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INTEREST OF TRADERS PAYING ZAKAT ON LAZ(Case Study in Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market 2019)

Written by:

Akhmad Syifa Utama

NIM. 36.2015.4107.46





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(Case Study in Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market)


Presented to University of Darussalam Gontor in Partial Fulfilment

of Requirements for Completing the Undergraduate Program in

Faculty of Economic and Management

Department of Islamic Economics


Akhmad Syifa Utama

NIM: 36.2015.4107.46





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The Effect of Religiousity on the Interest of Traders Paying Zakah on Laz

(Case Study of Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market, 2019)

Akhmad Syifa Utama36.2015.4107.46

Religiosity in Islam is a driving force for all Muslim activities. Making Zakah is an obligation for every Muslim whose wealth has reached nishob and haul. So in Ponorogo City Zakah becomes a huge potential to reach 590 billion if all is collected. But the fact is that only 3% has been collected in the report on Zakah receipts at Baznas. In other words, the interest of Muslim communities in Ponorogo in paying Zakah is still quite minimal. Songgo Langit market is the largest traditional market located in Ponorogo City. Besides that, Ponorogo City has warok people who have a good level of religiosity, and this reflects the religiosity of the Ponorogo community in general. For this reason, the researcher tried to examine how the influence of religiosity on the interest of market Traders Songgo Langit paid Zakah at the amil Zakah institution. The purpose of this study is to find out Does religiosity affect the interest of traders pay Zakah on LAZ and to know the effect of religiosity on the interest of traders to pay Zakah in LAZ.

The type of research used is quantitative research. With independent variables (X) religiosity and dependent variable (Y) interest. This research uses 75 respondents fashion traders of Songgo Langit market Ponorogo. Sampling uses the Random Sampling method, then the data is processed using SPSS 16.0. The instrument of data collection uses a questionnaire with a likert scale that has been tested and has fulfilled the requirements for validity and reliability. The analytical method used to determine the magnitude of the effect is simple linear regression.

The results of the study concluded that Religiusity has a significant effect on Interest of traders paying Zakah on LAZ. and. Religiusity has a positive effect on the interest of traders paying Zakah on LAZ by 0.22 or 22%. and the remaining 78% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. This means that the dominant factors that influence the interest of the traders of Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market in paying Zakah in Laz are several other factors besides Religiosity.

Keywords: Interest, Religiosity, Zakah

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Pengaruh Religiusitas Terhadap Minat Pedagang Membayar Zakah di LAZ

(Studi kasus Pasar Songgo Langit Ponorogo, 2019)

Akhmad Syifa Utama36.2015410746

Religiusitas dalam agama Islam merupakan penggerak bagi seluruh aktivitas seorang muslim. Menunaikan Zakah merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap muslim yang kekayaanya telah mencapai nishob dan haul. Maka di Ponorogo Zakah menjadi potensi yang sangat besar hingga mencapai 590 milyar jika semua terkumpul. Tetapi faktanya baru 3% saja yang terkumpul dalam laporan penerimaan Zakah di Baznas Ponoeogo. Dengan kata lain, minat masyarakat muslim di Ponoeogo dalam membayarkan Zakah masih cukup minim. Pasar Songgo Langit merupakan pasar tradisional terbesar yang terletak di Kota Ponorogo. Selain itu Kota Ponorogo memiliki tokoh warok yang memiliki tingkat religiusitas yang baik, dan hal ini mencerminkan religiusitas masyarkat Ponorogo pada umumnya. Untuk itu peneliti mencoba meneliti bagaimana pengaruh religiusitas terhadap minat pedagang pasar Songgo Langit membayar Zakah di Lembaga amil Zakah. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah Religiusitas memiliki pengaruh terhadap minat pedagang membayar Zakah di LAZdan mengetahui berapa besar pengaruh religiusitas terhadap minat pedagang pasar Songgo Langit membayar Zakah di LAZ.

Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Dengan variabel independen (X) religiusitas dan variabel dependen (Y) minat. Penelitian ini menggunakan 75 responden pedagang busana pasar songgo langit Ponorogo. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Random Sampling, kemudian data diolah menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala likert yang sudah diuji cobakan dan telah memenuhi syarat validitas dan reliabilitas. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh tersebut adalah regresi linier sederhana.

Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara religiusitas terhadap minat membayar Zakah di Laz. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa religiusitas memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat pedagang membayar Zakah di LAZ dan pengaruh yang positif dari religiusitas terhadap minat pedagang membayar Zakah di Laz sebesar 22% dan sisanya 78% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lainnya yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini.

Kata Kunci: Minat, Religiusitas, Zakah.

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“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam keseluruhan, dan janganlah kamu turut langkah-langkah syaitan”.

(Q.S. Al Baqarah: 208)

“Orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingat Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati

menjadi tenteram”,

(Q.S. Ar-Rad: 28)

“Ambillah Zakah dari sebagian harta mereka, dengan Zakah itu kamu membersihkan dan mensucikan mereka, dan mendoalah untuk mereka. Sesungguhnya doa kamu itu (menjadi) ketenteraman jiwa bagi mereka.

Dan Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui”.

(Q.S. At- Taubah: 103)

“Dan dirikanlah salat, tunaikanlah Zakah dan rukuklah beserta orang-orang yang rukuk”.

(Q.S. Al Baqarah: 43)

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I Dedicate this thesis to:

Allah, who given me his mercy and blessing entire my life

Rasulullah SAW who guided his ummah to Islam

My beloved parents, especially for my mother, Khusnul Khotimah who help me in her silence prayer. My father, Saiful Imam who support me every time became human better. My old brother and little sister, Imam Zia Utama and Hanum Salsabiela Utami who has support me along my

study in University of Darussalam Gontor.

All of my classmates Islamic Economics, I’m nothing without you. All my team mate in U3.

Thanks for you, who prayed on me without my consciousness.

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, praise be to Allah the Lord of the world, pray and peace be upon the final prophet of Islam, Muhammad SAW, his family, companions, and his followers.

By the mercy, blessing, and help of Allah only, the researcher could finish writing this simple thesis. Realizing his dependence on so many persons in order to complete this thesis, the researcher feels to necessitate himself to convey gratitude for all indispensable direction, guidance, and assistance. So, in this occasion, the researcher would like to express his greatest debt and deepest thanks are owed to:

1. The Headmasters of Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor, Dr. K.H. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M. A, K.H. Hasan Abdullah Sahal, K.H. Syamsul Hadi Abdan, S.Ag. Who have allowed the researcher to study at UNIDA Gontor.

2. The Rector of UNIDA, Prof. Dr. H Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi, M. A, and his vices, Dr. H. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M. A, M.Phil, and Dr. H. Setiawan Bin Lahuri, M.A. Dr. H. Hafidz Zaid, M.A.

3. Honorable supervisor, Mr. Adib Susilo, M.Si for his worthy guidance and suggestion in writing this thesis. and Head of Department of Islamic Economics, Mr. Royan Ramdhani Djayusman, M.A,

4. Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, Mr. Khoirul Umam, M. Ec.

5. All of Traders in Songgo Langit traditional Market.6. All the lectures of University Darussalam Gontor for their teaching

during my study in this university. May Allah SWT reciprocate a proportionate reward for them and bless them, and may this thesis be valuable and useful for the readers and especially for the researcher.

Ponorogo, May 30th, 2017

Akhmad Syifa Utama

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ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ ivABSTRAK .............................................................................................. vAPPROVAL OF SUPERVISOR ............................................................. viCERTIFICATION ................................................................................... viiDECLARATION DECISION OF THE TEAM ...................................... viiiDECLARATION ..................................................................................... ixMOTTOES .............................................................................................. xDEDICATION ........................................................................................ xiACKNOWLADGEMENT ...................................................................... xiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ xiiiCONTENT OF TABLE .......................................................................... xviCONTENT OF FIGURE ........................................................................ xvi

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTIONA. Background of Study ....................................................................... 1B. Problem Formulation ....................................................................... 4C. Purpose of Study ............................................................................. 4D. Benefit of Study............................................................................... 4


A. Literature Review ............................................................................ 5B. Theoritical Framework .................................................................... 11

1. Definition of religiosity ........................................................... 112. Dimension of Religiosity ......................................................... 123. The Definition of Interest ........................................................ 164. The Indicators of Interest ......................................................... 175. Factors that Influence Interest .................................................. 186. The Definition of Zakah .......................................................... 18

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7. Legal Basis of Zakah ............................................................... 198. Purpose of Zakah ..................................................................... 209. Various of Zakah ...................................................................... 2110. Zakah Recipient (Mustahiq) .................................................... 2611. Management of Zakah by Zakah Institution (LAZ) ................. 27

C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 30

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGYA. Research Framework ....................................................................... 31B. Place and Time of Research ............................................................ 32C. Type of Research ............................................................................. 32D. Source and Type of Data ................................................................. 32

1. Primary Data ............................................................................ 332. Secondary Data ........................................................................ 33

E. Population and Sample .................................................................... 331. Population ................................................................................ 332. Sample ..................................................................................... 34

F. Data Collection Techniques ............................................................. 35G. The Scope of Research .................................................................... 36H. Operational Definition of Variables................................................. 37

1. Independent Variable ............................................................... 372. Dependent Variable .................................................................. 38

I. Data Analysis Technique ................................................................. 381. Validity Test ............................................................................. 392. Reliability Test ......................................................................... 403. Classic Assumption Test .......................................................... 404. Hypothesis Test ........................................................................ 42

J. Research Hypothesis ....................................................................... 44

CHAPTER IV; RESULT AND DATA ANALYSISA. Overview of Research Objects ........................................................ 45B. Analysis of Data Descriptions ......................................................... 46

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C. Requirements Test Results .............................................................. 471. Validity Test ............................................................................. 472. Reliability Test ......................................................................... 483. Normality Test ......................................................................... 494. Heteroscedasticity test ............................................................. 505. Liniarity Test ............................................................................ 51

D. Research result ................................................................................ 531. Simple Regression Analysis..................................................... 532. Corellation Coefficients .......................................................... 543. Determination Coefficient ....................................................... 554. T Test........................................................................................ 56E. Discussion ................................................................................ 57

CHAPTER V: CLOSINGA. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 59B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 59

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 61QUESTIONNAIRE............................................................................... 75

CONTENT OF TABLETable 3. 1. Scope of Research ................................................................. 37

Table 4. 1. Descriptive Analysis ............................................................. 46Table 4. 2. The Result of Validity Test .................................................... 48Table 4. 3. Result of Reliability Test ....................................................... 49Table 4. 4. The Result of Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test ............................... 50Table 4. 5. Liniarity Result Test .............................................................. 52Table 4. 6. Regression result Test............................................................ 53Table 4. 7. Corellation Coefficient Result ............................................... 54Table 4. 8. Determination Coefficient Result ......................................... 55Table 4. 9. T Test Result .......................................................................... 56

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CONTENT OF FIGUREFigure 2. 1. Theoretical framework ........................................................ 30Figure 3. 1. Research Framework ........................................................... 31Figure 4. 1. Scatter Plots Graph .............................................................. 51

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A. Background of StudyZakah according to language is sacred and fertile. While according

to the term syara’ is to issue a portion of the property at the behest of Allah, as obligatory shadaqah to those who have been determined according to the conditions determined by Islamic law. Issuing Zakah is obligatory for every Muslim who has property according to the provisions stipulated by Islamic law. People who deny the obligatory Zakah are punished by kafir.1

In addition, Zakah is religious service which basically has a very large and positive potential for improving the welfare of Muslim communities in particular.2 Zakah is included in the third pillar of Islam in the five pillars of Islam, which all Muslims must carry out as much as possible, which is certainly in accordance with their abilities. As well as Prayers and Fasting, Zakah is included worship which has been arranged in detail in the al-Qur’an and as-Sunnah. In addition to establishing a relationship with God, Zakah is the embodiment of the relationship with the creature of God (social). Because it has a positive impact on the welfare of mankind.3

Therefore, the Zakah that fulfilled by Muslims to cleanse their wealth, which is based on the accumulation of calculations that have reached nisab and its haul, The potential of Zakah funds in Ponorogo can be illustrated as follows, if the Muslim

1 Luqman Junaidi, Fiqhun Nisa, Shiyam-Zakat-Haji, (Jakarta: PT. Mizan Publika, 2008), p. 159

2 Yusuf Wibisono, Mengelola Zakat Indonesia, (Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2015), p. 68

3 Subki Risya, Zakat Untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan, (Jakarta: PP LazisNu, 2009), p.4

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population of Ponorogo Regency is around 833,142 people4, A assuming 70% are rich Muslims, then there are around 499.885 people. If every month you spend an average of Rp. 100.000 for Zakah, Rp.49.988.500.000 or in a year Rp.599.862.000.000, and it is very promising which can be used as a constant source of funds to improve the welfare of Muslims, especially of the 8 categories of recipients of the Zakah, including the poor.5 So that they get a decent life and fulfilled their needs without having to beg because everything has been neatly organized in Islam.

But seen from the report on Zakah receipts in Baznas Ponorogo city, Zakah funds received in one year, precisely in 2018 only reached Rp 14,322,654,1176 or only 3% of the potential Zakah described above. From these data it can be concluded that the interest of Muslim communities to pay Zakah is still minimal.

Basically Zakah can be given after the existence of trust and also the awareness that the recipient is the rightful person by knowing or asking this question to the people who live in their environment, or who knows the real situation. This is determined because of the importance of distributing Zakah in each region to people who are entitled to receive it, and there is no doubt that the people of the village or the city know the people who need the Zakah who are around them and know the extent of one’s fidelity, and other economic problems.

Hopefully, Zakah funds can be distributed optimally and evenly.7 This is in accordance with Law No. 38 of 1999 concerning Management of Zakah which was then refined in Law No. 23 of 2011. Which means the government is starting to be serious in providing the ideal Zakah service.

4 Tabel Jumlah Penduduk Ponorogo, (Accessed on 15 of May 2019, Time:14.30 WIB, From

5 Yusuf Wibisono, Mengelola Zakat Indonesia…, p. 696 Laporan Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Zakat Ponorogo,(Accessed on 15 of may

2019, Time: 14.40 WIB, from https// 7 Widi Nopiardo, “Urgensi Berzakat Melalui Amil Dalam Pandangan Ilmu Ekonomi

Islam”, Jurnal Ilmiah Syari‘ah, Volume 15, Nomor 1, Januari-Juni 2016, p. 86

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so the management can work as it should. This also reinforces that ideally, Muslim communities whose their wealth have reached nisab and haul to pay Zakah at the Zakah.8

One factor that influences people to pay Zakah is religiosity.9 Religious means which is related to religion.10 Religiosity is also defined as an integrated system of beliefs, lifestyle, ritual activities and intuition that gives meaning to human life and directs human beings to sacred values or highest values.11

In this study researchers chose Ponorogo to be the object of research because basically the figure who became the icon of the Ponorogo community had a good level of religiosity. This statement is in accordance with the results of research by Susana Pebriarti who examined the religiosity of Warok leaders in Ponorogo.12 In addition, the songgo langit market is the largest market in the Ponorogo city. There are various traders; Starting from vegetable traders, household furniture, traditional snacks, clothing and so forth. Because not all traders have income that reaches nishob, this study only focuses on fashion merchants or clothing located in the south block Songgo Langit Traditional market.

In addition, in this study, researchers made LAZ a measure that traders carry out Zakah in accordance with the regulations of Law No. 38 of 1999 concerning Management of Zakah which was then refined in Law No. 23

8 Ahmad Dakhoir, Hukum Zakat: Pengaturan dan Integrasi Kelembagaan Pengelolaan zakat dengan fungsi Lembaga Perbankan Syariah, (Surabaya: Aswaja Pressindo, 2015), p. 89

9 Azy Athoillah Yazid, “Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempenagruhi Minat Muzakki Dalam Menunaikan Zakat Di Nurul Hayat Cabang Jember”, Skripsi, Universitas Jember, 2017.

10 Religiusitas, (Accessed on 20 September 2018, Time: 00.01 WIB, from

11 Imang Dapit Pamungkas, “Pengaruh Religiusitas Dan Rasionalitas Dalam Mencegah Dan Mendeteksi Kecenderungan Kecurangan Akutansi”, Fakultas Ekonomi UNIKAL, Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, Vol. 15, No. 02, September 2014, p. 52

12 Susana Pebriarti, “Religiusitas Warok Ponorogo”, Skripsi, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, 2008.

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of 2011. Which means the government is starting to be serious in providing the ideal Zakah service. so the management can work as it should. This also reinforces that ideally, Muslim communities whose income has reached nishob and haul to pay Zakah at the Zakah institution.13

From the description above, the researcher will conduct a study entitled The Effect of Religiosity on the interest of traders paying Zakah in LAZ, a case study traders of Songgo Langit Ponorogo traditional market.

B. Problem Formulation1. Does religiosity affect the interest of traders pay Zakah on LAZ?

2. How does the effect of religiosity on interest to pay Zakah at LAZ?

C. Purpose of Study1. To know does religiosity affect the interest of traders pay Zakah on

LAZ2. To know the influence of religiosity on interest of Songgo Langit

market traders in Ponorogo to pay Zakah at LAZ.

D. Benefit of Study1. For the researcher

This research is the researcher’s final assignment and adds insight to researchers related to Zakah, especially the effect of religiosity on the interests of muzakki.

2. For the community This research is expected to provide input for the community in an

effort to increase interest in paying Zakah at the Zakah institution.3. For the University

This research is expected to contribute as a reference in future research.

13 Ahmad Dakhoir, Hukum Zakat…, p. 89

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A. Literature ReviewThesis research was conducted by Nurul Tsani Muslihati (2014),

“The Effect of Religiosity and Revenue on Interest in Paying Zakah Through Bapelurzam (Muhammadiyah Zakah Management Agency) Pcm Weleri Kendal “ This research is a field research, knowing the effect of religiosity and income on interest in paying Zakah through Welap Kendal’s BAPELURZAM PCM. The results of the study processed using the SPSS program showed that results of the F test it is known that the calculated F value is 286,175 and is significant at 0,000, meaning that religiosity and income together or simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on interest in paying Zakah through Weleri Kendal’s BAPELURZAM PCM. This study has similarities in choosing a research method that is quantitative, but the analytical tool used is different, previous research using multiple linear regression because it has more than one variable while the research I will examine uses a simple linear regression analysis tool because there is only one variable x and one variable y.14

Furthermore, Isya Rahmawati Kusuma (2001) wrote a thesis research entitled “The Effect of Religiosity, and Socialization of Muzakki’s Interest in Paying Zakah in Blitar Infaq Management Institute”. the purpose of this study was to find out the effect of religiosity on the interest of muzakki paying Zakah LMI Blitar, knowing the effect of socialization on the interest of muzakki paying Zakah at LMI Blitar and knowing which variables had the most dominant influence on interest in paying Zakah at Blitar LMI. The results of the study show that (1) Religiosity affects the interest of

14 Nurul Tsani Muslihati, “Pengaruh Religiositas Dan Pendapatan Terhadap Minat Bayar Zakat Melalui Bapelurzam (Badan Pelaksana Urusan Zakat Muhammadiyah) Pcm Weleri Kendal”, Skripsi, UIN Walisongo Semarang, 2014.

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muzakki. (2) socialization affects the interest of muzakkki. (3) the variable that most influences interest is socialization. This study has similarities in choosing a research method that is quantitative, but the analytical tool used is different, previous research using multiple linear regression because it has more than one variable while the research I will examine uses a simple linear regression analysis tool because there is only one variable x and one variable y.15

Rio Pratikto (2017) wrote his thesis research entitled “Factors Affecting Muzakki’s Interest in Paying Zakah, Infaq and Sadaqah (Zis) Through Amil Zakah Institutions in Yogyakarta”, aiming to find out whether the variables are promotion, financial information transparency, service quality, religiosity, and income affect the interest of muzakki to pay Zakah, infaq, and alms (ZIS) through the Amil Zakah Institution (LAZ). The test uses multiple linear regression tests, the method of collecting data using a questionnaire, which consists of 40 respondents. The results of the t test of financial information transparency, service quality and religiosity have a positive and significant effect on interest in paying ZIS with sig values 0.025, 0.018 and 0.036. This study has similarities in choosing a research method that is quantitative, but the analytical tool used is different, previous research using multiple linear regression because it has more than one variable while the research I will examine uses a simple linear regression analysis tool because there is only one variable x and one variable y.16

Gamsir Bachmid et al. In his research entitled “Muzakki’s Behavior in Paying Zakah Mal (Phenomenology Study of Muzakki’s Experience in Kendari City)”, stated that the growing awareness of paying Zakah from informants (civil servants, private employees, and entrepreneurs / traders)

15 Isya Rahmawati Kusuma, “Pengaruh Religiusitas, dan Sosialisasi Terhadap Minat Muzakki Mmembayar Zakat Di Lembaga Manajemen Infaq Blitar”, Skripsi, Universitas Negeri Solo, 2001.

16 Rio Pratikto, “Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Muzakki Membayar Zakat, Infaq Dan Sedekah (Zis) Melalui Lembaga Amil Zakat Di Yogyakarta”, Skripsi, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta, 2017.

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was largely determined by habits parents, religious atmosphere in the family environment, advice from religious teachers / preachers, the habit of studying / reading articles / witnessing the wisdom of Zakah, formal education background, and the existence of trustworthy Zakah management institutions / institutions are the main factors that determine informants to choose to distribute Zakah through the institution or not. The difference is clearly seen between the previous research and the research that I will examine, in the previous research the research method used was qualitative while the research that I will examine uses quantitative research methods.17

The thesis was written by M. Abdul Rouf (2011) IAIN Walisongo Semarang with the title “Analysis of Factors Affecting the Interests of the Society to Pay Zakah in Semarang Branch Zakah Houses”. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that trust in the Zakah, religiosity, and income institutions had a significant influence in increasing the interest of the community to pay Zakah in the Zakah house of the Semarang branch. This study has similarities in choosing a research method that is quantitative, but the analytical tool used is different, previous research using multiple linear regression because it has more than one variable while the research I will examine uses a simple linear regression analysis tool because there is only one variable x and one variable y.18

Thesis written by A. Mus’ab (2011) Sunan Kalijaga UIN Yogyakarta with the title “The Effect of Religiosity, Income Level, and Service on Muzakki’s Interest to Pay Zakah Maal at LAZIS NU”. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that partially each independent variable, namely religiosity, income level, and service significantly influences the interest in paying Zakah mal by muzakki

17 Gamsir Bachmid dkk., “Perilaku Muzakki dalam Membayar Zakat Mal (Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Muzakki di Kota Kendari)”, Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, II, Juni 2012, Vol 10, p. 432

18 Abdul Rouf, “Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Masyarakat Membayar Zakat melalui Rumah Zakat Cabang Semarang”, Skripsi, UIN Walisongo Semarang, 2011.

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in LAZIS NU Yogyakarta. In partially analyzing the variables of religiosity, income level, and service influence the interest of muzakki paying Zakah maal at LAZIS NU Yogyakarta at 71.9%, while 28.1% is influenced by other factors. This study has similarities in choosing a research method that is quantitative, but the analytical tool used is different, previous research using multiple linear regression because it has more than one variable while the research I will examine uses a simple linear regression analysis tool because there is only one variable x and one variable y.19

Muhammad Fakhruddin (2016) in his thesis entitled “Analysis of the Influence of Zakah Knowledge, Level of Religiosity, Income Level, and Level of Trust in Baznas Against the Interest in Paying Professional Profit Zakah (Case Study of Workers in Jakarta)”, This study aims to analyze the influence knowledge of Zakah, level of religiosity, level of income, level of trust in BAZNAS on interest in paying professional Zakah for workers in DKI Jakarta. The method used in this study is the analysis of multiple linear regression (Ordinary Least Square). All variables used were measured using a Likert scale. The results showed that the knowledge variables of Zakah, income level, and level of trust in BAZNAS had a positive and significant effect on the interest in paying professional Zakah for workers in DKI Jakarta at a significance level of 5%. This study has similarities in choosing a research method that is quantitative, but the analytical tool used is different, previous research using multiple linear regression because it has more than one variable while the research I will examine uses a simple linear regression analysis tool because there is only one variable x and one variable y.20

19 A. Ma’sub, “Pengaruh Religiositas, Tingkat Penghasilan, dan Layanan Terhadap Minat Muzakki Untuk Membayar Zakat Maal di LAZIS NU”, Skripsi, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2011.

20 Muhammad Fakhruddin, “Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Pengetahuan Zakat, Tingkat Religiusitas, Tingkat Pendapatan, Dan Tingkat Kepercayaan Kepada Baznas Terhadap Minat Membayar Zakat Profesi Para Pekerja (Studi Kasus Pekerja Di Dki Jakarta)”, skripsi. UNDIP Semarang, 2016.

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Hanifah Nur’aini and M. Rasyid Ridla (2015) in their research entitled “The Influence of Service Quality, Image of Institutions and Religiosity Against Muzakki’s Interest to Distribute Professional Zakah (Study in Yogyakarta Justice Care Post)”, which aims to prove empirically good simultaneous or partial influence of service quality, institutional image, and religiosity on Muzakki’s interest in distributing profession Zakah to PKPU Yogyakarta Branch. Research uses quantitative research methods. The results of Adjusted R Square value is 0.747, which means 74.7% of Muzakki’s interest in channeling professional Zakah in PKPU Yogyakarta Branch is influenced by service quality, institutional image and religiosity while the remaining 25, 3% is influenced by other variables not included in this model such as biological factors, psychological factors, and socio-cultural factors. This study has similarities in choosing a research method that is quantitative, but the analytical tool used is different, previous research using multiple linear regression because it has more than one variable while the research I will examine uses a simple linear regression analysis tool because there is only one variable x and one variable y.21

Thesis written by the Latim Miatun Axis with the Title of the Effect of Religiousism on Muslim Consumer Lifestyle Artomoro Shops in Ponorogo. The type of research used is quantitative research. With independent variables (X) religiosity and dependent variables (Y) lifestyle. This study aims to determine the effect of religiosity on the lifestyle of Muslim consumers Muslim consumers Artomoro stores in Ponorogo. The results of the study concluded that there was a positive and significant influence between lifestyle religiosity. The results showed that there was a significant effect of religiosity on the lifestyle of Muslim consumers Artomoro stores in Ponorogo by 9.9% and the remaining 90.1% influenced by other variables not discussed in this study. There are several similarities between previous

21 Hanifah Nur’aini dan M. Rasyid Ridla, “Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Citra Lembaga Dan Religiusitas Terhadap Minat Muzakki Untuk Menyalurkan Zakat Profesi (Studi Di Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat Yogyakarta)”, Jurnal Md, Edisi Juli - Desember 2015, p.207

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research and the research that I will examine, including the research method that we use is quantitative research methods with simple linear regression analysis techniques, but the defference lies on the variable that I choosed.22

Muhammad Yunus (2016) In His Title Thesis “Analysis of the Effect of Trust, Religiosity and Contributions to Traders ‘Interest in Issuing Zakah in Baitul Mal (Case Study at Los Lhokseumawe Market Traders), which aims to analyze the influence of trust, religiosity, and contribution to traders’ interest in The Los Angeles City of Lhokseumawe Market, issued Zakah at the Baitul Mal. The object of his research is the traders with sampling techniques using a simple random sampling method. The sample is 69 traders. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis approach by multiple linear regression. From this research it can be concluded that there is an influence of trust factors and contributions to the process of determining interest by traders in issuing Zakah both testing partially or simultaneously, whereas for religiosity factors have a smaller influence in determining traders interest in removing Zakah at baitul mall Lhokseumawe. The difference with the current research lies in the variables, the research methods that use combination research methods and analytical tools.23

From the literature review above, it can be concluded that there are similarities and differences between this research and previous research. Some differences lie in the location, time, variables, and research methods chosen. But some similarities also lie in the variable religiosity, sampling technique with random sampling, use of the Likert scale, and data analysis techniques that use simple regression analysis.

22 Sumbu Latim Miatun, “Pengaruh Religiusitas Terhadap Gaya Hidup Konsumen Muslim Toko Artomoro Di Ponorogo”, Skripsi , IAIN Ponorogo, 2018.

23 Muhammad Yunus, “Analisis Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Religiusitas Dan Kontribusi Terhadap Minat Pedagang Mengeluarkan Zakat Di Baitul Mal (Studi Kasus Pada Pedagang Pasar Los Lhokseumawe), yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepercayaan, religiusitas, dan kontribusi terhadap minat pedagang di Pasar Los Kota Lhokseumawe”, Tesis , UIN Sumatera Utara, 2016.

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Based on the previous research above and several considerations and advice from the supervisor, the researcher will conduct research under title “The Effect of Religiosity on the Interest of Traders to pay Zakah on LAZ (Case Study Traders of Songgo Langit Ponorogo Traditional Market)”.

B. Theoritical Framework1. Definition of religiosity

Religion or religiosity is manifested in various aspects of human life. Religious activities do not occur when someone performs ritual behavior (worship) only, but also when doing other activities that are driven by supernatural powers. Not only that which is related to what appears, but also activities that do not appear and occur in one’s heart. Religiosity is a complex integration between religious knowledge, feelings and religious actions in a person. Religiosity can be seen from religious activities in daily life that are carried out routinely and consistently.24

Religious means which is related to religion.25 Religiosity is also defined as an integrated system of beliefs, lifestyles, ritual activities and institutions that provide meaning in human life and direct humans to sacred values or highest values.26

According to Robert Nuttin the urge of religion is one of the impulses that work in human beings as other impulses such as eating, drinking, intellect, and so on. In line with this, the various motivations demand to be fulfilled, so that the human person gets

24 Dwiwiyanti Astogini et. al., J u rnal “Aspek Religiusitas Dalam Keputusan Pembelian Produk Halal (Studi Ten t ang Labelisasi Halal Pada Produk Makanan Dan Minuman Kemasan)”, JEBA, Vol. 13, No. 1, Maret 2011, p. 2

25 Religiusitas, (Accessed on 20 September 2018, Time: 00.01 WIB, from

26 Imang Dapit Pamungkas, “Pengaruh Religiusitas Dan Rasionalitas Dalam Mencegah Dan Mendeteksi Kecenderungan Kecurangan Akutansi”, Fakultas Ekonomi UNIKAL, Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, Vol. 15, No. 02, September 2014, p. 52

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satisfaction and calm. In addition, the encouragement of religion is also a human need that arises from a combination of various causal factors originating from religious sense.27

2. Dimension of ReligiosityAt present there have been quite a number of measures

developed for the religiosity construct. The widely used measure of religiosity is the Religious Orientation Scale (ROS) of Allport and Ross, which is based on previous theoretical views of Allport on the psychology of religion. This scale includes two different dimensions of religiosity, namely extrinsic dimensions and intrinsic dimensions. Extrinsic dimensions refer to the usefulness motivation that underlies religious behavior, while the intrinsic dimension refers to motivation based on the objectives inherent in the religious tradition itself. The characterization of the dimensions of religious orientation is supported by the fact that extrinsic dimensions are weaker predictors of positive life outcomes than their intrinsic dimensions. While the intrinsic dimension is related to commitment and involvement that is more inherent in spiritual goals.28

There are several dimensions / aspects mentioned by some groups regarding religiosity. According to Glock and Stark, to measure the level of religiosity there are 5 dimensions, namely:29

a. The Ideological DimensionThe dimension of belief is the degree to which a person

accepts dogmatic things in his religion. For example, the belief

27 Hanifah Nuraini dan M Rasyid Ridho, “Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Citra lembaga, dan Religiusitas terhadap minat Muzakki untuk menyalurkan Zakat Profesi (Studi di Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat Yogyakarta)”, Jurnal MD, Edisi Juli-Desember 2015, p.213

28 Daru Asih, “Dimensi Spiritualitas Dan Religiusitas Dalam Intensi Keperilakuan Konsumen”, Disertasi, Program Doktoral Managemen Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta 2015, p. 9

29 Hanifah Nuraini dan M Rasyid Ridho, “Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan…, P. 213

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in the existence of God, angels, heaven, hell, and so on.

b. The Ritualistic DimensionDimensions of Practice Religion is the degree to which

someone performs ritual obligations in his religion. This dimension includes worship behavior, the implementation of formal religious rites, obedience and things people do to show commitment to their religion.

c. The Experiencial DimensionDimension Experience is a feeling or religious experience

that has been experienced and felt during life in the world. For example, feeling close to God, feeling afraid to sin, or feeling saved by God, and so on.

d. The Intellectual DimensionThe Knowledge Dimension of Religion is how far a

person knows about his religious teachings, which consists of knowledge and cognitive concepts related to creation, as well as efforts to increase knowledge about his religion, especially those in the scriptures and other religious books.

e. The Consequential DimensionConsequences Dimensions are dimensions that measure

the extent to which a person’s behavior is motivated and consequent to his religious teachings in social life.

That opinion allows to be aligned with the five aspects of the implementation of Islamic teachings on aspects of religiosity, namely aspects of Faith parallel to the Dimension of Belief, aspects of Islam parallel to the Dimensions of Religious Practice, aspects of Ihsan parallel to the Dimension of Experience, Science aspects parallel to the Knowledge Dimension, and Charity aspects are parallel to the Consequences Dimension.30

30 Teguh Supriyanto, “Pengaruh Religiusitas Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Se Kecamatan Giriwoyo Kabupaten Wonogiri Tahun Pelajaran

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The aspects of religiosity according to the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Environment in 1987 in Ahmad Ghazali and Abdul Hamid (2014), consisted of 5 aspects, namely:31

a. Aspects of faith, concerning the beliefs and relationships of humans with God, angels, prophets and so on.

b. Islamic aspects, concerning the frequency, intensity of the implementation of worship that has been set, for example prayer, fasting and alms.

c. Ihsan aspects, concerning experiences and feelings about the presence of God, fear of violating prohibitions and others.

d. Science aspect, which concerns one’s knowledge about religious teachings.

e. Charity aspects, concerning behavior in social life, for example helping others, defending weak people, working and so on.

However, researcher choose the opinion of Yasemine El Menouar who divides religion into five dimensions that are quite representative to reveal the religiosity of a Muslim person. This theory also has similarities with aspects of religiosity according to the Ministry of Environment and the Republic of Indonesia above. The five dimensions are: (1) Religious basis (harmony), (2) Religious duties, (3) Religious experience, (4) Religious knowledge and (5) Orthopraxis or good / right actions / behavior / actions. These five dimensions if understood there are similarities and conformities in Islam.32

2015/2016”, Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Tesis, Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta, 2016, p. 16

31 Ahmad Ghazali Abdul Hamid, “Pengaruh Religiusitas Dan Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Tabungan Wadiah Di PT. Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang Pembantu Tulungangung”, Skripsi, Jurusan Perbankan Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungaung 2014, p. 39

32 Yasemin El-Menouar dan Bertelsmann Stifung, “The Five Dimensions Of Muslim Religiosity. Result Of An Empirical Study”, Methods Data Analysis Journal, Vol. 8(1), 2014, p. 60-63

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a. The first dimension contains all items from religious beliefs and practices. This means that religious beliefs cannot be observed only from practice. Trust is supported by the completion of religious rituals, such as praying privately outside formal rituals. In addition, it will appear that some types of religious experience are needed to support the existence of a Muslim’s belief. This belief is accompanied by the feeling of God’s Presence and Oneness. However, the general performance of rituals is not only from this aspect. This represents religiosity at the individual level. This dimension also explains that “there is no doubt that God does exist.” This dimension is called basic religiosity, because this is a prerequisite for other dimensions.

b. The second dimension is ritual or religious duties. To measure the ritual dimension, Yasemine uses the frequency of performing prayer rituals, pilgrimages to Mecca, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, and ethical consumption of food, or in Islam more commonly known as “pillars of Islam”. As discussed earlier, these norms discuss the rules of natural Islamic duties. In contrast to the first dimension, which measures the individual piety of a Muslim, the second dimension measures the piety of a Muslim on a collective or social level. The religious practices that characterize this dimension have something in common, that they do it like what other Muslims do. In addition, this dimension only contains the behavior of Muslims as a whole and is therefore different from the aspects of religiosity possessed by other religions.

c. The third dimension is the dimension of religious experience. This dimension not only measures the level of religiosity but is also able to distinguish between various types of religious orientation. Measuring the dimensions of experience, including two subtypes of religious experience, namely “confirm” and “responsive”, as emphasized by Glock and Stark. As an

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indicator for measuring worship practices, Yasemine uses the frequency of praying personally to God and the frequency of reading basmalah. Generally, a devout Muslim will pray before carrying out their daily tasks. In this way, they believe, under protection and ask only God they become successful.

d. The fourth dimension is religious knowledge. This dimension refers to what was emphasized by the Glock, before being complemented by Islamic indicators by Yasemine. This dimension aims to increase knowledge about the contents of the Koran, the life and actions of the Prophet Muhammad and regarding Islam in general. With more knowledge about the Koran and the Sunnah, a Muslim will understand that each action has its own consequences, whether in the world or in the hereafter.

e. The last dimension is the orthopraxis dimension or good / right actions / behaviors / actions. This dimension has an important role in the religiosity of a Muslim. Islamic influence in everyday life gives confidence to others, that consequences do not only occur in the world, but in the next life too. In addition, it also provides different insights into the concept of piety in Muslim societies. Righteousness is meant not only in worship, but in acting in the environment as well. This dimension reveals the level of orthopraxis that is in accordance with Islam, which

refers to the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad.3. The Definition of Interest

Interest in the Large Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI) is interpreted as a tendency of a high heart towards a passion or desire. Etymologically the notion of interest is for attention, the tendency of the heart to desire. While epistimologi interest is a mental device that consists of a mixture of feelings, hopes, establishment, prejudice or other tendencies that direct individuals

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to a particular choice.33 It can be said that interest is a tendency to give attention and act to people, activities, or situations that are objects of interest that are accompanied by feelings of pleasure and joy.

In terms of understanding many interests have been expressed by experts, Sardiman argues that, “Interest is defined as a condition that occurs, if someone sees traits or transient meanings of situations that are associated with their own desires or needs”.34

Interest in an Islamic perspective is a gift that Allah SWT gives to humans. A gift in the form of a gift that can be useful for choosing good objects and doing good deeds, so as not to fall into things that are prohibited by Islam.35 Whereas Bachmid, et al. (2012) interpreted the interest in paying Zakah as an awareness of paying Zakah in accordance with Shari’a provisions, such as nishab, haul, and how to properly issue it (through amil).36

From the above understanding of interest, it can be concluded that interest is an individual’s desire both from the motivation or motivation from within themselves or encouragement from other tendencies that come from outside the individual.

4. The Indicators of InterestLucas and Britt are indicators of interest, among others:37

a. Interest, that shows the concentration of attention and feeling of pleasure.

33 Hanifah Nuraini dan M Rasyid Ridho, “Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan…, p.21434 Muhammad yunus, “Analisis Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Religiusitas dan…, p. 4635 Setyo Budi Hartono, “Membangun Spiritual Capital Muzakki dari Diferensiasi,

Promosi dan Minat dalam Berzakat”, Jurnal Iqtishoduna, Vol. 2 No. 2Ed Desember 2018, p. 15736 Andi Triyawan dan Siti Aisyah, “Analisis Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi

Muzakki membayar Zakat di Baznas Yogyakarta”, Islamic Economics Journal, Vol. 2 No. 1 Juli 2016, p. 63

37 Lucas, D.B & Britt, S.H, Advertising Psychology and Research, (New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2003), p. 101

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b. Desire, indicated by the urge to want to have.c. Conviction, is shown by the feeling of individual confidence in

the quality, usability, and benefits of the product to be purchased.5. Factors that Influence Interest

In the opinion of Crow and Crow there are three factors that influence interest, namely:38

a. Encouragement from within the individual, for example the urge to eat and curiosity. Muzaki, who has known about the obligation of Zakah and has a commitment to always carry out religious orders, will always strive to pay Zakah every year for the assets owned.

b. Social motives, can be a factor that arouses interest in doing a certain activity. Encouragement from family members or closest people and in the surrounding environment, many pay Zakah, but also to help others.

c. Emotional factors, interests have a close relationship with emotions. Every issue of treasure in the way of Allah will certainly be doubled or received a better reply, muzaki who issues Zakah can expect to receive a reward from Allah.

6. The Definition of ZakahAccording to the language of Zakah it means to grow and

develop, or purify because Zakah will develop the reward of the culprit and cleanse it from sin. According to the Sharia, Zakah is a compulsory right of certain assets at a certain time.39

Whereas Zakah according to the term, the definition of Zakah in the fiqh study, as written by several fuqoha ‘(Jurisprudence experts), there are recorded several editors who have relatively the same intentions. Among the definitions put forward by the fuqoha ’are:

38 Muhammad Yunus, Thesis “Analisis Pengaruh Kepercayaan…, p.4739 Luqman Junaidi, Fiqhun Nisa…, p. 159

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According to Imam Ja’far Sadiq, Zakah is the giving of some assets that have reached the nishab to the needy and so on and do not have the traits that can be prevented from shar’a to clarify to him, by issuing Zakah the perpetrator will not be short even he will feel sufficient and be appointed God.40

According to Dr. Kholid Abdur Razzaq, Zakah is part of the treasure with certain requirements that Allah SWT requires the owner to give to those who have the right to receive it with certain conditions which of course with the intention of Allah Ta’ala.41

From some of the above meanings, it can be concluded that Zakah is the property of the people for the ummah, from those who are obliged to pay it to those who have the right to receive it. Zakah can cleanse the souls of the muzakki from the stingy, greedy and cleanse themselves from sin and at the same time eliminate the envy and envy of the poor to the rich. With Zakah can form a prosperous society and foster a life that is all sufficient.

7. Legal Basis of ZakahZakah is an obligation that is obligatory for every Muslim

that is related to property with certain conditions. The legal basis for the obligation to issue Zakah is:

a. Al-Baqarah : 4342

Which means: “And establish prayer, give Zakah and bow along with those who bow”.

b. At- Taubah : 10343

Which means: “Take Zakah from some of their assets, with the Zakah you cleanse and purify them, and pray for

40 Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, Fiqh Imam Ja’far Shadiq, (Jakarta: Lentera, 1999), p. 315

41 Tim Emir, Panduan Zakat Terlengkap, (Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2002), p. 442 Departem Agama RI, Al- Qur’an dan Terjemahannya, (Semarang: CV. Toha

Putra, 2008), P.843 Ibid, p. 203

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them. Verily your prayer will be for them. And Allah is Hearer, Knower”.

c. Al- Baqarah: 26744

Which means: “O ye who believe, spend (in the way of Allah) some of the results of your good efforts and part of what we remove from the earth for you. And do not choose bad things, and spend from them, even though you yourself do not want to take them, but narrow your eyes to them. And know that Allah is rich, praiseworthy”.

In addition to the legal basis of the Qur’an there are words of the Prophet which means: “The Prophet sat one day with his companions, then came a man and asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is Islam?’ and fasting in the month of Ramadan. (Narrated by Bukhori) “.45

With this legal basis Zakah is a social worship that must be carried out by Muslims with certain conditions. In addition to the Qur’an and hadith there is also a formal legal basis made by the government regarding the management of Zakah such as Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning the management of Zakah.46

8. Purpose of ZakahIslamic teachings make Zakah as a maliah ijtima’iyah

worship that has social goals to build an economic system that has world welfare goals and the hereafter. The aim in shari’at Zakah is as follows:47

a. Cleanse the Soul Muzakki from the naughty nature, Loba and greed and instill a feeling of love or solidarity with the weak group

44 Ibid, P.3645 Tim Emir, Panduan Zakat…, P. 9-1046 Abdul Hafiz Daulay, “Analisis Faktor-faktor penyebab keengganan masyarakat

membayar Zakat melalui Instansi Bazis/Laz di Kota Medan (Studi Kasus: Masyarakat kecamatan Medan Tembung)”, Jurnal Ekonomi dan keuangan Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 243

47 Subki Risya, Zakat Untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan…, p.38-39

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b. Cleaning dirty property because it mixes with mustahiq property.c. Fostering brotherhood among fellow Muslims.d. Eliminate stingyness from property owners.e. Cleanse the envy and envy of poor people.

9. Various of ZakahZakah is a compulsory shodaqoh which has been determined

the type and type. In the science of jurisprudence Zakah is divided into 2 types, namely Zakah fitrah and Zakah maal.

a. Zakah FitrahZakah Al-Fitr is the Zakah issued by every Muslim who

has advantages for a reasonable family need on the eve of Eid al-Fitr.48 This Zakah is called Zakah fitrah because it is associated with one’s self (al-Fitrah). Zakah Al-Fitr is paid in the month of Ramadan until the Eid prayer. The amount and type of Zakah is 1 sha ‘tamar or one sha ’wheat49, depending on the type of staple food found in a particular area.50

Zakah Al-Fitr is intended to cleanse the sins that have been committed during the fasting of Ramadan, so that those people really return to the state of fitrah, and also to cheer the hearts of the poor on Eid al-Fitr.

b. Zakah MaalZakah maal is Zakah in the form of assets issued by a

person or legal entity provided that it has fulfilled one place and has been owned by one year.51

In the book of classical jurisprudence, assets which are obliged to be Zakah include: livestock, gold and silver, trade goods, crops and mining and rikaz goods.

48 Muhammad Daud Ali, Sistem Ekonomi Islam Zakat dan Wakaf, (Jakarta: UI Press, 1988), p. 42

49 One Sha ‘is equal to the size of 2,304 Kg.50 Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, Fiqh Imam Ja’far Shadiq..., p. 35751 Tim Emir, Panduan Zakat Terlengkap…, p. 34

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This discussion will be discussed in the following description:

1) CattleIn this group the fuqaha agreed that livestock which were

obliged to be Zakah included camels, cows, goats and such. As the hadith of the Prophet SAW:52

Which means: “From Abu Dharr, I came to the Messenger of Allāh beliau and he said: and for my sake who is in his power, or for a substance that there is no god but Him, or as he swears no one has camels, cows or sheep , then do not fulfill their rights (Zakah) unless the animal will come on the Day of Judgment to him in a condition bigger and fatter than usual. The animals will trample with their feet or gore it with their horns. When it is finished in the last row, it is returned to the first row, so that punishment is imposed among other human beings “.

Jurisprudence requires a number of things in Zakah expenditure for livestock, although there are still disagreements in it. These conditions are as follows:53

a) The animals are tame camels, cows and goats.b) The number of livestock should reach Nisab.c) The owner of the animal has had it for a full year from the

first day he possessed it and the possession is held back during the period of ownership.

d) The animals include animals that search for their own grass and not animals that their grass strives for at the owner’s expense.

2) Gold and SilverZakah on gold and silver is required in the form of pieces

or chunks, provided that the gold and silver have reached one nishab and have been held for one year. If it does not reach one

52 Imam Abi Abdillah Muhammad, Shahih Bukhari, (Beirut : Daar al- kutub, 1992), p. 45053 Muhammad Daud Ali, Sistem Ekonomi Islam Zakat dan Wakaf…, p. 45

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nishab, then it is not obligatory to issue Zakah unless the gold is traded. As for Zakah issued in the category of commercial Zakah.54

Jurisprudence scholars argue that gold and silver must be Zakah if enough nishab. In their opinion, gold nishab is 20 mitsqal, while silver is 200 dirhams.55 They also gave conditions, namely the validity of one year. And the Zakah that must be issued is 2.5% of the assets owned.56

3) Mining Goods and Findings (Ma’din and Rikaz)Mining goods are all valuable things found or removed

from the earth, such as: iron, tin and so on. Whereas what is meant by rikaz is a treasure in the past that is buried in the ground and no one has it.57

If the product has reached one nishab, then Zakah must be issued at that time and it is not required until one year. The Zakah is 2.5%.58 As for Rikaz, Zakah issued is 1/5. Similar to the results of tanmbang, rikaz is also not required until one year but is issued Zakah at that time.59

4) Trade AssetTrading assets are assets in the form of objects, dwellings,

types of animals, clothing, and other items provided for trading. Included in this category according to the Maliki School are jewelry that are traded.60

Zakah that must be taken out of trading assets is 2.5%

54 Ibid,55 According to Jumhur, 20 Mithqal is 91 grams of gold, while 200 Dirhams is equal

to 643 grams of silver.56 Muhammad Daud Ali, Sistem Ekonomi Islam Zakat dan Wakaf…, p. 4557 Ibid, p. 4658 Ibid,59 Ibid,60 Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, Fiqih Imam Ja’far Shadiq…, p. 337

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of the price of merchandise. The amount of Zakah that must be issued from it is the same as the gold and silver Zakah.61

5) Plants and FruitsZakah is the result of this crop without the requirement

of haul, because every time the harvest must be issued Zakah. While the produce of the earth is once a year and there are two to three times a year. So every time the harvest reaches the nishab, the Zakah must be issued.62

The jurists agreed that the yield of Zakah is 10% for plants that get rainwater. While the plants are irrigated using tools, the Zakah is 5%, as the Prophet SAW said:63

Wich meaning: Said bin Abi Maryam told me, from Abdullah bin Wahab, from Yunus bin Yazid from Salim ibn Abdullah from his father, that the Prophet said: “In the grain irrigated with rain water and springs or irrigated by windmills, ( there is an obligation of Zakah) 1/10, and seeds that are irrigated with tools that are drawn by animals, (Zakah) is 1/20”.

6) ProfessionProfession results are a source of income or wealth that is

not widely known in the past, therefore this form of income is not much discussed, especially those relating to Zakah. However, it does not mean that the assets obtained from the proceeds of the profession are free from Zakah, because Zakah is essentially a collection of assets taken from rich people to be distributed to poor people. Thus the results of one’s profession if it has fulfilled the mandatory provisions of Zakah, it is obligatory for him to pay Zakah.

Net income Zakah from an employee or from a certain

61 Ibid, p. 33862 Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, Fiqih Imam Ja’far Shadiq…, p. 33363 Ibid, p. 334-335

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profession can be taken from within a full year if the net income for that year reaches one nisab.64 The Zakah is only taken from net income, while a salary or wage a year that does not reach the nisab (after deducting living costs) is not obliged to be Zakah.

According to Zuhri, professional Zakah can be analogous to two things, namely on agricultural Zakah and gold and silver Zakah. If analogous to agricultural Zakah, then professional Zakah has no provisions for haul. And the nishab worth 653 kilograms of rice and the time to issue Zakah is when receiving a salary. Whereas if it is analogous to the gold and silver Zakah, then the Zakah that must be issued from a profession is one-quarter or 2.5%. This is because salaries, wages, or others are generally received in the form of money.65 Qiyas used in determining the professional Zakah is qiyas shabah66, namely qiyas which ‘illat the law is determined by the method of shari’a.

Whereas Amin Rais argues that Zakah towards modern professions needs to be increased by around 10% or 20%. This is based on how easy someone is to get abundant rizki. Professions that get easy rizki, for example: doctors, company commissioners, consultants, accountants, lawyers, notaries, importers, exporters, and many other modern professions. All this for the sake of a healthier social life so that the distance between the rich and the poor does not get wider.67

64 Yusuf Qardawi, Hukum Zakat, (Bandung: Mizan, 1999), p. 48465 Ibid, P. 48566 Qiyas sabah is to equate furu ‘(branch or the one in qiyaskan) with origin (the

subject matter or the location of qiyas) because there is a jaami’ (the reason that brings it together) who likes it.

67 Amin Rais, Cakrawala Islam : Antara Cita Dan Fakta, (Bandung : Mizan, 1987), p. 58-61

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10. Zakah Recipient (Mustahiq)There are eight groups of people who are entitled to receive

Zakah, thus those who are not included in one of these groups are not entitled to Zakah. Explanation of each group is as follows:68

a. Fakir, is a person who does not have sufficient assets or business, so most of his needs are not met, even though he has clothing and a place to live. But if a person who cannot fulfill his needs is due to his laziness working even though he has energy, then he is not included in the faction group.

b. Miskin, is a person who has assets or business that can produce a part of his needs but he cannot fulfill them. The intended needs are food, clothing and others according to the conditions that are appropriate for him. Although between the needy and the poor only have a slight difference, but in the technical operations it is often equated, namely those who do not have any income at all or have it but do not meet the needs of themselves and their families.

c. Amil, is a person who carries out everything that is related to the management of Zakah, both the property, the registrar, the treasurer, the Zakah divider. Allah gives part to the person who takes care of the Zakah from the Zakah property. Amil can receive a portion of Zakah only as much as the appropriate salary for his work.

d. Muallaf, is a person who is expected to have a tendency for his heart or his beliefs can be increased towards Islam or the obstruction of the person’s bad intentions towards the mulimin or people who are expected to have benefits in defending and helping the Muslims.

e. Riqab, is a slave who will free himself from his master, in this sense the ransom is needed to liberate Muslims who are held

68 Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, Fiqh Imam Ja’far Shadiq…, p. 339-341

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captive by unbelievers. So to free it must redeem it with a sum of money to his master, then he has the right to get Zakah distribution, this is one of the ways in Islam to abolish slavery.

f. Al-Gharimin, is a person who has accumulated debts to fulfill his life needs which then cannot afford to pay his debt.69 Therefore, Zakah is expected to be used to pay off part or all of its debt.

g. Fi-Sabilillah, is a person who fights in the way of Allah, without obtaining a salary or reward. In a very broad sense fiabilabilah also interpreted by preaching, trying to uphold Islamic law and stem the flow of thoughts that are contrary to Islam. Thus the definition of jihad is not only limited to military activities.

h. Ibn as-Sabil, is a person who runs out of stock on a trip and cannot bring money from his house. The person is given Zakah only to arrive at the intended destination.

11. Management of Zakah by Zakah Institution (LAZ)Zakah is not only worship related to wisdom or manhood.

but in practice it requires encouragement or coercion from the inside in the form of ethical awareness and external coercion in the form of formal rules. This is because Zakah has a very strategic position and position in supporting welfare and poverty alleviation and improving the economy of the community.70

Management of Zakah according to Law No. 38 of 1999 is an activity of planning, organizing, implementing, supervising the collection and distribution and utilization of Zakah.71

Zakah management activities that have been taught by Islam and have been practiced by the Prophet Muhammad and his successors, namely friends. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad was known to an institution called the Baitul Mal which served

69 Yusuf Qardhawi, Hukum Zakat…, p. 14370 Ahmad Dakhoir, Hukum zakat…, p. 3371 Ibid, p. 34

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and functioned in managing state finances. The income comes from Zakah funds, infaq, kharaj, jizyah, ghanimah and so on. Its use for predetermined mustahiq, the interests of da’wah, education, social welfare, making infrastructure and so on. But now the meaning of Baitul Mal has narrowed, only as an institution that collects and distributes Zakah, infaq, shadaqah and waqf funds known as Zakah management organizations.72

The existence of Zakah management organizations in Indonesia has been regulated in legislation, namely Law No. 38 of 1999 concerning Management of Zakah, Minister of Religion Decree No. 581 of 1999 concerning Implementation of Law No. 38 of 1999 and Director General of Islamic Community Guidance and Hajj Affairs No. D / 291 of 2000 concerning Technical Guidelines for Management of Zakah. The regulation aims to make Zakah management organizations more professional, trustworthy and transparent so that managed funds can have a positive impact on the empowerment and welfare of the people.73

Taking care of Zakah funds requires professional management and management so that great potential can benefit the poor. Then the most important part of the Zakah management management process is the allocation and distribution of Zakah funds. Because this process directly touches the target recipient of the Zakah.74

Management of a good Zakah management organization can be measured and formulated with three keywords called Good Organization Governance, namely:75

a. Amanah, the nature of trust is an absolute requirement that

72 Yusuf Wibisono, Mengelola Zakat Indonesia…, p. 134-13573 Ibid, p. 7974 Ahmad Dakhoiri, Hukum Zakat,… p.6475 Sholahuddin, Ekonomi Islam, (Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press,

2006), p. 236

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must be owned by every amil Zakah. In the absence of these characteristics, the system will be destroyed, as Indonesia’s economic system is destroyed due to low morale and the lack of trustworthiness of economic actors. Moreover, the funds managed are community funds which essentially belong to Mustahiq.

b. Professional, Only with high professionalism will the managed funds be effective and efficient.

c. Transparency, with the transparency of Zakah management, it will create a good control system, because it involves internal parties and muzakki and the wider community. With transparency, people’s suspicion and distrust will be minimized.

The financial report of a Zakah management institution must be published regularly, this is to increase the trust of muzakki and prospective muzakki. So that the beliefs and beliefs of Muzakki on the image of the institution are maintained.76

Zakah is an instrument for alleviating poverty, income distribution and narrowing the gap between the rich and poor. So through the Zakah institution it is hoped that the weak and disadvantaged groups will no longer worry about their survival, because the substance of Zakah is a mechanism that guarantees their survival in the community, so that they feel living in a civilized human society, caring and traditions helping each other.77

Thus, amil in implementing management of Zakah management must be managed optimally, professionally and in accordance with the objectives of Zakah, namely alleviating poverty, therefore it must have complete data relating to the names of mustahik and the level of welfare of his life and needs.

76 Muhammad Ridwan, Manajemen Baitul Maal Watamwil, (Yogyakarta: UII Press, 2004), p. 225

77 Gustian Djuanda dkk.,Pelaporan Zakat…, p. 16

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C. Theoretical Framework

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A. Research Framework

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B. Place and Time of ResearchThis research was conducted in Ponorogo City, the selection of

locations in the City of Ponorogo was based on several reasons including the ease in research from the financial side and the efficiency of time also made it easier for researchers to obtain more accurate and valid data. The object of the research is the traders at the Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market.

This research is expected to spend 6 (six) months starting from the initial observation, the process of preparing and seminar proposals, collecting initial data, conducting library studies, designing research models, collecting data from questionnaires and testing the validity of the questionnaires used, and continued with data analysis and report maker results estimated in March 2019.

C. Type of ResearchThe type of research used in this study is quantitative research

because the data obtained are in the form of numbers and processed using statistics. Quantitative research is an objective research, including the collection and analysis of quantitative data and also using statistical testing methods.78 There are two variables to be examined, namely the first is the Independent variable (x) The Effect of Religiosity while the second variable is the dependent variable (y) The interest of traders to pay Zakah at LAZ.

D. Source and Type of DataWhat is meant by data sources in research is the subject from which

data can be obtained. If researchers use questionnaires or interviews in data collection, then the data source is called the respondent.79 In this study, the source of the data or respondents were the clothes traders in the South of the Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market.

78 John W. Creswell, Research Design: Pendekatan kualitatif kuantitatif dan mixed, (Jogjakarta: Pustaka pelajar, 2009), p. 6

79 Husein Umar, Metode Penelitian Untuk Skripsi dan Tesis bisnis, (Depok: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2013), p.41

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While the types of data from this study are as follows:80

1. Primary DataPrimary data is a data source that directly provides data to

data collectors. The main data sources in this study are the words and actions of the object or person to be studied.

In this study the primary data was obtained from a questionnaire filled by fashion traders at the Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market.

2. Secondary DataSecondary data is data obtained in finished and collected

forms and data obtained from other parties are usually in the form of publications.

Therefore researchers take secondary data from previous studies, journals and some of the documents and other sources related to research

E. Population and Sample1. Population

Population is the research subject for most of the targets to obtain and collect data. The population depends on the object / target of the research, can be in the form of a number of humans, human activities, types of goods and so on. A population that is limited in number can only be used as a research sample (survey) or it can also only be used half of the population or can also be a few percent as long as it meets the requirements.81.

In this study the population is the traders in the southern part of the Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market who have the characteristics of selling clothing. Therefore, the sampling technique uses random

80 Husein Umar, Metode Penelitian Untuk Skripsi dan Tesis bisnis, (Depok: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2013), p.41

81 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Bisnis “Pendekatan kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D”, (Bandung : Alfabeta, 2014), p. 389.

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sampling because I choose several respondens randomly.

2. SampleThe sample is part of the number and characteristics of the

population. If the pollulation is large, and researchers are not likely to learn everything in the population, for example due to limited funds, time and energy, the researcher can use samples taken from that population. What is learned from the sample, the conclusion will be applicable to the population. For that samples taken from the population must truly represent.82

The use of purposive sampling method in sampling for this study is very appropriate according to the researchers, because for now there are no definitive preliminary data regarding the number of traders selling apparel and also the shops in the Los Market. According to researchers’ observations and information from several traders there, the current number is 250 apparel traders.

For this reason, the researcher determines a sample of 30% of the total population, namely:

250/100x30 = 75

The big reason for 30% sampling is referring to Dani Darmanto’s book, that mentioned if the population more than 1.000 the sample 10% is enough, but if the population around 100 the sample is 30% is enough.83 For this reason, the researcher chooses that opinion, which is 30% for the sample used.

In this study the sample that will be taken from the population of songgo sky market traders uses simple random sampling for quantitative data because the random sampling of members from the population regardless of the strata in that population. This way is done if the members of the population are considered

82 Ibid83 Deni Darmawan, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya,

2013), p. 143

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homogeneous.84. Namely by one of the methods allowed in this method is to draw a lottery population of 250 people, resulting in a sample of 75 people.

F. Data Collection TechniquesData collection techniques used in this study are:

1. QuestionnaireQuestionnaires is data collection techniques that are carried

out by giving respondents a set of written questions to answer.85 According to Widoyo the questionnaire or questionnaire is a method of data collection conducted by giving a set of questions or written statements to the respondent to be given a response according to the user’s request.86

In this study, the questionnaire used was a closed questionnaire, which was a questionnaire presented in such a way that the respondents were asked to choose the answers that matched their characteristics by giving a sign (x) or checklist (√).87

While the preparation of the measurement scale uses a Likert scale. With a Likert scale, variable indicators are used as a starting point for making instrument items in the form of questions or statements that need to be answered by respondents.88In this study used a choice of five scale responses with positive answers the answer score was:

1. SS (Strongly Agree) : Score 5 2. S (Agree) : Score 4 3. KS (Quite Agree) : Score 3

84 Deni Darmawan, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2013), p. 143

85 Ibid, p.19986 Ibid,87 Husein Umar, Metode Penelitian untuk Skripsi,…, p.5088 Ibid, P.71

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4. TS (Disagree) : Score 2 5. STS (Strongly Disagree) : Score 1

In this study the method of data collection was by giving a questionnaire to apparel traders at the Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market.

2. ObservationObservation is an important way to get definite information

about people, because what is said is not necessarily the same as what is done.89 Ordinary observation is interpreted as a systematic observation and recording of the elements that appear in a symptom on the object of research.90 In this study, observation is a support tool for determining the population above and the validity of the questionnaire used to determine the religiosity of traders. This observation is expected to provide evidence of religiosity that is

used as the main data collection tool.

G. The Scope of ResearchThis variable is measured using a Likert Scale. Likert scale is used

to measure attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group about social events or symptoms.91 In this study the Likert scale is used with 10 statements from variable X and 5 statements from variable Y. Each statement contains 5 answer choices, namely: Strongly Disagree (STS), Disagree(TS), Quite Disagree (KS), Agree (S), Strongly Disagree (SS) on a scale of 1 to 5.

Table 3. 1. Scope of Research

Variable Indicator Likert Scale

89 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Bisnis, p.20390 Ibid,91 Riduwan dan Sunarto, Pengantar Statistik untuk Penelitian: Pendidikan, Social,

Komunikasi, Ekonomi dan Bisnis, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2007), p.20

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(X) Religiosity

Religious basisReligious dutiesReligious experienceReligious knowledgeOrthopraxis

1 s/d 5

(Y) InterestInterestDesireConviction

1 s/d 5

H. Operational Definition of VariablesBased on the title of this research, “The Effect of Religiosity on the

Interest of Traders Paying Zakah on Laz (Case Study of Traders of Songgo Langit Market)”, then there are 2 variables, namely 1 independent variable (X) Religiosity and 1 dependent variable (Y) Interest. As measured by simple Linear Regression Analysis.92 For more details, it will be described below:

1. Independent VariableIndependent variables are variables that are the cause

of the emergence or change of dependent variables. In short, the independent variable is a variable that affects the dependent variable. In other words, independent variables are factors that are measured or selected by a researcher to determine or determine the relationship between the phenomena being observed.93 The variables used in this variable are:

a. ReligiosityReligiosity in question is the realization of religious

obedience in the beliefs, mindsets and behavior of traders in practicing the third pillar of Islam (Zakah).

According to Yasemin El-Menouar there are 5 dimensions that are expected to be indicators in knowing religiosity in this

92 Husein Umar, Metode Penelitian Untuk Skripsi,… p. 11393 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, kualitatif dan

R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011), p. 39

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study. The 5 dimensions include;94

1). Religious basis2). Religious duties3). Religious experience4). Religious knowledge

5). Orthopraxis 2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is a variable that is influenced or becomes a result due to the existence of independent variables.95. The dependent variables in this study is:

b. InterestThe interest in question is internal and external

encouragement related to the attitude to decide to fulfill Zakah obligations.

According to Lucas and Britt there are 3 indicators that foster interest in someone used in this study, including: 96

1) Conviction2) Desire3) Interest

I. Data Analysis TechniqueBefore the research instrument is used to obtain research data, a trial

is conducted in advance to obtain a valid and reliable instrument.

94 Yasemin El-Menouar dan Bertelsmann Stifung, “The Five Dimensions Of Muslim…, p. 60-63

95 Sugiyono, Metode penelitian Pendidikan…, p. 3996 Kartika Mandasari, “Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi…, p. 14-15

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1. Validity TestData validity is a measure that shows the level of validity

and validity of an instrument. Valid or valid instruments have high validity. On the other hand instruments that are less valid means that they have low validity. The instrument is said to be valid if it is able to measure what it wants, revealing data from variables that are examined appropriately, the high and low validity of the instrument shows the extent to which the data collected does not deviate from the description of the validity in question.97 Validity tests are carried out on each question and can be calculated using SPSS.

In testing the validity of the questionnaire, researchers took a sample of 75 respondents. The results can then be seen through the results of the ratios compared with rabel, where rabel can be obtained through degrees of freedom (dk = n - 2) significant 5%, n is the number of samples.98 So, the magnitude of dk = 75 - 2 = 73 with alpha 0.05 (5%), then it gets rtable 0.227. If rcount> rtabel means valid and vice versa if rcount <rtabel means invalid.

From the beginning of the research instrument used to test the validity there were 15 questions that were in accordance with the indicators. Variables X number 1 and 2 represent indicators of confidence dimensions, numbers 3 and 4 represent indicators of the Religious Practice dimension, numbers 5 and 6 represent indicators of the experience dimensions of Religion, numbers 7 and 8 represent indicators of religious knowledge dimensions, numbers 9 and 10 represent indicators of dimensions of religious sanctions . While Y numbers 1 and 2 represent the indicator of confidence, number 3 represents the indicator of desire, numbers 4 and 5 represent indicators of attraction. After all indicators are tested

97 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Bisnis,… p.18298 Sugiyono, Statistik untuk Penelitian, (Bandung : Alfabeta, 2016), p. 357

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through validity tests using SPSS 16, we can see that all indicators of variables X and Y are declared valid because all r counts > r table. So, all the statements that have been made by researchers

represent all indicators of variables X and Y.

2. Reliability TestReliability refers to an understanding that an instrument is

reliable enough to be used as a data collection tool because the instrument is good.99

Reliability is the level of reliability of a research instrument, reliability testing is used to determine the consistency of a measuring instrument, whether the measuring instrument used is reliable and remains consistent if the measurement is repeated. With a reliability test, a questionnaire can be known for its feasibility. A questionnaire is said to be reliable if cronbach’s alpha> 0.60 and is said to be unreliable if cronbach’s alpha < 0.60.100

After the data obtained is valid and reliable then further data processing can be done.

3. Classic Assumption Testa. Normality Test

Normality test aims to test whether in the regression model of the confounding or residual variables have a normal distribution. A good regression method is normal or near normal data distribution. The normality test can be tested using the Koslmogorov-Smirov model by making a hypothesis.101 If the amount of data is large enough and the spread is not 100% normal (perfectly abnormal), then the conclusions drawn are

99 Danang Sunyoto, Metode Penelitian Ekonomi: Alat Statistik dan Analisis Output Komputer, (Yogyakarta: CAPS, 2011), p.70.

100 Danang Sunyoto, Metode Penelitian Ekonomi: Alat Statistik dan Analisis Output Komputer, (Yogyakarta: CAPS, 2011), p.70.

101 Husein Umar, Metode Penelitian…, p. 181,

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probably wrong. To avoid these mistakes we better use some formulas that have been tested for reliability, one of which is the Koslmogorov-Smirov test.102

b. Heteroscedasticity TestHeteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the

regression model variance inequality occurs from the residual one observation to another observation, if the variance from the residual one observation to another observation is different then it is called heteroscedasticity. Basic decision making for

heteroscedasticity tests:103

1) If there are certain patterns, such as the existing point forming a certain pattern regularly (wavy, fused and then narrowing), then it indicates that heteroscedasticity has occurred.

2) If there is no clear pattern, and the points spread above and below number 0 on the Y axis, heteroscedasticity does not occur.

c. Linearity TestGenerally, linearity test aims to determine whether two

variables have a significant linear relationship or not. Good correlation should have a linear relationship between predictor or independent variable (X) with dependent variable (Y). in some references it is stated that this linearity test is a condition or assumption before linear regression analysis is carried out.104

The basic decision making can be seen from the significance value of

1). If the value of deviation from linierity is Sig. > 0.05,

102 Ibid,103 Mohammad Farhan Qodratullah, Analisis Regresi Terapan, (Yogyakarta: Andi

Offset, 2013), p.193-194104 Anugrahening Kushartanti, “Perilaku Menyontek Ditinjau dari Kepercayaan

Diri”, Indigenous Jurnal Ilmiah Berkala Psikologi Vol. 11 No. 2 November 2009, p. 43

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then there is a significant linear relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable.

2) If the value of deviation from linierity is Sig. <0.05, there is no significant linear relationship between independent variables and dependent variables.

4. Hypothesis Testa. Simple Linear Regression

Simple linear regression is used only for one independent variable and one dependent variable.105 To test the first and second hypotheses of Simple Regression analysis techniques with the following steps:

The Formula of Simple Linier Regression:106

Y = a + b.Wich is: Y = Dependent VariableX = Independent Variable

a dan b = Constanta

b. Correlation CoefficientCorrelation coefficients are coefficients obtained from

measurements of covariance statistics or associations between two variables. The magnitude of the correlation coefficient is between +1 and -1. The correlation coefficient shows the strength of the linear relationship and the direction of the relationship of two random variables. if the positive correlation coefficient, then the two variables have a direct relationship. That is, if the value of variable X is high, then the value of variable Y will also be high. Conversely if the negative correlation coefficient, then the two variables have an inverse relationship. That is, if the value of variable X is high, then the value of variable Y will be

105 Ibid, p.113-114106 Ibid

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low. In short the correlation coefficient is the level of closeness

of the relationship between variables.107

c. Coefficient of DeterminationThe coefficient of determination is the level of

contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable (r2, R2). This value states the proportion of the overall variation in the value of the dependent variable that can be explained or caused by a linear relationship with the value of the independent variable. In conjunction with correlation, then r2 is the square of the correlation coefficient that corresponds to the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y).108the coefficient of determination is expressed in percent (%) so it must be multiplied by 100%. Precisely if the correlation coefficient between variables X and Y is 1.00, the coefficient of determination is 12 or 1x 100% = 100%. That is, 100% of the variation in changes in the Y variable is caused by variations in changes in variable X.109

d. t-TestOne inductive statistical activity is to test a hypothesis.110

The t test is intended to find out the significant level of the independent variable. If t table ≤ t count, then Ho is accepted. But if, t count > t table, then Ho is rejected. If Ho is rejected, then the independent variable affects the non-independent variable. Conversely, if Ho is accepted, it means that the independent variable has no significant effect on the dependent variable. 111

107 Sutrisno Badri, Metode Statistika untuk Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2012), p. 153

108 Ibid, p. 149109 Mohammad Farhan Qodratullah, Analisis regresi Terapan…, p. 71-72110 Singgih Santoso, Menguasai Statistik dengan SPSS, (Jakarta: PT Elex Media

Komputindo, 2018), p. 265111 Ibid, p. 272

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J. Research HypothesisBased on the study of the theory described above, the hypotheses to

be tested in this study are as follows:

Ho: Religiosity does not affect the interest in paying Zakah at LAZ.

Ha: Religiosity has a positive effect on interest in paying Zakah Zakah at LAZ.

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A. Overview of Research ObjectsPonorogo Regency, which is located in the province of East Java,

consists of 21 sub-districts and 26 sub-districts and 279 villages.112A. Ponorogo is known as the city of Reog because its unique art is reog ponorogo. And the annual event which is held every year called Grebeg suro which is held every 1 Muharam, has an impact on improving the economy because many reog artists from various regions gather together at the event. Certainly the most influential driver of the economy in each region is the Traditional Market.

Songgo Langit Pasar is the largest traditional market in Ponorogo City, located on Jl. Soekarno-Hatta, Banyudowo, Kec. Ponorogo, Kab. Ponorogo 63411, East Java. From year to year, Pasar Songgo Langit shows a very important role in providing the daily needs of the surrounding community. Not only those related to food, even those related to food, the Pasar Songgo sky meets the needs of the surrounding community. In fact, most of the traders on the southern Songgo sky market are fashion merchants or apparel.

Judging from the number, there are 275 merchants using shops and kiosks in the Songgo Langit market with various merchandise such as: gold traders, basic necessities, rice stalls, furniture and clothing. Of these there are 250 shops and kiosks that sell clothes. The atmosphere of the Songgo Langit market is very conducive, from the level of sales is very dependent on certain moments, such as: before the school year

112 Jumlah Kecamatan di Ponorogo, (Accessed on 13 March 2019, Time: 09.13 WIB, from

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new teachings, ahead of Ramadan, and Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. At that time the level of demand was high, but outside that time the condition was said to be normal.

B. Analysis of Data DescriptionsDescriptive analysis is a statistic used to analyze data by describing or

describing the data that has been collected as it is without using a conclusion that applies to the general or generalizations. So it can be explained that descriptive statistics are part of statistics that learn how to collect data and present data so that it is easy to understand.113

Descriptive statistics only relate to things that describe or provide information about a data or situation. With the word descriptive statistics it functions to explain conditions, symptoms, or problems. Drawing conclusions on descriptive statistics is only aimed at existing data sets.114

Table 4. 1. Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive Statistics

Variabel N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Religiosity 75 36 50 44.32 2.942

Interest 75 14 25 20.71 2.404

Valid N (listwise) 75

From the output above, it can be seen that the variable religiosity of the data (N) is 75, the minimum value is 36, the maximum value is 50, the average value is 44.32, and the standard deviation is 2.942. For variables of interest, the number of data (N) is 75, the minimum value is 14, the maximum value is 25, the average value is 20.71, and the standard deviation is 2.404.

113 Sugiyono, Statistik Untuk Penelitia…, p. 29, 114 Ibid,

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C. Requirements Test Results1. Validity Test

Data validity is a measure that shows the level of validity and validity of an instrument. Valid or valid instruments have high validity. On the other hand instruments that are less valid means that they have low validity. The instrument is said to be valid if it is able to measure what is desired, revealing data from variables that are examined appropriately, the high and low validity of the instrument shows the extent to which the data collected does not offset the description of the validity in question.115

In this study n were 75 respondents. The results can then be seen through the results of the ratios compared with rtable, where rtabel can be obtained through degrees of freedom (dk = n - 2) significant 5%, n is the number of samples. So, the magnitude of dk = 75 - 2 = 73 with alpha 0.05 (5%), then it gets rtable 0.227. If rcount > rtabel means valid and vice versa if rcount <rtable means invalid.116 Based on the analysis that has been done, the results of testing the validity can be shown in the table as follows:

115 Sugiyono, Statistik Untuk Penelitian…, p. 357116 Sugiyono, Statistik Untuk Penelitian…, p. 357

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Table 4. 2. The Result of Validity Test









1 0,414 0,227 Valid2 0,347 0,227 Valid3 0,493 0,227 Valid4 0,431 0,227 Valid5 0,509 0,227 Valid6 0,471 0,227 Valid7 0,590 0,227 Valid8 0,597 0,227 Valid9 0,614 0,227 Valid10 0,508 0,227 Valid



1 0,724 0,227 Valid2 0,652 0,227 Valid3 0,663 0,227 Valid4 0,782 0,227 Valid5 0,694 0,227 Valid

Source: Primary data processed with SPSSFrom the table above, we can see that the calculation for each

item has a higher and positive rcount compared with rtable with dk = 75 - 2 = 73 and alpha 5% obtained rtable of 0.227. Therefore it can be concluded that all indicators in this study are valid.

2. Reliability TestReliability refers to an understanding that an instrument

is reliable enough to be used as a data collection tool because the instrument is good.117 Reliability is the level of reliability of

117 Ibid,

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a research instrument, reliability testing is used to determine the consistency of a measuring instrument, whether the measuring instrument used is reliable and remains consistent if the measurement is repeated.118 With a reliability test, a questionnaire can be known for its feasibility. A questionnaire is said to be reliable if cronbach’s alpha> 0.60 and is said to be unreliable if cronbach’s alpha <0.60.119

The results of the calculation of the reliability of the religiosity variable on lifestyle are summarized in the following table:

Table 4. 3. Result of Reliability Test

Source: Primary data processed with SPSS

From the table above we can know that each instrument variable has an alpha cronbach’s value > 0.60 so that it can be said that all the instrument variables of this study are reliable.

3. Normality TestNormality aims to test whether in the residual or residual

variable variables regression models have a normal distribution. A good regression method is normal or near normal data distribution.120

118 Ibid,119 Danang Sunyoto, Metode Penelitian Ekonomi…, p.70120 Husein Umar, Metode Penelitian…, p. 181

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Table 4. 4. The Result of Kolmogrov-Smirnov TestOne-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardized ResidualN 75

Normal Parametersa Mean .0000000Std. Deviation 2.10894311

Most Extreme Differences

Absolute .054Positive .052Negative -.054

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .464Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .982

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Source: Primary data processed with SPSS

The basis of decision making is based on KolmogorovSmirnov, if the value of Asymp is Sig. > 0.05 then the data has normal distribution, if the value of Asymp Sig ≤ 0.05 then the data has not normal distribution . So from the results of Asymp Sig. above= 0.982 which means > 0.050 then the population is normally distributed.121

4. Heteroscedasticity testHeteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression

model variance inequality occurs from the residual one observation to another observation, if the variance from the residual one observation to another observation is different then it is called heteroscedasticity. Basic decision making for heteroscedasticity tests:122

1) If there are certain patterns, such as the existing point forming a certain pattern regularly (wavy, fused and then narrowing), then it indicates that heteroscedasticity has occurred.

2) If there is no clear pattern, and the points spread above and below number 0 on the Y axis, heteroscedasticity does not occur.

The heteroscedasticity test produces a scatterplot graph as shown in the followingfigure:

121 Ibid,122 Mohammad Farhan Qodratullah, Analisis Regresi Terapan…, p. 193-194

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Figure 4. 1. Scatter Plots Graph

Source: Primary data processed with Spss

Based on the graph of the scatterplot above, it can be seen that the points spread and did not form a clear pattern. So it can be concluded that there is no problem of heteroscedasticity.

5. Liniarity TestIn general, linearity test aims to determine whether two

variables have a significant linear relationship or not. Good correlation should have a linear relationship between predictor or independent variable (X) with dependent variable (Y). in some references it is stated that this linearity test is a condition or assumption before linear regression analysis is carried out.123

The basic decision making can be seen from the significance

123 Fika Rachmawati, “Hubungan antara Berfikir Positif …, p. 59

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value of 0.05 can be seen below:124

1) If the value of deviation from linierity is Sig. > 0.05, then there is a significant linear relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable.

2) If the value of deviation from linierity is Sig. <0.05, there is no significant linear relationship between independent variables

and dependent variables.Table 4. 5. Liniarity Result Test


Sum of



SquareF Sig.

Minat *



(Combined) 153.756 13 11.827 2.635 .006

Linearity 98.421 1 98.421 21.928 .000

Deviation from

Linearity55.335 12 4.611 1.027 .436

Within Groups 273.791 61 4.488

Total 427.547 74

Source: primary data processed with SPSS

Based on the table above, deviation from linierity Sig. 0.436 higher than 0.05. Then it can be concluded that there is a significant linear relationship between the variables Religiosity (X) and the Interest variable (Y).

124 Fika Rachmawati, “Hubungan antara Berfikir Positif …, p. 59

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D. Research result1. Simple Regression Analysis

Table 4. 6. Regression result Test






Coefficients t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1(Constant) 3.331 3.727 .894 .374

religiusitas .392 .084 .480 4.672 .000

a. Dependent Variable: minat

Source: Primary data processed with SPSS

Based on the above output, it is known that the regression coefficient variable religiosity (X) is equal to 0.392 is positive, so it can be said that religiosity (X) has a positive effect on interest (Y). Positive influence is interpreted, that the increasing religiosity (X) will also increase interest (Y) in this case the interest in paying Zakah at LAZ.

In the Coefficient table, in column B at constant (a) is 3.331, while the religiosity value (b) is 0.392, so the regression equation can be written:

Y = a + bX atau 3,331 + 0,392

The coefficient b is called the regression coefficient and states the change in the average Y variable for each change in X is equal to one unit. This change is an increase if b is positive and decreases if b is negative. So that the equation can be translated:

a) The constant of 3.331 states that if there is no religiosity value then the value of interest is 3.331.

b) Regression coefficient X of 0.392 states that every addition to 1 value of religiosity, then the value of interest increases by


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2. Corellation Coefficients Correlation coefficients are coefficients obtained from

measurements of covariance statistics or associations between two variables. The magnitude of the correlation coefficient is between +1 and -1. The correlation coefficient shows the strength of the linear relationship and the direction of the relationship of two random variables. if the positive correlation coefficient, then the two variables have a direct relationship. That is, if the value of variable X is high, then the value of variable Y will also be high. Conversely if the negative correlation coefficient, then the two variables have an inverse relationship. That is, if the value of variable X is high, then the value of variable Y will be low. In short the correlation coefficient is the level of closeness of the relationship between variables.125

Table 4. 7. Corellation Coefficient Result

Source: Primary data processed with SPSS

Based on the results of the above output it can be seen that the correlation between variables religiosity (X) and interest (Y) has a Pearson correlation value of 0.480 or 48%. Because the coefficient

125 Sutrisno Badri, Metode Statistika untuk Penelitian Kuantitatif,...p. 153

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value is below 50%, it can be concluded that between the variables Religiosity and interest have a low relationship. The number of positive correlation coefficients +0.480 shows the direction of a positive relationship as well.

While the significance value of the two variables is Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.00 or less than 0.05 so that it can be stated that there is a positive and significant relationship between religiosity and


3. Determination CoefficientThe coefficient of determination is the level of contribution

of the independent variable to the dependent variable (r2, R2). This value states the proportion of the overall variation in the value of the dependent variable that can be explained or caused by a linear relationship with the value of the independent variable. In conjunction with correlation, then r2 is the square of the correlation coefficient that corresponds to the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y).126 the coefficient of determination is expressed in percent (%) so it must be multiplied by 100%. Precisely if the correlation coefficient between variables X and Y is 1.00, the coefficient of determination is 12 or 1x 100% = 100%. That is, 100% of the variation in changes in the Y variable is caused

by variations in changes in variable X.127

Table 4. 8. Determination Coefficient Result

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .480a .230 .220 2.123

a. Predictors: (Constant), Religiusitas

b. Dependent Variable: Minat

126 Ibid, p. 149127 Mohammad Farhan Qodratullah, Analisis regresi Terapan…, p. 71-72

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Source: Primary data processed with SPSSFrom the output model summary, it is known that the

coefficient of determination (Adj R Square) is 0.220 or can be expressed by 22%. This number implies that religiosity affects interest by 22%. While the rest (100% - 22% = 78%) is influenced by other variables outside of this regression model.

4. T TestThe t test is intended to find out the significant level of

the independent variable. If Ho is rejected, then the independent variable affects the non-independent variable. Conversely, if Ho is accepted, it means that the independent variable has no significant effect on the non-independent variable.128

Table 4. 9. T Test Result






Coefficients t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1(Constant) 3.331 3.727 .894 .374

religiusitas .392 .084 .480 4.672 .000

a. Dependent Variable: minat

Source: Primary data processed with SPSS

In the t-test, this is done on degrees of freedom (n-k-1), where n is the number of respondents and k is the number of variables. For the level of confidence used is 95% or α = 5%. So the degree of freedom: 75-1-1 = 73, then the t table obtained is 1,993. If the value is tcount <t table or if the value is Sig. > 0.05, the variable (X) does not have a significant effect on the variable (Y). if the value is tcount > ttable or if the value is Sig. < 0.05 then, variable (X) has a significant effect on variable (Y).

128 Singgih Santoso, Menguasai Statistik dengan SPSS…, p. 272

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Based on the results of the regression analysis obtained a tcount of 4.672> ttable 1.993 and a significance value (Sig.) 0.00 <0.05. Then it can be concluded that religiosity (X) has a significant

effect on interest (Y).

E. DiscussionBased on the results of research conducted by researchers

this time, the following results were obtained:

Based on the hypothesis test of this study, we can see that the variable religiosity (X) has a t count bigger than t table (4.672> 1.993) and a significance level (Sig.) Lower than 0.05 (0.00 <0.05). This shows that the variable religiosity has a significant effect or has an association with the (Y) interest of Songgo langit market traders in paying Zakah in Laz or in other words Ha is accepted. The acceptance of this hypothesis indicates that greater of traders religiosity, means greater the influence on the interest of traders to pay Zakah on Laz. This means that religiosity is a factor that causes traders to have an interest in paying Zakah on Laz or not.

Viewed from the correlation coefficient, it is known that the correlation between the variables religiosity (X) and interest (Y) has a Pearson Corellation value of 0.48 or 48%. And because the coefficient value is less than or below 50%, it can be concluded that there is a low relationship between the variable religiosity (X) and the variable interest (Y). while the positive coefficient number +0.48 shows the direction of the positive relationship between the two. Thus it can be said if the value of the variable religiosity (X) is high, then the value of the variable interest (Y) will also be high. In other words, the correlation coefficient is the level of closeness of the relationship between variables.

From the results of this study, it is also known that the determination coefficient value is 0.220 or 22%. So it can be

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said that 22% of the interest of Songgo Langit market traders in paying Zakah in Laz is influenced by religiosity which becomes independent variable (X). while the remaining 78% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. In other words, the dominant factor affecting the interest of traders in paying Zakah in Laz is another factor besides the factor of religiosity.

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A. ConclusionBased on the results of research and discussion presented in Chapter

IV, the following conclusions are obtained:

1. Religiusity has a significant effect on Interest of traders paying Zakah on LAZ.

2. Religiusity has a positive effect on the interest of traders paying Zakah on LAZ by 0.22 or 22%. and the remaining 78% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. This means that the dominant factors that influence the interest of the traders of Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market in paying Zakah in Laz are several other factors besides Religiosity.

B. SuggestionFrom the conclusions described above, the researcher gives some

suggestions as follows:

1. Researchers are aware that in the preparation of this thesis research there are still some things that have not been resolved properly, and there are still many shortcomings here and there. Because of the limitations of time. For this reason, for the next researcher who has a similar discussion in order to do it better and more perfectly.

2. For Songgo Langit Ponorogo market traders to always maintain and even increase the religiosity side, especially not negligent to pay Zakah every year or every month to the nearest amil Zakah institution that has tried to facilitate the community in paying Zakah.

3. For the next researcher, the researcher realized that in this study only focused on the study of 1 variable, namely the variable religiosity,

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so that the factors that influenced the interest of traders in paying Zakah in Laz were only able to

interpret 23%. So that other approaches need to be used by using qualitative methods, adding other variables, or using new indicators so that later further research can produce a broader picture of the problem being studied.

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APENDIXThe atmosphere of data collection at the Songgo Langit Ponorogo Market

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The result of Quisionaire

No Variable X Score Variable Y Score1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 51 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 44 5 4 4 3 4 202 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 5 5 5 5 5 253 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 46 5 5 5 5 4 244 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 41 5 4 4 3 4 205 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 45 4 4 4 3 4 196 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 5 43 4 4 4 3 4 197 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 43 4 5 5 4 3 218 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 45 4 5 4 3 4 209 4 5 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 36 3 4 3 2 3 1510 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 44 4 4 5 3 3 1911 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 46 4 4 5 3 2 1812 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 5 5 5 4 4 2313 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 45 5 5 4 3 2 1914 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 2 5 4 42 4 4 4 3 4 1915 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 43 4 4 3 2 4 1716 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 43 4 5 4 3 4 2017 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 4 4 4 4 4 2018 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 36 3 3 3 2 3 1419 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 45 4 4 4 4 4 2020 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 48 4 5 4 4 5 2221 3 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 43 5 5 5 5 5 2522 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 43 5 5 5 5 4 2423 3 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 45 5 4 5 5 4 2324 4 5 3 4 4 5 3 5 4 5 42 5 4 3 4 5 2125 3 4 5 5 5 4 3 4 3 4 40 4 5 4 5 3 2126 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 5 5 4 44 4 5 5 3 4 2127 4 4 5 5 4 5 3 5 4 5 44 4 4 5 4 3 20

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3. I.

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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.Kuisioner ini disebarkan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi

dan data penelitian yang berjudul : “Pengaruh Religiusitas Terhadap minat Pedagang dalam membayar Zakah di Laz/ Baz”(Studi kasus di Pasar Songgo Langit Ponorogo). Guna menyelesaikan skripsi pada Sekolah Sarjana Universitas Darussalam Gontor. Terima kasih atas partisipasinya.

Peneliti – Akhmad Syifa Utama

No. Responden : __I. Identitas Responden

Nama :Usia :Jenis kelamin : a. Laki-laki b. PerempuanPejerjaan : Jml tanggungan Keluarga :

II. Petunjuk PengisianBerilah tanda Silang (X) pada pilihan yang saudara

anggap paling tepat. Apapun jawaban yang saudara berikan tidak berpengaruh pada kehidupan pribadi saudara. Pada dasarnya hamper semua pertanyaan membutuhkan (1) pilihan jawaban.

SS : bila saudara sangat setuju (5) terhadap pertanyaan kuisioner S : bila saudara setuju (4) terhadap pertanyaan kuisioner KS : bila saudara kurang setuju (3) terhadap pertanyaan

kuisioner TS : bila saudara tidak setuju (2) terhadap pertanyaan kuisioner STS : bila saudara sangat tidak setuju (1) terhadap

pertanyaan kuisioner

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No Pertanyaan SS S KS TS STS

A Dimensi kepercayaan

1Keyakinan terhadap agama islam akan mendorong seseorang untuk

membayar Zakah.

2Membayar Zakah merupakan

kebutuhan dan termasuk kedalam rukun iman.

B Dimensi Praktik keagamaan

1Saya menunaikan Zakah setiap


2Saya menunaikan Zakah sebagai perwujudan rasa syukur terhadap

karunia Allah SWT

C Dimensi Pengalaman keagamaan

1Setelah menunaikan Zakah hati saya

merasa tenang.

2Menunaikan Zakah adalah bentuk

solidaritas terhadap sesama muslim yang membutuhkan

D Dimensi Pengetahuan keagamaan

1Pendapatan seseorang yang telah mencapai nishob harus membayar



Pengetahuan pedagang terhadap Zakah mempengaruhi minat

membayar Zakah

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E Dimensi konsekuensi keagamaan

1Menunaikan Zakah dapat

melipatgandakan harta yang dimiliknya

2Orang yang mampu berZakah, akan

tetapi tidak menunaikanya akan mendapat dosa.

No Pertanyaan SS S KS TS STS

F Indikator minat


Saya percaya bahwa Lembaga Amil Zakah adalah Lembaga yang amanah dan melaksanakan tugasnya secara


2Lembaga amil Zakah memberi bantuan kepada fakir miskin


Saya mengetahui bahwa Lembaga amil Zakah memberi kemudahan

kepada pedagang dalam membayar Zakah

4Saya sangat tertarik membayar Zakah

di Lembaga amil Zakah

5Laz membantu pendanaan bagi

pedagang kecil

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