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Page 1: the_perm_days-13

businessFOREIGN TRADE TURNOVER OF PRIKAMYE 6WhAT DOEs ThE GOVERNMENT NEED? WhAT DOEs ThE bUsINEss WANT? 6ThE sUbsIDENcE AT ThE MINEs Is UNDER cON-TROl 6Psc VsMPO-AVIsMA cORPORATION ON ThE XII INTERNATIONAl EcONOMIcAl FO-RUM 6“Forest plan” in august 7timber industry complex oF perm Krai 7turKs in the Forests oF priKamie 7Wood granule manuFacture 7

cultureIII INTERNATIONAl EThNO-FUTURIsTIc Festival KamWa–2008 11PRIKAMYE jOINs INTERNATIONAl tourist project “the great tea road” 11ANOThER cOMPETITION FOR the project art gallery 11

tourismecological tourism in permsKy Krai 14lEGENDs OF PRIKAMYA. by vishersKy stones 14rivers oF priKamya. vishera 14

The 285Th anniversary of Perm

June 2008 №5(13)

« t h e P e r m D a y s » i s t h e n e w s p a p e r f o r f o r e i g n g u e s t s o f P e r m r e g i o n a n d e n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g P e r m a n d P e r m r e g i o n c i t i z e n s

infrastructurethe cement deFicit Will go doWn 4let’s chose our problem together 4let’s build one billion square metersoF dWelling houses in this year! 4development oF business — DEVElOPMENT OF ThE REGION 5president said “Fight!” – perm ansWered “yes, sir!” 5city’s investment projects 5cITY GATE TO REcONsTRUcTION 5

sPortThE REbIRTh OF MAss sPORT in perm region 15OUR sWIMMERs IN ThE cOMbINED team oF russia 15the orange ball 2008 15ThE TORch OF INTERNATIONAl run in perm 15the third place in russia 156 MEDAls IN ThE MONEYbOX oF ship modelers 15

international theatrical victories 11art oF ancient russia 12GREAT PEOPlE OF PRIKAMYE. NIKOlAY gavrilovich slavyanov 12bORIs PAsTERNAK. TO ThE NObEl PRIZE aWarding anniversary 13“pasternaK’s house” reconstructed 13

“reductor-pm” attains neW perFormance level... 8...AND EXTENDs PRODUcTION RANGE 9the perm marK oF quality 8Finland Will build a plant 8public corporation “halogen” shares MOVED FROM ONE OFFshORE TO ANOThER 9“sylvinit” has a neW composition OF MANAGEMENT 9extra 10 years With oxFord university 9chUsOVOY METAllURGIcAl WORKs hOlDs ANNUAl GENERAl MEETING 9bANK OF NEW YORK hAs INcREAsED “uralKali” share Fraction 10neW production lights up russia 10rabbits are not only precious Fur 10

Page 2: the_perm_days-13

June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r


address of the newspaper: 614097 russia, perm, parkovyi boulevard, 25-253, e-mail: [email protected], establisher: moukhamadeeva elena (aljona mouse) tel. + 7 922 64 64 644. publisher: «perm intermedia group», ltd. director «perm intermedia group», ltd.: moukhamadeeva elena (aljona mouse). the chief executive “perm intermedia group“, ltd: oksana nikiforova ([email protected]). brand manager: sergey shalamov ([email protected]),

tel.: +7 908 255 4523. translators: alexey utkin, svetlana grenaderova, sophia abasheva, varvara sinicina, yakov Farberov, daria polyakova. sociologists: olga rayngardt, yegor neustroyev. the editors do not share the responsibility for the maintenance of the promotional and advertising material. no part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the editorial board. the editors may not share the authors’ point of view. the editors reserve the right to themselves for reduction of publications texts without change of their sense, and also for placing of promotional materials at own discretion if another situation is not stipulated

by the contract. circulation is 5000 copies. press: “New Print-Perm”. 614014, Perm, 1905 st., 35.

akron .............................. 5

anisimov valery ............. 9

baklakova ekaterina .... 15

bolshoe savino ............... 5

chekhov anton ............ 13


oleg ............4, 5, 6, 11, 13

chupriyanova nelly ....... 9

dubrovinsy spK ............ 10

eurochem ....................... 5

GAZPROM ...................... 3

halogen........................... 9

ivonin alexander .......... 15

KAMWA ........................ 11

Karpov anatoly .............. 9

Khemi .............................. 8

Khromoy semion .......... 12

Kraatli ltd ....................... 7

Kuznecov aleksandr ...... 8

lesinvest ......................... 7

lufthansa ........................ 2

markin vladimir ............. 9

medvedev dmitry ...2, 3, 5

merke angela ................. 2

MIAN .............................. 5

naryshkin sergey ........... 3

niva ltd ........................ 10

pasternak boris ............ 13

permalko ......................... 8

prikhodko sergei ............ 2

reductor-pm................... 8

rus’ ............................... 10

ryabkovskoe ................. 10

saturn-r .......................... 8

savin istoma ................. 12

sedykh anatoly .............. 9

semikopenko nikolay .... 8

sergey shtatsky .............. 5

shevelev yevgeny .......... 9

shkhiyants yulia ............. 9

silvinit ............................. 5

slavyanov nikolai ........ 12

sobolev bogdan ............ 12

sterzhnev dmitry ............ 5

superstroy ....................... 8

united metallurgical

company ......................... 9

uralkali ..................... 6, 10

uralskaya Furnitura ..... 10

uralskaya nerudno-

stroitelnaya Komapnia ... 4

utkin yuri ...............4, 5, 7

v’ugov vitaliy .............. 15

valeryi gulyaev .............. 8

VsMPO-AVIsMA ........... 6

yeryomina natalya ......... 9

yuryatin fund .............. 13

Zamyatin dmitry .......... 13

Zbarsky boris ................ 13

New Russian President Dmi-

try Medvedev visits Germany on 5th June on his first official trip to Western Europe, one that will be closely watched for signs of Moscow`s future ties with its European Union neighbors.

medvedev, sworn in last month, will address economic and energy questions when he meets german chan-cellor angela merkel, but the two leaders are also set to talk about divisive interna-tional issues including Kosovo`s indepen-dence.

«the distinguish-ing characteristic in russian-german cooperation has been the determination to seek points of contact, the ability for compro-mise and to overcome whatever issues arise,» a Kremlin source told reuters.

medvedev`s prede-cessor vladimir putin opposed the West on issues such as inde-pendence for Kosovo and u.s. plans to

deploy elements of its missile defense system in europe.

the conservative merkel, a pastor`s daughter from com-munist east germany, has also been outspo-ken about russia`s democratic record and openly scolded putin at a summit last year for stopping opposi-tion figures taking part in a rally.

merkel has taken a tougher line over russia`s rights record than both her prede-

cessor gerhard schro-eder and her social democratic Foreign minister Frank-Walter steinmeier, a poten-tial challenger in next year`s general elec-tion.

«i am convinced that russian-german economic relations can be developed in many areas and that we can make a contri-bution to the mod-ernization of russia in many areas,» said merkel, who speaks fluent russian.

germany is russia`s leading trading part-ner with annual turn-over of $53 billion. the two countries are building a pipeline under the baltic sea to deliver siberian gas to europe.

«russia is ready to cooperate with germa-ny not only in extract-ing and transporting oil and gas, but also in electric and nu-clear energy, energy machine-building,» medvedev`s chief foreign policy adviser,

sergei prikhodko, was quoted as saying by interfax.

russia was prepared to broaden coopera-tion with germany in the energy sector and was ready to discuss major joint projects in general terms during medvedev`s visit to berlin, he said.

officials said the two leaders would also discuss the russia-eu summit later this month, which is set to launch talks on a new partnership pact map-ping out long-term relations on issues ranging from energy to visas and trade.

«germany has a very serious, some-times tough, but very pragmatic position on issues concerning deepening dialogue between russia and the european union,» prikhodko said.

eu external rela-tions commissioner benita Ferrero-Waldner has said the summit will be an opportunity to take the temperature of relations with russia.

medvedev is in Germanyon firsT euroPean TriP


This coming weekend marks the start of a new era for air travellers. From 1 June 2008, only electronic tickets will be issued for Lufthansa flights as well as for flights operated by all other IATA airlines. The decision to phase out paper tickets in the airline industry was made back in 2004 as part of IATA’s “Simplifying the business” initiative. Electronic tickets offer customers considerable advantages while at the same time providing an opportunity for airlines to save costs. Furthermore, the switch to electronic tickets will benefit the environment. According to IATA, abolishing paper tickets means that 50,000 fewer trees will need to be felled each year.

In future, after making a reservation, Lufthansa passengers will not receive a paper ticket, but will instead be issued with an electronic ticket, or etix. With an etix, passengers can use the convenient online check-in service and print out their own boarding pass at home, or collect it at one of the 350 Check-in terminals at airports. Thanks to the latest service innovations, they can also have an electronic

boarding pass sent to them by email or by SMS to an Internet-compatible mobile phone. Without etix, none of these services would be possible.

On 1 June, when the IATA ruling goes into effect, virtually all Lufthansa tickets will be issued as etix. Passengers will therefore no longer have a choice between a paper and an electronic ticket. Paper tickets issued before 1 June will, however, retain their validity. With an anticipated take-up rate of more than 98 per cent, Lufthansa exceeds the industry average rate of 96.5 per cent that IATA has targeted for that date. In comparison: at the end of 2004, at the launch of the IATA initiative, Lufthansa had achieved a 45 per cent take-up rate.

In order to increase the share of electronic tickets, about 80 partner airlines have been integrated into the electronic interlining system: More than 200 Lufthansa stations worldwide have switched to etix and all the technical booking and check-in functions in the relevant systems have been adapted. Station staff has undergone intensive training to prepare for the introduction of the new system. Over the next few months, the remaining interline partners will be linked to the system and further IT adjustments will be made.

News iN Russia

ElEctronic tickEts to rEplacE papEr tickEts98 per cent of all tickets issued by Lufthansa are already generated electronically

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PAGE �June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r

Ãàçåòà çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíà â Ôåäåðàëüíîé ñëóæáå ïî íàäçîðó â ñôåðå ìàññîâûõ êîììóíèêàöèé, ñâÿçè è îõðàíû êóëüòóðíîãî íàñëåäèÿ. Ñâèäåòåëüñòâî î ðåãèñòðàöèè ñðåäñòâà ìàññîâîé èíôîðìàöèè ÏÈ ¹ÔÑ77-29867 îò 10 îêòÿáðÿ 2007 ãîäà. Адрес: 614097, Пермь, Парковый проспект, 25-253. e-mail: [email protected]. Учредитель издания: Мухамадеева Елена Владимировна (Алена Маус) Тел. + 7 912 98 362 79. Издатель: «Пермь Интермедиа Груп». Директор «Пермь Интермедиа Груп»: Мухамадеева Елена Владимировна (Алена Маус) ([email protected]). Исполнительный директор «Пермь Интермедиа Груп», Lmt.: Оксана Никифорова ([email protected]) тел. 8-902-47-16-789. Брэнд-ме-неджер: Сергей Шаламов ([email protected]), тел.: +7 908 255 4523. Авторы: Карина Дубровская, Михаил Раскольников. Переводчики: Яков Фарберов, Ольга Рискова, Ольга Плотникова, Александра Винничук, Алексей Уткин, Дарья Плотникова. Социологи: Ольга Рейнгардт, Егор Неустроев. Редакция не несет ответственность за содержание рекламного материала. Никакая часть из опубликованных материалов не может быть воспроизведена или перепечата-на без предварительного письменного разрешения редакции. Редакция может не разделять мнение авторов. Редакция оставляет за собой право сокращать тексты публикаций без изменения их смысла, и также право размещения

рекламных материалов по собственному усмотрению, если другая ситуация не предусмотрена контрактом. Ðóêîïèñè è ïèñüìà íå ðåöåíçèðóþòñÿ è íå âîçâðàùàþòñÿ. Òèðàæ: 7000 ýêç. Ïå÷àòü: ÎÎÎ «Íîâàÿ òèïîãðàôèÿ – Ïåðìü». 614014, Ïåðìü, óë. 1905 ãîäà, 35. Çàêàç ¹1140.

News iN Russia

WhaT is The Perm reGionA region of the Russian Feder-ation. It’s situated at the joint of eastern outskirts of East European Plain and western flanks of Ural mountains. Formed after integration of the Perm oblast and Komi-Permyak Okrug on December, 1st 2005. Administrative town — PermArea — 160 600 sq. m. Population — 2 730 892 peopleFederal district — Volga re-gionEconomic district — UralsTime zone MSK+2 (UTC+5; UTC+6 in summer)

riversRivers of the Perm region are related to Kama river basin, the major left tributary of Vol-ga river. There are more than 29 thousand rivers in the re-gion, and their total length is more than 90 thousand kilo-meters. Kama river (1805 km) and its left tributary Chuso-vaya river (592 km) are the only two rivers, accounted as big rivers (e.g. longer than 500 km).

MineralsThe Perm region is rich with various minerals. Oil, gas, coal, mineral salts, gold, dia-monds, chromites and brown

hematite, peat, limestone, precious, semi-precious and cap stones, building materi-als are mined in the region.

FloraThe dominant vegetation in the Perm region is conifer-ous forest. They cover 71% of the region territory. The prevalent breeds of trees are spruce and silver fir. Quantity of deciduous trees increases to the south.

FaunaThere are 62 species of mam-mals (more than 30 of them are marketable ones), more than 270 birds species, 39 fish

species, 6 vermigrade spe-cies and 9 amphibian species. Predator animals are repre-sented with common marten and wolves, widely spread all over the region territory. Also there are ermine and weasel; there are badger and otter in the southern regions and wolverine – in the northern regions. There are bears and lynxes in small number. The most diffuse cloven-hoofed mammal in the region is moose deer. Currently the region is conducting works at acclimatization and breed-ing fur-bearing animals such as beaver, raccoon dog, musk beaver, arctic fox, burrow.

Singapore`s Trade and Industry Min-

ister Lim Hng Kiang Tuesday urged busi-nessmen from Singa-pore and Russia to extend cooperation in infrastructure develop-ment and the retail sector.

because some 1 trillion u.s. dollars will be dedicated to infrastructure projects under the public-private-partnership (ppp)project structure. in addition, russia is now embarking on new initiatives such as tourism and port special economic zones, lim said at the third annual russia-singapore busi-ness forum.

as to the retail or life-style sector, lim noted that, the middle-income class in russia is grow-ing — estimated 30 million russians, they make up 20 percent of the total popula-tion. this figure is set to grow further in the near future, leading to growing demand for consumer services such as good restaurants and entertainment facilities.

the forum opened to around 600 delegates — half of them were from russia and the others from singapore and other asian coun-tries. russian deputy prime minister sergey naryshkin, who is visit-ing singapore now, also attended the forum.

businessmen dis-cussed the opportuni-ties and issues related to doing business in asia through singapore. delegates also heard from the russian gov-ernors on updates and developments in various regions in russia.

many initiatives are in the pipeline to fur-ther strengthen bilateral collaboration between singapore and russia.

several business delegations from singa-pore in sectors includ-ing infrastructure, food, education, healthcare, lifestyle and automo-tive, will head to russia and ukraine this year to better understand the market and where their products and services may be needed.

according to economy promoter international enterprise singapore, about 100 singapore companies will be making their way to moscow in june this year to promote

understanding, dia-logue and collaboration between the business and arts communities of singapore and russia.

this is part of an international exchange program called «spot-light singapore», organized by the art house which serves as an economic and cultural gateway to new and emerging markets around the world for singapore.

singapore businesses are actively capitalizing on the opportunities available in russia. companies such as shiro corporation, ascott group and city developments, have en-tered the russia market.

singapore`s total trade with russia was 1.88 billion singapore dollars (about 1.36 bil-lion u.s. dollars) last year, more than double the amount of 880 mil-lion singapore dollars in 2002.

business forum oPens To fosTer closer Ties

The head of Russian natural gas giant

JSC Gazprom`s export division accused the head of the Interna-tional Energy Agency of attempting to “de-stroy” the company by organizing European governments to thwart Gazprom`s interests.

iea executive direc-tor claude mandil has sent a letter to euro-pean governments rec-ommending they resist gazprom`s attempts to expand downstream

into europe and that they jointly pressure gazprom to aban-don its monopoly on russian natural gas exports, alexander medvedev told journal-ists in an interview in his moscow office, ac-cording to the report.

mandil sent a letter to ministers of in-dustry and energy of european countries “calling on the euro-pean union to pres-sure russia and actu-ally destroy gazprom, including its export

monopoly,” medvedev was quoted as saying.

mandil has called on gazprom to open up its gas export pipelines to other gas producers and questioned whether it is investing enough in developing its reserves to meet com-mitments to its euro-pean customers.

medvedev said the company would have no problems meeting demand in the future.

GazProm official accuses head of iea of aTTemPTinG

To «desTroy» russian comPany

The profits of the top thirty banks

in Russia (taking into account the financial results of last year) increased 2.46-fold to over RUB 923.482bn (approx. $39.26bn) as of May 1, 2008, from approximately RUB 376.036bn (approx. $15.99bn) a year ear-lier, the Central Bank of Russia reported in its aggregated balance sheet for the country’s thirty larg-est banks.

profits for this year have amounted to rub 126.938bn (approx. $5.37bn), with total assets ris-ing 25.73 percent to

almost rub 15.113 trillion (approx. $642.56bn) as of may 1, 2008 from about rub 12.02 trillion (approx. $511.05bn) a year before.

the thirty banks’ assets in the corre-spondent accounts in the central bank of russia and authorized banks abroad stood at rub 506.524 billion (approx. $21.46bn) as of may 1, and their assets in commercial banks totaled rub 182.12 billion (approx. $7.72bn). loans owed to the banks stood at rub 11,904.095 billion (approx. $504.4bn).

the top 30 list includes absolut

bank, aK bars bank, alfa-bank, bank saint petersburg, vtb north-West, bank of moscow, bank societe generale vostok, vozrozhdenie bank, bank vtb, vtb 24, gazprombank, Zenit bank, mdm bank, nomos-bank, bank petrocommerce, promsvyazbank, raif-feisenbank, rosbank, russian agricultural bank, russian stan-dard bank, russ-bank, sberbank, sviaz-bank, citibank, transcreditbank, nb trust, uralsib, ursa bank, uniastrum bank, and unicredit bank.


russia’s ToP 30 banks ProfiTs soar

Ãàçåòà çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíà â Ôåäåðàëüíîé ñëóæáå ïî íàäçîðó â ñôåðå ìàññîâûõ êîììóíèêàöèé, ñâÿçè è îõðàíû êóëüòóðíîãî íàñëåäèÿ. Ñâèäåòåëüñòâî î ðåãèñòðàöèè ñðåäñòâà ìàññîâîé èíôîðìàöèè ÏÈ ¹ÔÑ77-29867 îò 10 îêòÿáðÿ 2007 ãîäà. Адрес: 614097, Пермь, Парковый проспект, 25-253. e-mail: [email protected]. Учредитель издания: Мухамадеева Елена Владимировна (Алена Маус) Тел. + 7 922 64 64 644. Издатель: «Пермь Интермедиа Груп». Директор «Пермь Интермедиа Груп»: Мухамадеева Елена Владимировна (Алена Маус) ([email protected]). Исполнительный директор «Пермь Интермедиа Груп», Lmt.: Оксана Никифорова ([email protected]) тел. 8-922-24-000-70. Брэнд-ме-

неджер: Сергей Шаламов ([email protected]), тел.: +7 908 255 4523. Переводчики: Яков Фарберов, Алексей Уткин, Светлана Гренадерова, Ñîôèÿ Àáàøåâà, Âàðâàðà Ñèíèöèíà, Äàðüÿ Ïîëÿêîâà. Социологи: Ольга Рейнгардт, Егор Неустроев. Редакция не несет ответственность за содержание рекламного материала. Никакая часть из опубликованных материалов не может быть воспроизведена или перепечатана без предварительного письменного

разрешения редакции. Редакция может не разделять мнение авторов. Редакция оставляет за собой право сокращать тексты публикаций без изменения их смысла, и также право размещения рекламных материалов по собственному усмотрению, если другая ситуация не предусмотрена контрактом. Ðóêîïèñè è ïèñüìà íå ðåöåíçèðóþòñÿ è íå âîçâðàùàþòñÿ.

Òèðàæ: 5000 ýêç. Ïå÷àòü: ÎÎÎ «Íîâàÿ òèïîãðàôèÿ – Ïåðìü». 614014, Ïåðìü, óë. 1905 ãîäà, 35. Çàêàç ¹1378.

Page 4: the_perm_days-13

June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r


all For onE“perm builders” association came up with the

initiative of uniting efforts to solve the build-ing problem of the Krai. the builders sounded their ideas on the meeting with the vice-chair-man of the perm krai government yuri utkin.

the parties discussed the present situa-tion on the building market of the district. in particular, the interaction with the companies, providing public utilities and the future devel-opment of the building trade. mr. utkin noted that the government of the Krai is highly interested in solving all the present problems and therefore assist the development of the building sector.

“the house-building programme is incarnat-ed in our region. the governor has put an aim – increase the amount of the commissioned dwellings to the million square meters in the following year. that’s why we need all the parties to work for the single purpose,” – mr. utkin said.

anon the govern-ment of the perm Krai and the “perm build-ers” group will sign the framework association agreement. moreover, a deliberative body will be created, where the government, associa-tion and other com-panies of the building trade will be presented.

The governor of the Perm Krai Oleg

Chirkunov has posed a problem to the Minis-try of town-planning and infrastructure development: set in op-eration 1 million square meters of dwellings in the year 2008.

today the ministry is receiving the last data about the plans concerning putting into operation new dwelling houses. 950 thousand square meters of dwell-ings are already con-firmed. the information was provided by the minister of town-plan-ning and infrastructure development aleksandr Kudriavzev.

under the house-building programme of the region, passed in 2004, the aim of reaching one million square meters of dwell-ings, put into operation by 2010, was set. but today we have all the circumstances to reach the desired cap of one million in the following year. governor oleg chirkunov poses this problem to the ministry of town-planning and infrastructure develop-ment.

the most success-ful areas, concerning

the extent of commis-sioned dwellings as follows: perm, beresniki and solikamsk, perm-skiy, dobriankiy and oktuabrski districts. the long-awaited plan to build new dwell-ings in Zvezdniy – 4,5 thousand square meters – is accepted.

in general, the in-crease is laid out in 4 urban districts and 26 metropolitan regions of perm Krai.

and to keep the tempo the planned development projects are successfully started (e.g. in baharevka and iva districts).

in accordance with the results of the previ-ous year, the extent rate of the construc-tion in perm Krai was 23%, compared with 17% planned by the ministry of regional development of rus-sian Federation. in 2007 in the region 884, 1 thousand square meters of dwellings were set in operation, according to the permstat.

the construction tem-po increased noticeably in 33 municipalies of prikamie: in the cities of perm and beresniki, in permskiy, bardims-kiy, tchaikovskiy, nit-venskiy, dobrianskiy,

Kungurskiy, osinskiy, suksunskiy, usolskiy and tchernushinskiy regions and territories of Komi-permyatsky Area.

the constructions are made generally by private enterprises and organizations. in 2007 they set in operation 761, 6 thousand square meters of dwellings, which are 86, 1% of the total amount of com-missioned dwellings, build in the krai.

individual builders constructed apartment houses with the total area of 338,3 thousand square meters (42% increases by the year 2006). their share in the total volume of set in operation dwellings is 38, 3% (33,2% in 2006).

the total dwellings area, constructed in perm in 2007 is 504, 5 thousand square meters (57,1% of the total com-missioned dwellings). increase is equal to 18,4% by the year 2006.

average price for one square meter of a living space in an apartment house (block of flats, detached houses are not taken into account) in 2007 is 23804 rubles, in perm itself – 24706 rubles.

Gimme more!1 million m2 seT in commission

The cemenT deficiT Will Go doWn“GP “Uralskaya

Nerudno-Stroitelnaya Komap-nia” Co. Ltd plans to construct a cement plant in Gremy-achinsk (Permsky Krai)

The new plant will be built at the “Zagotovka” deposits, where the company extracts crushed stone. Currently the experts are finishing

the prospecting works, to present new estimation of deposit’s reserves. The research is conducted by federal enterprise “Permgeolonerud” By the middle of summer the basis for investments in plant construction will be appear.

Estimated plant’s capacity 1 mln tonnes per year. The plant’s construction should

be finished by the beginning of 2011.

The project has been already approved by the authorities of the municipal district and by the citizens of Gremyachinsk, where in May 2007 the public discussion was held regarding this matter.

Rapid development of construction industry generates new demand for cement. Currently

the only cement producer of Permsky Krai, is “Gornozavodsk” company. And the current supply cannot satisfy the needs of the market.

Apart from “GP “Uralskaya Nerudno-Stroitelnaya Komapnia” Co. Ltd, Millhouse Capital company seeks an opportunity to build a cement plant in our region.

GP “Uralskaya Ner-

udno-Stroitelnaya Kom-

apnia” Co. Ltd has been

producing and processing

non-metallic construc-

tion materials since 1991.

The company structure

includes “Investitzionno-

stroitelnaya kompania”

JSPC, “Gornodobyvaushaya

Kompania “Gremyachink-

soe karyeroupravlenie” ”



“Perm builders” associ-

ation was founded in 2004.

Till the present days it is the

first-rate representative of

the building trade of the

krai. There are 140 mem-

bers in the association, in-

cluding 12 biggest building

companies of Prikamie.

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PAGE �June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r


city’s invEstMEnt projEctsThe administration of Perm city has had a series

of meetings with top-managers of “MIAN” company group.

The head of city administration and director general of “MIAN-Development” took part in the discussion. The city’s investment plans were discussed during the meeting. In particular, the land lots for complex development in the area of Eastern Perm Bypass were presented. The authorities plan to hold the auctions during next two years.

We would remind that first meeting with “MIAN” company group were held in April 2007. Then the vice-head of the city’s administration was discussing the possibilities of entering Perm construction market for Moscow companies. The Moscow companies plan to undertake long term (5 year and more) projects regarding construction of cottage areas and business class housing. Apart from that the company intends to construct office buildings in Perm.

Business class

director general of “perm airlines” sergei shtatskiy will elaborate and present a new layout chart for parking places and drives for public con-veyances for “bolshoe savino” airport. the top-manager received this commission from the governor of perm Krai, oleg chirkunov during the meeting in the airport building.

the governor sug-gests creating the best conditions on the territory of the airport and adjacent territory for the citizens and guests of the Krai. and it is possible, in spite of the restric-tions of the transport office of public pros-ecutor and the pattern of ownership of the airport. the develop-ment of this traffic centre was discussed today on the meeting in “bolshoe savino”.

the governor ex-

amined the airport land side and ut-tered an opinion, that the transport must have an opportunity to drive directly to the entrance in the airport. then he went to the check-point of the boundary control, which is now modern-ized, examined new international route waiting hall, observed the procedure of admission and recep-tion of the passengers through the “green corridor”, who came with the international flight.

the building of the airport is now un-

der reconstruction. the Krai’s budget provisioned 80 mil-lion rubles for this purpose. besides the reconstruction of the building, the interior is being modernized. in the international flights hall 6 new check-points of boundary control are installed, a new system of boundary control “Kaskad” is assembled, new portable radio sta-tion (walkie-talkies) are bought, cctv and security systems updated.

in 2007 “bolshoe savino” was used by

542 thousand pas-sengers (1,5 times more that in previous year). during the first quarter of the current year 131 thousand passengers walked through the check-points.

today the main problem for the administration is to make the airport Krai’s property. For the present moment it is located on the acres of 3 owners. one of them is perm district, another one is a private person and the last owner is the russian Federation itself. this fact slows down the reconstruc-tion process. “We are looking for an inves-tor under the con-tract, so that the land would be assigned to him, further the ques-tion will be decided with the government of perm Krai”, – says mr. shtatskiy.

“ciTy GaTes” reconsTrucTion


prEsiDEnt saiD “FiGHt!” –pErM ansWErED “yEs, sir!”

before 25 june 2008 there will have been organized a regional executive power institu-tion for corruption prevention in the system of government and municipial purchases.

the new governmental agency – special regional committee – will coordinate the work of all six departments in charge for the issue and develop joint countermeasures against cor-ruption in the system of government purchases and sells. such a decision has been made today during the meeting presided by vice-pre-mier of the Krai government yuri utkin.

president dmitry medvedev has signed a de-cree on working out a national plan on com-bating the corruption. on 19 may 2008 during the project meeting the head of state empha-sized that combating the corruption should be carried out according to a complex plan. in particular, we have to implement moderniza-tion of anti-corruption legislation, counteract bribe-taking in economic and social spheres, provide stimulus for anti-corruption behaviour in the society.

nowadays competitive purchases and sales is one of the most important constituent in rus-sian economic system. according to the minis-try of economic development data, the scope of government and municipial purchases of all levels over a period of 2006-2007 has increased by 35% given the gdp growth 6,8%. violations in this sphere have become systematic.

— our goal is not only to create a new regional institution which will fight corruption manifestations in actual fact, but also to make more effective the work of those agencies which deal with government purchases in the Krai, — said yuri utkin.

the new committee will be lead by the minister of public security igor orlov. the collective body will consist of representatives of chief internal affairs office in perm Krai, Federal antimonopoly service office in perm Krai, ministry of public security, ministry of Finance, ministry of commerce and business development of perm Krai, estate administra-tion agency. other bodies may also be at-tracted.

develoPmenT of business — develoPmenT of The reGion

“EuroChem” Company will

have established a branch division in Permsky Krai by September and by the end of this year will provide feasibility study for develop-ment of magnesium and potassium de-posits.

according to the director general of “eurochem” dmitry sterzhnev the compa-ny will also join the “belkamur” project

and will prepare all necessary documen-tation for this pur-pose.

the vice-president of “akron” ltd. co. has also showed an interest in coopera-tion with the enter-prises producing the potassium fertilizers near talitzki area of verkhnekamsky deposit. this will help to boost up the establishment of own production.

both companies claimed that they

are not only going to fulfill the obli-gation within the agreements, but also invest funds into de-velopment of social sphere of permsky Krai. new enterprises will create 4 thou-sand work places and new source of tax inflows into Krai’s budget.

We would remind that, the auctions for the rights of develop-ing magnesium and potassium deposits of verkhnekamski were

held on 12 march 2008. the license for development went to llc verkhnekamsk potash company, a part of “acron” hold-ing. the auction for polovodski section, part of novo-solika-msky section and part of the rest sections were obtained by “silvinit” company. palasherski and bal-akhontzevski sections were obtained by the subsidiary of “euro-chem”, “Kovdorsky goK” ojsc.





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June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r



The subsidence aT The minesis under conTrol

“Uralkaliy” installs new

seismological moni-toring system in Berezniki.

“Uralkaliy” allocated 3 million rubles for the purchase of the system which will provide efficient monitoring of seismic activity and prices forecasting.

The need for constant complex monitoring

of the ground surface arose after the accident at the first mine pit of the company in october 2006.

South-African company ISS International Ltd, a specialist in the field of seismic monitoring system, provided “Uralkaliy” with necessary equipment. The seismic sensors were installed in January 2007

in the area of possible soil subsidence at the first mine pit and proved to be very efficient: they showed increased seismic activity in the area several days before the new subsidence. Unlike the sensors that were used earlier, new ones show not only vertical but also horizontal vibration. This will allow receiving more detailed information

about the state of subsurface areas. The system includes 12 sensors, placed in the special wells 70 meters deep. The sensors send the information about the underground processes in real time directly to Berezniki branch of Institute of Mines of Russian Academy of Sciences.


ForEiGn traDE tUrnovEr oF prikaMyE

Foreign trade turnover of Perm Krai has amounted to $1 billion 310,6 million. In compari-son with the same last year’s period this index has increased by 56,5%, including trade relations with “far abroad” countries – $1 billion 117,6 million (+57,8%) and CIS – $193 million (+48,9%) accord-ing to “PermStat”.

the positive balance of trade has amounted to $890 million having increased up to $272,7 million in comparison with last year. top ten partners of perm Krai include brazil, belgium, germany, italy, india, china, poland, Finland, Kazakhstan, and the ukraine. commodity circulation with these coun-tries forms 62,7% of Krai’s foreign trade turnover.

the export of perm Krai in the period from janu-ary to april made up $1 billion 100,3 million and exceeded the showing for the similar period of the last year by 51,2%, including export to “far abroad” countries - $942,8 million (+55,2%) and cis - $157,5 million (+31,1%).

import volume has amounted to $210,3 million which is 90,9% more than the similar index of the 1st quarter of the year 2007. import from the “far abroad” has increased by 73,6% and amounts to $174,8 million; import from cis has increased twice as much and amounts to $35,5 million.

export quota in foreign trade turnover has amounted to 84%, import quota – 16%.

the most weight in the export commodity com-position takes chemical industry production (65,3%).

the growth in export supplies of this produc-tion made up 49% as compared to last year. textile and footwear export has extended 2,4 times, timber and pulp and paper products export – by 22,9%, machine-building production export – 62,8%, gems, precious metal and jewelry export – 45,4%. Foodstuffs export has come down by 5,6%.

the greater part of import commodity composi-tion still takes machine-building production (73%). there is a 5,6 times increase in mineral commodity import, foodstuffs import has increased 4,4 times, chemical industry production import – by 59,9%, timber and pulp and paper products import – by 83%, textile and footwear import – by 68,4%, metal and metal production import – 2,3 times, machine-building production import – 1,9 times.

By Business class

service for Business

The coach consults in Perm, Moscow and Europe for all kind negotiations and meetings in the sphere of real estate and open sales. Confidence is guaranteed.

All request and necessary information please ask by mobile call + 7 922 64 64 644, Halena

The coach-consulTerfor foreiGn and russian

businessmen (enGlish and German lanGuaGes)

To place your information please send your request per e-mail [email protected] or call +7 922 646 464 4

* * *Business announcementThe «Perm Interpreters, Ltd» is looking for busi-

ness-partner in China and Turkey. We are ready to be your agent in Perm region. E-mail: [email protected]

* * *accommodation and apartmentsAll types of accommodation in Perm and

Perm region. In the heart of the city. Also apt with high level appliances in a secured building, exclusive possible. +7 922 64 64 644


WhaT does The GovernmenT need?WhaT does The business WanT?

Business joins hands with the

government to solve common problems together. “The Day of Businessman in Perm Krai” took place in Perm having gathered nearly 500 representa-tives from different regions of Perm Krai.

according to perm Krai governor oleg chirkunov, the devel-opment of business undertakings has been marked by the presi-dent of russia as one of the most important objectives. however, it is necessary to deter-mine accurate param-eters of the govern-ment’s interference in business affairs.

– today we have to understand how close these relations should be and what form they should take.

One of the offered forms of association of business and govern-

ment Krai is the web-site («government to business»), which pre-sentation took place in the context of the forum.

another form is per-sonal meeting.

– i am ready to meet you as may be necessary, – said the governor. – the main thing is to understand what the government needs and what the business wants. only in this case there will

be a real benefit.then by means of

“public microphone” the governor an-swered the questions of businessmen on such issues as: what the “business incu-bator” is, how the system of crediting works, where one can get an opinion on tourism development, how energy rates are calculated for small- and medium-scale business, etc.

in the context of the

forum experts present-ed speeches on busi-ness funding, micro-crediting, investment, market tendencies and vacant business niches, creation of “business incubators”.

the forum “the day of business-man in perm Krai” was triggered by the ministry of com-merce and business development of perm Krai in the context of the day of russian businessman.

Psc vsmPo-avisma corPoraTion on The Xii inTernaTional economical forum

Within the framework of 12th st. petersburg international eco-nomical Forum the delegation of vsmpo-avisma corporation took part in the plenary sittings, conference work and panel dis-cussions, held also a number of meetings and negotiations with the sverdlovsk region governor, rossel, with heads of ministries and Federal agencies, and repre-sented the company presentation and the project concerning a spe-cial economical zone “titanium valley”. a number of agreements about this project promotion and support were reached.

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P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r


Turkish “Kraatli Ltd” is planning

to construct a saw-mill in Komi-Per-myatsky Area with total investments volume of 50 million USD.

under the five-year project, “Kraatli ltd” is going to build a saw-mill and a ply-wood plant, which will produce building materials, furniture, plywood and other goods.

the other day representatives of the company and of the regional ministry of natural resources have visited Komi-

permyatsky autono-mous area in search of a suitable building site for construct-ing the object. one of the best variants due to the opinions of the both parties is the territory on the border of two munici-pal formations – the city of Kudymkar and Kudymkar district. the area of the site is 80 hectares, and it is close to the federal road and high-voltage lines.

vice-premier said the perm Krai is a developed industrial region, which is in-terested in converting the raw materials on

the spot, but not sell-ing them to the third parties.

“the perm Krai government favors those investors who are engaged in deep processing of wood. this will give addi-tional opportunities for the development of out economic and social spheres: taxes to the budget, new working places,” – yuri utkin said.

it is planned to sign a protocol of intent between the govern-ment of perm Krai and “Kraatli ltd”, where the positions of the parties will be expounded.

Turks in The foresTs of Prikamie

The largest enter-prise of timber

industry in Komi-Per-myatsky Autonomous Area, limited liability company “Lesinvest”, is going to put “pel-lets” – fire-wood granules made from sawdust – in the mass production.

Now “Lesinvest” is modernizing the production lines. Two finish complexes for wood storage and preparation are installed. This will increase the volume of manufacture and create 40 additional working places. Today there are 400 workers in

the enterprise.It is planned to finish

the modernization by the end of the current year.

“Lesinvest” annually increases the amount of its production. In 2007 the increase in producing saw-timbers was 60%, in comparison with the previous year.

Wood Granule manufacTure

The plan for ef-ficient use of

Perm Krai’s forests for the next 10 years will be finished by august. National law demands such plans from all the subjects of Russian Federa-tion.

the conception of a “Forest plan 2008-2017” is still under development. the elaboration of the plan presupposes the analysis of the pres-ent situation with the forestry of the Krai, creation of a plan for efficient use of this forestry, forest conservation, repro-duction of resources and cost efficiency studies.

such plans are now being developed in all the regions of russia, later on they will be counseled by the ministry of natural resources of russian Federation.

effective manage-ment of the forestry

was always supposed to be in the prior interests of the state. perm Krai is consid-ered to be one of the leading regions in timber industry. the forest plan will be the instrument of strate-gic planning in the use of our timber re-sources for the future 10 years.

“foresT Plan” in auGusT

Perm Krai is rich with the forest resources.

Woods cover 69% of the district.

the area, covered with forests, makes 11, 3 million hectares which is equal to 93% of the total area of the forest fund. at the same time the territorial distribution of the forests is extremely non-uniform. all the

woodlands are located in the northern and north-eastern parts of the Krai. here 40% of the useful overaged and old growth forests are situated.

total forest yield of the district is 1 milliard 500 million cubic meters.

calculated wood-cut-ting area of the district in the year 2007 was 17, 1 million cubic meters.

timber industry com-plex of the perm district consists of several fields:

- logging;- woodworking, in-

cluding furniture;- pulp and paper;- amount of en-

terprises of all patterns of ownership – 1300 units. average number of people, employed in the timber industry is 25000 (without seasonal workers and small-scale business).

basic kinds of com-modity output:

- merchantable wood- saw-timbers in as-

sortment, including cross ties of ministry of railway

- joiner’s products and moulded strips

- tare plate- parquet- plywood - low-density wood

chipboard and fibre-board

- standard houses- furniture (cupboards,

sofas, beds, chairs)- paper (news-print,

offset, writing, carto-graphical, bank paper, etc)

- cardboard (binding, tare, box, a paper for goffering)

- corrugated cardboard and corrugated packing

- wall-papers in assort-men

- cellulose sulphitic- charcoal- fir oil- nettings (synthetic

and metal)small-scale business

is presented by timber cuttings products, saw-timber products and furniture. export goods:

- birch paper wood- plywood- low-density wood

chipboard and fibre-board

- news-print - nettings (synthetic

and metal)timber industry makes

7,5-8% of all industrial output of perm Krai.

producing of industrial goods of timber indus-try made 17,0 milliard rubles in the year 2007.

according to the permstat data, the amounts of the timber industry production are as follows:

- paper – 587,0 thou-sand tons

- low-density wood chipboard – 230,2 thou-sand cubic meters

- plywood – 175, 5 thousand cubic meters

- saw-timbers – 460,4 thousand cubic meters

- cardboard – 170,8 thousand tons

- fibreboard – 15000 thousand square meters

- logging for general uses – 5100,0 thousand cubic meters, for all fell-ings – 7900,0 thousand cubic meters

Data provided by theMinistry of natural

resources of perm krai.

Timber indusTry comPleX of Perm krai

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June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r



Being a member of non commercial

partnership “Consci-entious enterprises guild” has long ago become a sign of quality of the servic-es and goods, a sign of consumer’s trust and at the same time a kind of a beacon for him. About the guild’s contribution to the product’s qual-ity increase in the region – director of Conscientious enter-prises guild, Valeriy Guliaev.

there was a sign in the times of the so-viet union – a pen-tagon, which marked the products of the best, superior qual-ity. this quality mark was a guiding line for those who wanted to buy a high-quality,

rare item. now we don’t have

the commodities scarce – there are plenty of goods in our shops. but another problem arises – to choose a high-quality and, more important, safe item. the buyer needs a trustworthy guideline to make a choice.

in europe the qual-ity of the services and goods are specified by social consumer’s organizations, sup-ported by the govern-ment. in perm Krai we have one of the strongest non com-mercial organizations of the kind – “perm conscientious enter-prises guild”.

the motto of the guild is “honour over profit”, and it is not merely a decla-ration. it is a hard work. participating in contests, exhibi-tions, and fairs is not as an end in itself,

but the instrument to confirm the qual-ity of the goods and keep the bona fide competition. a bright example – “100 best russian goods” con-test. last year it was noted, that a signifi-cant number of goods, which deserved the title of the best, were manufactured by our enterprises, members of the perm guild.

“conscientious enterprises guild” has become a collective brand, helping to get consumer’s trust. Fur-thermore, it gives the competitive advan-tage for commodity positioning. e.g. perm strong spirits distill-ery advanced greatly after getting the right to use guild’s brand. the same was with “permalko”. against a background of imported spirits of poor quality and their substitutions, poured in 2000-2001 from abroad, with the guild’s mark the enterprise tripled the sales volume.

long ago, many entering companies were small and un-developed, they were at their dawn. eg. “hemi” or “saturn-r”. today they are holding companies, “saturn-r” is the first-rate tax-payer in the district, but their motto is still the same – honour over profit. the quality of the goods is one of their prior courses in the development strategy.

the guild became an example for all commodity producers in prikamie, strength-

ened the traditions of social partnership on the regional market, and the enterprises, belonging to the guild proved, that the busi-ness can and must be honest.

unfortunately, the number of guild members is gradually decreasing. this pro-cess occurs party due to the foreign com-mercial structures. For many of them the profit is above all. though, undoubtedly, there are conscien-tious companies which come to our market. e.g. ekater-inburg’s “superstroy” made a good showing and got the people’s trust. now the com-pany is the member of the guild.

today our trade-mark is a reliable compass for the con-sumers in choosing a service or a good. For buyers and for sellers this mark identifies the high quality and trust to the best perm commodities produc-ers.

Perm “QualiTy mark”

«permalko»“conscientious enter-

prises guild” has taken the principles, formulated in the beginning of the xx century, as the basis for their work. “permalko” enterprise, founded by a merchant suslov long ago, in the tsarist rus-sia, sticks to the “code of honour” in xxi century.

in the present situation, the state has no systems of certification and quality control, so the consumer is in the poor situation. this problem is especially relevant when speak-ing about the spirits industry. self regulation in business becomes one of the key features to keep a good level of competitive ability. being a member of “conscientious enterprises guild” and strict adherence to the principles of non commercial partnership is a guarantee for our partners and clients.

Valeriy Guliaev, director of Conscientious enter-prises guild

“rEDUctor-pM” attains nEW pErForMancE lEvEl...

“reductor-pm” ojsc (permsky Krai) has reached new performance level. the overall budget of investment programme for 2008 ex-ceeds 260 mln rubles, - states the press-service of perm engine complex.

the investment programme of the company includes replacement of metal processing and metallurgical equipment. a part of the funds will be spent on construction of test stands – the factory’s priority task.

the upgrade of the factory’s facilities al-lows production of tail-rotor transmissions for helicopters of mi-38 series. starting from 2010 these helicopters are expected to be in mass production in russia, and this year “reductor – pm” has to produce 4 units of transmis-sions. one more promising area of activity is production restart of complete set of transmis-sions for mi-34 helicopters.

according to the managing director of “re-ductor-pm” ojsc nikolay semikopenko, new investment programme allows to implement wide range of plans. “We have many contracts, and we must be ready for approaching heli-copter boom, which is about to happen in our country” – managing director says.

...anD ExtEnDs proDUction ranGE

the international exhibition of helicopter industry “helirussia – 2008” has been held in may in moscow’s exhibition complex “Kropus expo”. “reductor-pm” ojsc has taken part in the event.

“reductor-pm” ojsc presented the most promising products at its stand: main reduc-tion gear for “ansat” bp-23 helicopter, main reduction gear for helicopters of mi-34 and bp-34 series, and tail and intermediate reduction gears and tail shaft for mi-17 helicopter.

according to the managing director of “reductor-pm” nikolay semikopenko, in the following years the overall increase of heli-copter production is expected. “currently two helicopter plants – in ulan-ude and in Kazan – are planning to construct around 130 heli-copters of mi-17 series in 2009. this year the number of new helicopters will not be higher than a hundred” – said mr. semikopenko.

russian producers have focused their atten-tion to the mi-38 helicopter, for which “reduc-tor – pm” makes tail-rotor transmissions. “the first model of this part should be complete in may. in total we plan to produce four units this year.” – noted nikolay semikopenko.

Business class

classiFiEDsoFFicE FacilitiEs. Office facilities in B-class 10-sto-ried office biuilding, presently under construction, are available for purchase. Prices start from 65 thou-sand rubles per sq. m. Free-pattern planning. The commission is scheduled at the 4th quarter of 2008.

lanD parcEl. 26 Hectares. The parcel is located in 20 km from B. Savino airport in forest park zone. Formerly a military camp, sold by auction. Presently it is a private property. There are constructions and communications at the land. Destination is residen-tinal or industrial areas. The parcel has no charges. The Price is 26 mln rubles.

additional information about the objects may be obtained by special inquiry

to e-mail: [email protected]

At Perm region government meet-

ing there was settled a question about land admeasurement in Bershet, Perm region rural settlement, for building a plant for production of infu-sion solutions (blood substitutes).

the plant on pro-duction of infusion

substitutes will be the first project of Finnish company elomatic in russia. the basic con-ditions for choosing a place for its building has become avail-ability of high-quality water necessary for medication production as well as possibility to connect the objects to network.

as aleksandr

Kuznecov, the head of perm region, says the Finnish company will invest in company building about 35 mil-lion euro. the plant capacity is planning to be 10 million liters of blood substitutes of european quality a year, and that will absolutely provide perm region need in this medication.

Future enterprise tax proceeds in budget of all levels are valued in 162 million rubles. Kuznecov explains that according to normative documents the plant will be built during 20 months. the plant is to begin work in may 2010, as the head of perm region promises.

finland Will build a PlanT

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PAGE �June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r

busiNessPublic corPoraTion “haloGen” shares

moved from one offshore To anoTher

Perm chemical enterprise Public

Corporation “Halo-gen” controlled by holding company “Uralkhim” owner Dmitry Mazepin has announced today the changes in sharehold-ers membership.

according to the official “halogen” report the cyprian

company ci-chemi-cal invest limited has reduced its share fraction in perm enterprise for 82,72% – from 99,18% up to 16,46%. another “halogen” report says that this share holding was bought by another cyprian company Ftorchem limited.

in compliance with

“halogen” documents both cyprian compa-nies are affiliated with both enterprise itself and “uralkhim” of dmitry mazepin. but it is still a question why the businessman has shuffled the shares.

the changes in “halogen” sharehold-ers membership took place on 21 of may, but they have been

announced only after the shareholders reg-ister closure the day before extra meet-ing. the register was closed on 26 of may; shareholders’ meet-ing is settled on 16 of june this year. on the extra meeting agenda is deal approval with an interest the es-sence of which is not revealed.

The head of Perm state Uni-versity professor Vladimir

Malanin has come back from Great Britain where he was with a business visit at Oxford Uni-versity.

the result of this visit has become signing of a new col-laboration contract for 10 years. according to this contract the list of educational institution which can accept perm graduate students has been enlarged, now there is an opportunity of new projects sup-port by britain partners, including participation in building of a new library.

Within the framework of previous agreements young scientists and professors of perm region univer-sity had probation period at the oldest britain university. every year there were special seminars and lectures of oxford professors.

new oxford management reviewed the previous agreements with russian universities – part-ners. according to the words of the head of perm state university, professor vladimir malanin, perm university got such confidence which no other russian university has. there are no other similar rela-tions between universities in our country today.

eXTra 10 years WiTh oXford universiTy





“sylviniT” has a neW comPosiTionof manaGemenT

On May 26 pub-lic corporation

“Sylvinit” committee of directors (Solika-msk, Perm region) approved company board of direc-tors, 11 in number.

8 members of the board have kept their places.

according to the official report the members of board of directors have become

company general director rostyam sabi-rov, chief engineer vladimir vaulin, depu-ty general director on transport and sales vladimir maslakov, deputy general direc-

tor of commercial matters yuriy petuk-hov, chief accountant helen rakinceva, deputy general direc-tor on legal matters timur starostin, deputy general direc-tor on economics and management nelly chupriyanova, direc-tor of scru-3 valery skryabin, director of solikamsk potash ore administration num-ber 4 leonid spekhov. new members of board of directors are deputy general direc-tor of capital assets vladimir Konovalov and deputy general director of company external economic links aleksandr rai-hel.

since 2006 year “sylvinit” is the only enterprise in russia extracting carnallite. it is developing upper Kama river deposit of potash magnesium salt.

cHUsovoy MEtallUrGical Works HolDs annUal GEnEral MEEtinG

chusovoy metallurgical Works (cmW, perm territory), part of united metallurgical company (omK) has held its annual general meeting.

at the meeting, the cmW annual report for 2007 was presented. in 2007, the financial and economic performance of the company was noted for stability. the 2007 revenue reached 11,272,943 thousand rubles, which by 913,667 thousand rubles exceeded the 2006 figure (10,359,276 thousand rubles). in 2007, cmW’s net profit increased by 19,261 thousand rubles and accounted for 486,153 thousand rubles (as compared with 466,892 thousand rubles in 2006).

the annual general meeting approved the cmW annual report for 2007, the annual Financial statements and the profit and loss statement for 2007.

the shareholders elected the following mem-bers of the cmW board of directors: valery anisimov, natalya yeryomina, anatoly Karpov, vladimir markin, anatoly sedykh, yevgeny shevelev, and yulia shkhiyants.

the cmW internal audit commission, as elected by the meeting, comprises the follow-ing three members: yelena ivanina, natalya oleynik, and marina shichkina.

the independent auditor elected for cmW by the shareholders is tsentr bukhgaltera i au-dita («center for accounting and auditing»).

the annual general meeting approved the restated articles of association of cmW.

in addition, several related party transactions were approved.

United Metallurgical Company (OMK) is one of Russia’s largest producers of pipes, railroad wheels, and other metal products for energy, transport, and industrial companies. OMK comprises six largest en-terprises in the metallurgical sector. The OMK Pipe-Rolling Division comprises Vyksa Steel Works (Nizhni Novgorod Region), Almetyevsk Pipe Plant (Republic of Tatarstan), and Trubodetal (Chelyabinsk Region); the OMK Steel Works Division comprises Chusovoy Metal-lurgical Works and Gubakha Coke (Perm Territory), and Shchelkovo Steel Works (Moscow Region).

In 2007, OMK products accounted for 18% of pipes consumed in Russia, including 34% of large diameter pipes, 62% of railroad wheels, and 75% of automobile springs. In 2007, the OMK enterprises produced 1.8 mil-lion tonnes of pipes of various sizes and 820 thousand railroad wheels. The main consumers of OMK products include such leading Russian and foreign companies as Gazprom, Russian Railways, LUKOIL, Transneft, Surgut-neftegas, Rosneft, TNK-BP, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, General Electric, and Samsung. OMK supplies its products to 20 countries.

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June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r


rapiD DEvElopMEnt oF cattlE BrEEDinG

in cooperative marketing association “du-brovinskiy”, located in nitvinskiy district, a new dairy complex for 550 cows was launched.

cma “dubrovinkiy” today is one of the most stable agricultural enterprises in nitva. the construction of the new complex for untethered keeping of 550 heads of cattle has begun in the early 2007. the costs for its building are about 47, 7 million rubles, half of the sum – 23, 5 million rubles – money from the regional budget. the construction will be finished in october, 2008.

Few other cattle breeding complexes are wait-ing to be put into operation this summer: one complex in limited liability company “niva” of uinskiy district in june, another – for 1500 heads of cattle – in “rus” of permskiy district in july. in august llc “ruabovskoe” of chernushinskiy district is going to open a complex for 800 heads of cattle.

nowadays, in perm Krai under the “rapid development of cattle breeding” program 15 complexes are under construction. total value of the units is 2, 4 milliard rubles, 713,4 rubles are provided by the Krai’s budget.

rabbiT franchisePerm Department

of Agriculture is preparing a franchise for rabbit breeding business. The project is developed with the help of the specialists from cattle-breeding centre “Prikamie”.

This enterprise is known as a center of Perm rabbit breeding. here eight far-famed species are reared: Butterfly, Black-brown, viennese blue, New Zeland red, Soviet chinchilla, Silvery, White giant, and Californian rabbit.

There are 3 thousand pedigree cattle breaded on the farm. The enterprise supplies with the young animals and breeders personal subsidiary plots and farms all the regions of Russia. Cony, produced in the enterprise, is sold through the affiliated chain.

A number of advantages can make rabbit breeding very profitable in our region. Due to the

specialists, everything can be used to bring an income, from flesh to fell. Complete breeding of flesh takes only 5 moths. Unlike pork or beef, cony is supposed to be dietetic foodstuff, it contains twice less fat and cholesterol, plus it is much more nutritious. Rabbits are

unpretentious about the weather, so there is no need in additional lighting or heating.

Rabbit breeding is one of the branches of “Stars of Agricultural Business Club”, developed by the Krai’s Department of Agriculture. Moreover, franchise will be elaborated

for fish-breeding and beekeeping.

The help for those businessmen, who wish to start their career in agriculture, particularly in accessing business-plans, assembly charts and ready-made projects will be stipulated in the Krai’s agricultural development program for 2009-2012 years.

New Russian-Be-larusian joint

enterprise will be opened in Nytva town of Permsky Krai. “Uralskaya Furnitura” Ltd. Co. (Nytva) is discuss-ing cooperation plans with “Lidsky Electric Wares Plant (Belar-us). Vision impaired workers will be able to find employment at this new enter-prise.

the cooperation conditions of two companies were discussed during the recent visit of the be-larus representatives in nytva.

the production of street lamps will be started using facilities of nytva’s enterprise. “uralskaya Furnitura” has modern equip-ment which allows production of some parts for street lamps. lydsky electric wares plant is willing to hand over one of its design to russian partner, in the near-est future belarus company will send

the technical speci-fications to russian company. estimated production output – 3000 units per month.

the cooperation with belarusian plant will allow “uralskaya Furnitura” company not only to operate its facilities at full capac-ity, but also to cre-ate 22 new working places. currently, the staff of the enterprise consists of 330 em-

ployees, half of them vision impaired.

We would remind that “uralskaya Fur-nitura” company is an active participant of “promotion of perm producers’ products” project, developed by the Krai’s ministry of trade and business development. in april 2008 “lidsky electric Wares plant” ad-dressed to the repre-sentative of permsky Krai in southern

Federal district, runar halitov, with a request to examine the pos-sibility of production of street lamps in the territory of permsky Krai, and consecutive sales in russia.

the next negotia-tions between repre-sentatives of two com-panies are arranged on 10 july. nytvensky plant’s representatives are also planning a business trip to be-larusian enterprise.

neW ProducTion liGhTs uP russia









Bank oF nEW york Has in-crEasED “Uralkali” sHarE Fraction

today public corporation “uralkali” (ber-ezniki, perm region) has been informed about changes in company shareholders member-ship. according to the official report the bank of new york international nominees has increased its share fraction from 14,37% up to 18,34%.

as the source of information close to “ural-kali” structures stated the shares were bought in this case by an unknown person. bank of new york at the same time remains to be the nominal shareholder.

public corporation “uralkali” provides 10% of world potash fertilizers output and is one of the largest producers in this field in russia. the enterprise income according to the iFrs in 2007 is 8, 045 billion rubles, the revenue is 29,5 billion rubles.


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PAGE 11June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r

cultuReiii international ethno-futuristic festival

kamWa–2008Date and site of the festival: “kaMWa” festival will be held

in perm from july, 31st to august, 3rd

prikaMyE joins intErna- tional toUrist projEct “tHE GrEat tEa roaD”

perm Krai will join the international tourist project “the great tea road”. the governor’s press-service stated that the offer to join the proj-ect was made at the 8th international tourism fair “mitF – 2008”, which was held in moscow from 15 to 18 of may.

perm Krai’s part of the tourist route will run through Kungur, solikamsk, and perm, where the great tea road was lying once. moreover, last year in Kungur the tea museum was opened and a monument to tea merchant gubkin was erected. thus, the project and a tour offer for prikamye’s part of the great tea road will be developed basing on these particular and some other places of interest. the development will be conducted by the perm Krai ministry of trade and business, tourist firms and agencies of Kungur, solikamsk and perm. the complete tour package will be presented on the website “the great tea road – the road of trade, culture and tourism” and offered on russian and foreign tourism markets.

according to experts, the establishment of tea tour in permsky Krai may become the incentive for development of international tourism in the territory of permsky Krai, because the “great tea road” project exists since 1992 and is now sup-ported by over 50 organizations from 3 countries – russia, mongolia, and china. currently it is the longest tourist route, which runs across whole eurasian continent. the project’s goal is to de-velop major international tourist route using the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples.

next september the representatives of perm-sky Krai will take part in “baikal meeting” of the “great tea road” project’s participants. at the meeting the future plan for cooperation is to be approved and the certain mechanisms of action coordination is to be created regarding the tour-ist reception among the participating countries.

anotHEr coMpEtition For tHE projEct art GallEry

the governor of perm Krai oleg chirkunov has stated that none of the projects presented at the permmuseum design competition, will be chosen for the construction of the new perm state art gallery building. he mentions that all obligations towards the competitors will be fulfilled. as a consequence the governor mentioned about the possibility of new competition.

We would remind that last week oleg chirku-nov admitted in his statement within the “perm public lectures and debates” project (organizers – perm civil chamber and “grani” centre) that the authorities’ decision to organize the competition was a mistake.


for the third time Perm Krai will be holding the ethno-futuristic festival KAMWA. Though the festival’s history isn’t long, it has already drawn the attention of Perm citizens and even residents of Ural region and finno-Ugric districts of Russia. By the governor’s decree, KAMWA festival was recognized one of the priority projects of Permsky Krai. festival’s organizers: Perm regional public organization for promotion of cultural and youth projects, finno-Ugric cultural centre of the Rf. General partner of the project – JSCB «EKoPRoMBANK” The festival is held with support

of the Permsky Krai government and Perm City administration.

The festival KAMWA -2008 hosts the delegations and creative groups from Moscow, St. Petersburg, yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Komi Republic, Mari El, Udmurtia, Mordovia, Karelia, Estonia, finland and also from Khanty-Mansiysk district, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Buryatia.

The festival’s program offers a variety of events. The grandest of them is the large Gala concert, featuring the festival’s participants, will go off on 2 August in the territory of ethnographic museum “hohlovka”. The Noviy Khleb holiday (New harvest holiday), handcrafts fair, games,

rites and feast await the museum’s visitors and festival’s guests. This year the festival’s organizers plan a charity action for the citizens of Perm Krai and participation of the 20 districts’ delegates in the event on 2 August.

The numerous events, that have already become traditional for KAMWA, will go off during the festival. The program includes the exhibition of ethno-futuristic artists “Art of Light”, “EThNoMEDIA” program featuring modern ethno-musical projects, master-classes, workshops and presentations. This year KAMWA will reveal new artistic directions to its guests – ethnic fashion and ethnic theatre. The concert

of famous performers – Sergei Starostin and Inna Zhelannaya – will be a special event in the festival’s program.

festival’s guests will have a chance to see the most impressive and colorful evening fire show on the bank of the Kama River: bonfires, fire drums show of Mario Kaldararu (Moscow), blazing figures of the Rybovs sculptors (Mordovia), theatrical mystery plays, dancing, music, and jam-session among the festival’s participants.

The festival will hold the scientific symposium dedicated to the problems of preservation of cultural and archeological heritage in the historical landscapes of Prikamye and a trip to ancient settlement ANUShKAR.

tHe neW formats of tHe festiVal

eThnic TheaTreEthno-futuristic

festival KAMWA discovers new cre-ative genres. This year for the first time the festival will present the theatri-cal genre. The guests and participants of the festival will have an opportunity to learn about national traditions of different theatre cultures.

The participants of theatrical program:


“THE LEGEND OF KUDYM OSH” – the legend of the Komi-Perm epic hero, the chief and founder of Kudymkar. Script by vasiliy Klimov, director Sergei Andreev.

CHUVASHSKI STATE EXPERIMENTAL THEATRE “DOZHD” (Rain), Cheboksary city, will show a performance in kabuki genre. “ChTo TAM?” (What’s there?) – is an experimental staging of young

actors, a compilation of improvised philosophical stories.

Director – valeri Provorov.

REPUBLIC BURYATIA STATE PUPPET THEATRE “ULGRE” (Ulan Ude). The performance “Nebesny Aramak”, based on Mongolian

and Buryatian legends, narrates about the mystery and spirit of nomadic civilization. Director – Tuyana Badagaeva, the laureate of theatrical award “Golden Mask” 2008.


the long day comes…) a humorous parable, based on Estonian tales.

The performances will be shown on the stage of the Theatre of young Spectator (on 31 July and 3 August) and on the open–air stage in the ethnographic museum of hohlovka. (2 August).


Приглашает женщин и мужчинСтарше 21 года на авторский фитнес-тренинг

«Харизма как инструмент прямых продаж»

А также специальные предложения для НЕЕЭкспресс-курсы: «ПЛЯЖНАЯ ФИГУРА»,


Все группы формируются индивидуально. Возможны презентационные программы. Занятия в центре города (район ДКЖ, Гознак, Драмтеатр)Запись по телефону: 8-922-64-64-644 или [email protected]

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June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r



nikolai gavrilovich slavyanov (1854-1897) was a perm citizen, known for the great-est invention of the xix century in field of electric welding, which brought rus-sia world-wide fame. in 2008 scientific and technological commu-nity celebrates 120th jubilee of invention and industrial implementa-tion of arc-welding with metal electrode by n.g. slavyanov. today the arc welding is still the most used welding type.

a graduate of the st. petersburg institute of mines, n.g. slavyanov has significantly contrib-uted into development of scientific-engineering thought. range of his interests was very broad: mechanics, building, metallurgy, electrical engineering. the weld-ing technique of n.g. slavyanov had been pat-ented not only in russia, but in France, germany, italy, austria-hungary, belgium, the usa and switzerland. he de-signed and constructed special structure dyna-mos, electric measuring instruments, equipment and technology for ap-plication of electrical power in metallurgical production.

the inventive activi-ties of n.g. slavyanov are inseparably con-nected to the perm cannon plants (currently llc “motovilikhbiskiye plants”). n.g. slavya-nov, being the head of the perm cannon plants mining department, had always aspired to realize results of his works in practical applications.

there are several buildings in perm, de-signed by n.g. slavya-nov, including a house at bolshaya str. (current-ly 37, 1905 str.), in which niklay gavrilovich lived with his family since

1888 until 1893. this very building is today the memorial house-mu-seum of n.g. slavyanov (department of the perm regional museum).

all the goods and documents, belonged to slavyanov, as well as age-old antiquities were piece by piece collected by the perm regional museum staff and local geography and culture

enthusiasts to recre-ate environment and atmosphere of the age, when the great inventor lived and worked in this house.

the central part of the exposition is the study of n.g. slavya-nov, furnished with the original furniture of the slavyanov’s study. there is also a bookcase, full of popular publication of the xix century.

n.g. slavyanov, as it is known, worked a lot in his home labora-tory. its interior part is also recreated at the exposition. in this hall one could find the exact copy of electric weld-

ing device, designed by slavyanov, and model of the first in the world electric welding genera-tor.

the exposition also has a living room. Fur-niture of those times is presented here: sofa, two arm-cheers, table, clock, and “becker” piano.

the museum collec-tion tells not just about n.g. slavyanov, but

about the house owner great invention fate.

one of the most unique exhibits of the museum is the famous “cup” of slavyanov. the “cup” appears as a dodecahedral, drilled inside, prism with round base. it was welded of bell metal, tombac (alloy of copper and zinc), nickel, steel, cast iron, german silver (group of copper-zinc-nickel al-

loys, having silver color), copper and bronze. the “cup” weight is 5330 grams, and height is 210 mm. this exhibit was made by n.g. slavyanov for the chicago World Fair of 1893. this item was to deny skeptics opinion that the intro-duced welding tech-nique may be used only for ferrous metals. at the chicago fair slavya-nov was awarded with diploma of honor and medal “For arc electric welding”.

another treasure of the museum is the brass disk with legend «tachometer with of safety pointer of mining engineer slavyanov». nikolay gavrilovich measured rotation fre-quency of his dynamo exactly with this very device..

the exposition also presents design of electric welding device, hand made by the inventor and “metals electric casting” booklet, written by the scientist as the first tutorial, and published in st. peters-burg in 1891. by the end of xix century the slavyanov’s technique of electric welding had been commonly used at

many plants in russia and abroad.

even today the works of nikolay gavrilov-ich slavyanov live and develop. exposition of “modern welding techniques” tells about development of welding science and its cur-rent state. visitors may familiarize with the most used welding tech-niques, its application in industry and science.

address: 614000 perm, 15 sibirskaya str.,

tel: 8(342)212-56-57, 212-54-46the museum web-site:

Great PeoPle of PriKamYenikolay Gavrilovich slavyanov

tHe Perm art GallerYarT of ancienT

russiathe perm art gallery has its own icons collec-

tion, which has approximately thousand items and memorials of xvi-xx cc., which relate to various art centers and various performance levels. mas-terpieces, made by ancient russian icon-painting workshops of middle russia, russian north, povo-lzhye and ural are represented as single groups. since xviii the icon-painting get diversity: fol-lowing ancient russian painting style, appearance of the old believers’ tradition, and “academic paintings” icons. these memorials include works of high professional, average, and poor skill levels, but still always expressive and original. the collec-tion highlight is so called letters of stroganoffs, re-lated to xvi and beginning of xvii centuries. the perm gallery has about 50 memorials, therewith half of them are signed and dated icons, made by istoma savin, semion Khromoy, bogdan sobolev and many others moscow and prikamye painters.

the icon-painting collection of the gallery in common is rather typical for museums of russian province. but at the same time the scale and value of the perm art gallery collection are obvious.

Our Lady of Vladimir with eighteen blazes.

Stroganoffs School. 1580’s.

istoma savin. There are two dark-brown strings of inscrip-tion on the back: “...decree of nikita grigor….strogano…let-ter from istoma sav…”.

this icon, cre-ated by one of the best artists of the “stroganoffs school” is a gen-uine masterpiece

of the stroganoffs icon-painting. istoma savin is a “monarchial icon-painter”, worked sometimes for stroganoffs.

at the centerpiece of the icon there is our lady with the infant jesus. “the ancient maternity song” sounds here solemn and sad. eyes of our

lady look into the depth of soul, full of suffering and anxiety. gesture of the infant jesus is touch-ing. even splendor of precious garments can’t reduce tension of the image, the most expressive, the most honorable in ancient russia. exactly “vladimirskaya” is called russian shrine, patron-ess of russia. the icon of istoma is performed in traditional way.

but blazes here are unique indeed. the icon-painter, instead of the holy mother legend, tells story about real event: invasion of tatar army to russia, happened in 1395, and reproduced in “leg-end of our lady of vladimir icon miracles”.

this “legend” was the source for iconographic program of the icon, and miniatures from a manu-script of middle of xvi century become source for blazes. eighteen small compositions reflect all the episodes of the miraculous legend. We see tatar camp, praying at the assumption (uspenskiy) ca-thedral of the moscow Kremlin, the appearance of the holy mother to the tatar khan, sleeping in marquee, and sudden flight of tatars. use of black background and bright colors palette turn the blazes into some precious ornamental frame.

june, 3rd is the day of the icon celebration. and july, 6th is the holiday of meeting the icon in moscow, where it was brought from vladimir.

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rEciEpt FroM cHEF-cook



the grand prize of «ashberry beads» con-test of age-old cuisine of perm krai peoples.

ingredients• Wheat flour - 1,5 kg.• Sugar - 0 0,5 kg.• Butter or margarine - 0,2 kg.• Egg - 6 .• Milk - 0,5 l.• Red bilberries - 0,5 kg,• Water - 0,5 l.,• Sour cream - 0,1 kg.• Yeast - 5 gr.• Salt to the taste.

DescriptionMake yeast dough from flour, eggs, 1/2 portion

of sugar, heated butter, water and milk. Dough should be soft and not stick to hands.

When the dough is ready put it in form of a pie on oiled baking tray, let it develop and bake till it is done.

Red bilberries mix with the rest of sugar, heat on the oven till boiling and pour down on hot pie. When the pie get colder cover it with sour cream wiped with sugar.





In the town of Vsevolodo-Vilva

(Aleksandrovsky district) in the house where poet Boris Pas-ternak had once lived in 1916 recovery works have come to the end.

by the initiative of the governor oleg chirkunov for the reconstruction of the house the Krai’s budget provided over 14 mil-lion rubles in 2006-2007.

according to the authors of the project the museum will have to recreate the atmo-sphere of the age when boris pasternak lived in

vsevolodo-vilva. apart from that, exposition will also tell about other famous literary and cultural figures: great russian writer an-ton chekhov, who lived

in vsevolodo-vilva in 1902, patron of art sav-va morozov (who was the owner of the local plant), inventor of pure chloroform recipe boris Zbarsky (who worked

as a chief engineer in the vsevolodo-vilva’s plant).

in the first place the museum is meant for the pupils of alek-sandrovsk and the neighboring territories. besides, the museum will be included in the touristic routes in the northern parts of perm Krai which already include usolye and so-likamsk. Foreign tour-ists are welcomed here; all the more that the presentation of tourist projects also connected with boris pasternak took place in london in the course of «World travel market 2007».

“PasTernak’s house” reconsTrucTed

The reconstructed house where

Pasternak once lived hosted research and educational seminar “Centres of Culture in the Province: an Experience of Cartog-raphy”.

in 2011 vsevolodo-vilva will celebrate its 200th birthday. the town was found-ed in the beginning of the xix cen-tury by the prince v.a.vsevolozhsky. at different times the town visited savva morozov, anton chekhov. boris pas-ternak came here in 1916 and lived with the family of a chem-ist boris Zbarsky. in vsevolodo-vilva pasternak wrote such lyrical masterpieces as “marburg” and

“on the steamer” (na parokhode). the envi-rons of vsevolodo-vilva are described in the novel “doctor Zhivago”.

that is why the theme of the seminar and its location are naturally connected: vsevolodo-vilva is one of memorable historic places in perm Krai and russia on the whole. over 30 researchers took

part in the seminar, having come from perm, yekaterinburg, moscow, nizhny tagil, Krakow, and ivanovo. among them were such well-known specialists as dmitry Zamyatin from the in-stitute of natural and cultural heritage of d.s.likhachev (mos-cow); vasily schukin – professor of the jagiellonian univer-sity of Krakow, the

author of the clas-sic monograph “the myth of ‘dvoryans-koe gnezdo’ in rus-sian culture”; sergey Kropotov – rector of the contemporary art academy of yekat-erinburg and many others.

the seminar is held in the context of the ministry of culture and mass media pro-gram “permian period of boris pasternak”. in its organization took part the admin-istration of aleksan-drovsky district, perm state university, literature department of the institute of history and archeol-ogy of the ras ural office and perm so-cial fund “yuryatin”.

photomaterial is renderedby the fund “yuryatin”

boris PasternaKto tHe nobel PriZe aWarDinG anniVersarY

PASTERNAK, BORIS LEONI-DOVICH (1890-1960), soviet poet, novelist, translator. Born on 10 February 1890 in Mos-cow.

Entered Philosophic De-partment of the Faculty of His-tory and Philosophy in Mos-cow University. In spring 1912 he went to Marburg, Germany, to continue his studies. The head of Marburg neo-Kantian philosophic school, Herman Cogen, proposed Pasternak to stay in Germany to take Doctor’s degree in Philosophy. However, it was not destined to occur.

Having returned to Mos-cow Boris Pasternak entered literary society. In 1914 his first collection of poems “Twin in the Clouds” (“Bliznets v tuchakh”) was published.

In the late 1930-s he was almost forbidden to appear in print. So he had to move to Peredelkino and set to transla-tion: Shakespeare’s tragedies, Goethe’s “Faust”, Shiller’s “Mary Stuart”...

In the years of war Pas-ternak created a cycle “Poems about War”.

From 1945 to 1955 in the throes he had been giving rise to “Doctor Zhivago”, in many respects an autobiographical novel about the fortune of the Russian intelligentsia in the first half of the XX century.

In 1956 Pasternak brought the novel to several maga-zines, but he was refused.

The same year he sent the manuscript to Italy. The publi-cation of “Doctor Zhivago” in Europe and its awarding with

the Nobel Prize in 1958 “for his important achievement both in contemporary lyrical poetry and in the field of the great Russian epic tradition” aroused pointed criticism in Soviet press. Since that time writer’s badgering began. The verdict read: “Awarding a prize for artistically poor literary work, malicious and full of ha-tred against socialism – it is a hostile political act against the Soviet State”. Pasternak was ex-pelled from the Soviet Writers’ Union for his “actions incom-patible with the status of the Soviet writer”, which meant a literary and social death. Pas-ternak had to refuse the Nobel Prize: “Because of the meaning which the award has received in the society I belong to I have to refuse it. Please, don’t

consider my voluntary denial as insulting”. In his letter to N.S.Khrushchev he wrote: “To leave my Motherland is equal to death for me. I am bound to Russia with my birth, my life and my work”.

In the USSR “Doctor Zhivago” was published in 1988, already after the author’s death. Having put a full stop in his novel, Pasternak summed up his whole life: “Everything is unraveled; everything is named, simple, clear, and sad. Once again there are given names to the most precious and important, to the earth and the sky, to the great and fervent passion, to the spirit of creative work, to the life and to the death...”

Pasternak died on 30 May 1960 of cancer of lungs.

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June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r







leGenDs of PriKamYa

by vishersky sTonesIn ancient times by the

very stone range lived two strong and handsome hunt-ers. People called them differ-ently but in the history their names remained as Vetlam and Polud.

polud was tall and slim, he had the strongest arms, vetlam was a little shorter but had broader shoulders.

they were good friends: hunted together in primeval forests, fought together with enemies who often came to the stone range. and friend-ship of these two hunters was stronger and harder than the hardest stone in this area.

time flies and a daughter of head shaman paser-ia, or how hunters called her vishera, grow and turned into young and beautiful girl. both hunt-ers fell in love with her but nobody knew who will be with the girl. in the meantime sha-man was jealous of hunters’ friendship and for long time was trying to destroy it.

one morning he came out of his tent and the idea came itself. hunters were standing and arguing who will marry vishera. so shaman decided to destroy hunters.

— and he said: “i have an idea! my daughter will marry the one who throw hundred pood stones to each other”.

hunters left and people could hardly see them behind the trees. competition started and one stones were thrown from one mighty hunter to another. stones would clash with each other in the air and break like nuts, covering hunters with stone pieces.

at first stones were up to their knees then up to their waist.

beautiful vishera couldn’t stand this and she ran stand between them but it was too late. they berried each other in stones.

she started crying and turned into a river that flows between stones in memory of her fiancés.

head shaman lost his daughter and died of grief by pomyanenni stone. people remember this sad story and call this stone pomyanenni (remembrance stone).

since that time vishera splashes from time to time her beautiful stones. people call them diamonds, they are magnificent and beautiful, because it is tears of a beau-tiful girl.

ecoloGical Tourism in Permsky kraiWhat is ecologi-

cal tourism in Perm Krai? It is any form of tourism with responsibility to en-vironment, studying and enjoying nature, helping to conser-vancy.

Where to begin get-ting to know tourism in perm Krai? in the recent years more and more people enjoy go-ing boating. in boat-ing elements of learn-ing, active pastime,

health improvement and sport are com-bined. it is available for almost any healthy person irrespective of age. among the advantages of boating are – convenience of load and people transporting, amaz-ingly beautiful nature, ecological compatibili-ty of the territory and river, huge moon that without shame glances at faces of people who sit around the bonfire, plenty of herbs which

are used to make in-comparable tea.

if to all this we add the main principles of ecological tours: tours are thoroughly planned, controlled and lead by qualifies guides. garbage is not thrown away at the dumpsters or left at the campsite instead it is collected and brought to special uti-lization places, halts and bonfires are made only in specially ap-pointed places. We

try not to harm nature that is so hospitable to us.

rivers in perm are clean and beauti-ful, thy give you the energy that megapolis with its haste , traffic jams and problems is taking from you.

natural resources of perm Krai are a spe-cial theme. this Krai is amazing. incompa-rable rivers and lakes, riverside stones- gi-ants, labyrinths of caves like in fairy

tales, forests- guard-ians of ural nature. unique preserved places! all this is noteworthy…

you can do eco-logical tourism, go boating through specialized companies or independently. but without assistance it is more difficult and takes up more time. you will have to read piles of materials about equipment, food on a boat trip, to pay for equipment and so

on. you should start from the most simple routes in populated area. in the beginning it is better to go with more experienced team, saving your strength, nerves, time and money.

We wish you eco-logical rest, smooth water, beautiful and interesting places!

E.a.puginDirector of Ecological

tourism center “Green wind”

riVers of PriKamYa

visheravishera is one of the most beautiful rivers in

northern ural, left inflow of Kama river. upper courses of vishera are situated on western side of ural mountain range. the river is 439 km long. area of columbine is more than 31200 m3. vishera has two sources that are always covered with snow and ice. right source is – small vishera – springs from mountain range of yany-emty. left – big vishera – from spurs of primongit-ur, one of ural belt heights, on the border of Komi, swerdlowsky region and prmsky Krai. sources are separated by visher-sky stone and flow together at the foot of army mountain.

vishera can be characterized as a fast mountain river that flows in a narrow valley. it is noted for high banks , clean water, small population.

the river is fairly meandering and along the shores has stones and mountains, a lot of riffs are during all course of the river. the river is covered with ice in october – beginning of november and becomes clear-end of april. high water is from the beginning of may till 15-20 of june. average speed of the river flow at that time is 8-10 km/h, at low water – not more than 3-4 km/h. the best time for boating is from july to september.

in vishera and its’ flows are founded: umber, burbot, minnow, taimen. in 1861 40 pood ( 655,2 kg.) white sturgeon was caught near by the village sipuchi. in vishera and its inflows inhabit more than 30 species of fish. in upper courses of vishera the biggest in europe population of umber and taimen is found.



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PAGE 1�June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r

sPoRttHE torcH oF intErnational rUn in pErM

the perm region was accepting the torch of the World har-mony run. this relay race started at the 10th of april, 2008 in new york. The repre-sentatives of more than 70 countries took part in it.

Worldwide relay race started at the 10th of april, 2008 in new york square. at the 10th of may on the arena square in moscow the start of russian part of international heat is given. sportsmen should overpass the way from moscow to vladivostok in 120 days.

at the 27th of may the participants of world-wide race were in perm and carried this torch trough all the city, from Krasavinsky bridge through parkoviy district to the house of railway Workers, then through the central part of the city and on the city esplanade near the monument the unity of front and rear the sol-emn meeting and big sport holiday took place. the next day it continued its way from school number 38.

the representatives of more than 70 coun-tries take part in the race. the sportsmen give the torch from hand to hand in the olympic style as a symbol of good will and peace. the closing of the race will be held in new york in august.

tHE tHirD placE in rUssiathe bronze medal in the perm moneybox was

brought by vera Krasilnikova who became the third on the distance of 50 m in free style.

let’s remind that russian championship in swimming among the juniors was held in perm in sport complex olympia from the 13th to the 18th of may.

the strongest swimmers –winners and prize-winners of local championships held in january 2008 took place in the competitions. delegations from 50 regions of rF turned up to the championship (nearly 300 people), among them-delegations from moscow, st petersburg, rostov-na-donu, chanty-mansiisk. perm region was presented by the team of 14 sportsmen. the age of participants is 15-16 years (girls) and 17-18 years (boys).

6 MEDals in tHE MonEyBoxoF sHip MoDElErs

perm ship modelers are included in the com-bined team of the country and will represent russia in the world ship modeling champion-ship in 2009. they achieved this regard accord-ing to the results of competitions on russian championship which took place in the end of may in smolensk.

in russian competitions more than 150 people from 16 regions took part. among them were both young and grown up ship modelers. perm region was represented by 6 sportsmen.

4 sportsmen are now preparing for taking part in europe championship of ship modeling which will take place from the 25th of june to the 2nd of july in poland. thanks to successful competitions held before all the sportsmen are included in the combined team of the country which will be representing russia on the world championship in 2009.

sportswoman from chaikovsky town ekaterina baklakova entered the combined team of russia for participating in cham-pionships of europe in serbia (belgrad) and World championship

in mexico (monterrey) in july of this year, ac-cording to the results of russian champi-onship in swimming among the juniors, which finished the day before in perm. she took 3 gold medals in

50, 100 and 200 meters distances in breast-stroke and discharged the norm “master of sport of international class”.

also the 16-yeared sportswoman dis-charged the norm

established by the in-ternational swimming Federation for partici-pating in the olympic games in peking. the decision of the team combination will be taken by russian swimming Federation.

our sWimmers in The combined Team of russia

The building of Sport House start-

ed in village Lobano-vo (Perm suburb).

the gym will be sit-uated in two-storied building; total area of 20 x 40 meters, where competitions in basketball, volley-ball, soccer, handball, tennis will be held, training and fitness gyms and training

rooms will be also placed there. the stands are estimated to give place for 300 people.

metal wares will be used for the building. now excavation, plan-ning and making the base for the house is finished. the object will be totally finished till the end of the year. municipal and village budget will

give 35 mio rubles for this purpose.

new sport house will become a great present for the people living in lobanovo. There were no other sport houses except small school gym before.

this year the con-struction of one more sport house will start in perm region, the track and field arena

in Kondratovo. its project is ready and earth is reserved. and at the beginning of this year new sanitary complex in village Kultaevo was already finished. it was built with the using of new air bearing technolo-gies without frames. now competitions in volleyball, basketball and tennis are held there.

The rebirTh of mass sPorT in Perm reGion

At the 12th of June, 2008 in 40 cities of Russia mass competitions in street basketball“The Orange Ball” are going to take place

The oranGe ball 2008

Alexander Ivonin, the manager of PE and Sport in Perm Region Agency is speaking:

basketball is mass and popular kind of sport in perm region. We are glad to hear that our region is committed to hold the competitions in sport basketball “the orange ball” in the third time. the battle will take place in berezniki, where basketball has old traditions. berezniki is one of the biggest cities of prikam’e, the sport is actively develop-ing here. this suits the politics of the agency – to hold more competitions in perm region. perm is already sated with the competitions of the highest level.

We would like to attract other towns to the healthy way of living: chusovoi, Kudimkar, berezniki. We support those federations which develop their kind of sports in their regions.

Vitaliy V’ugov, the vice-president of the basketball club “Ural-Great” is speaking:

in berezniki “ural great” is the organizer of “the orange ball” with the help of pe and sport in perm region agency. during the

competitions in street basketball we collect 6-7 thousands of people. that is why street basketball will not be bounded by berezniki. the battles will take place in perm and chaikovsky and also in Kudimkar. i’d like to notice that the interest to street basketball is growing everywhere. For example, “ural-great” has already held the battles in street basketball in solika-msk and chusovoi and in these towns the records in the number of participating teams are broken. We are waiting for the battle in berezniki where in 2006 year 180 teams were struggling with interest because of that. this is the record for the perm region towns, if not taking perm in consid-eration.

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June 2008

P e r m r e g i o n n e w s p a p e r


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