Download - Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan JESUS AT … AT JORDAN.pdf · "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan ... brood of scorpions, ... on that very score later on. "Thy disciples

  • "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him".

    Matthew 3:13


    Mighty hour at last has struck. After thirty years of obscurity and twenty years of toil at carpenter's bench. Business is turned over to brothers. No more yokes -plows - doors. No more bad debts. Jesus turns from shop with swinging sign over door "OUR YOKES ARE Ei SY".

    A dramatic moment for Jesus. After a long, quiet preparation. fter years of long thoughts and deep wanderings. After seeing all the sordid things in streets of Nazareth - He now stands upon threshold.

    Feels compelling urge of God's spirit. The hour had struck; time for action here. But where to begin - that was problem; and what to do first? Hour had arrived; now what?

    A Voice Crying in But at that moment there t he. \lilderness. was a voice filling all

    Palestine with prophetic echoes. Was the voice of

    John the Baptist. A voice of thunder, of denunciation, of terror.

    And the man matched the voice. A type that had been extinct for four hundred years. Of the line and type of Elijah, Amos, Jeremiah. lsrael had not seen his like for many a year. No smooth-tomgued teacher he. No sleek and well-fed dealer in rhetoric. No " reed shaken by t he wind". Jesus' trib-ute to John - "What went ye out for t o see" .

    Recognised John as mighty man of God. Reincarnation of one of prophets. l.'earles s and uncompromising. Bronzed face; piercing eyes; simple garb camel's hair with leather belt. Voice rolls like thunder.

  • - 2 - -::4.6~~~L---/o-' At24r ~h4J ~~~~ ...........

    oun ro het from all walks of

    life flock to desert. ~harisees, soldiers, tax gatherers, rich, poor. All listen in fascinated wonder. Words fall burning hot from lips. With deft fearlessness he lays bare sins of the day. Uncovers violence and corruption of his day. Snatches cloak of hypocrisy from backs of religious lead-ers. Rebukes; warns; pleads. "Repent ye -kingdom is at hand - ax is laid t o roo t "

    Such preaching always gets result and reaction. Some believed; repented and were baptised. Others moved to violent anger. His preaching did not fall like the gentle dew exactly. He flayed them. One day he preaches to group of picnickers. Built a fire to cook meal. Bush catches fire and a brood of scorpions, lizards and vipers flee from flames. Pointing to vipers, John cries, "You Phd.risees, you brood of vipers . " From all men he demands one thing - repent-ance. Priest and publican - all.

    Quest i on: How Did JesU5 Relat e Himself t o Crusade and Bapt ism of John?

    On a certain dayJesus set out from Nazareth to Jordan. Felt the

    hour had arrived for public ministry. Down to the Jordan Jesus goes. In crowd listening to fiery eloquence of John. Sees him bap-tise those he thinks sincere in repentance. Then when ceremony is almost over, Jesus pre sents Himself for baptism.

    John senses incongruity of situation -seemed all wrong. Before stainless manhood of Jesus; the solemn majesty; the moral pow-er; the perfect goodness; John confesses: "I have need to be bap t ised of Thee". But upon quiet insistence of Jesus, John baptis-es Him.

  • - 3 -

    Question arises: How did Jesus re-late Himself to baptism of John? Question more pointed: Did Jesus need to repent; or was Jesus a sinner? Difficult question to answer. Been suggested that Jesus being in-carnation of honesty would not submit self to baptism had He not needed it. Baptism ac-cording to John was symbol of repentance and cleansing from sin.

    I will hold on to my belief in absolute sinlessness of Jesus. Never conscious of sin. Only person who never acknowledged it. Dared to challenge enemies at that point -"Which of you convict et h Me of sin? ". There was no answer. Could not accuse Him. Yet fact remains; that with no consciousness of sin, Jesus submitted to rite of baptism.

    He might have stood aloof from ministry of John, saying, "I have no need of this kind of thing. It doesn't apply to Me. I have nothing to confess and no cleansing tears do I need". He might have looked on John's ministry as outmoded; a beautiful relic of the past. "Now a new dispensation and a new star has arisen".

    Might have definitely opposed John and h~ ministry as an imperfect thing - a half truth; and it was. Only emphasised on mode of God's dealings with men. Had nothing to say about God's love. Perhaps He might have been tempted to smash John's movement - see in him a rival. Some tried to make trouble on that very score later on. "Thy disciples fas t not ; t hey are no;t like John's".

    But Jesus left Nazareth and walked to ford at Jordan. Joined crowds who had come on dusty roads. Stayed all day and watched; then at twilight He commanded John to bap-tise Him. No bitter tears; a solemn and an assured joy; and a Voice "This is My Son!"

  • "Lord make the bad peop le good. And make the good p eop le nice"

    "If that sister is going to heaven then I'm going sanewhere else".

    "Ask not for whom the bell tolls". "It tolls for thee"- John Donne

  • What Was the Meaning? Identification!

    In first place Jes-us was identifying Himself with past. John the last of a

    long line of prophets. What a line it was! Elijah, Jeremiah, Amos. Jesus placing His signature upon work and ministry of John. And in effect, was thus linking Himself with every good thing for wnich men had so valiantly struggled in the past. Jesus also was acknowledging the long process of which He was the culmination and crown.

    In the second place, Jesus was aligning Himself with the best of His day - with all ~ts imperfections and shortcomings, the work of John was the best being done. Jesus was willing to identify Himself with crusade. As I think of the church, I believe there is guidance here for us. The church bas limit-at ions - it is human in some respects. Has imperfections; dross; hypocrisy; failures; unkindness; bitter spirits; scanfial carriers anQ. unlovable, hard persons. But is there any reason for neglecting it on that score. These people would be much worse without a church. Jesus might well criticised John - instead of that He stepped into the water With words, "I would be baptised of thee".

    In third place, Jesus not only identi-fied Himself with best of His day but with the worst. Pharisees, soldiers, tax gather-ers, all social scum of the day. Hanged Him self alongside sinners. Healized He was a member of society and therefore implicated in sins and weaknesses of society. Part of human race. Felt his solidarity w1 th soci-ety. Identified with it all in baptism.

    Three years later He hung between two thieves on a Cross - identifying Himself with a sinful humanity. Hoth of a piece. A grand and glorious gesture and a revelation.


    Gloversvil l e , New York Fred Clarke , Minister

    Marjorie Gensemer Minister of Music

    Grace L. Gifford Chur ch Secretary

    Lewis Cunning, Sexton


    hea v'n above" Stainer

    Bach ORGAN PRELUDE - "Allegretto" INTROIT - "Our Father, Thou in INVOCli.TION - By the minister HYMN 382 - "Glorious things of SURSUM CORDA:

    thee are spoken" Austria

    Minister : Peop l e :

    The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. Lift up your hearts. Mini ster :

    -reop l e : Minister:


    We lift them up unto the Lord. Let us give thanks unto the Lord. It is meet and right so to do.

    DOXOLOGY - To be sung by all

    * RESPONSIVE READING - ll th Sunday :: Page 5 75 GLORIA PATRI .: : J~.POS TLES ' CREED :: Page 512

    * SCRIPTURE LESSON - I sa iah 53 ANTHEM - "The Bird of Christ" PASTORAL PRlcYER : : LORD'S PRJ,YER


    OFFERTORY SOLO - "Christ Went Up Into the Hills" J ean M. Wemp l e


    Mercy HYMN 173 -"Ho ly Spirit , Truth divine"


    HY1ill" 144 - "Beneath the Cross of J e sus" BENEDICTION :: CHORAL AMEN ORGAN POSTLUDE - "Je sus Christ, the Saviour" * Interval for Ushering


    St . Christ-opher

    Dupre s



    10:30 ll:OO 11:55 3:30 6:00 7:30

    MARCH 16 , 194 7 - CALENDA::t FOR TODA~-

    Morning Worship ; Fourth Sunday in Lent . Fremont Choir; soloist , Jean M. Wempl e . Church-time Nursery Hour for small children . Primary and Junior Cht~ch . Chur ch Schoo l. Cl asse s for everyone. " Me ssiah" rehearsal at First Methodist Church. Youth Fellowship . Discussion "Gift and Giver". Union Evening Service at Fremont . Preacher, the Rev. Ar thur V. Allen . Subject , "Bara bbas" .

    The altar flowers a r e given in loving memory of Leonar d E. Crosby by his wif e .


    MON . 6:30 Fremont Family Visitation Supper. 7:30 Boy Scouts meet in the church.

    WED . T2:T5 Youth Lent en Servic e at Trinity Church. 2:30 Weekday School; gr ades 4, 5 and 6. 7 :45 FIFTH LENTEN SERVICE at First IV:ethodist Church with Dr . George Fallon , Worcester, Mass . as the guest prea cher. An inspiring service'

    THURS. 12 : 15 Men's Lenten Luncheon at the Y.M.C.A. 3:45 Minister ' s ?v~embership Chss. 8:00 L~ure l Band meets a t tho church. Hostesses a r e Mrs . Satterlae , Mrs. Ne lson Pierce , Mrs. Ivy Stee l e , Mrs . Robert Dennie .

    FRI. ll:OO and 1 :00 Weekday Schools; grade s 7 to 9 .

    W. S . C. S. RtJlVIMi.GE SLLE This annual rummage sale will be held on Friday and Sat-urday of this week at Garlock ' s Garage , We st Fulton St For collection of garments ca l l 3878-J or 2687-J.

    THE SCHOOL OF Ml~S IC Fremont Choir - Tue sday , 7:30p .m

    Youth Choir - Nednesday, 7:00p . m. Chape l Choir - Friday, 3:30p .m. Carol Choir - Saturday, 9:30a .m.




    PAUL had a special stewardship: to preach the gospel to the great Roman world outside the Jewish circle where it started. What a master steward he was! He had great gifts,

    wonderful training, a rich experience. He gave everything

    that he had: time, strength, thought, affection-and at last

    life itself. He was a missionary, pastor of many churches,

    statesman, interpreter. He speaks to us still through his great

    letters, speaks with insight and passion and power.

    This master steward has something to say to us as Chris-

    tian stewards.

    The Church's supreme treasure is the gospel: her first task

    is to bring God's word of mercy and his way of life to men.

    That work cannot be done by a few leaders. Read Romans

    16. Note the long list of Paul's friends and what he calls

    them: laborers in the Lord, fellow-workers, fellow-prisoners.

    They were humble people, almost wholly unknown except

    for this reference. They pursued their daily tasks, but they

    witnessed to Christ; and without them the Church could not

    have spread as it did.

    Paul gives us an example of single purpose and pure devo-

    tion: "This one thing I do ... for me to live is Christ."

    Paul reveals to us the secret or' his strength: "I can do all

    things in Him that strengtheneth me."

    No. 11 Morch 16 PAUl BEFORE



    PAUL had a special stewardship: to preach the gospel to the great Roman world outside the Jewish circle where it started. What a master steward he was! He had great gifts,

    wonderful training, a rich experience. He gave everything

    that he had: time, strength, thought, affection-and at last

    life itself. He was a missionary, pastor of many churches,

    statesman, interpreter. He speaks to us still through his great

    letters, speaks with insight and passion and power.

    This master steward has something to say to us as Chris-

    tian stewards.

    The Church's supreme treasure is the gospel: her first task

    is to bring God's word of mercy and his way of life to men.

    That work cannot be done by a few leaders. Read Romans

    16. Note the long list of Paul's friends and what he calls

    them: laborers in the Lord, fellow-workers, fellow-prisoners.

    They were humble people, almost wholly unknown except

    for this reference. They pursued their ~daily tasks, but they

    witnessed to Christ; and without them the Church could not

    have spread as it did.

    Paul gives us an example of single purpose and pure devo-

    tion: "This one thing I do ... for me to live is Christ."

    Paul reveals to us the secret or' his strength: "I can do all

    things in Him that strengtheneth me."

    No. 11 March 16 PAUl BEFORE AGRIPPA

  • FRE~ONT STREET METHODIST CHURCH Gloversvi l le, New York

    Fred Clarke, Minister Marjorie Gensemer Minister of Music

    Grace L. Gifford Church Secretary

    Lewis Cunning, Sexton


    heav'n above" Stainer

    Bach ORGAN PRELUDE - "Allegretto" INTROIT - "Our Father, Thou in INVOCATION - By the minister HYMN 382 - 11 Glorious things of SlJ.RSUM CORDA:

    thee are spoken11 Austria

    Minister: People:

    The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. Lift up your hearts. Minister:

    -reople: Minister:


    We lift them up unto the Lord. Let us give thanks unto the Lord. It is meet and right so to do.

    DOXOLOGY - To be sung by all

    * RESPONSIVE READING- 11th Sunday ::Page 575 GLORIA PATRI ~: APOSTLBS 1 CREED :: Page 512

    * SCRIPTURE LESSON - I sa iah 53 ANTHEM - "The Bird oi' Christ" PASTORAL PRAYER :: LORD 1 S PRAYER OFFERTORY SOLO - 11 Christ Went Up Into the Hills 11

    Jean M. Wemple HYJVlN. 173 -"Holy Spirit, Truth divine"





    HYMN 144 - "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" BENEDICTJON : : CHORAL AMEN ORGAN POSTLUDE - "Jesus Christ, the Saviour" * Interval for Ushering

    St. Christ-opher





    10:30 11:00 11:55 3:30 6:00 7:30

    MARCH 16, 194 7 - CALENDAR FOR TOD.A f

    Morning Worship; Fourth Sunday in Lent. Fremont Choir; soloist, Jean M. Wemple. Church-time Nursery Hour for small children. Primary and Junior Church. Church School. Classes for everyone. "Messiah" rehearsal at First Methodist Church. Youth Fellowship. Discussion "Gift and Giver". Union Evening Service at Fremont. Preacher, the Rev. Arthur V. All en. Subject, "Barabbas".

    The altar flowers are given in loving memory of Leonard E. Crosby by his wife.


    MON. 6:30 Fremont Family Visitation Supper. 7:30 Boy Scouts meet in the church.

    WED. rr:T5 Youth Lenten Servic e at Trinity Church. 2:30 Weekday School; grades 4, 5 and 6 . 7:45 FIFTH LENTEN SERVICE at First Methodist Church with Dr. George Fallon, Worcester 1 Mass. as the guest preacher. An inspiring service l

    THURS. 12: 15 Men's Lenten Luncheon o. t the Y .M .c .A. 3:45 Minister's Membership Cla ss . 8:00 Laurel Band meets a t the church . Hostesses are Mrs. Satterlee , Mrs. Ne lson Pierce, Mrs. Ivy Stee l e , Mrs. Robert Dennie .

    FRI. 11:00 and 1:00 Weekday Schools; grades 7 to 9.

    W. S C S RUM:M.hGE SALE This annual rummage sale will be he ld on Friday and Sat-urday of this week at Garlock's Garage, We st Fulton St~. For collec tion of garments call 3878-J or 2687-J.

    THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC Fremont Choir - Tuesday , 7:30 p.m

    Youth Choir - ~edne sday, 7:00 p.m. Chape l Choir - Friday , 3:30 p.m. Carol Choir - Saturday, 9:30a.m.