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Think-Aloud Activity:Kim Davis ArticleBY: ALEXANDER KEEFOVER

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What is the Purpose of the site?

By snatch and grab, I can tell that the purpose of this site is to give a person’s opinion on the topic of what Kim Davis did.

Also, the website wants to make money

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What is the Author’s Political Point of View or Motivation for Posting This?

Using language conventions, I knew boldface text is important. So, I read this before I read the whole article and found out hit motivations were that he did not agree with Kim Davis and wanted other people to know his view.

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How Did the Author Support His Argument?

By skim reading, I noticed this list of 4 reasons to support the author’s argument with explanations and examples of each.

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Triangulate That Claim With Another Website.

The author of this website is trying to make money by describing the subject of a highly controversial topic.

CNN (which is owned by Turner Broadcasting System) is paying the bills.

By describing personal details about Kim Davis, the website puts the spotlight on her not what she did which tells us they want to tell more of a story than the actual matter.

Down further, in a section about Davis’s religion it points out that she has been married 4 times suggesting the author wants to discredit her.

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The Verdict Is? It is clear that the first website is stating an opinion and the author is not trying to disguise his opinion as fact.

The facts that are on first website are consistent with the facts that are on the second website so it is likely that these fact are true.

The author of the first website did have reasoning to support his claim.His reasoning included logic and analogous examples.

The author of the first website did not attack his opponents’ character just their argument.

Both websites are .com’s so they want to make money and websites that want to make money have a habit of exaggerating the truth.

In conclusion, we know that this website presents correct facts, arguments that are backed by reason, and other things that outweigh the fact that its purpose is to make money so we can say that this website is valid.

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Questions for Further ResearchSome questions that the first website gave me for further research are:

What other arguments are there against Kim Davis’s actions?

What arguments are there for Kim Davis’s actions?

How would someone who believes she was right argue the points made in this article?

If there was a poll, how many people would agree and disagree with her?

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SourcesBoeskool, C. (2015, September 3). 4 Reasons -- From A Christian Perspective -- Why Kim Davis Is 100% Wrong. Retrieved October 2, 2015.

Martinez, M. (2015, September 8). Who is Kim Davis, clerk jailed over same-sex marriage? Retrieved October 2, 2015.