Download - Think With Your Brain (Revised Release Of Do We Need Business Intelligence) August 2012

Page 1: Think With Your Brain (Revised Release Of Do We Need Business Intelligence) August 2012

a.don’t think in the box, think out of the box, b.don’t think dogmatic, think open, c.don’t think static, think dynamic, d.don’t think only “you”, think demanding & disciplined teamwork,

1.think in your times with tools from the past2.think about use of information and ways of intelligence

gathering, your way !

Above all

THINKWith your brain

Page 2: Think With Your Brain (Revised Release Of Do We Need Business Intelligence) August 2012

Why do you need BUSINESS


Thanks to

Swain Scheps author of BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE for DUMMIES – 2008 First Edition

Whose text is a mandatory reading for this course

August 2012


©Wiley Publishing Inc., Indianapolis – Indiana©Wikipedia

©2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 My brain

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In a nut-shell Business Intelligence is finding out


and, above all

Why ? BE



Basically put your C.U. R. I. O. S. I. T. Y. in ACTION & to WORK

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timely accurate high value actionable

business insights (an unproven hypothesis)

and the work processes and technologies used to reach them.

Business Intelligence essentially is

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Good pro-active, efficient and effective B.I. must follow theK.i.s.s.s. vs. K.i.S. process

Keep itSimple, short, sharp/spotlessnot


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Do you know what a S.W.O.T. represent?

Have you heard what the Plan Do Chek Act

andQuick and Dirty

processes are all about ?

Are you curious to explore the world of Kanban japanese management ?

What do the terms such as Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu,Gemba identify ?

Have you asked yourself how you can gather do information





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Strengths (Pluses) Weaknesses (Minuses)



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Strengths (Pluses) Weaknesses (Minuses)

Opportunities Threats

Recognize your strenght Look at your « soft spots »

What is an opportunity ?

What do you percieve you are afraid of ?

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quick & dirty is

vite et grossièrement

Analyse et/ou réalisation visant à aller rapidement à l’essentiel.

Autrement dit, l’approche Quick & Dirty s’applique a dégager le 20/80 d’une situation.

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after quick and dirty ?

What are the Strenghts of Q&D ?

Are the Threats represented by Q&D ?

Where do you identify the possible Weaknesses of Q&D ?

Why are there inherent Opportunities in using the Q&D process?

What is the process that you must follow ?

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Plan, Do, Check, Act (P.D.C.A)is

Planifier, Réaliser, Contrôler, Corriger

Processus apprenant l’amélioration continue de la qualité

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Kanban is a concept related to lean and just-in-time (JIT) production.

Basically you use what you need and you produce what you use.

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Kaizen (means change “kai” to become good “zen”) is a Japanese philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement throughout all aspects of life.

Basically tomorrow you must strive to do better than yesturday.

Kaizen is a daily activity, the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement.

It is a process that, when done correctly, humanizes the workplace, eliminates overly hard work ("muri"), and teaches people how to perform experiments on their work using the scientific method and how to learn to spot and eliminate waste in business processes.

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Genchi Genbutsu means "go and see for yourself"

The notion is that rather than simply hear or read about a problem and make a suggestion for improvement, you should actually go to its direct location and experience the situation first hand.

All too often an issue is raised on a conference call, in a meeting, in the board room or even over email.

The right way to operate is put yourself on the line and "go and see for yourself“.

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A Gemba is a visit to a User/Customer. The purpose is to :

firstly to observe, occasionally to question, rarely to guide or direct,

The visit occurs in the context where the product or service is used, which allows direct observation of problems that arise, hands-on-solutions that are applied, and capabilities or services that are never used.

The User is asked to describe what he is doing while he is doing it.

This provides insight into the thinking processes, which often reveal differences between the customer's mental model and the model of the developers or providers of the product or service.

The User will often express wishes or needs while working in context that would be forgotten or suppressed in a different context such as a structured interview or sales meeting.

The reasons for a Gemba customer visit are, among others :enhancing the features or usability of products or devices (especially ones aimed at very broad or very niche consumers) improving processes or tools

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In a few words

The Three fundamental of kaizen are :

the shop floor (gemba)

the actual product (gembutsu)

the actual condition or situation (genjitsu)

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Too many people still make decisions the old-fashioned way : by blending a pieces and morsels of current information, best recollections of the past, advice from others, their inner “gut feelings” , and then assessing which path is likely to give the best possible outcome for the decision at hand.

Decisions drive organizations.

Making a good decision at a critical moment may lead to a more efficient operation, a more profitable enterprise, or perhaps a more satisfied customer

That’s why we need Business Intelligence, not because the doctor told you so!

Business intelligence is using data about yesterday and today to make better decisions about tomorrow

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Limited Resources, Limitless Decision

Companies are forced to do with what they have – at all times.

The most precious resource is time.

The marketplace is in constant motion and companies must not only move correctly, they must move quickly.

Otherwise competitors will fill any available vacuum in the market, resources will get used up and your organization will inexorably wither away.

Roads taken and those not taken represent the separation between successful and unsuccessful Companies.

Better decisions, with the use and help of Business Intelligence, may & can make the difference

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Business Intelligence Defined

BI is an activity, tool, or process used to obtain the best information to support the process of making decisions.

BI revolves around putting computing power (highly specialized software in concert with other more common technology assets) to work, to help make the best choices for your organization.

Business Intelligence is essentially:

timely accurate high value actionable

business insights and the work processes and technologies used to obtain


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SUMMAAll this will lead you to think

don’t think in the box, think out of the box, don’t think dogmatic, think open, don’t think static, think

dynamic, don’t think only “you”, think demanding & disciplined

teamwork, think in your times with tools from the past

think about use of information and ways of intelligence gathering,

your way !