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Things to Remember Before Buying a Projector Lamp Online

Projector lamps are an integral part of LCD televisions and might need replacement over time.

The average projector lamp’s bulb will last for about 2000 hours and hence the need for

replacement over a period of sustained usage. Now projector lamps are quite expensive and

hence you should know about the latest products available, so as to pick out the best

replacement product for your television. These days you do not have to visit a store to buy a

projector lamp. You can find a wide range of products online and hence can buy replacement

products easily from the comfort of your home.

However, buying projector lamps online requires a certain amount of caution and awareness.

We have a list of some do’s and don’ts to help you pick out the best products online without

incurring losses. Here’s a look:

Do not pick offers where projector lamps come without casing

Steer clear from manufacturers and suppliers offer the projector lamp without the casing. Using

bare bulbs as a replacement is not only a dangerous task, but it is also quite difficult to install.

Getting a fully cased projector lamp, as it is usually sold, guarantees good performance and is

safer. If the budget is a constraint, look through different options available online and then

decide which product you want to pick.

Ask questions if you have doubts

If the product description isn’t sufficient enough and you have doubts regarding the performance

and operation of the product, make sure you ask questions. You can find contact details on

manufacturer’s website. These days companies also respond to queries on their social media

pages. If the manufacturer or supplier dodges your question or gives you a vague answer, be

careful. Make sure the product is compatible with your device.

Check for warranty

Once you have identified the right projector lamp, make sure you check for warranty. With a

warranty, you do not have to worry about any kind of damage. You can send in your queries to

the manufacturer, seller or supplier. If you feel the other party is being dodgy, be cautious.

Check the labels carefully

One of the main problems that online customers are facing these days is that of receiving fake

products. Make sure you check for the manufacturers markings on the body of the container in

which you receive your projector lamp. Also, check for double stickers on the containers. There

are a lot of companies that use original manufacturer’s sticker to cover up a compatible lamp

manufacturer’s sticker.

Check for stamping on the lamp’s body

A genuine product will always have stamping on its body. So open the product and check the

body of your projector lamp for stamping by the manufacturer. This will help you instantly

identify a fake.

Projector lamps Australia are an important component and hence must be bought very

carefully. Also, because they are quite expensive, you would want to invest in the right product

in one go.

OZ lamps is a company that you can seek help from if you are looking for high quality projector

lamps. The company specialises in 3D perception lamps, 3M lamps, A+K lamps, Acer lamps,

Infocus projector lamps, NEC projector lamps, Acer projector lamps, NEC projector lamps, Akai

lamps, Ask lamps, AV vision lamps, Barco projector lamps, BenQ projector lamps, Boxlight

lamps, Philips projector lamp, Philips lamps, Sharp lamps, Sharp projector lamps, Sharp lamp,

Infocus projector lamp, Infocus lamp, Infocus lamps etc.