Download - Theme of Middlemarch

Page 1: Theme of Middlemarch

Name : Kubavat Kishan

Roll No : 11

Semester : 2nd

Paper no : 6

Paper name :Victorian Literature

Year: 2014-15

PG Enrollment No:14101021

Submitted to: Department of English

M. K. Bhavnagar University

Page 2: Theme of Middlemarch

Born : Mary Anne Evans

22 November 1819

Died : 22 December

1880 (aged 61)

Pen name : George Eliot

Occupation : Novelist

George Eliot

Page 3: Theme of Middlemarch

Her works

Page 4: Theme of Middlemarch

A Study of Provincial Life.

Publication date 1874

Middlemarch is a work of Realism.

It is a name of the Town

Yoke of the marriage.

The novel is divided

into 3 part.

Page 5: Theme of Middlemarch

Themes in the novel

Themes of Middlemarch

Self Discovery





Page 6: Theme of Middlemarch

There are certain truth which every character learns about

himself in the course of trials, Lydgate and Rosamond find out

more about their characters through their money troubles,

though they do not always adjust accordingly.

Dorothea makes the most dramatic journey of self-discovery,

and changes a great deal within the course of the novel.

Self Discovery

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Social position means a great deal which can be found in

Middlemarch ; it means how much respect a person gets , how

people treat them, how they are regarded etc. people of high

status are generally treated more delicately than people with

little money , like Lydgate and Will Ladislaw. Birth and

connections are also important in determining a person’s place,

and also what benefits they Will receive from society.

Social position

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Love keeps people together, or the lack or it lets them drift

apart. Those who are truly In love like Will and Dorothea,

Mary and Fredare bound together by it, and are very alike in

temperament and outlook. Those who lack it like Lydgate and

Rosamond, Casaubon and Dorothea are ill-suited to each other

in marriage, and are very disappointed by their unions.


Page 9: Theme of Middlemarch

Love keeps people together in Middlemarch we can see in

the Middlemarch true love between characters like


Fred Vincy


Mary Garth

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“Three Love Problems”- but one can understand the novel’s

structure in light of three marriages. Therefore it encounters

many marriages in this novel which makes the book a Romantic


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Dorothea &


Rosamond &


Mary &


Page 12: Theme of Middlemarch

Money is the root of many evils, in the novel. Lydgate gets

desperate for want of it, Fred despairs when he has little.

Dorothea becomes generous when she has too much , and the

Garths save carefully since their money is limited.

Money has a profound effect on character within the novel ,

and though many people are judged by how much money they

have, many of the best people in the novel, like will Ladislaw

and Mr. Fare brother , have very little.


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Concept of 4-P

Concept of 4-P





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Everything is political in Middlemarch, with most people

strongly backing the conservative party. Personal alliances and

aversions are based on matters of politics and political

identification. But even political matters, like all things, get

personal; people decide who or who not to support by how they

like them, even more so sometimes than any dependence on



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The is something which both helps and hinders many people in

the book and is most applicable to Dorothea, Will Ladislaw, and

Lydgate. With Lydgate, pride is a tumbling block, something

that keeps him from putting his affairs in order, and sometimes

doing what is necessary in his marriage and practice.

Dorothea and Will’s pride is more involved in who they are

personally neither of them likes to be regarded poorly, will

defend themselves and their own course with regards to



Page 16: Theme of Middlemarch

Much is changing in the world of Middlemarch English society

is evolving in social, economic, technologic areas. Socially,

ideas of gender and class are in flux, as women are proving more

and more competent, and the industrial Revolution is causing a

greater amount of social mobility.

The economy of England is changing, from an aristocratic,

inheritance- based system of holding wealth and land , to one

based on commerce, business and manufacturing.


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A theme that Lydgate and Will Ladislaw cannot seem to beat.

People in Middlemarch dislike anyone who is not from

Middlemarch , or anyone whose reputation seems questionable

Will and Lydgate are both good people , but it is initial

prejudice , sometimes based on invalid or circumstantial

reasons, that means that they are never liked or accepted in



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