Download - Theme "Save Water"

Page 1: Theme "Save Water"

Compiled and created by Margaret lenny Rebello.

28/9/09. Theme: Save Water, Save Our Mother Earth.

What is water: Water is very important in our daily lives. We drink it, bathe in it, use it for leisure, or in other words, depend on it throughout our life, yet we waste it. Yes, we do indeed. The same water goes down the drain in vast amounts, is carelessly polluted and is given no thought about every day. But what is it really? That's what we're here to tell you.

In its pure form, water is without color, taste or smell. Like air, it is essential for life although it is 810 times denser than air. Water easily can be found in its liquid form (like tap water), solid form (ice) or as a gas (like the steam from a kettle).

A molecule of water is made by two hydrogen atoms attached to one oxygen atom. H2O is the chemical name for water, where the H represents hydrogen and the O for oxygen. The number '2' simply indicates the number of atoms of the particular element represented (in this case hydrogen).

Water on earth has not increased or decreased since the day on which the Earth was made. Many people make the common mistake in believing that the world's water is unlimited while all the time, only a small portion of our water is fresh and drinkable, and an even smaller portion of that very portion of fresh water is can be reached easily as most of the fresh water is frozen at the poles. With water being limited, we have to accept the fact that water is used over and over again. This also means that if we don't use and clean water properly, our supply of water, which we so heavily rely on will soon join the other amount of water which is undrinkable.

Important points on saving water:

We can save water in many different ways, but to understand how these ways help save our environment, we must understand that all things can be linked together. For example, by planting trees, we can reduce the amount of soil that enters and pollutes our waterways. You can start saving water by:

Using buckets instead of a hose when watering the garden

Taking a shower instead of a bath, but using water saving shower heads would be even better.

Installing half-flush toilets.

Fixing leaky taps

Page 2: Theme "Save Water"

Compiled and created by Margaret lenny Rebello.

28/9/09. Theme: Save Water, Save Our Mother Earth.

Anthem to save our Mother Earth.

Did you hear our Mother Nature call,

She's trying to reach one and all..

Go Green Go Green she's cries out aloud.

Don't turn a deaf ear, let's help her out.

Have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for yourself see

the state of the drying tree?

Have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for yourself see

the cry of animals in misery?

Have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for yourself see

the melting of ice into water all pouring into the sea.

Have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for yourself see

No chirpy birds only Industries.

Have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for yourself see

polluting vehicles all running free?

Have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for you to see

the sight of a clear blue sky diminishing steadily

have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for yourself see

Greenery gone and all their beautiful poetries.

Have you spared time to sit down

look around and then for yourself see

Fight for drinking water all leading to rivalry?

Page 3: Theme "Save Water"

Compiled and created by Margaret lenny Rebello.

28/9/09. Theme: Save Water, Save Our Mother Earth.

Sports game on theme save water:

: shower the flower.

Using buckets when watering the garden: use bottles (plastic) with many holes on the edge and fill the bucket and put the1 or 2 filled bottles in it, now

on the other side keep flower pots so that the child can take one bottle catching it upright (upside down) so that no waterfalls and then run to the

place water the flower and reach back, whoever does it first will be the winner.

Brush your teeth:

Make the child brush his teeth and instead of using running water to wash his mouth make him use a mug full of water to clean and rinse his mouth and as soon as he finishes then he should run to the other end and be the


Shave off clean:

Use shaving cream on the face and then let the kid run to the other end and use wet

sponge to clean his face properly and then run to the winning post.

Leaking cans :( make 2-3 holes on the cans with nails and hammer)

Keep clay and cans ready, now let the child apply clay on the holes of the cans to seal

all the holes on the can off, and then run off to the other side fill it with water from

the bucket kept there and run back to the start point with the filled can whoever

performs this task first will be the winner.

Thundering clouds:

use black clouds cut out (2) 2 kids on either sides with those cloud cut out hanging on

them use Velcro to stick the water droplet on the cloud, and then make water droplet

cut out 3 no’s kept on the ground on either sides , and keep it at some distance and as

the race starts both the children have to run to collect the water droplet and stick it on

the cloud and then both the kids dash towards each other, and to show rainfall use

small bottles holed at the bottom filled with water and the bottle should be closed

tightly and caught inverted in their hands and then shower them on the pots kept in

the between whichever couple completes this task first is the winner.