • • \ • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • c • • • • ~ • • • ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    • 1. Where was ob j ect f i rst ob served s e. ~ . overhead , comi ng f rom

    b ehind a hil l~ over t he aor izon 9 etc .

    ~ ~:: ~ &l~d.LilA/ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . ....... ................... ... ........ .. . 8 . Waat fir s t a ttrac t ed ob serve r ' s a ttenti on ; e • e • l i 6ht or noi s e .


    10 .

    11 .

    .. • • ~4 .. -t.d~ar~ - """'~ .. . . ~· .;-'('";'• ....•........ v .-..---.-.-.. ......... . Did object appear as D light or a s a def i ni te object.

    -~--ts,w.~ .. ~~ .. ~. ~ .. r~. · ..... . . . . . . . ~ . If t her e wa s more t han one ob j e c t~ how many were there, a nd whet was the ir f orma t i on .

    . . . . ~' . ~ .. r:ll-i. ~ ~ ............. ...............•...... .. What was the colour of th~ light or objec t .~~. ~r::rT'ow.-.11'.1


    12. What was i t s a ppar ent shape ••.• ....--. i"( ••••••••• oo ' • · ••••o • ··· •• • •

    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • •

    1~. Was any detail of str uctur e ob ser vable ••• P~.~~ ', " r • -.-. . 0 .. I • ·~ •• ~ •••••••• • • • ••• • 0 • • • • •••• - ' • ' • • • • • • •••• 0 • •••••

    14. Was any method of propulsion obvious • . -~• · 4• o•• · ···· 15. Wao there any sound-~~,~~ -~~~' ·· · ··· · ···· .. . . • l6,UHe1ght 9 or angle of e l evation • • • ,.._-.. . .... , . . ..•••••• 0 • •••••• • •

    l7.USpeed, or aniul ar veloc ity ~.~~Uf'~ olj-.. ~. l8. St a t e any ex~er i e nce whi ch enebles obE er ver to be reasonably

    cer tai n abou t t he answerc ~ iven to 16 and 17 .

    !{,.,. • '11?/J.!..t-11.:~~ . . • . . • • • . • . • • . . . • . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . • . • . • . • . . .• at Since it i s nor mal ly i mposs i ble to es timate the he i 3ht a nd speed

    or ~ strange object , it wi l l usua l ly be be t ter t o endeavour to tetermi ne the ang l e of elevation of the object , the angl e hrough which i t moved ~ and the t ime taken to do thi s .

    . • .••• ! 2

  • 2 -

    Report on Aer~al 0bject Observed (Conte.)

    19. Dire c t ion of fl i gh t with ref erence to landmarks or po ints of the compass.

    ~-v~W~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • I • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • •

    20 . Did t he ob j ect r emain on a 5traight path~ deviate or manoeuvre at all.

    . t . . .~. ~ .. ~~.~.K.a.f:~~~-~aff~ 21. Was any trail .of exhaust 9 vapour or light seen • • ~~~· ·· · · · ···• 22 . Where did ob j ect disappear s e . g . in mi d- air > behi nd a hi l l 9

    over the horizon.

    IJ.t.J avv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . Ex i stence of any physical evidence such as f ragments 5 photo-

    gr a phs 9 or other support i ng ev i dence •

    .. M .. .............. ........ ............... .............. .. .... ~ 24. Weather cond i tions exper i enced at time(s) or observation(s)

    . . . ':/.~. . ) ~.~. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••• • •• J ••••• • ,.I 25 . Loca tion of any a i r traf f i c i n the vicinity a t the time of

    s l gnting .

    '"~ t.< •. tft-!~-. ~ 7 . I.4.N~!e;P. .0r~AI'.A~..Y . ~crt . (y..t?~~¥ .. !1{. ~r.~~~ . . . .~!.V:~tt~¥.{ ... ~7:~ ~~. 7:~~ .,tf~tl'!: .. .•... . ...••.• . •• d •••••• • ••••

    26. Location of any meteorolo6ical stations in the Jeneral area .

    • (J..

  • (_

    j/{)_ ./,.,~ ~v ( M~(~ ~. lr/d/ tfl) ktJ Pt ~ it

  • KXY 130

    5/6/ 1IR( 36A)

    Tt.e Secret a r y, ;.1 r Joa rd . Victoria Ba r r acks,

    i~ ~ ~) \..,..:"--'"-

    Head~uarters Tra ining Co mand R • .A . A. F. Albert Park B rr cks Mel bourne i .c.3.

    1 el bou rne s. c. 1., Victoria. ( r tt~tion D. A. F. I . )

    1 . Here ·th r epor ts of sightings of a n unusual aerial ob j ect a t East alvern, 31st y j 954 by t he ~~de~ ~ntioned p~rsons .

    Chri s topher UIR D v !a R~~SE Brian .c iN .RNEY

    2. uir and R~e..,e h ··1ve be 'n personnlly int rvi

  • FROM: S~u3dron Leader L. L. JOHNSTON, D. S. O., R. A. F.

    5/6/ ;.IR(35A)


    Headquarters Training Co.:..:uand R. A. A. F. Alb3rt Pl rk B~ rracks M~lbourne s.c. 3.

    11 JUN 1954

    Herewith reportSof sighting of unusual eeri~l obj-et by Messrs . Christopher UIR, David R~ESE, and Brian MciNERNRY at East alvern, 31st ay 1~~4 .

    Mr. w. Boud1 Victorian Ta smanian Region, Dapt. of Civil Aviation, 391 Little Collins St r eet, elbourne C. !.



    --f"\ '.. •

  • W • il n •• day, l u n • 9, 1 9 54 - /

    . Please mummy, let us shift: it may bomb us!

    aueer~ terrifies two s~hoolgirls

    A TREMBLING, still-scared 16-year-old girl said yester· · day she stood "frozen with fear" while a "flying saucer"

    hovered 20 yards away from her on Princes Highway, Dan·

    Sixtu n-year-old Janette Brawn, of Ea1t Dandenong, •ketch•• the "flying Mucer" which 1he claim• honred only 20 yarda fro111 S.turday

    denon,a. And a 13-year-old schoolgirl friend said

    she saw the " saucer" ·hovering in the oir 1 00 yards away for about three minutes. The (iris, Janette appeared over the parU,

    Brown, 16, of McLennan buUt H. T. Heinz facLory, 11t., Rance View Park Es- and whirled Lowarda me when I 11hone my Lorcb. t ate, East Dandenonc, "Just above the h o u •• and J eanette Johnston, whPre the caretaker ll¥81 It 13, of Berwick rd., Dan- burst Into llaht- a aleam• denonc , saw the saucer lna. blulah, .Uvery • rreJ on Saturday nicht, but ~~~ hovered about 2(1 nn~a were too scared to tell away on the toD of the tac-anyone except their par- tory rate. aa lf lt dellber-

    t bo • th i i ately wanted me to look at en s a u. e r exper - lt-or lt wanted &o look at ence until yesterday. me

    Their parents said both "It •·aa a cylindrical shape, 11lrla had had little alerp about 30rt. lona and l&ft. 11lnce Saturday night, and high, wlth a c:anopy and were frlllhtened and ner- window on top and a WID• voua. dow on each end.

    One had &.'\ked her mother Car came 1t they could move Lo an· other suburb ln case t h e "aaucer" tried to destroy her home and famUY.

    Here Ia Janette's story: "I was standing on Princes

    Highway, oppoalte the 21-mlle post. v.·aitlng for Jean-ette. about 6.20 p.m.

    "I heard a loud drUm-mlnJt nolle. somethlnll like a motor-cycle. but there were no cars or cyclM around at the ume.

    "Then a large, dark shape

    "Thrn Jeanette arrl~ed. I Lold her to watch the bouse ..

    Jeanette watched the house. Here's what ahe saw:

    "A slivery colored cylinder roee above the houae then swept away 1n a wide circle to the International Harv•-ter factory a few hundred yards away.

    "It stayed on top of the factory for about one D\_ln• ute then disappeared beblnd the trees," abe said.

  • Do not rernove frorn Protective enclosure. ~.

    ~ • L.; ,. :~ ~ Please contact conservation' if assisi:lnce is required.



    Teleqrophlc l'lcldreu: V ICTOR IA-TA S MANI A REGION

    "ALM ORA H O U SE."


    Po•lol llddreu :


    BOX 4 !578, O . P.O.,



    I N OlPLY QUOTE ____ )·~-~/2/ll:!_ _____ _

    S/L. Johnson• Home Trai:ai.Jlg ColiiDI.8lld,

    Intelligenee Seotion, Al"rt Park Barracks,


    Dear Sir,

    06 389 _ ~ .mu. \954 ..


    Attached please tiad a report received in this Office concerni D8 an unident itied o\ ject o\aened from Oam\ri~e Airport on 31/5/M.

    Yours faithfully ,

    ~ (W • K • Boud. } f

    tor Regional Dire/tor.


    Mr. B. Hart, A .N .A. Engineer reported that he, ia company with Messrs. M. Blackwell and T. Allen of Vacuum Oil Co., sighted and followed the flight ot an unidentified aircraft flying at high speed several miles to the North of Camaridge.

    It was assumed to ae conventional design and possialy smaller than a DC3.

    The aircraft appeared trom aehind Mt. Lord travelli.D& at high speed from West to East low on the horizon in straight and level flight slightly aaove the range of hills to the North East of the field. The aircraft was 1n full view tor approximately li minutes and disappeared trom view tly1ug 1n a Norta Easterly direction.

    Suaaequent enquiries with Lauaceston Operations revea.led that the only ott-schedule movement was that ot a R.A.A.F. Can-.erra (MOD) 1n transit LAV j)JCO/KELSO/BLA. 0'H Kelso 0238 25000 tt. ETA BLA 0300 •

    Launceston Operations advised that no stage was this aircraft South ot Kelso or aelow 25000 ft.

    31st Kay, 1954.


    At approximately 1315 brs. whilst in company with Thomas Allen and Maxwell Blackwall (employees ot Vacuum Oil Coy) I o'aserved what appeared to 'ae an aircraft of an unspecified type 'aut of apparently convensional fuselage style flying to the N/E or Cam'aridge Airport.

    2. The o'aject appeared to 'ae flyiDg at approximately 3500 ft. and at very high speed in a South Easterly direction. The o'ajeot was in sight tor at least 90 seconds and was olearly Tisi'ale 'aut at a distance of approx~ately 10/15 miles which precluded a clear view of detailed structure other than general fuselage shape.

    (Sgd.) w. c. Hert.


    AT fantastic speed, a "flying saucer''

    dived over East Mal-vern early yesterday ..• and, according to lC- ye ... r - old David Reese, it seemed to have people in it. ~and five friends

    saw the object - "oval-shaped and as big as a railway carriage" - as they were leaving a friend'" home in Wil-mot-st... East Malvern.

    " I could distinctly see dark .. hapes in the ob-Ject" he said. "If I had seen the same shapes In an aeroplane I would have said they were people."

    Reports agreed Reese, of St. Kilda-st.,

    Elwood. said that de-scriptions whioh he and h1s friends later wrote

    lxlut U1e ObJeCt agreed almost exactly.

    "We saw the object for about five secon~" he said. ··one thing I cannot explain is that. wh1le it seemed to move at a fantastic speed. it also had a floa tin~t grace."

    "At the bottom of Its din. '70 feet up and 60 yard.'! away, it belched out a yellow, gaseous matter from its stern.

    ur t did not fade away, but disappeared quite suddenly as if someone had switched out a light,'' he ended.

    Saucer No. 2 Another "flying sau-