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Canine Nanny 911 .com

There's not enough chocolate in there?

Article by Mickey Saathoff

Canine Nanny 911 .com
While waiting for a friend at a restaurant, a man was at the cashier picking up a Chocolate French Silk pie to take home. As the cashier was bagging his pie and ringing him up he wanted to let her know that his dog liked their French Silk pie as much as he did. Then acknowledging that his statement probably wasnt seen as a good idea by some, he also felt the need to let it be known that he only gave him a Little Sliver from each pie he brought home.

Hmm, I wonder how often he those pies home?

Canine Nanny 911 .com
My initial desire was to approach the man and make him aware of how lucky his dog had been. Lucky not to have had any noticeably negative reactions to the chocolate in that little sliver from each pie. That doesnt count all of the other wonderful tasty ingredients common to many human daily diets. (White Sugar, Flour, Butter, Cream) Ingredients that many of us try diligently to keep to a minimum in our family animals diets. For most of us it is our hope to keep our animal family members and friends with us as for as long as we may be blessed with.

Canine Nanny 911 .com
Thankfully instead of following my old instincts of blurting before I thought, I chose to be aware. Aware that no matter what or how I might have said something to this gentleman it would have landed on defending and deaf ears. He made it quite evident that he already knew it wasnt a good idea when he followed up that he only gave him a little sliver.There are many reasons the statement from this mans lips and so many others, leave me shaking my head and asking myself, How can so many people not understand how important the responsibility is that we take upon ourselves when we take an animal into not only our homes but our lives?

Canine Nanny 911 .com
Before I trail off to another topic lets get back to the poison.Poison. Sounds dramatic and panicky. To live in fear would be a tragedy. To live in and inflict blind stupidity upon others you have a responsibility to is just as big a tragedy in my eyes.I can not count how many times I have heard the statement, We give it to them all the time and they are fine. Only to hear the same people say, I cant believe after all this time of being ok this time made them sick enough to need medical attention.Or to hear someone else say, I dont give them enough to worry about.

Canine Nanny 911 .com
Or to hear someone else say, I dont give them enough to worry about. Until the one time comes that continually receiving all of those small amounts finally took its toll.People look, what we do to our own bodies is our business. But when it comes to our non-human companions that depend on us, we have a responsibility to quit kidding ourselves into believing that its ok to feed them junk and more than is healthy. Much less things that are knowingly poison to them.

Canine Nanny 911 .com
It breaks my heart every time a companion animal acquires Diabetes or Toxicity because of a humans irresponsible love. Living with the d illusion that this wrong doing is OK, only to make themselves happy at the cost of a very special other. Not to mention what happens when the responsible person now decides they can not take care of the companion they chose to make sick due to finance.Love your babies the way they see love and you will have them in your life for as long as you are blessed.