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Treatment sheet

“Mind chip” A thriller opening sequence Treatment Sheet 2013 February by Sia

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Story outline…………………………………………..……………….Cast list……………………………………………………………………Overview…………………………………………………………………Outline…………………………………………………………………….Sypnosis…………………………………………………………………..Technical Information………………………………………………Props……………………………………………………………………....Costumes…………………………………………………………………Locations………………………………………………………………….

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Over view of Story outline

Two companies want to get a really important international contract, but just one contract and only on chance to fight for it. And the sign is after there days. Meanwhile, one company invention a really tiny chip it can control people’s mind and do whatever they want, they want use the chip control another company’s main manager who is responsible for the international contract. But that businessman knew about the chip and he also want get the contract, So he pretending don’t know anything and looks he still been controlled, But he don’t know another company hire a follower to monitoring him, when they know he knew about the chip, they want kill him……….

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Cast listVicky: The nurse who put the chip in the business man’s head.Marlon: The business man.Alvin: the other company’s manager who control the business man. Dino: the glass man, the follower and the killer.Sia: The camerawoman and the director, also is a candidate for the killer.

Outline of opening thriller sequenceBeginning: Close up show a man who sit on the sofa smoke, he put his feet on a chair and talking with a mobile phone. Shot researver shot show a sun glasses man hold the phone for that man who sit on the sofa. Point of view magnify the mobile phone and the sun glasses. Extreme close up show that man’s facial emotion. Middle: The nurse putting the chip in the business man’s mind……………….End: The killer going to this man’s home and to kill him, close up and low-key light shows the killer and the knife.

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SynopsisTwo companies want to get a really important international contract, but just one contract and only on chance to fight for it. And the sign is after there days. Meanwhile, one company invention a really tiny chip it can control people’s mind and do whatever they want, they want use the chip control another company’s main manager who is responsible for the international contract, and waiting for the day that sign the contract to control him and give up the sign contract. They capture him and put the chip in his mind, everything were success. But, they unexpected, the chip was out of control, the business man was conscious of himself was controlled use the tiny chip, He know this is a hoax, but he was not tell anybody, he want drag opposite side company out and his company get the contract, because this is a really huge money if they got it. So he pretending don’t know anything and looks he still been controlled, but he don’t other company hire a follower to monitoring him and knew he knows the chip things, so, they employed a killer going to his home to kill him…………………....

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Technical Information

Set----to present dateLocation----Hartlepool Sixth Form College inside, a empty dark room and the sofa place in college library. And Sia’s home as well, map on the call sheet.Rating: 8----10Sequence running time: 3----5 minutes

Props needed

A chairsOne cigar or cigaretteA mobile phoneA sun glasses A knifeA small chip ( it can be Sim card) A white nurse suits and mask

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A black clothes for manA set of suit for manA tieA white nurse clothes and a mask and hatA pure black T-shirt with hat as wellAnother black clothes an a black hat


Some creepy music find from the internet or some of music I can do it by myself (Sia)

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LocationHartlepool Sixth Form College( inside) and a really dark room with chair and table. Post:( TS25 5JH) The sofa place in Hartlepool sixth form college.Sia’s home toilet, bedroom and upstairs.