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The Hardy Family Chronicles V

A Tale of Several Sims

The Prophecy Years – Part 3


The gem keystone she found years ago fits perfectly into the lock, as it morphs before her very eyes into the necessary shape.

Laura can’t quite believe she’s here, on the most dangerous adventure of her life, knowing that the prophecy foretold a choice for her. No one else. Being destined was exciting, appealing to her buried evil manipulative side that loved the world revolving around her.

She passed through obstacles with ease, using the tunnels that connected the pools of water rather than the trap infested longer routes.

At the end of the journey, she came across a sarcophagus. This must be why she was always drawn to this shape. She checked her copy of the prophecy. Could this be the source of the ‘battle’.

Laura prised the stone box open, ready to face a battle to the death, between good and evil.

Light shone out suddenly, blinding her. She stumbled backwards.

A mummy of an ancient king emerged. Laura’s mind was suddenly full of images, from what now seemed like another life. She could use this mummy and its secrets to literally take over the world. Who would stop her? Who could stop her? This was an opportunity her younger self could only have dreamed of.

With an army of mummies, she could take Shang Simla, then Simerica. She could be an Empress of the undead and shape the world the way she always wanted to. She could almost taste the power.

Then she realised. This was it. This was the battle. With her intellect and previous sensibilities it was only a matter of time before she was in this position, be it mummies or science or politics. That was why she had been sent to Shang Simla.

The battle between good and evil was in her mind.

Hannah and the mummy eyed each other up. Which path would she choose?

There was only one option open to her. ShenSu would never be hers if she chose the path of evil. He was the deciding factor. With a short fight, she defeated the mummy.

Battered and broken, it bowed its head and returned to its sarcophagus, ready to fight again should it ever be needed.

The prophecy of the Scarlet Woman

10... Thus was the land of Shang Simla

saved by a stranger to them all...

10.3... They could continue to live in the

land that they loved...

10.4... The scarlet woman saved them, and

saved herself in the process... Healed in

body, mind and spirit... Free now to do as

she will.

Shen Su had waited up for days. Laura had been down there for so long, and he had no idea what she was facing.

Suddenly Laura burst in, and flung herself into his arms. She told him everything that had happened.

He kissed her and told her he loved her, but it was a lot to take in.

They went to bed that night together happy.

But Shen Su would not be there when she woke up. Her talk of the choice she had to make had scared him ore than he cared to admit. He’d had no idea the beautiful firebrand Laura he’d loved for years, even illicitly when she was a teenager, was a capable of even thinking such darkness, let alone seriously considering acting on such impulses. He had to leave.

Laura had no idea the man of her dreams had bailed on her in the moment of her greatest success.