Download - Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Twelfth Sunday in 21, 2020 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 Answer to Quiz

  • June 21, 2020 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 1

    Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time November 4, 2012 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 M S

    Monday–Saturday: 8:45 a.m. Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Holy Days: Schedule varies. Check the bulletin.

    S R Saturdays, 4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., or by appointment

    Rev. Edmond Aristil…………... .............................. Pastor Email ................................. [email protected] Deacon Phil DuBrownik ......................................... Deacon Senior Deacon Jim Detloff………………… ……..Deacon Mrs. Jama Dowdy… ......... Adm Assistant / Bulletin Editor Mrs. Amy Switalski ..…….....Director of Music & Liturgy Ms. Dowdy……………Coordinator of Religious Education

    ————————————————————————————————— 4330 West 180th Street Phone: (708) 798-0757 Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478 Fax: (708) 798-0799 Religious Education: (708) 799-4430

  • Page 2 Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time June 21, 2020

    Subject: Reopening Update for St

    Emeric Church

    Hello St Emeric family, As our parish continues to move forward with reopening efforts in accordance with the plan announced by Cardinal Cupich and the bishops of Illinois, as well as the governor’s Restore Illinois plan, I want to provide you with an update on our progress and priorities. We have been approved to resume public Masses, which began 6/14/20. Given the current restrictions on attendance (up to 15% capacity of our church, that is about 50 people), we are using SignUpGenius, an online tool that allows you to reserve space for you and those in your household for Mass. You can also call the parish to reserve. There are two reasons for that: one is the number limit; the other is “contact tracing” because your contact information must be kept for 14 days in the event that someone who attended a mass is diagnosed with the virus, at which point all who attended that mass would need to be contacted, tested and possibly quarantined. Now, there are a few more important points to consider, and I can only ask for your understanding and patience with all of this; it falls under the category of “don’t shoot the messenger” since I didn’t make up any of these rules! You may only enter the church by the main entrance and you must wear a mask during mass. Greeters will be present to ensure that you use hand sanitizer as you enter the church, and you will be escorted to a seat that allows for social distancing:


    The designated seats will be toward the front of the church. If you are with another member of your household, you may sit together. There will be no singing (the hymnals are removed from the pews, but we can have a cantor and accompanist), a single file line for communion with hand sanitizer provided before you receive communion (only in the hand), masks & social distancing (of course), and dismissal pew by pew by the ushers. • Check your temperature: if you have one, please

    do not come to church. • Stay home if you are ill. • Do not change seats during a service. Because of the requirement for the church to be not just cleaned but completely sanitized after each mass, our regular mass schedule will be delayed.

    For now, we will be having mass only on Sunday at 10:30AM until further notice. We also begin daily mass at the regular time 8:45 AM but the Saturday morning mass will not resume until further notice to limit the burden that is being placed on those who are so generously offering their help with all that it takes to have mass in the church. o help ensure that everything runs as smoothly and peacefully as possible, please review the parishioners guide we published in the Bulletin last week and contact us with any questions ahead of time. For those who are not able to return to Mass or are not yet comfortable joining us in person, be assured of our prayers for you.

    Your Help is Needed The Reopening Co-leadership Team and our Volunteer Captains need additional people to step forward and serve in various capacities so that our community may continue to celebrate and worship together. Once again, I am immensely grateful to the members of the “reopening team” who have been so generous, conscientious, and proactive in making the reopening of our church possible for us. We need more help, if you feel you can help with set-up or greeting, or cleaning please contact Jama at the office. (708) 799 0757 Additionally, our Parish family needs your financial support. As a community of believers, we can only sustain our ministries and outreach with your generosity and regular contributions. God will work something new from the challenges we are currently facing. It is clear to me the need for community – and within that word, unity – is being expressed in powerful ways. It is my fervent hope that we, as disciples of Jesus Christ, will embrace this moment to begin witness to our faith in new ways, to share with one another our stories of faith and invite others into an encounter with the Risen Lord. May God grant you His peace during this difficult time and may He manifest His love and presence to you in abundant ways. If you have any questions, please the office. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Edmond

  • June 21, 2020 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3

    Answer to Quiz on the Body and Blood of Christ!!

    1) On the evening before He was crucified, Jesus ate a

    meal, the "Last Supper," with His 12 disciples. Which Jewish holiday were they celebrating?

    Hanukkah Passover Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur

    Answer Passover/ Mark 14:12-16. Passover was, and still is, an important holiday for Jews. The Passover preparations and meal are steeped in symbolism. The roasted lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs and cups of wine all serve as reminders of the Hebrews' escape from slavery in Egypt. 2) When Jesus broke bread and passed it to His disciples, He said, "Take; this is _______."

    food for the soul my body the bread of life the new covenant

    Answer my body / Mark 14:22. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take it; this is my body." 3) When Jesus gave his disciples the traditional cup of wine, He said, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is _______."

    manna from heaven poured out for many shed on the cross the water of life

    Answer poured out for many / Mark 14:23-24. 23Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it. 24"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many," he said to them. 4) Which Christian sacrament is based on Jesus' words at His Last Supper?

    Holy Communion Eucharist The Lord's Supper All of the above

    Answer All of the above...Different churches call this sacrament by different names: Communion because it brings us in fellowship with God and other believers; Eucharist (thanksgiving) because we are thankful for Christ and His saving work; The Lord's Supper because it commemorates Jesus' last meal with His disciples .


    Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13;

    Mt 7:1-5

    Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14

    Wednesday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17;

    1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80

    Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29

    Friday: 2 Kgs 25:1-12; Ps 137:1-6; Mt 8:1-4

    Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21;

    Mt 8:5-17

    Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a; Ps 89:2-3, 16-19; Rom 6:3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-42


    When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.

    —William Shakespeare

  • Page 4 Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time June 21, 2020


    What to Expect:


    Check your temperature: if you have one, please do not come to church. Stay home if you are ill. Make sure you have a face covering to bring and wear. Remember to bring your registration if you are not already on a list of attendees ♦ Call parish and register

    708 7990757 for weekend masses only

    ♦ Or use Sign up Genius to register for weekend masses only

    ♦ No registrations needed for Mon—Fri daily mass


    ARRIVE Enter only in marked doorways. Wait patiently to be checked in by greeter. Keep your face covering or mask on at all times except for receiving Communion. Sanitize your hands as directed by greeter. Observe social distancing at all times (look for marks on the floor). Ushers will direct you to pews with markings showing where to sit. Since there will be no passing of baskets for your offering please leave your offering in the boxes provided at the entrance and exit areas


    SERVICE Do not change seats during a service. There will be no passing of offering baskets. No physical sign of peace will be exchanged during Mass. ====================

    Follow instructions for Communion:

    • Leave your seat only when directed by usher

    or greeter. • Maintain six feet social

    distancing in the Communion line – look for marks on the floor.

    • When 12 feet or two people away from the priest, sanitize your hands using the sanitizer from the usher. After sanitizing do not touch any surfaces.

    • Approach the priest only after you are called forward. DO NOT remove your face covering.

    • Extend a single hand to receive the Host.

    • After moving six feet to the right or left, remove your mask and consume the Host.

    • Replace your face covering or mask.

    • Follow instructions to return to your pew.

  • June 21, 2020 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5

    Pray for Our Troops

    If you would like us to pray for a Parishioner or a Relative of a Parishioner serving in the Military, please email [email protected] or call at 708-799 0757.


    Bradley Bruno Alejandro Hardaway

    MARINES Pvt Joshua Tyler

    ARMY Bruno Brittany DeShaun White



    Offertory—Week of 06/014/20 1955.00 Weekly Budgeted Goal 06/14/20 $3115.38 Difference: ——————- -$ 1160.38

    God’s blessing to you for your generosity!

    Edward Leak Husband of Alberta Leak

    Most Rev. George Murry

    Laurel Harrell

    Cousin of Larry Middleton

    Ella Bertrand Aunt of Joanne Middleton

    Dominic Calaguas

    Husband of Maura Calaguas

    William (Bill) Hildebrand Husband of Janice Hildebrand

    Pearline Gipson

    Aunt of David & Janice Scott

    Cheryl Pyles Cousin of Joanne Middleton


    Wife of Michael O’Connor, mother of Bill & Colleen

    Michael Duggan

    Bettie Cowan Mother of Janice Scott

    Patricia Simkins

    All those who have died from COVID-19 Pandemic

    “Called Home to be with the LORD”

  • Page 6 Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time June 21, 2020


    Tuesday June 23 6:00pm Sunday By Sunday N/A

    ** Please feel free to call the office for any changes or reservations in

    Mass schedules!! (708) 798-0757


    Thanks to our advertisers who sponsor this bulletin.

    Support them with your business.

    Leak & Sons Funeral Homes 18400 S Pulaski

    Country Club Hills, IL 708 206 0860


    Father’s Day Prayer Lord, thank you for all fathers. For the new ones, who endure sleepless nights with infants in arms. For the

    busy ones, who juggle the pressures of home and family life. For the steadfast ones, who nurture and

    care for our special vulnerable children. For the patient ones, who always seek to forgive and engage

    with their pre-teens. For the persistent ones, who cleverly find new ways to connect with their mini-

    adults. For the father uncles, who step in to cradle and care for nieces and nephews. For all granddads, who

    love and support their precious grandchildren. For the foster dads that are called to gather and cover the

    fragile ones. For the Sunday dads who care for our children and lead them in faith. For the dads who give

    far beyond their own resources, who overcome disability to cherish and love. Thank you Lord for all

    our beautiful fathers. Help us to support them and keep them in our prayers. May you bless them now on

    this their special day. Amen.

    Liturgies for the Week

    Monday, June 22 8:45 AM — Thomas Suffren

    Tuesday, June 23 8:45 AM — Rose Wichrowski

    Wednesday, June 24 8:45 AM — Delores McFadden

    Thursday, June 25 8:45 AM — Kay Reisch

    Friday, June 26 8:45 AM — Albert Martinez

    Saturday, June 27 No Service scheduled

    Sunday, June 28 10:30am— Betty J Gavin /Ted Dirksen /

    Lawrence Dennin

    Notes form Phil and Amy Here’s a look at next Sunday’s Scripture

    Highlights First Reading from 2 Kings 4

    That is the holy man of God, let him remain there.

    Responsorial Psalm 89: I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

    Second Reading from Romans 6:

    Having been buried with him through baptism, we shall walk in a new life.

    The Gospel from Matthew 10:

    Anyone who does not accept his cross is not worthy of me.

    Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me!

  • June 21, 2020 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7

    P O : .......................... (708) 798-0757 8:30 —2:30 M -T P O F : .................. (708) 798-0799 R E : ............. (708) 799-4430 P H P : ................ (708) 799-6812 E-M : ........................... [email protected] B

    Passing on our faith is the most important thing a couple can do for their child. Baptisms take place on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 11:45 a.m. and the 4th Sunday of the month at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Parents are urged to contact the Parish Office two months in advance of the anticipated baptism to set up the date for a mandatory pre-baptismal class and the baptism.

    W Contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance for information on preparation for marriage and planning of the wedding.

    S C Please contact the parish when a parishioner is seriously ill. Ministers can bring Communion to the homebound. If you anticipate a hospital stay, please speak a priest about receiving the Anointing of the Sick.

    R E Parents are urged to make sure their child receives formal Catholic Religious Education. Please contact the Religious Education Office, at (708) 799-4430 for information.

    I B C ? We want to meet you! Talk to the clergy or call the Religious Education Office at (708) 799-4430 for information on the Order of Christian Initiation.

    P R New parishioners are asked to register as soon as possible. Please introduce yourself to the clergy. Registration forms are available from the ushers.

    W A S P All Catholics are urged to be good stewards of their time, talent and treasure. Responsible giving in support of charity and the Church is part of the Christian vocation. We urge parishioners to consider remembering Saint Emeric in their wills. Please call the pastor for more information.

    A ’ W S

    Norma Alford Herman Ambuehl Ronald Baker Jackie Bedford Herminia Benitez Jo Ann Blasczyk Jeanne Bodnar Linda Braun Michelle Brown Richard Bozzo Geraldine Bruno James Carroll Providence Casebeer Nicholas Carasco Maura Calaguas Mary Ann Clifford Frank Cuti Covid All Affected

    Gary Danek Patricia Daubert Tricia DePasquale Georgia Dirksen Liz Dirksen Debra Dixon Walnette Douglas Tracy Earl Patricia Ann Emmons Candido Esparza Max & Celia Estoesta Karen Fider Patsy Glaeser Darvin Galbreth Karen Gooden Staci Griffey Fred Griffin Sr. Percy Hampton

    Joseph Harris Levora Harris Elbert & Janice Heno Juanita Hernandez Asleigh Hitterman Darius Hogans Dwight Howard, II Pat Howland Andrew Jagoda Angela Rucker-Jefferson Tim Jones Julie Kaczmarewski Ashley Kacmarewkski Fr. Jerry Knies Pat Laschober Alberta Leak Hope Looyenga Margaret Lynch Patrick Lynch

    Delphine Mathis Patrick McKeague Linda McKeague Marlene Mehmel Larry Middleton Nichole Mikulich Jean O’Brien Margaret ( Peg) Olson Dorothy Pringle Jessie Robertson Sarah Rucker Yvette Saunders Annie Sears Vincent Serrato Ric & Suzette Sebastian Ellen Shepherd Abbie Smithson Gregory Spruce Terry Taylor

    William Thibideau Louella Vaugh Jackie Walker Richard Whitehead Ella Willis Florence Williams John Wright Winsor Estates Residents Victory Centre Residents

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