Download - THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

Page 1: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

1C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m


Social Media: Facebook, Twitter and




NAME: ..............................................................................

Page 2: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

2C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

Cyber Bullying & Cyber Safety

Questions and feedback:


Welcome to Mastering Cyber bullying and Cyber safety!

Learning about cyber bullying and cyber safety is as important as Maths and English for a young person growing up in today’s digital world. Teens need education and guidance about how to safely and ethically use social media, mobile phones and the internet. A lack of expertise with electronic communication and technology can make it difficult for parents to guide or support their children.

The resources contained in Mastering Cyber bullying and Cyber safety will provide students with knowledge, skills and ethics they need to safely navigate their way through an increasingly complex digital world. Safe online behaviour, how to recognise and react to unsafe situations including sending and receiving of sexual messages, on-line bullying, cyber crime and the law are some of the topics covered.

This resource also encourages students to think about the impact of their on-line behaviour, on themselves and others, now and in the future.

The combination of quizzes, worksheets, activities, scenarios and associated videos presented in a visually appealing way makes this resource ideal for any school pastoral care / welfare program. Students can work through the workbook individually, in groups or as whole class activities.

Mastering Cyber bullying and Cyber safety has consolidated a lot of information into a single workbook, making it straightforward for teachers to implement and students and their parents to understand.

Page 3: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

3C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

ContentsPlaying and staying safe online....................................... 5

How cyber smart are you................................................... 6

Information Protection ...................................................... 7

Do you roll out the red carpet for identity thieves .. 8

How to protect yourself from Identity theft .............. 9

Buying online ........................................................................10

10 Tips when buying online ............................................ 11

Cyber crime ...........................................................................12-13

Bullying Baboons ................................................................ 14-15

Stop Cyber bullying ........................................................... 16-17

‘Sally’ – a story about cyber bullying ........................... 18-19

Text bullying ........................................................................ 20

Sexting .................................................................................... 21

Exposed – video / worksheet ......................................... 22

Snap Chat warning ............................................................. 23

Snap Chat ............................................................................... 24

News – ‘ Sexting teens naked photos go viral’........... 25-26

Sexting – ‘Megan’s Story’ .................................................. 27

‘Put yourself in this situation’ – sexting scenario ..... 28

Are you a cyber bully? ....................................................... 29

Strong Choices – Cyber Safety ....................................... 30

Flagging on You Tube ......................................................... 30

Brodie’s Law ........................................................................... 31

What you post online will last forever ......................... 32-33

Facebook Warning .............................................................. 34

Who likes Tennis? ................................................................. 35

Think before you post,, 36-37

So you have made a mistake and now regret it........ 38-39

Cyber safety and Ethical Behaviour .............................. 40

Cyber safety and Ethical Behaviour (Questions )..... 41

Quiz answers ........................................................................ 42

Master ing Cyber Bul ly ing and Cyber Safety

Page 4: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

4C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

CYBER SAFETY in a digital world INFORMATION PROTECTION• UserID,passwords,privacy,security• Phishing,malware,adware• Identitytheft• Cybercrime,hackers

CYBER BULLYING• SEXTING• Ethicalbehaviour• Strategiestodealwithcyberbullying• Socialmediawarning• TheLaw

The Internet, mobile phones and other electronic devices provide children and adults with many incredible opportunities, learning, socialising, researching, being creative, conducting business, reading news, shopping and playing games.


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5C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

What do I need to know?

Playing and Staying


VIDEO:Playing and Staying Safe Online

This video runs for 1 minute 46 seconds and is split into 3 parts.

Part 1 – Information you should keep privatePart 2 – Respect yourself, dealing with online bullies, Think before you post.Part 3 – Be cautious with online people. Safety tips.

Personal information- What details should you NEVER provide over the Internet to someone you do not know?• ..........................................................................................................................................................................• ..........................................................................................................................................................................• ..........................................................................................................................................................................• ..........................................................................................................................................................................• ..........................................................................................................................................................................

1. Use P _ _ V _ _ E settings.

2. Keep Pass...................................... safe.

3. Do not tell anyone, including

your F ...........................................

VIDEO: How cyber smart are you?

This 4 min and 59 second video is an excellent introduction to the topic. The incredible growth in Australia of internet technology and users; what is cyber bullying and cyber safety tips are presented in a fast paced manner.

Q1 8.7 million Australians were accessing social n................................................sites in June 2010.

Q2 a.) 35% of 8-11 year olds received friends requests from people they did not K.................

b) .................% are likely to accept this request

Q3 61% of 12- .................year olds are likely to accept f..................................... requests from strangers

Q4 Give 3 reasons why is it important for students to learn about cyber safety?

1.) ...........................................................................


2.) ...........................................................................


3.) .....................................................................


Page 6: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

6C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

INFORMATION PROTECTION User ID’s and PasswordsWHAT IS A USERNAME? Itisanamethatestablishestheidentityoftheuser.

WHAT IS A PASSWORD? Itisaword,phraseorcombinationofcharactersthatconfirmstheidentityoftheuser.

WHY ARE PASSWORDS IMPORTANT? Theyarethefirstandsometimes(theonly)formofdefenceprotecting;•,health, banking,emails• data,companyrecords,clientlists,intellectual propertyetc.from‘hackers’

• Theyallowonlyyoutoaccessyourinformation, websites, etc

WHAT IS A STRONG PASSWORD? Googleoffersthefollowingadvice.• Uselongpasswords(8ormorecharacters)thatcontainnumbers,lettersandsymbols. e.g.(&/$HoT14,d)• Havedifferentpasswordsforbanking,onlineshopping,payingaccountsand accessingwebsites.(Ifyouhaveaweakpasswordlike12345orabcde,anditis hacked,youruntheriskofallofyouraccountsbeinghacked)• Changepasswordsregularly.

WHY SHOULD YOU IGNORE THE QUIZZES?Thetriviaquizzes,personalitytests,surveysetcmaybeokay,butwhytaketherisk?• Theycouldbeacyberthiefputtingtogetheraprofileofwhoyouare,whereyou live...andyoucouldbehelpingthemfindyouridentity.• Beveryawareoftheinformationyouputonline• YoucouldbetellingyourfriendsonFacebookthatyouhaveanewdogcalledFred orthatyourmother(Mary)willbevisitingyoufortwoweeks.Onlinecrookscanuse thisinformationtoanswersecurityquestionsthatyouuseforonlineaccounts.e.g. (Whatisyourfavouritepet’sname?)Theyalsoknowthatyourmother’shousewillbe vacant–thiscouldincreasetheriskofitbeingbrokeninto.

VIDEO: Steering Clear of Cyber TricksTips for parents and children, warning them to not get drawn into completing personality tests, quizzes, games, pop ups, anything that leads to giving away personal information. Explains ‘Phishing’and gives tips about what to do if someone has accessed your personal information such as banking details.6

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M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

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QUESTIONSONInformation protection

Answers on page 42 Write true or false in the space provided (answers on page ... )

1 ................... Passwordsdonotneedtobechangedregularly2 ................... Itissafetousethesamepasswordforallofyouron-lineactivity3 ................... Astrongpasswordwillcontainacombinationofsymbols,lettersand numbers4 ................... Youareingreaterriskofhavingyouraccount‘hacked’ifithasa ‘strong’password5 ...................Whena‘popup’saysyouhavewonaprize,clickheretowin,you shouldclickit.6 ................... Youshouldtrustyour‘bestfriend’withyourpassword7 ................... Youshouldwriteyourpasswordsonpostitnotesandstickthemonthe backofyourcomputer8 ................... Apasswordoflessthan8charactersiseasyto‘hack’9 ................... Ifyouthinkyourpasswordhasbeen‘discovered’bysomeone,change itimmediately10 ................. Itissafetore-useoldpasswords.

Multiple Choice Questions - Circle correct answer(s) There may be more than one!

1.) Why is it advisable to turn your computer off when you have finished using it?a) Tosavepowerb) Topreventafireoccurringshouldtherebeafaultinthecomputerc) Topreventunauthorizedusersfrombeingabletogainaccessd) Alloftheabove

2.) When your computer prompts you to save your password you shoulda) Clickon‘yes’b) Clickon‘no’c) Reportittotheauthoritiesd) Changeyourpassword

3.) An example of a good, ‘strong’ password would be a) Agirl’snamesuchasGemmab) Atleast8letterslongc) Apasswordthatwasusedlastyeard) Containaminimumof8characterswhichincludesnumbersandsymbols

4.) If you have trouble remembering your passworda) Writeitdownonapieceofpaper/notebookandstoreitnexttothecomputerb) Createapasswordfolderonyourcomputerandsaveallpasswordsinthefolderc) Givethepasswordtoyourbestfriend,thatwayyou’llhaveabackupifyouforgetd) Usethefirstletterofawellknownsaying/phrase/songandaddanumber/symbol 7

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8C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m


Here are the top 10 passwords used online according to PC magazine.

1.Password 2.12345 3.Qwerty 4.abc123 5.Letmein 6.Monkey 7.Myspace18.Password1 9.(petname)10.(yourfirstname)

Do you roll out THE RED CARPET

for identity thieves?

RIDDLES1. Whyarepasswordslikesocks?2. Whywasabuginthecomputer?3. Whatisacomputervirus?4.Howdoyouknowyourcomputerisgettingold?5. Whatisanastronaut’sfavouritekeyonthecomputerkeyboard?6.Whyarepasswordslikeunderpants?


Page 9: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

9C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

Q. So how do you recognise a secure website?

A. Look for 2 thingsFirstly,ithasanhttps://atthebeginningoftheweb




Second,itmusthaveapictureofalockinthebottom righthandcornerofthepage

Signs that you have fallen victim to identity theft

1. Unexplainedcharges,withdrawalsfrombankaccount.2. Youreceivecreditcardsyoudidnotapplyfor.3. Youreceivebillsforitemsyoudidnotbuy.4. Yourmobilephonesuddenlygetsdisconnectedorisstolen.

In all of these circumstances, contact the bank or business immediately...

w w w. b e h av i o u r m a d e e a sy. co m

NEVER open emails or attachments fromemailaddressesyouareunfamiliarwith.

NEVER respond to emails that ask you toverifyyouraccount information,username,passwordetc.



NEVER use public computers for onlinebanking.

NEVER sendmoney topay forflights foranonline‘friend’tocometoseeyou.




Page 10: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

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C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

10C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m


Mary was a victim to online fraud...

“Mary liked to buy clothes online... She usually found some

really good bargains and there had never

been any hassle or problems. ”

The clothes generally arrived within a week or two. When she saw a site advertising a watch that she had wanted for half price, she quickly purchased it.

Three weeks later, when the watch had not arrived, she began to worry. She tried to contact the internet site but the email address they supplied was false. The phone number on the invoice they sent was not connected.

Mary never got the watch. She spent $175 on a ‘bargain’. Her mistake...she did not check to see if the website was legitimate. Remember never send money to a site that does not have https: // or a lock on the screen.


Page 11: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

11C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

What do I need to know?

10 TIPS WHEN Buying Online

1. Use familiar websites:

Start at a trusted site rather than shopping via a search engine. Search results are often rigged to lead you astray. If you know a site, it is alot less likely they will rip you off. Stay on sites like Amazon, Target, Bonds or Supre: all are reputable organisations. If using ebay: make sure they are a trusted seller, and pay via paypal.2. Look for the lock. Never buy anything using your credit card from a site that doesn’t have a SSL (secure sockets layer). You will know if a site has a SSL because the URL will start with HTTPS://3. Don’t tell all. Not all shopping stores needs your birthday and mother’s maiden name to do business. But, if a thief gets it, it can do a lot of damage to your bank account.4. Check statements. Don’t wait until the end of the month to check your statements. Check them often: and contact the bank ASAP if there is a problem.5. Protect your PC. Protect your computer against malware with regular updates to your antivirus program. Often sites can run things in the background which you do not notice.6. Use strong passwords. Ensure you keep your shopping passwords and banking passwords unique.7. If shopping on your phone: Use the recommended apps to find what you want and purchase directly, without going to the store or the website.8. Avoid public computers and locations: If you must make a purchase in public, remember to log out every time, even if you were just checking email. If you are in a public location, watch out for over the shoulder snoopers as you put in your credit card number and expiration date. At minimum, sit at the back, facing the door.9. Use your own wi-fi, not McDonalds free one: It is not a good idea to try out a free wi-fi hotspot you are unfamiliar with whilst making a first purchase online.10. Know when it is too good to be true: Be wary even when you see an offer that looks way too good. Be very wary even if you get a message from a friend claiming he or she has been robbed, especially a friend overseas looking for money to be wire transferred, unless you absolutely can confirm it by talking to him or her personally

Have you ever bought something online? Yes/No

(If no, ask a friend about their experience...)

What site did you buy from?

...............................................................................Was it a reputable seller?

...............................................................................Did the order process smoothly and you

recieved your item?


............................................................................................List 3 tips for safe online shopping

1. .........................................................................


2. .........................................................................


3. .........................................................................


VIDEO: Shopping ShamStay safe when you shop online by ensuring the site uses secure payment processes...otherwise you could have your cash and personal details stolen!


Page 12: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

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12C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

Companies targeted by the hackers include Visa Inc, licensee, J.C. Penney Co, JetBlue Airways Corp and French retailer Carrefour SA according to an indictment unveiled in New Jersey.

Prosecutors said they estimate thatthe group of five men from Russiaand Ukraine helped steal at least160million payment card numbers,resulting in losses in excess of $300million.

• The cards were sold for varyingamounts depending on thecountrywheretheywereissued.

• U.S.cardsweresoldfor$10.• $15forcardsissuedinCanada.• $50forEuropeancards,whichare

more expensive because theyhave computer chips thatmakethemmoresecure.

The five criminals hid their efforts by disabling the anti-virus software of their victims and storing data on multiple hacking platforms.

They sold payment card numbersto resellers, who then sold them ononline forums or to “cashers” whoencode the numbers onto blankplasticcards.

TheindictmentcitedAlbertGonzalezas a co-conspirator. He is alreadyserving20yearsinprisonafterpleadingguilty tohelpingmastermindoneofthe biggest hacking fraud schemesinU.S.history,helpingstealmillionsofcredit and debit cards.

Prosecutors say the defendantsworked with Gonzalez before hisarrestinMiami,thencontinuedonacrimespreeafterhiscapture.

CYBER CRIME(source: Reuters) - Thursday, July 25th, 2013)

Federal prosecutors said they have charged five men responsible for a hacking and credit card fraud spree that cost companies more than $300 million. Two of the suspects are in custody, in the

biggest cyber crime case filed in U.S. history.

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y New Jersey U.S Attorney

Paul J Fishman


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What do you think?

Have a Class discussion...

Isitokaytostealcreditcards? ..............................................................





Whatshouldhappentocyber hackerswhentheygetcaught?



IsitokforRussianstostealthe creditcardsofAmericans?



Arecyberhackersthreatening ournationalsecurity?



Itisourfaultifhackerscanshut downessentialservices. Eg.Trafficlightoperation,trains, water,electricity,banks.



Hackersshouldbeapplauded fortheir‘cleverness’.



Cyber crimeReadingandUnderstanding...1. Howmanypeoplehavebeen chargedwiththecrime?


2. WhatisthenameoftheU.S.Attorney mentionedinthearticle?

...................................................................3. Howmuchmoneyhas(estimate)the groupstolen?

...................................................................4. Howdidthevictimsnotknowtheir cardnumbershadbeenstolen?



...................................................................5. Wherearethecriminalsfrom?


...................................................................6. HowmuchisanAmericancreditcard soldfor?

...................................................................7. WhyareEuropeancreditcardsworth moremoney?




8. Howlongistheprisontermofoneof theoriginal,‘hackers’?





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14C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

IF YOU WANT TO SEE BULLIES AT WORK, WATCH A GROUP OF MONKEYS: like Savanna baboons. When a monkeys live in dominance hierarchies, they spend much of their time threatening each other.

They harass each other. Making life miserable and utterly horrible...Social-climbing males are often the major trouble. Before a male baboon reaches adulthood, he must leave his family group and find a new one. As they are the new members, these males typically occupy position on the social ladder. However, an ambitious male baboon will work his way up the hierarchy.

How does he do it? It may depend on several factors: from his fighting ability, his length of residency in the new group and his ability to form alliances with other males. It’s not just a male thing. Female baboons have their own hierarchies, and life can be unpleasant for the girls at the bottom.

Baboons frequently "show off" their dominance status by threatening and harassing lower-ranking animals. In 2004, research was conducted on a group of wild Savanna baboons by a man called Robert Sapolsky. Since the early 1980s, this group was characterized by the typical high-stress, aggressive culture of Savanna baboons.

But, then an virus swept through the group members, killing the most aggressive males. Only a few males remained and these were the

lower ranked, more cooperative and mellow baboons.In the years to follow: the social life changed for the baboons. The high-ranking males rarely harassed their inferiors and friendly behaviour increased rapidly. Not only did the females became more relaxed, but the adult males were found grooming each other: which is something the researchers had never seen before.

Once the new social structure of the baboons was established, they stuck.When new males joined the group, these males learned to fit in. The group of baboons has completely changed over the last 20 years, but new social structure of the baboons remains.

So what can we learn from these baboons: A culture of rampant bullying: even amongst a group of baboons who are well known for their aggressiveness can be retrained to think differently. Although bullying is a signal of dominance or social status: we can change the attitudes of everyone in the school: bullies, victims and bystanders alike.



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Are U behaving like a BABOON ?Use information in the article to complete the following statements.

1. Male baboons leave their family group before reaching A............................................................

2. Ambitious male baboons try to make their way to the top of the s............................ L..................

.............. by fighting and forming a ‘gang’ with other bullying baboons. However, it is not only male

baboons who bully.

3. Both male and female baboons t................................................. and harass lower ranked


4. When a virus killed the most A................................................ males, a change in behaviour was


5. The baboons became more F................................................. towards each other. Baboons at the

top of the social S.................................................. were more C.................................................... and mellow.

The females became more R.....................................................................

6. Baboons stopped bullying: do you think it is possible for humans to stop bullying? ..............



RESEARCH ACTIVITY. Sayings like ‘pecking order’, social climber, rule the roost, being in the limelight, top banana, Bigwig’ are all related to dominant human behaviour. Find out where the

sayings originated. What do they mean?


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16C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

On October 19, 2012, in London, Ontario, eight teenage girls were arrested due to their alleged cyber bullying exploits on Facebook.

These girls were charged with criminal harassment...However, this case is unique to many others since it was before a potential suicide or complaints by the parents to authorities.

Members of the community were able to see what was coming and reported it.

Cyber bullying allows a level of anonymity.

A bully can more easily hide their identity or use an alias to trick

their victims into thinking they are someone else.

Cyber bullying allows a level of anonymity. A bully can more easily hide their identity or use an alias to trick their victims into thinking they are someone else.

VIDEO Delete cyber bullying Instant messaging, blogging, emailing, texting, and video chatting... what's next? With this dramatic shift to electronic socializing, bullying is no longer just on the playground or at school. It's everywhere, especially occurring online. Cyber bullying is affecting over 85% of teens across the world, and its effects range from depression, withdrawal, and even suicide.The video encourages Internet users to use the internet to change community for the better.

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Cyber bullying attacks can have a huge audience and a permanent impact. With the click of a

button, embarrassing images, sensitive information, or even misinformation can be sent to hundreds, thousands, even

millions of people.

Once something is posted on the internet and made public it can be impossible to remove it. You have no control over

who sees or stores the information, photos etc.

Cyber bullying can be 24/7. Children used to be able to retreat to the safety of their home and escape traditional

“offline” bullying. Physical walls cannot block text messages, instant messages, social networks, emails and

other forms of instantaneous communication. Cyber bullying attacks in a person’s home 24/7 can greatly

increase stress and anxiety levels.

Growing concern has been to the use

of electronic devices and the Internet

“cyber bully” to harass someone.

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M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

18C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m



Start reading here

Sally, Hannah and Tayla having fun at the beach

Sally and Tayla shopping at the mall during school holidays

“Sally”Start Reading Here


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When Sally asked, ‘Why did everyone hateher’, what had she done wrong? , Katielooked at Sally and said, ‘Are you kidding?YouareacowforwhatyoudidtoHannah’.Sallyreplied,‘ldon’tknowwhatyouaretalking


Whatdoyouthinkhashappened?Ithink...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................‘Sally,yesterdayyoupostedadisgustingphotoandwrotehorriblethingsaboutHannahonFacebook.Everyone’sseenit’,saidKatie.‘She’syourfriend,howcouldyoudoit?’saidTayla.Sallydidnotknowwhattheyweretalkingabout.Shehadnotusedfacebookforthreedays.Thensherealizedsomething.....SallyhadbeentoLisa’shouseontheweekend.Theywere ‘chatting’ to friendsanduploadingphotosonSally’s Facebookpage,whenLisa’sfriendZoearrived.SallydidnotlikeZoebecauseshewasalwaysmeantoothergirls,callingthemSk.....ksandSl....ts.SallysaidgoodbyetoLisaandwenthome.


1 Isitbepossibleforsomeonetopostmessagesonsomeoneelse’sfacebookorother socialmediasites?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 HaveyouoranyofyourfriendsbeeninasimilarsituationtoSally?Yes/No. Explainwhathappened. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Whyisitimportantnottoleaveacomputeronwhenyouleavearoom?..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Whatdoyouthinkhas happened?...ImagineyourselfinSally’sposition


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Text bullying is sending mean, embarrassing, untrue, or hurtful message to or about someone using mobile phone text messaging. This can also include sexting, or sending sexually suggestive text messages to someone or about someone.

Text bullying can be frightening and isolating. Far too many cases go unreported. However, giving in to text bullies is not the answer. There are ways to stop it and prevent it from happening at all.

TRY THESE TIPS:• If you are sent a message that makes you feel nervous, do not reply to it. If you react and the bully

knows their message has upset you, they will send more.

• Talk to your phone provider. They can put a text ban on the bully or even ban them from the network. Most phone companies such as Telstra or Optus will do their best to help you out: they will switch you to a new number.

• Don’t let text bullies frighten you. Sending anonymous texts is so lame and cowardly. If you ever receive a nasty text just ask yourself if they would say it to your face.

• Don’t give out your full name or address with your mobile number.

• Don’t arrange to meet someone you chat to without checking with your parents first.

• Only send texts when you’re in a good mood and think about whether you would like to receive a message like that before you hit send.

• Don’t feel pressured to give out your number to everyone who asks - just tell trusted friends and family.

Text Bullying


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Q1. What is ‘sexting’?



.............................................................................................................................................................................Q2. Why is ‘sexting’ a dangerous practice for a young person to engage in?



.............................................................................................................................................................................Q3. Why are there laws against children ‘sexting’?



.............................................................................................................................................................................Q4. How would you feel if a private picture of yours got out to your whole school?



......................................................................................................................................Q5. Would you want those who sent it out without your permission

to recieve some punishment? If yes, What? ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Q6. Will tougher laws stop children sexting? Yes / No Why?




............................................................................................................................. 21

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1. Dee (in the video) asked, “What did I do wrong?” Tell her in a sentence, beginning....’ Your mistake was:



............................................................................................................................................................................2. Dee said, ‘You can’t undo and you can’t go back’ Explain what you think this means



............................................................................................................................................................................3. Si sent the 5 photos of Dee to his friend. How did his choice to forward the photos impact Dee at the time?


............................................................................................................................................................................4. How could this affect Dee in the future?


............................................................................................................................................................................5. Who was responsible for what happened?



VIDEO ‘EXPOSED’ This excellent 10 minute and 35 second drama has been designed for 14 to 18 year olds. ‘Exposed’ deals with the subjects of sexting and cyberbullying, issues that teenagers commonly face. Dee sent some photos of herself to her boyfriend, not thinking that he would forward them to a mate and what would happen when the photos go ‘viral’.


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ExposedWe have all heard about the cool new app Snapchat, which allows people to send pictures and videos that only last a few

seconds before disappearing...

Q1. Do you currently use Snapchat? Yes / No What do you like about it?




Q2. What do you think makes Snapchat such a popular App?




Q3 Do you think the ‘disappearing feature’ lures people to do things they normally wouldn’t do? Yes / No? Why




Q4. What if you found out that the pictures and videos don’t disappear, that they were stored....Would you still send ‘selfies’? No / Yes. Explain your answer:





DID YOU KNOW: the pictures don’t just vanish into thin air. The way the app is set up: anyone can take a screen shot. People could take a photo with another camera. While theoretically the sender should be notified if a screen shot gets taken, it only takes a couple of minutes on Google to find a workaround.

Snapchat creates an illusion that something can disappear from the online world. This is very dangerous because that is untrue. The two lessons you need to learn about using social media is that: 1.) Nothing is private. 2.) Anything you do can last forever

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Snapchat acknowledges on its website that its messages aren’t guaranteed to disappear. Anyone receiving a text or photo can use their 10 seconds to capture a “screenshot,” or photo of their device’s screen, and save that image to their

phone. Video also can be downloaded...

Article in Queensland’s Courier Mail, July 12, 2013. Written by Renee Viellaris


VENGEFUL Queensland children are being charged with producing child sex images that are being shared by pedophile networks around the world.’ In summary the article says; 500 Queensland children under the age of 17

have been charged in the past 5 years for producing or accessing child exploitation material. One motivation for posting nude images appears to be revenge for a friendship or relationship break up.

The Police do not usually lay charges against children sexting nude photos of themselves. They want students to be educated about the law they are breaking and to realize the risk of being be humiliated and embarrassed if the photo was sent onto others.


For some, snapchat’s appeal is that the photo and video can only be seen for a short time and then it disappears. You may think that this app makes it safer and are you can do things you normally would not.

However, just think about that next time you go to use this app...If you do share information, through any type of electronic texting, (Snapchat being one of them), you need to realise that people are able to ‘capture’ the screen shot. Do you have control over that information and who knows where it goes?...

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Two teenage girls who sent naked photographs to a male student at their school have become the latest victims of ‘sexting’. The father of one of the girls has appealed to other parents for support to stop this practice, now that his daughter refuses to attend school and has been self harming.

Police were made aware of an incident where two girls, who were under 17 years of age, allegedly sent naked photographs to a male student. Evidently, the student had urged the girls to send him the photos so he could decide which of the two he would escort to their school formal. He shared the pictures on a social media site asking other people to rate the girls. The photos went viral, with an estimated 50,000 views of the photos within the first week.

The girl’s images received a plethora of embarrassing, ridiculing comments. Some images were altered and uploaded onto other sites.

When the girls found out what had happened, they told the boy to pull down the site. He had been shocked

by the nasty, threatening comments some people had made and agreed to help. Unfortunately, the photos had been forwarded so many times it was impossible to stop them reappearing. Five images were sent to their school principal’s email by another student (from a different school) who did not like the girls.

Police say the problem of "sexting" is widespread among young students, with most unaware of the criminal nature of their actions. Any digital image, distributed or taken, of a child under the age of 17 in Queensland is classified as child-exploitation material.

A police spokesman said, "These young people are not aware they are committing a serious offence and could face criminal charges." The main way students were sending photos was via Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

Young people wrongly believed they could permanently delete the pictures. "Once they are on social media, that's it. They are there forever," he said.

IN THE NEWSSexting teens’ naked photos go viral



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1. ‘Sexting’ is fun

2. ‘Sexting’ should not be

considered a crime

3. The laws on ‘Sexting’ should be tougher.

4. The girls ( in the story above) are to blame for

what happened to them.

5. If people ‘sext’ they

need to be prepared for

the consequences, no

matter how old they are.

1. ‘Rate your teacher, rate the girls in your class, rate the boys in your school’ etc... ‘Rating’ normally encourages people to comment on people’s physical appearance – ‘their looks’. If someone was to rate you, what would you like it to be about:

( tick if you agree)

Your ‘looks’ How you push people around How you respect people Your values – knowing what is right and wrong How caring you are to others How good you are at making teachers feel unhappy

2. How could a group of people ‘rating’ you affect your self confidence? .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3. Why is ‘sexting’ considered a crime if the photos are of children ( under 17 in Qld / 18 in NSW) ?.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Do you think people realise once they post an image, it is there forever? Yes / No

5. If people knew images were stored, do you think they would post ‘selfies’? Why / why not?..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


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If someone takes a photo, sends, forwards, copies or downloads

child exploitation material, they could be charged with child pornography.


survey of 2,000 young people released by UK children’s charity Beatbullying found that more than a third of 11 to 18-year-olds had received a sexually explicit text or email. It also found that 70 percent of young people knew who had sent the message.

Girls were particularly vulnerable, the charity said, with evidence showing they were being bullied into taking and sharing intimate pictures by boyfriends.

Another key issue that had been overlooked is that children holding, or distributing indecent images of a person under 18 to someone else, could be breaking the law (2003 Sexual Offences Act) .FYI- It is under 17 in Queensland, under 18 in NSW.“Obviously the law wasn’t set up to prosecute children. It was set up to prosecute adults who were distributing this kind of image...but if they’re (children) doing it maliciously, there are grounds perhaps to look at it as (a case of ) harassment,” Penn said. (Editing by Paul Casciato)

VIDEO ‘Megan’s Story’

This 1 minute and 53 second video depicts a teenage girl’s experience of sexting.

It highlights that once something is created in a digital format and then shared, you lose control over who sees it and what they do with it.


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FINAL THOUGHTSQ1. Have you or a friend sent a sexual photo or video to someone and now regret it? Yes / No

Q2. Has someone distributed or posted a sexual photo or video of you online?

Yes / No If yes, what happened? How did you feel? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

If no, how would you feel if this happened to you? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tracey had been going out with Jordan for six months and was starting to tire of his possessive personality. He criticised her all the time and she was feeling unhappy. Tracey’s

friend Jane introduced her to one of her cousins. His name was Matt. Matt was everything Tracey thought she liked in a boy, he was smart, funny and good looking. Tracey thought she should be honest with Jordan and tell him their relationship was over before she started dating

Matt. When Tracey told Jordan he exploded and said she would regret ‘dumping him’. A couple

of weeks after Tracey and Matt began dating, Jordan began sending all of his friends ‘special’

photos that he had of Tracey. Tracey begged Jordan to stop sending the photos. He laughed at her and told her she was a, ‘Sk....nk’ . Jordan threatened to bash Matt as well.

Jane was very unhappy that her friend and cousin were being treated so badly and tried to help

fix’ the problem.Imagine you are Jane. What advice would you give:a) Tracey ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................b) Matt ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................c) Jordan .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Put yourself in this situation...

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DO YOU:1. Send rude or nasty SMS messages to others?2. Threaten other people via the internet, email or other electronic device.3. Use My Space, facebook,, tumblr. or other social network sites to ridicule, gossip or write hate messages to or about other people?4. Forward messages or photos onto other people knowing that it will hurt some one?5. Like the fact you can bully someone without having to confront them face to face?6. Feel powerful knowing that when you press the send button you cause a lot of pain?7. Enjoy the attention you receive when you cyber bully other people?

8. Care that you might tip someone over the edge and they ‘hurt themselves’?



Be aware if you cyber bully others...

Everything you do online leaves a Digital Footprint.

Once you post something ONLINE you lose control of who sees it and where it goes.

You cannot escape.

Nothing is secret in a digital world.If you think no-one will find out, no-one will see what you do or how you behave.


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VIDEO B2M- Strong Choices – Cyber Safety

This excellent 4 minute 6 second Cyber safety video by Music Group B2M from the Tiwi Islands developed for indigenous communities in the NT. This excellent video

VIDEO WORKSHEET 1. Do you know where The Tiwi islands are? Find out....

....................................................................................................................................................................................................WORD LIST

offender funny sex sunny violent sexual secret digital

2. It’s ok to send f ................................... messages. It is not ok to send

messages that are s ...................................or v ....................................

3. Cyber Payback is not a s ................................... in a d ................................... World.

4. You could be registered as a s ................................... o ................................... if you

send or forward photos or videos that ...................................

Video worksheet (Answers on page 42)


was produced by Skinnyfish Music as part of the Strong Choices Program and would appeal to most audiences. It discusses:, Ethical use of internet and mobile phones, uploading, downloading or storing of violent, sexual and racist material and your digital footprint.

VIDEO ‘Flagging on Youtube’ This 2 minute and 35 second video explains what type of content is allowed to be posted on YouTube. Inappropriate content – this video explains how to flag violent, sexual or other inappropriate content so it can be removed.

1. YouTube has rules about the type of content that can be uploaded. It is deemed inappropriate if material encourages V _ _ L _ _C _, or shows gory material.

2. N _D _ _ Y, and images where people are being H _ R _ or attacked is not allowed.

3. To flag offensive material, you click the F _ _ G button below each V _ D E _. Click on it to reveal a drop down menu. Select a REA _ _ N, from the drop down menu. It will list the type of content that VIO _ AT _ S the guidelines. Click the flag this video button.30

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Victoria’s anti-bullying legislation, known as Brodie’s Law, commenced in June 2011 and made serious bullying a crime punishable by up to 10 years in jail.

Brodie’s Law was introduced after the tragic suicide of a young woman, Brodie Panlock, who was subjected to relentless bullying in her workplace.

Brodie’s Law makes serious bullying a criminal offence by extending the application of the stalking provisions in the Crimes Act 1958 to include behaviour that involves serious bullying.

Brodie’s Law applies to all forms of serious bullying, including physical bullying, psychological bullying, verbal bullying and cyber bullying...

It carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.(Source: )

Brodie’s Law applies to bullying occurring anywhere in the community workplaces, schools, sporting clubs and the internet including email or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Brodie's Law

The law sends a strong message that threatening, bullying behaviour - in the

workplace and elsewhere throughout the community - will not be tolerated.

VIDEO ‘Take a stand against bullying’

This video is 5 minutes and 41 seconds long. 19 year-old Brodie Panlock took her own life after being relentlessly bullied at work. In Victoria, Brodie’s Law makes serious bullying a crime. Rae Panlock discusses the impact of bullying and what happened to her daughter Brodie.

Detective Superintendent Murray Fraser explains how Brodie’s Law protects people.


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1. In what way(s) are people affected by cyber bullying?• ...............................................................................................................................................................• ...............................................................................................................................................................• ...............................................................................................................................................................2. Do you think the law is tough enough on cyber bullies?

Yes / No Why? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Do you think parents should be held responsible for their children’s online

behaviour? Explain your answer...................................................................

............................................................. ..........................................................


What you post online


It’s very exciting! You have a job get dressed up and you look great! You have practiced what you want to say and the interview is going really well. You like the boss and cannot wait to start work.

THEN, the bosses face turns red...what is the matter? He tells you he has, ‘googled’ your

name.OMG! What has he found?

( tick if you think yes) Was it the photograph of you?

At your school formal On your first day of high school At schoolies when you drank too much and vomited in the gutter Playing tennis with friends James uploaded...the one where you all stripped off to your undies... At your school graduation ceremony On your 12th birthday Christmas photo at Myers Pushing a smaller boy into the wall when you were in grade 8?

What is meant by the term ‘digital’ footprint? .................................................................................................................................................................When you send a threatening text message you leave a digital footprint.

When you post a rude comment, inappropriate photo or video, you leave a digital footprint.

WARNING all online BULLIES, you leave

a digital footprint. It might hurt you later.

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5. Why are cyber bullies worse than normal bullies? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Does your school have a cyber bullying policy? Yes / No.

Be an upstander, do not let cyber bullies intimidate others.


7. Why does your school have a policy?..................................................................................................................................................................................8. Have you seen or read your school cyber bullyingpolicy? Yes / No

9. Find out.....What are the steps outlined in the policy for you to follow if you are being bullied? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. What do you think will stop people cyber bullying others? (tick if you agree)

Suspension from school.

Naming and shaming of bullies.

Bullies made to talk to the parents of the victim.

Being charged by police.

Other: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

VIDEO: What goes online stays online.

It shows a young man during a job interview...all going well until some online activities are exposed.

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A computer expert who discovered a Facebook security glitch hacked Mark Zuckerberg’s personal page after the company initially ignored

his warnings about the site’s vulnerability.

K halil Shreateh, a Palestinian developer and hacker, found a way to bypass Facebook’s privacy settings and post messages on anyone’s timeline.

He notified the site’s administrators twice but was told that it wasn’t a bug, according to an email exchange posted on Mr Shreateh’s blog.

Mr Shreateh said he had “no choice” but to hack the timeline of Facebook’s CEO in order to prove his findings.

A Facebook security engineer quickly took notice and disabled Mr Shreateh’s account but refused to reimburse him for his efforts. While the site has a bounty program where it pays people for reporting bugs rather than using them, the engineer told Mr Shreateh his actions violated Facebook’s terms and conditions.

Source: August 19, 2013

QUESTION: The privacy issues regarding facebookQ1. Do you think Khalil Shreateh approached this Facebook privacy concern in the right way?

Yes/ No. Why? .....................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................................Q2. How would you feel if a completely random person (who you do not have on your friends list)

posted something on your wall? .............................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................................Q3. Are you concerned about this sort of privacy concern on Facebook? Could it be misused?

Yes/ No Why?......................................................................................................................................................



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WHO LIKES Playing Tennis?The official rules of how to


Rule # 1 Rule # 2Do not play Do not playRule # 3Follow Rule 1 and 2

GAME OVERIf you decide to play, here is the ‘Facebook tennis’ game could look like.

The bully starts the game with the first serve. You swing and miss. First insult hits you badly. Score 15 - 0

Second serve You swing and hit a ripper insult back. The bully is shocked and not happy. They start swearing at you. Score 15 all

Third serveYou are aced and the crowd, (their friends) start to swear and yell at you as well. Score 30 -15

Fourth serve The bully is laughing, threatening to beat you up. You hit back with a really mean comment. The bully yells out, ‘You’re dead’. You slip and fall as you try to hit back.Score 40 -15

Fifth ServeThe bully serves their final ace. They tell you to ‘watch your back’ after the game. They show you a rude hand gesture. You cry. You lose.

Score – Game over. The bully wins...

I like playing regular tennis. When I play tennis, I like to play someone who is a good ‘sport’- they behave like this;

• Theydon’tcheat,• Theydon’tjumpupanddownscreaminghow good they are every time they ace me on serve.• Theydon’tlaughatmewhenIserveadouble fault or take an air swing• Theysay‘goodshot’,whenIhittheoccasional good ball • Theyshakemyhandattheendofthegameand say, ‘thanks for playing’.

If I were to play Nadal, I would lose badly. I could never win playing Roger Federer or Maria Sharipova.

Put simply, as nice a person as Ms Sharipova, Mr Federer and Nadal are....I am out of my depth!

They are too good but they are also good sports!

Cyber Bullies really like playing, tennis. But the version they play is called, ‘Facebook tennis’.

They are pro at that won’t win!

Cyber bullies love it when you say ‘GAME ON’



Page 36: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

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36C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m


You need to consider the impact of what you write, even if it is online.

How could the words you and others write affect a person?

On, you tell Karen ( a girl you know through a friend of a friend) to, ‘drink bleach you ugly will make everyone happy!’.

Lisa adds a comment saying, ‘hurry up...we are all waiting to see you drink...OMG, just do it’. When another random person joins in, Karen is very upset.‘ you know how revolting you are to look at? ... FYI bleach will clean you up.’

If you were to read those comments about yourself, how would you feel? I would be ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Why? What would hurt the most? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................How does being online and anonymous encourage people to be nasty? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ASK .Yourself, "would I still say that if everyone knew it was me?"......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................




Page 37: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

37C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m / Qooh.me1. Do you know anyone who has asked or sent a cruel message to another person using or Why did they say? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. How did the comment affect the person? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Did anyone else get involved? In what way? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Is it easy to use these social network sites to ‘bully’ others? Yes / No Explain your answer ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Cyber bullies love that they can be anonymous on these sites. Why do you think this is the case? .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. A lot of people using the site ask questions like: a) Who are the 10 prettiest girls in grade 8? c) H.O. What do you think about my face?b) Who are the ugliest girls in the school? d) Do you like Chelsea? Why / why not?

7. If you were listed in the 10 ugliest girls, or missed out on being in the top 10 prettiest...

would it upset you? Yes / No Why? ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8. Would you like to be Chelsea? (Who everyone says is the prettiest girl in school) Yes / No Explain.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9. What if 49 people said they liked Chelsea and 22 replied they didn’t. Could Chelsea become a bit paranoid? Could she start to question who her friends are and start to distrust people? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Sites like and offer bullies a great opportunity to hurt people. These sites are a bullies ‘dream come true’!

This is because bullies love that they can inflict pain on others without being identified...

REMEMBERBullies are like cockroaches. When the ‘light’ is shone on them, they run for cover. The and sites are full of cockroaches but there is no light to expose them

and make them run. You enter the DANGER ZONE when you enter sites like these. 37

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38C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

What do you do now?Stay calm and delete: If you have sent the photo to a friend or your girlfriend or boyfriend, then ask them nicely to delete it. They should understand that you have changed your mind and no longer want them to have access to that photo.

If it is posted on Facebook, then un-tag yourself straight away. Then, report it to Facebook requesting them to take it down. Keep contacting Facebook until they take action. Another thing you can do is ask a couple of your trusted friends to help you hunt down images and delete and/or report them.

If you are really worried, you could also tell a trusted teacher at your school. They may be able to pull the students involved aside or send them a note to students requesting them to delete any private photos or videos they have received. They do not even have to name you!

You feel traumatised now, but things will turn around. You are not doomed. You will recover and move on.

Report it: If someone else posted it online, report them to the service they posted it on. Facebook will take it down if you continue to report it.

Also, if the student goes to your school, you can report them to a teacher. It is not okay for others to share your image without your permission.

Try to relax. If the video or image has been forwarded so many times that you have lost control of it, take a deep eat some chocolate... read a a out how to tell your parents...

So you have made a mistake and now regret it...


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If you are really having dificulties with what

happened and would like someone to talk to:

Kids Helpline ph: 1800 55 1800


Don’t let your mind tell you things are worse than they are: Don’t think of the worst case scenario. The future is still yours to enjoy...

Telling your parents: If the video or photo has spread you might want to tell your parents (or at least one) before they find out some other way. Your parents may freak out – but that’s okay: they are in shock. You

can expect that.

To help you break the news, maybe consider asking a friend, sibling, aunty or uncle to help you tell them: or you could consider writing a letter or email about it.

What if the police get involved? Make sure you are honest with them.

Tell them how the video or image was made and where it was sent or posted.

The Police will want to know who was involved and if there was permission from everyone involved. Remember: they want to help you. Their main interest is preventing harm to you and other young people.

Respect yourself: Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Avoid looking at the video/image or any comments you might get from people at school. Try to distract yourself with phone calls, chats and visits to friends and family that you trust. Listen to music, stay away from your computer, go for a walk with a friend, talk to your mum, sibling or neighbour, eat ice-cream, watch some mindless comedy...


Page 40: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

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40C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

CYBER SAFETY & ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR• Youshouldalwaysaskpermissiontotakea photo of someone.

• Askpermissiontoforwardanotherperson’s personal emails, photos, SMS messages or videos before sending them.

• Neveruploadembarrassingvideosorphotos of yourself or of other people to sites such as Snap Chat, Facebook, Tumblr. or You Tube.• Neverwritedegradingcommentsabout your school, teachers, classmates, employers or workmates.• Taking,sending,distributing,downloading or uploading photos of children, under the age of 16 years can be deemed pornography.

You can be charged with a sex offence...

Page 41: THINK Before...2. You receive credit cards you did not apply for. 3. You receive bills for items you did not buy. 4. Your mobile phone suddenly gets disconnected or is stolen. In all

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41C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m

Cyber Safety and Ethical Behaviour

Tick if the statement is True, cross if the statement is False

Uploading violent videos onto You Tube contravenes their acceptable use policy . Most social media sites allow you to report or flag offensive material. Cyber bullies like that they can hide their identity. You should never ask someone to tell you their internet password It is not okay to forward an embarrassing photo of someone. When buying goods online, do not use a ‘public’ computer. Your name followed by 12345 is considered to be a strong password. Clicking on ‘pop-ups’ is a sure way to download Malware or spyware . If the ‘bank’ phones you and asks for your banking details you should give it to them. Secure websites have a lock on the corner of the page . You do not need anti-virus software. ‘Sexting’ on Snap Chat is safer than other social media sites. Taking nude photos of yourself is against the law if you are under 16 years old. Someone who forwards child exploitation material can be charged by police.

Before you post something online, you should think about the affect or impact it will have on other people Sites like and encourage people to bully because they can post or ask questions without giving away their identity People can develop mental health issues as a result of Cyber bullying Employers are ‘googling’ and searching social media sites of potential employees to ‘check them out’. It is okay to write degrading comments about your school and teachers . Before you take someone’s photo you should ask their permission Posting photos on facebook . of family members (without their permission) is okay. When people post on Facebook that they are out for dinner or on holiday, they are inviting criminals to ‘break and enter’

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M a ste r i n g C y b e r B u l l y i n g a n d C y b e r S a fe t y

C o p y r i g ht JAQ E nte r p r i s e s - w w w. m a ste r i n g b e h av i o u r. co m


Answers to quizzes PAGE 11

Online Shopping• Usetrustedwebsites• Lookforthelock• Checkthesiteissecure–ithasa ‘s’ in the URL - https://• Installantivirus/malware/ spyware/ adware software onto your computer• Usestrongpasswordsonyour shopping sites• Donotpurchasewheninpublic or shared Wi-Fi

Page 7True / false answers

Information Protection 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F

Multiple Choice 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. a

Page 12-13Cyber crime answers

1. 5 men arrested2. Paul J Fishman3. $300 million4. Disabled anti – virus software5. Russia and Ukraine6. $ 107. They have a security chip8. 20 years

Page 15Are you behaving like a

Baboon?1 adult2 social ladder3 threaten4 aggressive5 friendly, structure, co-oper-ative, relaxed

Page 30B2M – Strong Choices-

Cyber safety1 funny, sexual, violent2 secret, digital3 sex, offender, ........that are inappropriate, offend

Page 30Flagging on Youtube