Download - Theme: 60 Years of Blessing


Gathering of Friends/Missionaries of the Papua New Guinea Mission Society

July 31 & Aug. 1, Woodbury MN

“The most former missionaries we’ve had at our

house at one time,” Lutz comment. At Mambisanda, after the “Launching” of the Ipili New Testament (August 2008): Harvey Kath, Terry Borchard, GLC Deputy Bishop Nek Aiyane, Ron Rall

The Good News Lutheran Church � Congregation Life � Timothy Lutheran Seminary

� The Congregations of the GLC Schaches report, “Many pastors were there [at a worship service near Birip] and they all say as we have witnessed that the church is strong ….” Ralls and Kaths also were part of very inspirational congregation worship services. Schaches begin each work-day “with lotu (worship) in the sem chapel, to get the work day off to a good start.” Region and Circuit leaders have been holding “Reconciliation Conferences” in the Regions of the GLC. The purpose is to effect reconciliation within the GLC. Anton Lutz reports on the gathering at Papayuku, “There was a powerful spirit of wanbel

(unity) in the place and some spent the whole event wiping their eyes ….” Schaches email, they “were able to witness a heart-moving event … at which the whole membership of the GLC are repenting of past wrongs … and uniting again under ONE Lutheran body and leadership.” They ask for our prayers for positive results. Similar conferences have held in other GLC Regions. “GLC,” continued, page 3

Theme: 60 Years of Blessing Registration Form on page 3

Guests Attending & Reports

The Honorable Peter Ipatas, Governor, Enga Province, Member of Parliament

[Accompanied by Mr. Ezekiel Peter, First Secretary]

Rev. John Mehl, LCMS Board for Mission Service Reports: Schaches fresh back from PNG Ralls’ PNG ministry, August 2008 Luedtkes’ PNG ministry, 2009 Kaths’ PNG ministry, 2009 Medical Ministry

“We also are scheduling times for talking with friends from our missionary days.”

The Honorable Governor, Mr. Peter Ipatas, Member of Parliament has asked to address the Papua New Guinea Mission Society. He has been governor of the Enga Province and a Member of Parliament for several years.

This will be Mr. Ipatas’ first trip to the USA. During his time here, he will visit with the PNG Ambassador to the USA in Washington D.C., Mr. Evan J. Paki, who also is an Enga. He will be accompanied by First Secretary, Mr. Ezekiel Peter.

Their itinerary also will take them to visit with Hintzes and others in the St. Louis area. Rev. John Mehl, LCMS Board for Mission Service, with responsibilities in South East Asia, will address the group at the request of the PNGMS Board of Directors. Rev. Ted Engelbrecht, also from the Board for Missions, states, “We [LCMS, the Board for Missions] are interested in planning/ partnering with you all in the ministry in PNG, and we hope that this will facilitate that.” The PNGMS Board welcomes the opportunity to hear the Rev. Mehl. Much more work can be accomplished through that partnership. “Gathering Reports” continued, page 2

“Gathering Reports” continued from page 1

Roy & Judy Schache will be fresh back from PNG. Roy has been directing renovations at Timothy Lutheran Seminary, Birip. He engages some of his former crew members and adds in new workers. Mr. Jacob Luke’s Mapai Transport

trucking firm has moved building materials for the work at Birip

Judy has been doing HIV Hospice work (a grant from Lutherans in Medical Missions) with medical personnel at Mambisanda. They will have the most recent news from the Enga Province.

Ron & Mary Anne Rall were in PNG, August 2008, for the “Launching” of the New Testament in the Ipili language. Ron also conducted Short Courses for the pastors and evangelists. Two children accompanied them; Chris assisted Anton Lutz with work at Kaiam, in the Penale (Sepik side of the Central Range).

Luedtkes: Amapyaka, Martin Luther Seminary, Balob Teachers College, Goroka Todd served as resource at Highland Lutheran International School, Amapyaka, and on the coast for MLS and Balob Teachers College. He was joined by Jan and other members of his family.

While Todd was teaching drama at the schools on the coast, a drama group from Fox University joined them to give presentations for the students. Harvey & Norita Kath at MLS and book distribution Harvey & Norita joined Anton Lutz to distribute a new printing of the Liklik Katekisem

(“Small Catechism”) and Tok Bilip (“Statement of

Belief”). Harvey taught Isaiah and Matthew at MLS; Norita shared library responsibilities and managed the student book store.

Board of Directors, 20 June The Board heard reports: � New expatriate teachers are requested for Enga

Province high schools (from Todd Luedtke). � A revision of the Enga New Testament is

needed (Paul Volrath). � Swit Moa Yet (“Very Sweet”) cookbooks:

Schaches took several copies for former missionaries now in Australia; Anton requests copies to be sold in PNG

� US$16,375 has been disbursed for TLS Renovation [Additional $2500 sent, 23 June).

� 70 copies of the Concordia Self-Study Bible have been sent to MLS for that book project.

PNGMS Newsletter, July 2009, page 2

GLC Students at MLS The May, 2009, newsletter gave details of the assistance the PNGMS has provided for the GLC students at Martin Luther Seminary, Lae. This 2009 school year, 14 GLC students are enrolled at MLS.

The May newsletter reported the Board decision to assist those students for Term 2. At the 20 June meeting, the Board decided to assist as in the past for Term 3. That is, pay one-half the fees, 206.25 kina or US$125 for each student, with the proviso that the student must be paid in full through Term 2.

Eleven of the fourteen GLC students at MLS, 2009

The Board of Directors decided: � To establish a tuition assistance fund and the

Board will suggest the contribution at the gathering be given to that fund.

� To ask at the gathering if anyone is interested in doing the work to get a newsletter to the membership.

� To ask Bob Holst to arrange a meeting of the Board with Governor Ipatas before the Gathering.

Finances � PNGMS has adequate dedicated funds. � The Board asks for gifts for the General

Fund; current balance: $3,574.63 � Use your Thrivent GivingPlus Gift Form,

available from Jeanne Dicke, [email protected]

� Your donations to PNGMS are tax-exempt. � Have you considered giving a gift to

PNGMS in memory of a loved one?

“GLC” continued from page 1

Kaths report, for the distribution of the Liklik

Katekisem and Tok Bilip, the Region and Circuit leaders prepared motivating worship services. It was an example of the strong, inspiring work the pastors do Sunday after Sunday. Opening worship included the Kundu Meri (women’s drum groups), youth group choirs, guitars, and electronic keyboards. � Timothy Lutheran Seminary To determine interest and support for TLS renovation, Harvey Kath met with church leaders, TLS staff, and the landowners, August 2008. They were committed to the work and did bring in four students, January 2009, who had a few courses to complete. Schaches report that a similar assembly stated there will be a Year 1 class in 2010, along with several Year 4 students to finish their studies for graduation.

PNGMS Newsletter, July 2009, page 3

GLC Congregation in Lae

Sunday School Class and Teacher

SWIT MOA YET – Cookbook Fundraiser The long awaited revision of SWIT MOA YET from the original NEE YAGENGE PII DUPA book and the SWIT MOA cookbook will be available at the PNGMS bung this summer. The committee established at the St. Louis bung has combined the best of the best 500 recipes from both of the original books. The padded hardcover book includes a history of the Gutnius Lutheran Church in PNG, some pictures, and incorporates the colors of the PNG flag. The Special introductory offer for those attending the 2009 PNGMS Bung is a donation of $13.00 each. Any other orders will be available for a suggested donation of $15.00 per book plus postage. All monies will go to sponsor future mission projects in PNG. Please contact Mary Anne Rall at [email protected] to order/reserve your copies, or for any questions.

Registration: 60 Years of Blessing

Papua New Guinea Mission Society—Biennial Conference, July 31 – August 1, 2009 Woodbury Lutheran Church, 7380 Afton Rd. Woodbury, MN 55125 Name of Person(s) attending: ____________________________________________________________


____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City: _________________ State: ____ Zip: ____________

Phone: _______-_______-___________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Please enclose the Registration Fee of $50.00 per person.

This includes 4 meals: Dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday. No discount for missed meals.

Please make checks payable to: Papua New Guinea Mission Society with “Bung Registration” on the memo line.

Send form and fee to: Papua New Guinea Mission Society ATTN: Jeanne Dicke P.O. Box 28356 Oakdale, MN 55128

Accommodations: Hampton Inn, 1450 Weir Dr., Woodbury. Phone: 651-578-2822. Call them to make your own reservations.

Papua New Guinea Mission Society P.O. Box 28356 Oakdale MN 55128-0356 News Inside: PNGMS Gathering, 31 July-1 August The Good News Lutheran Church Board of Directors, 20 June, 2009 And More!