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Theory of Knowledge







A large portion of mathematics is based on sensible thinking. In spite of, or rather due to,

the strict bounds mathematics rationale, mathematics is a colossally inventive subject, soliciting

from its practitioner’s extraordinary imagination (Lemos 2007). Pure mathematics requires no

former sense of discernment in solving a mathematical problem, yet the utilization of science to

certifiable circumstances requires systems for example, those used as a part of the regular and

human sciences. In reality, most research in the natural and human sciences is supported by

mathematics. In this manner, it is utilized as a part of numerous ranges of study, for example,

physics and financial matters. Then again, arts is to a great extent based on inventiveness and is

utilized broadly for excitement as a type of expression. Art is an aggregate term that envelops the

imaginative creations of people and incorporates the visual, performing and the literary arts. Arts

investigate the experience and reality of being human and are a fundamental component of

society. Regardless of these ranges of knowledge having their disparities, every subject has its

unmistakable application. On this note, it vital to note that knowledge without application in the

world, the value of learning is incredibly lessened. In that capacity, this paper will inspect

utilization of mathematics and arts recognizing the value of their insight.

To start, the most perceptible area of knowledge that is focused on target application is

mathematics (Lemos 2007). At its center, mathematics is a branch of knowledge that is totally

structured within a strong arrangement of numbers, hypotheses and verifications that leaves rare

space for human sentiment or individual defense. It is a framework that is affirming and

approves an application that just sticks to its standards. In such manner, the key inquiry is the use

of these strong arrangements of numbers, hypotheses, and verifications. The other question is the

utilization of accepting truths that agrees to the stipulated standards. Case in point, I have worked


with algebra and their concepts. In algebra, letters and other general symbols are utilized to

speak to numbers and amounts in formulas and mathematical statements. For a considerable

length of time, the use of the strict rules of algebra has made human life easier through

simplifying complex calculation involving numerous variables via representing the variables

with symbols in reaching the solutions.

Mathematics is additionally portrayed to be founded on experience and experimental

perceptions (Lemos 2007). Thus, mathematics is utilized to back hypothetical perceptions or

conclusions. We may say that all winged animals lay eggs and 3 + 3 = 6. However we would

more probably trust the last because we have seen more cases of 3 + 3 = 6. For example, 3 apples

plus 3 more apples equals to 6 apples, this must be true. The inquiry in this situation is

mathematics being utilized to legitimize experimental perceptions. Mathematics based

argumentation is more dependable in persuading people. In this light, arithmetic is utilized as a

part of everyday events to legitimize different truths. Case in point, government officials

demonstrating that “50 percent of the adolescents in the nation are abusing drugs” will probably

get the general population's consideration oppositely to that who stipulates that the young people

are abusing drugs.

On the counter contention, utilization of mathematical standards is not without its errors.

Errors in mathematics application happen when mathematical standards are adhered to to the

latter. However, they don't prompt a valid or accurate solution. These disagreements between

mathematical standards and their finished results are called mathematical Catch 22s. A

reasonable illustration would be a globe, especially the surface. As per one of the standards of


mathematics, two points on a plane can be associated with a straight line that will dependably be

the most limited length between these two points. On a globe, consider the North and the South

Pole, which have not one, but rather a few lines that unite the two points together. The analysis of

the south and North Pole suggests that the principles in science are not totally accurate.

Learning arts doesn’t only increases students’ comprehension of their general

surroundings. At the same time it expands their perspective on conventional scholastics. Arts

provides us with the imagination to convey what needs to be while testing our astuteness. Arts

incorporate life and learning for all students and are indispensable in the advancement of the

entire individual (Lemos 2007). The arts convey and address us in ways that educates and

upgrade our lives. The essential inquiry in such a manner is whether arts application is

significant to students. Plainly, arts are important to students, particularly the visual arts as they

enhance comprehension and remembrance. In many events, what is seen by students is not easily


Arts have been utilized to pass messages. Arts are a wide class of areas extending from

visual expressions to music, all having comparative viewpoints when identified with application

(Lemos 2007). The knowledge question for this situation is whether the utilization of these wide

classes of arts have value. Every one of these classifications of arts are extremely subjective to

the impact of other individuals. We may be viewing an art piece, thus judging it, yet we don’t

view it similarly since the conception of art is biased. In visual expressions, what characterizes

the use of craftsmanship is predominantly determined by the aim of the craftsman, the response

from the general population and the nature of the workmanship itself. These components are


extremely blended in seeing and elucidation since it is a direct result of this, the application in

workmanship is remarkable. Films that are a piece of the visual expression produce distinctive

results in diverse people. For example, I would watch a motion picture not for its message, but

rather its rich utilization of a dialect.

For a piece of workmanship to be perceived as art, the aims of the craftsman must have

the capacity to conjure sentiments or interests in individuals. However, given that craftsmanship

is reliant on the artist, the aims of a craftsman can't be constantly known from looking at his or

her artistic work. Craftsmanship help in communicating the craftsman's most inward emotions,

for example, an irregular cluster of lines and shapes painted on canvas can be translated as an

abstract thinking. The application in art is not totally restricted to the craftsman. The negating

perspectives from mediators in workmanship don't detract from the application, just add to it.

The way art is constructed fundamentally on impersonation, catching reality and attempting to

delineate it as close as possible under the circumstances. This implies art changes through time,

and likewise its application. On the other hand, the value of expressions application is reliably

noteworthy as it relies on upon the audience of the work of art.

Arts are additionally tasked with forming societal recognitions and convictions. The

information question here is whether the observation change is certain or negative (Lemos 2007).

Arts have been connected with developing negative observations and convictions. All the same,

contingent upon the individual observation can either be certain or negative. It could be said that

workmanship can streamline and relate rather complex hypotheses. This type of expression is not

new. Our primitive precursors utilized melody and movement to avoid underhandedness spirits.


Their activities suggested bravery and disobedience. In like manner with our current monetary or

social world class who develop structures to infer predominance or capstone like status and

authority. Workmanship is an essentially human expression; it is a method for conveying our

thoughts through whatever physiological or innovative means conceivable.

On the counter contention in regard to application of arts, is that a piece of craftsmanship

that was made amid Renaissance Era might not have the same translation a few centuries back

than it would today (Lemos 2007). It additionally implies that by copying reality, craftsmanship

does not represent life in every one of its perspectives, but instead it is portraying fiction. Then

again, in spite of this, workmanship, even as a work of fiction has application in its particular

respect by representing the theoretical and inside and out works that are not seen by everybody

as they are. Application of arts can be seen as consolidating a few distinct objectives. Therefore,

these objectives turn out to be more like a bound together aims, representing the application of


Further, since mathematics is founded on the pillars of rigorous proof, it facilitates the

generation of knowledge regarding a particular issue with complete certainty. In this respect,

mathematics besides other natural sciences is regarded as the source of absolute certainty,

implying that arts are less considered as a reliable source of knowledge. However, some

contradictions manifest after endeavors of seeking certainty through rigorous proof fail to affirm

to a particular line of thought. In this case, it implies that the application of mathematical

principles does not guarantee the realization of truthful or valid solutions, thereby depicting the

existence of mathematical paradoxes.


On the other hand, the arts provide a multidimensional aspect of viewing reality since

individuals have different perspectives on a particular phenomenon (Lemos 2007). The different

opinions underscore the essence of making the conclusion from different approaches since the

artist, the audience, and the aesthetic aspect of the piece of art attract an array of perspectives

that elucidate different meanings. Compared to mathematics, arts could be regarded as weaker in

in proving its truth and consequently application. Thus, I would argue that the different

interpretations of reality inherent in arts unearth the absence of accuracy. Similarly, the unique

perspective that mathematics employs in proving certainty, limits individuals from viewing

phenomenon from different dimensions.

In conclusion, the two areas of knowledge discussed above, depict several differences

and similarities owing to the various approaches employed in each. In mathematics, the

objectivity of the discipline is underscored by the ‘absolute’ proof and cases of uncertainties that

could classify the area of knowledge as ‘partial’ truth (Lemos 2007). Conversely, arts are

associated with subjectivity in the sense that bias and prejudice could alter the understanding of

reality resulting in diverse interpretations. Therefore, a contentious issue arises concerning the

consequences that emanate from each line of thought. For this reason, it would be essential to

harmonize the mathematics and arts view of reality to find lasting solutions experienced by




Lemos, N 2007, An introduction to the theory of knowledge. Cambridge University Press,

Cambridge, UK.

Completed by:


A large portion of mathematics is based on sensible thinking. In spite of, or rather due to,

the strict bounds mathematics rationale, mathematics is a colossally inventive subject, soliciting

from its practitioner’s extraordinary imagination (Lemos 2007). Pure mathematics requires no

former sense of discernment in solving a mathematical problem, yet the utilization of science to

certifiable circumstances requires systems for example, those used as a part of the regular and

human sciences. In reality, most research in the natural and human sciences is supported by

mathematics. In this manner, it is utilized as a part of numerous ranges of study, for example,

physics and financial matters. Then again, arts is to a great extent based on inventiveness and is

utilized broadly for excitement as a type of expression. Art is an aggregate term that envelops the

imaginative creations of people and incorporates the visual, performing and the literary arts. Arts

investigate the experience and reality of being human and are a fundamental component of

society. Regardless of these ranges of knowledge having their disparities, every subject has its

unmistakable application. On this note, it vital to note that knowledge without application in the

world, the value of learning is incredibly lessened. In that capacity, this paper will inspect

utilization of mathematics and arts recognizing the value of their insight.

To start, the most perceptible area of knowledge that is focused on target application is

mathematics (Lemos 2007). At its center, mathematics is a branch of knowledge that is totally

structured within a strong arrangement of numbers, hypotheses and verifications that leaves rare

space for human sentiment or individual defense. It is a framework that is affirming and

approves an application that just sticks to its standards. In such manner, the key inquiry is the use

of these strong arrangements of numbers, hypotheses, and verifications. The other question is the

utilization of accepting truths that agrees to the stipulated standards. Case in point, I have worked


with algebra and their concepts. In algebra, letters and other general symbols are utilized to

speak to numbers and amounts in formulas and mathematical statements. For a considerable

length of time, the use of the strict rules of algebra has made human life easier through

simplifying complex calculation involving numerous variables via representing the variables

with symbols in reaching the solutions.

Mathematics is additionally portrayed to be founded on experience and experimental

perceptions (Lemos 2007). Thus, mathematics is utilized to back hypothetical perceptions or

conclusions. We may say that all winged animals lay eggs and 3 + 3 = 6. However we would

more probably trust the last because we have seen more cases of 3 + 3 = 6. For example, 3 apples

plus 3 more apples equals to 6 apples, this must be true. The inquiry in this situation is

mathematics being utilized to legitimize experimental perceptions. Mathematics based

argumentation is more dependable in persuading people. In this light, arithmetic is utilized as a

part of everyday events to legitimize different truths. Case in point, government officials

demonstrating that “50 percent of the adolescents in the nation are abusing drugs” will probably

get the general population's consideration oppositely to that who stipulates that the young people

are abusing drugs.

On the counter contention, utilization of mathematical standards is not without its errors.

Errors in mathematics application happen when mathematical standards are adhered to to the

latter. However, they don't prompt a valid or accurate solution. These disagreements between

mathematical standards and their finished results are called mathematical Catch 22s. A

reasonable illustration would be a globe, especially the surface. As per one of the standards of


mathematics, two points on a plane can be associated with a straight line that will dependably be

the most limited length between these two points. On a globe, consider the North and the South

Pole, which have not one, but rather a few lines that unite the two points together. The analysis of

the south and North Pole suggests that the principles in science are not totally accurate.

Learning arts doesn’t only increases students’ comprehension of their general

surroundings. At the same time it expands their perspective on conventional scholastics. Arts

provides us with the imagination to convey what needs to be while testing our astuteness. Arts

incorporate life and learning for all students and are indispensable in the advancement of the

entire individual (Lemos 2007). The arts convey and address us in ways that educates and

upgrade our lives. The essential inquiry in such a manner is whether arts application is

significant to students. Plainly, arts are important to students, particularly the visual arts as they

enhance comprehension and remembrance. In many events, what is seen by students is not easily


Arts have been utilized to pass messages. Arts are a wide class of areas extending from

visual expressions to music, all having comparative viewpoints when identified with application

(Lemos 2007). The knowledge question for this situation is whether the utilization of these wide

classes of arts have value. Every one of these classifications of arts are extremely subjective to

the impact of other individuals. We may be viewing an art piece, thus judging it, yet we don’t

view it similarly since the conception of art is biased. In visual expressions, what characterizes

the use of craftsmanship is predominantly determined by the aim of the craftsman, the response

from the general population and the nature of the workmanship itself. These components are


extremely blended in seeing and elucidation since it is a direct result of this, the application in

workmanship is remarkable. Films that are a piece of the visual expression produce distinctive

results in diverse people. For example, I would watch a motion picture not for its message, but

rather its rich utilization of a dialect.

For a piece of workmanship to be perceived as art, the aims of the craftsman must have

the capacity to conjure sentiments or interests in individuals. However, given that craftsmanship

is reliant on the artist, the aims of a craftsman can't be constantly known from looking at his or

her artistic work. Craftsmanship help in communicating the craftsman's most inward emotions,

for example, an irregular cluster of lines and shapes painted on canvas can be translated as an

abstract thinking. The application in art is not totally restricted to the craftsman. The negating

perspectives from mediators in workmanship don't detract from the application, just add to it.

The way art is constructed fundamentally on impersonation, catching reality and attempting to

delineate it as close as possible under the circumstances. This implies art changes through time,

and likewise its application. On the other hand, the value of expressions application is reliably

noteworthy as it relies on upon the audience of the work of art.

Arts are additionally tasked with forming societal recognitions and convictions. The

information question here is whether the observation change is certain or negative (Lemos 2007).

Arts have been connected with developing negative observations and convictions. All the same,

contingent upon the individual observation can either be certain or negative. It could be said that

workmanship can streamline and relate rather complex hypotheses. This type of expression is not

new. Our primitive precursors utilized melody and movement to avoid underhandedness spirits.


Their activities suggested bravery and disobedience. In like manner with our current monetary or

social world class who develop structures to infer predominance or capstone like status and

authority. Workmanship is an essentially human expression; it is a method for conveying our

thoughts through whatever physiological or innovative means conceivable.

On the counter contention in regard to application of arts, is that a piece of craftsmanship

that was made amid Renaissance Era might not have the same translation a few centuries back

than it would today (Lemos 2007). It additionally implies that by copying reality, craftsmanship

does not represent life in every one of its perspectives, but instead it is portraying fiction. Then

again, in spite of this, workmanship, even as a work of fiction has application in its particular

respect by representing the theoretical and inside and out works that are not seen by everybody

as they are. Application of arts can be seen as consolidating a few distinct objectives. Therefore,

these objectives turn out to be more like a bound together aims, representing the application of


Further, since mathematics is founded on the pillars of rigorous proof, it facilitates the

generation of knowledge regarding a particular issue with complete certainty. In this respect,

mathematics besides other natural sciences is regarded as the source of absolute certainty,

implying that arts are less considered as a reliable source of knowledge. However, some

contradictions manifest after endeavors of seeking certainty through rigorous proof fail to affirm

to a particular line of thought. In this case, it implies that the application of mathematical

principles does not guarantee the realization of truthful or valid solutions, thereby depicting the

existence of mathematical paradoxes.


On the other hand, the arts provide a multidimensional aspect of viewing reality since

individuals have different perspectives on a particular phenomenon (Lemos 2007). The different

opinions underscore the essence of making the conclusion from different approaches since the

artist, the audience, and the aesthetic aspect of the piece of art attract an array of perspectives

that elucidate different meanings. Compared to mathematics, arts could be regarded as weaker in

in proving its truth and consequently application. Thus, I would argue that the different

interpretations of reality inherent in arts unearth the absence of accuracy. Similarly, the unique

perspective that mathematics employs in proving certainty, limits individuals from viewing

phenomenon from different dimensions.

In conclusion, the two areas of knowledge discussed above, depict several differences

and similarities owing to the various approaches employed in each. In mathematics, the

objectivity of the discipline is underscored by the ‘absolute’ proof and cases of uncertainties that

could classify the area of knowledge as ‘partial’ truth (Lemos 2007). Conversely, arts are

associated with subjectivity in the sense that bias and prejudice could alter the understanding of

reality resulting in diverse interpretations. Therefore, a contentious issue arises concerning the

consequences that emanate from each line of thought. For this reason, it would be essential to

harmonize the mathematics and arts view of reality to find lasting solutions experienced by




Lemos, N 2007, An introduction to the theory of knowledge. Cambridge University Press,

Cambridge, UK.

Completed by: