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Page 1: Things i have learned about getting through tough job hunting time1

Things I Have Learned about Getting Through Tough Job Hunting TimesBy

Marshall J Karp MA NCC LPC

1. There are important things to learn about yourself when you go through tough times

2. So, learn

3. Your family is watching you

4. Your friends are watching you

5. Leave the job behind

6. Focus on what you do have

7. Pray

8. Pray a lot

9. Don’t suffer in silence

10. Count your blessings, not your losses

11. You will feel happy again

12. Life will go on

13. It’s okay to smile

14. It’s okay to laugh

15. It’s okay to sleep through the night

16. All the worry in the world will not get your phone to ring

17. Talk positive around those closest to you

18. Stop telling everyone how bad things are

19. You will know your closest friends because they really want to know how bad things are

20. Go to church or place of worship

21. Remember there is always someone worse off than you

Page 2: Things i have learned about getting through tough job hunting time1

22. Find someone worse off than you and help them

23. If someone offers to take you or pay for a trip for a few days, take them up on it

24. Stop comparing yourself with others

25. Stop focusing on how much money you were making

26. It never hurts to talk

27. Get to every professional meeting, networking group, and job fair you can

28. Since you are out of your comfort zone anyway, try new things

29. You are not too old

30. You are not too young

31. You are not too experienced

32. You are not too inexperienced

33. You do not have not enough training

34. You do not have too much training

35. You will overcome the baggage

36. There comes a point where it is not your resume or cover letter

37. Remember above all else, no matter how you feel, it may not be you

38. It may be the way you are going about your job hunt