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Technology, Media, & Ministry Church Leadership in the Digital World

Technology, Media, & MinistryChurch Leadership in the Digital World

Rev. Greg Klimovitz || @gklimovitz || @presby_phl

Connection Lost, Season 6 Episode 16

Name the various technologies used in this episode.In what ways do these technologies enhance the family dynamics?In what ways do the technologies perpetuate possible dysfunction of the family? Where are there potential breaches of boundaries?

How have you utilized technology in your ministry?How has technology enhanced your ministry and/or community life?How has technology been a perpetuate of possible dysfunction in your ministry and/or community life?

What are We Talking About?Technology:technology|teknljnoun(pl.technologies); theapplicationof scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry:advancesin computer technology|recycling technologies;machinery andequipmentdeveloped from the application of scientific knowledge;the branch of knowledgedealingwithengineering or appliedsciences.New Oxford American Dictionary

What are We Talking About?Technology:technology|teknljnoun(pl.technologies); theapplicationof scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry:advancesin computer technology|recycling technologies;machinery andequipmentdeveloped from the application of scientific knowledge;the branch of knowledgedealingwithengineering or appliedsciences.New Oxford American Dictionary

What are We Talking About?Technology:technology as the mediums and/or tools used to apply knowledge of something [or someone] of significance for real and practical purposes.

science and technology work together;science is the knowledgetechnology is the mediums we use to apply the knowledge science & technology often work together

Technology:What are We Talking About?


Technology:What are We Talking About?


Technology:What are We Talking About?

Science & Technology

Social Media: Organic TechnologyFormFunction

immediacy, information, One-Way Communicationtwo-Way Communication, Open-Source, Idea & Concept SharingCommunity Formation, Self-Promotion, Marketing, Networking, News Broadcasting

websitesblogssocial networking

Technological Tools: Communication & EfficiencyFormFunction

Capturing, Celebrating, Illustrating, Broadcasting, Narrating StoriesConnecting, Communicating, Globalizing Resource Sharing, Data Storing, Infinite Accessibility

Its a small world after all; using media for connecting broadly and immediately multimediavideo chats/conferencingdata storing, sharing, and cloud based programs

Digital World as Cultural WatersFacebook Is Not Going AwayLife was better without the internet. Lets Google how to get rid of it.

how do we use the available mediums in our proclamation of the greatest knowledge of all: who God is in the person and work of Jesus Christ

Digital World as Cultural WatersFacebook Is Not Going Away

how do we use the available mediums in our proclamation of the greatest knowledge of all: who God is in the person and work of Jesus Christ

Digital World as Cultural WatersFacebook Is Not Going Away

We are more connected than ever before. Where and how will the church connect with members and neighbors alike?

how do we use the available mediums in our proclamation of the greatest knowledge of all: who God is in the person and work of Jesus Christ

Digital World as Cultural WatersFacebook Is Not Going Awaythe rapid advance in internet technologies, most especially digital social networks and wireless mobile deviceshave fundamentally changed the way we live our lives and conceive of communication, relationships, community, leadership, and authority, and therefore have profound implications for ministry in a digital age.Keith Anderson, The Digital Cathedral, p. 5

how do we use the available mediums in our proclamation of the greatest knowledge of all: who God is in the person and work of Jesus Christ

Ministry In Age of InnovationTHeology of Technology:When you consider the digital world, what does it communicate about our cultural realities?

Try to list as a group at least 5 observations.

how do we use the available mediums in our proclamation of the greatest knowledge of all: who God is in the person and work of Jesus Christ

Ministry In Age of InnovationTHeology of Technology:technology as the mediums and/or tools used to apply knowledge of something [or someone] of significance for real and practical purposes.

how do we use the available mediums in our proclamation of the greatest knowledge of all: who God is in the person and work of Jesus Christ


the church has always used technology- ALWAYSthe most fundamental technologies: sacramentswe call this the means of graceSacraments are technology as we practically apply what God has done for us in the whole world in Jesus Christ. The sacraments are a technological witness to who God is and what God is up to in and through the church Jesus Christ and for the sake of the whole world.

Technology was not the problem, rather the usage; When technologies are used to build up our identities and self worth they become problematic. When technologies are used to broaden our witnesses we stretch ourselves out scattered around our communities in the world the good news of what God is up to, that's when technologies are a gift and a blessing.

Upward Idolatry: Technology used for self-gratification and promotion along leads to destruction and idolatry

Outward Intentionality: Technology for the purpose of bearing witness to who God is and what God is doing, broadening our effectiveness in mission and ministry

Ministry In Age of InnovationTHeology of Technology:Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. 2And as they migrated from the east,[a] they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. 3And they said to one another, Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. 4Then they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Genesis 11:1-4Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. 2And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husbandI saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. 23And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb.

Revelation 21:1-2, 22-3

Note the difference:

Babel: city constructs hinge on self-promotion

New Jerusalem: from God, no temple, God is the focus and emphasisbut its still a city, so sure technology (even the arts) is there in some way shape or form

The question is not, nor has it ever been, should we use technology in ministry. The question is and has always been how do we incorporate these available resources- and which ones- in our congregation and ministry.

Do we use these technologies to build up our persons and systems or as a means of grace to bear witness to who God is in Jesus Christ?

Ministry In Age of InnovationTHeology of Technology:The church cant change her response to Gutenbergs printing press, the radio, or the television; they are forever fixed in history. But at the onset of this digital revolution, her response to New Media is wide open. The world is waiting and listening in the virtual sphere. Will the church remain silent, or will her voice be proclaimed from the roof tops (and the laptops)? Will she plunge the message of Christinto Facebook feeds, blogposts, podcasts, and text messages, or will she be digitally impotent? If the Churchs promotion of evangelization, formation, community, and the common good is to continue throughout future generations, she must harness these technologies and utilize them well."---Brandon Vogt, The Church and New Media: Blogging Converts, Online Activists, and Bishops Who Tweet

Ministry In Age of InnovationTHeology of Technology:We must regularly ponder which forms of new technology ourcongregations and ministrieswill use and how we will use them as means of grace for practical purposes of loving and serving our local and global neighbors. We must be willing to view various forms of technological innovation notsolely as evolvingdistractions,although aware of such possibility, but as redemptive opportunities for community formation, social advocacy, prophetic witness, and proclamation of the Good News.

In so doing, theordinarytechnologies we apply become sacramental platforms versus trendy widgets void of broader meaning. They are able to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, pointing beyond themselves andtowards Gods dreams for a world made new and right again. Thats what our earliest ancestors of the faith did with bread, cup, and water- and they went viral with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Where and when have you seen technology serve as faithful witness?



Connection3 Helpful Little Words


Maintain Healthy Boundaries and EthicsDevelop Ministry Strategies & Social Media Policies


refer to helpful resources handout

Remember Your WitnessPause and Pray Before Pressing Send or Post Build Up Versus Tear DownComplexity Cannot Be Resolved via EmailConsider Purpose and Desired End for Postings Consider Your Source Credibility Remember Internet Permanency and Myth of Anonymity ProofreadAgin. Agan. Again. Prioritize Permission and Value ConfidentialityPolarizing Posts Rarely (if ever) Lead to Gods Peace My Top Ten Reminders

refer to helpful resources handout

Maintain Healthy Boundaries and EthicsDevelop Ministry Strategies & Social Media Policies Be Aware of Your Limitations: You Cannot & Should Not Utilize All Forms of TechnologyInformation. Formation. Connection.Know Your Context & CommunityKnow Available Resources Internally & ExternallyCreate Space for Intergenerational Learning Ministry & Media Are Colleagues: Ministry Has Corner Office Bear Witness: Tools Point Beyond Themselves Pray#WhatDoWeDoNow

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